#YIP 2017
aspenonpawzzz · 3 days
ok was anyone going to tell me that 2017 ducktales was directed by the one and only dana terrace or was I supposed to figure that out myself?
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frankenruth · 1 year
*takes off sweatshirt to put on another, comically large sweatshirt*
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mysticdragon3md3 · 2 years
"Yip Yip Invasion - Phoenix Comicon 2017" by R&R Adventures and more!
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Blue Hair and Pronouns - Leon Draisaitl
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Word Count: 2230 Pairing: Leon Draisaitl x Original Nonbinary Character Rating: Teen and Up (see warnings) Summary: Blake and Leon have been friends for seven years. Leon's fresh off a game-seven loss, and has a month before he's attending Connor McDavid's wedding as one of the Best Men. He also happens to need a date. Tags: Getting together, angst with a happy ending, friends to lovers, fake relationships Warnings: Mentions of intoxication and alcohol (please let me know if I'm missing anything)
Hi, welcome to my submission for the Summer Fic Exchange 2k24, put on by the amazing @wyattjohnston! This fic is written for @nhl-stories, and features a pairing of Leon Draisaitl/Original Nonbinary OC! I've never written RPF with an OC insert, so please be gentle! This was certainly an unforgettable experience, and I'm so glad I tried branching out in my writing! I hope you like it!
“I’m coming, I’m coming, you can stop ringing-” Blake throws open the door with an exasperated sigh. “What are you, six?”
“You were taking forever, I was just making sure you knew I was here. You got my e-transfer?”
Blake rolls their eyes, prepared to retort with ‘Six-year-old behaviour,’ but decides to answer the question anyhow, albeit with a hint of mischief in their tone. “No, you should send it again, make sure I really got it.”
“Nice try, where’s my dog?”
Blake huffs out a laugh, stepping aside to let Leon in. “Probably eating my couch cushions again-” they put up a hand to stop Leon’s retort before it can even leave his mouth, “I know that was “only once,” but we’ve established I’m never letting you live that down. He was taking a post-walk nap, but I doubt he’s still asleep after that.”
After Leon’s toed off his shoes and lined them up neatly on the edge of the mat in the entryway, he follows Blake into the master bedroom, where a somehow still snoring Bowie lays, snuggled up in the exact spot Blake considers their side of the bed.
“Hey Bowie, I missed you,” Leon coos, flopping onto the other side of the bed and pulling the dog to his chest. Suddenly alert, the scruff of brown fur starts yipping excitedly and licking every square inch of Leon’s face he can reach.
Blake stands opposite the bed, observing the reunion with a bright smile. It’s only been a few days since Leon took off for Florida with the team in their quest for the Stanley Cup, the Oilers unfortunately falling short of glory in the end.
The Leon they’d seen on the ice in the dying seconds and in post-game interviews is far removed from the one they’re looking at now - for one, the hideously long ugly beard’s been shorn. The tears and sweat have been wiped away, and an air of happiness has replaced the defeated expression from just yesterday.
“Alright. Traditions are traditions; to the couch!”
The post-playoffs loss “Tipsy Time,” as Blake had dubbed it, became a thing back in 2017. Blake’s Uber had dropped them off at the wrong house, and they were a few too many drinks deep in their post-breakup misery when they’d staggered up the walkway and decided to just relax for a bit on the doorstep before figuring out their way home. They hadn’t been there for long, or at least they’d thought, before the door they were leaning against was being pulled open, and a slightly scowling Leon Draisaitl was looking down at them. Ever the gentleman, he invited Blake in, disregarding their smeared eye makeup and disheveled demeanor. After an impromptu nap on the couch and some water, Blake drunkenly spilled about their latest failed relationship while Leon listened, clearly a little buzzed himself. 
When pressed on why he’d been drinking alone in his home, he roughly mumbled about “playoffs,” and “the fucking Ducks, man,” leading to Blake’s sobering realization that they were in an NHL player’s house. Of course, they’d recognized him when the door had opened, but the reality of it all took a while to sink in. Blake was mortified, as one would expect, rapidly apologized, and tried to leave (which wound up with them on the ground contemplating their shitty depth perception). Leon had insisted they stay until they were “at least sober enough to walk in a straight line,” and sat opposite them on the couch while he nursed his drink and some trashy reality show played in the background. 
Of course, once you’ve drunkenly cried over an ex on Leon Draisaitl’s couch, a connection is formed, whether either party wants it or not. It turned into a very careful escorting down the block, exchanging numbers so Leon would know that Blake hadn’t “died or something,” progressing rapidly into a weekly binge-watch of 90 Day Fiancé, and eventually Blake becoming Bowie’s dog-sitter when Leon was away. It definitely made for an interesting whirlwind of a summer, but the unlikely friendship blossomed like they’d known each other for years.
Blake picks up the shot glasses they’d filled and walks carefully across the floor, sitting gingerly beside Leon and managing to not spill any alcohol. They extend their hand, holding out one of the shots for Leon to take. “So. Game seven. I’m sorry it didn’t go the way you guys wanted.” 
