thornybubbles · 2 years
JJBA Yandere Scenario: Jealousy (The JoJos: Josuke, Giorno, and Johnny)
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Jealous Josuke is an emotional wreck. He’s rage and paranoia personified.  He wants to be a good boyfriend. He really does, but every time he sees you with that guy, he feels like he’s going to lose his mind. He’s in constant flux between flying into a rage and having a full on panic attack. You love him, right? So why hang all over that guy so much? Are you cheating on him? You wouldn’t do that to him, would you? He sure hopes not because he doesn’t know what he’d do if that was true. He’s pretty sure he’d go insane though. Every moment you two aren’t together he’s wondering if you’re with that guy or not. His imagination goes wild, taking his thoughts to places he doesn’t want them to go. 
Are you in love with that guy? 
Are you going to leave him? 
Are you cheating on him? 
Are you cheating on him right now? 
Are you cheating? 
Are you cheating? 
Are you cheating on him?!!!
It was lunch break. Josuke had left the classroom to roam the mostly empty halls. He couldn’t sit in the classroom with Okuyasu constantly asking him what was wrong. He needed to be alone to think. He needed to decide what to do. He just needed to calm down first. It was proving very difficult to do so, though, as thoughts of you in the track star’s arms kept popping into his thoughts. He rubbed his temples, trying to ease the headache that was forming. HIs hair was a mess and for once, he didn’t even care. 
He was startled by the feeling of a hand touching his shoulder. He whirled around and his bloodshot eyes locked onto the form of Yukako. 
“Koichi is worried about you.” She said with a stern tone, almost as if she was accusing him of something. 
It took a few moments for her words to sink in for Josuke. 
“Huh? Worried? Why?” Josuke asked. 
Yukako ran her fingers through her long black locks in a casual manner before she answered. 
“You’ve been acting like you’re on the verge of a mental breakdown for days now. I’ve noticed it as well.” she said. “What’s going on, Josuke?” 
Josuke sighed. First Okuyasu, now both Koichi and Yukako? He guessed he wasn’t really hiding his feelings very well. Well, he wasn’t really trying to.
“I think she might be cheating on me.” he blurted out before he could stop himself. He gritted his teeth and his hands began to tremble. Just saying it out loud made him want to go on a rampage. 
Yukako noticed the way his fingers twitched and the way his jaw tightened. She knew that level of fury all too well. She sighed and crossed her arms across her chest. 
“You mean your girlfriend? Cheating with who? With that muscle head from the track team? The one with the terrible bleached hair? The one I always see her talking with when you aren’t around?” she said, bracing herself for what she suspected would come next. 
Sure enough at the mention of the hated rival, Josuke’s rage exploded like a volcano. He slammed a fist into a nearby locker, caving the door in to the point that it popped off of the hinges. He stood there panting heavily for a moment before summoning Crazy Diamond to fix the door. He didn’t know whose locker it belonged to, but he figured that a random student shouldn’t have to pay for his tantrum. 
Yukako felt a drop of cold sweat run down the back of her neck. She wondered if her own tantrums had that same effect on those around her. Poor Koichi. She waited for Josuke to look calm enough for it to be safe to speak to him again. 
“I’m not the type to interfere in the problems of other couples, but seeing you like this upsets my Koichi, so I’ll give you some advice…” she began. 
Josuke thought Yukako was the last person to have any business giving anyone advice on romance, but he listened to what she had to say anyway. It wasn’t like he was coming up with any solutions on his own. 
“Kick his ass.” she said simply.
Well, he should’ve seen that coming. 
“Let me rephrase that… Give him a warning. One warning. Tell him to stay away from what’s yours, and if he can’t follow that one, simple request… kick his ass.” she said, her eyes and voice taking on a steely edge.
Josuke mulled over what she said. It was such a simple answer, he wondered why he hadn’t thought of it. Of course he couldn’t just beat some dude up for no reason… but he did have a reason, didn’t he? That lowlife spent way too much time with his babe for his liking. Always stealing her time from him… giving him a warning first made things fair… Surprisingly, Yukako’s advice made perfect sense.
“Don’t just think about it, Josuke. You need to confront him. Tell him to back off and enforce it if you need to.” 
Yukako turned and started to walk back to the classroom before turning back to him and adding, 
“And then you need to talk to her. Remind her of who she belongs to. If you don’t set her straight… you’ll lose her.” 
Those last three words chilled Josuke to his very core. He stared after Yukako as she walked away from him. Putting the jock in his place made sense, but was Yukako implying that he needed to… “get rough” with you? Josuke wasn’t sure that he would, or could, take things that far. He did plan to talk to you about it though. He was going to have to explain to you how you made him feel whenever you spent too much time around other guys. More than that, he had to make sure that all these fears of you cheating on him were just in his head and not a terrible reality. 
Josuke made up his mind. He was going to take Yukako’s advice. He’d find out where that bleach tipped jock hung out and confront him after school. He’d have to be careful, though. If he ended up having to pulverize him, he didn’t want word of that getting back to you. You were understanding, kind, and open minded, but he didn’t think you’d be happy to hear that he’d beaten one of your friends to a pulp. Why were you friends with that guy anyway? Wasn’t he enough? 
Josuke shook his head furiously. No, he couldn’t go thinking like that again. He’d work himself back into a frenzy. He needed to think clearly. He was going to have to be patient and wait. He’d feel a lot better once he’d made sure that scumbag left you alone for good. He was going to hate it, but he needed to avoid you until then. As much as he needed to bury himself into your embrace, he wouldn’t be able to control himself around you. He was still angry and the last thing he wanted to do was blow up in your face, blaming you for doing something he still wasn’t sure you were guilty of yet. He just didn’t know what he’d do if he found out anything funny went on between you and that piece of shit. He would go insane. He’d go insane and it would be all your fault. 
He spent the rest of the school day twitching with barely restrained fury. 
Finally the end of the school day came and Josuke couldn’t get out of the classroom fast enough. He spotted you briefly but was careful enough to stay out of your range of sight. He spotted his true target talking to a group of boys coming out of the gym. That was him! The guy you were (might) be leaving him for. There wasn’t anything special about him. Sure he was a bit on the buff side, but Josuke’s muscles were just as good! Besides, it didn’t matter whose muscles were bigger, Josuke could still win in a real fight. All this guy could do was run. What could a mere high school athlete do against someone who fought with the most dangerous people in the world on a daily basis? What could he do against someone with a Stand like Crazy Diamond? Nothing! That’s what! And Josuke was going to prove it! Tonight! He waited for the other boys to leave before he made his move. 
“Hey, you!” Josuke called to the track star. 
The boy cast a confused look at Josuke, not understanding the cause of the hostile tone he was being given. Josuke told him to meet him at sunset out in the rice fields, describing the same one where Jotaro had taken him to hunt the rats, explaining that he had something important to talk about. Those fields were far from prying eyes. No one ever went out there except the farmers during harvest and planting season. There wouldn’t be any witnesses to what Josuke was going to do to the chump… if he had to. (He really hoped he would have to.) The boy agreed to meet Josuke, already feeling that the delinquent was challenging him to a fight for some unknown reason. The boy rose to the challenge eagerly, refusing to be intimidated by Josuke. 
Josuke stood in the middle of the field, staring out at the horizon as the sky changed colors. The sun had fully dipped behind the treetops, but its light still hung in the sky, not wanting to give up the fight against the nighttime so easily. Just like him. He wasn’t about to let some lunkhead steal you away from him. And he wasn’t letting you go for anyone else either. He wouldn’t give up. He wouldn’t give you up to anyone!
“What’s this about, Higashikata?” 
Josuke looked over his shoulder at the boy, his expression a cold look of contempt. 
“I want you to stay away from my girl. Don’t hang around her. Don’t talk to her. Don’t even look at her.” Josuke said simply.
What he did next would depend on how the boy responded. If he agreed, there wouldn’t be any problem. If he didn’t, well…
The boy gave Josuke a confused, disgusted look before letting out a sharp bark of a laugh. 
“Oh my God.” He said. “I never pegged you to be one of those types of boyfriends!” 
Josuke turned to face the boy fully. 
“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” he demanded, his anger starting to simmer to a boil. 
“It means that you’re an asshole, obviously.” the boy scoffed with an obnoxious roll of his eyes. 
“What kind of boyfriend I am isn’t any of your concern. I told you to stay away from her. So what’s it gonna be? Are you gonna leave her alone, or am I gonna have to get my point across in a different way?” Josuke said in a warning tone. 
“I won’t have to leave her alone.” the boy said with another scoff. “If you’re this pathetic and clingy, she’ll end up leaving you anyway.” 
Josuke felt something inside of his mind give way and a flood of the most horrible thoughts and feelings rushed forth like a tidal wave. None of it showed on his face though. Only a slight look of disdain as he raised his chin slightly to look down his nose at the subhuman pile of dogshit in front of him. 
The boy fell to his side as his right leg snapped like a dry twig. The lower shin bone jutted out of the flesh of his leg gruesomely. The boy screamed, clutching his ruined leg and writhing in pain. Crazy Diamond hovered over the boy waiting for the mental order to break his other leg. 
Josuke sighed, closing his eyes in mock frustration. 
“Man, you really know how to say the wrong thing, don’t you?” he said, ignoring the boy’s screams. 
He was answered with more screaming. Josuke just stared at the boy, his blue eyes empty and cold. Normally, he wouldn’t be able to handle the sight or sounds before him. He didn’t like watching people suffer. This was different though. This wasn’t a person in front of him. It was a thing. A nasty, squealing thing that was trying to take his happiness away from him. It was a worthless speck of filth that wanted to dirty up his world. He wanted it to hurt and scream and bleed and DIE!!
“All you had to do was say that you’d leave my girl alone. That’s it. I don’t think that was really too much to ask, was it?” Josuke said, his voice as expressionless as his face. 
“But I’m feeling a little bit lenient today, so I’ll give you a chance. I’ll let you go if you can outrun me, but the trick is that you have to do it on that broken leg. I’ll even give you two chances, but only two, because you don’t really deserve three. If you fall over, or I catch up to you, then you lose and I punish you. Strike one, I break your other leg. Strike two, though, I break your spine. So you better be able to get away from me or you’re gonna permanently lose your title of track star.” 
The boy stared up at Josuke through terrified, tear-filled eyes, unable to process the madness of what he’d just been told. 
“On your mark…” Josuke said. 
The boy braced himself in a stance as best he could on his shattered leg. This was insane! He knew he couldn’t get away, but he had to try. 
“Get set…” 
The boy wobbled dangerously, his leg throbbing with pain and bleeding everywhere. He felt like he would throw up any moment.
The boy flopped over, unable to even stand on his ruined leg. 
Josuke shook his head. 
“Didn’t even make it past the starting line. I thought you were supposed to be good at this.” He mocked. 
The boy tried to crawl away as Josuke loomed over him. His left leg arched upward in a grisly way as Crazy Diamond stomped down on his kneecap, reducing it to powder. Another round of tortured screaming issued forth from the boy. Josuke just looked on with an uninterested gaze. 
“Ready for round two?” Josuke asked. 
The boy stopped screaming and began to shout at Josuke. 
“You insane fuck!” He cried. “You psychopathic piece of shit!” 
The boy didn’t have any clue just how Josuke was putting him through this torment. He was just standing there! How could he hurt him without even touching him? 
Josuke raised an eyebrow. 
“Hey, I’m giving you a chance here and now you’re gonna swear at me? Not sure if you deserve a second chance. Maybe I should just break your spine anyway?” 
“Go ahead if you think it will do anything!” the boy screamed at him in a moment of defiance. “Paralyze me if you think it matters, but when I’m lying on a hospital bed, I’ll make sure everybody knows that it was you that did this to me! Everybody will know what a fucked up monster you are, including that girl of yours. She’ll hate you! She’ll be so sick of you for what you did that she’ll leave you and--” 
He was cut off by Josuke’s fist slamming into his jaw, cracking it. 
“YOU JUST DON’T KNOW WHEN TO SHUT THE HELL UP, DO YOU?” Josuke thundered, his face contorted with so much rage that he looked downright demonic. “LET’S SEE IF YOU CAN KEEP RUNNING YOUR MOUTH THROUGH A BROKEN JAW! HUH?! YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY NOW?! YOU SACK OF SHIT!!!” 
What did this guy know? You weren’t going to leave him! You wouldn’t! You couldn’t! This loser didn’t know what he was talking about!!
He wanted to keep hitting him. He wanted to pummel his stupid face until there was nothing left of it but scraps of meat and bits of bone. He wanted to splatter his brains all over the ground and soak the dirt with his blood. But he didn’t. Somehow he managed to reign in his anger. He knew that if he kept hitting him, he would kill him. Not that he cared about the punk’s worthless life, but his reputation (especially with you) would be in shambles. His friends would never forgive him. His mother… he didn’t even want to think about how she’d react. You, though. You would hate him and fear him. He couldn’t live with that. 
So instead, Josuke had Crazy Diamond methodically torture his rival. His spine was broken, as promised, but so were his ribs, his arms, the tiny bones in his hands and feet, his fingers, his toes… each bone was slowly and methodically shattered, until the boy was begging for it to end. That’s all Josuke needed to hear. 
He allowed Crazy Diamond to heal the boy and the Stand did so, though reluctantly. The boy was stunned. Taking full advantage of his now healed legs, the boy clamored to his feet and started to run. He was grabbed by Crazy Diamond. 
“Ah! What is this?” He cried. “What’s happening?! Something’s got me!” 
He struggled to break free from the invisible hold, but it was too strong. He shrank in on himself as Josuke approached him. 
“Y-You were breaking my bones without touching me… Then suddenly I’m healed and now I feel like I’ve been grabbed by something I can’t see! How are you doing this? W-what the hell are you?” he said with a whimper of terror. 
Josuke glared at him. He was afraid. Good. Maybe now he’ll finally listen to reason. 
“Doesn’t matter.” Josuke answered. “All that matters is whether or not you plan to keep pressing your luck. Are you going to leave my girl alone or do I have to give you another round of pain?” 
“I-I’ll l-leave her alone. I’ll do what y-you say. Just… please… l-let me g-go…” he stammered, exhaustion evident in his voice. 
