#World of Alurre
ac1num · 2 months
sheila miller, fleetwood mac the chain’s inspired, girl who left school to raise her sisters and brothers and is a muse of somebody, twenty-five, nicola peltz, bisexual.
davina delacroix, witch and salem’s ancestor, girl who hold a psychic shop and loves to sell potions or crystals, twenty-six, florence pugh, bisexual.
isla khatri, affiliated to @shadowbrn, witch who element is water. loves to smile and help people a lot. even though, she can get burn, twenty, charithra chandran, bicurious.
riley bennett, girl from the outer banks who likes fishing and doesn’t have a problem to roast people when it is needed. another one of the pogue’s gang. hates kooks but does so does they. eighteen. bisexual. mia goth.
brianna lawson, figure skating girl who study law like it is not that hard. she’s twenty one and is from san fransisco. loves her brother daniel and is a good girl who likes to be right all the time, bisexual, dina denoire.
sarah fitzgerald, twenty-five years old girl who just got graduated from college and is now journalist who loves storytelling and hunt ghosts when she does have the time. bisexual. mimi keene.
sabrina bowers, elven and leadsinger of the blue elves band, twenty six and know how to party and sing song that alurre people in, bisexual, maggie lindemann.
aria brooks, actress who loves the act but is also a little bie psycho. ( ghostface ) don’t get fooled, she has two faced personality, twenty-two, bisexual, caterina ferioli.
alex fitzalan as evan rivers, eighteen years old singer and dancer for the vocal adrenaline. he is bicurious and isn't afraid to shows it. even when he hates the people for the most part, he is determined and would do anything to achieve his ends.
vinnie hacker as jackson " jax " martins, eighteen years old singer and dancer for the vocal adrenaline. he is bicurious with a strong preference for men. in love with his best friend, evan but would never admit it because it's not good for the press.
savannah smith as aria johnson. eighteen years old singer and dancer for vocal adrenaline. she's a lesbian who loves women and would give it all up to follow them around.
natasha liu bordizzo as lila chen, eighteen years old singer and dancer for vocal adrenaline. she is bicurious and loves to explore her option before it is too late to settle down.
emma thompson, twenty-seven years old woman who is in a gang and tries to fit in her new world. without daddy's money and with only her pride and sweats. bisexual disaster and the faceclaim is leela fleek.
wolfgang wolfie lupin, son of the big bad wolf and a human woman who loves her son dearly and would do anything for him to remind him that he is more than just what other people might think, 17 years, live in auradon now that he is going to auradon prep. bisexual and faceclaim is leo howard.
princess scarlett of hearts, daughter of the king of heart and queen of heart. left wonderland when her mother instaured something that was going against alice's wishes with both of her parents, ending up in the isle of the lost. is now aat auradon prep school and would do anything to achieve her ends. 18 years, bisexual and faceclaim is madelaine petsch.
vanessa marie moore, thirty years old, cia agent, loves to fight for what's right in this world. is good in her agence and would do anything to avenge people who are struggling with criminals, is french and love to curse in that languages. tries not to die on anyone's watch. bisexual, faceclaim is alicia vikander.
elena " volt " torres, twenty-eight year old californian girl who is a former electrical engineer, now a rogue vigilante. is against vought indiusdtry and would do anything to save the world, even destroying herself for it, the boys oc, bisexual and faceclaim is bri chen.
avery johnson is a 17-year-old sophomore at Degrassi Community School. she comes from a middle-class family and has a younger sibling with special needs, which has shaped her responsible and nurturing personality. avery is known among her peers for her strong work ethic and dedication to her studies. she is pansexual and is portrayed by olivia holt.
0 notes
vivilice · 5 years
Regret (1)
No warnings
Genre: romance, Otherworldy, fantasy, LGBT+
A wind swept paper petals up towards the sky. A grand castle surrounded by a red sky lay in silence. The servants and stewards of this place all have a fabricated hearts. Only three residents carry a body of flesh and blood. A human with eyes of God and one arm. Who carries a promise with the two others. A dragon who has been around the longest and watches the other two from afar. Who carries his hobbies with vigor. A demon born from resentment which took a paper rose as his vessel. Who keeps the title of Devil and would rather spend time with the two others than those from outside.