Leon doesn’t answer, just grunts before taking the offered vodka shot from Blake’s hand and downing it without even a slight wince at the burn. 
“Sucks, yeah - nothing we can do about it now. Bigger problems to worry about.”
“You know you’re allowed to be upset about this, right?” Blake places a gentle hand on Leon’s shoulder while flipping through the channels.
Leon shrugs in response, setting the shot glass down on the side table.
“It’s been less than forty-eight hours, you don’t have to pretend everything is fine again.”
“I really can’t worry about it right now. Done enough crying and yelling and swearing down in Florida. Besides, I have to worry about Davo’s wedding now.”
“What do you mean? You just have to show up.”
“I mean there’s the fact that I’m one of his Best Men. And then there’s the issue where I don’t have a date. So I guess what I’m asking is if you’ll come to the wedding as my date. I’ll get lit up if I don’t bring someone.” “So you decided to ask the world’s least gender-conforming weirdo to be your date? Yeah, I can see how that’ll be received so much better,” Blake says wryly.
“Blake, please. I’ll buy you a dress, or a suit, whatever you want to wear, and cover your airfare and accommodations. I’m kinda desperate here.”
“You’re asking someone who was bullied out of hockey the minute they were perceived as different to be your date. At a wedding full of guests who got to live the life I never got to. Do you see why maybe I’m not too interested in being around constant reminders of my own failures?” 
“I’m sorry. I guess I never thought about it that way.”
“Besides, nobody is gonna believe we’re an item anyways. I’m like, the polar opposite of a WAG,” Blake adds, trying to lighten the suddenly sombre mood.
“Blue hair and pronouns has been my type for a while,” Leon replies with a smile.
Blake’s not too sure why that one stung more than it probably had any right to, but the next thing they know, their face hardens and they’re snapping back, “You’re not fucking funny, Leon. Fuck you, go on Tinder or wherever it is you find your one night stands, and take someone from there.” 
Leon opens his mouth, takes one look at Blake, then closes it before crossing the room, sliding on his shoes, and leaving with Bowie hot on his heels.
“I’m gonna kill Leon Draisaitl. Nobody will ever find his body.” 
“You can’t do that, Jade,” Blake replies, tipping their head over the arm of the couch to squint at their best friend. 
“And why the fuck not?” She sounds far more affronted than Blake had initially thought she would be. Which, valid - the pair has been through a lot in the last few years, and Blake wouldn’t hesitate to punch someone for Jade. So they suppose it makes sense that Jade would be ready to commit murder for them.
“Because he’s like the second most popular guy in the city, and him being dead would seriously fuck with the Oilers’ dynamic.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I appreciate the offer, though. Shit, hang on. Speak of the devil,” Blake rolls their eyes, holding up their phone to show Jade Leon’s caller ID. They hold a finger up to their lips and swipe to answer. “What do you want, Leon.” Blake winces at the bite in their own tone, not expecting to sound this aggressive. It’s been less than twenty-four hours since the argument, but Blake still feels a little bad for the way they’d snapped.
“Hey. I’m- uh. I just wanted to apologize for last night. I shouldn’t have said that, it wasn’t right. I’m also sorry that I didn’t stop to consider why you might not want to go, and I get it if you don’t want to. I guess what I’m trying to say is, the wedding’s in a month, just- let me know if you change your mind, alright?”
“I appreciate the apology, but I think I’m gonna need some time to think about it. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, but it still did hurt. I’m also sorry for yelling at you, there’s probably a better way that I could’ve responded. But yeah, let me sleep on it for a bit, okay?”
“You were more than justified to yell at me the way you did. I crossed a pretty big line. Take care of yourself, alright? I’m sorry again.”
Blake hangs up after a quick goodbye and drops their phone onto the rug. “You don’t have to kill him, Jade. I’m still hurt but he acknowledged his mistake and his apology felt genuine. And he’s never said anything like that before. I dunno. But enough about me, let’s order a pizza and watch sad movies,” Blake smiles.
Blake calls Leon back a week and a half later to accept his offer. Fuck it, what’s the worst that could happen? 
They’d tried to insist on paying for their own flight, but Leon simply emailed them a flight confirmation five minutes later with nothing but “Oops.” in the body.
Fast-forward a couple weeks, several hours of trying on clothes, six arguments about who was allowed to pay for what, and a four-hour flight, Blake is standing in the most gorgeous wedding venue. They’re having a wonderfully animated discussion with Leon and Derek Ryan about the Olympics when their next point is interrupted.
They stop mid-sentence, they’d know that voice anywhere. They turn around to confirm, and a huge smile breaks out across their face. “Oh my god, everyone shut up, my bestie is here,” they gasp, running forward to scoop the owner of the voice up into an excited hug. Blake does a little spin before setting their friend down again. 
“Kailer!!!!! It’s been sooo long! I missed you this season, you should come back so I can tell people I’m taller than an Oiler again.”
Kailer straightens his tie and sighs dramatically. “You’re taller than Hammer, you’ll survive.” 
“Hammer’s a child, he doesn’t count.”
