rjalker · 2 years
Create the Wolf Quest propaganda you want to see in the world.
Check out the official Wolf Quest youtube channel!
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[ID: The Geordi La Forge version of the yes/no meme format.
The "No" section reads, with Geordi holding up a hand disapprovingly:
"Buying the newest unplayably broken Pokemon game for $60 and showing game companies that they can treat their employees like shit and sell literally unplayable games and people will still throw money at them"
The "Yes" section reads, with Geordi pointing in approval:
"Buying Wolf Quest Anniversary Edition for $20 and helping to support people who actually care about making a good game and love wolves and want to educate the public to dispel myths about wolves being pests and making sure people can have fun and play a game they can enjoy over and over again
End ID.]
Buy Wolf Quest 3/Anniversary Edition, $20:
Buy the Lost River map, $12: (Just released yesterday 12/15/22!!!)
Buy the Wolf Quest Original Soundtrack, including 84 tracks so far, for $10:
Or you can just donate directly to them!
I literally cannot stress to you enough how much these people care about this game. I cannot. They apologized for making the game cost $20 instead of $15 like the original that was made in 2003 was.
Oh also I forgot, it has multiplayer, too! You can play with your friends!
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fennel-snowfall · 1 year
Wolf Quest Novelization Day 15:
Bone is big enough that we can move to out of the valley. Hopefully wherever we go next won't take our last pup away from us.
<<First - <Previous - |
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You can call me Bee or Sun, whichever works :) I am an artist and writer and my current interests are tsams and just general dca stuff which I have made many AUs for (you can find my tag masterlist for all of that here👇)
This is my main (and rn only) blog where I reblog stuff and post art and write/ramble about my interests and my many, many, MANY AUs
Sometimes I’ll stream (mostly playing games like WolfQuestAE or art…once I figure out how to do that lol)
This blog is a safe space for all (except for those in my dni list at the bottom of this post, if you are apart of that list I suggest you leave)
Minors beware that this blog will sometimes have suggestive content either from reblogs or my own stuff (nothing directly 18+, if I do that I will make a side blog for it but that isn’t in my plans rn— and even if I did make it y’all wouldn’t be made aware for obvious reasons)
I will be updating this post whenever I have something to add
Asks of all kinds are accepted and appreciated!
Feel free to pm if you’d like (wether it’s just for whatever or if you want to make me aware of something, I may be a tad awkward but I do like interacting with people)
Yes you can draw art for any of my aus/characters if you want! I’ve had people ask before so might as well specify that :)
To add onto the pm thing, if you want to roleplay with me you can ask (it’s been a hot minute since I rped with people so again might be a tad awkward-)
Please do not repost or use any of my art/writing without permission, and if you get permission please credit me!
Do not be weird or aggressive to me in pms or asks (if you have an issue we can either talk it out like civil people or you can be permanently blocked from my blog, I will not tolerate any harassment towards myself or any of my mutuals or followers)
If you are a minor, please do not try to do any kind of nsfw or suggestive rps, that’d just be weird- (I haven’t had this happen but I’ve heard of it so putting it here just in case)
Going with that, please do not send very nsfw asks even if you are not a minor, I’d like to keep this blog as sfw as I can (suggestive ones are fine but please only keep it at that, suggestive.)
Do not tag my stuff that isn’t TSAMS related as such and likewise do not tag my stuff that isn’t a ship as one, especially if it’s between characters who should not be shipped (family, child + adult, etc)
Do not come to my blog and send hate of any kind, again this is a safe space and it will not be tolerated
DNI LIST - proshippers, transphobes, TERFs, homophobes, Acephobes, literally any sort of anti-lgbtq+, Pedos, Zoophiles, Racists, Ableists, Misogynists
You are not and will NEVER be welcome on my blog.
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rjalker · 1 year
Ah, so yes, if you're able to, please do buy Wolf Quest from Itch.io rather than Steam so the creators get more of the funding!!
