#Wukong acting like a high-school girl with a crush
nekohime19 · 4 months
Mini Mac # 6 : lil guy and Monkey King first outing (some would say date)
Macaque is so obvious in this chap, he's just thinking every lovesick things Wukong does is some weird Monkey King business. Poor Wukong, 😔.
Macaque wasn't nervous, he was only meticulously preparing his outing with the great sage. So what if he imagined everything that could go wrong? What if he prepared ways to save himself if it went downhill? He only liked to be prepared. The winds passed through the wall's cracks and flipped his ears, something it liked to do to tease him. Macaque huffed and shooed it away with a flick of wrist.
“It's good to be prepared.” Grumbled Macaque as he stuffed his homemade sleeping powder inside one of his bags. “There will be no storms right?” The wind brushed his cheeks affectionately and ruffled his head, Macaque rolled his eyes but let it do as it pleased. “Good.”
Macaque took a deep breath and tightened his bags around him, he messed with the red cloth covering his body a little, making sure no inch of his skin was showing. He hesitated at the edge of his room, wondering if it was truly a good idea. The wind, not one to stay still, pushed him forward towards the shadowed passages of the walls. Macaque stumbled a little, he threw a glare at the void behind him, at what he assumed was the wind position, and hissed when the echoes of a cackle tickled his ears. As much as the black-furred monkey wanted to be mad, some part of him was grateful for the wind's pushiness, he had a tendency to get stuck in the recess of his mind when it came to matters such as those. Macaque ran towards his nearest hole and slipped inside the house once he found it. The westward wing was seemingly empty, not a sign of a giant golden-furred monkey in view. Macaque straightened himself, let his ears unfold and listened to his surroundings. Sun Wukong was on the mansion's threshold, his tail thumping excitedly against the stone stair leading to the mansion main door.
The black-furred monkey let a smirk grace his lips, amused by the sage's impatience, and jumped in the shadows, traveling through them. The shadows were always particularly gentle with him, they embraced him with glee and let him swim around them as he pleased. Macaque liked to travel in the darkness, but he had to admit it could be exhausting, especially since manhandling shadows required a lot of energy.
Macaque smirked when he found the sage innocently waiting for him, blind to the world around him, and jumped out of his shadows, startling him a little. Sun Wukong yelped and turned towards him with pursed lips, half-mad, half-amused.
“Can't you come out of my shadow normally for once?” Huffed the King with crossed arms, cheeks tinted with the slightest of red.
“I like my entrances, so no thank you.” Replied the macaque with a puffed out chest. Sun Wukong rolled his eyes but Macaque noticed the soft smile hiding at the edges of his lips, the sage was rarely upset with his antics, in fact he never truly got mad at him. He got frustrated at times, especially when Macaque decided to mess with his peaches, but never mad. It was something Macaque appreciated in his own way and why he kept messing with the sage in the first place, he knew Sun Wukong wouldn't be upset by those harmless pranks.
Sun Wukong summoned his cloud with a flick of wrist and turned towards the macaque with something akin to nervosity swirling in his eyes.
“Is this okay for you?” Asked the sage as he gestured towards his cloud. Macaque knew he would have to be close to the King when he asked for this outing. It was the King himself who proposed the idea, but Macaque had been the one to ask for a sight of the moon, the longing inside of him winning over any fears he fostered towards the outside world. Fortunately, Macaque wasn't afraid of height, he knew the wind would come to his aid if he fell out of the cloud, and even if by some misfortune the wind couldn't come, his shadows would cushion his fall. The black-furred monkey climbed the cloud and sat at its edges, the texture was odd, something soft and elastic, it wasn't unpleasant. Sun Wukong huffed a laugh and sat behind him, his tail shyly brushing the macaque's back. Macaque raised an eyebrow but decided to not mention it, after all the touch was so light it felt like it wasn't even there.“Buckle up, lil bud.” Laughed the sage as he began to steer his cloud outside of the cave.
Sun Wukong commanded the waterfall hiding the cave with a single gesture, cutting the water in half with his will alone. It would be impressive coming from anyone else, but as it was Macaque knew commanding the water wasn't even a tenth of Sun Wukong's power.
Macaque had to admit, the mountain was splendous, the lush green expended everywhere, highlighted by the moon kind veil. Of course, he saw the mountain the day he arrived on the eastward bone-white shores, but at this time he was more preoccupied by the need to find a shelter and his own survival, he didn't spend much time admiring the beauty of nature. Nonetheless, more than the mountain jade colored forests, what Macaque found the most fascinating was the moon itself. He couldn't look away from the pale disk lightening the darkness, each rays touching his face with grace and warmth. Sun Wukong guided the cloud to a valley hidden in the heart of large trees, the sky was clear in this place, the swaying grass illuminated by the pure light of the night's ruler.