Crazy Diamond released the boy, and he dropped to his knees. He looked up as Josuke stood in front of him. 
“Now, you’re gonna go about your life pretending that this little encounter didn’t happen.” Josuke warned. “If word of what happened today gets out, I’m not gonna be happy with you. Especially if my girl finds out about it. If I find out that you talked, I’ll find you. And you won’t like what happens when I do. Do I make myself clear?” 
The boy nodded. 
“I won’t tell. I w-won’t tell anyone.” he stammered. 
Josuke’s expression suddenly brightened. His lips stretched into a deceptively friendly smile. 
“Good! Now run home, and forget all about this.” 
The track star did just that, putting his well trained (and now unbroken) legs to good use. He ran the entire way home.  
Things had been very strange for you for the last few days. First of all, Josuke seemed as though he was actively avoiding you lately. When you spoke to him, he always seemed to have a manic look in his eyes, as well as a need to rush through the conversation in order to get away from you as soon as possible. Okuyasu told you that Josuke was acting like that around him and Koichi, too. Today was really strange, though. You hadn’t seen Josuke all day and for the last half of the day, Yukako kept giving you suspicious looks. You had no idea what you had done to have her keep looking at you that way, but you made it a point to stay out of her way for the rest of the day. For all you knew, you probably accidentally gave Koichi too many compliments or something. You were more worried about your boyfriend and what you could have done to make him act like he wanted nothing to do with you. You were going to have to talk to him about it. You had a terrible feeling that he might be planning to break up with you. 
Imagine your surprise, when Josuke showed up at your window later that night. He looked disheveled and had a wild look in his eye. His precious pompadour was in a disarray, long, loose, strands had broken free and dangled in his face. Curious, you let him into your room. Once he climbed all the way into your room, he was all over you. He grabbed you up in a tight embrace and planted a desperate, needy kiss on your lips. When that kiss ended, he kissed you again, and again, and again. 
“I missed you.” he whispered. 
“I can tell.” You quipped. “Here I was, thinking you were sick of me.” 
Josuke let go of you. 
“You thought I was sick of you?” he asked, sounding surprised. 
“You’ve been avoiding me for days now.” You explained to him. “Every time I talked to you, you acted like you wanted to be anywhere else but near me. You stopped calling me and you wouldn’t pick up the phone when I tried to call you. Your Mom would answer and tell me you were busy. Then, today I didn’t see you at all. Is there something going on, Josuke?” 
Josuke gave you such a desperate look just then. He grabbed you by the shoulders and led you to the bed where he made you sit. He sat down next to you and grasped your hands. 
“I need you to be honest with me.” Josuke said. 
You gave him a concerned look but nodded your head. 
“Sure, Josuke.” You said, growing worried. 
“Would you ever leave me for someone else?” He blurted out, not even hesitating to confess his worst fear to you. “Would you cheat on me?” 
You stared at him in disbelief. That was why he’d been avoiding you? Did he suspect you’d found someone else? Had he truly lost his ability to trust you? What on earth had happened to make him feel this way?
“Josuke…” you began.
“Just tell me the truth!” He shouted, a frightened, anguished tone to his voice. “Please, babe! I need to hear you say the words!!” 
You sighed. He needed confirmation of your loyalty. It hurt your heart to think that he felt that you would do something so deplorable as cheat on him, but that miserable look on his face made it impossible to hold it against him. For someone that seemed to be as tough as diamond, his heart could shatter so easily. 
“Josuke, I love you to pieces.” You say plainly. “I don’t know what I could have done to make you lose your trust in me, but I’m sorry. I would never do something like that to you. I’d never even dream of it.” 
Josuke seemed to deflate like a balloon and collapsed against you. You almost fell over from the sudden weight. You put your arms around him and held him close. His chest was heaving and you could hear his breath hitch. He was crying. 
“Jojo?” You asked, using his nickname for once. Sensitive as Josuke was, he hardly ever cried. It took something really bad to make him like this. It must have been bothering him a lot. 
“Thank God.” he sobbed. “I thought… I just don’t want to lose you. You’re the only thing in the world that makes me feel sane anymore. When I’m with you, I can feel normal. I don’t have to think about how it feels like my life’s gone to shit. I get so tired of how crazy everything is now. I just want to feel like a normal human being again!” 
His words caused a thrill of discomfort to shoot through your very soul. That sounded… well… not very healthy. You opened your mouth to say something to him but you found yourself suddenly staring up into his tear streaked face. He wore a manic expression that chilled you to the bone. 
“Promise me that you’ll stay with me forever!” he said. It was a demand. There was no option to deny him. 
“I-I promise, Josuke.” You stammered, shocked at how unhinged he was behaving and beginning to fear for your safety. 
“You’ll promise what?” Josuke ground out, his voice taking on a threatening tone that caused goosebumps to break out across your skin. 
“I-I promise to s-stay with you forever, Josuke!” You said. 
He sighed in relief and closed his eyes tightly, before crushing you to his chest. 
“I knew. I knew you wouldn’t betray me like that.” he said. “I just had to hear you say it. I had to be sure. I knew you’d tell me the truth. I knew you’d never lie to me, would you, babe?” 
“Of c-course not…” you said, terrified of what he’d do if he didn’t like your response. 
“Of course you wouldn’t.” He said, holding you so close that it was starting to hurt. 
“If you did… if you lied to me… or tried to leave me… I’d lose my damn mind.” he said, his voice shaking and sounding completely unhinged. 
“Then… I just don’t know what I’d do.” 
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Jealous Giorno is going to do anything he can to bring your attention back to him. He’ll be like a peacock spreading his feathers in a not-so-subtle attempt to earn your affections. He’s had his eye on you since he became Don, and seeing you always hanging around that lowly con man set his blood on fire. He made it a point to use whatever methods were at his disposal to find out exactly what kind of men you found attractive. You liked men with long hair? He stopped wearing his hair in a braid, letting the long, blonde locks flow over his shoulders. When he found out what your favorite color was, he had all of his new suits tailored to be in various shades of that color. After a while, he noticed, to his delight, that his efforts were having an effect on you. 
“I see you started wearing your hair down, sir.” you said, feeling awkward about starting a casual conversation with the most powerful man in Italy. 
Giorno turned to you with soft eyes and a gentle smile. You were actually speaking to him! Though, he didn’t care for your formal tone. 
“You may call me Giorno, if you like.” He said. “Do you like it? My hair, I mean.” 
“Uh, yes… it looks very nice.” You stammered, trying to keep your composure but failing miserably. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire. You were embarrassing yourself in front of a very dangerous man and you hated yourself for it. 
Giorno felt like his heart had sprouted wings. Your shyness was very unbecoming of someone in your profession, but to him, it was the most precious thing he’d ever seen. 
“No need to be so shy.” He said, teasingly. “You don’t have to be so stiff and formal when you speak to me.” 
He motioned for you to sit, waving to the ornate chair in front of his desk. 
“Here, sit. Would you like some tea?” 
You timidly took a seat as you were told. 
“Yes. Thank you.” You answered. 
This went on for a while, with Giorno making subtle changes to himself in order to gain your favor. But he was becoming frustrated. No matter what he did, you still stubbornly stayed by the con man’s side. Why? What was he missing? What else did he need to do? You couldn’t actually be in love with that low life, could you? What could a man like that possibly give you that he couldn’t? What could possibly be keeping you by his side?
A little more research into your life and he found the answer. Ah. So you were the con man’s bodyguard. And… you were a Stand user. How interesting. Once he found that out, GER seemed very interested in meeting your Stand. Giorno realized he wasn’t the only one with a crush. 
Giorno decided to get in touch with your current employer to see about discussing an exchange. Money solved most problems, didn’t it? It shouldn’t be too hard to convince your boss to relinquish your services to him. 
Once Giorno had the con man in front of him, it took so much effort and all of his sense of professionalism to keep from scowling at him. He was a wormy, greasy snotball of a human being with a cowardly disposition. His nervous eyes flicked around the room to where Mista and a few other gangsters in Giorno’s employ stood up against the walls, staring back at him menacingly. 
A suitcase was placed on Giorno’s desk in front of the con man. He eyed it suspiciously but made no move to open it. He looked up at Giorno with worry in his eyes. 
“If I give you my bodyguard, then I won’t have anyone watching my back” the con man whined “I’ve scammed a lot of people in my day and some of those guys are dangerous. Dangerous and pissed off at me. I can’t afford…” 
“Why don’t you actually look at what I’m offering you before you complain about what you can’t afford?” Giorno interrupted, trying his best to quell his growing irritation. 
The con man glanced from Giorno down to the suitcase. Timidly, warily, he loosened the latches and slowly opened the suitcase. His eyes lit up like the New York skyline. 
“You can have her.” he said, digging his hands into the cash. He pulled out stacks of bills and looked at them like they were rare works of art. Giorno’s eyes darkened at how easily swayed the man was. He was just another greed driven criminal that viewed human lives as nothing more than tools or products to be bought and sold. Of course, Giorno was no better. He was the one buying you after all. Still, to think of you working under such a man made his skin crawl. 
“Then I suppose we have no more business together. You may take your leave.” Giorno said, wanting the speck of living filth out of his sight as soon as possible.
The con man put the bills back in the suitcase and slammed it closed. He snatched it up and grinned at Giorno.
“With this much cash I won’t need a bodyguard anyway! I’ve got enough money to buy my own personal army now! It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Giovanna!” he chirped happily.
“The pleasure is all yours, I assure you.” Giorno muttered under his breath. 
If the con man heard him, he didn’t acknowledge it. He held the suitcase under his arm and started for the door. 
“Don’t know why you want to spend so much money on her anyway. She’s a great bodyguard, but not good for much else.” the con man said over his shoulder.
“What do you mean by that?” Giorno said. His eyes narrowed dangerously. 
“Bit of a prude. Not interested in having any fun, if you know what I mean.” Said the con man while making a lewd gesture with his hands. 
Girono felt his teeth grind against each other. 
“Yes I think I know exactly what you mean.” he growled. “I believe you were on your way out.” 
The con man cast him another grin and left. 
Giorno snapped his head in the direction of his second in command. 
“Mista,” he said. 
The gunman gave a nod and headed for the door. 
“What? Really?!” came a cry of surprise by one of the other gangsters. “But he took the money!” 
He was a rookie in the group, but he should still know better than to speak out of turn. Giorno affixed him with a glare that had him snapping his jaw closed and staring at the floor. The two thugs on either side of him sidled a few inches away from him. The rookie seemed like he was trying to become one with the wall, but he didn’t say anymore. 
Giorno turned away from him. He would discipline that fool later. 
A day passes, and you get the word that your boss has been murdered. It’s assumed that one of his past victims finally caught up with him. It wasn’t long after that that you were contacted by Giorno. Now, you found yourself sitting in front of Giorno as he offered you a small smile. His eyes were alight with something that resembled glee. You couldn’t imagine why he seemed so happy and you weren’t about to ask. 
“It’s come to my attention that you are in need of a job,” he said. “I’ve decided to offer you a place by my side… as my bodyguard!” he said, adding the last part rather quickly. 
You looked up at him and he had such a calm, placid look on his face. His eyes though, had a strange urgent look to them. It was almost as if he was trying to mentally will you to say yes. You thought for a moment, weighing your options. The thing was, you really didn’t have any options. Your original boss was out of the picture, and as much as you didn’t like the man, he paid well. And strangely, nobody else had been willing to hire you within the organization. They kept saying things like, “You don’t have the credentials” or “You don’t have enough experience”. Lies. Not only that, but they all seemed very nervous about your presence. They all seemed like they just wanted to get rid of you. You don’t know what could have happened to cause your reputation to plummet so severely that no one would hire you, but it put you in a very bad position. You owed people money. You owed very dangerous people a lot of money. You looked back up at Giorno. 
“When do you want me to start, Mr. Giovana?” you asked. 
It seemed like the entire room sighed with relief, even though only you and Giorno were in the room. 
“I’m very glad to hear it, though I believe I told you to call me Giorno,” he said. His smile was friendly enough, but there was a slight edge to his voice that made you feel that the request was actually an order. 
“I’m sorry, Giorno.” You said, correcting yourself. 
His smile brightened. 
Once you were actually in his employ, your life suddenly took a turn for the better. Everyone you owed money to, suddenly dropped any obligations you had to them. Your bills were paid, and even your groceries were bought for you and delivered to your door. You were provided with expensive and opulent jewelry, clothing, and anything else you could possibly want or need. No one else that you worked for ever went this far for you. And as much as you appreciated what he was doing for you, you were starting to feel a little suffocated. 
There was another problem with your new job. As time passed, you could feel yourself developing feelings for Giorno that went well past what was professional. You stifled it as best as you could but with every moment you spent by Giorno’s side, it became more and more difficult. Developing feelings in a job like this was dangerous. Love dulled a person’s sense of reasoning, and you couldn’t afford to lose focus. It could cost you your life. Not only that, but there was always the risk of losing the one you loved. You didn’t think you could handle losing someone you were really in love with. Furthermore, you didn’t want to die and leave a grieving loved one behind.
Giorno seemed adamant about developing a friendship with you though. You thought it odd. He wasn’t like anyone you’d ever worked for. When he asked your opinion on something he seemed genuinely interested in your thoughts. Sometimes he would even make changes based on your opinions alone. 
Giorno seemed to have three sides to him. One was the cold, business like persona he presented to his underlings. The second was the persona of the old friend that he showed only to his closest and most trusted allies. The third was the persona he showed only to you. This side of him was the strangest. He would only reveal this side of himself when it was just the two of you and on days where there were no pressing matters to deal with. He would talk with you for hours about all kinds of things. Eventually, these conversations between the two of you began to get more revealing. 
