#Wrold Kiss Day
linkspooky · 4 years
What Eren Wants
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After all the mystery surrounding Eren’s true intentions, what Eren really wants in the final arc, this chapter lays it out quite clearly. Eren wants his friends to kill him. Not because he thinks it’s going to achieve some grand objective in a secret plan he’s had all along that requires he sacrifice his own life. I think Eren just wants to die. Suicidal ideation, is a symptom of a much bigger underlying problem, it’s a passive longing to die. More on this, and more on Eren under the cut. 
1. No Future
Eren is committing metaphorical suicide in his final act with the rumbling. It’s a pretty thinly veiled metaphor too, considering Eren just tells his friends that they have to kill him. Consider the two characters who Eren is paralleled against the most with this arc: Zeke and Reiner. 
Zeke’s wish has always been the opposite of Eren’s. Eren believes he was free because he was born in this world. Zeke, who was born as a part of some great plan, not as a child to be loved, but a child to be made into a soldier a tool for his parents wishes he wasn’t born. He thinks all suffering can be avoiding if only he never existed in the first place. 
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This wish, to stop existing, because it’s the only way to end suffering is plain and simple suicidal ideation. Xander even tells Zeke as much when recounting the story of his family, that he became a warrior candidate because he wanted to die in the worst way possible. 
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Consider Zeke’s view of his own life. HIs family never loved him. He was born without love, therefore there’s no love in his life, and no future. Not only is there no future for him, but there’s no future for all Eldians in general. From that point forward what Zeke seeks is not to heal, but rather to alleviate pain. They’re the thoughts of a suicidal person. 
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Reiner who is compared to Eren endlessly, who committed the same sin that Eren did, deciding to knock down the walls and destroy everybody inside is shown with this same hopelessness in regards to his own life. 
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Once again there’s the repettition for the wish for it all to end. Reiner who is a child soldier just like Eren. Reiner who once believed he was doing something good, that he was fighting for a cause. Reiner’s wish to die is even more thinly veiled then Eren’s. 
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In this scene Reiner is exposed to Eren’s desire to be like him and Mikasa, to be someone he perceives as strong, and also his fear deep down that he’s going to die a worthless death. He’s going to die having achieved nothing. This is important for later, because Eren’s suicide isn’t just killing himself, he’s also staging it so he’s dying for a cause, for an idea like freedom, he’s trying desperately to give his death meaning. 
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Reiner tells Eren that the only thing the both of them can do is to keep moving forward. However, what Eren and Reiner do is they continually throw themselves into more conflict again and again, unnecessary conflicts. That’s why this is paralleled with what happened to Marco because, Marco tried to give them a chance to talk things out but Reiner made it a fight. 
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Reiner and Eren’s tendency to throw themselves into conflict again and again is, self-harming behavior. They’re intentionally risking their lives because it’s the only way they can try to find meaning in their lives and try to fight against their own feelings of worthlessness. 
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They are trying to prove something to themselves by putting their lives on the line, they are trying to find meaning in the conflict that has dominated their entire lives (remember they are child soldiers, they were raised not by parents, but by the war around them and it’s practically all they know by this point). Reiner and Eren’s dream to destroy the devils of Paradis, to Eliminate all the Titans has always, always, been paralleled with their wish to die. 
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Immediately after he says this it cuts to Reiner with a gun in his mouth. It’s not really subtle imagery. Eren also says, something incredibly similiar to Reiner’s series of flashbacks here. 
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Eren says to Falco there are those like him and Reiner who choose to throw themselves into hell again and again, because they’re hoping to get something out of it. This is willfully self-harming, self-endangering behavior, Eren and Reiner throw themselves into conflict again, and again, and again hoping to try to get some meaning out of that conflict but they won’t because war is hell bla bla bla. 
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Falco even repeats the line that Eren said to Reiner, because that’s what Eren believes deep down, and what Eren is desperately trying to avoid, that he is weak, that he is powerless, that there is no hope for someone like him. Better to sacrifice his life for some cause, then die a worthless death. And like I said, these feelings have been inside Eren for a long time he even casually thinks about it before kissing HIstoria’s hand. He even begged Historia to kill him in the Uprising Arc. Eren and Reiner have been fighting against these feelings for a long time, and eventually, they grew tired of the fighting. 
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2. Child Soldiers
The diffference between Reiner and Eren, is Reiner is still able to see some kind of future that Eren himself has given up on. 
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Falco is what stops Reiner’s suicide. The idea that Falco still needs him. Reiner, Zeke, Eren, the three of them are all child soldiers who need to grow up, but find themselves unable to because they’ve been raised by war not family. Eren’s reckless regard for the lives of children is meant to be compared to Reiner’s protectiveness over Falco and Gabi. 
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Eren’s suicidal feelings are always connected towards this reckless violence towards children because, for the same reason as Zeke ends up gravitating towards euthenasia, neither Eren nor Zeke can even imagine any kind of future for themselves. 