The living room was dimly lit. Rosell sat on the windowsill one foot dangling down and with crossed arms. He looked outside at the rain. Hell was soaking with sound of roaring thunder in the distance. It was pleasant to hear. Really making the comforts of home more cozy.
“Wow, it’s thundering like crazy out there. I wonder if it’ll come closer.” A bright young woman sat down beside the Devil. Her peach skin illuminated every time a bolt of lightning lit the sky. Her long unruly blond hair fell nicely on her shoulders. Her smile warmed the Devil who she called brother everytime he looked at it. 
A nice scent came sneaking in on them. It came directly from the kitchen which was placed beside the living room. A young looking man came strolling in. He wore a blue dress with a nice fluffy jacket, an apron and oven mittens while carrying stew. A long blue and white tail closed the kitchen door behind him. His slitted eyes screamed mischievous and his grin was painted a bright red.
 “Food’s served.” He sang. The young woman, who was named Dina Ravenwood, who sat beside the Devil got up and darted to the dinning table. The man with the dragon’s tail, named Ikle Raveice sat down beside her and served her a portion of his cooking. He looked at his younger brother who still sat at the window. “Come eat with us already! I made your fav stew, you know.” Rosell Chartam Ibaraki, the Devil of the Fabricated Hell, stood up and sat down beside Ikle.
The little family sat and ate. Chatting about Dina’s school, about demonic affairs, about fashion and then. Dina,“Oh yeah! Today in religion I got in a heated discussion with two of the boys from the other class.” Ikle sniggered, “Wow, pro’lly ‘cause they had their own version of the Devil and such, huh? Not like anyone know the right answer right?” Ikle said, elbowing the Devil. Dina laughed and stuck her tongue out for her dragon brother. “Why are you booing me I’m right!” Ikle’s use of an old meme earned him another elbow.
“Actually,” Dina began after she had stopped laughing. “We were talking about resentment toward God and how The Devil...is driven by only that, hate.” Hearing Dina say that Rosell could only keep eating. 
A shadow fell over Rosell’s features and he stared out of the window again. Ikle gulped loudly and gestured for Dina to change subject. Dina however, was quite nosy.
“Rosell? I argued against them because I know better, right.” She continued. Without hesitating Rosell answered, “Nah, they’re pretty much right. But you know that too. If it wasn’t for that god-for-nothing, i’d-“ Dina, “You’d what?” Silence feel over the room. “Isn’t that quite dumb?” Rosell turned his head, seething anger started to rise. he clenched his fists.
Dina’s face was stern and Ikle could only sigh. “Dina.” Rosell began, trying to keep his voice calm. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. You know what he did.”  Dina was relentless, “I know he killed them. But didn’t you kill his forces too?” Rosell became angrier, he almost said something until Dina said, “Didn’t you want to be able to be left unrestrained? Is this your anger? You didn’t know any of them! Neither the circumstances surrounding why God saw it as a necessity to... ok I won’t defend mass murder. But... you hate a guy you never really met. And for what? The resentment your predessecors formed you from?” 
Silence filled the room after Dina spoke. Suddenly, a loud humm broke out. Rosell turned his head and was met with the biggest “I told you bro!” Face from Ikle. 
All the anger which had been built up suddenly dissapeared as if a witch had swung her staff. It dawned on Rosell.
She was right.
Ikle looked at Dina who returned the look. Then back to Rosell who stared at his plate Suddenly, Dina couldnt take her brother’s silence anymore. 
“Uhh, Rosell? Sorry, I just wanted-“ Dina didn’t get the chance to finish. “You’re right.” “Huh?” It blurted from Ikle. Rosell rested his chin in his hand and looked troubled.
Rosell, “You’re absolutely right.”
Footsteps rang out throughout the Heavens. A colorful seraph darted around God’s abode to try and find the lord. Finally, after opening the absolute last door in the whole palace the angel found God.
A big white coat, with splotches of dried paint, floated around a being with a dimmed aura. With colorless hair tied loosely by the neck, held by a huge bead. A young man rotated his body to show a patchwork of vitiligo on his skin. Big round glasses surrounded his eyes which were two differen colors, one blue one and one purple. He broke into a smile, “Miza!! What is it?” The seraph stood straight and answered, “Young lord Bell, I-I believe I found Strezia’s daughter!!!!”