One night, when the two of you were alone, Giorno opened up to you about something he had never shared with anyone. He told you about his neglectful mother and his abusive stepfather. He told you about wanting to find out who his real father was and even showed you the picture he had in his wallet. The image of the mysterious man gave you shuddering chills that resembled the one you got whenever Giorno gave someone that certain glare that he had. After being told something so intimately private, you found yourself opening up to him as well. You told him about your own lack of a father and your drug addicted mother. You told him about how as a small child you would scream and beg for her to feed you only for her to stare you dead in the eyes while she wordlessly jabbed another needle in her arm. You told him about how you came close to starving to death many times. You told him about how you found your mother dead from an overdose one day and had to live on the streets. Then one day, you got so sick you thought you were going to die, only to miraculously recover and find that you had developed your Stand. From there, you began using your Stand to do odd jobs to keep yourself fed and rent an apartment. You eventually got swept up into mob business and the rest is history. 
You never told anyone else that story, not because you didn’t want anyone to know about your past, but because you didn’t think anyone else would care. Giorno cared. He told you about how he got involved with the mafia in the first place. He told you of how he met Bruno Bucciarati, and how he planned to rid the streets of illegal drugs. He vowed to you then and there that he would make sure that no other child would have to endure what you went through due to your mother’s addiction. 
From there, the relationship you had with Giorno became less and less professional. Of course the two of you maintained a respectable distance from each other when around others that weren’t a part of Girono’s inner circle but, behind closed doors, when it was only the two of you, Giorno seemed to revert to being a needy child. He started making more and more physical contact with you, and for once, you allowed it. It wasn’t the first time a boss of yours tried to get physical with you, but their touches disgusted you and you refused them everytime. Giorno’s touches were so innocent and timid. It was almost as if he was afraid you would strike him if he got too close. He never did anything to make you uncomfortable and his touches were always gentle. He would only ever touch your hand, or hug onto your arm in the beginning. Eventually he got bolder and would embrace you in full hugs or lean up against you, resting his head on your shoulder where he would end up falling asleep. The level of trust he put into you if he was willing to fall asleep in your presence was touching. In this line of work, trust was something you didn’t sneeze at. 
Giorno never attempted to cross the line with you. So when he ever felt the need to initiate physical contact, you would freeze up and let him do so at his own pace. You treated it as if you were being sniffed by a deer or rabbit or any other skittish and easily frightened animal. Giorno was certainly frightened. He feared rejection. Your rejection. So you made it a point to never push him away. And for his part, he never gave you a reason to. It was safe to say that your feelings for him had fully developed past a simple crush. 
Apparently you weren’t the only one who felt that way. One night, you entered Giorno’s office to find that the lights had been dimmed and there were candles everywhere. Giorno’s desk and the other furniture  had been rearranged to make room for a table and chairs. On the table was a lavish meal with wine and even dessert. Giorno sat in one of the chairs, looking at you expectantly. He wore an opulent version of his usual suit (in your favorite color) and his hair was impeccable. It framed his face beautifully. The ringlets that usually adorned his forehead had been loosened and hung in curly strands against his face. You blushed at the sight of him. 
He proposed to you that night. You were surprised, but you didn’t hesitate to say yes. That’s how you found yourself on a yacht headed out to a private island with him for your honeymoon. Little did you know that once you got to the beautiful and sprawling villa he had set up there, you would not be leaving. Now that Giorno finally had you, he decided that he no longer wanted you putting yourself in harm’s way for him. You were his bodyguard no longer. You were his wife and he wanted you to live in luxury and safety. So he would clip your wings and put you in your gilded cage. You would be cared for and provided for and have nothing but the best of everything at your fingertips… but you would never know freedom again. 
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Jealous Johnny is hostile and passive aggressive. 
“What the hell is he doing here?” Johnny spits as you bring your friend to the camp. 
Since you joined up with Johnny and Gyro in the Steel Ball Run race, Johnny’s mood has improved greatly. You’ve given him a new lease on life and make him feel like he’s actually got something to live for again. It helps that you talk to him as a person and not just treat him like a helpless invalid. 
So when that rancher starts showing up at all the races and taking all your attention, it gives him such an uncomfortable, sour feeling in his belly. Don’t you know that guy isn’t just a fan? His crush on you is so painfully obvious it’s sickening! Why can’t you see how he’s manipulating you? Always buying you expensive dinners and clothes and things! You’re in a race through wilderness and rugged plains, for Christ’s sake! What do you need a velvet shawl for? All that jewelry will make you a target for bandits! It’s so obvious to Johnny that the rancher is trying to steal you away from him!
Johnny doesn’t know how to handle his jealousy. He becomes moody whenever you aren’t around and Gyro worries that he’ll go back into a depressive state. Johnny’s demeanor always brightens when you’re back with them though. Of course, when you keep talking about your fancy fanboy, Johnny starts getting snappy. 
“Do you ever stop talking about that guy?” He grumbles. “Why don’t you marry him already, since you like him so much?” 
“He’s already asked me to.” You say. Johnny almost falls off of Slow Dancer, while you and Gyro laugh your asses off. 
Johnny doesn’t think it’s so funny. Once he gets himself back in the saddle correctly, he sends a glare your way. 
“Tell him no!” He all but screams at you.
Both you and Gyro stop laughing to give him looks of shock. Johnny takes a few minutes to compose himself before he explains. 
“At least… at least wait until the race is over…” he said, not making eye contact with either of you. 
“Well… that was the plan.” you responded, giving Gyro a confused look. The Italian just shrugged and returned your expression. 
“Besides, I don’t even know what I’m going to tell him. I’m not even sure I feel that way about him.” 
Johnny didn’t respond. He stared straight ahead at the road over the top of Slow Dancer’s head. Her ears flicked nervously, as if she could sense her rider’s feelings. Johnny’s mind was churning with all manner of unpleasant things. The thought of what you would do after the race was always on the forethought of his mind. Gyro would go back to Italy, that much he knew. There was always that part of him that didn’t want Gyro to go, but Johnny didn’t really feel it was his place to keep his mentor away from his previous obligations. You were a different story. You were in the same boat as Johnny, disowned by your parents and all alone. You didn’t have a reason to leave once the race was over. Where would you even go anyway? 
The rancher was a problem. If you decided to marry him, you’d have a reason to leave. You’d run off with your rich fanboy… and he’d never see you again. He’d be all alone… just like always. Johnny felt his heart clench. For the rest of the day he’s unable to even look at you. 
When you had the gall to bring your rancher friend to the camp, Johnny was not happy. When you suggested that the rancher join up with the group for the duration of the race, it took all of Johnny’s self restraint to keep from shooting both you and your rancher fanboy. Fortunately, Gyro seemed skeptical about the idea as well. The Italian pointed out that they didn’t need an extra party member. Not only that, but they had no reason to trust the rancher. Gyro thought it very suspicious that he was always in every town they went to. He thought that the idea of the rancher being merely a fan of yours was too convenient of an excuse. 
Good ol’ Gyro, always coming through! Johnny thought. 
But the rancher pulled Gyro aside and had a long conversation with the Spin user. The longer Gyro spent talking to the man, the less of a suspicious scowl he bore. By the time they were done talking, Gyro was smiling. In a matter of moments, Gyro was loudly welcoming the newcomer to the group. Johnny made no attempt to protest. He just fumed in silence. 
Dammit, Gyro! He thought. You were supposed to be on my side!
Johnny’s insides felt like they had turned to lava. His stomach and chest burned and this time it wasn’t due to Gyro’s cooking. It had been a few days since the rancher had joined the group and it seemed that both you and Gyro had been won over by his charms. Johnny was forced to watch as you and Gyro trailed along beside the rancher, hanging on his every word. Johnny rolled his eyes at the sight. You both looked so pathetic following him around like puppies. What’s worse is that he seemed to be the only one doing any work anymore. 
“Sure, I’ll put up the tents all by myself!” he yelled, bitterness very clear in his voice. “You guys can just have your little chat. Just let the guy in the wheelchair do all the work. That’s fine.” 
You and Gyro seemed to break out of your trance, realizing just how long you both have been neglecting your chores. Gyro went about setting things up for the nightly meal while you started gathering firewood. Johnny sighed to himself, satisfied that things were starting to go back to normal. That’s when the rancher took it upon himself to walk over and start helping Johnny with the tents. 
“You know, I get the feeling you don’t like me very much, Mr. Joestar.” he said in an irritatingly good natured tone. 
“Oh, you noticed. Here I thought I was hiding it.” Johnny said sarcastically. 
The rancher had the nerve to laugh at his response. Johnny scowled and turned away from him. 
The rancher began to ramble on about things Johnny didn’t care about, but at some point, the conversation turned to you. 
“I guess I haven’t been hiding my crush on your friend too well.” He said. “I know how you must feel, but I assure you I have no ulterior motives.” 
Johnny stopped what he was doing to glare at him. The rancher just beamed at him with the biggest smile he’d ever seen. 
After a moment, Johnny’s glare faded and he sighed. 
“Can you blame me for worrying though?” Johnny said, all hostility gone from his voice. Fine. He’d play along. Just until he knew what this guy really wanted. 
They talked for another hour or so until Gyro called them to come to dinner. Johnny sat, slowly sipping at his stew. The rancher turned out to not be the kind of person he thought he was. His motives were genuine. Wouldn’t you know it? He was actually a decent person. He was probably one of the nicest people Johnny had ever met. He had begun to understand why you and Gyro liked him so much. 
And Johnny still despised him. 
Nice as he was, the rancher still planned to get you to marry him. He still planned to take you away. Johnny would never forgive him for that. If not for that, Johnny may have been willing to forget about his plans to get rid of him. Ever since the rancher joined the group, a dark plan had been forming in Johnny’s mind. He wasn’t sure how he would pull it off without alerting the suspicions of either you or Gyro, but he was sure that by the end of the week, he’d have something figured out. 
His plan came to fruition when you found yourselves traveling down a trail that bordered a rather steep cliff. It wasn’t an especially long fall… but it would do the trick. Johnny had to be careful though. He could use Spin or his Stand and you wouldn’t notice, but Gyro had far more experience in using both. He would notice… well he would if it weren’t for the fact that Johnny had been practicing and perfecting his own Spin technique and testing it to see if Gyro would detect it. At first Gyro noticed every single time and wanted to know what Johnny was trying to do, but Johnny would always have a convincing excuse. Eventually Gyro stopped noticing. Even when Johnny was trying to get him to see, Gyro never did. The technique was subtle. Just a slight tipping that would cause whatever was affected by it to go slightly off balance. All it took was to affect the hooves of the rancher’s horse. The man was a decent rider, but not to the level of the three of you. His horse wasn’t as disciplined as a race horse normally was, either. It wouldn’t raise any suspicions if his horse suddenly got a little clumsy. 
“Whoa, boy!” The rancher “Steady now!” 
Johnny turned back to look at him, making an effort to feign concern. You and Gyro turn around, too, just in time to see the rancher lose control of his horse as it stumbles over its own feet. Both horse and rider plummet over the side of the cliff. 
You scream. 
Gyro swears. 
Johnny doesn’t make a sound. He doesn’t even blink.
He remembers people would always talk about traumatic events happening in slow motion. That didn’t happen here. One second the rancher and his horse were there, then they weren’t. It happened so fast that no one could have done much to stop it. Exactly how Johnny planned it. 
The three of you ride up to the edge of the cliff. You start crying. Gyro mutters something in Italian. Johnny just stares impassively upon the body of the man he just murdered. He should feel sick and horrified by what he’d done, but he doesn’t. He feels justified. Accomplished. Satisfied. It isn’t until he sees you dismount your horse to run from the scene that he feels anything that could be considered guilt. 
Gyro places a hand on his shoulder. 
“Go to her, Johnny.” He says solemnly. “I’ll… I’ll take care of things here.” 
Johnny looks into his mentor’s face seeing no trace of suspicion or accusation. He only sees the slightest hint of grief. He couldn’t imagine why. Gyro hadn’t even known the rancher that long. He supposed that it was just sadness at the situation that Gyro felt. Regardless, the only thing Johnny cared about was that Gyro didn’t suspect a thing.  
He steers Slow Dancer in the direction you ran to. He finds you sobbing into your hands while leaning against a tree. He rides up on Slow Dancer and slides off of her to plop onto the ground next to you. 
He doesn’t get a chance to say anything before you’ve flung your arms around him and are soaking his shirt with your tears. He pulls you closer, trying his best to not grin. He missed this. You and him being close. 
“I’m sorry,” he says. 
Johnny doesn’t know why he said that. He isn’t at all sorry for what he did, and he isn’t sorry for your loss either. He’s glad your annoying fanboy is gone. Though, “sorry” is what you’re supposed to say in situations like this, right? Though the longer you cry and wail, the more annoyed with it he gets. It isn’t your crying that bothers him so much as the reason you’re crying. Why were you shedding tears over that guy? You’ve known Johnny much longer. He should mean more to you than that guy ever did. Why are you carrying on like this for a guy that was little more than an acquaintance? 
It wasn’t that Johnny didn’t care about your feelings, he just wanted you to remember your feelings for him. You did have feelings for him, didn’t you? Maybe that was the problem? Maybe you needed to be reminded of just how important Johnny was to your life? Maybe he needed to show you just how much you needed him? 
Yes, Johnny knew how selfish and awful he was being, but he didn’t care. He’s always been selfish for as far back as he can remember. It’s probably part of the reason people kept abandoning him. You would never be allowed to leave him though. Even if you didn’t love him… even if you hated him… Johnny would make sure you never abandoned him like everyone else. The dark determination within him had never burned brighter.
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Encore (Okuyasu x Reader)
“To the new year!”
“To the new year!” Everyone else repeated. The clinks of glasses could be heard all throughout the restaurant. Although, instead of champagne, wine, or anything of the sorts, the drinks at this party were completely alcohol-free. You and your class decided to have a new year’s party at the local recreation center, with a rented out room and everything. Of course, this was done the day of, as practically everyone had plans on the eve. Even though the teachers were there to supervise, they mostly stayed on the sidelines as your class celebrated together.
You, of course, were having a wonderful new year’s party. A few weeks ago, your good friend (and secret crush) Okuyasu had confessed that he liked you. You, of course, were ecstatic, immediately saying yes. This was the first party you went to with Okuyasu as your boyfriend.
“Hey,” Okuyasu nudged you. “Let’s sing a song together!”
Right. The room that your class rented out had a karaoke machine. You wanted to, but there was a small problem: you were tone-deaf, and nervous about it, too.