“He’s not even a year younger than me, and you know that,” Kailer replies with an exaggerated eye roll. “So I see you and Leon got your shit together, then,” he continues with a shit-eating grin. Blake is confused for a moment, before remembering they came to this thing with Leon. Confusion must’ve shown on their face, because Kailer groans. “If I can figure out a proposal, surely you guys can work out whatever the hell it is you have going on between you.”
“There’s nothing ‘going on’ between us, we’re just friends,” Blake insists. Kailer gives them a ‘sure, bud,’ look, and seems like he’s going to retort with something, when his fiancée comes over with a glass of champagne in hand.
“Bailey, oh my god, you’re such a sight for sore eyes,” Blake exclaims, opening their arms excitedly. Kailer holds out a hand to take Bailey’s drink so the pair can embrace. 
“Congrats on the engagement, you guys are so gross and in love and I couldn’t be more excited for you,” Blake rambles as they pull away. “Show me the ring?”
Bailey blushes happily and extends her hand to show off the frankly enormous rock sparkling on her finger. 
“Damn, Yamo, you picked well,” Blake whistles in appreciation.
“I sure did,” he replies with a bright smile, but somehow Blake doesn’t think he’s referring to the ring.
“I’ll let you two go now, apparently Foegs is supposed to be floating around here somewhere, and Leon promised me he’d get him to find us so I can bug him and Alex,” Blake grins, opening their arms for one more quick hug from both of them before turning back to Leon.
After a beautiful ceremony, several speeches, and an amazing dinner, Leon holds out a hand, inviting Blake to dance. It’s a slow song, and Blake can’t help but rest their head on Leon’s shoulder as they move gracefully, every movement seamless like they’re made for each other.
Leon pulls Blake in after a twirl, holding their gaze with what can only be described as genuine fondness. Blake feels their cheeks warm, but doesn’t break eye contact. Leon leans down, and their lips are so close, they can feel his warm breath on their face as he speaks, “I was serious, you know.”
“About what,” Blake asks breathlessly. They might actually pass out if what they think is about to happen does. 
“Blue hair and pronouns being my type,” Leon murmurs with a grin. Blake huffs out a quiet laugh. So he had meant what he’d said last month - just not in the way Blake had interpreted it. Either way, Kailer will be glad they’re figuring their shit out, or whatever he’d said. 
“Shut up and kiss me,” they breathe. And he does.
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zeroseuniverse · 1 year
Grandmas Know Best
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin X reader
Summary: In which two Grandmas this, I just let their grandchildren up on a blind date. Surprisingly, it works out perfectly.
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The quaint cafe was buzzing with conversation as people passed throughout the morning, two elderly women sat sipping their tea contently as they spoke fondly of their favorite people.
“My Hyune is so dramatic, always finding a way to make the smallest thing into a huge story.”
“My Mira has such a way with animals it's so mesmorizing, I’ve never seen someone so connected with nature.”
The women passed stories together, they did this every week, on Sunday at noon. They’d meet at this exact cafe and talk about life, almost always leading the conversation back to what their grandchildren had done that week. 
“Hyune is so focused on work, he needs to find a girl and settle down,” Mi-Sun commented as she stirred a bit of cinnamon into her tea.
“When was the last time he mentioned a girl?” Soo-Yun wondered, she hadn’t seen the young boy since he was in diapers. 
“Before he debuted with his group around 2017.”
“My Mira, hasn’t really been into dating for a while either. Claims her animals need her more than any man could.”
And with that the two women plotted, scheming the perfect way to get their precious grandchildren to get away from work. After all who could say no to their sweet faces.
“Yah! Seriously?!?” She groaned as she watched the intern struggle to feed their recently saved fox. She had actually been the one to bring him in, he was found with broken legs and some spinal damage from being hit by a car. He wouldn't be able to be sent back out into the wild sadly, so she built the best enclosure she could to ensure the last bit of his life would be happy. 
She directed the trainee in what to do, trying to get her to do it right, but the trainee was too worried about the fox suddenly deciding she was a snack instead. 
“Ya know what, go organize the barn or something.” She dismissed, annoyed by the intern. 
She made her way to the fox who yipped happily upon realizing who it was, “Hey little one, are you ready to start eating regularly again?” she smiled warmly at the fox who nuzzled into her leg the best he could. The medicine they had put him on to help with the pain a bit sadly didn’t react well with a foxes regular diet, leading him to have a liquid diet for a few days. She could tell he was ready for the good stuff again.
She started giving him bits of food at a time, when her phone vibrated. She always kept it on vibrate to not spook any of the animals.
“Hello?” She asked, answering through her ear piece so no sudden movements made the eating fox get defensive.
“My Mira! How’re you my dear?” Her grandmother greeted over the phone, her brittle voice sounding a bit sleepy as it was coming up on her nap time.
“I’m well, can I ask why you called? You never call while I’m at the sanctuary.” she wondered, eliciting a hum from the elder woman.
“Oh I was wondering if you’d be interested in a date with my friend's grandson?” She blurted, never being the one to beat around the bush, she was less than amused with the suggestion.
