ruka-eru · 1 year
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I just saw this video today when I’m searching about my fav old 48 groups again...It might be late, but well, this is my opinion about this OTP. I also love wMatsui very much because sometimes, Rena also feels very concerned about Jurina. It’s really rare to see Jurina didn’t do a challenging task, but I guess, she really hates this drink in this show...
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Her expression at first, tried to cover her hate feeling...
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She’s so cute when she does this though..
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This is her truth face expression when the time they asked her to repeat the scene XD
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Her priceless face! 😂
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This is when Rena starts feeling concern about her because she knew this isn’t like Jurina...
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She tried to bare the drink but cannot though.. why people keep forcing her to do what she hates. In here she was like giving a hint already that she cannot do it..puftt..
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For the third times Rena knows she cannot do it...
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She really gives up on it already... she can’t bare it anymore.. it’s sad to see her face like this. (I don’t find this is funny though...)
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She really done with it. She has true expression...
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Thank goodness Rena saved her... she’s so sweet towards Jurina...
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How I cannot like this kid?! She’s too cute...
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Love look from Rena towards Jurina. She take care of her very well... sometimes, I’ve been wondering...how the kid’s doing these days.. I missed her so much. I hope she gets healthier. She works really hard when she was a kid... I really love Jurina’s voice too... really hope she will still singing..
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arbitrarygreay · 2 years
When you set out to do an anime post and give yourself WMatsui feelings again after so many years
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danaefl · 1 month
WMatsui: The Play
Jurina watches Rena from across the room. Her expression was that of anger. She watched the rehearsal for the Romeo & Juliet play the drama club was preparing. Why did Rena get the role of Romeo? She’s not that good, there are better people who can play that role.
Jurina believed to be annoyed by the fact Rena was getting attention, ignoring the real reason behind her piercing eyes: jealousy.
Jurina was jealous, and that was a surprise to many, but not to all. Someone in that gloomy room knows it, she knows Jurina’s secret. She knows what happened in middle school.
At the same time that Rena caresses Yuki’s hair, Jurina huffs, no one sees, no one but Mayu, Mayu sees it, she watches as Jurina’s expression keeps deteriorating, it keeps getting worse; she lets out a small giggle that no one hears, no one.
She thought it was funny; it was funny that Jurina was dying inside and outside, meanwhile, Rena didn’t notice it, she didn’t even bother to look at her. She doesn’t know why no one sees it, how can they be so dumb? Wasn’t it obvious? Isn’t it obvious?'
The rehearsal ends and everyone claps, Rena and Yuki laugh. Yuki leans onto Rena, and so, Rena leans onto Yuki.
At this point, Mayu believed Rena was doing it on purpose.
She had thought that maybe she didn’t care about what Jurina thought anymore, but this small action had proved her wrong, and she rolls her eyes at that.
“You’re such a cool Romeo, Rena-chan!” The girls not belonging to the drama club are in awe. Rena did a really good job at giving life to Romeo– the president of the drama club knows the play will be a success. Every girl is fangirling, sorrowfully whining, and asking Rena why she wasn’t a boy.
Mayu goes up to where Jurina is sitting, far away from the crowd, biting her nails; “Jurina-chan,” Jurina, for the first time, looks at someone who isn’t Rena,
“Hmm?” Mayu smiles, “Are you okay?” Jurina furrows her eyebrows, what is she talking about?
“Why wouldn’t I be?” She’s pissed, not at Mayu, just in general, she’s not aware of the tone of her voice and the fact that she will be ripping the skin from her fingers any time soon,
“You’re being too obvious,” Jurina goes pale, “What do you mean by that?”
The drastic change in her voice surprises Mayu, “You know what I mean.”
The two of them look away from each other and focus their eyes on a giddy Rena, silence engulfs them.
After a few seconds of contemplating, Mayu extends her hand to Jurina who accepts it, so they intertwine their fingers together.
Soon after, Jurina is no longer looking at the girl dressed in Romeo’s blue clothing with Yuki’s lipstick stain on her lips.
She closes her eyes and lets herself feel. 'Feel what?' you might wonder, and so do I.
Like a typical cliché, the moment Jurina looks away is the moment Rena averts her eyes from Yuki and looks for her, her eyes end up finding her, far away, in a corner, hands intertwined with someone,
‘who?' she doesn’t care who it is, she cares that it isn’t her.
She then finds Mayu’s gaze which never went away, if anyone paid attention, they would feel the tension arising in the air.
The three of them know something; they know their secret, they know what happened that fateful autumn when the sun was setting.
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jumarit38 · 3 years
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Abrió sus ojos lentamente, ajustándose a la tenue luz que iluminaba la habitación. Después de unos segundos, en los que su mente logro comenzar a funcionar normalmente, los recuerdos de lo que había pasado llegaron a su memoria como una cascada, envolviendo su cuerpo con una cantidad de huellas de lo que había pasado. Desde el hormigueo en la punta de sus dedos, hasta sus labios encontrándose con los de Jurina, una y otra, y otra vez. El calor que había sentido, y el deseo de que un instante durara una eternidad.
Aún no podía creer que realmente había pasado. Las palabras de Jurina, como sus ojos se cristalizaban frente ella, dejándola entrar y conocer todo lo que había debajo. Ni siquiera se había dado cuenta de cuánto estaba anhelando escuchar a la más joven decir que también le gustaba, tanto que sentía como se había desecho de un peso e involuntariamente sus labios se curvaban hacia arriba. Lo que sintió al momento de la confesión de la más joven no se compara a nada que haya sentido antes. Eso la emociona al igual que la asusta, pero si de algo estaba segura, era de que estaba dispuesta a aceptar las espinas de Jurina con tal de estar a su lado.
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haruko48 · 3 years
Ver "[ OPV ] w Matsui - Heartgata Virus" en YouTube
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sexywmatsui48 · 4 years
Love or Duty | Chapter 1
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Jurina convinced herself she stood in front of the bar to relieve the stress of her hectic day. Staring at the red neon letters above the door, Acceptance, she glanced back towards the darkening street. Salary men and women left office buildings, going back home after work. Strutting around dressed up to the nines in their black uniforms, some joined the subway, while others waited for their bus. Whether listening to music coming from their headphones, or their gaze riveted to their phone. Nothing on their face let transpire the frenetic pace of life in Tokyo.
Jurina’s fingers clutched her briefcase. Go back to her apartment and call it a day: that’s precisely what she should do. Forget about the foolish thought of passing that door. Returning her attention to the flashy red letters, she swallowed the lump in her throat. How often did her steps slow down when she passed in front of this bar? How many times had she paused a moment too long and considered entering, before quickly changing her mind and resume her walk?
Jurina closed her eyes, trying to force herself to move along and erase the inappropriate ideas flooding her mind. If she had resisted the temptation on dozens of occasions, she could do it once more. Against all common sense, a newfound determination swept through her. Taking off her wedding band, she slipped it in her vest pocket and marched forward, entering the Acceptance bar.
A funky, upbeat music welcomed her, her arrival prompting a few heads to turn around. She remained at the entrance, observing the place. On the left side of the room, was erected a stage, the instruments indicating that a band was expected to play. Around the stage were disposed velvet comfy chairs, a few occupied by customers. Between the stage and the first row of chairs, sufficient space had been left to dance. On the right side of the room, was the bar, some clients enjoying a drink at the counter, perched on a bar stool. The blue subdued lighting created a warm and cozy atmosphere.
On a Wednesday, it was far from full. By the number of people slowly approaching the stage, Jurina guessed the upcoming show was much anticipated and would attract a lot of attention. To complete her studying, she noted the bar was filled with women, without a single man in sight. She didn’t expect any less. After all, Acceptance was renowned for attracting a specific type of clientele.
Forcing her legs to move, she walked towards the bar, and took a seat on one of the elevated black stools. Placing her hands on the wood counter, her eyes rested on the empty space on her ring finger. Jurina felt a pang of guilt, and reconsidered her presence. This was wrong; she shouldn’t be here. She glanced over her shoulder in the direction of the front door. The female bartender was busy attending another customer. There was still time to change her mind and leave unnoticed.
 “Hi, you’re new? I’ve never seen you here.”
Jurina swung her head to her left, where the feminine voice came from. A few stools away was sitting a woman in her thirties. Long, dark hair fell around her shoulders and down her back. Jet black mascara outlined her eyelashes. She wore a white sleeveless top, a mini red full skirt, along with a pair of blue sandals. Jurina felt ill-at-ease in her black salary woman outfit. Her black vest, buttoned over a white shirt, and her black pair of trousers, contrasted sharply with the woman’s relaxed appearance.  
A gentle smile played across the woman’s lips, highlighted by a subtle, pale pink lipstick.
Jurina caught herself staring at her lips a moment too long.
“Yes, it’s my first time,” Jurina replied. She looked away. Jurina wasn’t a shy person. She was outgoing, and had no difficulty to engage in casual conversations with friends or coworkers. People praised her good nature. When a party was organized, she never refused. So why was she acting so distant? Another peek at her absent ring reminded her of her immoral intentions. She hadn’t only come to this place to empty her head after a long, exhausting day. She was in search of something else.
“May I join you?”
Jurina glanced back at her, and nodded her head in agreement. A smile of pleasure plastered the woman’s features. She moved to sit next to her.
“You haven’t ordered. What would you like to drink?”
Jurina’s attention fell onto the half-filled tulip glass in front of the stranger. “What are you drinking?”
“Sun and the Moon. It’s a mix of pineapple, melon and cranberry. It has a sweet taste, but it’s also alcoholic. It contains a lot of vodka.”
Jurina read between the lines; the woman was warning her against the possible effects the beverage could have on her. She was resistant to alcohol. Tonight, she wanted to forget about her problems. If this drink could help, it was what she needed.
“I’ll have the same,” Jurina replied.
The other woman expressed slight surprise, but didn’t say anything. She addressed the female bartender. “Akane. Can you serve the same to my friend?”
“Of course.” Jurina didn’t miss the curious look the bartender gave her, as if assessing her, before sending her a polite smile and preparing the drink.
“Do you come here often?” Jurina asked; it was impossible to ignore the familiarity between both women.
“Not that much, but the bartender is a good friend of mine. Who can say no to free drinks?” she said in a playful, joking tone. “I sometimes come on the weekend. Today is an exception. I had a long day at work, and needed to…” She trailed away, searching for her words. Her brow wrinkled with thoughts.
“Unwind?” Jurina offered.
“Yes.” The woman’s features softened; her lips curled into a smile. “Where are my manners. I didn’t introduce myself. My name is Rena.”
“Well, Jurina. Nice to meet you.” A drink was placed in front of Jurina, and she thanked the bartender. “I hope you’ll enjoy your drink.”
Jurina brought her glass to her lips, taking a sip. The woman was right; it contained a strong dose of alcohol. Despite it, she couldn’t resist taking another taste. It was different from what she was used to, but there was nothing wrong with trying something new. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the other woman watching her.
“I like it.” Jurina lowered her glass on the counter. “It has a sweet taste in the mouth. I might be tempted to take a few more.”
Rena let out a soft chuckle. “Yes, this cocktail can have this effect. I’m glad you like it. It’s my favorite.”
“I work in an advertising company. There are often tight deadlines to respect, and my days can be a little stressful,” Jurina said, marking a pause. A few women left the counter to approach the scene. The band had arrived. Jurina felt no desire to follow the gathering of people. Beside her, her companion had her gaze fixed on her, and was listening with attention. “What about you?”
“I’m an actress. At the moment, I’m playing in Central Hospital, a medical show that airs on TBS every Friday at 7 PM. You might have heard of it?”
