#Woe surprise sticker be upon ye
stick-by-me · 6 months
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Shake things up!
+ a really sketchy video of me shaking them xD
[Video ID: a very zoomed in version of the above sticker sheet, out of the packaging, being shaken. The contents of each lava lamp jiggle around rapidly. The audio consists mainly of a high pitched maraca-like sound, but there's also crickets in the background, and some kind of rhythmic thumping. End ID.]
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sugacoatedfics-blog · 5 years
Innocent Love Blooms In The Most Tragic Places
Story Summary;
Yoongi is a wolf hybrid. He is cold and unapproachable. Woe betide anyone who touches what is his. Jimin is a bunny hybrid. He is shy and innocent, always positive. How will the two interact with each other in university where they have been forced to be roommates where no one has ever heard of a predator and prey rooming together?
Tags: possessive behaviour, angst, fluff, hybrid, hybrid traits
Word Count: 2849
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Jimin brushed his curly, pale yellow hair to the side, deciding on a parting in the middle. He put on his lens free glasses, which had big frames. Additionally, he wore a big black jumper with a rainbow on it, and tight grey jeans with white and black stripped adidas trainers. He hefted a bag over both shoulders, his small and slim frame struggling under the weight as his bunny ears flicked. It was his first day at uni today, and truly, he was nervous. Stepping out of the boy’s bathroom he was in, he tried his best to find his room, in Wing B Floor 3 Room 367. Finally coming onto it, he unlocked it with a key that had a fluffy keyring reassembling his tail attached to it. Home sweet home he thought, setting down his bag. The door from the corridor opened directly into the bedroom. There was a window opposite the door. To each side of the window was a matching oak nightstand and single bed with a navy-blue duvet folded at the end. Past each bed was a desk and a small cupboard. Wardrobes were non-existent as they had underbed storage space. In between the bed and the desk on the left was a plain door which led to the bathroom. The bathroom had a toilet, simple shower, sink and mirror. Two sets of big fluffy and small fluffy towels were laid on the sink. Grinning, the bunny hybrid begun to unpack, choosing the bed on the left side. Yoongi wasn't in much of a rush to move into the new dorms. He'd been taking his time walking through the hallways, his ears flicking at the sound of people's shoes squeaking due to the amount of movement going on. Everyone seemed to be trying to get to their dorms as fast as possible. Yoongi instead just sighed and ran a hand through his black his black hair, he decided to at least make sure he looked presentable to his roommate. Glancing down at his outfit, Yoongi thought that he seemed presentable enough. Black ripped skinny jeans, black boots, and a simple white t-shirt, he looked like the catalogue picture for the word edgy. He continued to walk towards his new room and let out a soft sigh when he reached it. Grabbing his key, he moved to unlock the door, but then realised it had already been opened. He opened the door, a slight hint of surprise when he saw bright blonde hair on the left side of the room.
"Hey" he simply said as he moved to the other side of the room to put down his bag. Jimin’s ears twitched with surprise, his nose following the motion unconsciously. "Hi! I'm Park Jimin but you can call me Jiminine or ChimChim or Jimin." He greeted with a million-watt smile; a hand stretched out to the other in the typical way of greeting. "What's your name?" He continues politely, staring at the taller and most likely (although yet to be confirmed however Jimin did have a sneaking suspicion this was true) elder roommate he had gotten for the semester. He has yet to decipher which hybrid the other is; however, he quickly assumes him to be some sort of prey as predator never ever room with prey. Something about dominance and easy submission being the reason for the matter. Yoongi blinked in surprise at how enthusiastic the seemingly younger boy was. The fact that his roommate was clearly prey also surprised him, maybe there was a mix up in the rooms? He reached his hand out to meet the others greeting. "I'm Yoongi, I don't really mind what you call me." His voice was steady and calm, still confused about his roommate being prey. Yoongi could hear something lightly shift in the room, his ears moving to fund the sound and his eyes quickly following. While searching for the sound Yoongi decided to ask Jimin an obvious question. "Are you... prey?" Jimin blinked, widely, innocently. "Aren't you prey?" He asked the other, answering his question with a another. "I'm a bunny hybrid if you can't tell," he grinned cheekily," but I don't know what you are. No prey hybrid I've met have had such bushy tails or ears." He said curiously, a light and puzzled expression on his cute face. He absent mindlessly stated to bite at his finger nails as he tried to figure out if he has ever seen a prey hybrid with Yoongis features. His own ears twitched as he thought, and his nose scrunched up adorably every time he mentally rejected someone who didn't fit the criteria he set in his mind, his expression becoming more frustrated the longer he thought on it. Yoongi just stared at the other for a minute, blinking as he realized that there was no way they could have been roommates. "I'm a predator." He said with an eyebrow raised, "And I'm a wolf hybrid... fluffy ears are kind of a given" he chuckled as he said this, wondering what the other would think now that he knew that Yoongi was a predator. He stared at the other boy, taking in his features, he was not much smaller than he was, but very clearly had a soft personality. The longer he looked at the other the more he could feel a shift in the atmosphere. Was Jimin afraid of me? Is it really that intimidating to have fluffy ears and a tail? "A wolf? Really really?" He asked, his expression mirroring that of child awe upon discovering something new. He shuffled closer to the other and gently reached a hand up to touch the base of the others fluffy ears with a squeak of delight that had him quickly blushing yet did not deter him from gently running his hand over that same ear. In that moment, our innocent bunny hybrid Jimin forgot fear and uncertainty. His only concern was jealousy that someone had such fluffy ears and he didn't. It was cute really, how childlike he acted, as thought Yoongi was the most fascinating thing he had come across in a while. Suddenly, however the moment ended. Jimin remembered that wolves ate small hybrids like him for breakfast and so he quickly stepped away, a small expression of shock on his face.
