tevura · 1 year
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I need him in a way thats concerning to feminism.
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shysneeze · 3 years
Do Me a Favour | Fred Weasley x F!Reader
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Description: Fred and the reader’s relationship seen through a series of favours
Warnings: its kind of angsty, brief description of injury (umbridge’s detention related) briefly battle of hogwarts related, miscommunication i guess 
Tag-List : new form is here for anyone interested in being added 
~* Fifth Year *~
“Do me a favour?” 
It’s a question (Y/N) has been practicing internally for at least an hour, yet her voice still wobbles as she asks it aloud. Fred, lying back in the grass, soaking in the late summer sun, peeks open one eye to look up at her with a questioning brow. 
“K-kiss me?” 
A second passes before he reacts, sitting bolt upright in an instant, choking slightly on the gasped breath taken in the process. Regret floods her chest with a mortified ache and she finds herself dropping her eyes to the ground and picking at tufts of grass nervously.
“It doesn’t matter,” She mumbles, “It’s stupid.” 
“Kiss you?” He repeats, “L-like on the lips?” 
“I shouldn’t have asked,” She argues embarrassedly, “I was just- I haven’t- it doesn’t matter.”
He blinks at her, confusion pulling his brows into a frown. Confused is probably the only word he can come up with to explain the whole thing, because quite frankly, it’s not everyday your childhood best friend asks you to kiss them. Then, much to (Y/N)’s further mortification, realisation flickers across his face.
“You’ve never kissed anyone?” 
He asks it like he’s surprised, something that only goes to confuse (Y/N) herself. Yet she nods, too obviously embarrassed to even attempt to play it off as some elaborate joke or simply fib her way out of it. 
“Really?” Fred asks, “And you want me to be your first kiss?” 
“I just want it out the way,” She explains hastily, “Don’t go getting big headed about it… it’s just a favour.” 
He’s silent, the most silent she’s ever heard him before even, and it does nothing but add to her growing concern that in one fell swoop, she’s managed to ruin sixteen years of friendship. She’s on the verge of what is bound to be an incoherent string of apologies when he finally answers. 
Her breath catches with something between relief and sheer panic. 
“What sort of friend would I be if I denied you such a simple favour?” 
‘Simple’ is perhaps an underestimation of what she’s asking, and she can see the nervous way he licks his lips despite the grin he throws on instantly to disguise it. She’s gotten this far though, too far to chicken out now with his warm hand cupping one of her cheeks as he leans closer. 
The sun has brought out millions of freckles across his pale cheeks, and for the first time she’s so close she could count them. Part of her, a side of her she’s never met before, thinks about tracing her finger across them, connecting them like constellations. Something in her chest twitches at the thought. 
“You ready?” 
“Don’t make it sound so clinical,” She mumbles. 
“Listen, beggars can’t be choosers.” 
She smiles, glad for the familiarity of his teasing. It has some of her nerves dissipating, her lungs expanding with a light, freeing breath before she nods.
He’s tentative for only a moment, their lips meeting in the lightest of kisses until she’s instinctively pulling him closer, fingers curled around a handful of his gryffindor tie. He lets out a surprised sound from deep in his throat, though he doesn’t pull back. 
In fact, if he knew kissing his best friend might feel this good, he wouldn’t have asked so many questions before doing so in the first place. At the feeling of her grip slipping from his tie, he feels his heart dropping disappointedly, chasing her lips subconsciously as she pulls back. 
He watches her contemplative expression, a good distraction from the racing of his heart in his chest and the unexplainable urge to kiss her again. She gives him a wide-eyed look, eyes darting in every direction as she navigates whatever millions of questions are running around her head. 
Then, she clears her throat, nodding as she begins to get to her feet and leaving him dazed on the grass with reddening cheeks. 
“Thanks,” She says, “I owe you one.” 
~ *Sixth Year* ~ 
“(Y/N),” Fred exclaims happily, portrait door swinging shut behind him as (Y/N) looks up from her book to meet him with a frown, “Just who I was looking for,” 
“That’s never good,” She says, slowly closing her book, “When am I busting you out of detention this time?”
“You wound me,” He retorts before dropping onto the couch beside her with, pressing the back of his hand against his forehead with a dramatic flair, “Me? Detention?” 
His head lands haphazardly on her lap and she looks down at him with an amused look, shaking her head in teasing disbelief. His lips twitch into a grin, one that (Y/N) knows is just the beginning of what she doubts will be a simple request. 
“Do me a favour?”