Colorful eyes widened and the smile became bigger. The God jumped into his angel’s embrace and celebrated with gusto, jumping up and down. “Are you for real?! Then what are we waiting for? Hurry and let’s go already!!!”
The seraph staggered and tried to readjust themselves, “Bell,uh Bell. Remember. It’s the human realm we are going to. You need to hide your aura!” Baltazar, the God of The World of Allure smiled, “Well, I think I will need your help... you know. My art block and all.” The seraph called Miza didn’t answer. Only giving a knowing nodd and then the two were on their way.
“What do you mean you can’t tell me?!” Baltazar almost started crying. The lady behind the counter  couldn’t help but fidget while Baltazar got closer and closer up in her face.
“Bell... calm down. They can’t just give out the information like that.” Baltazar turned to look at Miza, “But, but. Then how will we...” “Excuse me, sirs?” Both turned to the lady, who was in charge of the orphanage register. “Like I said.” She began. “I can’t just give out addresses at random. And since you can’t prove that you’re related to this woman, then it doesn’t look good for your search...”
Baltazar’s face turned gloom. It was like all the color around him died out and became grey. 
“But there might just be a way.”
Instantly, Baltazar’s face brightened up. The woman behind the counter turned in her seat and began pressing keys on her computer and click around with her mouse. 
“You see... five years ago. A woman related to miss Ravenwood came to search for her as well. She left her business card. It’s all I can give you as of now.” She reached for a file and pulled out a small dull business card.
Baltazar took the card and thanked the lady profusely. Then he darted out the door with Miza dangling behind him.
“So... huff, huff what now?” Miza inquired. Baltazar stopped on a sidewalk and turned to Miza, “Hold out your hands. I need some inspiration.” Miza held out her hands and they both closed their eyes. After minute standing like that, earning the two weird looks from pedestrians they knew where to go.
Penelope power walked down the lane in centrum. She kept looking at her watch and walked faster and faster. She had done it so many times that even her stilettos gnawing at her heels wasn’t a bother anymore. Just slap on some patches and then she would be fine! Oh well, she also had to call Dina and wish her luck on her test and then there was that new apartment opening and then. Umpf!
Penelope, “watch were you’re going!” Staggering back from the impact Penelope surveyed the person in front of her. Messy, oversized coat, bleached hair, smudged glasses, and ... heterochromia? Without noticing Penelope had begun to sneer at the jaywalker. “Uh... I’m! I’m so sorry.” The man begun to bow up and down. So much that Penelope felt nauseous just looking at the other, she asked him or was it a her? To stop.
After the person stopped Penelope made her way to leave until her wrist was grabbed. 
Big mistake.
Penelope had practiced martial arts since grade school. She was quite proud of her hand palm block and wrestled the attacker’s hand backwards. A pitiful scream was released and people around the two stared in disbelief. This attacker had to be a man. In Penelope’s opinion it was always men who gave the most ear-piercing scream.
While Baltazar’s soul was about to leave his body, a new guy appeared. “Wait, ms Ravenwood!” Penelope looked at the newcomer. With disdain she said, “Who are you and why do you know my name?” The new guy straightened his back and answered with a slight tremble, “Please, we uh, we wish to speak to you. About Dina.” With those words Penelope let Baltazar go.
“You’re Dina’s father’s acquaintance?” Penelope asked and sipped her free coffee, the two others had brought for her.
The attacker was named Baltazar and the other one, who Penelope had thought to be man, Miza. Both sat opposite from her inside a coffee shop. 
The two nodded and Baltazar began, “Yeah, we got your business card at the register. We really didn’t want to bother you... or maybe, just bother you about Dina.” He shrugged helplessly.
Penelope sighed, “I see. Next time don’t jolt me like that. I nearly got a heart attack, you know!”
Both bowed their head to apologize. 
“Well, never mind anymore.” She said to make them stop. “I just need to know if you have any proof of your relations. You must know I just can’t send any stranger over to my niece.”