Macaque felt nostalgia fill him. He hadn't seen the moon since he decided to take refuge inside of the water-curtain cave. Macaque had always adored the moon, the night in itself was a time he liked (especially since he was born from the shadows) and the moon had been his guide more than once, a comfort in the most dire of his travels. Shadows were always wary of light, but at the same time they craved it to exist. The moon's light was Macaque's favorite, it was not burning like any other, but kind and welcoming. The black-furred monkey turned towards the sage, wanting to thank him for this outing. Sun Wukong was looking at him, face softened by something Macaque couldn't recognize. Macaque wondered if the sage was drunk, he looked like it with his flushed cheeks and wagging tail.
“You're okay?” Asked the macaque with a raised eyebrow. Sun Wukong startled, broken of whatever trance he was in, and looked away with reddening cheeks.
“Y-yeah, everything's fine.”
“Hm, well thank you for this.” Mumbled the macaque with the shadow of a smile on his face. Sun Wukong threw a glance at him, immediately his fur fluffed up and his tail wagged harder.
“Anytime.” Mumbled the sage with a longing sigh on his lips.
Macaque frowned at the weird behavior but decided to not comment on it, it was a lovely night after all, he could bear the sage’s oddness if it offered him such a view.
+ meme!!
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+ cut scenes
Macaque : the moon is very beautiful!😊
SWK *looking at Mac* : yeah 😍
Macaque : why are you looking at me the moon is in the sky you dimwit 🤨
SWK *crying inside* : yeah 😭
Macaque : Hey, about that offer you made...you know about going outside...
SWK *immediately straightening* : yeah? 😳
Macaque *embarrassed* : I was thinking, maybe, if you have time, you know bc I'm bored, You could show me the moon?
SWK *almost in tears* : of course! 🥹
SWK *drunk at one brotherhood fest* : and then he told me to show him the moon, he's sooo cute, I can't 😍🥹🥰
Peng *at the rest* : who the fuck is he talking about? 🤨
Azure : I have no idea, brother. 😔
Bull King : just nods along with him like the rest of us
The wind *after the outing* : spill the drama six-ears, how was your date ?
Macaque : Idk what you means by date but it was nice seeing the moon. SWK was looking at me instead of the moon, that was weird 🤔
The wind *chuckling* : Oh yeah? I'm not surprised 😏
Macaque : maybe he was surveilling me?
The wind *flicking Macaque's ears* : 😫😑
SWK *rolling around in bed and giggling like a schoolgirl after the outing* : Agjisbzhabgs, he was so cute!! 😍🥰, I'm melting 🫠
Monkey passing by : 👀
SWK : you saw nothing! 😳
Monkey : 👀👀
SWK : here, food 😣
Monkey : 🙈
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umbra-yoshi · 8 years
Warframe but like in high school
Atlas: Senior. Workout buddies with Rhino. Has a rock collection. Surprisingly good at cooking.
Ash: Senior. Bros with Excalibur. Closet weeb. Thinks Banshee is attractive.
Banshee: Junior. Loves listening to dubstep. Headphones never come off…NEVER. Very quiet and shy.
Chroma: Senior. Has a large pet lizard that he feeds live chickens named “Draco”. Plays Dragonborn in Dungeons & Dragons. Has multiple dragon posters.
Excalibur: Senior. Plays Quarterback on the football team. Has high grades. Also closet weeb. Has a crush on Mag.
Ember: Junior. Has a thing for Valkyr. Throws lit firecrackers at people. Smokes weed.
Equinox: Freshmen. Creepy twins. Finish each other’s sentences. One wears black, the other wears white. ALWAYS together.
Frost: Junior. Has a thing for Ember. Is always wearing a hoodie because he’s cold…all the time.
Gara: Sophmore.Got to this school on an art scholarship. Really into making glass sculptures. Can be a real hipster sometimes. Alot of the time. Likes to hang out with Loki sometimes but doesn't partake in his blazing. She uses other methods.
Harrow: Sophomore. Really into occult stuff. Has Demonic pentagrams on his notebooks and lockers. “Do you have time to talk about our Lord and savior, Satan?” is the line he uses to break the ice. Taken a liking to Nekros. History teacher’s favorite. Scares the hell outta Mag. (Poor girl.)
Hydroid: Sophomore. Likes pirates of the Caribbean. Wears a pirate hat everywhere. Perverted. Tells terrible pirate related puns.
Inaros: Sophomore. Has a beetle collection. Timid. When threatened throws pocket sand. Nekros’ younger brother.
Ivara: Freshman. Loves Archery. Reads comics. Green Arrow and Hawkeye are favorite heroes. Pro Hanzo in Overwatch. Always falls asleep in class.
Khora: Junior. Really loves cats. Her cat follows her to and from school. Has joined circles of other *clears throat* "animal enthusiasts". *COUGH* Has this secret Dominatrix thing goin' on. Has this crush on Valkyr.
Limbo: Junior. Wears a Tux everywhere. Thinks he’s good with the ladies. Not very good with the ladies. Terrible at Math.
Loki: Sophomore. Ash’s younger brother. Plays pranks with Mirage. Has a criminal record for Vandalism and Public indecency. Also smokes weed.