For a split second, she freezes, a slight shiver crawling up her back at the question, which little under a year ago saw them kissing by the lake. He holds her eyes in a knowing gaze that causes her to nod cautiously.
“Come to the ball with me?” 
Her brows lift into a surprised expression.
“The Yule Ball,” He explains, sitting up now to face her properly, “I need a date.”
She gives him a long, questioning, look, searching for some tell-tale signs of a Fred Weasley joke in the makings. Sceptically, she narrows her eyes. 
“You owe me one.” 
She bristles imperceptibly, gulping at the knowing look that swims in eyes and twitches the corners of his lips into a small smirk. 
“That and I left it all a bit last minute, you see,” 
She can’t quite decide whether it’s hurt or relief that tugs at her chest at the revelation, that he’s only asking as a last resort. It’s a much more simple version of the scenario she’s been building in her head since he first asked his question, one with far less feelings to get more attached to.
“What if I’ve already said yes to someone else?” 
“Well, I have it on good authority that you’ve been turning people down for weeks now,” He raises a brow, “What’s that about? Holding onto hope of being asked by someone special?” 
The teasing tone he’s going for comes out strained in a way (Y/N) has never heard from him before and she frowns for a second at it before rolling her eyes. 
“No, I’m not,” She answers, “I just didn’t feel like going with them.” 
“So, what you’re saying is that you don’t have a date?” He says, “And neither do I… how convenient.” 
She lets out a short scoff, shaking her head in disbelief at the pleading puppy-dog look he’s managed to perfect in just a few seconds. She exhales a loud reluctant sigh that has the corners of his mouth pulling into a smile.
“Is that a yes?” 
“Hmm,” She nods, “I guess,” 
“How romantic.” 
“Ah well, as a wise boy once said, beggars can’t be choosers.” She manages a smirk of her own, “Perhaps next time you’ll find yourself a date sooner than a week before the dance.” 
Something in Fred’s face drops for only a split second, and not even their years of friendship helps her read it. It’s only a moment before he’s disguising it again with a lopsided grin and a playful shove.
“Shut up,”
~* Seventh Year *~
Fred’s finger tips are warm as they trace the red-raw words scratched into the back of (Y/N)’s hand, lookin from it up to her eyes with a look she knows means a lecture. She sniffles slightly, twisting away from him to plan her counter argument. 
“Before you say anything,” She starts, “Your hand is just as bad so don’t start on my detentions.” 
“I wasn’t going... “ He sighs, “Well, I was, but you’re right. I’m just trying to figure out how to get the pink hag back for it.”
“Don’t do anything stupid... I’m fine.”
Fred let’s put a disagreeing grumble.
“Fred,” She says warningly. 
“I know,” He breathes out reluctantly, “I just worry when it’s you.”
She turns back to face him, hoping to catch whatever expression has followed such a revelation, but she’s too late, finding him instead twisting away from her to search through his bedside table drawer. He returns with a small jar of healing balm, what she’d come to his dorm for in the first place, or at least that’s what she’s telling herself.
“What happened this time?” 
“I missed curfew again,” (Y/N) mumbles, hissing in a breath when the balm touches the open wound, “I was at the library trying to teach myself the bloody defence course since she won’t- ouch.” 
“Done,” He assures with a soft smile, “Wuss.” 
“It’s not that when you’re the injured one,” She teases, though she’s not feeling quite up to it, “I can’t believe this is how we’re spending our last year.” 
“I know.”
She’s not sure what’s causing the tears that have welled in her eyes though, certainly not from the sting of the healing balm or even the general pain from the scar itself. Yet she can’t help the tears that have begun to fall from her lashes and slip down her cheeks.
“Hey-” Fred looks up, brown eyes wide in surprise, “What’s going on?” 
“Sorry,” (Y/N) hiccups, wiping her eyes hastily, “I don’t know why i’m crying.”
“Take your time,” Fred says, rubbing soothingly at her back, “It’s okay,”
“It’s all just a bit much isn’t it.” She manages after a moment, “Newts are hard enough but now w-we’ve got this absolute psychopath of a defence teacher who doesn’t actually teach, we’re training to fight deatheaters and- it’s just a bit much.”
“I know what you mean,” He admits solemnly, “It’s pretty messed up.”
“Sorry, it’s stupid.” She shakes her head, “Everyones going through the same thing-” 
“Don’t do that.” He frowns, “That doesn’t mean you don’t get to be upset about it, (Y/N).”