“Well, I…” Jurina’s face clouded with slight embarrassment. “No, I’m sorry. I don’t watch a lot of TV.”
Rena’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “It’s alright, it’s a small part. I play the role of a lab technician. You wouldn’t have remembered me.”
“That’s hard to believe,” Jurina shook her head in disapproval. “I don’t see how anyone could forget a beautiful woman like you.”
Jurina tensed. Her heart beat increased. What on earth was she saying? She had blurted those words without thinking. She raised her glass, drinking hard.
Rena giggled. “Thank you for the compliment. So, you think I’m beautiful?”
Jurina returned her gaze to her, startled. The woman was teasing her. “I do.” The answer left her lips more naturally than she wished to admit. It had to be the alcohol speaking. She had already emptied her first glass. Deep down, she knew it was a false excuse. Her female companion was lovely, charming and attractive. Anyone with eyes could see that. It was impossible to not feel drawn to her.
Rena went back to her drink, looking pensive. Jurina feared she had gone too far. Had she been too straightforward? “Be careful, or I’ll believe you’re flirting with me.”
“I…” Jurina didn’t know what to say.
“I don’t mind,” Rena said; she laid her hand on top of Jurina’s. “After all, I’m the one who approached you.”
The contact sent her pulses racing. Jurina knew it was wrong to feel that way. Every fiber in her body warned her against it, what would happen if she pursued with this interaction and train of thoughts.
“I’ll take another one.” Rena signaled the bartender. “What about you? Do you want another drink, or…” she paused for a breath, letting slip a twinge of doubt through her mask of confidence. “Do you want to stop here?”
Jurina was at a cross path. Reason told her to put some distance between them and leave before it was too late. Another part of herself, the one that led her to push the door of that bar, was eager to discover what would follow. Before she could open her mouth to answer, her head had nodded her consent. The woman displayed the most captivating smile, one she found unable to resist.  
After the third drink, Jurina perceived the influence of alcohol on her system. It made her more open, talkative. In Rena’s presence, she didn’t see the time pass by. During two hours, they discussed various topics, from music, cooking and traveling. Never did they broach, as if a tacit agreement existed between them, any subject that touched their private life.
Their complicity made Jurina forget all about the late hour. Every opportunity was good for Rena to brush Jurina’s shoulder, or rest her hand upon her leg. Rena used the music as a pretense to lean over and speak against her ear, her lips touching her cheek too frequently to be an accident. Her rose perfume, that reached Jurina’s nostrils whenever she invaded her personal space, blended with the freshness of citrus scents, both soothing and intoxicating at the same time.  
They were playing a dangerous game.
“This is my favorite song.” Rena’s attention was drawn by the ballad the band was singing. “Will you dance with me?”
The proposal set up a few alarms in Jurina’s head. “I-I’m not so much of a dancer…”
“Oh, come on.” Rena raised from the stool. She reached for her hand. “Everyone knows how to slow dance.”
Jurina didn’t have the opportunity to protest that she dragged her towards the stage. She stopped in the middle of the dancefloor, amidst the other couples of dancers, and threw her arms around her neck. Jurina’s heart hammered in her chest. She stood transfixed on the spot, unable to move, Rena’s body pressed against hers.
“You’re supposed to put your hands around my waist,” Rena murmured playfully to her ear. “Or people are going to look at us awkwardly.”
Jurina met her gaze, amusement flickering in the eyes that met hers. Jurina’s hands touched her waist, tentative, then slipped her arms around her. They moved in rhythm with the music, brushing the floor softly. Before Rena’s tender smile, Jurina let herself go. Little by little, the tension melted from her body and she slowly relaxed. When Rena buried her face against her shoulder, Jurina tightened her hold ever so slightly.
It was like time was suspended, and nothing else mattered but the two of them. Jurina didn’t pay attention to the lyrics of the song, or the other couples dancing. All she could focus on was the gorgeous woman in her arms, and the intimacy they shared. How was it possible to feel such a strong connection to someone she barely met? She shushed the little voice in her head telling her this was wrong. While the truth scared her, it was impossible to deny they were attracted to each other.
She could have danced with her all night.
Everything eventually comes to an end. In the background, the music faded, breaking the magic.  Rena disentangled her arms from her neck. The band announced it was the last song, and the crowd dissipated. None of them made any move to leave. Rena’s lips were so close to hers; she could have easily stolen a kiss. Jurina felt a twinge of shame for letting such a thought cross her mind.
Rena took her hand, and lead them back to the bar. All along the way, Jurina tried to analyze what had transpired between them. Why had she let another woman get so close to her? Her actions were irrational. She should have left that bar hours ago. In fact, she shouldn’t even have passed that door in the first place. They regained their seat, both falling into an unusual silence.
Rena raised her glass to her lips, and Jurina mimicked her actions, trying to make sense of the situation. When she glanced back in Rena’s direction, she found her looking at her intently. Rena settled her drink back on the counter. Her hand found hers, linking their fingers together. “I’m going to the bathroom. Will you join me?”
Jurina’s heart raced at Rena’s suggestive smile.
She didn’t wait for an answer and left. Jurina followed her retreating form, not losing the implication of what she had offered. She reached for her drink, noticing how little was left of it, and emptied it down in one gulp. Her feet moved on their own volition. Before she realized it, she had pushed the bathroom door.
“I wasn’t sure you’d come.”
Rena waited on the other side of the room, her back leaned against the white, tiled bathroom wall. Jurina watched her expression of pleasure change to longing. She shuddered, and felt a burning need for her grow deep inside of her. She swept the place around, enough to acknowledge they were alone. Rena tore herself away from the wall and reduced the few meters separating them. Once in front of her, she wound her arms around her neck and drew Jurina’s mouth to hers.
“I’ve wanted you since you took a seat at the bar.”
The moment Rena’s lips made contact with hers, Jurina threw herself into that kiss. Rena’s lips parted and her mouth opened in invitation. That small invitation was all Jurina needed. Jurina pulled her close, and kissed her hungrily. The simple taste of her elicited reactions from her body that swept her away in their intensity.
Jurina could feel herself sliding towards that dangerous cliff. The cliff where the entire world gave way before her burning urges. Her hands wrapped around Rena’s waist, holding her steady. Rena never hesitated nor resisted. The more Jurina took, the more Rena gave, and she clung to her, Rena’s body pressed so closely against hers she could feel every supple curve moulding to her.
How long they stayed that way, drowning in the taste and touch of the other’s mouth, Jurina didn't know, and truly didn't care. Had it not been for the demands of their oxygen starved lungs, she might not have pulled her lips from her own. Rena was here in her arms, and Jurina was losing herself in the smell of her, the taste of her, the very feel of her soft, warm skin beneath her fingertips where they brushed her bare shoulders.
Her hands moved down her back, exploring, trying to slip underneath her white shirt. Their kisses turned more demanding, pressing. It was messy, urgent. When Jurina kissed her, she discovered she had more passion and fire within her than she ever imagined, for one luscious taste of Rena’s lips only left her hungrier for more.
“I needed that so badly,” Rena gasped.
“Me too,” Jurina confessed.
When Jurina’s mouth met hers again, Rena took control of the kiss, her tongue plundering the depths of her mouth and leaving her trembling with arousal and desire. Jurina drew back long enough to gaze at her with enough unbridled passion in her eyes, for the other woman to know they both wished the same thing.
Their kisses turned more passionate, none of them showing signs of wanting to stop. Jurina found herself pushed against the wall. She heard her vest falling on the ground, and a pair of hasty fingers unbuttoning her shirt. Next thing she knew, Rena’s palms were mapping her breasts through her bra, her nipples pulling tight under her ministrations.
“You’ll need that.”
The kiss was broken; Jurina dragged her heavy-lidded eyes open. Trying to figure out what she meant, she followed Rena’s actions. Detaching herself from her, Rena placed a coin in the wall machine, and retrieved the fallen condom. Surprise flashed in Jurina’s eyes. “H-How did you know?”
Rena gave her a malicious, knowing look. “You think I didn’t notice the bulge between your legs? It’s not a secret what kind of people come to this bar.”
Jurina was taken aback, speechless. “So, you have… with people like me?”
“I don’t have any preferences, but yes, a couple of times. Why?” She slipped the plastic bag into the front pocket of Jurina’s pants. “Isn’t it what you were looking for when you entered that bar?”
“I…” Jurina made no immediate reply, and considered for a moment. “I’m not sure what I was searching.”  
Confusion crossed Rena’s features. “You wanted some company.” She lightly swept her tongue between Jurina’s lips, pressing her warm, soft lips to hers. “Am I wrong?”
“No, you’re not…” Jurina couldn’t deny it.
“Then, come in.”
Rena grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her into an empty toilet, shutting the door close behind them. Jurina didn’t know what she found the most frightening and enticing at the same time: that she wanted another woman so much, or that she was desired with equal hunger. Rena didn’t waste time to work on her pants, pulling them down, then pushed her down on the toilet seat. Jurina’s mouth went dry; her heart jolted. She watched in awe as Rena’s hand disappeared under her red full skirt and pulled off a pair of pink underwear, letting it fall on the floor.  
She grew more excited as Rena hiked her skirt up and straddled her. Jurina helped her remove her white top from above her head, Rena tossing it aside, her pink bra following the same path. Jurina pulled her closer, and latched her lips onto hers. Her hands moved up so her thumbs touched the undersides of her exposed breasts. Jurina could feel Rena’s heartbeat, and she breathed more heavily by every second. With every breath, her breasts moved slightly and Jurina moved towards her nipples. She caressed them freely and fully, cupping one in each hand and rubbing each in a circular motion.
“D-Don’t make me wait.” Rena’s voice sounded husky, a little breathless. “I want you inside me.”
Jurina needed no further encouragement. Her hand reached between Rena’s legs, but was halted in her exploration. “There’s no need for any more foreplay.” Rena grabbed her wrist. “Trust me, I’m ready.” Jurina gently freed herself from her hold. She resumed her progress underneath Rena’s skirt, approaching the soft flesh of her inner thighs. Her fingers came in contact with damp folds. “See? Told you.” Rena smirked back at her. She hooked a finger on each side of Jurina’s boxers and inched them down, revealing Jurina’s manhood. Astonishment touched her face, followed by an amused smile.
Jurina felt slightly embarrassed.
She was as hard as stone.
Rena touched Jurina’s cheek and ran her thumb across her lips. She leaned forward, gently kissing her. “Do you want to put it on, or will I? What do you prefer?”
Through her frenzy mind, it took Jurina a few seconds to remember where Rena had placed the condom. Jurina retrieved it from her pants pocket, and tore it open, slipping the protection on over her erection. Rena took a moment to position herself, then reached between Jurina’s legs and guided her manhood into her. She lowered herself smoothly, gently, until Jurina held her completely inside her. Jurina gave a gasp of excitement as she felt the hot, moist clench of her muscles on her.
Rena began moving on top of her. She moved slowly, sliding out of her until only the tip remained inside then slowly thrusting back in again until she filled her completely. Each stroke made her whimper and moan slightly, her arms tightening around her. Rena continued her slow languid movements, holding her intense chocolate-eyed gaze with her own. They rocked together, two minds slowly merging to become one as their bodies melded until it was impossible for her to know which was her pleasure and which was hers.
She rocked rhythmically, back and forth, rising and falling, changing sometimes to a lewd circular sway. It drove them both crazy, if the hitches in their breathing were any indication. Jurina drew one of those tight nipples into her mouth. Gripping handfuls of her hair, Rena let out a sharp cry of pleasure. Jurina’s hands gripped Rena’s hips and grinded her down on her. Jurina sped up the tempo.
