Just the phatomfive and McMillan with an S/O who likes to hug them a lot ^^ I think they all deserve to be happy
yessss, I think so too!!
also this is the first time I've written McMillan, I hope I did ok! such a lil cutie <3
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Oi, that’s just as well by him! There’s nothing wrong at all with getting hugs from someone he really loves. The first couple of times he might flinch a bit because of things from his past, but he gets used to it pretty quickly. After the first three or so times they hug him, he’s hugging back eagerly, giving them a brief squeeze or a longer embrace based on what they seem to want in the moment. He’s very grateful for the reminder that pleasant touches exist, and he just sort of blossoms in regard to touch once his S/O starts hugging him more often. And, well, if he happens to sneak a kiss or two during those hugs…
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W-well… if that’s what they want to do, can he really complain…? He doesn’t really mind it, after all. He’s almost touch starved, actually, so he rather likes all the affection they lavish on him. It’s just that because he’s not used to it, one can tell he isn’t used to it. He’s awkward, he blushes a lot when his S/O hugs him, and more than once he’s buried his face in their neck during a hug while muttering that they’re too good to him. Still, he does hug them back! He loves being close to them. It just may take him a bit to truly settle into it all. He’s got a tendency to nuzzle their cheek during hugs, too.
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They can’t… they can’t be so close to him in public like that, goodness!! Surely everyone is looking at the two of them, right? It flusters him so badly, as does any gesture of physical affection. If his S/O has been with him for a while and knows him well by this point, they won’t be surprised that it takes him a while to become a more comfortable. The good thing is that he’s much less uptight about it in private, so he’s more likely to return (and indeed, extend) hugs when the two of them are alone. He adores when they want to hug him for a long time… because that’s basically cuddling, and being close to them is a comfort to him. Sometimes during hugs he even lays his head on their chest and falls asleep to their heartbeat.
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O-oh, goodness, goodness, aaaaah—! They’re so sweet… so adorable… he can’t take it!! Honestly, he loves it so, so very much. This is the kind of thing that makes him feel happy and wanted, particularly if his S/O likes to hug him for a while rather than just in short bursts. If they’re talking to someone, he feels secure and, for lack of a better term, ‘shown off’ when they have their arm around his waist and let him snuggle in against them. If they’re hugging him, he’s smiling; and indeed, all it takes to cheer him up is a hug from them. It’s as though he’s physically incapable of being sad when his sweetheart is embracing him. He feels so safe, he could live inside their hugs forever…
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W-well, if… if that’s what they want to do, he won’t complain! Certainly, he’s of the opinion that there’s no such thing as too many hugs… more from his darling is never a bad thing. He hugs back with perfect readiness every single time, never missing a beat nor passing up an opportunity for hugs from his S/O. (Don’t tell any of his friends, but hugs from his S/O are his favorite kind of hugs.) He’s one of those people who will lightly rub their back during a hug, regardless of whether or not they’re sad/in need of comfort. And he adores it if they play with his hair during a hug. Aah, there aren’t many things which could make these hugs better!
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Vaaaaah, yes, he loves it when they hug him!! Although… for them to hug him… they’d have to find a moment where he isn’t the one hugging them! Can they manage to do that? If there’s one thing he likes, it’s hugs. Some of his friends roll their eyes if they see him coming because they know they’ll usually be greeted with a hug. So he’s often the one initiating; and sometimes he gets insecure because he’s worried that trait is kind of annoying. With his S/O, however, someone who likes to give him hugs rather than just reciprocate, that anxiety is nonexistent! He can just hug them and be hugged without any cares in the world. And it goes without saying that he definitely sneaks in as many kisses as he can, too!
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I'm sooooo excited!!! My first episode caught up!
No! Not the music 😂😂😂 oh okay it was not that smooth sex jazz lmao.
Rufio???? In Miles's lust thing? Okay I'll have to wait and see how this works. ELSA THOUGH!!!
Protect your man!!!!
Oh Elsa 😔 "I wish you were there, you probably would have made the difference."
Ohhhhhhh this is really good. Part of Miles's dreams or lust is the thought that him being there could have saved people. It's such a self absorbed thing lmao. Like he is the lynchpin.
Sidenote: the sound design and the music is so good this episode, and I know it's not the case but I get such a giggle out of imagining this is done just to spite that one YouTube commenter who was like when are you all going to incorporate that when it has been for quite a bit. 😂
Elsa being there to listen to him. 😭
He would want Marcos back!!
