#XGaster is so
fleaishbitch · 1 year
I really hope jakei doesn't see this lmao
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buubonita · 5 months
Can u see it?
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somegrumpynerd · 17 days
Ink listing off a couple of Cross's canon events from the last timeline of xtale like things xGaster did and said to him and Nightmare gripping his mug so hard you can almost see his bones through the goop
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wickjump · 2 months
my favorite genre to write is “it starts off with cross suffering in some way or another” (cw for a childhood memory flashback where cross uses she/her (he’s trans and afab) and child abuse/neglect because it’s cross)
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look at this wet dog. i gave him a tail because he deserves to tuck it between his legs in a passive show of submission and fear. also a lot of this is borderline vent out emotions by making a character suffer work so 😭
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trunklewunjle · 7 months
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my babygirl || It was about time we included him in our roleplay <3
(I love lovely lad, marry me)
XGaster and Xalphys belongs to JakeiArtWork
Ink belongs to comyet
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alyimoss · 5 months
hey was noone gonna tell me abt how similar xgaster and xpapyrus's fits are....
inchresting... inch resting indeed...
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unknownarmageddon · 4 months
on the topic of skeletons being doomsday devices. both cross and killer have that kinda potential. what if we were molded by hands other than our own through harsh repetition into devices for inevitable doomsday. and also we were both boys. or whatever
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deer-vision · 7 months
i heard this song today and was like. wait a minute.
i forgot i made this. happy 3years and 2months to this video.
its horrible. i love it
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marukuroshima · 8 months
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I HAD to.
And the girl is my OC/Self insert, Misty ! (XTale version,she has many versions lmao And don’t worry the drawing isn’t self shipping)
I just added her here for fun xD enjoy, and congratulations to @jakei95 for reaching 1M subscribers !
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fandomsoda · 9 months
I have just learned that someone very important in the Xvials community has been forced to stop posting about the ship due to the harassment they are receiving.
Needless to say, I am absolutely livid about this, not only for losing someone important in a small community of mine, but absolutely disgusted that people would harass someone over a ship that DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING FUCKING WRONG WITH IT.
Harassment is already wrong obviously I shouldn’t have to say that, but it’s ten times worse when the reason behind it isn’t even fucking valid. Even if it were, harassment doesn’t work and only causes people to either double down or become emotionally unstable and puts them in danger. Harassment is never the answer in these times.
So here’s everyone’s (un)friendly reminder that Xvials is not problematic, Xvials is not pro/ship, a lot of people just have very weird views of how the multiverse works and haven’t refreshed themselves on X-Tale in a while and let their hatred of XGaster get out of hand. It’s totally fine not to like it, but don’t lie about it.
I’m gonna quickfire debunk the primary claims I’ve been seeing surrounding Xvials, btw for those out of the know, Xvials is XGaster x Ink, sometimes romantic but usually queerplatonic or some other abstract case. Let’s get started-
argument #1: “Ink’s adoptive dads are Gasters, so him being with a Gaster is pseudo-incest!”
Alright this alone to me is just ridiculous because like, actually think about that for a second, this is implying that every single Gaster in the whole multiverse is somehow related to Ink and that he can’t have unique relationships with them and I hope that everyone can recognize that the concept alone is absurd.
argument #2: “It’s abusive! They’re just using each other! XGaster actually hates Ink!”
Did we watch the same show? Because I don’t think we did, since in X-Tale their bond is repeatedly displayed and in Underverse it’s reinforced, with tons of extra things Jakei has posted emphasizing their bond. May I remind everyone of “come back”, this teaser Jakei showed depicting XGaster being actively afraid of losing Ink? Keep in mind how Ink is shown in a bright, important light here? He’s clearly afraid of losing him, they’re genuine friends, it’s not just for his own motives, and XGaster never treats Ink poorly, other than leaving him in the dark about things that I doubt he’s intentionally hiding from him, simply not thinking Ink would need/want to know. Like I said: totally fine if it’s not your thing or you don’t like it, but don’t fucking lie.
argument #3: “They’re both aroace!”