“I know but-” 
She hears him click his tongue against his teeth disapprovingly, and she can picture him rolling his eyes though she doesn’t have time to see for herself, not with his arm around her shoulder as he curls her into his chest. 
She freezes, as if this is something bizarre, as if they’ve not shared hugs a million times growing up. This is protective though, like in his arms, for even just a moment, he’s protecting her from everything wrong in the world. 
“Fred?” She sniffles against his chest, “Do me a favour?”
“Anything, (Y/N).”
“Just- just hold me for a bit.”
His breath catches, heat blossoming in his chest as he pulls her closer, running his fingers through her hair in a soothing motion. 
“Of course.”
~* Post-Hogwarts*~
“Do me a favour?”
(Y/N), seconds from falling asleep, fit perfectly between Fred and the back of the sofa, peers up at him with bleary eyes and soft smile.
“Of course.” She exhales tiredly.
“Be with me.” 
She freezes, replaying it over and over in her head, not entirely sure she’s not dreaming. At her silence, he lets out a sharp noise that sends a jolt of panic into her body, waking her up well and truly. She lets out a choked sound as his arms unravel from her waist and a chill hits her as he begins to pull back. 
“It’s late-” He begins to backtrack.”I’ve got to open up shop tomorro-”
“What did you just say, Fred?” 
He gives her a look that's almost pained. 
“Don’t make me say it again.” He pleads, “Let’s just forget about it-” 
“You… You like me?” 
He lets out a sound close to a pained laugh that lodges itself in his throat as he twists awkwardly away from her. A deep crimson colour has begun to creep up his neck and he pulls nervously at his shirt collar in a meek attempt to combat it. 
“I’ve not been very subtle, (Y/N).” 
“Clearly you have!” (Y/N) bursts, only shrinking with the realisation that, just down the hall, George is sleeping in his room. “Since when?” 
“Since you kissed me,” He exclaims exasperatedly, “Favour bloody one.” 
She stands, suddenly hit by the need to pace, to move around as she deals with all the questions that race through her head. Gulping, Fred watches her move, suddenly afraid that he’s made this favour their last. 
Then, she comes to a stop. 
“You’re an idiot.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“An idiot,” (Y/N) repeats, “You made me feel like the last resort for the yule ball, but you’re telling me that was serious?” 
“Hey,” He frowns, “It was serious right until you started giving me this look like I was insane and I had to cover my arse somehow-” 
“Shut up,” 
She drops herself onto his lap, cupping his cheeks in her hands and holding his face there, inches from her own. He watches, frozen in awe, as her eyes dance across his face. She’s tracing his freckles again, close enough to be  mesmerised all over again. 
“Since we’re pretty terrible with signals,” She exhales, “When I kiss you now… it’s not just a favour.” 
“Thank Merlin for that.” 
~* The Battle of Hogwarts*~ 
Hogwarts has never felt so different. 
Standing here now, it’s hard for (Y/N) to imagine these are the same hallways they once walked down, that she and Fred used to sneak through in the dark for midnight snacks and linger outside of before teachers arrived.
Tucked into an alcove of the corridor, Fred and (Y/N) watch the havoc unfolding, keenly aware of what lies ahead, the war that’s been looming over them all year. He holds her hand in his own, squeezing it as reassuringly as he can manage as she chews nervously on her bottom lip.
“It’s going to be okay, right?” 
“Of course, Love,” He smiles, lifting a hand to gently caress her cheek, “We’ll be fine.” 
She nods, melting into his warm touch. But nothing eases the weight that has settled on her chest, the anxious feeling that is telling her everything is about to go wrong. She searches his eyes for something familiar to cling onto. 
“I don’t like us not sticking together,” Fred admits quietly, “We should be where we can keep an eye on each other.” 
“I promised Madam Pomfrey I’d help with the injured,” (Y/N) admits sadly, “And you should be with George.” 
“I know,” He breathes, “I just don’t like it,” 
She smiles sadly in agreement. 
“Me either,” She admits, “but I’ll be fine… I’ve always had better defence marks than you anyway,” 
Much to (Y/N)’s relief, Fred laughs, bringing back a sense of normality, even if just for a moment. The hand on her cheeks pinches her playfully and his brown eyes roll with a teasing glint to them. 
“Look at you, joking in a crisis,” He teases, “I’m so proud,” 
“I’ve known you long enough to have picked up some sort of ill-timed sense of humour,” 
He lets out a short chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“I love you, (Y/N),” 
“I love you too,” 
He leans in to capture her lips in a gentle kiss, a practiced art that has a well-known warmth flooding (Y/N)’s chest. Yet, as he pulls back, he leaves something bitter sweet behind, the ache of a goodbye kiss. 