“Oh you know Mi-Sun, her grandson is your age and we were talking at lunch today and we talked about how compatible you two are, and we think both of you could definitely benefit from a relaxing lunch together.”  Her grandmother rambled a bit, continuing on about how they had both been overworking themselves and how they’ve been talking it over for almost a month before mentioning it. she sighed, she loved her grandmother, and she knew that she just wanted the best for her.
“I really don’t think a blind date is in my comfort zone.” 
“Just try! Just this once, please?”
 “I’m sorry what?” Hyunjin blurted in the middle of the practice room as he was on the phone with his grandmother, who had been rambling on about her latest scheme to get him away from the agency for some relaxation.
His members looked confused as they watched him tensely pace and run a hand through his hair.
“Oh honey, don’t worry. It’s not a complete stranger, you met when you were younger and she doesn’t even know who stray kids are so it's not like she’s an obsessed fan.” His grandmother reasoned but Hyunjin was having none of it.
“I don’t know this woman, grandma, why would I want to go on a date with someone I’ve met as a child and don’t even remember.”
“I can tell you right now, this woman? She’s something special, trust me. It’ll definitely be worth your time.”
“I don’t have time for this.”
“That’s a lie, you have a week break after each song gets completed, so after you finish filming for your song, we’ll set you up with a place and time.”
He mentally cursed himself for telling the elder his schedule.
Neither parties involved were excited for a date with someone they didn’t know, they simply wanted to enjoy their time with their separate passions alone. Neither feeling the need for romance at the time, but the desire to finally have someone else was tempting, both would love someone to go home to every day.
Maybe it could be the perfect match.
She nervously sat in the seat at the small table in the cafe that was seemingly more quiet than what her grandmother had told her it may be. She flipped her phone a few times in her hand waiting for the clerk to bring out her hot chocolate with cinnamon. 
Hyunjin was walking into the cafe, nerves bursting out of him, though he didn’t exactly want the date. It was still a date. He scanned the area looking for anyone as nervous as him, landing on a woman who was awkwardly flipping her phone as she rested her head on the palm of her hand that was propped up. He honestly wouldn’t have noticed her anxiety if he didn’t see her legs tapping rapidly. 
Surely this couldn’t be her, he had thought as he took in her beauty, she had fair skin, practically flawless aside from a scar running over her plump lower lip. Her hair fell to her waist but was braided intricately to stay out of her face. Just a few strands loose around her face to frame it, her cheek bones were very prominent; he wondered how high they’d look when she smiled. She had tattoos, a lot of them from what he could see, her right bicep being covered in a nature scene, and a few resting on her thighs where the rip in her pants revealed the soft skin. Her left arm held a couple more tattoos and he could see a bit of a tattoo peeking through her cleavage that was partially on display. 
His breath hitched in his throat as the woman looked up making eye contact with him, she sent him a comforting smile before he went and asked the hostess if his date was here and to also order his americano. As soon as he was pointed into the direction of the woman he had been ogling he secretly sent a mental thank you to his grandmother before walking over as soon as his order was placed.
“Hi.” He greeted shyly as she looked up at his approaching figure.
“You must be Hyunjin” She questioned, moving to bow to him, but he simply shook his head motioning her to stay seated, before leaning down to place a quick peck on her cheek in greeting.
“Did you order your drink already?” He asked, suddenly noticing the lack of a drink in front of her.
“I did, they are making it now, they hand make the chocolate mix for hot chocolate here so it takes a bit longer.” She explained, still flipping her phone.
“So what do you do for a living? Grandma wouldn’t tell me much.”
“I recue animals, how about you?”
“I’m a performer.” Hyunjin brushed off not really wanting to blatantly call himself an idol, he didn’t want her to think he was bragging.
“That’s cool, a dancer, right?” She guessed making Hyunjin tilt his head at her in confusion. “Your legs, adn the way you walk. I used to play this game when I was younger and going out with my Grandma, we would guess which hobbies people had like sports, arts, anything really based on their bodies and style. It was a fun game.” 
He gaped slightly, it was an odd quirk but he honestly thought it was adorable. “Yea, I’m a dancer, a singer and a rapper.” He smiled genuinely, taking in her interested gaze. He was so used to most people just admiring him from the stands that being here with a person and getting to know her personally was such an odd experience.
The two chatted for a while, just getting to know each other with basic questions, but by the end they were very much aware that they wanted to see each other again.
And so they did.
She hummed softly as she stroked the brush through the small tiger cubs fur, the tiger loving every touch. 
“How do you do it?” Devon, an intern from the United States wondered as he leaned outside of the enclosure.
“Do what?” She wondered, not seeing anything odd about her actions.
“How do you make every animal warm up to you like this?”
“Ah now that I have no idea. I remember when I was three and I came across an injured squirell, she could hardly walk, but she entrusted me with both her and her babies lives, so I got them help. She lived outside my window for so long after that, once her kids grew they would thump against my window for attention.” She reminisced, still looking fondly at the cub.
