avvpavv · 2 years
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tfw you’re 14 and some dude with a gun is hunting you down in America because you’re TOO good at solving mysteries so you gotta call in your puzzle dad from the other side of the world to fuck ‘em up
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bad horror movie ideas i've been compiling b/c @fleetwoodmurk is an enabler:
thankskilling: the family connections of a 19 year old college student allow him to skirt by any substantial sentencing for violent anti-indigenous hate crimes, just in time for him to make it home by thanksgiving. the soothing whispers of how he “shouldn’t have his life ruined for making a mistake” on property staked in stolen indigenous land invite the wrathful presence of autumn’s bounty-- a ghastly, therizinosaurus-like approximation of a turkey powered solely by the anguish of lives taken in the name of american colonialism. after all, if that family wants their son to have some turkey, then he’ll get his eight foot-tall, blade-handed, undying turkey.    
homebody: forced to pull into a run-down motel by a freak storm, a group of friends initially find themselves faced with nothing more harrowing than the occasional cobweb and staff who never meet visitors face-to-face, even finding a note on the front counter that there’s no fee for staying--so long as they “spread the word” if they find their stay satisfactory. but, after waking up each morning to find that they’ve lost clumps of hair, individual teeth, and even a toe among other body parts, they discover the motel’s one and only employee--a colossal, man-like harvestman that severs human tissue with surgical precision (thanks to its spindly, 15 meter arms) in a misguided attempt to better fool human prey by grafting the fruits of its labor onto its own body.     
goliath’s revenge: a japanese kaiju film director finally pushes his luck just a tad too far, killing the suit actress for the lead “goliath” monster as a direct result of the director’s penchant for strenuous, dangerous stuntwork. when his connections allow him to wriggle his way out of the tragedy scot-free, the suit actress’ furious spirit reanimates in her signature costume--now made flesh and blood--in order to exact a vengeful rampage of monstrous proportions that her former boss could only have hoped to have filmed. 
more under the cut!!!
hivemind: a single mother reeling from a devastating divorce seems to find new purpose in her life thanks to a california-based branch of a yoga group that emphasizes the value of both diligence and mindfulness. as the months go by, however, she realizes that she’s so deeply invested her time with the group that she doesn’t even know the names of anyone in her neighborhood that isn’t involved with them. just as she’s having doubts, she’s invited on a week-long retreat to experience what will hopefully become an outdoor facility of theirs, and that even their founder will be in attendance. she and her daughter do indeed meet the group’s founder--a colossal, humanoid queen ant who is rendered inert by her size, subsequently relying on her psychic abilities to indoctrinate human followers to her side and transform them into “suitable workers” that would happily give their lives for her sake   
children of the night: an exorcist, a private investigator, a trio of true crime podcasters, the local sheriff w/ top suspect in tow, a self-proclaimed “vampire hunter”, and a humble gravedigger all converge on the same cemetery when it becomes host to a series of unspeakably gruesome murders--the site being deemed the “vampires’ playground” for the crimes’ bloody nature. but when the self-confessed suspect winds up cleaved in twain at the scene, it turns out they’ll all have to deal with actual vampires--hulking, gorilla-like, hairless bats with the intelligence of a toddler and a permanent, gummy grin filled with teeth far too dull to consume flesh that hasn’t been playfully beaten to a fine pulp beforehand 
think tank: with the untimely death of a silicon valley tech giant who’d racked up a reputation for being as antisocial as he was exploitative, a documentary crew visits his main offices in hopes of interviewing any available employees in order to determine whether or not that open secret had any truth to it. though cooperative enough, the surly defensiveness that seems to increase in prevalence as the crew makes their way up the corporate ladder leads one particularly-intrepid camerawoman to sneak the crew far further into the building than originally intended and into a hidden basement. this brings them face-to-face with the deceased entrepreneur’s dirty little secret, known as the think tank: a captive “psychic existence” brought into being using the harvested, collective brainpower of every employee who refused to take their boss’s shit but was just too talented to let go 
whalefall: the 300 ft tall, walking corpse of a whale dredges its way up from the ocean floor and onto american shorelines, bringing with it tidal waves of pestilence and plague. when japanese fishermen identify the creature as a bake-kujira--a ghostly whale that harbors only misfortune and undead sealife in the wake of maritime disaster--the federal government opts to not only ignore their insight, but outright blame japan and their whaling industry for its presence. their relative inaction in the name of xenophobia and saving face will serve only to prolong the creature’s attack, with entire coastal towns left to deal with the flooding and zombified deep-sea organisms themselves. 