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Eren’s fear has always been that he hasn’t grown up. That not a single thing has changed since the day his mother died. That deep down he’s still that useless brat that watched her die. That’s how Eren perceives himself, a child, a brat, that’s how he always has. 
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We never really saw him get over this self perception either, at best he’s been made aware of this. When Hanji sees Eren acting out, they make constant jokes about Eren just being in his rebellious phase and growing up. 
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Floch even says, deep down inside, Eren believes he’s always right, therefore he doens’t really ever change his beliefs or give them up when he’s challenged. He acts like an unreasonable child. IE. Someone who cannot be reasoned with. 
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He even calls Mikasa the grown up for being able to let go and change her beliefs. It makes sense that Eren is this way, he’s been coping terribly with the loss of everything, and constant insecurity since childhood. Child soldiers are, stunted and not well adjusted. None of the characters are in the story, a lot of them still cling onto ideas they’ve held since childhood. Armin still sees himself as the weak one even though he currently has the storngest titan, and is in a position of power and responsibility in the army. Mikasa still sees herself as needing Eren to come home, and needing Eren to be there to have a family even though she’s always been stronger than him. Even though she’s capable of moving on. Annie still wants to run away back to her father, because that’s what he told her to do when he was a little girl. 
This is a story where all of the characters are child soldiers struggling to grow up. Even Erwin himself, clings to the dream his father gave him when he was a child. This is the how much the military, and the continual conflict has destroyed the lives of the children it eats up. That’s what Magath realizes in the end, that they were all just normal children, before he got his hands on them. 
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Eren is just, the worst of this. IN a story where they are all struggling to grow, Eren has given up. Which is why we see both him and Ymir pictured now as eternal children. 
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Eren is stunted, not only that he’s given up on the possibility that he might ever be better. It’s the way he refers to his own life now. This was always going to happen. He was just born this way. Eren remembers the scene where he gave Mikasa the strength to live, but he only remembers the fighting, only remembers the cruelty where he killed two men in order to save a little girl, and insists that it’s always going to be this way the only way he can keep going is to kill and struggle and kill some more. 
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3. Live
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Eren has all but forgotten the moment where he wrapped the scarf around Mikasa’s face, because the true importance of that scene is now lost on him. What he gave Mikasa was not a reason to fight, but a reason to live. It’s not something Eren gave her by picking up a weapon or telling her to fight, but by being by her side all this time. 
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Eren who only sees the fighting and not the future after forgets what he was trying to do in that moment, which was save a little girl’s life and tell her to live. 
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Eren thinks what got Mikasa attached to him was the violence he showed in that moment, the fact that he killed her captors, and not the comfort he showed her afterwards, not the home, because Eren ever since his mother died cannot move past that fact and believes there’s no home in this world for him, no family for a boy who cannot even protect his own mother. 
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The world is cruel for making them fight to survive, but it’s not just cruel. That’s the idea that Mikasa has always represented. If Falco and Gabi are the children that Reiner protects because they are his last connection to the wrold, then Mikasa is Eren’s most important connection. She represents his desire to do more than just fight, to live in a world th’at scruel, to live together with her. 
And Eren is doing his best to turn his back away from her. 
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Mikasa remembers the connection of that moment, and Eren only remembers the violence, Mikasa a little girl brutally killing two of her captors. Of course they both remember it wrong, Mikasa ignored Eren’s violence and only saw his kindness. Which led her to become codependent on that connection for so long like it was the only one that existed for her, like she could not connect to anybody besides Eren because he was kind to her in that moment. Whereas, Eren has always seen Mikasa’s strength as a barrier to their relationship. He has a complex about Mikasa, she’s stronger than him, when she tries to get close to him and protect him he sees that as her looking down on him. 
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Eren can’t possibly see why Mikasa would want to be with somebody as weak as him, because he just doesn’t see what’s so lovably about himself. Eren only sees violence, MIkasa only sees love, and because of that they both can’t see each other. 
This chapter, it’s Armin who does most of the pleading, but Mikasa is literally always in the center of the frame. She puts her desire most simply. Eren doesn’t have to do this. He doesn’t have to choose death. They could still have a life together.
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What Mikasa wants is to live. That’s what her arc has always been about, a little girl who wants to live on in a world that’s cruel.  She also wants to be what Eren was to her so long ago. She wants to tell him he can live. 
Mikasa is the first one to run to Eren.  She’s the one who flashes back to the child Eren because she’s the one who knows him the longest. 
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When Reiner says that Eren is probably wants it all to end by someone else’s hand. It’s Mikasa who the focus suddenly falls on. 
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Mikasa will always be Eren’s strongest connection to his own lifeline, his desire to live together and have a future with her, represented by the red scarf wrapped around both of their necks. 
When Eren was about to give up on living, Mikasa reminded him that just him being there next to her side all that time was enough for her. 
