devhubby · 1 year
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helpernt · 4 hours
[ شرح ] : السلام عليكم درينا هو طريقة تركيب مروحة لعدسة طبق الدش ( اللاقط ) وذلك لحل مشكلة الاشارة في جميع الرسيفرات... قسم تقنيات الإستقبال التلفزيوني
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empty-movement · 6 months
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Hi, Vanna here. I have submitted to the strange authority of Xenforo's image hosting system, which demands that if I want gallery items to appear in proper order, I will have to upload them back to front.
As such, welcome to the last few page's of Animedia Magazine's September 1997 supplemental Duelist Bible, translated by Nagumo and edited by me!
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tqnyvip · 2 years
I am proud to build and create this blog that I have fallen in love with. After 3 years of research, learning and development, I have specially developed every cm to become the best blog, and one day I will achieve this.
I am honored to meet you In Tqny
Every thing is a free with us
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cosmermaid · 4 months
"I don't think I have it in me to sign up for yet another social media platfor-" Shut up. Back in the day you made an account for every fandom you were in because they were all scattered across the different geocites and xenforo forums, and if you didn't want one community to know you were engaged with another you made a completely different username for yourself with a completely new identity. You were a master of faces and espionage, and if you wanted to talk about art you'd go to your art site full of only artists who understood art and noticed that thing you did with your composition. There were no plebs who called your art trash from their empty accounts with no art of their own, because why would they be on an art site if they didn't do art? And you could TALK about your favorite books when the author was being a doofus well past what should have been their expiration date because engaging in the Interview With a Vampire webforum didn't make Anne Rice trend on twitter and give her more money. And when one community was poorly moderated you left for another because my god we only have 100 active users here, why are you so bad at issuing warning points? We were rightfully scattered and the bots had more work to do and the advertisers didn't know how to reach us all and we were as free as an email account because we could make as many of those as we wanted.
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pokemonfangame · 6 months
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you so much for reblogging past posts with non-relic castle links. I'm still so sad that RC went down. But again, thank you for all your time and effort you went to providing fangame details and links.
Thanks for the kind words anon ♥
Whatever the Relic staff come up with next, you can bet I'll be reblogging like crazy with the new links!
If anyone's dooming about the future of fangames I just want to say it's going to be okay. The community is pretty sad right now but not dead at all.
Relic Castle has moved before, the original Relic staff completely refreshed the forums by moving from a mybb site to a xenforo site and everyone had to remake their accounts and repost all their threads. This only made the site better to the point that no one really remembers the old site anymore.
Although the takedown was sudden and not planned his time, the staff have a complete copy/backup of the Relic Castle site.
This isn't the first time fangames have been mass-targetted for takedown, and I don't think it's the biggest either. GameJolt had 500+ fangames (multiple Nintendo properties, not just Pokemon) taken down a few years ago. Famously included at the time were the games Pokemon Uranium and Another Metroid 2 Remake. Most of these games can still be found, posted elsewhere!
Relic Castle's community has weathered storms before. Just since last year the site was able to quickly change providers after a DDOS attack, and the Discord members smoothly migrated to a completely new Discord server after a phisher got control of an admin account (fuck that phisher guy lol what an idiot).
Since Relic announced the site being down, the Relic Discord server hasn't slowed at all. Over a thousand new people have joined the server, and the development channels are still having normal discussions.
We're having a couple bad days but it's nothing we haven't gotten through before, the kinds of people who are crazy enough to spend years working on a fangame are literally the kinds of people who don't give up easilly.
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I love it.
I love how the dashboard header on posts and the usernames don’t actually link back to the posts in the chain. Only the blog that reblogged them.
And if a tumblr is set to Dashboard only, it’s impossible to find that post without searching that blog manually.
Since search is garbàge, maybe not even then.
This is a basic web usability feature the staff has apparently eliminated for no reason. Even forums have links to the source when people quote posts. It’s been a standard feature on Xenforo for literally as long as I can remember.
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I also liked to use those bars as “safe” places to click if I needed to reset my selection, but now they’re not even that.
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earthbound4project · 3 days
@Everyone please come look at this wonderful forum I always go to! This site is a bit newer than Starmen and even before Mother4ever exist! its community is currently lacking and hardly active there. So Im trying to help bring more fans to come over and look at this site that needs more attention and more members to keep this site active and going!
The staff are very friendly and always understanding with me! when I post new things there they always welcome me when I post!
Im sure they will welcome you the way they did with me! so don't be afraid to look and join this forum!
