dungeonsynthguide · 5 months
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Wulfsige Cold, Dead Eyes (2023)
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rococospade · 19 days
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Fromsoft and fic verse sketch dump. Includes some amigurumi sketches of choral comp chars, Saturday au Letho, Wulfsige being a menace, and Ascelin wildly misinterpreting the emotional response viewers have to his suffering clothing damage.
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flintenweib · 6 months
Wulfsige - COLD, DEAD EYES - 2023 (Dungeon Synth, Ambient)
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444names · 8 months
Names generated from Welsh and Old English forenames
Adhel Adnorhuw Adolcmær Adyne Aelynn Aldric Aldrion Aldwy Aldæg Alhhan Alion Allini Aninghead Anlyniad Anmod Anwulf Aradfric Arddaf Arona Arvis Arwan Arwegard Aryne Astan Augwige Aurgant Aurion Aurond Auruffys...
Beadog Beadry Beary Bebeor Beodris Beofwig Beolm Beornwen Beoruffa Beoryth Berecg Berefric Bereth Berewis Berhirad Berhtmund Berlyn Beron Bervyth Beryne Bevine Birlafyd Bleorth Blodmun Blodrys Blowac Bloyse Bradfrys Brawen Brawryn Briant Bælfrida Caderhth Cadgiefri Cadgy Cadorwulf Cadro Cadræd Cadwin Cainghed Cairawr Carno Carwynon Ceiraine Ceiriht Celafyd Celys Cemryn Ceofwen Ceofweno Ceolræ Ceorys Ceres Ciran Clenna Cleormund Coelinghn Coelyn Colcwin Conaminor Coniamed Conwacon Conwen Conwyn Cradno Crain Crawen Criceri Cynemry Cyngui Cynis Cynor Danwalys Dellis Delywen Deorce Derees Derefric Derht Deric Deriona Deweald Dewen Dewinlys Dewynifu Dilia Dreth Dryht Duffin Duffitt Dægegarno Dægen Eadoc Eadwend Eadwyn Eaffi Eagmundoc Eahmunric Eahwyn Ealia Eanwen Eardbe Earid Earnifine Earnwen Earobald Earona Earwenno Earyð Eaven Eavine Ebryhtno Ecgbeadhe Ecgbedrys Ecghervin Ecgwalhha Eilwend Eilynd Einer Einerhian Eiran Eiric Eiron Eirwy Eladward Elanna Elfwyn Elgarfri Elgarlyr Elgiefu Elhiwald Elmon Elodry Elonan Elond Elsianis Elsigan Eluan Elundan Elwelwyn Elwen Elynne Elyrht Emlyne Emunsig Eneth Eodwead Eofri Eofwen Eohstige Eorht Eoræd Estano Eswig Euline Eurganto Eurys Ffinen Flaela Fordwen Friarwy Fridhund Gantorug Garan Garand Garard Garewulf Garnwulf Garon Gavis Gerht Gewulfsig Glacerht Glafyd Gleor Glestio Glien Gline Godwulf Gofriano Gofwen Golyn Gridheuan Grugaren Grugart Gulfric Gwacen Gwald Gwarefris Gweald Gweastig Gwegberi Gwelwy Gwena Gwenber Gwend Gwenna Gwenys Gwils Gwilyn Gwine Gwingwen Gwinwenno Gwyne Hanwine Heada Headana Headmun Headwulf Heald Heale Healhine Hearfrund Hearge Hearwen Hefry Heiri Helin Helodmod Helwidwi Herawd Hered Herhian Herhth Herhtwulf Herhyn Heuan Honon Huffina Huffion Hunbeoræd Hundberon Hwynewig Iefri Iolodron Ivorht Ivoryð Iwales Jachno