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The promise to wrap the scarf around her neck, is simply a process to live with her. 
But, Eren doesn’t want that anymore.  He just wants to die. 
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daddynegandesires · 3 years
kill Me
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The war had just ended and rick locked negan away in the cell to rot. He starts contemplating suicide and misses his Lucille when you are the only one there that will help him feel better.
Warning: fluff, suicidal actions/thoughts, saddness
The war had just ended and negan was brought back to Alexandria to be locked away for the remainder of his days. You were the one that would prepare his food and bring him clean clothes but here recently you've noticed a change in him.
"Hey negan....i brought you some lunch" you give him a smile
"Hey sweet pea....appreciate it" he forced a smile
You go to sit his tray down and notice he hasnt touched his food from yesterday. You shurg it off assuming he wasn't hungry and you soon head for the door to leave.
"Darlin...." Negan croaked out
"Yes, negan"?" You walk back towards his cell
"Would it be too much to ask if i could speak to you" he seemed eager
"Sure...whats wrong" you raised your eyebrow
"I-i....i cant live like this..." Negan chokes on his words
"What....negan dont say that. The new wrold is coming" you assure him
"No.....i mean...i cant live without my Lucille
"Negan...i wish i could help" you frown
"You can....." He gets up walking towards you and stopping inches away from your face
"Kill me..." Tears start to roll down his face
"Please...kill me, just do it" he pleads
You stand there in shock as you reach through the bars placing your hand on his cheek wiping away his tear. Negan rached up and caressed your hand.
"I cant do it myself darlin....ive tried" he leans his forehead agaisnt the bars
"Negan...i can't. You deserve to be alive. Im here for you" you also now resting your head agaisnt the bars
Taking the keys from your pocket you slide them into the keyhole unlocking the cell door walking up to negan and slowly embracing him with a hug as he silently cries on your shoulder.
"It will be okay" you whisper
"Thank you....you are a real sweetheart" he pulls away staring at you
"Eat.....please" you turn around to pick up the tray of food and handing it to him. He stares at the sandwich and then back at you before taking a bite out of it.
"How can i repay you..."
"Just live. Please. For me...." You smile
"Im glad you are here darlin...i need a friend like you" He brushes your hair back from your face leaning towards you and gently kissing your forehead
"I....i'll be back later on to check on you" biting at the skin on your lip you backed away slowly shutting the cell door behind you watching as negans eyes stayed glued to you.
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manuki16 · 7 years
Dal 2006 si celebra proprio il  6 luglio il World Kiss Day. Questo giorno nasce per rendere omaggio ad uno dei gesti d’affetto più preziosi che esista e che tra l’altro come indicano molte ricerche sembra essere anche ottimo per la nostra salute!
Ottimo per rinforzare le nostre difese immunitarie, visto il passaggio di batteri ed ottimo rimedio contro lo stress. Secondo l’esperta Andréa Demirjian nel suo libro” Kissing: Everything you ever wanted to know about one of life’s sweetest pleasures” il bacio ha anche altre visrtù: combatte dolori come quello mestruale e il mal di testa grazie al suo effetto vasodilatatore, abbassa la pressione, migliora l’umore mettendo in circolo ormoni ‘della felicità’ (endorfine) e sostanze che fanno bene al cervello come al resto del corpo, quali serotonina, dopamina e ossitocina, e infine aumentando la salivazione aiuta a combattere la carie
Il bacio. Episodio della giovinezza. Costumi del secolo XIV. Hayez. 1959
Dal punto di vista di bellezza e fitness  baciare è un buon allenamento muscolare e antirughe visto che  richiede il coordinamento di 146 muscoli, tra cui 34 facciali e 112 posturali.
Ti manderò un bacio con il vento e so che lo sentirai, ti volterai senza vedermi ma io sarò li Siamo fatti della stessa materia di cui sono fatti i sogni Vorrei essere una nuvola bianca in un cielo infinito per seguirti ovunque e amarti ogni istante Se sei un sogno non svegliarmi Vorrei vivere nel tuo respiro Mentre ti guardo muoio per te Il tuo sogno sarà di sognare me Ti amo perché ti vedo riflessa in tutto quello che c’è di bello Dimmi dove sei stanotte ancora nei miei sogni? Ho sentito una carezza sul viso arrivare fino al cuore Vorrei arrivare fino al cielo e con i raggi del sole scriverti ti amo Vorrei che il vento soffiasse ogni giorno tra i tuoi capelli, per poter sentire anche da lontano il tuo profumo! Vorrei fare con te quello che la primavera fa con i ciliegi.
Pablo Neruda, Il Bacio
Se volete rendere omaggio a questo World Kiss Day ecco qualche idea per rendere memorabili i vostri baci!