Lotus: Principal. Knows everything about the students. Chooses to do nothing about it. Inexplicably always drinking coffee. Plays handheld games (like DS and PSP) during work hours.
Mag: Freshman. Trusted by Lotus to keep everyone in check. Never acts out. Straight A’s. Makes Nyx jealous because her boobs are bigger. Loves Astrology and Physics. Has science blog. Smallest in school
Mirage: Senior. Teases Loki with “Perverted acts”. Loves playing pranks. Blew up Principal’s bathroom and didn’t get caught. Rarely shows up for class. Likes to dress Mag up in outfits.
Mesa: Junior. Plays Overwatch with Ivara, mains McCree. Loves to tell you what time it is (you know damn well what I mean) Has a bunch of old Cowboy movies. Remembers every scene of Walker Texas Ranger.
Nyx: Senior. Small boobs, big brain. Everyone listens to her, Sorta the disciplinarian.
Nekros: Senior. Always wears all black. Never smiles. Childhood friends with Saryn. Unaware that almost every girl and Limbo (excluding Nyx, Saryn, Ember, Khora, and Mirage) is afraid of him.
Nezha: Sophomore. Only Transgender in school, loves to tell everyone about it. Burned down the gym one time and didn’t get caught. Wrote his name in fire in the school courtyard.
Nidus: Junior. Owns every zombie movie ever. Likes to wear zombie makeup to school. Jumpscares Mag all of the time.
Nova: Freshman. Best at astrophysics…beats Mag actually. Has a weird thing for blowing shit up. Respected by Ember. Tutors Rhino and Valkyr.
Oberon: Junior. President of Nature club. Loves butterflies. Extremely dense but has an A in biology.
Octavia: Junior. Banshee and her are the female equivalent of bros for life. Made Banshee’s Spotify playlist. Makes her own mixtapes. Plays said mixtapes on morning announcements. Lotus would do something about it if she didn’t really like the music.
Ordis: Sophomore. Fairly nice guy on the outside but has some pretty weird/demented thoughts on the inside. Unfortunate that he also has tourette's syndrome. Convinced the Equinox twins that he was the same as them just sharing a body.
Rhino: Senior. Jacked! Pretty dumb. Great football player.
Saryn: Senior. Owns a Katana for God knows why. Pretty chill. Student Council president. Smokes weed and drinks. Developed feelings for Nekros. Created the dogmatic teaching of “Biggest boobs makes the rules”. Also not very liked by Nyx.
Simaris: Junior. Is in charge of a bunch of clubs. Gets REALLY in people's personal space, rapping off the club benefits if anyone shows just a passing interest in joining.
Stalker: Sophomore. Emo. Probably planning school shooting. Hates everyone but Nekros. Has a really creepy crush on Mirage.
Suda: Science Teacher. It's almost creepy how much she knows about science. Hates the History Teacher and all of his "ludicrous theories".
Titania: Freshman. VP of nature club Huge crush on Oberon but will never say it. Even dressed up as a butterfly to get him to notice her only to be outshined by his butterfly costume.
Teshin: Gym teacher. Doesn’t give a fuck.
Trinity: Junior. Goody two shoes. Helps out the school nurse. Wants to be a doctor. Asked Volt to play Doctor. Volt thought she wanted to like practice medicine which they did…sorta.
Vauban: Senior. Engineer. In robotics. A’s in physics. Heard of sports at most. Always in charge of fixing everyone’s….everything. Lotus even bribed him to fix the computersin the lab rather than paying for an actual professional. Worked out in the end.
Volt: Junior. On track team. Listens to Sonic the hedgehog soundtrack while jogging. Crush on Saryn. Avoids Trinity actively.
Valkyr: Sophomore. Good at gym but not much else. Anger issues. Pummeled Hydroid to a pulp for looking at her butt too long. Rhino’s younger cousin. Kinda scared of Khora.
Zephyr: Junior. Owns a pet hawk that creeps out everyone considering it follows her every command. Does parkour and hanglides.
Wukong: Freshman. Practices gymnastics. Practices martial arts with the Bo staff just to say he can. Showed up to practice drunk one time. Has a pet monkey named Pyjak that he puts sunglasses on and takes selfies with.
Clem & Darvo: College kids that hang out near the school. The suppliers of all of the contraband that goes around the school.
Amaryn (New Loka Lady): Vice Principal. Lotus’ advisory and all-around babysitter. Struggling to find a way to hide Lotus' video games from her.
Cressa Tal (Steel Meridian Lady): English Teacher. Claims she hates men yet has a new boyfriend every few weeks. Every class is like a sad romance novel.
Arbiters of Hexis: Mean teachers I forgot to cover.
Ergo Glast (Perrin Sequence guy): Math Teacher. So boring he sometimes puts himself to sleep while he’s at the board teaching.
Red Veil dude: History Teacher. During class he makes random Conspiracy theories. Everyone thinks he’s crazy.
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