xcharmedxheirsx · 5 years
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THREE MONTHS. That’s how long Delilah had been able to hold out. But the truth was -- No matter how hard Delilah tried. No matter how hard DYLAN tried. There was just no escape from the crushing HOLE in her chest or the fulfilling DREAMS in her head. She’d NEEDED to see her. And when Helena invited her over in a midst a rather THANKLESS November. Well... She wasn’t used to Nevada. She couldn’t tell if it was the extra few degrees of HEAT. The extra thousand feet of ELEVATION. Or just how DRY the desert was. But she felt SICK TO HER STOMACH. (That might also have been her ANXIETY or her JEALOUSY.) But here she was. Dylan in tow -- Of course. She did wonder how Helena was HOLDING UP these days. Whether she’d managed to adopt her baby daugher. That was the GOOD SIDE of Delilah. But her Dark Side? Well that was asking different questions ENTIRELY. Like... Did she MISS HER? She could hope. Her entire coping mechanism BANKED ON IT.
Meanwhie in their rather DINKY apartment. (Seraphina insisted on rationing out the money they’d made pawning her jewellery.) The once-rich-heiress, now identified as a RUNAWAY-IN-LOVE. Was to say the least -- Freaking PARANOID. She’d come to view Delilah in LESS FAVORABLE TERMS ever since the ultimatum. Who the FUCK makes her sibling choose between her DAUGHTER and her SISTER? (Okay so it was between being with Sera in Vegas, and cutting Sera in Texas. And she’d be a HYPOCRITE to spite Delilah cause of that -- BUT STILL.) “Really hope your sister is expecting takeout. She doesn’t really think either of us can COOK -- Right?” She asked to the redhead who was biting at her nails. “Helena...” She wanted so badly to calm the sociopath down. But they both knew that there was no SHADE OF GREY in Delilah’s stained-black life. Either she was here to RUIN THEM. Or she was here to RUIN HELENA. Even if the LITTLE PSYCHO hadn’t realized it yet...
                                                                                    KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK.
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seesgood · 5 years
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❝ would it kill you to be nicer? ❞
@xhelenaxleblancx          /          sc ! 
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amelorates · 5 years
@xhelenaxleblancx         speech bubble dialogue
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There’s no luck in romance for someone who can’t calm down enough for two seconds of not being a whirlwind. She’ll tell them she’s not stuck up but it’s clear that these places hold a dear spot in her heart——the expensive, the gold-plated, the pink champagne. But they’re walking home now and her whole mood’s off——she’s been walking in front for the whole stretch, not exchanging glances, a small pout on her lips and a huff in her chest, hands hidden and dug deep into the pockets of her too-big faux shearling jacket. “You embarrassed me this evening!”
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goxinsane · 5 years
{ @xhelenaxleblancx }
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“I knew who you were from the start, I just hoped you'd prove me wrong,” Opal bitterly spoke up, avoiding all contact with her sister as she paid attention to her homework. There were points where she just couldn’t handle the other, especially today. And for some reason, it just flipped a switch in the point that Opal wasn’t all that bubbly. Who cares? Their household wasn’t the greatest to be in anyways, so why were they still there. 
And usually Opal wasn’t one to judge, but since their personalities clashed nowadays (god knows why?), the blonde was fed up. She knew she fucked other girls and did things she wasn’t supposed to. Supposed. The word was only a boundary for what you shouldn’t be doing and if you could get caught. However, Opal was all about actually keeping a relationship unlike Helena. Opal knew this is how things were going to turn out--- they were different.
“Why are you even in my room? What do you want?” Her eyes still avoided Helena, a bitter tone to her voice. Everything the other does, just like their father, makes Opal feel like a punching bag--- the bad guy. And what does she do? Works on homework, watches movies, and stays out of trouble. Guess not. At the feeling inside of her, Opal can’t help but have a frown.
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mcsttrusted · 5 years
@xhelenaxleblancx said: psyduck > bulbasaur
i was sitting next to my cousin and i kept info dumping on her like “oh thats psyduck he explodes when he’s stressed so me as a pokemon” and “that’s bulbasaur he’s my bulby boy”
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losingmagnetism · 5 years
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“ALL for freedom and for pleasure, nothing ever lasts forever.” 
sc.// @xhelenaxleblancx // everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 years
@xhelenaxleblancx  ♥ ‘D FOR A STARTER:
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immortality had it’s perks. nonetheless at times it could prove boring and even lonely. so it was the latter that drove her to the bar she was currently sitting at, although you’d never hear her admit it. man after man approached her as she sat there with her drink, and she shooed each one of them away as they held no interest in her. in fact she had to fight the urge to bash some of their heads against the bar but she’d rather not get blood on her new shoes. “ shoo boy before i put my heel up your ass. ” katherine threatened as one in particular apparently needed a little extra persuading to leave her alone.