“Cute story.” a new voice hummed, making her turn her head quickly only to find Hyunjin looking at her with a grin.
“Oh hi! Did we have plans today?” The two had gone out a couple times, getting closer each and every time since their first date. The only downside was Hyunjin was working a lot on filming music videos so they rarely saw each other, but she understood, especially when he was taking time off and she had a massive inclination in animals so she couldn’t make much time for him either.
“No, I just wanted to bring you lunch.” He shyly responded holding the bag in his hand up, Devon quickly took his leave, not before hyping the girl up over the man's shoulder mouthing about how hot he was.
“Hmm, that sounds nice, let me finish grooming Kiki real quick, okay?” She offered, earning a nod from the man who was more than content to just watch her in her zone for hours.
She took a few more strokes, putting the now resting tiger to the side before heading over to Hyunjin.
“So, How’s the video coming?” she wondered, well aware that the group was filming yet another video this week.
“It’s going so good, the vocals on the song are insane!” He excitedly gasped before going into rambles about the video and what the concept of it is, all while she simply watched his expressions admiringly, she had grown fond of the man fast, quickly becoming engrossed in the way his eyes sparkled and how expressive he was without meaning to be.
“That’s good, this is for lonely street right?” She wondered, hoping it was, she had heard snippets of the song, along with Charmer and Venom. She very much liked the vocals in them from what she heard, though Hyunjin didn’t want her looking into their music too much until the videos came out since it gave a whole new standpoint with the video.
“How’s work here?” He wondered, having heard from her she was having to get rid of a few workers for neglecting their duties.
“Tiring, Devon is the only one willing to get close to the animals, and Ae-Cha is the only one willing to help keep this place together.” She sighed, leaning her head onto his shoulder as she pouted.
Hyunjin simply wrapped his arm around her and traced the exposed tattoo on her arm, made visible by the muscle t shirt she was wearing.
“How about you come spend the day with me tomorrow, to relax.” He offered still stroking her skin with such a gentle touch, she felt dizzy.
“You’re filming tomorrow.”
“And I want you to come see me, I come see you work.” He reasoned but she was still unsure. “Come on, the boys have been begging me to meet you.” 
She sighed and gave a slight nod. I can come by after I feed the animals tomorrow.” she offered, making him wiggle excitedly in his seat.
Clammy hands had to be her worst enemy. They made everything difficult, everything stuck to them, they made it clear to everyone you touched that you're nervous and not to mention it's just all around gross.
“Are you here for Hyunjin?” a voice spoke causing her to jump a bit from the scare, she turned to see a man a little older than her standing there professionally with a slight grin. “I’m Stray Kids’ manager, Hyunjin asked me to come and wait for you.” He reassured, bowing politely which she returned quickly.
“Nice to meet you, sorry for jumping. I’m really not used to being around people.” She tried to brush off her nerves but the manager simply shook his head with a warm smile now.
“Hyunjin warned me, He talks about you often.” was all he said before he motioned for her to follow him and walked away.
It was like he had a sixth sense for her, he was talking to Jeongin and suddenly stopped mid sentence and turned around leaving the poor maknae so confused.
“Hey!” He grinned, rushing to hug the woman who had entered the building cautiously. Everyone turned to look at the scene, watching as Hyunjin pulled the girl into his arms and whispered about how everything would be okay.
He tugged her over to his friends as soon as they pulled away excitedly introducing the 8 to each other.
“Guys this is her, this is Jeongin, Seungmin, Lee Know, Felix, Chan, Changbin and Han.”
She bowed in greeting, still clutching onto her friend tightly.
“Ah the girlfriend.” Seungmin hummed with a mischievous grin the Jeongin mimicked as he added, “We’ve heard all about you!”
“Ignore them, It’s nice to finally meet you! Would you like a water?” Chan asked, and just like that she fell into a rythym. While she was here to see Hyunjin she actively engaged with all of the members during the breaks. 
She helped Chan monitoring the boys states making sure none of them were wearing down too much, she teamed up with Minho and moved small things to create minor inconveniences, Changbin and Han had her cackling with their jokes, Felix had taken to her quickly cuddling up to her side and showing her different games he had on his switch that he took with him today for entertainment. Seungmin and Jeongin spent their breaks picking on her and telling her every embarrassing story about Hyunjin they could think of.
“Okay that's enough, Me now!”  Hyunjin whined, throwing his weight ontop of her body as she giggled with Felix.
“Aw, was I now giving you enough attention?” She laughed, seemingly a lot more confident than before, making his heart warm. “Okay Jinnie, I’m all yours.”
The simple sentence she hummed made his heart flutter in ways he had never felt before and man did he want it to happen again.
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hemmohaze · 4 months
Bakery Blues
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November 2018
"We should go to get those chocolate chip cookies from the bakery we went to in Long Beach a while ago on tour." Calum announced Ashton next to him in the car.
In less than two weeks they would be off to Australia for two weeks. One for the final leg of the Meet You There tour and two for some much needed rest and relaxation time with their families.
"Mate please you just wanna go see Maya; that girl who works at the front cash register." Luke teased from in front of him.