Igiene orale
Spazzolini dentifricie e colluttori sono alla base di una perfetta Igiene orale. Non dimentichiamo poi il filo interdentale! Lush propone un’ottima soluzione per non essere presi alla sprovvista: Creme de Menthe collutorio solido realizzato con una miscela di olio di menta piperita e cristalli di mentolo. Ogni pastiglia di collutorio funziona come una piccola bomba da bagno Lush: basterà mettere in bocca una pastiglia con un sorso d’acqua
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Scrub Labbra
Per rendere morbidissime le labbra in attesa di nuovi baci è consigliato praticare un piccolo leggero. Qui trovate la mia ricetta per lo scrub labbra fai da te ma se non volete crearlo da sole ne esistono in commercio tantissimi come per esembio lo Scrub labbra di Collistar in tubetto o quelli di Lush in vasetto
Subito dopo lo scrub consiglio una maschera. Come vi avevo già accennato nell’articolo sulla routine viso in questo periodo sto usando quelle di Sephora che esistono in due varianti: Maschera Labbra Rosa idratante ed emolliente, Maschera Labbra Karité protettiva e riparatrice
(3,90 euro).
Burri e balsami
Per sigillare il tutto e protrarre la morbidezza per tutto il giorno applicare un buon balsamo labbra. Io consiglio il mio solito burrocacao fai da te. Se poi proprio volete potete applicare un rossetto no transfer ma io personalmente preferisco le labbra nude per i miei baci!
“Dammi mille baci, e ancora cento, e poi di nuovo mille e ancora cento, e dopo ancora mille e ancora cento”. Catullo
Wycon per celebrare il World Kiss Day con un video dolcissimo che volevo mostrarvi, in caso non l’abbate ancora visto.
E voi che programmi avete per questa giornata dedicata ai baci? Buon World Kiss Day! Alla prossima!
World Kiss Day: Una giornata mondiale dedicata al bacio. Dal 2006 si celebra proprio il  6 luglio il World Kiss Day. Questo giorno nasce per rendere omaggio ad uno dei gesti d'affetto più preziosi che esista e che tra l'altro come indicano molte ricerche sembra essere anche ottimo per la nostra salute!
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Day 39
What is love?
Love is...
When he grabs you for a long kiss. When he caresses your cheek and treats you nicely. When you have long walks talking of everything. When he looks at you as if you were his star. When you both laugh at everything that could make your life miserable. When the two share thoughts, ideas, opinions. When you adventure yourselves and eat cheap exotic meals even though neither of the two knows how to order a simple. When you try everything to see one another even though you already talk daily. When you found yourselves on the top of the world, just staring at the world around you. When nothing seems to be able to change the bliss that you are currently going through. When his smile makes your smile grow.
Love is...
When he touches you and you play it off as if he meant no harm. When he yells at you and you agree that he is right and you are wrong. When he stares at you and you feel as if he is analysing every single detail of your life, every little imperfection. When your fights become endless and he nearly beats you to a pole. When he leaves you stranded in the middle of a park, because he refuses to handle your eccentricities. When he comes back apologising and you forgive him. When you think you can't live without him. When you feel as if he does anything to make you better, to make you both better. When his fists feel like kisses. When his kisses feel like daggers. When what you feel for him feels more like fear than love itself. When it becomes hard to explain to people that he means no harm.
Love is...
When they ask you why in the world would you stab him dead and you smile. When you feel that it would better to shut him further rather than let the insults keep filling your rage. When you stare at his corpse and you feel a certain warmth, as if he is truly the one. When they take you away, from the blind and cruel world that allowed men like him to be born and raise. When they take you away from pain and suffering. And when they ask you why you have gone so far, why couldn't you have asked for yourself, if there was no love, you will answer that there still is. You will remember the moments dearly, both when you walked around excitingly laughing at the wrold and when you laid beside his dead corpse with release in your heart.
That is what love is.