“I don’t really… want to,” you mumbled, grabbing your arm.
Okuyasu shrugged, then put an arm around your shoulders. “That’s okay. I’ll probably go up there myself at one point, if you wanna cheer me on.”
You sighed. “Okay, fine, I really do want to, but it’s just… my singing isn’t great, and I don’t want to ruin the night for anyone else.”
“Aw, don’t worry about that!” Okuyasu laughed. “I’ve heard some god-awful singers up there already, and nobody looks unhappy, do they? You can’t be any worse than them.”
You still looked unsure.
“Would it be better if we sang together?” he asked. “I’ll sing super loud so nobody can hear you.”
Although you were still nervous, Okuyasu’s suggestion brought it down just enough to agree to go up to the karaoke machine.
As you walked up, your heart started beating fast again, but Okuyasu’s hand in yours brought it back down.
Right in front of the stage, Josuke was talking to some girls before looking up. “Oh, Koichi, they’re on stage!” Josuke nudged his friend beside him, who was talking with Yukako before turning his attention to his friends.
It was only thanks to Okuyasu that you weren’t having a panic attack at the moment. “What song should we pick?” he asked.
You looked at each of the songs he scrolled through, until you saw a familiar tune. “What about Moonlight Densetsu?” you suggested.
“You know how to pick a good song,” Okuyasu said as he picked the song. The beginning started up, and suddenly your class all turned to look at you. Your heart started to race even more than before, and your breathing quickened. Quickly, Okuyasu squeezed your hand, and you came back to your senses just as the first line started.
Gomen ne sunao ja nakute
Yume no naka nara ieru
Shikou kairo wa shooto sunzen
Ima sugu aitai yo
Although you were quiet at first, you slowly but surely got louder as the song continued. Your worst fears were staying fears. Even though you were so clearly out of tune, everyone seemed to be having a good time. At one point, Josuke even joined in, drowning out your fears even more.
Seiza no matataki kazoe
Uranau koi no yukue
Onaji kuni ni umareta no
Mirakuru romansu
Shinjite iru no
Mirakuru romansu
By the end, everyone was cheering. You suspected that lots of the girls were cheering for Josuke, but you didn’t care. What was most important was that everyone was still having fun.
“See? What did I tell you?” Okuyasu laughed, pulling you into a hug. “They loved you!”
“Josuke, I had no clue you had such a feminine side!” One of the girls ran up to the boy and grabbed his arm. “Who knew you liked Sailor Moon so much?”
“Well, I’m sure she loved you, too, but Josuke just so happens to be more popular than us,” Okuyasu laughed.
“I had a lot of fun!” you said, and hugged Okuyasu tighter. “Thank you for helping me go up there.”
“I had fun too,” Okuyasu finally let go of you. “Thanks for going up with me.”
After the party, you were walking home with your boyfriend before you had to part ways.
“I guess this is the part where we have to say goodbye until tomorrow,” you sighed.
“Y… yeah…” Okuyasu looked down and grabbed his arm.
“Are you okay?” you asked. “Is there something you need to tell me?”
“There is, actually.” His face started to get red. “Um… I’m not as good as Josuke with these things, so I’ll just ask. Can I kiss you?”
You froze for just a moment, dumbfounded, before answering, “Yes, please do.”
The two of you struggled for a small while trying to get the angles of your lips right, before finally landing the kiss. It lasted for a small moment before being let go of, but it happened.
“Okay,” Okuyasu said. “Now we can say goodbye until tomorrow.”
And with that, the two of you parted ways.
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
GAME FOUR MADDAFAWKERS from you know who ;) the fanfic author
Jotaro stays at the cornucopia??? for resources??? hunny get yo ass outta there
Avdol and Joseph fight for a bag and Joseph gets the bag les gooo
Abbacchio breaks Jolyne's nose for some bread in classic Abbacchio fashion
Kakyoin grabs an empty back pack lul
Mista and Anasui fight for a bag and the Mista gives up like. Bro you coulda just grabbed him by the hair and fucking throw him. anyway
Emporio and Abbacchio go hunting for other tributes. Unlikely pair but ok
Caesar and Avdol work together :>
Mista goes hunting for people as well as like- 8 other people in groups of their own
Polnareff tries to run away from Weather Report but sprains his ankle like a dumbass
Bucciarati picks flowers <3
Both Speedwagon and Rohan make slingshots like. What do you do with those things anyway
Joseph, Mista, and Speedwagon sing songs together. Tbh I can see this
Anasui lets Weather Report into his shelter >:) keeping with canon relationships I see
Foof and Oku huddle for warmth. besties tbh
Rohan...lets Koichi into his shelter...we're thinking of the same scene right
Emporio destroys Avdol's stuff like the small child he is
Jotaro cries himself to sleep the hell
Giorno then tries to sing himself to sleep? these mfs sad as hell
Naranchia Kills Josuke and Joseph like how. 6'5" god killing machine and idfk- Josuke the hand fetish defeater
Ok so like we got Koichi, Mista, Rohan, and Okuyasu raiding Bucciarati's camp while he's hunting and Caesar, Anasui, Polnareff, and Jonathan raid Giorno's camp while Giorno is hunting. Street rat Aladdin ass behavior you guys have
Kakyoin questions his sanity as one does
Ok so the arena event that happens is everyone having hallucinations???? They must've put that good stuff in the ventilation system iykyk
Mista and Foof eat scorpions thinking they're deserts
Anasui hugs a tracker jacket nest bc he thought it was a fucking pillow. like ok.
Rohan drowns Jonathan because he thought that mf was a shark lmao
Jolyne does the same to Abbacchio
Bucciarati jump down the rabbit hole to wonderland but it's a bunch of fucking rocks y'all wtf
Kakyoin thought Koichi was a bear and killed him like???? he's so short tho????
Jolyne can't start a fire lol
Emporio, Jolyne, Rohan, and Naranchia go out man hunting as one does
Okuyasu runs away from Avdol. It doesn't even mention why like. why u runnin
Jolyne stays awake all night. iykyk
Rohan, Avdol, and Okuyasu sing songs together. Nah, more like Rohan tries to shut them up with his grumpy ass
Polnareff tries to sleep thru the entire day bruh
Caesar sprains his ankle trying to run away from Giorno. He's scared of the Italian youth of today
Kakyoin eats toxic berries bc why wouldn't he. Bet they looked like cherries
Jolyne gets an explosive. tbh I'm just used to it by now
Naranchia goes spear fishing for a trident like hunny no. You can't do that you're gonna stab your toe or something
Avdol starts a fire...yk..."Magician's Red!" type beat he's on
Giorno passes out from exhaustion bc of course
Ok so during the feast Polnareff AMBUSHES Caesar and KILLS HIM. Not very honorable of you Polnareff
Emporio then receives an explosive...and later down the line Naranchia steps on a land mine...do you think these two events are related
then Emporio dies of thirst for no goddamned reason. Game just wants it to be over with at this point tbh
Woohoo Giorno won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he got two kills like a lot of other people tbh
but also now I have the mental image of Koichi just. Wearing bear suit but he's still tiny-
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phrootsnacks · 7 months
jjba thursday part 4: ep 16-18
it's jjba thursday. usually im excited for jjba thursday, usually im looking forward to it throughout the week. but today I don't know. im not feeling the best. hmmm let me get some ice cream
anyway. sometimes you just gotta watch jojo's bizarre adventure, even when you're not in the mood to watch jojo's bizarre adventure. because you gotta. you gotta see jojo's bizarre adventure
episode 16 - Let's Go Hunting!
wait im just noticing jotaro's dolphin themed outfit. because hes a marine biologist. thats so cute.
I thought we already knew non humans could have stands. what about that one ape on the boat. wait a minute. was that ape also ..... bored?
new opening! cool
im not used to jotaro talking this much
they're gonna livestream the rat's nest
dead rat cube
yeah why the hell are you poking it
this really isn't a hunting trip, you're in someone's house
spOoOokY fridge!
dead human cube (well. mostly dead)
yo why's this rat's stand a missile launcher
jotaro! your hand!!!
jotaro is really carrying this episode
oh wow
I like that in the moment jotaro stops time he says "good grief"
I also like that jotaro named the rat bugeaten and is also the only one calling it bugeaten
tfw your nephew who's older than you is trusting you to locate a rat based on its missile launches and then kill said rat
tfw your nephew who's older than you gets hit by the rat's missiles and starts turning into black goo
ok. im not gonna call you that josuke
"Akira's mutant stand rats got me thinking. They are reflections of our destruction of the environment. I'm not sure how to feel." ??? why did jotaro say this
episode 17 - Rohan Kishibe's Adventure
who... voices this guy...... I see
the map is wrong? for sure this is the work of an enemy stand
ok I know the character's don't know what show they're in but. I feel like if I had a stand and I knew stand users attracted each other and I was in a bizarre situation?? I would not be surprised by it being the work of an enemy stand. I would be more surprised if it was the work of a walrus
"haters like josuke" AHHAHAHAHAHAH
hey. why are you reading all this
she's a true crime girly
she's a prankster
oh. ok
I feel like. if you live in a world with stands, ghosts are pretty believable
um. rohan???
Morioh, a small quiet town.... with a SERIAL KILLER who is KILLING CHILDREN!!!!!!
koichi I thought you said you just have five minutes
tfw you're in the myth of orpheus. except its the opposite in the sense that you do feel like somethings behind you
um. ok??
who. what?????
come on koichi. we only go after serial killers that have stands!! obviously
um. um. um. um.
"look at this! you're dripping. not at all becoming of a lady. I expect you to clean this up!" WHO wrote that. or is my mind just...
no, this guy is intentionally saying very horny things to a severed arm. naturally
episode 18 - Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1
"the public doesn't realize it, but there's an Evil lurking in Morioh" again!!! what!!!!!!
god damn the fear mongery lines just dont end huh! true crime girlies would like jjba part 4
is... the roach the stand user??
how. how are you barely keeping up with this lil bug thing
check it out
they're just hustling. 24 7 grindset mindset
okuyasu. stop hitting on everyones mom!!!
shigechi!!!!! :,)
"you sneaky dick" thats a new one lol
this episode started so dark. but now it's :,)
they are being so cute!!! right?? even if they are being a lil sketchy
friendship IS the coolest
I love this weird little guy and how much josuke and okuyasu are hyping him up
yeah!!! seize the means of production!!! workers' of the world unite!!!!
hey. do people ship josuke and okuyasu. because
did you know?? its SG group 121314
this episode is so SILLLYYYYYYYYY
communist shigechi!!! hell yeah!!!!!! dont let them steal your wages!!!!!!!
ok. so yeah. im glad I watched jojo's bizarre adventure. I feel a bit better now :)
0 notes
thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, Vigilantes 84, Replies Part 1
1) “Time for vigilantes, if that wasn`t completely obvious I guess lol, and oh my, am I excited to see how he`ll get out of this pickle. “-  He’ll get by with a little help from his fri-… current unfortunate associates.
2) “Alright, right where we left, and the backup jet seems to not be igniting. See Koichi, this is why maintenance is so important, rockets can`t fly on the power of friendship alone, not at the moment at least.”- He doesn’t need to fly long, just angle himself enough far away to reach the landing spot, and his ‘Double-Jump’ method is sufficient to pushing himself just far enough along to reach that, even without the massive thrust his rocket mode allows. 3) “OH MY GOD IS THAT MIDNIGHT? IT LOOKS LIKE HOW MIDNIGHT DRESSES
WHAT IS GOING ON WHY IS SHE HERE WHAT DREAMS HAVE TO DO WITH NOT BECOMING A SPLATTER ON THE GROUND?”- She’s here to be Koichi’s figurative deus ex Machina to ensure Pop is actually saved in the end, even if it would have been nice if the vigilantes had been on-the-spot competent enough to not need a professional’s aid to stabilise Pop. But then again, I guess Furuhashi wanted to highlight that there’s realistic limitations to what untrained amateurs can logically pull off trying to save somebody in a rescue service without any if the advantages of experience or medical training,. Koichi’s got enough versatility and training beaten into him to preform under pressure, but there’s no way to prep yourself for a surgical operation with a shoestring budget – even Knuckle clearly was trained on proper first aid whilst he was still operating as a hero before he turned to vigilantism. 4) “Also, are you going somewhere Koichi? I thought the idea was to not go splat, where are you trying to get to?”- The trick with learning how to take a fall is to pick the right landing spot. 5) “Go girl, if you get there quick enough you might make Koichi sleep a pleasant dream instead of agonizing to death on the ground after his fall.
Ohhhhh- so that`s what the tittle is about, I see…”- Well, her dreams, and Nomura’s, though he’s dead-set on turning it into a nightmare for Koichi….    (Vigilantes ch 79) 6) “Yeah, you know, like I said, Koichi could probably already be there if he was on his on. I don`t know what kind of equipment y`all carrying on that truck, but he probably can do without it. “- Koichi might be able to fly, but need needed some way to stick that landing with an unconscious passenger. “Still, that must`ve hurt like hell, I hope he managed to slow down a lot before hitting that thing, because otherwise his internal organs and bones won`t have a good time.”- It would be even worse for Pop, given her insides are presently in the midst of a revolt from her current passenger. 7) “Oh right, the self-destruct thing. Trust me, that`s the least of her worries right now, there`s a fucking bee in her brain. Tamao got extracted while her heart was stopped, I think Pop will be fine.”- It was one thing to remove the queen when it was agitated and wreaking Tamao’s body, it’s another thing entirely when said bee has been shot up with an unknown drug that’s making it go unstable and at risk of violently erupting if agitated too much – plus, Soga clearly doesn’t have Knuckle’s iron willpower of split-second decision making skills to support him in moments like this. 8) “You know, I wouldn`t call this a deus ex machina, but fucking hell Furuhashi, do you know you can set up the cavalry before it charges into the enemies? It would be a lot more exciting seeing Midnight coming here before she suddenly is needed”- This does deflate their ‘victory’ here somewhat, given that their efforts only proved to be halfway successful with saving Pop, and she still needed professional assistance in the end. On the other hand, I got the impression furuhashi was trying to send a message of how not everybody can be a hero, even with a lot of potential, prep time and a plan of action. There’s limits you run into, and at times like these, it’s ok to ask for aid, especially because it helps prove to them that not every hero and official would judge Pop as a villain despite her actions. On the other hand, it would have been nice if Koichi had come to that realisation himself organically, and called Midnight for aid… or maybe even have has Pop’s singing group to contact her for him in case things turned out of the worse 9) “This was supposed to be Koichi`s sink or swim, there were no heroes that he could trust on, no allies besides those criminals with a warehouse, this was supposed to be the point where the lines were blurry between good and evil, since they were about to do something that, although necessary, is pretty fucked up. And then you show up.