Kenewilig Kunys Lafan Lecolm Leorg Leorht Leoric Leortan Ligeren Listard Llacelt Llacona Llafwild Llaweard Llegwen Llelwy Llion Llyniarg Lynstan Maboys Maceolm Machald Madberic Madmund Madsiane Maelwulf Mairic Mairiono Mannan Maran Mardd Marhtmæri Marwen Megar Meine Menne Merewint Merht Merilstai Meswen Mesyllion Mialdhund Miliad Miliri Milish Millt Milwend Modmund Modylwyn Morhter Mornod Mornwenne Mwynge Mwynwulwy Myfin Myfion Nonsin Obalun Obeofa Obeorg Ohswin Olegy Ollano Orgarrawn Osfric Osganerl Osigen Osiono Oslaitt Osmorg Osmorug Osmundoc Ostan Oswearth Oswig Oswild Oswilys Owald Owearvyth Peren Perhund Plecgwiht Plegydd Pleod Plewi Plewyn Pryht Pwyne Remlyn Rherio Rhilis Rhiric Rhisige Rhonswig Rhtan Rhtmund Rhtmær Rhtno Rhtnod Rhtwig Rynflæd Scian Sciric Sciron Scmær Sexrere Siaredoc Siarno Sigen Sigend Siger Sigerhod Sigewen Staine Sulfgant Sweado Sæberyth Sæmunia Særmon Sæwigstan Sæwiht Sæwulfno Tanwen Taranne Tatwenno Teryce Torht Torwen Tosmundo Toswe Trawegar Under Urweard Waldas Waleurg Weadræd Wealana Weald Wenian Whydd Whyne Widwulf Willwyn Wilrigeal Wilyno Wineryth Winhelwyn Winnant Winwean Wionwen Wuffitt Wulfge Wulfgeth Wulflæd Wulfri Wulfsig Wulis Wulwyn Wærben Wærmeils Wærmodry Ægburwyn Ægemryn Ægmund Ælfgen Ælfgengu Ælfri Ælfrid Ælfwenna Æsceiran Æscen Æsculf Æthin Æthund Æðelbeth Æðelm
Same thing, but longer names
Adbeare Adweadhere Aenrian Aerawd Aervythræd Aetran Aetrychafric Afwige Aldard Aldarnor Aldgilstrian Aldwendoc Aldythiadwyn Alfgerecgwyn Alhiang Alhilwend Anwingui Anwulf Ardricerht Argaerhiward Arther Astian Ateron Augargn Augheald Balanghere Beadburgarn Beadiand Bealegmund Bealynfen Bearvyth Beberic Beddyl Beohtwulf Beolwenith Beolym Beorhowen Beorht Beoric Beorwenifed Beredyfion Bereweleow Berhorhtry Berhtan Berhth Berhtwulfri Berhund Berhygeth Beridherht Bleganwenys Blodwith Bloyddyth Bradhun Braine Branwig Brynsig Bælfherhiran Cadfrige Cadwearri Cadwin Cairobatnor Caradwulu Carawr Carfris Carmestri Carnebraint Carran Cartan Catwen Ceadoc Ceilyn Celadbervine Cemodræd Cendarwen Cenric Ceornog Cereoreir Cerhaf Ceriona Cerlym Cerona Cirlys Ciroslaceiri Cirwear Coelan Colbered Coleod Collined Collth Colwulf Consianto Culfgare Cynetradgar Cynewealt Cynewigard Cynfyn Cyngwen Cyngwyn Cynhanna Cynwilis Deiraine Deliald Denodre Deofmærburys Deolyne Deorhor Derhund Drynelyr Duddund Duddynmon Duffin Duffion Dufonwenne Duwend Dægberhtmuni Dægeben Dægmun Eadbeor Eadgarawen Eadgard Eadnona Eadron Eadsig Eadwigered Eadwion Eagmune Eahberht Eahmund Eahræd Eahwulf Ealdeoht Ealdgairic Ealine Eardwyn Earnian Earnwulunydi Earoswig Eartanin Earwac Earwealdwen Earwen Earwulfgard Earyce Eastyn Ecgber Ecgbere Ecgfry Ecgmun Ecgmune Ecgwayn Ecgwen Ecgwingen Ecgwynwent Eifana Eiffion Eilistan Eilræd