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shallowsurvived · 5 years
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❝ she’s okay. ❞  they’re always the first words out of her mouth. reassurance. the good news, before their minds can take it too far. and then...then the bad news.  ❝ it’s not broken, just fractured. ❞  which is lucky, judging by the bruising around the wound, she’s guessing the hit was pretty hard, and the fall must have been harder. it’s not the first case she’s seen, and it won’t be the last. and judging by the woman standing before her, it’s not really a solitary issue. the redhead is small, too small for her height. skinny. but with the kind of gaze that almost dares you to fuck with her. she looks like the kind of person that would enjoy the excuse to fight back for once.  ❝ the thing is, there’s some bruising that can’t be explained by a fall. and if there’s something going on, i’m legally obligated to report it. and i can take care of everything from there, we have resources, people willing to help. ❞  she trails off, watching the redhead for any sort of reaction, knowing there’s always some risk of overstepping.                    /                    @xhelenaxleblancx  ;  sc.  
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millennicl · 5 years
@xhelenaxleblancx    replied :
always remember u :p
         god   bless   tbh   because   i’ll   never   forget   u   <3
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xcharmedxheirsx · 5 years
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Sera couldn’t stop fucking SHAKING. What the fuck was this? Well it was fucking OBVIOUS. It was yet another spiteful attempt at trying to make Sera JEALOUS. And it was fucking WORKING. She clicked off the video -- heart CLENCHING in her chest. And maybe there was a little bit of FURY there. But she tried her damnedest to TEMPER THAT before she finally replied. Downright GRATEFUL for the filter of text message. And that Helena couldn’t see the PAIN written across her features.
SERA: You really think I’m going to watch this whole fucking thing? SERA: It’s already deleted. SERA: You’re gonna need to try a little harder to get under my skin. ~~LIAR!!~~ SERA: Does Alex even know you sent that to me?
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seesgood · 5 years
slap : my muse slaps your muse across the face out of anger.
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a GASP leaves her as her head snaps sideways. for someone that barely weighs a hundred pounds, helena packs a lot of punch. her head jerks slightly to the side, more out of instinct than anything else. not that she can say it doesn’t HURT. her hand lifts to her cheek, pressing it against the stinging skin. dangerous silence settles between them, their  gazes locked. she’s never been slapped before. not really. once maybe when she was bitching out someone on the cheer squad, but that was half assed at best. and then, well, her dad used to. but only when she was being particularly bratty. never from someone that she cares about. never someone that she LOVES. the next breath that leaves her is jagged, broken up as her eyes suddenly brim with tears. she’s tougher than this. she should react in anger, lash out. but she doesn’t. she just steps back, hand still pressed to her cheek. when it drops, she only hates herself more for the urge to cry. for the hot, stinging tears gathering behind her lashes. ❝ you will never, ❞  her voice is low, wavering just slightly as she takes a threatening step forward. ❝ do that again, do you understand? ❞
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litttlebeast · 5 years
@xhelenaxleblancx | continued from here 
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Aurora had always been the kind to care about everyone, even those she didn’t know well.
“I just don’t like seeing people hurt,” Aurora said. She’d always found it sad that people could be quite hesitant to help strangers.
“Are you sure I can’t get you anything or help in any way? It looks like it must be pretty painful.”
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withoutapprcval · 5 years
@xhelenaxleblancx said: Turning into Mak? Ew. Gross.
i’d rather be me than a taurus 
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atemyboyfriend · 5 years
@xhelenaxleblancx liked for a starter!
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🐾          ❝ Look, the less you know about this town, the better. ❞ The curse had been lifted and everything had changed ---- Ruby had changed. Gone was that persistent flirty demeanor and in its place had come a more somber attitude ---- a shift born of returned memories and the loss of one of her nearest and dearest to an errant portal. Surely Helena had become aware of the chaos that had begun to unfold, but Ruby didn’t believe she was privy to the full scope of the matter. ❝ If I were you, I’d get out while you still can. ❞ As far as the she-wolf knew, the other didn’t have any memories of the Enchanted Forest to fear losing.
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mcsttrusted · 5 years
@xhelenaxleblancx said: I hate pizza... oops lol
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nightxcrashes · 5 years
@xhelenaxleblancx | closed starter | Tara x Helena
“Helena, what are you doing here?” The brunette turned herself towards the other, the muscles in her jaw tightening. She wasn’t really happy to see the other, especially not on the working ground. Surely, yes, everyone else had left the precinct and the only one still around was Tara, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t less annoyed by Helena showing up at her work. “What do you want?”
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