Miza had an aha moment and rummaged around in her purse. “Is the person on the right familiar in any way?” She asked, while pointing to a picture of two people she pulled out of her purse.
Penelope’s face dropped. 
She asked for the photo and studied it close.
  “It really... is her. Marie...” Penelope said, caressing the picture with her free hand. Her eyes got glassy.
“I see. Only two copies exist of this one. That’s what Marie told me... very well then. Tell me what you want with Dina and then I’ll tell you we’re to find her. But i warn you!” She said, pointing with a stern finger. “If i hear you tried anything fishy, i’ll find some means to drag you two through Hell! If not Dina’s brothers does it first!”
Baltazar held up his hands and broke into a big happy but nervous smile, “We! just wanted her to know about her father and maybe get closure to questions she may have...”
Penelopepaused. then she smiled and then wrote down an address. “She lives with her adoptive brothers. Get along with them and then you’ll get along with Dina.”
The building in front of God and his seraph were quite foreboding. Vines crawled up the walls and held the building in a tight embrace. The leaves were so dense it was hard to know which color the house originally held. 
Baltazar started to sweat. He strolled nervously up to the entrance and was about to knock when he heard incoming footsteps. 
“I’ll be back later dolls, I just need to...” a young blondie opened the door and was met by Baltazar’s stupefied look. Miza straightened her uniform and looked directly at Dina.
Baltazar, “May you be... miss Dina Ravenwood?”
Dina closed the door somewhat and hid behind it to shield her.                     “That depends on... What business you two may have...”
Baltazar fretted And didn’t know what to say. His divine power revealed her identity, however he couldn’t just reveal his true form to her. She may be the daughter of a seraph but she shouldn’t get scared.
“Ah! I’m so sorry. Let me introduce me and my companion. I’m Baltazar Farver and this is Miza.” Miza bowed slightly to Dina, “How do you do.” She said.
Dina opened the door some more to look better at the two oddballs on front of her.
“We! Uh, we are acquainted with you dad and we wish to tell you about him and maybe get to know...you?” Dina’s eyes lit up, then she became more apprehensive.
“How do I know you’re telling the truth.” Baltazar looked at Miza in defeat. Miza took the hint and coughed slightly, “Miss Ravenwood. We only have this picture of your mother together with your father.” She gave Dina the picture. Dina’s blue eyes shone like small stars and she looked at the two more brightly. 
“Thank you so much!!! Please, come in come in. I’ll be happy to know you! My brothers are not home yet but they’ll be home soon!” Miza and Baltazar breathed out in relief. They began to step into the small house.
An array of demonic aura appeared on the floor inside the hall the moment the two divine beings stepped inside. It forced God and the seraph to reveal their true selves. Baltazar looked at Miza in horror. The array and the sudden change in atmosphere revealed that they were no longer in the second realm. They had entered Hell, the third realm.
Baltazar had a look of horror spread out on his face. Slowly, he looked at Dina who had sprung back after the array had activated. It held Baltazar and Miza in an iron grip making the two unable to move. 
Dina was frozen to the ground. She looked at the God and the angel for a long while. Unable to say anything. 
Meanwhile, piles of questions weighed down on God’s mind. Why was a human child living in Hell? No, why i Strezia’s child living in Hell? Does her aunt know? Is she a prisoner to an evil demon? Will demons gather now that two from the first realm had appeared?
Baltazar’s train of thought stopped abruptly. He was let down along with Miza and the two looked with surprise at Dina. Dina stood still. And then she lifted a finger to her lips. She then gestured to the two to follow her.
Dina poured three cups of tea with an apologetic look. The two heavenly beings were astounded. Dina had been adopted by two demons who now acted as her guardians. She was apparently also dating another demon and was quite happy with her life.
“And that’s really it.” She finished, “Look, I don’t want to hurt you and I’ll be more than willing to hear about my father. I’ve always wondered what happened.”
Miza had on a face of grave seriousness, “Miss Dina. Our presence here... It might cause some... people. To find rather... what do you say? Complicated. We don’t wish to engage in any hostility with your brothers.”