Your purchase here on itch.io includes a Steam key.  If you prefer to buy the game on Steam, go to our Steam page. (But please note: We receive a smaller percentage of money from purchases on Steam compared to itch.io, so we always prefer that you purchase on itch.io, then claim a Steam key to get it there.)
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rjalker · 8 months
"bad word detected"
what part of "starseeker" is a bad word.....
okay it works if i put a space.
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rjalker · 8 months
Now pick which coat my wolf should have. The first poll for coat color was unanimously black.
This is a poll.
Question: What kind of black coat should my new wolf in Wolf Quest 3 have?
Options (Please read this text form, the poll doesn't give enough characters for the full description)
Option 1: Black with some brown tint, a thin white stripe on the chest, and a grey stripe on the shoulders (350)
Option 2: Very dark grey and black with no real distinctive marks except a slightly lighter grey face (850)
Option 3: Black with a white chin, a grey chest, cheeks, and belly, and a thin grey stripe on the shoulders (831)
Option 4: Black with a bright white chin and chest (C)
Option 5: Mixed black and grey with a white belly, and a very dark mask around the face (L)
Option 6: Black with a dark grey belly and a thin grey stripe on the shoulders (M)
Option 7: Black with a dark grey face, and a white crescent shape on the chest. (U)
Option 8: Black with a light grey face mask, and a small white dot on the chest
Option 9: Mixed black and grey with brown tinting. (S)
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rjalker · 8 months
This is a poll.
Question: What should be the base color for my new wolf in Wolf Quest: Anniversary Edition?
Option 1: Black
Option 2: Grey
after base color is picked I'll show specific coats of that type for people to vote on
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rjalker · 1 year
You can also download the demo for Wolf Quest 2.7 (The old game from before 2010) for free here on the Wolf Quest itch.io page.
Scroll all the way to the very bottom of the page and you'll see this:
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[ID: A cropped screenshot that shows a page with a dark brown background, orange buttons, and white text, that reads:
"Download: Free Trial (Windows) WolfQuest 2.7 (Old vers...", which is 235 MB.
Download: Free Trial (Mac) WolfQuest 2.7 (Old version)", which is 319 MB.
Download: WolfQuest Wallpaper (Wolf dreams images fro...", which is 116 MB.
End ID.]
This is the old demo for the original Wolf Quest game, which came out in 2007. It lets you play the first Quest on the first map, Amethyst Mountain. You have to learn how to hunt, then find a mate. You can then run around with your mate continuing to hunt and leveling up.
The new game will not be using the same "Level" based style of gaming but will instead be an actual open world game where you can do any quest on any map and the game will transition much more smoothly between the stages of life rather than continuing the old fashioned idea of levels being tied to goals being tied to maps.
The old game is definitely still fun to play on its own, and especially with the free demo there's no reason not to try it lol.
They also have the old game available for mobile, but I'm not sure where to find the demo for that, you might just have to check your phone/tablet's app store?
Wolf Quest Anniversary Edition, the overhauled brand new modern version of the game does not have a free trial, because the maps are more than twice as big as in the old game, so even just Amethyst Mountain all by itself is a game in and of itself. It only costs $20 though, and you can see lots of gameplay videos on youtube if you want to see what it looks like before you buy it.
And when you buy Wolf Quest AE, you also get the full version of the old game included for free, which means you get to go to the Slough Creek and Lost River maps. In Slough Creek you get to raise pups until the middle of summer when the game ends, because that's where the "Level" ended.
You can watch this video to get an overview of the history of this game:
And since this video's from 4 years ago, here's one of my recent screenshots:
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[ID: A screenshot from the game Wolf Quest 3 in photo mode, showing a cow elk in the middle of running, turning on one hoof sideways to the camera, while the rest of the herd stampedes away in the background. End ID.]