"You are such a liar dude." Calum said casually.
"Oh so you mean to tell me that time she gave you a coupon for the store you didn't go back the next day just to see her." Micheal retorted.
Calum has had a crush on her for almost 2 years. During their break in 2017, he always made it down there for some coffee. They started talking almost everyday he started coming. She also let it slip that she was a fan of the covers they did and went to the Rock Out With Your Socks Out tour with her older sister, Victoria.
Since then he always found a way to make it down there to see her.
Maya was supposed to be cleaning tables. Except she got distracted by Brooklynn 99 she put on for background noise for herself but then ended up editing her Youtube video.
"Hey mami." She said, not looking up from the Macbook.
"I think you have a special someone here to see you." Clara closed the laptop as Maya looked up to see a very familiar red shirt.
“Now please get up and go talk to him before your Uncle Carlos talks his poor head off."
Her eyes widened at her mom. She stood up awkwardly and made a beeline for the cookies she knows he likes and put them in a paper bag.
She almost face planted into the register but thankfully he was talking to her uncle with his back turned.
His dog Duke started yipping once he smelled her perfume she always wore. Maya bent down to give him some belly rubs.
“Hi baby.” She cooed to the pup.
Standing up she handed him the paper bag of cookies. "So how's life on tour been." She mentally cringed at the vauge question.
"Ah," He chuckled. "We're actually flying to Australia tomorrow so I just had to have some of these bad boys for the flight."
She smiled softly, her eyes crinkling. "I hope you enjoy. I spent a lot of time on those."
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ictlsg23 · 1 year
Anti-Harassment and Cyberstalking Laws: The Protection from Harassment Act was passed in Parliament on 14 March 2014. The purpose and effects of the Act will be examined. In particular, the effects of (anti-)social behaviour online and the objectives of the PHA in dealing with such acts will be considered. For example, trolling, cyber-bullying and cyber-vigilantism (involving doxxing) will be considered. What is the ambit of coverage of the provisions for non-direct and secondary subjects of harassment? For example, close emotional connection or physical proximity? What should be the extent of the scope?
What were the significant changes to the PHA in the latest amendments? Do the scope of the PHA extend “person” to include non-legal entities, private and/or public; both as perpetrator and victim?
False Statements of Fact (Part 3 Div. 2 [previously section 15 only]): Consider the series of appeals in the Ting Choon Meng case. What is the purpose and effect of this part of the Act? Compare and contrast it to POFMA and its progeny. (not required for COR2226)
Cases: (for general reference only, not required for COR2226)
Attorney-General v Ting Choon Meng and Another [2017] SGCA 06 (harassment, parties)
Ting Choon Meng v Attorney-General and Another [2015] SGHC 315 (harassment, parties)
Attorney-General v Lee Kwai Hou Howard, et al [2015] SGDC 114 (harassment, parties)
Malcomson Nicholas Hugh Bertram and Another v Naresh Kumar Mehta[2001] SGHC 308 (harassment)
Required Readings:
Goh Yihan, Yip Man, The Protection from Harassment Act 2014 [2014] 26 SAcLJ 700
Chan Wing Cheong, The New Offence of ‘Unlawful Stalking’ in Singapore (2014) 26 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 333 – 353
Statutes: (relevant provisions will be highlighted in class)
Protection from Harassment Act
Protection from Harassment (Amendment) Bill of 2019
References: (optional)
Restricting Publication of False Statements Using Section 15 of the Protection from Harassment Act (Law Gazette, May 2016)
Ravi Chandran, Workplace Harassment: Persons Liable and Damages Payable under the Protection from Harassment Act 2014 [2015] 27 SAcLJ 286
Goh Yihan, The Case for Legislating Harassment in Singapore [2014] 26 SAcLJ 68
Gregory Vijayendran, Lester Chua, Harassment Act: An Act to End All Acts of Harassment? (Law Gazette, June 2014(4))
Choo Zheng Xi, Fong Wei Li, When Citizen Journalism Crosses the Line: Does the Harassment Act Have An Online Bite? (Law Gazette, June 2014(2))
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dan6085 · 1 year
Top 20 Chinese Movies of All Time:
1. "Raise the Red Lantern" (1991) - Directed by Zhang Yimou, this film is a masterpiece of Chinese cinema and follows the life of a young concubine in the 1920s.
2. "Farewell My Concubine" (1993) - Directed by Chen Kaige, this film tells the story of two Peking Opera performers and their lives over the course of several decades.
3. "To Live" (1994) - Also directed by Zhang Yimou, this film is an epic family drama set against the backdrop of China's tumultuous 20th century.
4. "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" (2000) - Directed by Ang Lee, this film is a martial arts masterpiece that tells the story of two warriors in ancient China.
5. "In the Mood for Love" (2000) - Directed by Wong Kar-wai, this film is a visually stunning and emotionally powerful story of love and loss in 1960s Hong Kong.
6. "Hero" (2002) - Directed by Zhang Yimou, this film tells the story of a nameless warrior who is tasked with assassinating the king of a rival kingdom.