Dina smiled with relief, “That’s good to hear. I’ll make sure you’ll get out of here safely. But please, meanwhile. Make yourself comfortable.” Baltazar quickly took her up on her words an munched on a cookie he had been offered. Miza shot him a menacing look and Baltazar realized he probably took it a little too well. being in Hell and all.
He sighed and smiled. He’d better get on with it, “You see your father-“
“WHATSUP SLUTS! BIG BRO’S BAAAA.....aaaack.” A boisterous woman kicked open the door to the living room. Her voice was as dark as a man’s. She stopped immediately when she saw the angel and the other divine who sat with Dina.
Everybody turned to look at the newcomer.
Sweat began to form on the lady’s forehead and she cleared her throat, “Haha, welcome dearies.” she had completely changed her tone to a more fairer one. 
“Oh Dina, I didn’t know we would have guests. I would’ve dressed for the occasion.”
Dina abruptly stood up, “Ah! Sis! Eh, these two know about my dad!” The lady blinked, “Really?” Suddenly her demeanor changed and she slowly got over and sat beside Miza. “Well, if you have something to tell about Dina that I don’t know. Then I would like to hear as well. The names iklea.” She held up her hand for Baltazar to shake. 
“Hello there, the names Baltazar.” Miza quickly shot Baltazar another look. And he retracted his hand. While giving the sister an apologetic look. 
Wait. didn’t Dina only have brothers? Balthazar thought.
Iklea looked like she tried to hide her displeasure. Looking thoughtful she sat with crosses arms. “Well, anyways. Didn’t you want to talk about Dina’s dad?” She asked, quite annoyed.
Baltazar cleared his throat, “Yeah! uh, yeah. Sorry.” He then began to tell about Strezia.
“Your dad’s name was Strezia. She was one of the most creative seraphs in my court. Oh, I have a picture.” Baltazar procured a picture of a beautiful fair-skinned lady. Her body was totally covered in a white uniform, with dried paint on. Her hair was even longer than Dina’s and her eyes were piercing as if she was looking directly at the viewer. Her eyes were the same as Dina’s.
“Uhh. Mr, Baltazar?” Dina asked hesitantly. “Isn’t this a picture of a woman?”
Baltazar blinked, not once but twice before Miza shot him another glare. “Oh yeah, you father was actually a woman.”
Dina looked slightly surprised. She looked at Iklea then back at Baltazar. “My father? Was a woman? And an angel at that?” She was sounding rather sceptical. Balthazar didnt blame her. But the God did wonder. hadn’t she been living with demons!
Baltazar, “Well, its not hard to change gender when you’re an angel. Or a demon for that matter. And I know for a fact that Strezia loved to explore the nuances of existence.”
Iklea smiled and put an arm around Dina, “Reminds me of someone i know.” She winked. “Excluding the shapeshifting part.” The siblings grinned at each other. 
Miza looked at the picture and sighed, “Strezia was like an elder sister to all of us.”
Balthazar looked fondly at thepicture too, “When she told me she had fallen in love with a human woman I tried to warn her.”
Dina, “Warn her? About what?”
Baltazar looked down, “Humans don’t live forever... I was afraid she would get hurt and then... Look, Strezia wasn’t aware that your mother was pregnant. If she knew...” Baltazar could feel tears forming. He quickly wiped them away.
Dina’s face was frozen, “Mr, Baltazar? Sorry I’m asking but... my father, you address him in past tense could it be that...”
Dina didn’t say anymore. Baltazar lip quivered. He tried to pull himself together. Miza put a hand on Baltazar’s back. Dina took Iklea’s hand and Iklea squeezed it back.
Shadows swept the halls of the Fabricated Castle. The light from the mosaic windows danced around and found a silhouette which appeared at the end of the stairs leading to the main hall. 
Red eyes surveyed the foyer and the gaze went towards the living room. 
Hearing unfamiliar voices the silhouette took on a more human appearance with a nice blazer and matching pants.
He opened the door and first saw his sister Dina and then Ikle, “I’m back.” He said, then stopped in the doorway. When the guy opposite of Dina turned around something deep inside of Rosell sank.
Voices. Voices which had been hidden away since he met Dina returned. 
Kill. Kill. Revenge. Chance. Take it!