Hard and fast she pushed her down on her, her tongue moving in sync with her hips, encouraged by Rena’s rising passion, by the hands that clenched her back. Jurina sent her free hand down to where they were joined, teasing and coaxing her sensitive bud. Rena’s moans of pleasure encouraged her fiery plundering of her body. Jurina closed her eyes and let the pleasure radiate outward from where their bodies were joined. Jurina felt a pulling at her shaft in rhythm to their movement. It was the muscles inside Rena, caressing her. Jurina made a low sound in her throat.  
“You can hold it. Just… a little longer.”
Jurina heard Rena’s whispering pleas, and she squeezed her eyes shut. She teetered on some brink of ecstasy, trembling on the edge just this side of sanity. Rena’s breath was coming faster now. They went on, moving in unison. Rena adjusted the angle to reach her most sensitive spot, far up inside her womb. That made Jurina’s eyes open. The physical pleasure could no longer be separated from the mental, and she felt them both rising to the edge toward the crest of ultimate pleasure.
Rena reached that pinnacle first. Gasping out Jurina’s name, she shuddered around her, her contractions clamping down on her shaft. Rena clung to her while her body shivered in the aftershocks. Jurina’s own release followed on the heels of hers. She lost all control and climaxed with her, riding the waves of pleasure.
When Jurina returned to herself, it was to the feeling of Rena’s fingers stroking her hair. A sensation of satisfaction drifted from her, a sated happiness and warmth that was intoxicating. Rena’s body still trembled from the force of her last orgasm and she shuddered as well. Breathing heavily, still buried deeply inside of her, Jurina dropped a trail of kisses down her neck, and on her shoulder.
Minute by minute, they came down from the euphoria but remained locked in each other’s arms. For the first time in more years Jurina could remember, she had finally experienced sexual pleasure again.
Jurina felt Rena backing slightly, and pressing her lips against hers. A smile pulled at her lips and she returned the kiss, almost wishing this moment could last forever. Eventually, Rena slowly removed herself from on top of her. She retrieved her fallen clothes from the floor, and readjusted them as best as she could. Jurina watched her moving towards the door, and she knew this was it. Her short, but memorable encounter with Rena was coming to an end. She turned around in her direction. “Thank you. I enjoyed it.”
Rena gave her one last lingering smile and unlocked the door. Jurina followed the sound of her footsteps drawing away, followed by the bathroom door opening and shutting close. Jurina was left alone with her thoughts. A one-night stand. It was all that it was. Once Jurina would have left that place, she would return to her daily life, and pretend that moment never occurred.
Jurina dropped her keys in the ashtray, and hanged her vest on the coatrack. Removing her shoes in the entrance, she was careful not to make too much noise as she made her way inside the dark apartment. She stole a peek in the direction of the bedroom: the lights were off. Pushing the bathroom door, she removed her clothes, and entered the shower. A steady stream of warm water cascaded over her shoulders, washing away any physical trace of her misconduct.
Visions of Rena filled her mind. She had no intention of seeing her again. No clarification was needed for them to know what this nightly encounter was. But it didn’t mean Rena was someone easy to forget. She had made her feel something, on both an emotional and physical level, that she hadn’t felt in years.
Jurina made her way to the bedroom, slowly opening the door. Her gaze fell down on her wife, sleeping soundly in bed. The pang of guilt got bigger. She made her way towards her own side of the bed, and took a seat on the side of the bed, her back turned to the other woman while she put on her pajamas. She had to repeat herself again and again it was only a moment of weakness, to not let the shame consume her. Placing her wedding ring on the bedside table, she quietly slipped between the sheets.
The mattress shifted behind her.
“Did you stay at work late again?”
“Yes, I wanted to finish some paperwork.” Jurina bit down on her lower lip. It was the first time she lied to her wife.
“You can arrive at work later. Don’t forget we have a meeting at 11 AM with the board committee.”
“I won’t…” Jurina’s voice trailed away uneasily. “Thank you for reminding me. Goodnight, Sakura.”
Behind her back, Jurina heard her wife falling back asleep. Jurina tried to do the same, but found herself wide awake. She stared at the wedding ring on the bedside table, reminder of the commitment she had made to the woman sleeping in bed with her. And the misdeed she had committed tonight for the first time. Jurina squeezed her eyes shut, wishing to erase from her mind once and for all any memory of Rena’s enchanting dark, brown eyes.
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facarous · 4 years
DEAR MY TEACHER [Precuela] Capítulo 8
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Los dedos de la mano derecha de Jurina se movían inquietos sobre una de sus piernas, con un ritmo agitado y siendo evidencia de su nerviosismo. Junto a ella, una muy silenciosa Rena se apoyaba en contra del cristal de la ventanilla, con la mirada perdida en la ciudad.
Las únicas palabras que habían dejado sus labios después de salir de la enfermería, fue su dirección una vez que subieron al taxi. Jurina la miró de reojo una vez más. Cada vez que recordaba el momento en que se enteró de lo que había pasado, un fuerte ardor se posicionaba en la boca de su estómago y podía sentir su corazón latir con fuerza en contra de sus sienes. Estaba molesta. Furiosa.
El automóvil se detuvo cuando el GPS marcó el punto de llegada. La puerta del lado de Jurina se abrió de manera automática luego de unos segundos. No le llevó demasiado tiempo hacer el pago, bajar del vehículo y esperar que Rena también descendiera, sin embargo, el reto fue entrar al departamento de la chica.
A pesar de poder identificar rápidamente el departamento en el edificio, Jurina se encontraba de pie detrás de Rena, esperando que las temblorosas manos de la chica pudieran introducir las llaves en el cerrojo. Por un instante pensó en ayudarla, pero se sentía demasiado insegura sobre sus acciones.
La puerta abrió luego de un pequeño forcejeo por parte de la menor y de pronto Jurina se encontró preguntándose si debía dar media vuelta o acompañar a la chica adentro y asegurarse que estuviera bien. No pudiendo tomar una decisión, prefirió romper el incomodo silencio que las envolvía.
“Matsui-san, necesita descansar. El director quiere que mañana usted vaya a dar su testimonio. Le puedo prometer que habrá severas sanciones para Matushita-san. La escuela toma muy en serio la seguridad de sus estudiantes.” Jurina no sabía si sería correcto quedarse más tiempo.
Rena únicamente asintió, dejando salir un profundo suspiro al dar unos pasos hacia adentro de su apartamento.
“No olvide tomar sus medicamentos. La ayudaran con el dolor y la inflamación.” La mayor, aclaró un poco su garganta, mientras se pasaba los dedos por el cabello, sin saber muy bien como despedirse.
Miró hacia el techo del bloque de apartamentos antes de dirigir sus ojos hacia la entrada al final del pasillo. Tal vez, su presencia solo estaba haciendo más mal que bien. Retrocedió un paso y asintió con la cabeza. Sí, lo mejor era retirarse.
“Descanse, Matsui-san.” Sonrió tratando de hacer contacto visual con su alumna, lo cual logró con sorprendente facilidad. El semblante de Rena era serio, pero su mirada mostraba la vulnerabilidad que es normal en alguien que acaba de experimentar una mala experiencia.
“Jurina-sensei,” la chica dijo casi en un suspiro “quédese conmigo, por favor.”
El rostro de Jurina reflejaba su perplejidad ante la petición, pero su ceño se frunció rápidamente después de unos segundos. Escaneó con detenimiento a Rena, preguntándose si sería capaz de servir de consuelo. Miró de nuevo hacia el pasillo notando que estaban solas en esa área del edificio.
Cuando volvió a encontrarse con la mirada de la menor, pudo ver el miedo que secuestraba aquellos orbes. La fragilidad en la aparente compostura.
“De acuerdo,” respondió, incapaz de negarse. Todavía dudando si aquello era lo mejor.
Los hombros de Rena se relajaron de inmediato al escuchar la respuesta.
“Gracias, sensei…”
 *       *       *       *       *       *
 Rena nunca imaginó que la fantasía de tener a su maestra con ella en su departamento algún día sería real, una lastima que tuviera que pasar por semejante mala experiencia para poder volver a ser objeto de la atención de la mayor.
“Tal vez sea buena idea que se cambie de ropa, para sentirse más cómoda y si… si me permite el atrevimiento, yo podría preparar algo de té… para…” Rena no pudo evitar sonreír ligeramente. Jurina parecía estar fuera de su hábitat. Ya no estaban en un salón de clases o en algún restaurante de la ciudad; esta era la casa de su alumna y la chica sabía que el recuerdo de su última conversación seguía vivo en la memoria de la mayor, al notar la culpabilidad en su mirada.
“Gracias, sensei,” respondió Rena, tratando de no mostrar la inquietud ante la nueva situación en la que se encontraba “las cosas están en la repisa de la izquierda.” Hubo un instante de silencio entre ellas. Ambas sintiéndose incómodas y sin saber cómo interactuar la una con la otra.
La menor entró a su habitación, a penas con el espacio suficiente para colocar su futón y buscó dentro de su estrecho armario un pijama. En otras circunstancias, este sería un momento de encontrar la ropa adecuada, tratar de dar una buena impresión a su maestra, pero ahora, Rena se sentía física y mentalmente agotada, además… Jurina la había rechazado y ella había tomado la decisión de ya no sufrir por eso.
Aunque ahora, la tenía en su cocina preparando un té.
Rena había retrasado salir de su cuarto todo lo posible, pero no podía seguir ignorando a su maestra. Tal vez había sido mala idea pedirle que se quede, pero en aquel momento lo último que deseaba era estar sola y la presencia de su profesora la reconfortaba.
“Rena-san, el té está listo. ¿Se encuentra bien? La voz de Jurina atravesaba la madera de la puerta.
“Sí, sensei. Salgo en un momento.” Fijó su mirada en la puerta. Aun se sentía extraña. Había sentido tanto miedo durante el ataque en el jardín de la escuela y después alivio por haber sido ayudada por Neesan, Nishishi y Kuumin. Cuando vio a Jurina en la enfermería, sintió que ella era la calma dentro de la tormenta, muy a pesar de la ironía de la situación.
Salió al cabo de unos minutos, vestida con sus pijamas – camisa azul marino y pantalones blancos a rayas grises – y con los cabellos sueltos. Encontró a la mayor sentada junto a su pequeña mesa, con dos tazas humeantes dándole la bienvenida.
“Gracias…” dijo cuando se sentó de frente a Jurina y tomó una de las tazas vaporosas.
Sus manos jugaron inquietas con la taza.
“Su cocina está muy bien equipada,” Jurina le mostró una sonrisa. “Es pequeña, pero agradable. Espero que el té sea de su agrado. Le servirá para aclarar la mente.”
Rena asintió. El calor de la bebida concentrándose en sus manos antes de dar el primer sorbo. Dejó salir un suspiro cuando la sensación de calidez comenzó a llenarle el cuerpo. Hoy había sido un día caótico y aún no terminaba, no cuando tenía a Jurina del otro lado de la mesa.
Su cerebro, que parecía haber mantenido sus pensamientos en una brumosa pausa, comenzó a recopilar de pronto todo, obligándola a sentir los latidos en su muñeca provocados por el dolor. Demasiado consciente para su gusto, de las sensaciones en su mano izquierda, no pudo evitar acuñarla en contra de su pecho en un gesto automático para calmar el malestar.
Aquel chico, la había mirado con desesperación y anhelo, pero las sensaciones provocadas en ella, nada tenían que ver con algo positivo, muy por el contrario, por un momento se sintió insignificante en contra de un imponente gigante. Un escalofrío cruzó su cuerpo, si no hubiera sido por Nishishi, ¿Hasta dónde habría llegado Matushita-san?
