gulftrash · 5 months
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Can I request Platonic HuoHuo x Big sister figure!Reader. Reader works in the ten-lords commissions specifically in fyxestroll garden where She handles paranormal stuff and HuoHuo was a trainee judge so reader had the sense to protect her because she’s weak and helpless cuz she feels bad. Eventually huohuo looks up to them like an Older sister. Bonus: Tail poking fun at reader and essential annoys her everday
(PS: I want to protect HuoHuo at all cost. She’s so precious to me ><)
Sjfjsldjhjdixnjeidj I love HuoHuo so much she's my favorite little silly person :3
Protect her at all costs! - Platonic HuoHuo x Big sister!Reader
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Being assigned a trainee judge was not something you were expecting, and definitely something you didn't want. Work was already hard enough as is, and you didn't need some young person getting in your way.
Madam Hanya told you that this judge was "different" than most others, and that she was quite young. You smiled and nodded at her as she spoke, though deep down, the thought of being stuck with someone sounded awful. When you finally met the girl, she definitely was not what you were expecting. You were expecting the small and timid sure, but that didn't cover it. She just seemed absolutely terrified of everything around her. She was especially afraid of that "tail" thing Madam Hanya explained to you, seriously that heliobus was a menace.
At first HuoHuo just tailed around you, helping with exorcisms and defeating the occasional heliobus. She was loud and whiny at times, but generally she was quiet and seemed to listen to you. The silence was nice when she started hanging out with you, though it slowly became unbearable. She seemed like she always wanted to say something, but never had the courage to say it.
So, you started asking her things like: "how did you sleep last night?" Or "what's your favorite food?". Usually she answered your questions with no problems, and would ask you some in return. She was actually a pretty nice girl, but there was one problem; that stupid tail thing that was stuck with her. It was constantly making fun of her, which was honestly starting to get annoying. You tried to tell him off at one point, but he just started throwing insults at you too. (And now he never stops...)
After a while, HuoHuo no longer tailed you around, instead working on her own things around fyxestroll garden. At first you told yourself that you were happy she was gone, you didn't have to entertain her and that stupid tail anymore. Yet, you would often turn around to ask her another question, only to realize she wasn't there.
It seemed like she felt the same way just weeks later, because she came to you, balling her eyes out.
"[Nameeeee]! Help me! There's a scary heliobus following me and I can't defeat it!" You jumped at the sound of her, and you didn't expect for her to come running right up to you, and wrapping her arms around you in a tight hug.
"HuoHuo- what are you doing here? Is tail not gonna help you- actually forget that, you don't need that stupid thing to help you." Surprisingly, he didn't spring out and hurl insults back at you, which was a nice surprise for once. You sighed and smiled down at her, as you slowly combed your fingers through her hair.
"if you lead me to the heliobus, I'll help you exorcise it. Just this once though, you need to learn to do it on your own. You can't always be with me, alright?" She looked up at you with tear filled eyes, and gave you a small nod.
"I promise I'll become stronger for you [name]. For you and Mr.Tail!"
Turns out the heliobus actually was a pretty insignificant one, and you gave her a small lecture about not letting the heliobus get into her head. That seemed to put her in the right mindset, because she never seemed as terrified as she did from that day on. (She was still pretty scared though- she can't just magically eradicate her fears.)
She also seemed more open around you. You taught her a lot of things, from how to exorcise more efficiently, to how to sew her own clothes back up when they got ripped. Despite your initial desire for her to go away, she was basically attached to your hip at this point, and you did enjoy her company. The only downside to her constantly being with you was that stupid tail that she had to keep around.
HuoHuo tries to keep it tame between the two of you, but tail is constantly provoking you or making fun of someone, which you cannot stand to listen to.
"HuoHuo, have you eaten breakfast yet today? If not, we can head to Aurum Alley and grab something." You had gotten the early patrol shift this morning, so you didn't have time to eat before the shift.
"Yes Miss [Name], I remembered your reminder from last night. I ate a great breakfast this morning!" She smiled up at you and you gave her a big smile right back- though you quickly lost that smile as tails stupid face showed up.
"Even the girl is more organized than you [Name]"
"Mr.Tail... that wasn't very nice-" HuoHuo knew what he was trying to do, and she didn't want another argument to start.
"so what? You know what, at least I get to choose whether or not I'm gonna eat before my shift. You on the other hand, have to do everything HuoHuo does."
"Miss [Name], please don't start another argument with-"
"I can do whatever I want!" Tail yelled over poor HuoHuo, you felt bad when the two of you talked over her, but sometimes it was necessary to shut Tail up.
"oh really? How come you haven't eaten me yet then? You've been threatening it for quite some time."
"Miss [Name], tail won't eat you, he's a vegetarian."
Both of you stopped arguing to look over at her, and you burst out laughing. Though, you quickly tried to contain it once you saw the embarrassed look on HuoHuo's face.
"I'm aware HuoHuo, I was just fighting with him because I needed someone to yell at. If you've already eaten, then do you wanna hang out with me while I go get food?" HuoHuo's face brightened up once you changed the topic, and she nodded.
"I would love to go with you Miss [Name]!" Despite her timid tone, you could tell she was happy to go with you. You ruffled her hair a little and smiled
"Well, let's head out then!"
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Uhhh sorry I took a small break guys 😔
My last week has been really eventful and honestly I haven't had time to write (FURINA AND ROBIN REQUESTS ARE COMING YOUR WAY SOON). But I'm realizing now that I should've just kept writing bc it literally helps me wind down, I'm just about to go to bed and I think finishing this was the best thing I could've done.
I hope y'all enjoyed this one tho!! I honestly don't write sibling dynamics often but this was a good change of pace.
If you like my work consider rebloging and liking! It really helps more people see my work :)
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713cult · 3 years
haven't fucked in a while but i'll never forget the way you hum my nameeeee
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yesitsswiftie · 7 years
 So a few days ago I was tagged by the lovely @ronjarecklesswift and I’m just doing this now but better late than never :)
Mention ten songs you’re currently into (in a random order) and tag 10 other people:
1. Dear John - @taylorswift (also This Love)
2. Even if it’s a lie - Matt Maltese (i’m obsessed with this one ughh it’s so beautifully sad)
3. Lemon tree - Fool’s garden (memories of a lovely trip this summer ❤)
4. Cold Coffee - Ed Sheeran (he apparently sang this one the other day WHAT i love him)
5. Leave - Once Soundtrack (beautiful Dublin ❤)
6. Look down - Les Mis Soundtrack (yes 24601! my name is jean valjeannnnnn! and i’m javert, do not forget my nameeeee do not forget me! 24601)
7. Haze - Tessa Violet (go check it out
8. The Louvre - @lordemusic (I am amazed by this woman and still not over Melodrama -I’m not even over Pure Heroine tbh. She’s a genious) (also Ribs)
9. Every Day - Buddy Holly (a very random one but I’m somehow really into it)
10. Te recuerdo Amanda - Víctor Jara (kind of random too but ❤)
Bonus: Havana by Camila Cabello
I’m not gonna tag anyone, but feel tagged if you fancy doing it! :)
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