Eilyner Einemunbenn Eirawn Eiriffyno Eirwyelwin Eirwynheald Elachafwen Elawenric Elbeard Elesyla Elgarnwenwen Elgarwelm Elhinnbeadgy Elhstan Elhstanodwr Elhstin Elhswen Ellwilrefu Elmorceir Elonstatno Elowarwen Elridwin Elweno Elwuligulf Elwynes Elyngui Emlyne Emlynnemær Emlywenine Emryhtno Emunda Enbeornwion Eodmun Eoflæd Eofriadbat Eofryn Eofwidfric Eofwiliant Eofwin Eorhel Eorilis Eormon Eormor Eorthillod Eowall Erherhunwen Erhtwulf Estanan Fflananne Ffydilys Follen Gaineth Ganmodgan Gannandbald Garadsigen Garair Gardwulf Gargarnor Garlaf Garnwena Garweald Gavenna Gerhor Giangerhiana Gladberys Gladganweal Gladwulfdelm Glegberht Glewulurysen Godricerht Godræd Gofmæri Gofrynes Gofwild Golcmær Golodwen Gructi Grugarnwen Gwalen Gweaditt Gweadog Gweald Gwealdre Gwealt Gweanwen Gwearai Gwearan Gwearwen Gwelwen Gwenfere Gwenna Gweofricbeor Gwinelræd Gwineslai Gwynan Gwynfyn Hacelwenbead Hanwen Harwyn Headbe Headgard Headmær Headoc Headwulf Healdæge Heallund Hearanne Hearwen Helgilm Heluctige Heohstig Heorychan Herecolm Hereestan Heresigenda Herhtmærbur Herhun Herynfydd Heulfryn Hlonwulf Hostafwen Hrædrædwenys Hunberemund Hundber Hunetheard Hunith Hunnesinesen Hunweadno Huwenwine Hwulfsig Hygerht Ianedund Iengen Ifithry Inetherht Iolleng Iolwynfyddan Ionanog Ionwello Ionwenys Ionwinerht Ivorgar Jacolwenia Jestyn Laconine Lafric Lechnosfric Leduddairifu Legartaith Legburht Legnord Lelwehelfsia Lesionwald Leulunden Liadno Lleofræd Llewulf Lliric Mabond Maboyd Maboys Machowartan Madwulf Malafwion Marmund Marona Matnor Meddai Melwearwyne Merhth Merhtmun Mestan Mestid Meswena Meswinesenne Miardian Monweare Mornis Munstane Mwynno Myfinewyn Nebeandbald Obaleofrice Ohstanwen Ohtmunberht Ordweadoc Orhowr Orhtrys Orhtsig Osigen Oswend Petrewulf Petrys Plechn Pledwen Pleofno Pleofnon Regarged Rerhian Rhianwac Rhildhelwen Rhilræd Rhorhowr Rhtantorgifi Rhtatedol Rhtmun Rhtmund Rhtnos Rhtremryne Rhtrugar Rhtræd Rhundbeald Ronwegn Sciaran Scmæri Sianrilstant Sigerht Sigerædwin Sighair Stafyddynina Stigen Stionwulflæd Sulferic Sweanwen Swenys Sæbeor Sæmunburic Sæmundo Sæwayn Tafwin Taldhelm Tangwarwe Tanlyn Teremun Teslyn Testige Torceina Tordic Torhtgarnhaf Tosfria Tosmundol Toswiht Trugwenric Ugheren Undbald Unnerenbeben Vanrethron Weadwealth Wenined Wigend Wigent Wigewenburg Wihtno Wihtrug Wildar Wineild Winelmornwen Wineth Wulenian Wuleodmunri Wulfen Wulfgarwen Wulfgia Wulflæd Wulfri Wulfrild Wulfwites Wulfyd Wulirwen Wynewulfrice Wærburoban Wærmorughno Ægbecgberhis Ægbeor Ægeris Ælfwen Ælfwinish Ælfwyne Ællawn Ællurht Æscmærbeald Æthealhsti Ætherht Æthufor Æðelafred Æðelwena Æðelwulf
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wulfsige · 1 year
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The many looks of Wulfsige! 