True, however that makes it even more likely for them to have a unique bond and understanding of each other than with others, definitely not romantic but as I said before, Xvials isn’t primarily romantic and all romantic depictions are fully recognized as fanon, if they appear at all. Also when I talk about them having a special and unique bond, that’s addressed in a canon comic, remember this from back in June? A lot of the time, the two being aroace is actually a very important component of Xvials portrayals. Especially in my case, since the way I think of them is very much hazy and queerplatonic, like all my ships with Ink.
argument #4 (this is going to sound satirical but I’m not even kidding, I saw someone say this): “It’s pseudo-pedophilic because Ink is very short and acts younger while XGaster is tall and acts mature!”
I… am at a loss for words. Take a look at that, think about what you just said, and go touch grass. Obviously, Ink and XGaster are both full grown adults with somewhat ethereal ages, no one here is a child, and labeling Ink as child-like comes off as very ableist for a number of reasons. Ink can definitely be childish, any character can, but that doesn’t make them “child coded”.
ok, that was a lot, but I just needed to get that off my chest, I… yeah. I think y’all get it. Good day.
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salamiimommy · 1 year
FTFO CHAPTER 33 MEMES (spoilers, obvi)
so it’s collectively agreed that The Doodlesphere is everyone’s favourite character right
let it have a little murder !! as a treat <3
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justarandooooo · 30 days
Made this a lil while ago but idk I just decided I’d post it here👌
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sunnybunnybabs · 1 year
FTFO art and meme, ch 34 related
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Who knew drawing characters youve never drawn before is hard!!! Fuck you XGaster
Healer protection squad consisting of deities, someone from a different multiverse and the multiverse itself who want you fucking dead!!
It was just something funny I thought of since I just want the Gasters n Alphys dead n gone
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Xtra funny lil meme I've been thinking about
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wickjump · 2 months
throwback to my first ever amv/edit i made that got no attention bc tiktok was my only platform and i could only post it muted there cause of copyright. it sucks so much ass i might refurbish it + add cool lyrics/effects or whatever idk
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saveandreset · 11 months
Underverse 0.7 part 2 spoilers!
Just a bunch of pics of my absolute fave
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Such good scenes!!!! I've spent waaaay too long screenshotting each scene XD
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Heh spooked, ah the little jump sans did XD
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Ah brings back lovely memories for him, oof
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Also these two!!!! Pointing at the original artstyle! Second for the regular in Aftertale and the first for that fight scene towards the end
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Also the family!
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And oooooh yes
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triglycercule · 3 months
sometimes i feel like swapinverse deviates too much from the concept i originally had (which is that character A goes through events that lead them to having one or more traits of character B) but then i remember that this is all not canon and this is MY CANON and it's all artistic liberty and i have free reign to change things if i think they're too boring or i just want a different aesthetic
nooo stop you can't change logic about the tree of feelings and make it so that the villagers are less hateful as a result to nightmare (melpomene :3) and then also have inspiration from greece that's weird- SHUT UP!!!!! if i want them being named after greek muses and gods and wear drapy loosely inspired clothing then i WILL!!!! normal dreamtale is too boring anyways it's just the sun and moon themes. there's a point where you can't just squeeze in sun and moon symbols without it getting repetitive and trashy
noooo stop you can't completely change the events of xtale/underverse and basically make cross (crash xD) a different character- YES I CAN!!!!!!!!! i mean like what the hell would even happen to xtale if ink didn't exist anyways. xgaster would kill himself?? THAT'S BORING and i needed to find a way to keep xgaster alive so cross can at least somewhat come fron xtale. anyways crash (and also siphon but he's a completely different story that doesn't deviate TOO much) feel very outlierish to me in terms of what they do (since they don't directly do what their character B traits are, those are just a byproduct of their actions)
nooooo stop you can't give killer angel motifs and make him wear a random ass blindfold for no reason- YES THE FUCK I CAN YES I CAN!!!!! i didn't even have a reason for this i just really wanted him to be angel themed when i came up with the NAME savior (what's the opposite of killing? life. okay but i can't just fucking name this killer "liver" that's weird. i can't name him VICTIM either that's just strange especially considering this character concept. so what else is there? i could use kill on its own and search up antonyms. the strongest antonym of kill on thesaurus.com is save. boom SAVIOR) and then i RAN with the savior concept because if i'm gonna have a character literally named savior with a warped savior complex then i might as well go all in on the angel motifs because im out of ideas on unique design concepts
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