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psychoticallytrans · 1 year
Given what's happening with Reddit right now, and how Tumblr is better, but I don't know for how long, I'm taking steps towards making a forum website for psychotic people. If there's anyone here with experience in XenForo or a similar forum software, I'd love to hear from you.
In addition, I may start up a GoFundMe for initial costs, which look like they'll be running around 400$ since I want the site to be independent, and rely on donations to keep the site open, which would likely run between 50$-100$ a month, depending on the hosting and software I end up securing.
Keep in mind that I'm just starting towards this, and that it may take a few months to a year to get this together to the point that I launch fundraising, especially if I'm going it on my own.
I want psychotic people, especially those that are young or newly diagnosed, to have a place they can come to.
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esso4k · 5 months
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superpixie42 · 2 years
Hi Pixie, do you have any tips on how to save favorite fics as pdfs like how you did on a hard drive? Do you have to copy and past each chapter into a word document and convert it a pdf?
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Hello hello hello!
Not only do I have tips for you Nonnie dear, I have a tutorial with an abundance of screenshots below the cut :D
(great for folks who use screen readers /e-readers too!)
Savings fics as single PDFs from AO3, FFN, AFF, and MediaMiner - 3,2,1 GO!
From FFN: FicHub.com
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The second simplest, just copy+past your story URL and choose your output filetype.
After you click EXPORT you get a chance to double check that all the fic info is correct and choose your file type.
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And TA-DA! A beautiful PDF.
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NOTE: Sometimes the server is overwhelmed and it will not process your request. Don't panic, just try again in about 10 minutes.
AMAZING EXTRA !! Clickable table of contents!
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Also here is a list of other not-just-FFN sites this works with:
Supported Sites
SpaceBattles, SufficientVelocity, QuestionableQuesting (XenForo)
FanFiction.net, FictionPress
Archive Of Our Own
Harry Potter Fanfic Archive
Sink Into Your Eyes
Worm, Ward
Partial support (or not tested recently):
XenForo based sites (Bulbagarden Forums, The Fanfiction Forum, Fanfic Paradise)
Fiction Alley
The Sugar Quill (largely untested)
FanficAuthors (minimal)
Harry Potter Fanfiction (archive from pre-revival)
From AO3:
On the fic page, choose DOWNLOAD from the far right of the navigation bar. This defaults to the whole fic as well.
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And BOOM instant PDF - but no clickable chapters unfortunately. But it's definitely the fastest and I never experienced any over-worked server errors.
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From MediaMiner:
Man Nonnie I really fucking wish I had a cool tool for this but I do not...all I have is a tip to make reading easier and make copy/pasting less hellish.
FIRST- download firefox
Second, go to your MM story and click the Read View button in the address bar. This is not an extension or special download thing, this is a feature right out of the box
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This will bring up a MUCH CLEANER therefore easier to read (and copy/paste) page
This is what it looks like in darkmode because darkmode is life.
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Clean, readable, saveable. Great for one-shots, but still would require a lot of work for multi-chapter pieces...
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digital-nedladdning · 2 hours
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helpernt · 4 hours
[ تردد ] : السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته قناة الجزيرة مباشر ��هى قناة ناطقة بالعربية تبث الأحداث مباشرة على مدار... قسم تقنيات الإستقبال التلفزيوني
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empty-movement · 5 months
Let's Meet the Utena Cast!!!
The Animedia September 1997 supplement 'Duelist Bible' has been slowly getting scanlated as a project by Vanna...that's me! Because of weird Xenforo nonsense, I have to upload them in reverse order to get them to show up right later--so I'm working back to front! Welcome to pages 90-93: the cast interviews! (Touga's voice actor was like this ALL THE TIME, goofy bitch.)
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Like what you see? There is A TON happening on Something Eternal, I can barely keep up. Our weekly watch is chugging along happily, about to see Touga living rent free and slutty in Miki's head. But hush! Spoilers. ;)
Oh? Not into that? Check this thread out, where we learn that Anthy's iconic creepy 'ba-ha-hai' in episode 30....is a reference to a children's TV show, where you'll also find something else familiar....
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tqnyvip · 2 years
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danielhenao · 3 months
Como Instalar El AdminStyle En XenForo Null
Como Instalar El AdminStyle XenForo Dashboard-XenForoAdminStyle: AdminStyleSystem: Si Tienes Alguna Duda O Reportar El Enlace Si No Funciona Me Puedes Contactar En El Siguiente CorreoContacto: [email protected]
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