She gives him the book to get people back from the dead. The fact that this is what tempts him!!
To have what you have to Britta. "She was never there to replace you."
No shit they weren't rational, Marcos!!! I'm losing my goddamn mind over here!!!
The fact that he thinks the reward is to get one of them back to life. Fuck me!
Pendragon is human???? Absolutely wild. I get it though. But also Romeo and Pendragon there at the same time??? I mean at this point we all think canary and Romeo were together, yes?
Britta's biggest hope is being human. 😭
A painting of Dark Selina above the fireplace with blue flames???
Her wish that the harsh sides of Pendragon were not his own but forced into him. That he would want to be different. Him wanting to impress his sire and not him just something that's inside of him. That he lets her know him better.
Ohh human AND vampire Pendragon.
Ohhh interesting. Pendragon wanting her for her humanity or wanting her for her killer side.
"I adoooore how strong you are." fuck this guy and fuck that he is so hot. I hate him. He's too powerful. 😂
"I can't beat him without you." *SCREECHING*
Oh my God! Z!!!! HELL YESSSSSS I'm glad he's back somehow!!
I love that they are both almost failing!!!
Khaliffffff babbbbby!!! Yes Neil's sire!!! 👀 I'm so intrigued. I need to know more.
Awww Neil 🥰🥰 wanting to save his friends.
Of course his fucking sire 'knows' exactly what he needs. Fuck you!! Go home!
No Miles doesn't have the enst track record, that is fair. But he tries, and that has to count for something.
I do love his sire just hating on Miles, I bet that does make Neil feel a little better.
Also calling it playing house with Roman Pendragon would so appeal to Neil. Who has been so judgemental about all of this with Britta.
👀 Neil talking to his sire. Like I'm sorry but we need like a prequel book about their fucked up relationship and the abuse and manipulation.
"they're yours." ohhhhhhh goosebumps.
Not the tearful "are they?" my baby boy 😭 this is gonna make me cry.
Neil!!! You're so good! I'm proud of you. 🥰
"boogiemen and a pretty girl." dismissive of Nara in a way that will please some people I know.
Hey Sire why don't you shut up!!! Neil did what he should do, he came to insight!! Leave him alone!
"Let's fix Miles." ohhhhh damnnn. Like I know this is all very difficult for the characters to deal with, but it is SO fun to listen to!
Z. Who is this she??? 👀👀👀
Of course he wants to be the solution! Look at Wynn!!!
Ohhhh yeahhhh baby more temptation!!! One of them is going to die????!!!! Absolutely not. That's not allowed. Resurrection tho. 👀 It will cost you nothing? Suss. Soooooooo suss.
Heyhooooo let's gooooooooooo temptation in the best way.
The idea of sacrificing himself for power and to save his friends, so alluring. Which is so funny because I don't think any of his friends would think it would take this particular shape.
AAAAAAAHHHHH, for realsies???? Lmao of course he did. 😂😂(I bet it's because Tim wants that special sword path he talked about. /j)
I'm so happy!!! Miles deserves to make bad decisions as a treat. I love that for him. 😈
Britta, my girl, I proud of you, but I knew you could do it.
🤢 Those sounds
Oh joy, we get Shrike, you're not making it better but I love that you try even if it's not that hard.
Ohhhhh yessss him offering to undo the indoctrination!!! Of course that is the biggest temptation, figuring out who she used to be.
"I wanted to be more of myself again." "you don't even know who you are?" that's fucked up.
Shrike is an asshole but he makes me laugh with the awful, dickish things he says.
Even here the canary gets triggered??? Poor Britta.
She did it!!!
What the fuck man, that was an insane episode. But so fucking good! I'm alrwady exited to relisten to it.
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senpai-lily · 6 years
Season 8 of VLD: The Good and the Bad In My Opinion
Now season 8 made me laugh, cry and scream all in 5 hours and I'm so sad to watch all these characters go that I've grown to love so much. I'm going to miss each and everyone of them because they're so special in their own ways and I love them.