In an effort to get caught up on here, just posting my many looks.  Expect to see at least TWO of these guys at MFF2022 this year!! 
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zzoupz · 2 years
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ocs related sketches I haven't posted
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deceiver-a-day · 3 years
The Golden Chains of Farohildis Wulfsige
• [x] break easily
• [x] imply wealth
• [x] bind through fear and not through fortitude
• [x] glitter in the light
• [x] act as conduits for magical charms
• [x] are often believed to be merely ornamental 
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soulampsuper · 4 years
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Another one! Have a stinky feral man
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ERODIL : an absolute master of sweeping damsels off their feet. when it comes to swooping in and stealing the show she’s a QUEEN, so to speak. she steals hearts and glory. no one is better at wooing a crowd or making women seriously question their marriages or first loves. likely leaves a trail of broken hearted maids throughout all of the reunited kingdom. 
FUINHIND : wrote. the. book. on. romance. whether he intentionally courts anyone or not he’ll leave the heart aching for something more for years to come; men look back on their encounter with wistful sighs and wonder ‘’oh, what if.’’ novelists want what he has, poets cannot capture the raw charming, mysterious appeal he has. 
WULFSIGE : “you fight good.”
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rohrrm-blog · 5 years
it’s not set up yet but erodil, fuinhind, and wulfsige will now be found HERE
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baeddel · 3 years
there are apparently several names recorded of Anglo-Saxon men who are called ‘the black’, ie. ‘Wulfsige the black’ (Wulfsige su blaca), who was also called ‘Wulfsige the Moor’ (Wulfsige maurus), an old word used by Europeans for North African muslims. ‘the [colour]’ as a naming convention usually refers to hair rather than skin colour (usually its ‘the red’). It’s interesting that he was identified w/ North Africa but nonetheless had an AS name. I wonder if he was indeed from North Africa but took a local name, like John Hawkwood who took the name Giovanni Acuto in Italy... He was also called Æthelwine niger, which is a different name and even a different word for black!
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troybeecham · 3 years
Today the Church remembers st.Alphege of Canterbury, Archbishop, Monk, and Martyr.
Ora pro nobis.
St. Alphege, also known as Ælfheah, was born around 953 AD, supposedly in Weston on the outskirts of Bath, and became a monk early in life.”He first entered the monastery of Deerhurst, but then moved to Bath, where he became an anchorite. He was noted for his piety and austerity and rose to become abbot of Bath Abbey. Indications are that Ælfheah became abbot at Bath by 982 AD, perhaps as early as around 977. He perhaps shared authority with his predecessor Æscwig after 968.
Probably due to the influence of Dunstan, the Archbishop of Canterbury (959–988), Ælfheah was elected Bishop of Winchester in 984,l and was consecrated on 19 October that year. While bishop he was largely responsible for the construction of a large organ in the cathedral, audible from over a mile (1600 m) away and said to require more than 24 men to operate. He also built and enlarged the city's churches, and promoted the cult of Swithun and his own predecessor, Æthelwold of Winchester. One act promoting Æthelwold's cult was the translation of Æthelwold's body to a new tomb in the cathedral at Winchester, which Ælfheah presided over on 10 September 996.
Following a Viking raid in 994, a peace treaty was agreed with one of the raiders, Olaf Tryggvason. Besides receiving danegeld, Olaf converted to Christianityl and undertook never to raid or fight the English again. Ælfheah may have played a part in the treaty negotiations, and it is certain that he confirmed Olaf in his new faith.