“I should go,” He admits, “Before we end up caught up in the crowds, right?”
“I’ll see you once it’s all over,” He grins, “When we’ve won,” 
It takes a moment for (Y/N) to convince herself to let go of his hand and feels suddenly cold once it’s gone. He’s turning away with one last wave when she calls him back, heart hammering in her chest. 
“Do me a favour?” 
He pauses before breaking into a small smile. 
“Always, Love.” 
“Don’t die.”
“I promise.”
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ashtheshortstack · 5 years
Garlic in the Cauldron - Ch 4
Garlic in the Cauldron
Adrien Agreste learned from a young age that witches were the enemies to vampires. He was taught to kill on sight, drink them dry, and never look back… however, meeting a witch named Marinette threw his entire world off balance.
Ch 4 - Witching Hour
Read on ao3
<-Previous Chapter/Next Chapter –>
Marinette flew on her broom as quickly as she could. She had to get home before her parents went to her room. If they checked on her and she wasn’t there then her ass would be doomed. They’d keep her under close surveillance and that was the last thing she wanted.
To her relief, when she opened her trap door, it was clear her parents hadn’t been there yet. She climbed down the ladder, throwing on her pajamas. Maybe, she could get a little more sleep before they came to wake her. Marinette rested in her bed, snuggling into the covers.
Tikki hovered over her, making the witch glance up at the familiar. The creature looked extremely guilty.
She gave her a smile. “Tikki, it’s okay. Don’t feel bad.”
“I shouldn’t have let you sleep out there. I just… I fell asleep. I didn’t mean to. When Plagg woke me up, I was furious with myself.”
Marinette shook her head. “It’s okay. I promise.”
Her familiar eyed her. Her paws went together. “This isn’t about ‘research’ anymore, is it? You’re falling for him.”
Feeling the warm on her cheeks, she glanced away shyly. “I… I didn’t mean to.”
Tikki gave a sympathetic smile. “It’s okay.”
“R-Really? You aren’t mad at me?”
“It’s… dangerous.”
“I know. I know I’m so stupid for having feelings for him. I’m supposed to be responsible and protect my coven. And now I’m dumb enough to fall in love with a vampire,” she whined, covering her face in her hands.
Tikki shook her head. “Stop it. No need to beat yourself up over this.”
Marinette peaked up at her familiar between her fingers. “W-What? How could you be okay with this? You should be furious with me. I’ve let my guard down and put us all in danger.”
“Marinette, as much as I want you to fulfill your destiny… I love you so much more. You should follow your heart. If you care about him, then I support you. But there’s something you should know—”
She popped straight up when her best friend, Alya, shot open the trap door to her room. Marinette pretended to be groggy, forcing a fake yawn.
“A-Alya…? What are you doing here?” she asked quickly.
The red head crossed her arms, smirking. “Don’t give me that bullshit. I came over last night and you weren’t here. You’re lucky I covered for you.”
Marinette gaped. “I-I…”
“Where did you go?”
She shifted uncomfortably in the covers. Tikki gave her a warning glance. Marinette knew she had to keep this a secret from Alya. Nothing good would come of telling Alya that she was sneaking out to meet with a vampire that she just so happened to be falling in love with. Yeah. That sounded reasonable, she mused to herself.
Alya cocked a brow. “Uh oh, what’s that smile?”
“Nothing. I just went out flying. I needed time to think and clear my head.”
Alya didn’t seem to be buying her excuse. But instead of pressing her, she sighed. “C’mon, M. You’d tell me if you were sneaking out to meet up with a guy, right?”
No, she thought. Alya was nosey. She wouldn’t keep her mouth shut. If Alya knew she liked a guy, she’d demand to know everything about him. Even if Marinette left out the tiny detail of him being a vampire, her best friend would still find out somehow. The feelings she possessed right now were best left unsaid.
Marinette knew Alya just wanted what was best for her. Alya had Nino. And they were cute together. Madly in love, even. She knew that Alya wanted that for her too. To have that love with someone like she did. And Marinette was finding it on her own. Without help. Sure, maybe he wasn’t a warlock, but it didn’t mean that she couldn’t love him. Adrien wasn’t vicious or vindictive. Hell, when he had tried to act cocky and dickish when they first met, he was hardly convincing. He broke that character as soon as she met his gaze.