Fue una total estupidez de su parte el haber ido sola.
“Hey…” Rena fue sacada del carril de sus pensamientos por la sensación de una suave mano en contra de su hombro. Por un instante su cuerpo quedó rígido antes de desviar su mirada de la taza de té y encontrarse con los ojos oscuros de la mujer que la acompañaba.
No se dio cuenta en qué momento Jurina acortó la pequeña distancia que las separaba y ahora estaba sentado a su lado, tratando de darle consuelo. Otra mano tímida subió por su mejilla y limpió las lágrimas que salían sin permiso.
Lejos de hacerla sentir aliviada, otra ola de lágrimas salió con fuerza. Deseaba tanto abrazar a su maestra en búsqueda de protección y consuelo, pero una parte de ella recordaba con fuerza el rechazo del que había sido víctima.
“Se ha ido,” la voz de Jurina era tranquila y profunda “no podrá hacerle daño de nuevo. El director se encargará de todo, justo ahora debe de estar haciendo las llamadas pertinentes.”
“N-No debí de haber aceptado aquella invitación.” La voz de Rena se entrecortó. De pronto se sentía furiosa consigo misma.
“Hey, no, no. Rena-san, usted no tiene culpa en todo esto…”
“No,” Rena no dejó terminar la oración con la que Jurina pretendía consolarla “es una regla básica. No vas a encuentros misteriosos con personas que no conoces. Lo sabía, yo lo sabía, sin embargo…” una pequeña risa despectiva salió de sus labios, desvío su mirada, que se había mantenido colgando de la de su maestra y se concentró de nuevo en su mano izquierda presionada contra su pecho.
“¿Le duele?” Jurina pareció también prestar atención a la muñeca vendada.
“Una parte de mí, guardaba la absurda esperanza de que esa nota fuera de usted.” Cerró los ojos con fuerza y agacho la cabeza, sintiendo vergüenza por lo que acababa de confesar. Trató de controlar los sollozos, pero ahora salían libres y sacudían sus hombros.
Sintió un par de cálidos brazos envolverla, titubeantes por un segundo, antes de sostenerla con fuerza y mecerla ligeramente al tiempo que palabras de consuelo llegaban a sus oídos. Rena dejó salir el tumulto que comprimía su pecho: el enojo hacia sí misma, la frustración, el miedo, la profunda decepción y la sensación de haber sido engañada.
Fue la misma Rena quien rompió el abrazo luego de varios minutos de lágrimas y palabras dichas en susurros. El enojo diluyéndose y siendo sustituido por la sensación de cansancio general.
“Todo estará bien,” su maestra le ofreció un pañuelo, su mano extendida hacia ella y una mirada cauta, cómo si además estuviera dando algún tipo de disculpa muda; y mientras trataba de secar su rostro y recuperar un poco de su temple, sintió los dedos de la mayor jugar con su cabello y acomodarle algunos mechones detrás de la oreja – una sonrisa tímida iluminando el rostro de la mayor – “tiene amigas que la estiman y se preocupan por usted. Ha recorrido cierto camino desde el primer día de clases hasta hoy. Lamento mucho todo lo que ha ocurrido hoy en la escuela.”
El abrazo se había roto, pero ambas permanecían en una íntima proximidad. Rena se perdió un instante en los expresivos ojos de Jurina, tratando de interpretar los sentimientos que de ellos emanaban. Estaban tan cerca, que incluso podía notar que su profesora tenía un lunar en el mentón, que se disimulaba un poco gracias al maquillaje.
La mirada de Jurina, le decía a Rena todo lo que la profesora no podía con palabras. Dentro de aquellos ojos castaños, había culpa, miedo y mucha inseguridad. La postura rígida de sus hombros y cuello decían mucho en esos momentos.
Rena entendió que, a pesar de todo, esa mujer estaba ahí junto a ella. Entendió que no era la única que estaba pasando por un mal momento gracias a su distanciamiento. Sí, Jurina era consciente de cómo habían terminado las cosas en su ultima conversación y si la maestra fuera otro tipo de persona, se limitaría a su función de tutora de grupo, no estaría a esa hora, en su casa, haciendo té y consolándola.
Una parte de ella quería creer que eran la culpa y la lástima quienes incentivaban el actuar de su profesora, pero su corazón no podía evitar conmoverse al notar que aún ante el miedo al rechazo y el reclamo, Jurina estaba ahí, junto a ella, tratando de hacerla sentir protegida.
“Sensei,” Rena sintió su pecho llenarse de una alegría inusitada “Jurina-sensei, la quiero.” Sin pensar demasiado, acortó la distancia y unió sus labios con los de la mayor. Pudo sentir el cuerpo de la mayor tensarse y sus labios no respondían ante el estímulo, una parte del corazón de la menor se estrujó con fuerza ante el nuevo rechazo, pero antes de poder hacer algo, sintió al otro par de labios reaccionar.
Fue un beso suave y tierno, muy diferente al que habían compartido en el baño de la escuela. Era tímido, acompasado, lleno de un profundo anhelo.
La chica sintió una de las manos de Jurina posicionarse en su nuca, mientras que la otra la sujetaba suavemente por la cintura, ella a su vez, acariciaba suavemente la mejilla izquierda de la mayor, cosa que provocó que rompieran el beso, cuando un agudo pinchazo de dolor sacudió su muñeca.
Aquello regresó a ambas a la realidad. Sus agitadas respiraciones tardando un momento en regresar a su progresión natural.
“Rena-san, ¿está bien?” escuchó a su maestra preguntar con preocupación.
“Sí… solo moví más de lo necesario esta mano.” Levantó ligeramente su mano izquierda, que volvía a latir con fuerza. Toda la atención de la mayor recayó en su mano, con suma delicadeza, Jurina la sujetó y se acercó para inspeccionarla.
Cuando su mirada hizo contacto con la de Jurina, pudo notar el temor y la cautela en los ojos de la mayor, Rena supo que era ella quién tendría que tomar la iniciativa. Se acercó de nuevo, dando otro salto de valor y capturó de nueva cuenta esos labios. Pudo sentir que el miedo se desvanecía en ambas.
Se mantuvieron repartiendo besos la una a la otra. Las bebidas olvidadas sobre la mesa. Solo el sabor de los labios de la otra llenándolas y sus manos explorando de manera tímida. En algún momento, Jurina dejo de prestar atención a sus labios y se concentró en la línea de su mandíbula y cuello.
Rena no pudo evitar soltar un gemido cuando los labios de la mayor llegaron cerca de su oído derecho y sus manos habían logrado abrirse por la camisa de su pijama hacia su abdomen.
La menor estaba sintiendo su cuerpo ser invadido por un calor y una urgencia que nunca había sentido. Cerró los ojos mientras se dejaba llevar por las sensaciones que Jurina estaba provocando en ella y se hubiera mantenido así por mucho más tiempo, si no fuera porque al intentar devolver las caricias, su mano volvió a protestar haciéndola soltar un siseo.
Jurina se detuvo de golpe y Rena pudo ver de nuevo la preocupación en aquella mirada.
“Rena-sa…” empezó, pero la menor no la dejo continuar.
“Rena,” corrigió de inmediato “solo Rena.” Jurina sonrió ante aquello.
“De acuerdo, solo Rena. Creo que necesitas tomar tu medicamento y descansar. No más emociones fuertes para ti.” Su maestra tenía aquella sonrisa en los labios que a Rena tanto le gustaba. Sin embargo, un nuevo temor creció dentro de la cabeza de la estudiante cuando vio a Jurina separarse de ella.
“Por favor, dime que no te alejarás de mí de nuevo. No quiero que mañana sea algo de lo cual te arrepentirás y volverás a decirme que no entiendo el amor.” Rena se maldijo a sí misma por lo desesperada que sonaba su voz.
“Rena,” Jurina se acercó de nuevo a ella, mirándola con cautela “hoy mi corazón se detuvo cuando me dijeron que alguien te había atacado y que estabas en la enfermería. Hablaremos con tranquilidad de esto, de lo que sea que está surgiendo entre tú y yo, pero por el momento, necesitas recuperar energía y ambas necesitamos calmar nuestras mentes.”
Rena asintió, lista para probar aquellos labios de nuevo, sin embargo, el momento fue roto por su teléfono celular, que avisaba de una llamada entrante. Se levantó rápidamente de su asiento y camino hacia su mochila – lugar de donde provenía el sonido – antes de dirigirle una mirada de disculpa a Jurina.
“Es mi madre.” No fue necesario decir más, Jurina retrocedió un par de pasos para dejarla responder la llamada.
“¿Rena?” fue lo primero que escuchó en cuanto aceptó la llamada “el director de tu escuela nos llamó por teléfono, ¿estás bien? ¿te duele algo? Tu padre está en camino… Rena, amor, ¿estás bien?”
“Sí, madre, estoy bien. Mis amigas me ayudaron, la enfermera de la escuela me hizo una revisión y no tengo nada grave, solo un pequeño golpe en la mano izquierda que yo misma me provoqué. El director y mi profesora responsable de grupo fueron muy atentos, amables y están tomando las medidas necesarias.” Rena dirigió su mirada a una rígida y muda Jurina.
“Tu padre se entrevistará con el director mañana. Me alegra saber que estás bien, pero Rena, reconsidera toda esta idea. Estás exponiéndote de manera innecesaria, aquí en casa tienes todo lo que necesitas.”
“NO” Pensó Rena de inmediato. En casa no tiene lo que realmente necesita, se dijo a sí misma mientras sostenía la mirada de su profesora. “¿Podemos hablar después de eso? Justo ahora me siento demasiado agotada y deseo poder dormir un poco. Discúlpenme por preocuparlos de esa manera. Los amo.”
Escuchó un suspiro del otro lado de la línea antes de que la llamada fuera terminada. Sabía que sus padres tal vez ya habían tomado una decisión respecto al tema y su madre solo estaba ocultándolo detrás de una máscara de amabilidad.
“El director ya se comunicó con ellos.” Jurina afirmó. Se acercó a ella con una sonrisa tímida en el rostro, parecía aun sentirse insegura ante sus movimientos. Acarició su mejilla derecha con lentitud “¿Esta todo bien?”
“Sí. Mi padre llegará mañana. Preocupados, pero nada de que alarmarse.” Rena sonrió sabiendo que lo que acababa de decir era una mentira, pero justo ahora, solo deseaba disfrutar de ese instante. Empujó el tema de sus padres hacia lo más profundo de su subconsciente y se concentró una vez más en aquellos ojos castaños que brillaban con afecto hacia ella.
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sophcaro · 4 years
Warriors | WMatsui - Chapter 29
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Jurina peeled her eyes open, relaxed beyond any feeling she had ever known. A dim morning light penetrated through the outdoor fusuma; it was barely sunrise. Jurina tilted her head to her left, and observed the beautiful woman lying naked beside her. Her protector was on her back, eyes closed, her chest slowly rising and falling, her breathing steady as she was peacefully asleep.
The bedcover rested over her chest, covering her breasts but tantalizing her with a peek of naked flesh. Her long dark hair spilled over the pillow and her face, contrasting sharply with her pale face. Jurina was unable to look away, her thoughts and emotions in a jumble. She had longed to touch and possess her body more intimately, and last night, it became reality. Pride and satisfaction swelled in her at the accomplishment, but at the same time, she felt a twinge of vulnerability.
She had laid with a few women in the past, but never had she experienced what transpired between them.
Her protector brought out of her a softer side that she didn’t often expose. How come her protector had such an influence on her? Long gone were her initial feelings of distrust and animosity towards her. As days turned into weeks and transformed into months, she felt more and more irresistibly drawn to one who had been assigned as her protector. At first, she believed it was merely physical attraction, before realizing she was in the wrong. There was something else between them she had difficulty describing.