In 1006, Ælfheah succeeded Ælfric as Archbishop of Canterbury, taking Swithun's head with him as a relic for the new location. He went to Rome in 1007 to receive his pallium—symbol of his status as an archbishop—from Pope John XVIII, but was robbed during his journey. While at Canterbury, he promoted the cult of Dunstan,lordering the writing of the second Life of Dunstan, which Adelard of Ghent composed between 1006 and 1011. He also introduced new practices into the liturgy, and was instrumental in the Witenagemot's recognition of Wulfsige of Sherborne as a saint in about 1012.
In 1011, the Danes again raided England, and from 8–29 September they laid siege to Canterbury. Aided by the treachery of Ælfmaer, whose life Ælfheah had once saved, the raiders succeeded in sacking the city. Ælfheah was taken prisoner and held captive for seven months. Godwine(Bishop of Rochester), Leofrun (abbess of St Mildrith's), and the king's reeve, Ælfweard were captured also, but the abbot of St Augustine's Abbey, Ælfmær, managed to escape. Canterbury Cathedral was plundered and burned by the Danes following Ælfheah's capture.
Ælfheah refused to allow a ransom to be paid for his freedom knowing the poverty of the people, and as a result was killed on 19 April 1012 at Greenwich (then in Kent, now part of London), reputedly on the site of St Alfege's Church. The account of Ælfheah's death appears in the E version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle:
... the raiding-army became much stirred up against the bishop, because he did not want to offer them any money, and forbade that anything might be granted in return for him. Also they were very drunk, because there was wine brought from the south. Then they seized the bishop, led him to their "hustings" on the Saturday in the octave of Easter, and then pelted him there with bones and the heads of cattle; and one of them struck him on the head with the butt of an axe, so that with the blow he sank down and his holy blood fell on the earth, and sent forth his holy soul to God's kingdom.
Ælfheah was the first Archbishop of Canterbury to die a violent death. A contemporary report tells that Thorkell the Tall attempted to save Ælfheah from the mob about to kill him by offering everything he owned except for his ship, in exchange for Ælfheah's life. Ælfheah was buried in St Paul's Cathedral. In 1023, his body was moved by King Cnut to Canterbury, with great ceremony. Thorkell the Tall was appalled at the brutality of his fellow raiders, and switched sides to the English king Æthelred the Unready following Ælfheah's death.
When the Dane Cnut (Canute) became King of England in 1016, he adopted a policy of conciliation, and in 1023 he brought the body of Alphege from London to Canterbury, where he was long remembered as a martyr.
O Almighty God, by whose grace and power thy holy martyr Alphege triumphed over suffering and was faithful even unto death: Grant us, who now remember him with thanksgiving, to be so faithful in our witness to thee in this world, that we may receive with him the crown of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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rococospade · 1 year
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shitpost doodle of wulfsige and godrick two lovely noblewomen who want to know why they're being accosted while out on a stroll
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lesbianechinocereus · 4 years
I have no idea if this will make it to my final draft but I wrote some dialogue just because
context: mech pilots z and wulfsige have a chat after a successful mission together (also i just wanted to write a confession scene :shyemoji:)
Z stretched her arms and sighed, floating her way down the hallway. As soon as she boarded the ship, a tension that had been there the whole mission dropped off her face.“Well, I guess that went well. Can’t say I’m a fan of normal gravity after my first time planetside.”
Liana turned around, blocking Z’s path through the ship. “You’re taking this oddly well for someone who almost died.”
Z flashed her biggest smile at Liana. “Would have died, if it weren’t for you! Dinner’s on me tonight, we can forget about all this over whatever the chef’s serving.”
“Z, look… I don’t think I can forget this. Do you know what I was feeling when that shot almost hit you? I kept thinking about what I’d do without you, how empty I’d feel without you to rely on. I’m not sure I can keep doing this.”