study skin: a group of hunters grow too impatient to wait for their county’s deer season and set out under the cover of nightfall in hopes of snagging a trophy or two. though met with a highway lined with bizarre amounts of roadkill and a totally silent forest, they disregard their unease and set up for the night. they soon discover the true reason for the minimal duration of the local hunting season when they catch a glimpse of an old friend long-thought to have vanished on a hunting trip, bringing them face-to-face with the hidewinder--a mysterious creature that inhabits the skins of deceased animals in search of larger and more complex bodies to call its own, with absolutely no idea how to look or behave “right” in any of its disguises, and a tendency to become enraged once it becomes clear that it doesnt fit in.
calling card: a freelance musician struggling with being sincere and vulnerable in their own work decides to move to a small, quiet town in southern bumblefuck-nowhere to try and clear their head. to their surprise, they’ve practically moved onto the set of a musical--the town’s residents bursting into song at the drop of a hat out of what seems to be the sheer, earnest passion of their feelings. this pleasant novelty soon turns out to be a town tradition established to cope with the presence of lonesome harvey--an upright cicada-man who emerges from underground hibernation every 18 years to rip select peoples’ vocal chords right out of their throats, crudely tying them together in order to fashion a set powerful enough to function as his own (which he uses to shriek out his signature mating call every summers’ night, in hopes of attracting a partner who’ll never arrive). thus, the townsfolk sing their hearts out so that harvey can gauge whose voice he’ll claim for himself (as opposed to having him mutilate everyone in the name of trial-and-error), and the musician has moved into town just in time for ol’ harvey to make his return.
back of your mind: following the very-much-timely (if a tad mysterious) death of their verbally-abusive mother, her only child returns to their childhood home in order to collect any wayward belongings and maybe find some sort of closure in setting foot on the premises one last time. a patch of black mold on the wall that they spot on their way in seems to...change location, somehow. further investigation and attempts to simply wipe away the mold leave it in the blurred image of a gummy, toothy maw--one that begins to whisper to the visitor, claiming to have missed them oh-so-very-much from the day that they left. the strangeness of the situation keeps them coming back everyday, where the mold’s whispers begin to take a familiarly-cruel edge--at first pleading for the visitor to stay, only to take to yelling at them that no-one but the mold will accept them as the “broken, useless husk” of a person that they are.    
miasma: a long line of charlatans and conmen have managed to convince a small backwoods town over generations that their collection of plastic gems and false talismans will heal them better than any medical professional could ever hope to accomplish. with most of the towns residents now being old, grey, and complacently vulnerable to disease, a new con artist moving in with a case of the stomach flu compromises the health of the entire community. and with the enticing smell of illness, comes the arrival of the scavenger--a black-feathered “vulture man” who knocks three times upon the door of his intended target, before politely entering their residence and leaving within the hour, leaving behind a bloated corpse whose orifices are stuffed with posies laying otherwise peacefully on their bed.  
killing stroke: a promising rising star in the fencing scene is tragically slain in the middle of a prestigious tournament, with the cause of death being attributed to a recklessly-modified underplastron. in actuality, the poor youth’s equipment was sabotaged in order to maintain the career of a legendary fencer. on the anniversary of his death, he rises from the grave and dons his old suit in order to infiltrate that year’s iteration of the tournament--his mission being to cut down not only his rival, but anyone who upholds the same kind of narcissistic greed that claimed his life.  
disassembly line: an upton sinclair-adjacent investigative journalist finds herself looking into the inner workings of a 1900s meat-packing factory in chicago, beholding the full disgusting scope of its exploitative, unsanitary working conditions. managing to acquaint herself with a few of the workers, the lunchtime whispers of one particularly-attractive lady butcher point her in the direction of a devious cover-up involving a nameless employee who “accidentally” wound up in the machinery after making too much of a ruckus about his wages. a nameless employee whose steaming, ground-up remains have now crawled out of the rickety equipment in search of postmortem vigilante justice.    
catch of the day: in spite of the sustainability concerns their operation has racked up over the years, a deep-sea fishing company delves into nigh-uncontested territory--a patch of ocean deemed “dead waters” in reference to the sparse results of other companies’ attempts. their first day dredges up only a single pacific halibut, titanic even by the standards of the species. upon further inspection, the flatfish splits open in a mess of bodily fluids and blackened, inedible meat--as if the fish had already been torn apart and had decayed from the inside out. lost in the shuffle was an amniotic sac containing rapidly-growing, amphibious hagfish “mermaids” that had parasitized the halibut as they had almost all of the other fish in those waters, and that have now been unleashed on a lonely fishing boat sitting miles away from shore.    