7. "House of Flying Daggers" (2004) - Also directed by Zhang Yimou, this film is a romantic martial arts epic set in ancient China.
8. "The Road Home" (1999) - Directed by Zhang Yimou, this film is a simple yet moving love story set in a rural Chinese village.
9. "Red Sorghum" (1987) - Directed by Zhang Yimou, this film is a visually stunning and emotionally powerful tale of love and war set in 1930s China.
10. "To Be a Better Man" (2016) - Directed by Zhang Xiaobo, this TV series tells the story of a successful businessman who undergoes a personal transformation after a health scare.
11. "The Story of Qiu Ju" (1992) - Directed by Zhang Yimou, this film is a satirical look at China's bureaucratic system and follows the story of a woman seeking justice for her husband.
12. "A Touch of Sin" (2013) - Directed by Jia Zhangke, this film is a violent and uncompromising look at contemporary China and the social and economic issues facing its people.
13. "Spring in a Small Town" (1948) - Directed by Fei Mu, this film is a classic Chinese melodrama about a woman caught between her husband and her first love.
14. "The Great Wall" (2016) - Directed by Zhang Yimou, this film is a fantasy epic that tells the story of a group of warriors defending China against monsters.
15. "The Grandmaster" (2013) - Directed by Wong Kar-wai, this film is a biographical drama about the life of legendary martial arts master Ip Man.
16. "The Mermaid" (2016) - Directed by Stephen Chow, this film is a hilarious and heartfelt comedy about a mermaid who falls in love with a businessman.
17. "The Monkey King" (2014) - Directed by Soi Cheang, this film is a fantasy adventure that retells the classic Chinese tale of the Monkey King.
18. "The Wandering Earth" (2019) - Directed by Frant Gwo, this sci-fi film is a thrilling and visually stunning tale of humanity's efforts to save the Earth from destruction.
19. "Ip Man" (2008) - Directed by Wilson Yip, this film is a biographical drama about the life of legendary martial arts master Ip Man, who trained Bruce Lee.
20. "Wolf Warrior 2" (2017) - Directed by Wu Jing, this film is an action-packed thriller about a Chinese soldier who goes on a mission to rescue civilians in an African warzone.
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bolontiku · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Born Oct 20, 2017
Who knew the little runt would end up with us? Blessing us with her sassy little butt wiggles and quick snaps? Her excited little yips when we get home and her screeching when we leave? Waiting till we sit down to eat beside us and wanting to check on the damned wolf outside?
Too much love in this tiny 15lb body. Ever so grateful for one ms. Riza Hawkeye
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Title: Everything, Everything
Rating: PG-13
Director: Stella Meghie
Cast: Amandla Stenberg, Nick Robinson, Anika Noni Rose, Ana de la Reguera, Taylor Hickson, Danube R. Hermosillo, Dan Payne, Fiona Loewi, Robert Lawrenson, Peter Benson, Françoise Yip, Marion Eisman, Farryn VanHumbeck
Release year: 2017
Genres: drama, romance
Blurb: A teenager who’s lived a sheltered life because she’s allergic to everything falls for the boy who moves in next door.
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mikewang233 · 6 months
Blog2-Street art in Singapore-Arab Street
Did you know that in Singapore, street art, such as graffiti on buildings, must be legally approved by the local government beforehand? However, that doesn't stop people from being passionate and creative about street art. Street art graffiti can be seen in the bustling city center, streets, alleys, and even cafes.
Arab Street, one of Singapore's renowned art districts, is a testament to the city's vibrant street art scene. The walls of coffee shops and bakeries are adorned with colorful graffiti, each piece a representation of Singapore's indigenous culture. These artworks, a major draw for tourists, serve as a living testament to the city's rich cultural heritage.
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On Arab Street, the street art that attracted me the most was the work of Yap Yew Chung, whose street art style is different and focuses more on the details of everyday life and people. This piece of his artwork on Arab Street depicts the culture of Kampong Glam and the daily lifestyle of teenagers, adults, and older people at that time.
Kampong Glam was once a Malay settlement, and the word was officially coined as early as 1820; where Kampung represent for "village," and "gleam" was a type of Melaleuca tree that grew in the area and was used in the construction of ships. With time, Singapore's indigenous culture has disappeared. This work aims to promote the indigenous culture to tourists, and it took Yap Yew Chung 25 days to complete the street art graffiti, even in the hot weather.
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Arabian Street is a distinctly 'unofficial' tourist attraction, as it showcases Singapore's unique indigenous atmosphere and multiculturalism. However, its charm comes mainly from its strong Malay culture, where tourists visit to experience the local culture rather than the hustle and bustle of a typical tourist attraction,it also contrasts sharply with the downtown area on the side.
At the same time, graffiti is not regulated in Singapore, so the publicity here is definitely weaker than in the downtown area.