Z grabbed the nearby wall and pulled herself close to it, preparing for a longer conversation than she expected. “I know the risks, Liana, and so do you. I’m not backing down when we’re in this deep, so if you want me by your side the only way is for you to keep fighting at this point. Not to mention that Spider’s an overgrown paperweight without you.”
Liana kept eye contact, but her head was facing down at her hands now. “I know that, and I wouldn’t give up the fight anyways. This about… the thing we talked about earlier. If I can’t have a guarantee from you that you’ll be around next month or even tomorrow then I can’t just treat you as a professional.” Liana held her arms out wide. “You were right, I hope you enjoy it.”
Z pushed herself forwards until she was up against Liana, grabbing her waist to keep the two of them together, looking up to match where Liana had turned her head to avoid her, “So… you want my hands on you right now to mean something more than physical stability? I can work with that just fine if you’ll let me.”
Liana reached down and wrapped her hands around Z in turn, pulling her up until their heads were nearly touching. “...yes. I know what I said, but I’m tired of pretending I don’t have feelings for you to try and protect us. It doesn’t even work anyways. I… I love you, but I guess you already knew that.”
“I did, but I won’t deny that hearing it makes it sweeter.” 
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444names · 7 months
Names generated from Old English forenames, excluding the letter "C"
Aldard Aldherhtri Aldhunwulf Aldæge Alhelwulf Ardri Balda Beadgar Beadhund Beadmærfre Beahmund Beard Bearwald Benewulf Benglish Benhelwild Beodgifu Beodre Beodræd Beoflæd Beofmær Beofsta Beofwine Beofwing Beohstand Beolberht Beolre Beorht Beorhte Beorhthry Beorhtlaf Beornwear Beornwige Beort Beorwine Bered Berefrug Berenhere Bereweadre Berewulf Berhelm Berhtan Berhtgar Berhth Berhthere Berhthræd Berhtmund Berhtwine Beræd Birwinere Birwulf Burugard Byrhtherht Byrhtno Bælfgifu...
Delmær Delno Delwulfræd Deodry Deodrædræd Deodwulfge Deofmær Deofstat Deofwine Deohtweard Deord Deorht Deorhtræd Deormun Dered Derenburg Derht Derhtmund Derhtmær Deræd Dryht Duddar Dufeno Duffa Dægberæd Dægemær Dægenelf Dægheand Eadbere Eadburg Eadburi Eadburugar Eadgard Eadgiefri Eadgilm Eadgyddard Eadmod Eadmodre Eadmodryð Eadre Eadsig Eadsigene Eadwaldræd Eadwealhha Eadwigui Eadwinemær Eadwini Eadwulflæd Eagmund Eahmun Eahmund Eahræd Eahwulf Ealda Ealdar Ealdeno Ealder Ealdgar Ealdgydda Ealdheard Ealdherht Ealdwulf Ealdægmund Ealhelmæri Ealhha Ealhild Eanlaf Eanræd Eardbeorno Eardre Eardri Eardræd Eardwish Eareofri Earhtno Earno Earnstand Earwi Earwige Easta Eastidfri Elafa Elbealdri Elbere Elberht Elfge Elgan Elgiefu Elheald Elher Elherht Elhha Elhhelre Elhherht Elhstan Elrædno Elsig Elsigefu Elsigemær Elstatno Elwald Elweadno Elweahmund Elwegræd Elwingui Elwulfno Elwulfri Elwynesta Entweaf Entweald Eodri Eoflæd Eofmær Eofno Eofstan Eofweofri Eofwyne Eohstan Eolbeald Eolber Eolberht