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the-fiction-witch · 7 years
This World Of Ours P8
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"I uh take it back" he says "take what back" I ask "the hole misbehaveing and all you dont have to punish me y/n" he says "really I dont have to" I ask he just nodds in reply "well to late I'm gonna" I say slyly he then looks petrifed at me as I contiue my plan I slip of my shirt and skirt leaving me in nothing but my underwear before kneeling on the bed and crawling closer to him making sure he gets the best view I can master before stradleing him and snogging him running my hands up and down his chest luckily he had taken of his shirt eariler before I got into the room allowing my plan to work much beter as I slide on hand down to his torusers he emmediatly moans into my mouth as soon as my hand gets there very lightly teaser plaming him thought his toursers as I pull away from kissing him just becuase thats really all I'm after an apolloy for all the bad stuff he's done recently and to hear him beg like a puppy for food as soon as I pull away he trys to reach followard but the ties stop him he looks like he hates me if looks could kill I would be dead on the floor so to lighten him up a little I alppy a little more presure to what I'm doing with my hand he emmeditalty groans and moans obviously happy so more presure he gets even louder "y/n, I swear you can stop,I ve learned my lesson okay I give in" he says oh no he's not getting out of it that easily he's gonna have to beg for it I dont say a word just start apply more pressure and more speed to what I'm doing right now he's making enought noice to allert the whole plannet as to whats going on till I know I've reached the max my hand on it's own can do so time for the next level I discard my hand from between us he emmediatly looks relived obviously thiking its over oh no its only just the begining Thomas as grind against him "oh god y/n, okay okay enough I sorry just please no more teasing" he says obviously with another moan in his thout ready to explode out of him I go back a second to observe what I have done so far well how to desrpibe it his head on the back of the bed still moaning and groaning like mad his downstairs looks like a tent and he looks more aroused then I've ever seen him before I just laugh in reply before continueing what I was doing for a while "y/n please" he says in a mix of moans jagged breaths and alsmot screaming "I dont know you want them of Thomas you have to beg" I inform him slyly "y/n please, babygirl I'm begging you I would get down on my knees if I could please babygirl love of my life take them of me please can't you see it can't you feel it how much I want you how much I- I need you please babygirl I beg of you get them of me" he beggs well that was good but not quiet what I'm after "sorry sweetie not good enought" I say returning to grinding and he returns to  moaning and trying to move anypart of him to escape the ties with no success now they really are good string till I begin kissing him again only very lightly starting at his neck and going down till I'm at the bottom of his stomac and hovering over the top of his trousers resting my head on the top of his leg just besdie the huge obvious tent in his pants palming him again he almsot screams "babygirl I dont know what else I can do" he says "beg Thomas you want them off then beg" I say like a child "please,please,please,please,please,please babygirl" he says coming out more like a moan if I'm honest "no still not good enoguh Thomas" I say giggleing slightly "your enjoying this arnt you tourchering me your enjoying it" he says a bit anoyied how can I lie I am enjoying it "and dont act like your not deep in that head of yours your secretly loving it" I say bringin my head back up to meet his "okay maybe I am a little but this is unfair if you where tied I would have let you out the second you asked but no I have to beg to an imposible standard" he sighs "awe poor boy finaly getting what he deserves" I say "but I would work out soon how to beg better becuase if you dont there is a penalty" I smrik "I doubt babygirl after this there is much more you can do" he says "wanna bet" I say pamling him again with two hands letting him moan and groan in anoyance and pleasure "if you dont appologise to a suitable rate by the time you climax your gonna stay tried to the bed and your never going to be allowed to touch me again Thomas" I say seriously so he yets the message "well uh, can I have a clue on how to appologise properly perhaps a writing frame may be of use" he says "nope you have to work it out and sweetie from what I can tell your clock is ticking and you havent got long" I say adding more pressure to him "AH- y/n, y/n please please babygirl please I'm beggin you please dont infoce the rule please just untie me from this stupid fucking bed" he says "nope Thomas your ment to be begging for your pants of dont get of topic your loseing time" I say adding more pressure again with both hands and grining ever so slightly to really hollow the point home "UH-y/n PLEASE" he shouts at the top of his voice "nope try again" I say kissing down his chest again hovering inches from his erection he trys to move so my head is closer to it but I just move away slightly "Thomas your just digging yourslef deeper if you want then gone beg" I say doing what I was before both hands working and grinding on him "UH -AH BABYGIRL PLEASE I'm BEGGING YOU GET THEM OF ME please I'll do anything anything you want me to do for ever, I'll be your slave again, I take back every mean thing I have ever said, done or thoguth about from our entire lives, I'm sorry for everthing mean I said about y/bff/n, I take it all back please OH please babygirl I'm sorry fro everytime I didnt defend you when the guys said something behind your back, I'm sorry for being so misbehaved recently, sorry for all the times I asked for a bit fo fun please y/n please I can't stand it any longer I wouldnt be able to not touch you I love you, I allways have since I first saw you when you went even 48 hours old, that why I allways hugged you allways wanted to be with you becuase I loved you I would cope beign apart