And now we have a hero that not only has an ability that can calm down pop, but is willing to help with no questions asked.”-  Granted, Koichi’s efforts were still necessary to actually get Pop to a location where Midnight could help subdued the bees within and away from Nomura’s control, but it would have been better if Koichi had had the foresight to relaise this was going to be an outcome they’d need to deal with, remembered Midnight’s subduing scent quirk from that pub crawl, and discreetly arranged with her to meet up here once he’d gotten Pop out of the line of fire himself, in a way that didn’t direct unwanted attention into Midnight interfering with another Pro hero’s arrest of a villain and lets Midnight handle the part of saving Pop that Koichi and crew aren’t equipped to handle themselves. 10) “And that raises the question of why it hasn`t done that already? Knuckle saved tamao because he acted fast, once her heart was stopped he immediately removed the bee, but Pop here- jesus, she got shot down, Koichi run away with her, flew up and then crashed down and now we`re talking about removing it. The Parasite is trying to charge overtime it seems.”-  Tamao’s body still had bees and other options to use and she was ‘controlled’ by the Queen throughout the whole mess, but Nomura’s shot has effectively disrupted the Queen’s control and rendered it unstable, unable to fully control either Pop or itself, thus giving the kids a larger window to either extract or neutralise it.     (vigilantes ch 80) 11) “Yeah I truly believe that one, alright… Suuuuure. I`m shiver in me timbers over the possibility of Pop dying here, because Furuhashi would most certainly do that, right. sure.”- Well, she sure didn’t get off easy regardless… 12) “Yeah see. Pop is Twitching and and convulsing? Well, fear not, here`s the one hero that can put her to sleep with her quirk, who just so happen to also be completely onboard with everything.
So much for “we can`t trust the heroes on this one””- Well, to be fair, the majority of heroes who didn’t know Pop, they couldn’t cooperate with, and if they’d come close to actually taking Pop down, then Nomura would have sneakily detonated her before anybody knew what was up, so Koichi’s aid was still vital in getting her away from him and his ‘script’, but having Koichi independently rely on the allies he’s made so far would have made him some across as a better independent ‘hero’ than he does. Regardless, for his first actual act of heroism in the field, it wasn’t overall bad – if Knuckle had still been around, he could have probably taken over the bee extraction without Midnight, so I guess it’s to highlight that Koichi won’t automatically succeed at becoming a hero on his first attempt without adult supervision to help him out when he falters? 13) “Why you looked at him? When did you suddenly started looking up to Koichi for confirmation? “-  Soga’s the ‘technical’ leader of this band, but Koichi’s still the one actually being the hero, so it’s his call – especially since Soga’s well aware he ain’t hero material. 14) “HOLY FUCK IT WAS HIM
NOW, HOW DID HE GOT HERE SO FAST? I THOUGHT THIS ENDEAVOR COULDN`T FLY, DON`T TELL ME HE FUCKING POWER-WALKED ALL THIS WAY FURUHASHI”- I’m more interested in the random bystander he shoved out the way to reach them. Very crowed back-alley for what was supposed to be a ‘remote’ hiding spot they could safely extract the bee in. 15) “Also, endeavor just arrived, there`s no way he`s gonna let this go on, this is an absurd, and those people here are criminals on his eyes”- The good news is, with Puto out cold, Soga and co just look like some random bystanders helping out their drunk friend after a hard night’s drinking that were passing by where Koichi and Pop crashed down, meaning they have plausible deniability protecting them. 16) “You`re barking up the wrong tree Midnight, five minutes ago Endeavor wanted to turn her into a pile of smoldering ashes, I don`t think he`s just gonna let her go scot-free. This Endeavor would put her in handcuffs and ship her to Tartarus without batting an eye”-  That was when she was still an active threat and could be immolated under the flimsy excuse that she was a danger to others. Rendered unconscious and in critical condition, there’s no longer any justification for Endeavour to flame-broil her – plus, he’s presently more enraged against Koichi for accidentally hitting his ‘All Might’ button, so he’s got a more pressing target to go after than her. 17) “I bet he`s gonna eat that one. Just watch it.”- He might be more aggressive and confrontational than MHA-Endeavour, but this Endeavour still isn’t dumb enough to pick a fight with another pro hero that could devolve into a scandal over a situation that’s now basically resolved without any proof, so he just takes the obvious lie whilst he looks for Koichi himself. 18) “KOICHI PLEASE WHY ARE YOU CLIMBING THIS BUILDING RIGHT WHERE HE CAN SEE YOU
YOU LOOKED LIKE YOU WERE BEHIND A WALL, WHY DO YOU NEED TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY”- He was actually hiding behind the giant inflatable landing pad they set up, which would have been the first place Endeavour checked out as being massively suspicious and wouldn’t have hidden him for long- seems he was taking the opportunity to stealthily slide up the nearest building whilst keeping an eye on Endeavour to know when to speed up before his attention was brought back to him.
19) “Now Koichi also learned how to teleport, or become invisible, because there`s no way he managed to climb that whole thing in the second it took for Endeavor to turn around.”- You can technically achieve both of those through the power of Turbo Fast. @thelreads
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Characters I Can Write
Not saying that they’ll be the best, but- anyways, looked through all the fandoms that I’m currently in that I remember, and this is what came up so-
Bolded are characters that I prefer to write ones that I love/simp for
Daichi Sawamura Kōshi Sugawara Asahi Azumane Yū Nishinoya Ryūnosuke Tanaka Chikara Ennoshita Tobio Kageyama Shōyō Hinata Kei Tsukishima Tadashi Yamaguchi Kiyoko Shimizu Hitoka Yachi Tetsurou Kuroo Morisuke Yaku Kenma Kozume Lev Haiba Alisa Haiba Tōru Oikawa Hajime Iwaizumi Kōtarō Bokuto Keiji Akaashi Wakatoshi Ushijima Satori Tendō Suguru Daishō Mika Yamaka Kiyoomi Sakusa Motoya Komori Shinsuke Kita Atsumu Miya Rintarō Suna Osamu Miya
Shota Aizawa Hizashi Yamada Nemuri Kayama Mina Ashido Tsuyu Asui Tenya Ida Ochaco Uraraka Denki Kaminari Eijiro Kirishima Kyoka Jiro Fumikage Tokoyami Shoto Todoroki Katsuki Bakugo Izuku Midoriya Momo Yaoyorozu Itsuka Kendo Neito Monoma Tamaki Amajiki Hitoshi Shinso Mei Hatsume Yo Shindo Inasa Yoarashi Hawks Tomura Shigaraki Dabi Himiko Toga Twice Overhaul
Jonathan Joestar Dio Brando Joseph Joestar Caesar A. Zeppeli Lisa Lisa Jotaro Kujo Muhammad Avdol Noriaki Kakyoin Jean Pierre Polnareff Josuke Higashikata Okuyasu Nijimura Koichi Hirose Rohan Kishibe Yukako Yamagishi
Giyu Tomioka Shinobu Kocho Muichiro Tokito Kyojuro Rengoku Tengen Uzui Tanjiro Kamado Zenitsu Agatsuma Inosuke Hashibira Muzan Kibutsuji Nezuko Kamado Yushiro Gyutaro Daki Enmu
Nami Usopp Monkey D. Luffy Nico Robin Roronoa Zoro Portgaz D. Ace Trafalgar Law Nefeltari Vivi Perona Dracule Mihawk Monet Donquixote Doflamingo Caesar Clown Bartolomeo Koala Coby
Lucifer Mammon Levi Satan Asmodeus Beelzebub Belphegor Diavolo Solomon Simeon
Sukuna Itadori Yuuji Fushigurou Megumi Gojo Satoru
Riddle Rosehearts Ace Trappola Deuce Spade Trey Clover Cater Diamond Leona Kingscholar Jack Howl Ruggie Bucchi Azul Ashengrotto Jade Leech Floyd Leech Vil Schoenheit
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black-silystya · 7 years
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dirty-brainrot · 3 years
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From this post! "Oi Koichi! You're a pretty reliable guy!"
The small boy looks at you and Okuyasu, tilting his head in confusion but he smiles anyway. "You can drive us to Mcdonalds!" Okuyasu beamed and you nodded. "Uhm guys... I'm too short to reach the gas pedal and underaged to drive..." The beaming faces of you and Okuyasu's shifted to an immediate frown.
"Wait— won't your uncle scold you, Y/N?" Yeah, your Uncle Tonio would scold you for eating too much fast food... But!
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him." You gave him a cheeky smile. Koichi sighs in disappointment and shook his head. "Oh, hey guys!" Walking out of the school gate, Josuke greets everyone. His pompadour bouncing ever so slightly with each step he took. "So, what's up?" You lean on a wall while Okuyasu explains the situation.
"Me and Y/N wanted to go grab some McDonalds but the nearest one is very far and we don't have enough money to hitch a cab." Okuyasu crosses his arms and pouts. "What if we call Mr. Jotaro?" Josuke offers the idea and you gasp. "Brilliant idea! Go call Mr. Jotaro now!" The 4 of you jog to a nearby payphone and watch Josuke dial Jotaro.
You and Okuyasu watch him intensely. Looking at his mouth, you try to guess what he’s saying but the ones in your head doesn’t make sense. After a while, Josuke hangs up and gloomily walks out of the booth. "He's busy researching sea life on the beach...." Back to the sad faces, it is. Defeated, you all sighed dejectedly. Then the 4 of you kept quiet, brainstorming ways to find someone to drive you through a McDonalds.
While thinking on the sidewalk, a stranger passes by and brushes their hand against yours. (It was an accident but it felt intentional.) You immediately got goosebumps after the contact. You look at the man and he notices you, apologizing quietly. You watch him walk away, into his work probably.
How strange...
"Oh wait!—" Koichi's voice snapped your attention back to them. ‘Right...back to McDonalds...’ All of you look at him and he continued. "What if we ask Mr. Rohan—" Josuke looks at him with a bewildered expression and laughs as if he were insane. "There's no way he'll drive us to McDonalds." You hum and tap your chin. "I dunno, maybe he'll agree? We won't know until we try." You respond to him and he looks at you with a deadpanned expression. "Are you—are you all actually serious?" You and Koichi nodded while Okuyasu shrugged and replied. "I just want McDonalds man."
After a while, Josuke agreed. And so, the four of you trekked to Rohan's home, which he never leaves unless there was something important outside of his home.
In front of Rohan's abode, Josuke looks at you hoping for you and Koichi to change your minds but it wasn't happening soon. You knocked on the door but before your knuckles could hit the door, the door creaked opened slightly. A hand shot out and grabbed your wrist, making you squeak and step back. "Rohan— Holy shit— You need to stop doing that!" Rohan lets go of your wrist and fully opens the door. "You make a good reference for expressions." He responds and notices Josuke. Josuke tenses up while Rohan gives him with a scowl. "What do you want?" He says with venom. Josuke laughed awkwardly and shuffles back. "Rohan-sensei, we need you to drive us to Mcdonalds!" His scowl disappears and looks at you and Okuyasu.
"Ahahahahah!" He laughs, putting arms around his stomach he kept on laughing. You and Okuyasu looked at each other and awkwardly joined, soon after Koichi joins in. The three of you laughed while Josuke watched everyone in confusion.
"No." You all stop abruptly and Rohan retreats back to his home, slamming the door. Furrowing your brows, you knock. (This time he didn’t grab your wrist) "I'm not gonna take a no for an answer Mr. Kishibe!" Josuke grabs your shoulder and shook his head. "He said n—" You cut him off. "Oh! but what about that deal we made, Mr. Kishibe?~" And swiftly, the door opened. If it wasn't for Josuke pulling you back, you would've been hit by the door. "Shut— You said you weren't going to speak about it." Now you've got him! You smirked. "Oh, Mr. Kishibe what are you talking about?" You tilt your head and flutter your eyebrows as if you were innocent.
The three boys watch the scene in front of them, with no idea as to what was going on. "Oh! Y/N don't tell me you banged the mangaka!?" Okuyasu shouts and shakes you. You flinched at his loud voice and shook your head. "I didn't bang him I— mmfhmfph." Rohan covers your mouth. "Fine! I'll drive." Noticing that he hasn't let go, you lick his hand. He pushes you and pulls his hand back then looks at you with disgust. "Let's go to McDonalds!" You cheered.
"Can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—" Rohan grips the steering wheel tightly, so tight that it made his knuckles white.
And there you sat on the passenger seat and the three duwang brothers were at the back deciding what to get. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—"
"I'm not finished. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh—" Unable to handle it anymore, Rohan answers instead. "I'll take everything on the menu." Everyone shut up and stares at Rohan. "Are—are you sure, sir?" A female voice came from the intercom. His grip on the steering wheel loosened as he replied. "Yes." You look at the mirror to check on the trio and they looked as confused as you are. He drove further into the drive-thru.
"Uh... Rohan?" You whisper, not wanting the mangaka to throttle you. "What?" He snarls. You fiddled with your fingers nervously. "ᵂᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵉⁿᵒᵘᵍʰ ᵐᵒⁿᵉʸ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉ ʷʰᵒˡᵉ ᵐᵉⁿᵘ..." With each word, your voice slowly becomes silent. Rohan groans and massages his temples. "I'll pay, just shut up. All of you just shut up." You immediately shut up after that and shot glances to your friends in the back. Okuyasu and Josuke made a quiet celebration and Koichi shrugged at you and mouthed "Free food."
It took half an hour but the employees finally gave you the food. Your mouth watered at the ungodly amount of unhealthy food. Looking back at Josuke and Okuyasu, their mouth were also watering.