Season 8 wasn't THAT bad as everyone is making it seem like. Yes, maybe the crew lied to us about everything about klance when they hinted at it in interviews and that "you're deserving of respect" picture and I love klance, but I like to think that there are a few possibilities. One, Keith helped Lance get over Allura after she died and they lived happily ever after together. Or two, they're gonna do what A:TLA and A:LOK and make comics afterwards that allow us to see the whole future. I like to think this show isn't completely over and we'll get a few more answers about this. I do think Allura was necessary for Lance to find out how to love and Allura was important for Lance but the way the showed Allurance seemed a bit rushed? Like Lance was a rebound? It just felt a bit off for me. Even if Klance didn't happen at all, I can come to terms with that. I just felt a little bit cheated and used. I wished Lance would just be happy cause he deserved love! My precious boi!
Next, Lance's Altean markings and broadsword. Yay we saw his broadsword fighting Alfor. I wish Lance used it more though. His markings though? Like I would like a full explanation on what happened with that please! Did Allura give Lance markings for wormholes or something? Or is Lance part Altean and his markings were awoken like Lotors? I don't know, I'm just a bit confused about it.
Lotor deserved better! Yes, I'm so glad we saw Lotor's backstory! He wasn't a bad guy, I know this. He just had a wrong way of doing it. He was a morally gray character and Lotor had sucky ass parents.
Honestly, Hunk, Pidge, Keith and Shiro all got pretty good endings in my opinion. I'm upset that they made it seemed like Lance is gonna be hung up on Allura for his entire live. He has to move on and try and find someone else. Also, farmer Lance? LMAO noooooo. Lance should be like training the next Paladins or something, idk. I wanted him to have a bigger purpose in the world and tell the story of the Paladins and everything like we say when he was with the Altean's. Hunk being the Space Gordon Ramsey is my tea. Love that. Romelle helping him cook and stuff is amazing! Pidge is with her entire family making new technology and stuff! Yay! Keith is with his mom and Kolivan and found his purpose in helping reestablish a new Galran empire or something? Love that my boi is doing something important. Shiro got married and we got an explicit kiss so yay!! Also, Coran is like the king of the Altean's or something?! Cause yessss Coran! My gorgeous man!
Kinkade's vlog is my life. I love that dorky fellow. Rizavi is great and Veronica is amazing! Apparently all the McClains just love their aliens I guess? Veronica making Acxa comfortable in the Atlas! And Hunk's cooking making the Altean's realize they're good. Hunk freaking saved the day.
Zethrid and Ezor got a happy ending. Love it! I seriously thought Ezor died but she didn't and they got reunited! Yessssss!
Lance's character was botched a little. His development was all wrong to me and he seemed like such a different character then before! We didn't talk about any of his insecurities and I wanted that to be brought up and we get to see Lance come to terms with them. Like Lance just seemed like Allura's boyfriend and that was it. Come on, Lance was my favorite character because of his insecurities and stuff which made him so real, but I felt like they didn't wrap that up.
Also, I was so sad when Allura died!! Like once I realized she was gone, I realized how much her character had an impact on me. Really wish she didn't die, but she got reunited with her mother and father and the rest of the Altean's that died and Lotor so I feel like she found her other family to protect her new found family which was the Paladins.
Also, is no one gonna talk about how the leaks were true and I knew it. The leaks were trueeeeeee.
Allura In Earth clothing is amazing. Love that.
I wish we got to see Keith and Griffin make up and become friends. We knew they had a bad past and they gave each other dirty looks, but we never saw them make up.
I wanted garrison trio or more garrison flashbacks!!! That would've made my life!
Also what the heck was up at the end when the lions flew away and stuff? When Lance's markings glowed? Idk what that was about. Also I want to know who the next blue paladin would be if they even got one at all!
Now all in all, I'm going to really miss this show, and it's gonna be okay because whatever ship you believed in, it'll always be in your heart and no one can take that from you! Whether or not you agree with me, voltron had an impact on your life and I wouldn't have it any other way. I mean, we still got fan fic and stuff. Voltron may have messed up, but it showed us a lot about family, love and acceptance. Voltron season 8 was okay. I dont think it was okay to cheat us with klance, and for them to do other things, but it's over and we have to accept the fact that this is how they chose to end it. I thought this season was flawed but I can overlook that with the good things. This storyline and characters will always have a place in my heart and I'm so sad to let them go. I'm forever greatful for this fandom and the people and I feel like we got a bad reputation for a few people! We're a strong fandom and I'm glad it's over and we can move on. Vrepit Sa my fellow paladudes!
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