Her protector moaned in her sleep and turned to the other side, the bedcover sliding down to her waist. She wanted to run her fingers over the smooth expanse of skin showing. By the subtle change in her breathing, Jurina could tell she was slowly awakening. She edged closer on the futon. She slipped her hand beneath the covers, wrapping her arm around her midriff. For an instant, her protector’s body tensed and she thought she’d pull away. Then she felt her ease up. Holding her, she buried her nose in her hair and drew in a breath, filling her lungs with the sweet scent of her. Her body felt soft and engaging against her. She had to fight the urge to tighten her hold even more.
Jurina’s heart pounded. The impact her protector had on her didn’t only make her vulnerable: it also destabilized her. This was such unknown territory for her.  
She leaned forward and took a small nip of her exposed neck, testing the waters. As she didn’t receive any resistance to her ministrations, she grew bolder. Her hand explored her protector’s ribs, her stomach, rediscovering every inch of her smooth skin. The sweet whimpers she received in response ignited another spike of desire within her. She moved her hand across the bottom boundaries of her breasts, and contemplated her next move, wavering between conflicted feelings. Could she afford to let loose of her overwhelming need to possess her again, or should she better control her ardor?  
“Maybe I should stop,” she whispered in her ear - trying to sound confident - but already regretting her words.
Her protector turned halfway around in her embrace. Whether she caught the uncertainty of her voice, she didn’t say. Her protector’s gaze was riveted on her face, studying her intently, and she cupped her chin between her fingers. She brought her mouth close to hers, and gently kissed her. The feather-like touch of her lips sent her aflame, more persuasive than she cared to admit. Jurina’s gaze bore into her in expectation, eager to reclaim them.
“I…” After what seemed a moment’s hesitation, her protector kissed her again, more deeply. Her eyes were no longer weary with sleep, the light of desire illuminating her dark brown orbs. “No, I don’t want you to stop.”
Jurina’s eyes gleamed, sparkling with heat. Her mouth swooped down to capture hers, and they shared another kiss, full of passion. She smothered her lips with demanding mastery, her protector’s lips parted. Her tongue slipped inside, teasing, tasting, exploring. When she withdrew her mouth from hers, she stared in her smoldering eyes for a beat. Her protector gave her a heavy look of lust that sent her pulses racing.
Jurina moved her hair to one side and placed a few lush kisses down her neck, starting behind her ear and moving down her shoulder. Her protector attempted to turn around completely to face her, but Jurina wouldn’t allow it. Despite her protector’s confusion, she gently but firmly made her regain her previous position and pressed her front to her back, trapping her body in another embrace.
She nibbled playfully on her earlobe, eliciting another lewd sound, while her right hand roamed intimately over her breasts. Her protector tilted her head in her direction, and Jurina joined her mid-way, pressing her lips to her. Her hand continued to move on her breasts, expertly massaging, stimulating them. By the way her nipples quickly firmed under her touch, she realized her protector was particularly excited.
Removing her hand from her chest, she pulled the bedcover down. Her hand explored the soft lines of her waist, her hip, and traveled down between her thighs. Her protector shuddered in anticipation, and she didn’t wait. This morning, her instincts were telling her there was no use to take things slowly. She parted her legs slightly, and dipped a finger between the pink folds. When she felt how wet and hot she was, Jurina’s heart gave a wide lurch and arousal pulsed through her veins.
She eased a finger inside, her vision narrowing when her protector let out a moan and rocked against her hand. Slipping a second finger inside her, she placed her thumb against her clit and stroked lightly. She circled the hard little nub before pressing on it. As more wetness flowed from her protector’s body, she pushed her fingers deeper, moving them in and out at a steady rhythm.
Her protector was panting, little gusts of breath that let her know she was enjoying it. She squeezed her clit harder, before pressing her thumb against the bundle of nerves and plunging her fingers deep inside her. Her protector had gripped the bedsheet, her lips trying hard to suppress another moan. She continued to stroke her and increased the pressure and speed of her fingers, knowing she was close. By every minute, Jurina found it harder to ignore her own aching burn growing stronger in the pit of her stomach.
At last, she clenched on her fingers, the tight ring of muscles vibrating with an intense orgasm. Jurina pushed deeper inside her, flicking her thumbnail over her clit at the same time. Arching her body against her hand, her protector buried her face in the pillow to muffle a scream as she pulsed against her fingers, and crashed over the edge of ecstasy a second time. As she whimpered softly and went limp in her arms, Jurina let her ride out the waves of pleasure, before slowly extricating her fingers from her.
Jurina’s body throbbed with pent up lust, her climax on the verge. Opening her legs, she reached for her nether regions to touch herself, swimming in desperate and building urgency. Her protector turned around, catching her in the act. She looked at her with half-lidded eyes, lips red and swollen and curled into a small smile. Jurina didn’t have time to proceed, that she had gently removed her hand and replaced it with her own. She didn’t show hesitation as she slid a finger into the moist warmth between her thighs, and into the slick folds of flesh. Jurina shut her eyes close and let out a low, feral growl, rocking her hips as the pleasure coiled tight in her belly.
Her protector pumped her finger in and out of her, the slow pace driving her to the brink of insanity. Jurina wrapped her hand around her wrist, urging her to move her finger quicker in her. Understanding the message conveyed, she moved faster. Stimulating all the right places, she added a second digit. Blissful pleasure built and tightened all Jurina’s muscles until she thought she’d burst. She couldn’t deny her body its sweet release any longer. A few more thrusts were all she needed to convulse around her. Her body spasmed; electric thrills washed through her as she felt wave after wave assault her senses.
For a moment, she drifted, glowing with the aftermath, listening to her frantically beating heart. After a little while, the futon shifted beside her, and Jurina felt a pair of lips on hers. They laid side to side, sharing lazy kisses and slow caresses. Rather than being awkward, Jurina felt at ease with the simplicity of the intimacy shared, welcoming it when her protector rested her head on her shoulder. Jurina felt her own breathing slowing, calm in a way she’d not known in a long time, if ever. Her eyelids again felt heavy. She heard her protector falling asleep and she couldn’t resist joining her, letting her head fall against her in her last stream of consciousness.
“Rena-san, are you here?”
The soft knocking on the door woke Jurina from her sleep. She immediately recognized the voice, even through the haze of slumber. Kashiwagi-san. She let out a groan. First, she had gotten her claws on her innocent sister. Now, she messed up with her precious private time with her protector. Why did that woman had to intrude in every aspect of her life? She forced her eyes open, only to throw her arm over her eyes at the bright light inundating the bedroom. She stole a peek at her protector; she hadn’t moved an inch, visibly still absorbed in a heavy slumber. Right now, Jurina was seriously considering mimicking her and ignoring the distraction.
A second, more insistent, knock told her otherwise.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, but it’s already late and…” Yuki’s voice trailed away, filled with uncertainty.
Jurina couldn’t take it any longer; she shoved the bedcover aside and took a seat on the futon, facing the door. Through the fusuma, she distinguished the feminine silhouette of the woman who had dared disturb her peaceful sleep. Maybe if she didn’t answer, she would give up and walk away? That could work, right?
“Y-Yuki-san?” Behind her back, her protector’s sleepy mumble reached her. “Did I hear Yuki-san knocking at the door?”
Jurina wanted so badly to reply that it was the fruit of her imagination, but a little voice inside her head told her it wouldn’t be right to lie.
“That woman is something.” Jurina gritted between her teeth. Resolute, she stood up, not bothering to put clothes on, and padded bare feet to the front door.
“What?!” She asked, after she swung the door open.
“Oh, W-Watanabe-san…”
The kyudo instructor’s mouth dropped, stupor written all over her face. Despite Jurina’s annoyance at her presence, a sparkle of amusement flashed through her eyes. The woman facing her was forcing herself to keep her gaze at an appropriate level, and not look down at her nakedness.
“So, what do you want?” Jurina placed her hand on the doorjamb and stared at her, irritation gripping her once more. “We were sleeping, so you better have a good reason for disturbing us.”
“I apologize for waking you up, but the trainees were worried,” Yuki stammered. Noticing Jurina’s confusion, she quickly continued. “The kenjutsu lesson. When Rena-san didn’t show up in the dojo, a few trainees got concerned by her absence, and wondered if the lesson had been cancelled. I wasn’t aware of any other obligation Rena-san had to attend this morning, so I feared she might be unwell.”
“No, she’s fine. Let the others know she’ll arrive when she’s ready.” Jurina gave a nonchalant wave of her hand. “Goodbye, Kashiwagi-san.”
Jurina shut the door close, and returned to the futon. She laid down, well decided to put that brief encounter at the back of her head and sleep, only to witness her protector’s shocked expression. “That woman has no shame.” She pretended to not notice it and made herself comfortable again, pulling the cover up her body. “Disturbing us for nothing.”
“N-nothing? I’m late for my lesson!” Rena shot up and out of the futon, rushing to take her clothes. “How could that happen?” She almost tripped as she slipped into her hakama, her fingers fumbling with the belt. “I can’t even imagine what Yuki-san must think of me.” She murmured, horrified. “And she saw you naked! How could you answer to the door in such an undressed state?!”
“Don’t worry, she didn’t look.” Jurina shrugged it off. “And the trainees can wait. It’s not as if the lesson can start without you.” She added, proud of her joke. The stern look she received in return told her she didn’t share her sense of humor.
“You better get up and dress up to join the lesson.”
Jurina fell pensive, watching as her protector finished tying her hakama, and picked up her kimono from the chair. “Wouldn’t it look suspicious if we both arrived at the same time?” Her mouth crooked into a smirk. “What will the other trainees think?”
As realization dawned, the kenjutsu instructor went pale. “A-Alright, you may arrive a bit late.” Her fingers worked clumsily on closing her kimono, as she tried to compose herself. “But don’t take too long. It would be improper if you missed the lesson.”
“Why not?” Jurina propped herself on her elbow, not caring if the bedcover slid down her waist. “I have my own private lessons.” Her smile widened. “They are far enough.”
Another long, silent disapproving stare.
“Fine, I’ll arrive after you.” Jurina sighed in a laid back, almost nonchalant way. When she noticed the way her protector’s gaze traveled down the length of her body from her face, over her exposed breasts, her eyebrows arched mischievously. “You’re sure you don’t want to come back to bed?” Jurina peeled back the bedcover, and held it back in invitation. “You still look sleepy to me. You should rest a little longer.”
Her protector gave her a knowing look. “Something is telling me we don’t have the same definition of rest.”
“Probably not,” Jurina grinned unapologetically.
Her protector shook her head with an amused smile. She marched straight towards the front door and paused, glancing over her shoulder. Jurina watched her attentively, sensing by the way her mouth opened and closed a few times that she wished to add something. “I don’t regret it,” she said at last, softly but seriously. “I’ll expect you in the dojo. Please don’t take too long, Jurina.”
Jurina was caught off guard, and followed her retreating form as she slowly exited the bedroom, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Jurina. For the first time, she had spoken to her without using any honorifics. Her face split into a wide smile; an odd, warm sensation fluttered through her chest. Jurina groaned, and buried her face into the pillow. Her reaction was silly and childish. It was only a trivial thing. So why did it fill her with such strange happiness?