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rjalker · 2 years
Buy Wolf Quest 3/Anniversary Edition, $20: https://eduweb.itch.io/wolfquest
The game's still in development, but I've literally played this for over three hundred hours now.
Buy the Lost River map, $12: https://eduweb.itch.io/wolfquest/purchase?sub_product_id=17
Buy the Wolf Quest Original Soundtrack, including 84 tracks so far, for $10: https://eduweb.itch.io/wolfquest-music
You can also get the game through Steam if you prefer.
Edit: If you buy the game through itch.io, you also get a Steam key so you can play it through Steam, which is the best option for everyone, because if you buy it through Steam you can *only* play it through Steam, and the Wolf Quest team gets less of the funding.
Buying it through itch.io means you will always be able to play it whether you use Steam or not, and you can play it through Steam, and they get more money! Win win win!
Check out the official Wolf Quest youtube channel! They post updates on the games, show how they make it, and sometimes do educational videos about the research they're putting into the game!
If you watch the development videos in chronological order, you can literally see them building the game.
These people put so much time, dedication, and care into this game, it's just amazing, especially because they're only charging $20!
If you played the original Wolf Quest game, please check out the new one, it is beyond your wildest dreams.
If you're looking for a fun game to play, or if you've got kids, I definitely recommend this game! It's designed to show people what wolves are actually like, rather than all the myths about them!
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rjalker · 2 years
Final Fantasy XV: We're going to charge you $60 for a game filled with blatant advertising for corporations and the graphics look like absolute shit and literally more than half the plot of the story is brazenly cut out of the story in different giant chunks and you have to pay extra money for each of those sections of the story if you want to know what happened. Yes, we did remove them from the story on purpose for the sole purpose of getting more money from you. Yes, we will do it again. No, the main story of this game doesn't even take more than a few days of casual play to beat.
Wolf Quest 3: The game costs $20 and it will include all features of the game which you can literally play endlessly forever, literally for hundreds of hours, endlessly. You will get everything except for this one isolated map which is in a different style / theme from the others, and is actually bigger than all the other maps and contains the entire story all on its own, and all on its own it can pretty much be considered its own entire game, which we're going to have to charge money for so we can keep up with our expenses, so we're very sorry but that will cost $12, we hope you'll understand.
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rjalker · 2 years
Wolf Quest 3 has deep snow now :)
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[ID: A screenshot from Wolf Quest Anniversary Edition showing two grey wolves sitting in very deep snow that goes up to their shoulders, with snow-covered pine trees and a cloudy sky behind them. End ID.]
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rjalker · 1 year
uploading an Experiment™ to youtube where in Wolf Quest 3 I don't leave the den until I'm starving and don't do anything to help my mate with hunting for the puppies or patrolling territory.
Considering we had 7 puppies, so far only one of them dying from starvation (which confirms that is a thing, lol, it's never gotten this bad even on Accurate mode) is good so far lol.
I did create an extra save file named "I don't have the heart for this" where I'll keep them all alive properly.
and awww that's a cute title card. I don't bother customizing anything when I upload videos lol....
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rjalker · 1 year
the only survivor
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[ID: A screenshot from Wolf Quest 3 / Anniversary Edition, showing a black wolf standing at the starting point in Amethyst Mountain, with the ground dried and brown behind them with only the needles on the pine trees still green. End ID.]
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rjalker · 1 year
Me: I'm going to chronicle this playthrough of this wolf raising pups in journal format.
Wolf Quest: guess what. guess what. one of your three (3) pups, the one you named after the pack, is going to become sick on their second day of leaving the den. Wow look at their health drop. Look it's still going down! haha
Me: why are you trying to make the people who'll read this thing cry in the first few pages.
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rjalker · 1 year
Made another video showing the different graphics settings with Wolf Quest AE / 3 since there happened to be deep snow while I was playing.
Starting at the lowest and moving up to the highest.
featuring Fennel, generation 2, offspring of Pronghorn and Corvid from their 4th litter :)
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