"Nobody eats until we arrive home," Rohan ordered and you all responded at the same time. "Hai!" Okuyasu and Josuke snuck some fries on their mouth and grinned at you.
Well, look at that! It seems like luck is on you and your friends' side today! You just hope Tonio won't found out about this.
Your job was pretty stressful and boring. A McDonald drive-thru work isn't ideal at all but at the very least, you get money.
You wished you could hang out with your friends this weekend but it's just not happening. You sighed, cupping your cheeks, you look out of the window. What could they be doing today? Josuke probably invited Okuyasu and Koichi to play games or they could be at Tonio's restaurant, eating lunch.
Another car arrived but this time instead of a stranger, the driver was a very annoyed Rohan with Koichi beside him. He waves at you and smiles.
"Oi Y/N!"
"Yo Y/N!"
You gasp hearing the two knuckleheads in the backseat. Grinning, you greet them back. "Hi, guys!" They peeked their heads outside the window. "Damn... Working in a drive-thru looks so boring!" You chuckles and shook your head. "It is but they give money."
A co-worker of yours hands you the bag of food. Josuke and Okuyasu grabs the bags and hands you the money. Before Rohan could drive, Okuyasu stops him. "Come with us!" You look at him dumbfounded. "What?" He gestures to the car. "Your job is boring, come with us!" You looked back at your employees to see that no one is in the room. Grinning, you nodded and threw away your apron and hat.
Going through the window, you could hear Rohan's protest but it was too late. You are already in the car. "So where we going, boys?" They all cheered while Rohan grumbles. "Great, another brat to take care of."
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jojostylesposts · 3 years
Josuke playing video games with fem reader scenarios?
Hello, hello! Thank you for your request and my apologies for the long wait. It came out a little cheesy but I hope you like it💜
Video games: Josuke💟☮️
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“You still coming to my place after school right? We need to try the new game I just bought!” Josuke asked with a hyper tone. A new game he had been waiting on finally came out and he thought what better way than to try it with you. “Yea!” You assured him along with an excited nod.
You two loved video games and you two met through it and would hang out at his place after school pretty often along with your mutual friends, Okuyasu and Koichi.
“Yo, bro! You wanna hang out with us? We playing video games after school.” Josuke said as he placed his large hand on Okuyasu’s broad shoulder.” “Ah, bro. I gotta take care of Dad today.” He answered with a sad tone. “Well, better for me. I get to have Josuke all evening for myself.” You smiled innocently while locking eyes with Okuyasu just to get him jelous on purpose. It’s not like Josuke and you were dating, the three of you were just very close. A wholesome pure friendship of three... and four whenever Koichi joins back after spending a lifetime with Yukako.
Okuyasu’s face twisted into confusion, nothing new of course. “No way...you two?” He asked with flushing cheeks while along with a smirk. “Ew! No way! You are so dirty minded!” You pushed his shoulder playfully and you two laughed and giggled. But, Josuke’s face was red. “Oi, Josuke. Cats got your tongue?” Okuyasu teased while pulling his squishy soft red cheeks.
After teasing and mocking your friend in a loving way, all day due to his cute reaction, it was finally the end of the school period. Josuke’s house has always been so comfy and inviting to you, not just physical but emotional as well since the atmosphere was always so relaxing and calming.
“That test was pretty hard, wasn’t it?” You sighed while placing your bag down trying to make a random chat. “Well.... if we weren’t playing video games almost everyday and studied....” he started only for you two to share glanced and burst out laughing. Did I mention you two played almost every day after school? Tomoko already sees Koichi, Okuyasu and you as part of the family!
After munchies, you two immediately sat down and started the console. “I bet I’ll beat your ass in this one.” You said choosing your character, equipment and customization. While you mumbled about your character, yo two a minute to look at Josuke. His luscious hair was a little messy, not exactly styled perfectly since it’s been a long tiring school day. His school uniform’s blazer was off revealing his yellow tank and the famous star like birthmark near his shoulder. His eyes were fixated on the new game’s packaging reading the information on the back.
“Hey!” You said throwing a decorative pillow from his sofa to his face completely ruining his hair. You got yelled at. “You did not just ruined my hair.” He said panicking touching his hair, which were now longs strands of hair instead of his pompadour. You had never seen him with his hair not styled or gelled...it was quite the view, you thought. “You better be sorry when I beat your ass.” He said as he took the controller and started the game.
He was very focused on destroying your character. We all know how he is with his hair, so let’s just say he took his annoyance into being the crap out of your character “Give me a break, damn!” You yelled while pushing his shoulder trying to make him unfocus only to get a smirk and a low evil chuckle from him. He puts his heart and soul into video games, he takes it very seriously.
You two played for hours, ignoring any homework you had due for the day after but, like always, it was worth it. You played until late night and he walked you home afterwards. Your friendship was worth everything and you were very thankful to have such gentle soul in your life.
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toxiic-wastee · 3 years
I wanted to ask if you could write the SCD with a reader who faked their own death during Dio's final battle and like- they didn't come back until 10 years later lol. I've always wondered how they would react to that, would they be mad or just 😶?
Thanks in advance, have a nice day!
WAIT OMFG UR SO CREATIVE- THATS GOOD.... So they come back in 1999?? To Morioh- DAMN IMA HAVE FUN WRITING THIS THANK YOU SO MUCH! You have a wonderful day this thing just made mine 20x better omg (Idk if you wanted it to be platonic or not so-) also idk if you wanted this separate or not so- yeah  SOME SPOILERS! POSSIBLE TW CUZ READER FAKED THEIR DEATH OR SUM IDK
Jotaro Kujo
He definitely felt stupid when he saw your face, he wanted to believe it was an angel or something, or just somebody who looked like you. He was with Josuke and Koichi when he saw you and almost cried. Jotaro has no idea how to react to you not being... dead? He’s angry and hurt. He wants to beat you up and wants to cry and hug yo at the same time. Look at Y/N giving Jotaro human emotions! Jotaro looks completely unfazed but he’s trying to find the right words to say. He says his catchphrase and swears at you a bit before apologizing and clearing things up with you.  “You bitch, you know how much the old man cried over you?”  (He’s cried at your grave too- a lot.) He tells you about his wife and how he’s been trying to cope with your “fake death” and things aren’t the same between the two of you anymore. There’s just Jotaro being sad/mad and you feeling guilty. He refuses to talk to you for a long time.
Joseph Joestar 
The old man smiles when he sees you, he doesn’t think it’s Y/N but he thinks its what an older, more matured Y/N would look like. And he’d be right! Guess his eyes aren’t failing him yet, when you tell him about you faking your death he understands, you probably had your reasons. He tells you of how his friends and family thought he was dead before and is very forgiving. Feels sad but is more happy that you’re okay. “Y/N, I’ve kept some of your things...” he reaches into his pockets and grabs out candies and ripped pieces of clothes, the candies being some of your favorite and the clothes being yours. He kept them with him as a way to remember you, along with coffee gum. He cries when you tell him about what you’ve done, he wishes he could’ve been there for you since you probably had your own adventures were you got injured. it’s bound to happen to hamon/stand users.
Avdol isn’t an emotional man but he cries when he sees you, he knows it’s you. theres no doubt about it. He wraps his arms around you and mutters curses, not anything too rude just “fuck you Y/N, we all cried so much..” rambles and stutters when he talks to you while trying to clear things up. Avdol calls you stupid for faking your death and leaving him. 
Pol Pol is so mad he’s crying. (remember when Avdol “died”? yeah)  Yells at Noriaki and Jotaro and accuses them of knowing and their just as confused as Polnareff. Instead of Polnareff flirting with you like when they were in Egypt he just yells at you, this is a lot more cruel than the Avdol incident. You know he’s just hurt and you understand. He settles down after a few days or weeks and he starts talking to you instead of just “HAHDSJS YOU LEFT MEEEE YOU LEFT US!” and crying. 
Noriaki Kakyoin
Thinks its the work of an enemy stand, an enemy stand somehow knew about your “death” and is using it against him. Noriaki fuckin attacks you and reader overpowers Kakyoin. Once you explain you aren’t an enemy and you’re actually you and just faked your death he cries. He’s mad. He’s not even sad about it anymore, he’s just mad, so mad he’s crying. Noriaki tries to attack you again for making him grief over you for so long. He feels manipulated by you. He trusted you and you hurt him. Noriaki feels betrayed to say the least. It takes him months to forgive you and finally start talking to you again. After he starts talking to you his anger leaves and it’s replaces with more grief, you’re alive, why is he feeling like this? He doesn’t like this situation and want’s to believe its a bad dream. Noriaki never wanted you to die and now that you’re here it feels different. It feels like you won’t talk to him because of how he reacted. Theres not much of a mature way to handle this situation. Noriaki talks to you but it takes even longer for him to forgive the reader.  ________________________ I kinda wanna write the Duwang reacting to the SDC crying abt this-
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peachywrite · 3 years
Unpleasant Pleasantries
Rohan Kishibe x JosukeSister!Reader
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Trigger Warning: inappropriate stand use, mild suggestive themes
Rohan thought this to be the perfect opportunity to get back at that imbecile with the hair of a 60’s delinquent, but instead found something more fulfilling than revenge.
It was your first time meeting the famous mangaka, but Koichi insisted that you introduce yourself to the newly found stand user as a formality.
“It’s better to make friends than enemies, y/n! So please do this for me.” He begged, clasping his hands tightly together as he bowed.
“Koichi-chan, he ripped out pages from your face and tried to do the same to Okuyasu and Josuke. I don’t know if I trust this guy.” You sighed, nervous and even a little scared.
“It’ll be fine, when you tell him you’re related to Josuke, he won’t even think about trying anything!” Koichi’s eyes glistened, still silently begging you to go.
“Fine, but if I don’t show up back home in an hour, call Josuke please.” Koichi nodded enthusiastically, shouting thank yous while he ran off to find your brother.
Thanks to the written address Koichi had given you, it was easy to find the large Victorian mansion that belonged to the isolated artist.
“Come on, y/n. You can do this. Just a quick hello and you’re done.” You tried to psych yourself up, taking one last deep breath before approaching the walkway that led up to the door.
Knock Knock
You waited, your heart rate a bit too quick for your liking.
You could hear the steps on the other side slowly approaching and suddenly stopping, only to find the door creak by.
“Now who would be disrupting the Great Rohan Kishibe?” The man spoke in a sinister tone, swinging the door open.
Rohan Kishibe looked nothing like how you expected him to. He was built slim but still toned, his green hair neatly styled and face slim and sharp with a cute dolphin bandage placed on the bridge of his nose. His green eyes stared at you intently, as if he was trying to analyze your face as well.
“I-I’m really sorry I didn’t mean to cause you any trouble. My friend Koichi wanted me to introduce myself. I’m Y/N Higashikata. I’m a stand user and I go to school with the rest of the boys.” You stammer out, guilt hitting you for interrupting the presumably busy manga artist.
The man eyed you with a devilish smirk, clapping his hands together like he had discovered something amusing.
“You’re Josuke’s little sister! Oh how fun! You know, you’re too cute to be related to that boy. Now please come in, I’ll make you some tea and we can talk.”
“I’m actually the same age as him, and I’d love to join you but I got... study plans with K-Koichi!” You tried to avoid his stare but as he made eye contact, you knew you had lost.
“Nonsense! I’ll give him a call and let him know you’ll be studying with me, now please come in already.” His smile grew while he pulled you into his abode by your wrists.
The house was lightly decorated with manga related memorabilia on the wood carved shelves and many original panels from famous mangas hung framed on the soft toned walls, but the home still held a grand Victorian feeling to it.
Your original unease disappeared as you took in the grandeur of the mansion and the interesting items that adorned it so carefully. Rohan smirked at the curiosity in your eyes and the quick movements they made while you focused on specific areas of his home.
“Would you like a personal tour of the property before we study? I will warn you though, not all the rooms have been styled by yours truly yet. It’s a work in progress at the moment.” The smile he bared had you suspicious again, but you didn’t want to be rude to the owner of such a magnificent estate.
“As much as I would love to, your home is absolutely stunning, I sadly only have an hour to study. My mom would kill me if I got home late again.” A hefty sigh escaped your lips and you gave him your best upset expression you could muster.
You hoped he wouldn’t key in on your lying, remembering the warning Koichi had given you about his ability to discern genuine emotions from fake ones.
The mangaka squinted his eyes for a moment, causing your heartbeat to speed up substantially, but his face returned to its usual smile that you swore held a bit of deviousness underneath.
“Oh! it’s alright, dear. I understand. I’ll save it for your next visit. Let’s get to your work now, follow me to the kitchen. I’ll prepare us something and you can take a seat by the window.” He gently took your hand, guiding you to the kitchen and carefully pulling out a seat for you at his dining room table.
A beautiful bouquet set in a hand sculpted vase caught your interest on the table as Rohan busied himself with brewing a fresh pot of tea. The flowers were bright in color compared to the muted ones of the vase, but the contrast made both appear unique and appealing to the eye.
“I see you even appreciate the smaller details of a home. Though I am a mangaka, I do dabble in other forms of artistic expression. Take pottery for example, I glazed this vase in a muted color pallet so it could stand out on its own when beautifully bright flowers were placed in it. The two compliment each other nicely, don’t they?” He set down two tea cups and began to pour.
“Yes! And I especially love the bright purples in the lillies you picked here.” You gently touched a petal, Rohan now lightly tapping his cheek, pulling out a chair for himself to sit right beside you.
His closeness and unwavering gaze brought a heaviness to your chest, making you stumble over your words.
“Um-m thank you for treating me so well and letting me study in your home, Rohan-sensei.” You began to unpack your notes and textbook, Rohan scooting closer to analyze what you had written.
“No need to thank me, my dear. Now let’s get to your studies. What is it you need to work on today?” The smile he shares with you is comforting, but you can’t help but feel like he was plotting something.
You set your pencil bag down and prepare your notebook, trying to make yourself busy by setting up.
“Biology. I’ve only just recently started going to school in person, but I tested well enough to be placed in the highest class. Today we’re supposed to label all the organs in this frog drawing.” Your tone comes off as annoyed and Rohan picks up on it, tilting his head to the side while he reads your frog diagram.