from you ever please y/n get them of me" he begged oh I want to forgive him but he's litteraly a few little bits of perfect "little more" I say "focusing on what aspect" he asks breathing heavily I just sit up more go right close to him to whisper "the sexy parts" I whisper to him "oh" he says slyly "y/n please babygirl, get them of me" "little more" I say agin "please baby I know theres so much you can do to fix everthig down there, I can't under estimate you, if I wasnt tied there would be so much I would have done to you" he says slyly "keep going" I say applying a bit more pressure to him I can tell if he dosent get this next bit right it's all over "OH please babygirl please, if you do this for me I will do whatever you want me to do to you for the rest of our lives, come on it's just a button and a zip babygirl you can do that for me can't you, I want you baby, I need you so get over here becuase I can see you need me to" he says WOW well uh............................reality snapback y/n y/l/n get a girp do as the boy is fucking asking of you. "good enought" I say undoing his torusers and pulling them down completly off him as well as his boxers letting loose the erection only adding to the overwealing hugeness it is anyway "thats my girl" he smirks but I still have a plan for him I was allways my plan to let him out his trousers eventully but that wouldnt be then end of it I once again grind against him teasing him allowing his downstairs as we call it to be teased by mine still in my underwear before letting my head go down and doing what he wanted all along but not quiet finishing him of yet as I pick my head back I and crawl more towards him he speeks "y/n what do you think you-" he was cut of by my snogg I let one of my hands travel to slowly pump him again letting him moan again into my mouth till I know he seconds away and hand of him I pull away from snogging him and tie one of his hands then pick up my clothes and leave I can hear him shouting at me but I'm not overly bothered I just go to the bathroom and shut the door not locking it thought just shutting it and leaning on it giggleing to myslef about what I just did. after a few seconds I undress and have a shower once again I'm in a wrold all my own with a few miuets I can feel arms around me hang on I'm in the shower okay I dont mind just getting out the shower I dont mind mornings or durring the day but not when I'm in the  shower "you are the queen of bad girls" he whispers in my ear "maybe thats why we where matched together I'm queen of bad girls your prince of naughty boy's" I laugh "no I'm just a occationaly bad boy your constantly a bad girl" he says "Thomas get out I'm in the shower" I say elbowing him "and so am I" he replys kissing my neck "no, none of that I'm not happy with you" I say "you think I'm overly happy with you y/n after that little stunt in there" he says "awe are you mad at me now Thomas" I say laughing "nope I know from the past y/n argueing with you will get us knowwhere" he says "then what you gonna do Thomas are you gonna punish me" I giggle "nope, I told you I'm not that mean to you y/n" he says "then what are you gonna do and what are you doing in my shower" I ask "just wait forget I'm here" he says I do as I'm told and almost for a while forget he's even there till suddenly he tightens his grip around me spinning me around so I'm faceing him "what are you gonna do" I ask "make you very happy with me" he smirks before kissing my neck and contiuneing down all the way down to well I'm not telling you I know thats kind of mean not to tell you but I think you can work it out for yourself what he's doing to me when he finaly stops and looks at me smugly he says "so, y/n are you happy with me now" I dont reply I just grip him tightly and almost force him - I'm not explaining that either I'm gonna be blunt and simple and not explain the details okay he joined my shower ate me out and is currenntly staright up fucking me okay there you go I'm not explaining the details as soon as we finished he goes back to the main part of the flat and I finish my shower then do a job I've been meaning to do and take a test while its working everything out I dress and go back into the flat to see Thomas sat on the sofa watching some tv he see's me and smirks as I sit beside him he notices the test in my hand and wraps a arm around me "so whats the prognosise of the pregniesis" he says making me laugh "I dont know give it a minuet" I reply as he rests his head on my shoulder "we're safe" I say Thomas then lets out a sigh of relife "no baby in your bely y/n" he say "no" I say throwing the test away "good, I guess I will have to try again" he sighs "I supose but not tonight we have work tomorrow" I say "I know we do" he replys as we sit cuddled together watching the tv a bit till we here the door open its lilly and andwers returned from the leader lilly walks atraight past us and to her room andwers sits on the chair beside the sofa where we're sat/laied together he just sighs "so how'd it go" Thomas asked "awfuly if we are luckily lilly may be execusted" andwers replied "why" I ask "she sassed the leader and insulted eight watchers" andwers replys "well thats bad what about the divorce file" I ask "denyied, so hows things here" he says "pretty good" I smirk as both me and Thomas laugh "you two are just, to perfect for each other, your a to good to be true match" he says "yeah we got unbelievibly lucky" Thomas says pulling me closer to him "yeah we did" I say before giving him a kiss "awe cute the two kids our families raised are so happy together, you know if it wasnt for a long coisidence you two may never met each other" andwers says "well your never to old for story time" Thomas laughs "it was a cold day mid september I would say first day of school ever I got lost and a little boy crashed into me a young lad with the last name y/l/n we where best mates all thought school and when we got our matches your mothers we agreed to live together and live out the pain of having them as matches as they where best friends with each other too we all got used to each other being the best of friends together till the girls fell pregnate with you two and we raised the two of you