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haremdeyukooshima · 3 years
Adventures in Art School: OS Box. 32. Holiday in Milkyland (#SayaMilky) 33. Dart (#YuuNaaMogiOn) 34. Burning Spirit Part 5: Line in the Sand (#WMatsui)
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manani973 · 4 years
PARTNERS(traducido al español) capitulo 12
Autor original: http://sophcaro.tumblr.com/
Ya había pasado un mes desde que Rena vio por última vez a Jurina - la Matsui mayor tenía trabajo que hacer en Tokyo con Nogizaka46 durante agosto - y ella estaba absolutamente convencida de que la comida que había preparado para su regreso satisfacería a Jurina inmensamente. Después de todo, era carne picada y espaguetis; su favorita. Sin embargo, la joven apenas había dicho palabra alguna desde que entró en su apartamento hace media hora, y ahora estaba jugando con su comida distraídamente.
Hasta ahora, Rena no había dicho nada al respecto, creyendo que tal vez Jurina no estaba de buen humor esta noche. No era común, pero sucedía. Sobre todo, cuando la joven estaba demasiado cansada después de una larga semana de trabajo. Pero cuando la vio suspirar por tercera vez y apenas tocar su comida, no pudo quedarse callada por más tiempo.
“¿Hay algo mal?” Rena frunció el ceño. Ella estaba intentando realmente descubrir la razón detrás del extraño enfado de Jurina. No podía ser por la comida. Después de todo, ella había cocinado la carne exactamente como le gustaba a la chica joven. La pasta tampoco era la causa. No era picante. Lo comprobó dos veces por precaución. No, tenía que haber otra explicación para el inusual silencio de Jurina.
Rena esperó pacientemente por una respuesta, pero infortunadamente Jurina no le concedió ninguna. En cambio, mantuvo sus ojos en su plato, la pregunta apenas provocó reacción alguna. Rena continuó comiendo, ahora comenzando a sentirse realmente perturbada. ¿Jurina estaba enfadada con ella por su larga ausencia? Si que era cierto que la joven as nunca aprobó su concurrente posición en Nogizaka46. Había expresado su desaprobación varias veces desde que se unió al otro grupo en febrero de 2014.
Rena reflexionó en su cabeza por un momento, antes de darse cuenta de que no podía ser la razón. A pesar de que a Jurina no le gustaba verla ir a los trabajos relacionados de Nogizaka46, nunca intentó persuadirla para que abandonara su posición concurrente. Esa era una de las cualidades de Jurina que Rena apreciaba más. Sí, ella tenía fuertes creencias, pero nunca se entrometió en su trabajo. Ella respetaba sus decisiones, incluso si no siempre las entendía.
Rena sacudió su cabeza distraídamente, sintiéndose algo frustrada por no tener ni idea. Durante su mes aparte, se comunicaron a través de LINE casi todos los días. Jurina realmente parecía estar bien y llevaba bien la separación. Hablaron sobre su trabajo a diario, Jurina compartió ocasionalmente algunas anécdotas divertidas e hizo reír a Rena. La joven Matsui parecía su yo alegre habitual durante sus conversaciones.
Rena echó un vistazo tentativo a Jurina, que apenas había comido y parecía abatida. No le gustaba quedarse en la oscuridad, pero se estaba quedando sin opciones. Si Jurina no quería decirle lo que le estaba molestando, ¿cómo podría ayudarle? Rena abrió la boca para interrogarla por segunda vez, antes de cambiar de opinión. Jurina podría ser realmente terca cuando quisiera, y supuso que insistir sería bastante inútil. Jurina compartiría sus problemas cuando quisiera. La paciencia era su mejor aliada.
Rena miró hacía su propio plato, dándose cuenta de que ya había acabado de comer. Decidida, se puso de pie en el intento de recoger la mesa. Definitivamente podría usar la distracción de la actitud inquietante de Jurina. Pasaron unos minutos sin que se intercambiara ninguna palabra, antes de que la voz vacilante de Jurina resonara en el tranquilo apartamento.“Rena… ¿Por qué ya no quieres hacer sesiones de fotos conmigo?”
Rena, quien estaba lavando un plato en la pila, se detuvo ante sus palabras. Estaba más que contenta de que Jurina finalmente estuviera expresando en voz alta lo que aparentemente la estaba preocupando, pero esa era una pregunta que definitivamente no veía venir. No tenía ningún sentido. “¿Qué? ¿Por qué no querría?”
“¡Eso es exactamente lo que me estaba preguntando a mí misma!” Jurina dejó escapar un suspiro frustrado.
Esta vez, Rena colocó cuidadosamente el plato en la pila y se volvió para mirarla, perpleja. Jurina se estaba poniendo muy nerviosa por esto, y Rena no tenía ni idea de por qué. “Lo siento, pero no sé de qué estás hablando”.
“Mi agente me dijo hace dos días que no querías hacer una sesión conmigo”, explicó Jurina. “Bomb nos quiere a las dos para la portada de Diciembre”.
“No veo porque no querría hacer una sesión contigo”, contestó Rena. No recordaba la sesión de fotos que mencionaba. Su agente no le había reservado ninguna sesión de fotos de Bomb para el final del año; de esto estaba segura. “Todo pasa por mi agente. Solo estipule que no haría...”
Rena se detuvo, parpadeando al darse cuenta. Espera. Al principio, creía que Jurina pudo haber cometido un error honesto, pero su expresión convencida le dijo lo contrario. Tal vez ella acaba de obtener la pieza faltante del rompecabezas. “¿El fotógrafo va a hacer fotos en ropa interior?”
“Eso creo”, Jurina contesto, confusa. Estaba intentando averiguar el punto de su pregunta. “¿Por qué?”
“Eso explica por qué no he oído nada sobre esa sesión”, asintió Rena, secando sus manos con una toalla y sentándose enfrente de Jurina. “Le dije explícitamente a mi agente que no quería hacer ese tipo de fotos nunca más. Como resultado, el rechaza todas las ofertas de mi parte sistemáticamente”. “Ya veo…” La voz de Jurina calló.
Rena observó atentamente a Jurina, que parecía reflexionar sobre la revelación. Es cierto que nunca se lo había mencionado a ella ni a ningún otro miembro. Fue una decisión que tomó hace unos meses, y nunca se arrepintió. Todavía no entendía cómo logró hacer esas sesiones tan vergonzosas durante todos estos años. Debería haberlos detenido hace mucho tiempo.
“Espera”. Rena se dio cuenta de repente. “¿Eso es por lo que no has dicho nada desde que llegaste? ¿por una simple sesión de fotos?” “¡Sí!” Exclamó Jurina. “Pensé que probablemente hice algo malo inconscientemente. Que de alguna manera llegue a ofenderte”.
Rena no pudo aguantar más y rio. Se dio cuenta por el repentino puchero de Jurina que no le gustó su reacción, pero fue simplemente demasiado gracioso. “¡Puedes llegar a ser muy tonta a veces!”
“Rena…” Jurina se quejó, molesta.
“No me lo puedo creer. hablamos ayer por LINE, y tu no lo mencionaste. Tu realmente eres única”, Rena sacudió su cabeza, incrédula. “Si me hubiera enfadado contigo, tú lo habrías sabido. Créeme”.
“De acuerdo, pero no lo entiendo”, admitió Jurina. Se sintió más que aliviada al descubrir que era solo un terrible malentendido, pero no comprendía por qué la Matsui mayor se negaba a hacer esa sesión de fotos. “Hiciste bastantes fotografías en traje de baño y lencería en el pasado”.
“Lo sé”, confirmó Rena. Por supuesto, Jurina tenía razón y su confusión era legítima. “Pero tú sabes que yo nunca fui realmente feliz haciéndolas. Me hacían sentir incómoda”.
“No deberías”, murmuró Jurina, estirándose a través de la mesa para coger la mano de Rena. “Tienes un cuerpo hermoso”.
Rena acarició sus dedos, conmovida por sus palabras. No era la primera vez que Jurina le hacía un cumplido sobre su aspecto, y nunca fallaba en llevarle una sonrisa a sus labios. Por supuesto, Rena no compartió su opinión sobre el asunto. Ella creía firmemente que era una chica muy común. Otros miembros del grupo 48 tenían características más ventajosas que ella. "Es amable de tu parte decirlo, pero no eres realmente objetiva".
“Lo soy”, interrumpió Jurina. “Lo creí desde el momento que entré a SKE”. “¡Tenías 11 años cuando nos conocimos por primera vez!” Rena se rio, incrédula.
“¿Y?” Jurina arqueó una ceja. “Yo era joven, no ciega. Podía identificar a una chica muy guapa”.
Rena suspiró suavemente, sabiendo que de ninguna manera iba a cambiar la opinión de Jurina sobre el tema. Ella acarició el dorso de su mano con el pulgar, lo que provocó que los rasgos de Jurina se relajaran. “¿Realmente quieres que haga esa sesión de fotos?”
“Lo echo de menos”, respondió Jurina honestamente. Era cierto decir que hizo sesiones de fotos muy a menudo - sola o con otros miembros - pero la Matsui mayor no estaba en las fotos con ella. Al menos, no tanto como ella deseaba. “Solíamos hacer sesiones de fotos juntas todo el tiempo, pero han disminuido enormemente en los últimos años”.
“Es verdad”, admitió Rena. Eran los pilares de SKE, y como resultado hicieron muchas sesiones de fotos solo ellas dos durante los primeros años. ¿Qué cambió? Su papel en el grupo era el mismo. Jurina seguía siendo el centro, y Rena la presencia inagotable a su lado. Eran muy populares, pero ya no como pareja. “Solíamos estar en todos los periódicos. Tal vez las revistas se estén aburriendo del WMatsui y quieran ver caras nuevas”.
“Bueno, eso es estúpido”, se quejó Jurina. Ciertamente, no estaba de acuerdo con este cambio, pero también sabía que estaba fuera de su alcance. Si las revistas decidieron que no las querían en sus páginas como pareja, ella no podría hacer nada al respecto. Desafortunadamente, parecía que ya no estaban de moda.
Rena se rio suavemente ante la franqueza de Jurina. A decir verdad, ella nunca fue particularmente aficionada a hacer gravure. Ella simplemente lo vio como una actividad que iba junto con el trabajo de idol. Jurina, por el contrario, siempre lo había amado. Dando su mejor sonrisa a la cámara y probándose mucha ropa. Era solo un juego para ella cuando era niña. Desafortunadamente, Rena nunca compartió su entusiasmo.
Rena pensó detenidamente sobre esta nueva sesión de fotos de Bomb. La idea de posar en ropa interior realmente no le complació. También sabía que Jurina no iba a insistir y respetaría su decisión si se negaba a hacerlo. Sin embargo, podía sentir que su determinación vacilaba progresivamente. Después de todo, Jurina tenía un punto. La última sesión de fotos que hicieron juntas fue hace un año para Bubka y su tema de recién casados. El recuerdo inconscientemente trajo una sonrisa a sus labios cuando recordó el comportamiento tímido de Jurina. De alguna manera, esta sesión de fotos permaneció grabada en su mente todo este tiempo. Era un recuerdo cariñoso.
“De acuerdo”, Rena habló por fin, decidida. La curiosa expresión de Jurina cayó sobre ella de inmediato. Definitivamente, no iba a esperar sus siguientes palabras. “Llamaré a mi agente para reservar la sesión de fotos de Bomb”.
Rena observó desde un lado a Jurina que estaba posando frente a la cámara. Acababan de terminar de hacer algunas fotos afuera, y ahora era el momento de las infames fotos en lencería. Jurina - vestida con ropa interior roja - se estaba divirtiendo mucho, alternando diferentes poses de forma natural. Sus expresiones también cambiaron en un abrir y cerrar de ojos: juguetona, triste, inocente. Ella siguió las instrucciones que se le dieron sin dudarlo un segundo y siempre sin esfuerzo.