“Ross-!” Dina yelled and got up. Iklea, who really was Ikle, hurried to make  Dina stop before she finished the name. 
Rosell’s eyes were fixated on Baltazar. 
The God he had spent centuries getting to. He now sat in his living room. Free from his court’s protection.
He had never been this close. So close yet...
Balthazar, “Hello, you must be Dina’s brother. I’m Dina’s father’s Uh... acquaintance.” The God got up from his seat, turned to Rosell and smiled.
The dread dissipated.
Rosell, “Dina’s?”  
Rosell looked at Dina and Ikle who were about to burst.
He then took a looked at the seraph, who was also present in the room.
It seems like... there was some explaining to do.
Dina’s elder brother took off his coat. A small smile formed on rosell’s lips.
“Where are my manners. You can call me Ross.” 
“Ross” held out a hand for God to sake. Baltazar returned the smile and shook the other man’s hand, “I’m Baltazar.”
Ross, “I know.”
Baltazar felt dread roll down his body. 
Rosell, “You hurt me, my lord. I may be a common demon. as you might have guessed from the array at the entrance. Currently disguised as a human for Dina’s sake. But I know my way in this world. And the people one has to know about” He looked directly through Baltazar. 
“Surely, you must have been aware that this is Hell when you arrived, right.” 
Baltazar nodded. Unable to say much more. 
Ross let go of Baltazar’s hand, “Now, tell me. What have I been missing?”
Ross, “I see, that explains a lot.”
Dina, “It does?”
Ross, “It explains why you got the eyes of God.”
Baltazar almost spilled his tea, “She’s got my eyes???” This statement prompted a  facepalm from Miza.
Rosell shook his head, “Not yours per see. More like, what priestess in the old world prayed to be able to see through you. To see things that normal people wouldn’t.”
Miza took a sip from a teacup. “You mean she can see magic beings?”
Rosell scoffed, “No, not at all. She still believes my tail is some weird furry statement i have going. Dina turned to Ross, “Ross please!” She then turned to the divine pair and confirmed, “I’ve always been able to, since I was small.”
Miza sighed and tried not to show her disdain for the demon, “That must’ve been difficult. Your peers must have found you rather peculiar. We are terribly sorry we did not know of your existence earlier. We should’ve been able to help you.” SHe glanced at “Iklea” and “Ross”, “Much earlier.”
Ross glared at the seraph who gladly returned the gesture. It was so intense that Miza could only try to drink from an empty cup and act like she didn’t notice the cup was empty.
Dina, “Not at all! My childhood was... but then I met Ross and Iklea. Since then.. I’ve been rather content. I even decided when my business in the human world is finished. I’d actually like to stay permanently here with my boyfriend... if he still likes me in the future that is.”
Iklea broke into laughter, “HAH! He better. ‘Else I know of a few heartbreaking words to tell him.”
Nobody in the room liked the obvious wink Iklea sent towards the group.
“But back to my dad....” Dina tried.
Baltazar’s face dropped, “Yeah! Right!”
“As I said, Strezia fell in love with a woman named Marie Ravenwood. She stayed together with Marie for some human years until one day... She came home. Locked herself in her room and didn’t show her face for quite some time... Miza.” Balthazar gestured to the seraph, “Found out that ms. Ravenwood had cut ties to her. And then thirteen years ago... you mother. You probably know know what happened.”
Dina gulped and looked down. Ross sat beside her and watched her every move.
Dina’s mother had died giving birth to her. Her mother had cut all ties to her family because of improper conduct. She would rather give Dina up for adoption than let her parents know of her daughter’s existence. As Dina had been told by her aunt.
“I felt it when you mother died.” Balthazar continued when DIna confirmed she knew. 
“Her connection to Strezia made all of Strezia’s closest feel it too. I knew something would happen so I... I forced myself into Strezia’s room. But she was gone. A few days later. Strezia’s light disappeared from this existence...” Dina felt cold.
“Nobody knew what had happened to her as she had thrown away her halo.”
Dina sat frozen. Her shoulders trembled. Dina got up and went out the door. Ross got up too and followed after her. Balthazar could only stare as he was at a loss at what to do. It had been twentyfive years ago and he still remembered the day as if it was today it had happened.