Adrien was warm… and loving. He just had so much affection to give. She didn’t know if vampires grew up in a loving household, or if it was just Adrien’s homelife that was rough and different. He had mentioned his father keeping him coped up at home. That must have not been normal.
Marinette jerked herself from her thoughts when she noticed Alya gazing expectantly at her.
“Of course, I would,” she lied smoothly.
Alya cocked a brow at her. “Are you sure?” Her eyes lit up suddenly. “Omigod! Was it Luka?”
“No!” Marinette said immediately, making Alya’s jaw snap shut.
Luka was a warlock in their coven. He was the elder brother of one of the girls in their training group, Juleka. Marinette admitted to having a small crush on him a few months ago. He was a sweet guy. They’d gone out to some of the festivals together a few times, but Marinette never felt that connection she wanted.
Hell, she even had trouble being around the guy now. Ever since she’d rejected him after he tried to kiss her, she had a hard time facing him. Marinette just had a feeling that Luka wasn’t supposed to be her first kiss. An instinct, maybe? She wasn’t sure. But she didn’t regret it now.
Marinette was confident her first kiss would be with Adrien at that point.
Alya cocked to the side, her hands going to her hips. “What’s so wrong with him? Didn’t you like him?”
“We just weren’t compatible, okay?”
“But he liked you!”
“Yes. He did.”
“He tried to kiss you!”
“Yes. I know, Alya. And I slapped my hand over his mouth and pushed him away. I’m sure that made him feel great!”
“You should give him another chance.”
“Alya, stop!”
Her mouth snapped shut. Alya’s eyes were wide as the two sat in a harsh silence. Marinette glowered at her from her bed. Again, she knew Alya meant well, but her methods were flawed. Marinette hated the pressure. They were eighteen. It was the prime time for witches to find their soulmates. Each witch had one. That one person they were destined to find and be with. It was hard dating within the coven. Everyone knew everyone’s business. It was rare that witches went through multiple relationships.
The fact that she and Luka dated a little and didn’t end up together was odd for their kind. But it didn’t feel right. Plus, Marinette’s destiny was always slapping her in the face. She didn’t really want to drag another into her fate.
With Adrien, it was different. He was a vampire. He wasn’t involved in the coven’s woes and prophecies. She knew she’d have to tell him eventually. But she wanted to wait a bit longer. She wanted them to get closer and act on her feelings before telling him the truth.
Before he had a chance to reject her…
Alya sighed. “Fine. But if you end up an old hag, then don’t blame me.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
When she told Adrien about the dating traditions of witches, she may have left out a minor detail. While vampires may be given off to an arranged marriage, witches begin to rapidly age when they turn thirty if they haven’t met their soulmate. And… they’d also live the lifespan of an average human rather than the normal life expectancy of witches. Every magical being had their catch. Nothing could have the chance to be almost immortal without having a consequence.
Alya climbed up the ladder, sitting at Marinette’s feet. “I’m sorry. I know you have plenty of time to find your soulmate. I just can’t help but feel guilty.”
She nodded. “Yeah. I feel like I’m practically shoving it in your face all of the time that I found my soulmate at fourteen. It’s why I haven’t been hanging out with Nino as much with you around.”
Marinette gave Alya a small smile. “Al, don’t feel bad for that. I’m happy for you, truly.”
“You mean it?”
Reaching over, she took Alya’s hand. “Yes. Don’t worry about it. I don’t mind seeing you happy, Alya. And I’ll find someone. It’s okay.”
Her best friend beamed. “Yes! Yes, you will, Marinette!”
“But,” Marinette cut in. “Remember, I have other things to worry about right now? So, I’ll have time to date when all of that’s over.”
Alya waved a hand. “Fulfilling prophecies, blah blah. Whatever. You’ll do it.”
“Thanks for your confidence in me,” Marinette said with a snort.
“You will, Marinette,” Tikki piped in. Her familiar fluttered to her shoulder. “You can defeat Gabriel Agreste just like the prophecy says.”
“I hope so, Tikki.”
When Marinette finally got Alya off her tail, she headed downstairs to find her parents making breakfast for her. She didn’t know how she’d function with so little sleep. She had slept next to Adrien for what? Maybe four hours? The rest of the day of definitely going to suck.
Sabine smiled when she noticed the two girls ascending down the steps. She placed a plate of pancakes on the island smiling at them as they approached. “Morning, girls!” she chimed.