Image1 from- https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/travel/destinations/kampong-glam-the-artistic-side-of-singapore/articleshow/101219410.cms
Image 2 from-
Ghosh, P. (2017, February 9). The history of Kampong Glam in One Minute. Culture Trip. https://theculturetrip.com/asia/singapore/articles/history-of-kampong-glam-in-1-minute
Tay, S. (2023, August 14). Mural artist gives kampong glam A glam up. The Straits Times. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/mural-artist-gives-kampong-glam-a-glam-up
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clearcomputerangel · 8 months
China's Guangzhou first to completely ease purchase limit on large homes By Reuters
© Reuters. FILE PHOTO: Residential and commercial buildings are located in downtown Guangzhou, China October 7, 2017. Picture taken October 7, 2017. REUTERS/Bobby Yip/File Photo BEIJING (Reuters) – China’s major southern city of Guangzhou fully relaxed home purchase limits for some people on Saturday and said it would increase affordable housing supply, in a move to support the local property…
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smbhax · 9 months
'The China National Tobacco Corp., the state-run monopoly, is the largest tobacco company in the world. In cooperation with its regulatory arm, the Tobacco Monopoly Administration, the pair controls the manufacture, marketing and pricing of all cigarettes made in China. Between 2017 and 2020, e-cigarette sales increased more than 254%, according to data firm EuroMonitor. Those sales accrued exclusively to vaping entrepreneurs, not the government. “The tobacco administration says, ‘Well, every e-cigarette sold means one less cigarette smoked,’ so they are going to regulate the hell out of them now,” said Dr. Ray Yip, a public health consultant and former director of the Gates Foundation’s China program.'
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aintgonnatakethis · 10 months
Recently realised I'd never watched the 2017 Blade Runner movie. As I remember really enjoying the original as a kid I wanted to see if the sequel was any good. (imo it wasn't but that's not the point)
Anyway to prepare I rewatched the 1st movie because it had been so long. I can't remember how old I was when I first watched it, but I was officially Kid TM age. But I distinctly remember watching the scene where the guy pulls Harrison Ford's arm through a wall and systematically breaks his fingers one by one and Ford yipping like a dog and..... yeah, I'm sure you can see where this is going.
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agtictl23 · 1 year
Anti-Harassment and Cyberstalking Laws: The Protection from Harassment Act was passed in Parliament on 14 March 2014. The purpose and effects of the Act will be examined. In particular, the effects of (anti-)social behaviour online and the objectives of the PHA in dealing with such acts will be considered. For example, trolling, cyber-bullying and cyber-vigilantism (involving doxxing) will be considered. What is the ambit of coverage of the provisions for non-direct and secondary subjects of harassment? For example, close emotional connection or physical proximity? What should be the extent of the scope?
What were the significant changes to the PHA in the latest amendments? Do the scope of the PHA extend “person” to include non-legal entities, private and/or public; both as perpetrator and victim?
False Statements of Fact (Part 3 Div. 2 [previously section 15 only]): Consider the series of appeals in the Ting Choon Meng case. What is the purpose and effect of this part of the Act? Compare and contrast it to POFMA and its progeny.
Cases: (for general reference only)
Attorney-General v Ting Choon Meng and Another [2017] SGCA 06 (harassment, parties)
Malcomson Nicholas Hugh Bertram and Another v Naresh Kumar Mehta[2001] SGHC 308 (harassment)
Required Readings:
Goh Yihan, Yip Man, The Protection from Harassment Act 2014 [2014] 26 SAcLJ 700
Chan Wing Cheong, The New Offence of ‘Unlawful Stalking’ in Singapore (2014) 26 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 333 – 353
Statutes: (relevant provisions will be highlighted in class)
Protection from Harassment Act
References: (optional)
Restricting Publication of False Statements Using Section 15 of the Protection from Harassment Act (Law Gazette, May 2016)
Ravi Chandran, Workplace Harassment: Persons Liable and Damages Payable under the Protection from Harassment Act 2014 [2015] 27 SAcLJ 286
Goh Yihan, The Case for Legislating Harassment in Singapore [2014] 26 SAcLJ 68
Gregory Vijayendran, Lester Chua, Harassment Act: An Act to End All Acts of Harassment? (Law Gazette, June 2014(4))
Choo Zheng Xi, Fong Wei Li, When Citizen Journalism Crosses the Line: Does the Harassment Act Have An Online Bite? (Law Gazette, June 2014(2))
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alaxaaron · 1 year
Lawyer Julie Yip-Williams, who was born blind, on the paradoxes of life:
"I do not have the answer to the question of why, at least not now and not in this life. But I do know that there is incredible value in pain and suffering, if you allow yourself to experience it, to cry, to feel sorrow and grief, to hurt. Walk through the fire and you will emerge on the other end, whole and stronger. I promise. You will ultimately find truth and beauty and wisdom and peace. You will understand that nothing lasts forever, not pain, or joy. You will understand that joy cannot exist without sadness. Relief cannot exist without pain. Compassion cannot exist without cruelty. Courage cannot exist without fear. Hope cannot exist without despair. Wisdom cannot exist without suffering. Gratitude cannot exist without deprivation. Paradoxes abound in this life. Living is an exercise in navigating within them."
Source: Letter to her daughters (July 2017) via Letters of Note
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