Iklea sighed, “Don’t worry, she... just have to swallow it. They’ll be back. After she gets it out.”
Baltazar felt her pain. A girl who had never met her parents.. and for both of them to wind up dead. Truly sad. 
Baltazar closed his eyes. His empathy gave birth to an inkling of inspiration. He used it to see where the two had gone. ‘
A gentle hand calmly patted a young weeping maiden while rocking her back and forth. A good man consoling his little sister. Whispering reassuring words to her.
After a while Iklea went too and the three of them soon got back.
Baltazar got up from his seat, “I’m sorry that you and Strezia never got to meet. But I’m happy nonetheless to finally being able to meet you. I-“ “Wait a moment.” Ross said.
Baltazar stopped. 
Ross, “I think I know what happened to Strezia.” 
Miza got up instantly.
“You do??? What happened? What do you mean?”
Baltazar looked hopeful at Ross. However, Strezia’s soul had moved on. She wouldnt turn up alive, even if balthazar wanted it. Still, Baltazar wanted closure so he prompted Ross to tell what he knew.
“Some time back. An angel went on a rampage throughout some shopping districts in Hell’s capital. Many high demons came to stop her but her attacks were relentless. She didn’t even try to protect herself. Charging head on.”
They all listened attentively. Nobody were sitting anymore, holding their breaths.
Ross, “She stirred up such a huge incident that the Devil himself showed up.”
Baltazar felt stiffened. He always got trembling fits every time the Devil was mentioned. he tried to gulp down the unease.
“He tried to subdue her.” Ross continued. “But when he went for the killing strike she suddenly threw her sword and met the attack with open arms. He refused her the kill and stopped immediately. But, something in her eyes drove her to steal away his sword, Redwoo, and then she... ended it herself.”
The atmosphere which surrounded the room lay heavily on the people inside. 
Baltazar felt weak and wanted to scream and cry. He blamed himself. His inefficiency. He was supposed to be God but he couldn’t even help one who had been so close to him. 
The loss of Marie was so big that Strezia didn’t even want to be in a world where Marie wasn’t there. A tragedy befitting of such a beautiful love. If this had been a tragedy. 
Baltazar flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He lifted his head to see Dina with tears in her eyes. “Thank you for coming today.” Her voice was weak and trembling. She fought hard to keep the tears at bay. Baltazar only felt worse when he saw her. He then embraced the girl. And thanked her too. Holding back tears.
She never knew them. But she wished she had. Still, she couldn’t help but feel sad for two people who had loved each other and tried to protect each other. Angels’ life span far surpasses that of a human. With a baby on the way, Miza concluded it must’ve been because Marie wanted to spare Strezia the heartbreak of outliving her child and wife. Nobody knew for sure.
“Thanks for having us!” Baltazar beamed. He stood outside of Ross, Iklea and Dina’s house. Miza and him were preparing to go back.
“I’m so happy I came to meet you Dina! And your nice elder siblings of course. Even though I thought that you had two brother to start with... but well, it’s really been fun! Though, maybe a tad bit sad.” Iklea stood and supressed a laugh. Ross only elbowed her.
Baltazar clasped Dina’s hands, “I might be God and have business other places but I would really like it if we kept in contact with each other! You’re really bright and I’m sure Strezia would’ve been so proud of you. So I hope that I can come and visit again. You know, to tell you more and stuff!”
With a returned beaming smile Dina answered, “Yes of course! I really want to know more as well. And you’re really interesting my lord. Even Ross and Ikle- I mean Iklea liked you. And I’m sure they don’t mind.” Dina looked back at her siblings they both nodded in agreement.
“I’m just... I’m just sad that my dad didn’t know about me...” Baltazar patted Dina’s head, “Yeah, it could’ve been different.”
Dina shook her head, “It could’ve. However, I’m happy as is.” She then turned to look at her siblings. Baltazar was truly happy for her.
Miza and Baltazar then said goodbye and disappeared towards the first realm.
“I’m sorry Rosell.” Dina said sheepishly. “I didn’t realize he was God until later...”
“It’s ok. I’m glad you made him stay.”
“You... are?”
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