Yoongi smiled as the other squeaked with delight as he touched his ears. He had seemed so fascinated by the fact that they were fluffy, he had guessed that Jimin had not been around many predators at all. His thoughts were confirmed as the other stepped back from him, shock written all over his face. He looked almost as if his life was going to come to an end very quickly. "Yes really, and you don't have to be so afraid you know. I don't bite, unless asked to" Yoongi mumbled the very last part, knowing that the other wouldn't be able to hear him. He wanted the other to trust him, they were going to be roommates after all. It wouldn't be good if he got suspended out of fear for the other prey in the building. "Is this building purely for prey?" Yoongi asked, his face full of curiosity.
He shook his head rapidly, expression calmer now than in the beginning. "No, it's a mixed building. I wonder is everyone is predator-prey roommates." He said naively, genuine curiosity on his chubby cheeked face. "Oh! You probably want to unpack. I've just done my clothes but need to take out my study supplies and laptop. Hyung, - wait can I call you Hyung? How old are you? - there's no classes today, but we have some tomorrow. I'm studying hybrid care so I can be a nurse for hybrid children.." he talked a mile a minute, unpacking his laptop - baby blue in colour with cloud and rainbow stickers on it, his study books and arranging them alphabetically on the small shelves, his plan notepads and pens, pencils and other stationary items in a cute cactus pot with googly eyes on it. Yoongi chuckled at how quickly the other was talking, Jimin was very obviously nervous to be around a predator. Yoongi began to unpack his stuff and put them in the correct places before beginning to answer a few of the others questions. "I'm probably older than you if that's what you're wondering, so yes you can call me Hyung." He thought about what the other was studying, if it was for hybrid care then he must really like children. Yoongi was indifferent towards them, he didn't necessarily like them, but he didn't hate them either. "I'm studying criminology, I’m curious as to why there's been a big spike in prey crimes lately." As he spoke it was easy to tell how curious he was. Usually predators had the highest crime rate, but lately prey has had quite a large increase in crimes. Yoongi continued to unpack, making sure that everything was in the correct order "Ah that's so cool! I'm glad to be rooming with such a kind Hyung." Jimin spoke, complimenting the other as he stood on his tiptoes in order to push his last study book guide and textbook into place on the highest shelf. Struggling a little huffed and started to jump with the book outstretched in his short arms tiny fingers holding it tightly as he took blind attempts at getting it on his shelf. When that didn't work, he cursed his small height which was often a given due to the fact he was a prey hybrid, and gently set the book on his study desk before glaring daggers at it not so subtly. Pouting to himself, he went and charged his phone in his bedside table open slave shelf. Yoongi had noticed the other boys struggle and decided to help him. Despite not being extremely tall, he was still tall enough to reach the shelf. He grabbed the books and quickly put them into place before returning to what he was doing. After unpacking his clothing, he placed his backpack next to the bed, reaching in for his laptop. It was a complete contract to that of what the other had. Rather than a baby blue, his computer was a dark red with small hand painted details in black. He quickly turned it on and glanced to the other, giving a small smile to him. Jimin responded with a blinding smile of his own. "Thanks for putting my book up there Hyung. It's so annoying being small isn't it?" He whined, pouting up at the other. He moved towards the desk and switched his laptop on, deciding to be a good student and get his pre-course essay finished in time for class tomorrow. Out of the +25000 words needed he had competed 23500, leaving his with only a few more to type up. If he were to print his essay it would be 10 pages long, double sided and ready to mark. Yoongi chuckled at what the other said, "Being small isn't too bad" he replied. He noticed the other was working on an essay, Yoongi should have probably been doing the same, however he couldn't be bothered to. Instead he loaded up a game on his laptop, his hands moving at a lightning fast pace on order to keep up with it. It was normal for him to spend hours at a time on his laptop, not speaking and not moving anything except for his fingers. After a few hours Jimin finished his essay just as the sun was setting. He spoke to Yoongi every now and then, unaware the boy was in a zone of sorts. He told the other