Mientras esperaba su turno, Rena no pudo evitar admirar su técnica. Desde que era una niña, Jurina siempre había sido muy natural en eso. Cuando ella misma tuvo dificultades para ofrecer tres poses diferentes al fotógrafo, Jurina nunca dejó de ofrecer una nueva e innovadora. Rena realmente no sabía cómo lograba semejante hazaña.
“Eso ha sido perfecto”, declaró el fotógrafo, bajando la cámara. Le estaba dando a Jurina una amplia sonrisa de satisfacción, demostrando la sinceridad de sus palabras. “Eres muy fotogénica”.
Rena no estaba para nada sorprendida por el cumplido. Después de todo, ella ya lo había escuchado salir de los labios de docenas de fotógrafos. Este hombre de unos treinta años era un nuevo fotógrafo con el que nunca había trabajado antes, pero era obvio que disfrutaba mucho trabajando con el as de SKE. Todo fotógrafo lo hizo.
Era bastante común escuchar a los fotógrafos elogiar el tema de sus imágenes. Los cumplidos no se dieron solo por cortesía; también ayuda al modelo a ganar confianza. Como resultado, ella siempre fue más maleable a las demandas del fotógrafo. Sin embargo, Rena sabía que era sincero en cada palabra que decía. Por supuesto, la personalidad alegre y encantadora de Jurina la convirtió en la pequeña favorita de muchas personas en este negocio, pero la mayor Matsui sabía que no estaba diciendo nada más que la verdad. Jurina siempre se había visto bien en las fotos. Era uno de sus mejores ventajas.
Rena notó que el fotógrafo se volvía para mirarla y gritaba su nombre. Ahora era su turno. La maquilladora que estaba terminando de aplicar un poco de lápiz labial ligero en sus labios dio un paso atrás, comprobando por última vez que todo estaba bien con su aspecto. La mujer le cepilló cuidadosamente el cabello que había sido ligeramente rizado para la ocasión, antes de retirarse cuando parecía satisfecha. Rena lo tomó como una señal para levantarse, y se quitó la bata casi a regañadientes.
Sí, había aceptado hacer esa sesión de fotos con Jurina, pero se sintió algo incómoda cuando reveló su correspondiente ropa interior roja. El fotógrafo le indicó que se uniera a Jurina, que estaba esperando frente a un sofá de cuero blanco. Caminó hacia ella obedientemente. Rena no tenía idea de lo que iba a pedirles que hicieran. En los últimos años, había trabajado varias veces con los mismos fotógrafos. Como resultado, sabía qué tipo de pose les gustaba y qué expresiones esperaban de ella. Cada fotógrafo tenía su propio estilo e idea de arte. Por supuesto, ella no siempre estuvo de acuerdo con ellos, pero no era su trabajo decirlo.
Este hombre era un nuevo fotógrafo en ascenso. Había escuchado muchas cosas buenas sobre él - algunas incluso llamándolo prodigio - pero nunca tuvo la oportunidad de trabajar con él. Hasta ahora, no había pedido nada fuera de lo común. Poses y expresiones simples. No hay ropa demasiado extravagante tampoco. De hecho, la sesión de fotos continuó sin problemas, y el hombre no fue más que amable con ellos.
“Por favor, túmbate en el sofá”, él le indicó a Rena.
Rena cumplió, el cuero se agrietó ligeramente cuando intentó acomodarse en el pequeño sofá. Apoyó la cabeza en el reposabrazos, antes de inclinar la cabeza hacia el hombre con expectación. Jurina seguía de pie frente al sofá, y Rena se preguntó qué iba a pedirle que hiciera. ¿Le iba a pedir a Jurina que simplemente se parara junto al sofá? Sería extraño, pero ¿por qué no? Había visto peores ideas.
“¿Dónde me quiere?” Jurina le preguntó al fotógrafo, que le indicaba a su personal que moviera algunas luces en preparación. Según su voz alegre, Rena sabía que estaba esperando ansiosamente sus siguientes instrucciones.
Manifiestamente, no se hacía demasiadas preguntas sobre el entorno curioso. El hombre levantó la vista y le dijo con la sonrisa más auténtica: “Por favor, acuéstate encima de Rena-san”.
Rena estaba segura de que su corazón se detuvo por una fracción de segundo. ¿Ella escuchó correctamente? ¿Realmente le estaba pidiendo a Jurina que se acostara con ella cuando apenas podía caber en este atrozmente pequeño sofá? Por ahora, Rena no estaba segura de querer trabajar con este llamado prodigio nuevamente.
Rena comenzaba a sentirse terriblemente apretada en el sofá. ¿Cómo se las arreglaron para encontrar un mueble tan horrible? Parecía definitivamente viejo, era demasiado pequeño y nada cómodo. ¿Fue porque era fin de año? ¿La revista ya se había quedado sin presupuesto? Rena no tenía ni idea, pero en este momento, echaba de menos el cómodo sofá negro de su apartamento. Y no podía esperar a que terminara la sesión de fotos.
El fotógrafo ya había tomado algunas fotos cuando de repente informó que necesitaba verificar algo y desapareció rápidamente detrás de su ordenador. Prometió que no tardaría mucho - incluso afirmando que volvería en unos segundos - pero a Rena le pareció una eternidad. Obviamente, no tenían la misma noción de tiempo.
“¿Todavía crees que fue una buena idea?” Rena se dirigió a Jurina en un débil susurro. La joven, que se cernía sobre ella, le dirigió una mirada algo divertida cuando expresó su disgusto. Muy bien, tal vez Jurina estaba disfrutando ese momento mucho más que ella.
“¿Por qué?” Jurina preguntó, su mirada vagando en agradecimiento por la forma medio desnuda de Rena, “Me gusta la ropa. Es sexy”.
“No estoy hablando de la ropa”, replicó Rena en voz baja, ignorando el coqueteo de Jurina. No habían miembros de staff cerca, pero ella no quería correr el riesgo de que escucharan su queja. “Estoy hablando sobre la posición”.
“No me importa”, ofreció Jurina. Echó una rápida mirada al hombre que todavía estaba completamente enfocado en su pantalla, antes de mirar a Rena. “Al menos, tengo la oportunidad de pasar tiempo contigo. No sucede tan a menudo últimamente”.
“Es cierto”, admitió Rena. Después de todo, ella había estado fuera durante un mes entero, y últimamente sus horarios siempre parecían estar en conflicto. “Apoya tu cabeza en mi hombro”, Rena empujó el brazo de Jurina suavemente. “El fotógrafo no se ha movido de su ordenador desde hace un rato. Esto puede llevar un rato”.
Jurina se rio de su tono frustrado y obedeció, colocando su cabeza sobre el hombro de Rena con cuidado. La Matsui mayor le frotó la espalda cuando sus dedos hicieron contacto con la piel de Jurina. Seguramente tampoco quería que se resfriara.
“Ya sabes, creo que el fotógrafo quiere que nos besemos”, declaró Jurina despreocupadamente después de un rato.
“No, él no quiere”, Rena frunció el ceño en confusión.
“El lleva diciéndonos todo el rato que nos acerquemos más”, Jurina se lo recordó a la chica mayor que estaba atrapada bajo de ella. “Está claramente sobreentendido”.
“Jurina”, Rena le advirtió. La joven Matsui le había dado un beso a escondidas en la mejilla, y se dio cuenta de que se estaba poniendo juguetona. Ahora, Rena se dio cuenta de que pudo haber cometido un error al sugerirle a Jurina que se acercara. Solo lo había hecho por preocupación y para que Jurina se sintiera más cómoda mientras esperaba el regreso del fotógrafo. Ella realmente no creía que la chica descarada se aprovecharía de su nueva posición. Mal movimiento.
“Perdón por hacerles esperar”, la voz del fotógrafo sacó a Rena de sus pensamientos. Dio la bienvenida a la interrupción con gusto, y esperaba que Jurina volviera a su posición original. De hecho, la joven Matsui estaba empezando a enderezarse cuando la voz del hombre la detuvo. “Espera, no te muevas. ¡Tu posición era perfecta!”
Rena reunió toda su fuerza de voluntad para no mostrar su disgusto. A pesar de que no podía ver la cara de Jurina, ya que estaba colocando su cabeza sobre su hombro de acuerdo con la demanda del hombre, podía sentir su sonrisa contra ella. Rena hizo una nota mental para agregar a este nuevo fotógrafo - supuestamente fantástico - en su lista negra.
Rena entró al vestuario y dejó escapar un suspiro de alivio. La sesión de fotos finalmente había terminado. Fue un milagro que logró sobrevivir después de las últimas demandas increíbles del fotógrafo. Afortunadamente, su sonrisa perfecta no traicionó sus emociones cuando le dio las gracias al final. El hombre definitivamente estaba pensando que ella había disfrutado mucho su trabajo. No podría estar más equivocado.
Rena sintió que alguien tiraba de su mano y miró con curiosidad a Jurina, que estaba sentada frente a ella. Ella no se resistió cuando le tiró hacía su regazo. “Sé que no disfrutaste mucho de la sesión de hoy”, declaró Jurina, colocando sus brazos alrededor de su cintura, “pero gracias por haber aceptado”.
“Está bien”. Rena recorrió con sus dedos el pelo de Jurina cariñosamente. Ciertamente, no guardaría el mejor recuerdo, pero podría decir que su presencia complació inmensamente a Jurina hoy. Ella podría hacer algunos sacrificios por su felicidad. “Podría haber sido peor”.
Jurina se inclinó hacia delante, y Rena respondió a su beso con el mismo entusiasmo. Las demostraciones de afecto eran muy raras durante el trabajo - dado que casi siempre estaban rodeadas de personas - pero hoy tenían la oportunidad de estar completamente solas en el vestuario. Fue realmente un lujo, y Jurina seguramente no perdió la oportunidad.
El beso duró un poco, hasta que se apartaron y se miraron en silencio. Rena no sabía lo que estaba pasando por la cabeza de Jurina, pero no pudo evitar sonreír ante el amor que podía ver brillar en sus ojos. Esa era una expresión que nunca se cansaba de verla, sin importar cuántas veces le diera esa mirada persistente.
“Soy feliz”, murmuró Jurina.
Rena se quedó sin palabras cuando Jurina fue a descansar su cabeza contra su pecho. No fue el contenido de sus palabras lo que le sorprendió. Después de todo, había sido testigo de los cambios graduales en el estado de ánimo de Jurina desde el comienzo del año. Sabía que Jurina sentía esas emociones con fuerza, pero nunca antes había dicho esas palabras en voz alta. El calor se extendió por el pecho de Rena al instante.
“Entonces, asegurémonos de que siga así”. Rena colocó un suave beso en su frente. Nadie podía predecir el futuro, pero a Rena no le importaba. En este momento, solo Jurina y el presente importaban.
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2kproject-blog · 5 years
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Chap 5
Now it's time to go home. Rena walked hastily to a place. Now after a long journey, she arrived. He saw that the place was quite crowded. So she began to draw his breath and enter the place.
When Rena enters. Several servants smiled to greet her. Now she entered the dressing room to change clothes. Rena did work to make ends meet.
she has finished changing clothes. Rena came out of the dressing room and found Atsuko who was in the kitchen.
"Atsuko-san, is there a table asking for me?" Rena asked. Now he is in danso costume. Atsuko smiled at her and shook her head.
"Nothing yet, you can relax for a while! It must be very tiring for you to come here!" Rena nodded and sat in the empty chair.
"By the way, I don't see you wearing your glasses! Do you know the risk if you don't wear it?" Said Atsuko. Rena just silent and averted his eyes.
"Sorry, I accidentally broke it! And I have not enough money to buy a new one!" Rena said . Atsuko sighed.