“You aren’t a fan of biology? I’ve got a few anatomy sketches of animals you could use instead of this photocopied worksheet. Maybe that will help peak your interest?” He stands and saunters out to find his sketches, leaving you alone in the kitchen.
When Rohan returns, the two of you work on your Biology homework for about an hour, finishing the entire pot of tea in the process. You found out that Rohan was quite skilled at anatomy, having an entire sketchbook dedicated to the anatomy of many living things, including the likes of frogs and flowers. He was extremely helpful and fun to talk with.
As you packed up your bag, Rohan remained seated in his chair, playing with one of the lilies from the bouquet. You weren’t sure if you should head towards the door and leave Rohan or wait for him to stand and lead you out. You were about to speak when the mangaka interrupted with a swish of his pen in your direction.
“Heaven’s Door.”
You felt a sharp shove of air to your midsection, sending you onto the floor. Every movement you attempted was futile as the grinning artist looked down at you. A deep chuckle haunted you while he leaned in closer to your face. His hands gently caressed your cheek, opening it up like a book.
“I’m sorry, y/n. You’re interesting and I’d love to learn more about you, but I’m impatient. It’ll be far easier for me to just read you. Don’t fret, my dear. I’ll make sure you don’t remember this.” He flipped through your pages, ignoring the tears that ran down onto the very paper he was trying to read.
“Now let’s just read the juicy bits today. You were hospitalized along with your brother when you were only four, a strange parasite made up of Dio’s cells attacked your immune system at age twelve and had you bedridden until fairly recently.” The curiosity he held for your story excited him, the pen he held in one hand quickly wrote onto the notepad he placed on the floor beside your head.
You felt like sinking into yourself, ignoring his quips and teases as the embarrassment of the mangaka reading your thoughts and feelings enveloped you. It wasn’t fair. Why did he have to be this way? He was so kind before and just like a flick of a switch, he changed.
“Oh, now how did you escape that? Here we are, thanks to Mr.Joestar’s Hamon lessons, you not only came back from your illness, but gained a proper stand and the ability to wield Hamon just like your father and great grandfather! Wait, what’s this new paragraph about?” He squinted closely, reading your page out loud again.
“I have to visit Rohan Kishibe today because Koichi told me to. He practically begged. Even though I’m scared, Koichi gave me his word that nothing bad would happen. Rohan Kishibe looks very different from what I imagined a mangaka to look. Well, what did you expect me to look like?” His smirk grows as he continues on.
“Ah, another new bit is here! Rohan Kishibe is very good at anatomy, he’s been kind and helpful, I’d like to get to know him better. I think Josuke was just overreacting when he called Rohan Kishibe pure evil. I could see us being friends.”
His smile disappears skimming the next sentence, his usual tone of voice changed as he starts to read. He sounded upset, hurt even.
You were the one being wronged here! Why would he get upset? He doesn’t have the right.
“Josuke was right. Rohan Kishibe is not nice, he is terribly mean. He’s using me for his entertainment. He doesn’t care. Rohan Kishibe is not kind, he is not helpful, he is cruel, I don’t want to get to know him. I want to forget him.”
“I hate Rohan Kishibe. I hope to never see him again.”
Rohan paused, looking away from your pages, trying to focus on anything else for the moment.
“W-well, I’ll just fix this last paragraph and erase it from your mind. You’re being dramatic, I’m not as terrible as you describe me.” Chuckling to himself, he tries to laugh off his obvious pain and attempts to regain his composure.
“No! I won’t let you erase my emotions!” You shouted, a wave of Hamon spreading through his arm as his pen touched your page, his attempt to rewrite your memory foiled.
The mangaka was sent flying back, his right arm dropping the pen and your face finally shutting closed, returning your ability to move. Although you were upset at the betrayal of trust you gave the man, you felt a twinge of guilt in your heart when you spotted his still form draped across the wood floor, cradling the arm you had burned with your Hamon.
Running to his side, all thoughts of malice left your body while you attempted to get a better look at his injury. His arm was still intact thankfully, but it was badly burned and needed to be set correctly and quickly if he ever wanted it to heal properly. You took a deep breath and turned Rohan over to see if he was still conscious.
“Oh god, Rohan I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened.” Your eyes fill with tears again as you see the artist weakly rest himself against the wall, still holding his arm close to his chest.
“No, no it’s alright. I brought this on myself. I accept that.” He grimaced, trying to take a peek at his injuries but too frightened to actually check.
“You read my thoughts and history, it wasn’t right but you didn’t physically hurt me. I don’t know how that happened, but I promise you I’ll fix it.” You swore to the manga writer, now searching through your backpack.
When you found your pair of scissors, you went into full first aid mode, removing the sleeve from his right arm by carefully cutting the loose cloth off. After tossing the short sleeve to the side, you cut the bottom of the skirt you were wearing off into a long bandage-like shape of clothing and ran it under the cold tap water from the kitchen sink, returning to the injured Rohan.
“I’m going to wrap your arm with this, it won’t be painful if you let me use my stand, but I’m going to ask you first before I use her on you.” The man nodded, accepting your offer to erase the pain.
“Under Pressure. She’s a stand that has the ability to manipulate emotions. She can change them within a radius or focus on only one individual. When she focuses on a single person, she is only able to change their emotion to the opposite of what is being felt.” You began to wrap his arm, nervous about what he might feel when you placed the wet fabric loosely around it.
All Rohan could do was bite back his lip to avoid making any embarrassing sounds. Instead of the immeasurable pain he imagined to come with dressing a freshly burned wound, he felt a wave of euphoria. He now understood what you meant by the “opposite” emotion would be felt.
The artist never knew wrapping his burned arm would feel so good, every touch caused his breath to hitch in his throat and his eyes to water. It confused him, even though he understood that the opposite of pain was pleasure, it still startled him every time you did one more pass of the homemade bandage.
He tried his hardest not to be flustered, but when you finished off his arm by tieing the last bit with a knot, he let a small whimper escape his lips. His hand shot up to cover his face, it’s hue now a bright crimson.
Your cheeks turned bright pink as well. You turned away swiftly, to avoid eye contact.
“U-Um just stay put. I’m gonna borrow your phone for a second and let you catch your breath.” Scratching the side of your cheek, you stand up and make a b-line for the phone, dialing your home and hoping that Josuke would pick up. You glanced at the clock set on the wall, it read 8:15.
I’m late.
As soon as the phone line rang once, you spotted the front door to Rohan’s manor fly across the main hall. Peeking your head out from the kitchen, you see a furious Josuke with Koichi in pursuit.
“ROHAN-SENSEI! WHERE IS MY SISTER YOU CREEP?! SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HOME 15 MINUTES AGO!” He yells out, his voice echoing throughout the home.
“Josuke! I’m here! I was just about to call you. Listen, I messed up bad and hurt Rohan. He’s in the kitchen bandaged up but I need you to heal him all the way.” You run to Josuke, giving him a tight hug while trying not to cry from the stress of the situation.
Josuke squeezes you once and let’s you go, looking you over from head to toe so he could make sure you weren’t injured as well. When he spots your torn skirt, his aura radiates a dark malice you’d never seen him show before.
“Wait Josuke! I did this to myself, we didn’t have bandages so I cut some cloth.”
He looks you over again and sighs heavily, the purple hue that was full of rage, leaving him.
“Ok, fine. Where’s that jerk? I’ll fix him up real quick so we can go home.” He grumbled, following you into the kitchen.
Even though Rohan wanted to refuse any treatment from Josuke, he finally accepted the help when you threatened to cry on the spot. His arm had returned to its previous state, unburned and fully functional, thanks to Josuke and Shining Diamond.
Josuke picked up your backpack and held the now fixed front door open for you, while Rohan stood and waved goodbye. You awkwardly returned the wave and made your way back home, your thoughts chaotic and confused.
On the one hand you felt guilty for putting Rohan through such an immense amount of pain, but you were also upset at the humiliation he put you through by reading your life with Heaven’s Door. These thoughts plagued your mind as you laid your head to rest for the night.
It was roughly two in the afternoon when Rohan Kishibe knocked on your front door. A short but older woman answered, complaining about the loudness of the knocks when she looked over the artist.
“Oh, my apologies. You’re that Rohan Kishibe my kids talk about. How may I help you, Mr. Kishibe?” She asked with a warm tone to her voice, leaning against her door frame and smiling up at him.
“Is y/n in? I’d like to deliver this to her personally.” He spoke softly, shaking the box he held in his hands.
Your mother couldn’t help but chuckle to herself. He appeared to be anxious and uncomfortable, most likely it was his first time gifting something like this.
“She’s not home yet, but give her five minutes. Why don’t you come in? You can wait for her up in her room, just don’t go raiding her drawers or anything.” She joked, Rohan’s cheeks turning vivid scarlet.
“I’m only pulling your leg, sweety. I know you’re better than that. Now come on! Have a seat at her desk and I’ll bring you up some lemonade.” Rohan followed her inside.
When they reached your room, Mrs.Higashikata opened the door and waved her hand to your desk seat.
“Pull up that chair there and I’ll be back with some refreshments.” Her smile gleamed at him. She walked off to the kitchen, leaving the artist alone in your room.
Rohan browsed around your room, taking in the personality that was apparent by the many bits of decor that gave your little private space a peculiar style. Your walls held photos printed on Polaroid film, sketches presumably drawn by you, and posters of your favorite video games and shows.
When he glanced around your room, he was immediately caught off guard when he spotted two volumes of his very own manga, propped up and on display in your bookcase. To say he was flattered was an understatement, he was completely floored. You were a fan of his?
His heart was heavy all of a sudden, he felt a dreadful pain in his chest while he held the book in his hands. He turned his head toward the doorway when he heard your voice greet your mother. To regain himself, he quickly skimmed through the pages of the manga he was holding, hearing your distant conversation come to an end.
You entered the room. Dropping your bag at the corner of the closet, your eyes never leaving Rohan while you take a seat on your bed. The mangaka gently placed your copy of Pink Dark Boy back in its original position, turning around now to face you.
“I’d like to humbly apologize for my abhorrent behavior and actions yesterday. I was terrible. I know it might be asking too much of you, but I brought you this as a peace offering. I want us to start over. I’d like to get to know you the right way.” He passes you the box he was carrying with him, nudging you to open it.
Casually unknotting the bow and removing the lid from the bottom, you slowly lift what appears to be a white sundress out of the box. It was beautifully made and looked to be just your size.
“I know it’s not the skirt you tore, but I felt like you deserved something a little more unique.” He averts your gaze quickly when you attempt to gauge his reaction.
The mangaka appears to be flustered, apparently not very used to apologizing. His eyes held a fear of rejection but also a glimmer of hope. A breath you never knew you were holding was released with a quiet hum.
“It’s beautiful, thank you, but do know that buying me things isn’t going to repair my trust in you. We can at the very least start over though.”
Rohan smiled to himself, thankful for your empathetic nature, and nodded a quick yes.
“Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, how about we take that dress and enjoy some tea at the cafe? My treat.”
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michelle-zeppeli · 3 years
I saw that requests are open! I hope that this follows the rules! But is it okay to have a request where either Giorno or Josuke get hypnotized and they act different? Giorno acts hyper and bubbly while Josuke acts shy and timid? And just cuteness ensues!
It's SFW, I promise!
Sure, Darling! I’m sorry that it took me so long!
I only did Josuke. I hope you like it nonetheless! 😇
𝕁𝕠𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕖 - ℍ𝕪𝕡𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕫𝕖𝕕 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
- A Stand user attacked Josuke.
- But Josuke seems unharmed.
- So what happened with Josuke?
- Jotaro, Okyuyasu and Koichi rush to his side to figure it out.
- Josuke hides his face behind his hands. „Why are yo-you coming s-s-so clo-close? Please ba-ba-back off!“
- Josuke stands up and scratches himself nervously.- „Yare yare daze. What’s wrong with you?“
- Josuke blushes and stares to the ground while playing with his hands. „I-i don’t kno-know!“
- „Yo man, what’s wrong huh? What did the bastard do to you? Are you a pussy now?“
- Josuke blushes more and becomes sweaty.
- “Josuke being this shy is pretty uncharacteristic. Maybe he got hypnotized?”, Koichi points out.
- “I think so-so too. I’m so nervous right now and I want to go home!”
- His nephew and his friends nod. Josuke heads home while the other are looking for the stand user.
- Josuke is lying in bed and suddenly his door opens. It’s his s/o.
- “Y/N”, Josuke exhales. He blushes again and hides under his blanket.
- “What’s wrong, my sweet boy. Koichi told me you are not feeling well.”
- He comes out of his hiding and pouts a little. “I’m fee-feeling very insecure si-since the stand at-at-attack. I just w-w-want to be alone.”
- You come closer and give him a little peck on the cheek. Then you back off. “You really don’t have to feel insecure, i will love you forever! I will go now to give you some space but if you want my emotional support and maybe some chocolate I will be right back. Just call me!” You leave and close the door behind you.
- He is still wide-eyed because of your words. He is just so lucky to have you. He is being at his worst and you still make him feel so loved. He falls for you more and more every day.
- After an hour, Josuke starts to feel better. The effect of the stand attack seems to remove.
- He calls you instantly. You come right back through his door and he scoops you up in his arms and gives you a bone-crushing hug.
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Pop: Koichi, Soga called you a loser!
Koichi: Ay, yo, homeboy looks like Shark Week, I ain't messin' with that.
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kdramaxoxo · 3 years
So I’m watching An incurable case of love and I really like the actor that plays Kamijo character but for all of my google search I cannot find his name??? Please help!
Now THIS I can help with! :D
An Incurable Case of Love is better known as Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko Made mo, or Love Lasts Forever which is probably why you couldn't find information on it.
I think Kamijo or Koichi Kisugi is played by Katsuya Maiguma 毎熊克哉.
Here's the mydramalist page so that you can look up the characters you like! Those kisses, am I right?