Eoldenræd Eorht Eorhthryð Eorhtmund Eorhtno Eorhtwig Eorhtwulf Eornheald Eornmun Eorno Eornstan Eornwulf Eorweadsig Eorwulf Eorædre Esige Eslaf Eswealhha Eswigemund Eswine Folbere Folre Folræd Folwehelm Garno Garnweald Godgar Godgarwulf Golberht Headbald Headmær Headryð Headwig Heahræge Heald Healdhear Healdry Healdwulf Healhheard Healhstan Heardri Heardwulf Helbered Helfwida Helhhela Helhswig Helræd Helth Heltherd Helwald Helwine Herdred Hered Hereori Herht Herhtgan Herhtgard Hryht Hryhtræd Hrædmod Hunber Hunbere Hunsigeard Hunstat Hygentwine Hysebbeard Hyseberæd Hysenweard Hysexre Hysexred Legbered Legmun Legmund Legræd Leodryð Leodræd Leodwingu Leofræd Leofwistan Leorht Leorhtmund Leorihth Leornmund Leornmune Leorno Leornwulf Leoræd Ligeheared Milflæd Milsige Modræd Modwine Oberegy Ohstan Ohswistan Ohtræd Olbeofstan Omunbenber Onsig Onstmund Orhtered Orhtmund Orhtrund Orhtwine Ormenald Ornheald Orwear Osbeald Osbear Osfrugard Osfræd Osgan Osgarnwulf Oslaf Oslan Osmodgifu Osmodmund Osmodræd Osmonstan Osmun Ostan Ostand Ostate Ostatno Ostræd Osweahwulf Oswear Oswehha Oswige Oswigemær Oswing Plegberæd Plegburg Plegn Plegno Pleofstan Pleold Pleord Pleori Pleorno Porno Poræd Rytheræd Rædmær Rædrædmær Rædwine Rægene Seberhtwi Sigar Sigarnwulf Sigegmund Sigegno Sigehher Sigen Sigenberht Sigene Sigenræd Sigeweard Sigheregy Sigherht Sigstan Sigstidere Stand Stida Stidheald Sweadmær Sweald Swean Swige Swine Sæbeald Sæmunn Sæmunwi Særbeod Sæwald Sæwaldwulf Sæwig Sæwigegno Sæwigemund Sæwulfno Tidhere Tigerht Torhered Torht Torhtwine Tormunred Torno Torwald Torwigefu Tosmunwi Tostanre Toswean Ugand Ugard Ugardbere Ugared Wardri Weadbere Weadgifu Weald Wealhswine Weofwear Widerhtwi Widfregy Widfri Wigar Wigegmund Wigeher Wigeno Wigheald Wihtheate Wilmod Wilstanræd Winestand Wingu Wingulf Wulfgard Wulfgefri Wulfgifu Wulfhealda Wulfhelafa Wulflæd Wulfsig Wulfsigard Wulfweald Wulfwige Wyneber Wynemun Wynfeni Wynfere Wynherhtno Wynsta Wynsweard Wærberæd Wærfræd Wærmodmund Wærmunriht Ædmunwulf Ægbeofræd Ægegno Ægegræd Ægegy Æghere Ægherhtno Ægmund Ælfgard Ælfgardwi Ælflæd Ælfsig Ælfsigar Ælfweald Ælfwi Ælfwini Ællegbere Ælleod Ælleofwi Ælleorno Æthean Æthelm Æther Ætherhtno Æthund Æðelf Æðelhswine Æðelm Æðelræd Æðelwulf Æðelwyne
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obsidivns · 3 years
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EADRIC WULFSIGE attending the ball
Who gives a rat’s arse about a ball at a time like this? Certainly not Eadric. But apparently, the whole bloody city is turning up for this thing, so he’s dragging his sorry carcass down to it as well. His outfit is simple, big and bulky like him. Supposedly his mask is supposed to be a panther or some shite, but it was the only one what looked anything like a bear, so he paid up and is calling it ‘good enough’. It won’t be hard to spot his hulking form in the background, staying close to the drinks and letting his resting bitch face drive off unwanted company.
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