Marinette took a seat as her mother brought over two plates. “Morning…” she muttered. She was far too tired to continue making conversation. Alya literally exhausted her with the hounding of questions when she first arrived.
She placed three pancakes on her plate at a turtle pace. Marinette didn't want to admit she was exhausted. Maybe, she was coming down from an adrenaline rush after the panicked events of the morning. The witch drizzled her syrup, watching it drip down the stack. Alya watched her, seemingly amused.
When Alya grabbed a few pancakes of her own, Sabine returned with glasses of milk and a plate of toast. "Eat up girls! You always need to be at full strength. You never know when all of your training will come in handy," her mother said with a waggle of her fingers.
Alya nodded. "No kidding… I heard another coven was attacked last night. The vampires were forced to retreat because of the sunrise, but I heard it was pretty brutal."
Sabine hummed sadly in response as she made her own plate of pancakes.
Marinette's fork paused in front of her mouth. Her ears perked at the conversation. That was probably Adrien's clan… She assumed he was a member of the Agreste clan somehow. Or at least associated.
"Those wretched vampires are so disgustingly evil that it makes me sick…" Alya grumbled, stabbing her fork into her stack.
"Are you sure that all vampires are evil?" Marinette asked. She immediately regretted opening her mouth. Her mother and Alya both shared astonished and confused stares while Tikki glowered at her. Frantically backtracking, Marinette dropped her fork to wave her hands. "I-I just mean that… Has anyone truly researched into vampires? Learned more about them?"
Alya scoffed. "As if! If any of us were to come in contact with a vampire, our blood would be drained from our bodies in an instant! I don't think they tend to do q&as or make friendly conversation."
One does, she thought curtly to herself. There was no way she could ever reveal Adrien to them. They'd attack him on the spot.
Sabine nodded. "Yes, Marinette. Vampires are evil and unsafe. I hope you weren't thinking about doing something crazy."
Marinette shrugged. "I was just curious. My destiny is to defeat them, right? The more info the better."
Alya cocked a brow at her. "I think you're still half asleep."
A good excuse… She nodded in response, letting out an over exaggerated yawn. Marinette stretched, popping her bones as she did so. "Yeah, maybe you're right. I'm probably not thinking clearly."
Marinette evaded the rest of the conversation by stuffing her face with pancakes. She gave Tikki a nervous smile, who simply squinted at her in response. Her little arms were crossed stubbornly. Marinette knew she was in for a tongue lashing later.
“Do you believe in prophecies?” Marinette asked Adrien the following evening as they laid together on her blanket.
Adrien turned his head to furrow his brows at her. “I’ve never really heard of any. Why? Is that something you guys do?”
“We have an oracle who made predictions. Every witch in the coven has their own prophecy and destiny that they’re supposed to fulfill.”
He seemed surprised by that. His eyes widened and brows rocketed beneath his bangs. “Wow, really?” Adrien turned his head, searching the sky as he hummed in thought. “No, I’ve never really believed in destiny.”
Marinette took his hand in hers. “I do. Definitely. It gives me hope that someday you and I could be friends like this every day. Without the fear of being shamed or killed.”
A silence passed between them. Adrien seemed to soak in her words as the stars twinkled above them. His fingers tightened their grip around hers.
Turning to face her once more, he smiled. “Is there a prophecy like that? Is that why you’re asking?”
She nodded. “Yeah. Someone is supposed to single handedly end this war between witches and vampires.”
Adrien gaped. “Wow. That witch must be really powerful.”
Swallowing, she agreed. “Y-Yeah. She is.”
“Oh! It’s a girl? Do you know her?”
Marinette was at a loss. She wanted to tell him. She wanted to tell him that she was the one who was going to end this war. But for some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She couldn’t bring herself to say “I’m supposed to kill Gabriel Agreste.” It was on the tip of her tongue. But the words wouldn’t come out.
What was holding her back? Why couldn’t she just say it? Why couldn’t she get it out in the open between them?
Sighing, she finally answered. “Y-Yeah. I know her,” her words were meek and timid. She worried he may catch on. Adrien was a little naive, she had to admit. But he wasn’t stupid. He could notice her acting strangely.
“Wow. Honestly… I can’t wait for that day.”
Her eyes widened, she turned her head quickly to look at him. “Really?”
“Yeah. I want to be with you any time of the day. Whenever I want. Without having to hide in the forest,” his hand squeezed hers. “That’ll be amazing.”
“W-Well, I hope she can pull it off.”
He grinned, fangs gleaming in the starlight. “Me too.”
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