razorback bridge: a group of teenaged, amateur paranormal enthusiasts livestream their first “investigation” into a local landmark--razorback bridge, rumored to be haunted by the murderous ghost of a local farmer whose crops were so frequently ruined by invasive wild boar that he snapped and devoted the rest of his natural life to slaying the hogs, eventually losing his life to a boar that proceeded to gobble up his remains without leaving a trace. although officials have long restricted access to that part of the woods due to the aggressive nature of the wild boar inhabiting the area, the teens manage to sneak their way onto the bridge and come face-to-face with ol’ rawhide himself--a ravenous, nigh-unstoppable half-man/half-boar that came to be when the hog that consumed the old farmer had its body possessed and warped by the man’s furious ghost, far too angry to accept even the prospect of his own death.    
vigor mortis: a kindly old mortician prides herself on her ability to restore bodies to exactly how they looked in life, enabling their families to have at least one source of comfort during the difficult coping process of loss. one day, however, she is presented with a body so badly mangled in an accident that she almost suggests to forgo embalming altogether and to simply refrigerate the corpse until the burial service, though she ultimately doesn’t when the distraught client begs for the process to be open-casket. try as she might, the mortician finds herself unable to make any substantial restoration on the body. in the few minutes that she steps away from the body in order to think of what else she could do, she turns back to find that it’s...vanished. she soon finds herself being pursued at every turn by the shambling corpse, now enshrouded in a body bag, and is forced to confront both a mangled revenant and a debilitating case of impostor syndrome.
making up for lost time: a conspiracy theory-themed convention is having its first go in philadelphia, pennsylvania--even hosting an artists’ alley selling everything from “ayyy lmao” keychains to collapsible foam JFK heads. when mysterious burn damage begins to show up on the property, however, the inflated egos of the guest panel speakers representing various “unorthodox investigation” groups not only refuse to give up on the convention, but are so prone to bickering amongst themselves and attempting to assume leadership that they only make it harder for the other attendees to respond to the threat of what seems to be a time traveler. that is, the victim of a first attempt at time travel so badly botched that she’s received what is mostly simply put as “space-time carpet burn”: not only is she burning, but her mind, her soul, and the very concept of her throughout space and time are burning, leaving the unreachable chrononaut in a frenzied panic that threatens to scorch everything she touches right out of existence along with her.    
pearly gates: in the midst of a national emergency, a group of local landlords manage to bully their recently-unemployed tenants into coughing up just enough rent to host a get-together at their luxurious gated community. following a constant sensation of being watched and drowsy recollections of blinding light shining through their windows that first evening, the group awakens the next day to find one of them dead--groveling on her hands and knees with her entire skull seeming to have somehow...inverted. they soon realize that they’re being picked off by an angel--one so enraged by their inhuman greed that it wrenched itself free from the heavens in order to exact furious retribution. 
frontera sangrienta: a softspoken chicanx youth sneaks across the american border on a nightly basis under the noses of both his immigrant parents and border patrol agents, for the express purpose of helping mexican migrants safely make their way over. one night, he is met with a family so terrified that he can make out only one word from their panic--”chupacabra”. the legendary mosquito has developed a taste for american blood after devouring careless tourists and escaped goats, and is in hot pursuit of the family considering that the mother is an american herself. the young man--a “mixed signal” to the chupacabra due to his conflicted feelings over thinking of himself as strictly american or mexican--is now the only thing standing between the family and a pitiful, bloody demise.
52: after a saturation diver is violently wrenched from their diving bell in a freak accident and their remains are presumed lost at sea, a marine salvage team is sent in by the chamber’s manufacturers under the surface-level orders to retrieve evidence for the investigation, but with the underlying message really being to “pick all that shit up so we can just sweep it under the rug quickly and quietly”. upon arrival, the crew begins picking up a bizarre frequency that would otherwise be regarded as whalesong...if not for the fact that it is much higher than the calls of any whales known to inhabit the area. the salvage team then finds themselves being picked off one by one by the source of the noise--it turns out that the saturation diver’s sheer will to live allowed their broken body to adapt to the ocean depths, taking on a warped form not too dissimilar to a beluga whale. now the former diver is left to lash out in frenzied desperation, screaming out a cry for help that falls deaf on the ears of both humans and sealife 
i am but a teenage fool who knows nothing about nothing so please do not dunk on me if nothing i wrote here has any accurate basis in real-world experiences or logic. also i’ll update with more if/whenever i think of any 
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eremika-forever12 · 5 years
//Eremika Fanfic : Remember Me!?//
Chapter- 1 click here
Chapter: 2
Pouring some water over the flower pot.....Mikasa finishes off her gardening in the small court yard behind her house....
As she was about to enter....inside the house....she notices someone standing far away....probably waiting for her...
Glancing over the person, Mikasa’s eyes brighten with surprise...
Mikasa looking at the person- Armin! What a pleasent surprise!
Armin foolishly grins- Ahhh....Hi! Errmm...Mikasa!
Mikasa smiles slightly- So what brings you....here? In such an early morning? I suppose you should be with your scouts at the moment ...Captain Armin Arlert!