internt as you never wanted to be apart now here you sit matched together happy as its possible to be in this world I'm sure so there if I haddent have crashed into meleneths dad then you two may never have met and you may not have been matched together" he says "nice story dad" Thomas says "so what you two got on your planner of life" he asks us "nothing we are playing it by ear" I say "I bet mels mum isnt happy with that" he says "mels mum doesnt know we havent told her yet" Thomas replys "but we have ground rules" I say "true we do" Thomas says "and what are they then" andwers asks "fine up to baby then we have to get married, marry before baby" Thomas says "well then I bet your constantly on edge Thomas" he says "yep" Thomas replys after a while we all just sit and chatt about nothing realy that important till we all have dinner and me and Thomas go of to bed we laied cuddled together happy to sleep in each others arms and we did. I was first to wake up with the alarm but Thomas still looked dead to the world so I poked him and nothing still dead "Thomas" I say still nothing "Thomas" I shout still nothing "Thomas ITS TIME FOR WORK" I say nothing "Thomas get up or I will get your mother" nothing "Thomas theres bacon if you get up" nothing "Thomas I'm taking my clothes of" I say he emmediatly sits up and looks wide awake he looks at me and notices I lied "aw, I got up for nothing" he complains falling back onto the bed "No you got up for work, now get out of bed Thomas" I say getting out of bed and standing on his side of the bed "no" he complaines rolling over and looking to go abck to sleep "yes Thomas or you'll get punished" I say "I dont care I'm tired" he complains so in reponce I just rip the sheet of the bed leaving him on the uncovered bed in his boxers he just complains like a child again with his face in his pillow "y/n if you want me up you have to make a deal" he says "like what" I ask "like" he says sitting up and pulling me back onto the bed "we have a bit of fun before work" he says kissing my neck "no" I say standing up and gripping his arm trying to pull him out of bed with him kicking and sceaming all the while till he's completly on the cold floor complaining like a child but still refusing to get up from the floor so I just walk out to see andwers standing just outside "perfect just the person I wanted to see Thomas won't get up can I please have some help" I ask him "fine I will get him up the way I used to for school but I must insidt you go and eat your breackfast while I do" he says "okay" I reply I will attmit I dont know how andwers uesd to get Thomas up all I know is what I can here and see with in seconds of me eating I hear a loud squeel and Thomas comes running out our room and sits on the table beside me wide awake he doesnt look at me just starts eating some toast
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pupsung · 8 years
How about male MC being really insecure about his body because everyone in the RFA is so fit and skinny/muscular (can you pls include V and Unknown)
this is my first male mc request (out of the almost 100 requests I’ve written so far??) so hopefully I do it justice
he’s confused about why you always seem to back away when he tries to touch your body
when you tell him you just feel so inadequate compared to everyone else in the RFA, he’s like what?!?!?!
he has a lil chub himself you can’t convince me otherwise so he’s genuinely so confused about why you feel insecure around him
like, he feels insecure around everyone in the RFA too, but you’re way more attractive than he is?? why would he make you feel bad?
he straight up pulls his shirt up to show you his chub
“look! if you can love me for this, I’m pretty sure I can love you no matter what too!”
ok so it’s kinda cute
but you still don’t know why he’d choose you over everyone else in the RFA
he just shrugs and blushes, “I guess you can’t really choose who you fall in love with”
he kisses you shyly and reassures you there’s no one else he’d rather be with
he’s noticed that you seem pretty reserved, and he figures that’s just how you are
but then it gets to the point where you always seem to shuffle away whenever he touches you
he asks you what’s wrong
he really doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, so he wants to know what he’s doing wrong
when you tell him you fell so insecure next to his amazing body he just... doesn’t really understand
like, sure, he knows he’s hot, but how the hell could you possibly think you’re unattractive?
you tell him how he could date pretty much anyone in the entire wrold, so why the hell did he choose you??
he just pulls you into his arms and tells you he damn well loves you that’s why
from then on he is pretty much constantly body-worshiping you
he makes sure you know exactly how attractive he thinks you are (hint: very)
it doesn’t matter if you’re not as muscular as him, he loves you
and he thinks you have an amazing body
Jaehee:(I wasn’t originally going to include Jaehee, but I thought of an idea for her so I added her in)
she notices how you start closing up whenever she talks in the messenger or watches one of zen’s musicals
she has no idea why, so she asks you about it
you tell her you just feel so shitty compared to the other RFA guys
like, she fangirls over zen a hell of a lot, wouldn’t she rather be with him?
she can’t understand why you would feel bad about your body
ok, so she’s a fan of zen, but she loves you
and god dammit she loves your body
she makes sure to remind you whenever she possibly can how much she loves you
sometimes she pauses during sex just to admire your body
sometimes it’s intentional because she wants to make you feel good, but sometimes it’s because she genuinely just can’t keep her eyes off you
whenever you guys cuddle together it honestly helps you feel so much better about yourself because she’ll trail her fingers down your chest and whisper how much she loves you
she pretty much refuses to allow you to feel insecure
you start becoming kind of blunt with him, and he picks up on it
did he do something wrong?
when he asks you and you tell him you just feel so insecure whenever he argues with zen, jumin’s brain is like.....what
you think that’s flirting???