that he was taking a shower. Getting his nightclothes, he stepped in the bathroom and locked the door. He washed his hair and brushed his teeth, fluffing it up before putting on long pyjama bottoms with little pink stars that he tucked into mismatched stripy socks - one Green and blue the other a horrid yellow and red. His chest was covered up a long sleeved plain blue shirt, which completed his pyjamas. Hanging up the used towels, he went over to Yoongi and tapped him gently on the shoulder. Yoongi hadn’t really moved the entire time that Jimin was writing his essay. He would give a small hum every time the other spoke but that was about it. When he felt a light tap on his shoulder, Yoongi jumped slightly. He quickly paused his game before turning to Jimin with a slightly raised eyebrow. “Yes Jimin?” He asked, wondering what the other boy needed. It was only then that he considered how sore his wrists were from the amount of gaming he had done, wondering if he should wrap them before he continued. He then considered that the other looked ready for bed, mismatched socks to top it off as well. Was he keeping the other boy from being able to sleep? "Hyung, you should really get washed now and head to bed. We have class tomorrow." Jimin shyly stammered, unsure if he wasn't crossing some sort of boundary when it came to tell the other to go to bed. He was only concerned for the others well-being though, seeing as it was in his nature to care for everyone as if they were family. "Have you set your alarm yet? I've set mine for 07.00 since classes start at 09.00 and I want to make sure I have time to go to the canteen and eat bre- oh Hyung! Your wrists are so red!" He exclaimed, gently grabbing a wrist and holding it to his face. It was so close, Yoongi could feel his breath on it as Jimin examined it. "Get washed Hyung, and I'll bandage them for you." He said, ears and nose and tail twitching with pride as he thought about doing that for his Hyung. Yoongi simply nodded as he took in everything that the boy was saying to him. He set his laptop aside before telling the boy, “I’ll go get washed up first then” before grabbing his clothes and making his way towards the bathroom. Something that he should have asked the other first, was if they were comfortable with him sleeping shirtless. It was just so much more comfortable for him that way, so hopefully the other didn’t mind. As he finished washing up, Yoongi walked out of the bathroom in a pair of black sweatpants and he was shirtless. He looked up slightly and made eye contact with the boy, giving a slight smile as he made his was back over to his side of the room. He had begun to debate if he should sleep or keep playing. Jimin yelped and flushed red when he spotted the other shirtless. He very nearly dropped the pot of cream and roll of bandages he was holding. Clearing his throat, he sternly (or at least as sternly as a cute bunny could) forbid him from playing anymore and demanded to see the other hands. Sitting on his bed with him, he took the others wrists gently and massaged the cream into them, it feeling cold in contrast to Jimin’s soft and warm hands. Once he finished that, he gently put bandages around them, and shot his Hyung a pride filled smile. Yoongi grinned at the others behaviour, he ruffled the others hair, it was much softer than he would have thought. “I’m always a scary predator, especially when I don’t sleep.” He said giving the other a smirk and ushering him to his bed. “You need to sleep, and I’ll sleep some too.” Yoongi said, half speaking the truth. It’s true that he would sleep a little, he just never said when it would happen. As he walked back to him bed, he is waiting for the other to fall asleep. To take good measure he waited about an hour before going back onto his computer, only this time he wasn’t playing, he was working. Jimin groaned and turned in his sleep. He had slept for a couple of hours, tossing and turning, the light sounds of Yoongi working keeping him awake. The half-awake bunny crawled out from his comfy covers and shuffled sleepily towards the elder, draping himself over the back of his chair and hiding his face in the others neck, forgetting Yoongi is a predator. "Hyung~ you have to sleep now!' He insisted sleepily, barely mumbling due to his tiredness Yoongi stiffened at the sides contact made by the bother. Granted Jimin was right, he should at least get a little sleep, even if it was only for a few minutes. Yoongi chuckled and stood up, he began to guide the other back to bed before saying a small, "I will, I'm sorry for keeping you awake" and made his way into bed, only to lay there without ever actually falling asleep. The only sounds made in the room were the sounds of a faint tick of a wall clock.
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