#piri reis
mapsontheweb · 1 year
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World map centered on the Pacific Ocean by Piri Reis
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alperen1emre · 2 months
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hurremsultanns · 5 months
We need to talk about Piri Reis
In season 4, Piri Reis is the main character who represents the leadership within the 'secret organisation' that wants to put Mustafa on the throne. And in my opinion he more than anyone else makes the case for Hürrem's point of view. He is the exact person who you can point to to prove that even though Mustafa himself would never wish to kill his brothers or allow the fratricide law to go ahead, in practice he has very little means by which to prevent his allies from fulfilling the law. After all, not only is Piri Reis' primary personality trait 'murdering innocents is fine so long as it's done in Mustafa's name', but Mustafa himself calls out his fanaticism and zealotry and this has no effect on his attitudes or actions afterwards whatsoever. He even organises the rock ambush during which not only did Afife die, but presumably plenty of other innocent bystanders also did after this point. So Mustafa has little to no means of controlling him or by extension anyone within the secret organisation. Which means that his claim and potential ascendancy absolutely pose a threat to his brothers' lives should he take the throne. Because unlike him, Piri Reis and those like him will have absolutely no qualms about murdering his brothers. And this is even reflected in how season 4 seems to frame this as well. Atmaca is a notable white hat wearing good guy. He also interacts on numerous occasions with Piri Reis. So he is a very telling character to use as a litmus test here. And Atmaca's reticence or outright refusal to carry out the worst of what Piri Reis orders is extremely telling. And it is notably when Atmaca objects or pushes back where we see the fanaticism and cruelty of Piri Reis laid bare. It is at this point where he makes it extremely clear that he sees the lives of innocents as a valid sacrifice to be made for Mustafa's cause. And he says as much outright and explicitly on multiple occasions. And the fact that Atmaca, one of our good guys, refuses to go a long with this, seems to be a condemnation of Piri Reis and his ilk.
To illustrate this point, it is worth comparing and contrasting him with the character who is set up to be the main antagonist of season 4: Hürrem. Hürrem is arguably at her cruellest and most ruthless in season 4 and her actions result in the protagonist's (Mustafa's) death. And yet she is explicitly not the villain. Only the antagonist. @redxluna pointed out a series of parallels that show her unwillingness to kill children or pregnant women. And it's worth expanding on this point here because there is also a parallel to make between her, Atmaca and Piri Reis. Piri Reis orders Atmaca to kill Mihrünnisa, but Atmaca refuses to do so when she tells him that she's pregnant. And when he tells this to Piri Reis, Piri Reis is upset that he didn't go through with killing her anyway. By contrast, Hürrem plans to kill Nazenin while she's pregnant. But when she sees how happy Süleyman is about a new baby she can't go through with it. And the one time she does get a pregnant woman killed it's unintentional and she never goes through a plan like the ambush on Mustafa that got her killed again. Which is a point that gets highlighted. As during her conversation with Mustafa at Süleyman's sickbed, Hürrem has to explain that another attack on him was not her doing but solely Rüstem's. Which goes to show something of how she has developped and grown throughout the course of season 4. She's not as out for revenge anymore. She wants to protect her children and she's still uncomfortable with the deaths of innocents even at this point. And the fact that this contrast puts our antagonist in a favourable light where someone on the 'good' team comes off looking extremely bad definitely adds nuance to the conflict of the season. It shows that there are two sides to this conflict.
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zahirevliyasi · 3 months
Tavuk var isyân ettirir, tavuk var bâsura derman olur, diye bir söz olmasa da sığırdiline doldurduğum şeylerden ikisi bu yoldaydı. Tavuk nedir, nicedir derseniz, azından kurcaladım.Keyifli okumalar❤️ 
Yazıyı okumak için tıklayınız
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victusinveritas · 1 year
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Map of Europe by Ottoman sailor/cartographer Piri Reis, 1513.
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karlrutkarutshaqif · 1 year
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I Skramz, Therefore I Am Fest 2023 • Piri Reis • 15 October 2023 • RVDA Artspace
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Learning On The Job
AC Revelations Ezio Auditore da Firenze/Piri Reis Piri Reis teaches Ezio about bombs, and a little bit about himself. Rated T
“I’m a simple man, Ezio,” Piri Reis says. “I enjoy arson.”  