you say how zen has a much better body than you and that you understand if jumin likes him more
but jumin just grabs you and pulls you into a kiss so passionate you forget everything else
when he pulls back he says “I love you and only you. I love your face, I love your soul, I love your body. I love all of you, don’t ever forget that”
ok this guy is really good at crushing your doubts and insecurities
despite the fact you also feel as though his body is way better than yours, whenever you mention it he totally shuts it down
he constantly tells you he would love you no matter how you looked, and that it’s just a pleasant bonus that you’re as attractive as you are
he would never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable, so he doesn’t over-praise you
but hell, does he make you feel loved
he wonders why you seem so distant sometimes, especially when he’s trying to initiate something intimate
when you tell him what’s wrong, he feels really guilty for not realising sooner
“do you really think I’d be more into the other RFA members than you?” he laughs before pulling you into a kiss
no way are you allowed to feel insecure
you’re beautiful through and through
and besides, he doesn’t care for looks
he would love you regardless
he makes sure you know that, and honestly he’s so loving and gentle that you stop doubting his love for you entirely
you’re still a little insecure sometimes, especially when you see how toned his body is
but he laughs it off and says that if he weren’t a secret agent he would be super chubby
and he’d fuckin own it
he cuddles you a lot too, especially if you’re having a bad day
he calls you a bunch of embarrassing pet names like “cutiepie” to make you feel better
they start out as a joke, but actually end up migrating their way into his everyday vocabulary
you’re both so embarrassed when he accidentally says one in public
he’s so damn skinny
so when you tell him you’re feeling insecure because of it he just
why the hell would you feel insecure because you’re not weak and skinny like him?
you feel bad that you feel insecure, because you know he’s only skinny because he’s been starved, but you can’t help it
he doesn’t really know what to do, actually
he tries to put on some weight so maybe you’ll feel better, but it’s very slow and honestly he doesn’t really gain weight very easily so it doesn’t work all that well
he opts for complimenting you when he can
it’s just little things like “you look nice today” said through a scowl
but any compliment from saeran is such a huge achievement that it gradually starts making you feel better
he never compliments anyone else
it becomes evident pretty early on that you have nothing to worry about with saeran, because he himself can barely believe you love him either
neither of you want to lose each other
out of all people, V is probably the person who would least care about looks
but that still doesn’t stop you from feeling bad about yourself
he’s best friends with Jumin, who’s so attractive and so much better than you in every way
wouldn’t V rather just...date him?
when you finally end up confessing to V how insecure you feel next to everyone in the RFA, including V himself, he just pulls you into his arms
“I don’t care how you look. but even if I did, you would have nothing to worry about because you’re incredible”
he’s so soft and gentle
you still sometimes feel insecure for a moment with him, especially when you’re getting intimate, because he’s so slim and toned, but he very quickly makes you realise that doesn’t matter
he is big on body praising, to the point where you blush so hard it makes him laugh
he loves you no matter what, and he wants you to always remember that
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oreasa · 7 years
Inconceivables: Supergirl S2E19 “Ace Reporter”
Hit: Kara finally has a slow day Miss: Kara has no snappy comebacks. LOL: Winn Hit: Cute Winn Miss: Informant suddenly dies cliche. Hit: Snapper is on the same case. Miss: We are 15 minutes into the show and there are still credits rolling. Hit: Supergirl the spy Real Talk: Am I the only one with Big Hero 6 flashbacks? Hit: Mon knows what stalking is. Hit: I love that Mon doesn’t like his Earth name. Hit: Determined Kara Hit/Miss: Mon’s pickpocket skills T_T hilarious. Miss: Forced romance conflict Hit: I’m thoroughly creeped out by this guy. Miss: Lena lies. Miss: Winn has to fire Lyra :( Miss: I liked Lyra, why did they have to give her bad writing? Hit: Kara apologizes, that had to hurt. Hit: Lena can fight Miss: HOW are those actually holding Kara down? Hit: The WinnOlsen bromance is strong Hit: Most days Hit: Snapper chokes out a compliment Ooh: Rhea and Lena alliance could be fun.
Real Talk: About time there's a new episode, stupid hiatus breaks. Miss: What was the point of that POV shot? Real Talk: Grief-baking? Miss: Kara's still jobless, that fancy apartment's not paying itself you know. Hit: Carr still speaks truth of how journalism works. Question: I've stopped watching iZombie so is he the same character or someone completely different? Question: Why just one city, why not the rest of the wrold? Miss: Dude, when the van's a rocking don't come a knocking. Hit: Wynn and Lyra rekindled! Question: Is Kara even allow at CatCo? Real Talk: Ohhhhh nasty.... Real Talk: Who wants to bet that it's this Earth's Bug Eye Bandit? Hit: Yes it is, Mon. Hit: Mon's been practicing. Real Talk: "The password was Starling" Is there a Starling City on this Earth? Question: So the guy's a walking mass of nanites? My Brainiac senses are tingling. Miss: Angry Lyra, thanks Jimmy. Hit: Kara learns her lesson. Real Talk: Poor Jack. Hit: ULTRA BURN! Hit: Badass Lena! Real Talk: Yes Lena, there's nothing to be afraid of, Kara's here for you. Now kiss her! Hit: Kara's got her job back. OH NO: Rhea!
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