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thequietmanno1 · 2 years
Thelreads, Vigilantes 67, Replies Part 1
1) “Oh, pop, nice to see you, the last you showed up Rome was being besieged by the Goths. I remember seeing you in the front lines- Anyway, regardless of that, if one thing I`m sure of is that this won`t be a chapter about you.”- Well, she certainly tried to make it one about her, but then Makoto showed up and basically hijacked both the chapter and her place in the narrative, from Pop’s perspective. 2) “IT`S HER
JUST LIKE THAT”- And this is before she actually turns up in the chapter, which in a sense kinda foreshadows how Pop feels overshadowed by more ‘successful’ women like her, compared to her own accomplishments. 3) “ALRIGHT I WASN`T EXPECTING THE FIRST FUCKING PAGE OF THIS CHAPTER TO BRING BACK MAKOTO, NOR FOR IT TO GIVE AN INFODUMP OF EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED THOSE PAST TWO YEARS”- And you certainly weren’t expecting it to actually bring her back to Japan at the end, huh? You and Pop both, it seems.
4) “And alright, we`re straight to judging Makoto for her shady business, I`m glad that she`s now canonically a criminal.”- Honestly, I’d say the criticisms against Makoto have some sort of reverse logic there. They seem to be arguing that you can’t unbiasedly judge hero society when you yourself are so involved in it, as opposed to a more neutral party, but being involved in the industry and having first-hand experience of the job and its limits would actually give you a fairly solid foundation to identify the failings and shortcomings where the system simply doesn’t work, as well as how more radical solutions could tackle these glaring issues.
5) “Seems like the 200 eons since Makoto last showed her face in this manga hasn`t affected her sassiness”- Like fine wine’s flavour, age only further increases the depth of Makoto’s sassy comebacks
6) “It seems like you`re now highly interested in leaving a mark in history, in leaving some sort of impact, interesting… You were focused in success before, but this seems a bit more focused than your previous motivation. Shame seeing you discover yourself wasn`t interesting.”- It also contrasts against Pop’s own desire to ‘leave her mark’ somehow, and gain a measure of success in this life, either with her Idol career, or more preferably with her relationship with Koichi.
7) “Oh- okay, so she`s not back per see, Furuhashi is only making sure that we remember who she is and where she`s at, since the gogolplex of years since she left japan might have made our minds forget her.
I was toyed with. I was fooled again. I thought she was back already, but alas, I was the clown that slipped in a banana peel for the amusement of my overlords.”- And then he toyed with you some more by the end, just like Pop’s feelings for Koichi were fooled around with. Truly, we are all but playthings in Furuhashi’s hands 8) “ITS THE GRANDMAS
THEY ARE TALL AS FUCK WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT WHY DID THEY GO FROM 8 TO 17 YEARS OLD IN JUST TWO YEARS WHAT THE SHIT IS GOING ON HERE”- Kids grow up so fast, but in fairness, Pop and the twins are sitting down/leaning forward, so they actually look taller than they are. Still one hell of a growth spurt though.
9) “…
AM I A JOKE TO YOU FURUHASHI? YOU SICK, TWISTED GOD OF EVIL, AT LEAST LET ME GRAB MY BEARINGS BEFORE PULLING THE RUG AGAIN”- Technically, it’s a Pop and Makoto chapter, so I hope you didn’t get comfortable on that rug there.
10) “Sounds like Furuhashi is really focused on the notion of “all things must come to an end” that the manga is trying to set, but honestly, setting an upcoming end for Narufest can actually be a good idea, Pop is starting to face change, and like Koichi, she`s going to need to focus on what comes next, since she seems to be reluctant about moving forward from their teenage years”- Change can be the hardest thing to face, but not the worst thing that can happen to you. In the end, you’d be surprised how much better you can come off for it, though right now, Pop’s not enjoying the changes that are happening in her life…
11) “I’m fine
look at me, I don’t even care
no care at all
what? me wanting to see they getting together?
nonsense, there’s no way that would be remotely interesting”- Well, at least we aren’t missing Koichi and Pop’s relationship getting to the ‘getting together’ stage, though the duel hurdles of Pop’s shyness and self-image and Koichi’s denseness make sense for why that particular relationship has progressed glacially over 2 whole years.
12) “Girl, Koichi wouldn`t realize a girl likes him if she had her tongue in his throat, you think he`ll just walk around and find someone that he likes? Also, if they do that this chapter after rubbing salt on the wound that Makoto is going full evil overlord in the US I`ll be so mad….”-  Still mad if they did it with Makoto? Even if it is likely 90% a misunderstanding/not what it looks like on Koichi’s end, Makoto is a pretty good runner-up for a potential romantic partner, given how helpful she’s been to Koichi’s vigilante career by helping to keep Phelps off his case all this time. @thelreads
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jojoboisimagines · 4 years
Josuke x Reader :: Promposal :: Ch. 5
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summary: A strange new transfer student has enrolled in Budogaoka High School. Josuke falls head over heels for her, but has a limited time to win her over before the school prom.
The accusations thrown at Josuke by his baffled mother were hard to listen to, especially with your face practically burning from it and hearing only ringing in your ears from the shock alone and having to sit in the midst of the two arguing. You decided your best bet was to hurry, pack your stuff and leave. You’d maybe call him later to let him know why you left and tell him that your time together was great, lest he get the wrong idea.
It was easy to sneak past them. They did seem like the types to block everything else out when stubborn. Perhaps that's why some considered him and his friends delinquents.
About an hour later, you found yourself dialing Josuke’s number (or well, his house number) while lazily lying on the bed of your temporary apartment. He had written it at the bottom of his love letter, which you actually bothered to keep amongst all the other ones. 
“Yeah, I see. Thanks for calling me instead of just leaving me hangin’.”
“No problem...I’ll see you tomorrow at school. Sorry for any trouble I’ve caused.”
“No no”, he was quick to disagree, “It’s fine, my mom just gets fussy like that sometimes, its not your fault at all. To be fair I should’ve been paying more attention.”
You frowned. He shouldn’t have blamed himself. You weren’t being entirely courteous as a guest either to fall asleep on him like that. He spoke up before you could say anything about it.
“Did you have fun though---er, get a good study in? I know I did. Cleared up a lot of stuff I was missin’ during class. Thanks a lot for that!” You could hear the grin in his voice. Admittedly, he had a nice voice to listen to. But you convinced yourself that was just a supplementary compliment rather than you starting to have a school girl crush on him like the rest of his groupies.
You wondered what drew them to him in the first place. Was it his hair? It would seem like he’d take pride in having groupies if it was for that reason, being so uptight about his hairstyle and all. Yet he would always look so annoyed whenever they came up to him, so that probably wasn’t the reason. His personality? No, they hardly let him get a word in whenever they bombard him. His height?
...Fair assumption.
“Hey, (Y/N), you there?”
Crap, had you been spacing out?
“Yeah, I’m here.” You replied, rubbing your eyes.
“Do you have time tomorrow for ice cream after school? Its totally cool if you’re not, I understand.”
You did have a bit of studying to do to keep your grades up (and to keep up appearances, but that was less important) but keeping Josuke happy in your friendship did also mean something to you. Skipping one study session wouldn’t be that much of a deal, you could skim through it once you get home anyway.
“Oh no no, I’m down for it.”
Josuke’s tone noticeably turned up an octave after hearing that. “Cool! You wanna come by my house or I’ll come by yours?”
After saying he could pick you up from your own house (especially thinking about how Tomoko would react) he joyfully lets out a ‘sweet!’ and you exchange your goodbyes before hanging up.
One thing you could safely say about Josuke at this point is that he was certainly...interesting. If you had to weigh your options between giving everyone that sent you a letter an opportunity to court you and just only giving Josuke a chance for the time being, the latter set well with you far more.
Classes had passed by rather quickly. It almost seemed like a blur but you didn’t mind it. At first the thought of instantly going home and looking over the notes you took to refresh your memory came into your head, before Josuke and Okuyasu voices behind you made you realize what you had planned already. You had recognized the other two, but hadn’t bothered to hold a single conversation with either of them. 
As far as you knew, they were just ‘the guy who looks like he’s still in elementary’ and ‘the guy that looks like he’s committed a crime before’.
However you would withhold your assumptions for the time being and attempt to get to know them truthfully. They seemed excited to see you, anyway.
“Glad to see you waited for us (y/n!)” Josuke happily said.
You didn’t really. But you forced a smile as if you did anyway.
Josuke stopped behind you and contemplated putting an arm around you like he would his other buddies, but decided against it, thinking maybe the two of you weren’t at that point yet. You didn’t exactly seem like the touchy type either. Instead his hand firmly rested on your shoulder, his face offering a kind, genuine smile towards you. 
Gesturing toward his friends, he began to introduce them. “(Y/n), this is Okuyasu Nijimura and Koichi Hirose. They’ve kinda been excited to meet ya ever since we started hanging out.” Josuke lets out quite the cute chuckle as his free hand finds itself sheepishly behind his neck now.
“Yo!” Okuyasu was quick to greet you with quite possibly the biggest grin you’ve seen anyone sport since you’ve gotten to this country. Koichi on the other hand seemed a little more calm and reserved, saying a simple ‘hello!’ with a wave.
They didn’t seem too bad now as you had thought before, but you’d keep your eye on them. After the introduction Josuke had mentioned that itd be wise to get to the ice cream truck as soon as possible, seeing that it might leave the neighborhood soon. You still were a bit unfamiliar with the area, so you followed behind the other three and let them lead the way.
When the four of you finally arrived to the spot of the parked vehicle, you had just noticed that you’d tuned out the conversation that was had on the way here. Now that you think about it, Okuyasu was pretty swift to wrap an arm around his taller friend’s shoulder and immediately start talking about something else. Maybe it was just your imagination, but you had thought Josuke would’ve been inclined to talk to you during the brief walk. That’s what you were invited for, right? Or is this just what he does with all his friends?
The lack of attention didn’t bother you that badly, as you’re generally used to it, but you still couldn’t help but wonder.
You had walked up to the window to get your own ice cream, before Koichi promptly stopped you, pulling out his own wallet.
“Hey, I can pay for your ice cream for you!”
You blinked, not exactly sure how you were supposed to respond to that. “It’s alright, you don’t have to.”
“No I insist! Don’t worry about it okay?” The small boy smiled at you, a face that was pretty hard for you to resist. Giving a slight nod, he proceeded to pay for it. You did get the biggest size they offered though, who’s to say you couldn’t after he graciously agreed to pay?
You and Koichi walked back to the others, already sitting down in the park with the ice creams and chatting. As you were making your way over there, Josuke looked back at the two of you, his happy grin melding into a guilty wide-eyed frown.
He turned back around when you and his other friend walked past the bench he and Okuyasu sat on to go to another one across from them. Without even glancing at him, you started to eat your ice cream. From the corner of your eye you could see the pompadoured teen lightly tap his clueless friend, motioning them to move to the same bench you and Koichi were.
Trying to prevent things from becoming awkward, Josuke immediately started talking to you as he sat down. “So, (Y/n), is that your favorite flavor?”
You nodded, not trying to get distracted from your melting ice cream.
“Cool, I like that flavor too. I really really like strawberry though, especially the kind they have at the truck.”
“Strawberry’s a good flavor.” Okuyasu chimed in. “But Koichi likes nasty shit, like pistachio. Bleh!” He stuck his tongue out to emphasize his disgust. The shorter teen was slightly offended.
“Hey, its good with the right toppings! At least I don’t bombard my ice cream with everything, if you’re careless like that, you’ll get a cavity!”
Oku dismissively waved his hand. “Whatever. I’ll just go to Tonio’s again and it’ll be good as new, so there’s no problem!” He grinned.
Koichi sighed, and you were left wondering what kind of place “Tonio’s” was.
“Oh right, we need to take (Y/n)-chan there someday!” Josuke added. “Maybe we should do a little tour thing of Morioh for you, would you like that?”
You happily nodded, almost at the end of your ice cream. The three of them had gotten along so naturally
Eventually everyone else got done with theirs and began to throw everything away. Koichi had started on his way home, saying that he was going to start on his studying before his goodbye. Thinking you should do the same, Josuke walked in front of you.
“Hey me and Okuyasu are gonna hang at my house, so we can walk you home first okay?” 
“Okay.” Probably the first time you said something in about an hour. You saw Okuyasu about to walk up with Josuke again, but was stopped immediately and whispered something by Josuke. After which, he hung behind the two of you for the remainder of the walk.
When your apartment was reached, The boys asked if you enjoyed yourself and you happily responded with yes and that you’d love to hang out again, before going up the stairs and waving goodbye.
The two of them stood there for a while, making sure you were safe up until you got inside the house. As you closed the door, Josuke let out a groan and his head sunk into his hands. Okuyasu, obviously concerned by this, put a hand on his shoulder.
“Bro? You okay?”
Jojo shook his head. “Ughh..I can’t believe I let that happen. She must’ve felt so left out. I didn’t even pay enough attention that Koichi paid for her stuff..god..That didn’t look good at all.”
“Hey, you’re not obligated to treat her like a queen or anythin’. You’re still just friends right now right?” He tried to reassure his downtrodden friend.
“Yeah but...I still feel like a dick. I invited her there..Plus there’s also the fact that she’s got a limited time here in Morioh..” His blue eyes widened after saying that statement, the realization just now hitting him. It was so silent all the boys could hear was the slight breeze ruffling the trees.
“Huh, now that I think about it, why are you tryin’ to woo someone who’s a transfer student? Seems kinda rough to get someone to fall for you in a few weeks...unless you’re Yukako.”
“Goddammit Okuyasu, I don’t get to choose who I fall in love with!” 
His fist balled up again, lips going dry as he resented saying things before thinking about them first. 
Before he could say anything else, the teens noticed a slight shift in the window blinds where a light was on in your apartment. 
‘Holy crap, i hope thats not her, i’d shit myself if it is!’
“C-C’mon Okuyasu, lets get out of here, I-I’ll race you!” He bolted down the sidewalk in the direction of his house, with his best friend in tow. 
It was you who had peeked out the window from your living room, but only because you were startled by the sound of someone shouting. You didn’t see anyone when you fully pulled the blinds back, must’ve been your imagination. Putting the window back as it was, you returned to your studying.
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