Ezio fixes him with a wry look. “You must be a hit with the ladies. Why are you not married yet?” Though he asks in jest, Piri Reis seems to take it to heart. But before he can apologize for whatever social transgression he has made (being a master assassin helps with certain people skills, not all), Piri Reis smiles.  
“The ladies enjoy what I cannot give them, unfortunately.”  
That makes Ezio sit up straighter, curious. “What do you mean? Surely you’re not a eunuch.”  
Piri Reis laughs that deep, rough laugh, the sound of it warming Ezio’s chest. Then he gets up, and walks around his desk. He stops in front of the wall decorated with his miniature paintings of specialty bombs facing away from Ezio, hands clasped together at the small of his back. “You are familiar with Leonardo Da Vinci, yes?”  
Ezio blinks at the change in topic and nods. “Yes,” he says slowly. “He is a close friend.” Piri Reis does not elaborate, but the silence and defensiveness in his stance makes something in Ezio’s mind click. “Ah, I see.”  
“Indeed.” Piri Reis reaches out and tilts one of the paintings back into its proper position. “I hope word of this won’t spread, Ezio. I am still a navigator in the Sultan’s navy. I have good standing. And, I am a curious man. As much as I would like to find out what would happen if I filled your hookblade sheath with datura powder, I do not wish to kill you.”  
Ezio stands and claps Piri Reis on the shoulder, the extent of physical interaction the older man will ever allow. “That is a rather unsubtle threat, Piri Reis,” Ezio says cheerfully. Then, more seriously, “Do not worry. Though my secrets seem to be everybody’s business, I am quite good at keeping the secrets of others.”  
Piri Reis gives him a dry look. “I am not a subtle man, Ezio, that was on purpose.” He nudges Ezio’s hand off his shoulder and settles back in his seat behind his desk. “Go now, try the new bomb. There are some janissaries in the Bayezid District, hoping to make some money from the Byzantines. See if you can’t cut a new deal.”  
Back to business so quickly. Ezio finds it admirable. He tucks every bit of information he has learned in this interaction into the back of his mind. He has no intention of using it against Piri Reis—when the time is right, Ezio will come back, eager to learn more.  
Also posted to Ao3!
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emotionalhardcore · 2 years
if you're still sleeping on piri reis, get your shit together wtf... one of this years FINEST screamo releases for sure
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almostlookedhuman · 2 years
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tanogabo · 2 months
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(via La Carta di Piri Reis)
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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City of Cairo. By Pirî Reis, 1525.
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alperen1emre · 2 months
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beforeorion · 3 months
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gulftrash · 5 months
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karlrutkarutshaqif · 1 year
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I Skramz, Therefore I Am Fest 2023 • Piri Reis • 15 October 2023 • RVDA Artspace
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archivist-crow · 7 months
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Odds and Ends:
In 1513, Turkish admiral Piri Reis drew a map of the world, which he had compiled from his collection of approximately thirty ancient maps, which ranged from the time of Alexander the Great (332 BC) to Christopher Columbus and included some that Columbus charted himself. (Piri had taken these Columbus maps from a sailor captured during a sea battle.) The gazelle skin map Piri drew contains information that was not known at that time.
Greenland was accurately portrayed as two separate islands. Astonishingly accurate coastlines of Africa and North and South America were present. The Falkland Islands, which wouldn't be found by Europeans for nearly a hundred years, were included, as well as Antarctica, which wasn't discovered for another three hundred. Later seismic soundings showed the map's geographical detail of Antarctica matched mountains and valleys hidden beneath the continent's mile-thick ice cap-geographical features that had not been visible since before the last Ice Age, 6,000 years ago.
Amazingly, the Piri Reis map displayed an accurate longitude two hundred years before instruments to calculate longitude would be available. Most maps of the time were widely out of alignment in their east-west designations. The exceptions were a few maps with grids like spokes on a wheel; of unknown origin, these maps were used by medieval sailors.
Notes on various countries were also written on the Piri Reis map: "This country is inhabited. The entire population goes naked." "This region is ... on the side where the sun sets... [T]here are four kinds of parrots, white, red, green and black.. headdress is made entirely of parrots' feathers." "In this spot there are oxen with one horn, and also monsters…”
Today, the Piri Reis map is in Topkapi Palace in Turkey and is not usually on display.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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