"Why don't you just ask me? I can buy you!"
"Sorry, but that would be very troublesome! dont worry! They won't recognize me either!"
"Yes, I hope!"
This time, Atsuko's cafe was very crowded. It's true that this cafe has its own busy hour. Moreover, the demand is mostly school students. So the cafe owned by Atsuko will be crowded during school hours.
Rena danso with the type of school boy. Her face is indeed very young and cute. So turning into a school student is indeed very fitting. Not to mention her clothes are school clothes for men where he goes to school
Atsuko got the uniform. Rena and Atsuko have been very close since the incident. Atsuko already considers Rena as a family. Actually, Rena doesn't need to help Atsuko. But Rena continued to insist that she did not want to burden the Maeda family. So Atsuko can only surrender to let Rena bear the cost of her life. Through she works at her cafe.
"Ren, you were ordered at room table number 7!" Said Atsuko. Rena got up and slapped her cheeks.
Rena then walked to table number 7. Rena found that her customers were her own close friends.
"Uwu, ren, i didn't know if you could be this handsome!" Yuki said. Ren sighed.
"Miss, what can I do for you as your servant?" Ren said kindly. His good looks make almost a woman's heart tremble. And not a few customers who ordered ren almost applied for ren. Luckily Atsuko quickly pulled Ren. And replace it with another servant.
Yes, Rena is indeed very popular. His dark black hair. And the brown eyes that are so captivating. Many fight over the services of ren, in the form of a caress on the head or a kiss on the back of the hand.
All customers will definitely give ren 5 stars.
"Just relax, honey ~" Yuki teased, making Ren somewhat restless. But fortunately his acting was very good. One of the strengths of ren is his talent in acting.
"So Miss Yukirin, what would you like to order?" Ren asked. Yuki smiled then looked at the menu book that had been provided.
"Hum ... just recommend menu honey ~" Yuki said smiling and didn't forget to give Ren a wink. Ren almost cringed at the treatment of the yuki.
"Alright princess, will come soon ~" ren ren bowed 90 ° like a servant in the kingdom. Ren also said goodbye, not forgetting to kiss the back of Yuki's hand.
"Uwu, prince ren is indeed kind~" teased Yuki. Ren just smiled and walked out of the room.
After leaving Ren, he sighed and handed Yuki's order note to the chef at the cafe.
"This cafe's recommended menu for table number 7!" Ren said. The cafe cook nodded. Ren then approached the atsuko who was dtitled and smiled at the crowded cafe.
"Atsuko-san, why didn't you say number 7 is yukirin?" Ren asked. Atsuko smiled.
"So what?" Asked Atsuko.
"Ugt ... that ... that's so, so embarrassing!" Said Ren covered his face with arms like a person who was hiding his shame.
"Ok ... ok, my boy is shy!" Goda Atsuko. Ren looked away completely embarrassed
"Order for table number 7!" The chef shouted from the kitchen. Ren immediately took the order. Atsuko who looked at Ren smiled sincerely and started staring at the atmosphere of the cafe which was very crowded.
Jun laid his head on the table. Right now he is in Yuma's room. Jun is very bored today. He has no activities. And decided to come Yuma's house. It's different from Yuma. Yuma has its own activities. Besides watching anime he also often draws manga. There are already several manga that he published to online media. And can be read for free. Anytime and anywhere. As long as you have internet network.
Jun looked at Yuma who was serious about designing his manga. Jun looked the other way. Yuma suddenly spoke up.
"Ne jun" called Yuma. Jun looks up. "Nani?"
"If you become a girl, then what the type of bikini will you use?" Yuma asked seriously to jun. Jun dropped his jaw in disbelief.
"PERVERT!" Shouted jun. Yuma sighed and turned to lie down on his bed.
"You won't understand, you're still young!" Yuma's mumbling was heard by Jun.
"Why don't you ask matuigeki? matuigeki an author just like you?" Said jun. Yuma then lifted his body and looked at jun.
"Smart!" Yuma said. He then immediately grabbed his cellphone and immediately questioned matuigeki.
"Wait, what is matuigeki's gender?" Yuma asked. Jun shrugged his shoulders.
"Damn it!"
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ruka-eru · 1 year
AKBChibies (Christmas Special Pick-up lines)
During Christmas Eve...
After Dinner, Around 10 PM...
It seems that all of them are preparing to celebrate Christmas as Takamina will stay overnight at Acchan’s place because their families will celebrate Christmas together. Similar with KojiYuu, SaeYuki and MariMii. While on the other side, Rena will stay at Jurina’s place for the whole Christmas week because her parent will be outstation for a while.
AtsuMina Not So Cute Pick-up Lines
It seems that their parents are still at the dining table and having a conversation while AtsuMina is sitting near the Christmas tree.
Acchan: “Nee, Minami...”
Takamina: “Nani?” *look at Acchan*
Acchan: “What do you want for Christmas present?” *smile at Takamina*
Takamina: “Umm... I want a big bowl of Chicken Katsudon!” *said with excited face + while moving both of her hands*
Acchan: “Oohh~ You really like that food that much nee..?”
Takamina: “What about you, Acchan?” 
Acchan: “Umm.... I think I already received a very special Christmas present this year!” *smile widely to Takamina*
Takamina: “Really?!” *shocked* “And what is that?” *suddenly feeling curious*
Acchan: “Well....it may be Jesus’s birthday, but I’m the one receiving the gift of your presence. You are the one that a very special Christmas present for me this year!” *said in happy tone + suddenly hugs Takamina tightly*
Takamina: *Blush heavily + move down her head*
KojiYuu Not So Cute Pick-up Lines
Yuko: “Nyan-nyan~ Can I take your picture?”
Haruna: “Umm? For what you wanna take my picture?” *curious face + tilted her head*
Yuko: “Because I wanna show this to Santa what exactly I want for Christmas~”
Haruna: “......” *Blush + redden ears*
SaeYuki Not So Cute Pick-up Teasing Lines
At Kashiwagi’s place, it seems that the boyish girl keeps teasing the black aura girl without stopping.
Yuki-chan: “Sae-chan!! Gimme back my present!” *chasing Sae all over the house*
Sae: “Catch me if you can~ Yuki-chan~~” *keep running with full energy*
Yuki-chan: “You will be on the naughty list you know if you keep being like this!” *keep chasing Sae*
Sae: “You know what Yuki-chann..?” *suddenly stop and looking at Yuki*
Yuki-chan: “What?” *also stop when saw Sae stop*
Sae: “Let’s both be naughty this year and save Santa the trip!” *give mischievous smile to Yuki + continue running with her present*
Yuki-chan: “NO WAY!!” *starts throwing Christmas ornaments to Sae*
MariMii Not So Cute Pick-up Lines
Mariko: “Miichan, what are you staring at? I noticed that you have been staring at the tree for 10 minutes now...” *curious + gets closer to Miichan*
Miichan: “I think.... there has something missing on the top of the tree...” *hold chin + pointed at the top of the tree*
Mariko: “Umm? Nani?” *confused + look at the tree*
Miichan: “Shouldn’t you be on top of the tree, Angel?” *grin*
Mariko: “Mou~!” *blush + slap on Miichan’s arm*
wMatsui GekiCenter Not So Cute Pick-up Lines
As usual, Rena turns into Gekikara without reason again. It seems that Jurina’s parents are busy cleaning dishes in the kitchen, while Rena and Jurina are in the living room at the moment.
Geki: “Hihihi~ Nee...neeee.... Okotteru~? Hihihihi~” *biting nails + give creepy smile to Jurina*
Center: “Please stop Ren-chan. I’m very tired today... I won’t entertain you right now...” *keep helping to decorate the Christmas tree*
Geki: “Hihihi~~~ Neeee~~!!! Me, Geki!!! Hihihihi~Hahahahahah~~~” *start to become crazier + grab candy cane and break it*
Center: “NO!!” *quickly stops Gekikara*
Geki: “Hihihihi~~~Hahahaha~~~ Nee....neee... Okot—teru~?” *suddenly take one of candy cane again + starts suck it*
Center: “Geki! Stop it! I need to finish this decoration now! You should help me! Enough breaking the candies already!” *getting mad + keep decorating the tree*
Geki: “Hihihihih~ Okotteru nee~~?” *slowly sit on the couch + keep sucking the candy cane*
Center: “Yes! I am mad if you keep breaking the candy!”
Geki: “Neee~ neee~~ Jurina-chan~” *suddenly calls Center by her first name*
Center: “Eehhh?!! Nani?” *shock + suddenly stop what she’s doing now + look at Gekikara*
Geki: “Come and sit on my lap because..... I’ve got a special gift just for you... Hihihi~~~ Hahahahaha~” *give creepier smile + shows a sharp Candy cane to Jurina*
Center: “Oh my God... you are so creepy now Rena-chan! I don’t think I will survive until Christmas time if I follow your command...” *shiver all over body + slowly move her body far away from Gekikara*
Geki: “Nee~ Nee~ Where you wanna go~?” *starts biting nails again*
Center: “Ta-da!” *shows melon-pan to Gekikara*
Ren-chan: “Melon pan~~!! ❤” *happily snatch melon-pan from Jurina + eat it*
Center: “Nee... Rena-chan~~ You know what..?” *slowly sits beside Rena*
Ren-chan: “Umm?“ *tilted head + curious face*
Center: “Like candy canes and Christmas...” *shows candy cane to Rena* “You and me were mint for each other~” *chuppp~! + kiss Rena on her cheek*
Ren-chan: “.........” *blush heavily*
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arbitrarygreay · 10 months
I’m really enamored with the dynamic of two characters who work perfectly in tandem, like pacific rim drift compatible level, but they don’t like each other. It’s not even as strong an emotion as hate it’s just a very neutral-negative dislike, but they still act in perfect concert and their individual abilities are fully complementary
This is my absolute idol dynamic kryptonite. Charmikitty? DaaMaa? (Arguably WMatsui :P) I was ON THAT while everyone else was falling over themselves for "best friends" ships.
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jyurineko · 5 years
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jumarit38 · 4 years
Tumblr media
“El dilema del Erizo”
Su cabeza se mantenía recostada sobre la ventana, con sus ojos fijos en la revista que estaba en el bolsillo trasero del asiento delantero, sin realmente estar prestando mucha atención a las letras. Lo único que pasaba por su cabeza eran las palabras de Jurina, no había podido dejar de pensar en ello desde el martes pasado.
“En los días muy fríos, dos Erizos buscan calor el uno en el otro, pero mientras más se acercan, las espinas de cada uno le hacen más daño al cuerpo del otro, así que ambos no pueden hacer más que alejarse para evitar causar y sentir dolor, pero al hacer esto el frío y la soledad regresa”
El tener que elegir entre aceptar hacer y ser dañado a cambio de obtener la calidez del otro, o simplemente quedarse solo en medio del frío, pero sabiendo que nunca tendrás que pasar por ningún otro sufrimiento. ¿Qué elegiría ella? La verdad es que aún no conoce ese tipo de dolor, su corazón aún permanecía intacto, es cierto que ha estado en relaciones no muy agradables, y su secuestro hizo que fuera difícil confiar en las personas, pero siempre tuvo a su familia a su alrededor, y sobra decir que nunca ha pensado que estando sola se siente mejor, antes por el contrario, tener los ojos sobre ella es de lo que más disfruta, y hasta puede decir que se siente segura de esa manera; así que realmente no puede pensar en una respuesta a tal dilema, no cuando no sabe que se siente que te rompan el corazón.
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haruko48 · 4 years
松井玲奈&松井珠理奈 DESIRE 情熱
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