Armins nervously Chuckles – Well ya....I do have a meeting with commander Hanjee today! So....well....but I came here to talk something important with you!
Mikasa stares at Armin blankly as she says- Go On!
Armin nervously- Wont you ask me to come inside? I guess....too much heat today...Outside!
Mikasa with a blank nod- Oh yes....Sorry for keeping you standing outside! Come in...
Saying this Mikasa goes in while Armin follows her as he whispers silently- Its Okay!
That silhouette.....some one is right behind him!
Eli eyes widen as he stares at that silhouette....who is that? Who must be standing behind him?
Oh my god is he in danger? His mom has always told him to be careful about child kidnappers which roam in corner of every silent place....
Oh god the place is so silent....Eli thinks suddenly...he has started to feel nervous already!
Should he look back or should he....Run!
The silhouette was still there....
Gaining lots of courage...Eli swiftly looks behind his back...
To his shock he absolutely finds no one there...
Eli looks back to the wall where the silhouette was present....to his surprise, there wasnt any presence of silhouette either...
Eli was confused....Was he dreaming or something?
He tries to glance behind to notice if someone is still there or not!
Wind starts blowing around the area as Eli hears the wheezing sound of it....making him kind of shake in fear as he realised he is sitting all alone in this whole destructed area with no sight of any single person.
Mikasa glances back at Armin from kitchen who was sitting around the small round table with a nervous look.
"Whats wrong with him? Why does he look tense? "
Thinks Mikasa....
With two cups of tea in a tray...Mikasa sits opposite Armin face to face.
Armin looks up at her and smiles...
Mikasa sipping the tea as she says boringly- So Armin? Whats the matter? You wanted to say somthing...What is it?
Armin hesitantly stares at Mikasa- Yeah....err....Its...Its about Eli!
Mikasa's eyes widen as she stops drinking the tea and stares at Armin while he continues- Your Son!
Before he could say a word more , Mikasa interrupted as she looked desperate- What about Eli? Is he alright? Did he do anything in school again?
Armin trying to calm Mikasa- Hey calm down! There isnt anything like that but....
Mikasa calming down a bit- But What?
Armin taking deep breath- Mikasa listen! Whatever I am gonna tell you...dont take it other wise! You know very well....Right from his birth I have always looked at him as my own Son!
Mikasa keeps on staring at Armin with no expression as he continues- I have never seen him different even when Alina was born...the thing is actually....I think you need to deal with him carefully Mikasa!
Mikasa frowns as she at Armin- What do you mean by that?
Armin taking deep breath- Today I saw him walking in tense mood....more like he was upset on something! As my meeting was in the afternoon...I decided to follow him to check on him if he was actually fine! He seemed okay after sometime from his expression though I decided to bid him a Hi! He was quite happy seeing me until I mentioned about you telling me to check on him whenever I can last week! He was furious....he almost reminded me of Eren! Well I dont blame his rudeness after all its all about genes...
Armin chuckles a bit then suddenly turning serious he looks at Mikasa- I think you are being too harsh on Him Mikasa!
Mikasa kept looking at Armin blankly when she said coldly- What do you mean by being harsh? Are you gonna tell me he is being rude due to me? Or his feisty behaviour is due to me? I know what I am doing & What is good for him! I am his mother!
Armin sternly- that's not the point Mikasa! You know it! More Over didnt you two had an argument before he left for school? Dont lie to me!
Mikasa coldly- it wasnt an argument! I was simply trying to put some sense in his head! I cant let him be like Eren! I cant let that anger thing control him! He needs to understand the world is cruel but beautiful too which his father never understood! (Whispers Mikasa)
Armin sighing- You know what is the main problem! You are taking his freedom away! Making him sit in the home all day wont solve anything....people wont stop saying crap about him! You both need to live freely! You need to let him open to people! By trying to make him home sick....you cant anyway control his anger! You are simply worsening it!
Mikasa glares- Let him open to people? Yeah right! So that he could kick their butts everytime they open their filthy mouth! Armin....just incase let me remind you! The people around here dont really like our presence! And I dont want my baby to suffer their hatred! Anyways he is indeed going to school....he is learning things there! What he isnt understanding is....loosing his cool wont help him! Its better to ignore people rather than pushing ourselves into hell! Let people say whatever they want....We are happy in our own small world!
Armin raising his voice- Really Mikasa? That what you think? Hiding yourself into this small house....letting Eli be bored all alone in this home! Doing such! What difference are you making? As You Said People Will Speak Shit! Why do you care? What are you afraid off? Its better to live a life the way you want rather than crawling into darkness!
Armin freaks out- Stop it Mikasa! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? IT HAS BEEN 6 DAMN YEARS! EREN IS DEAD! And Humanity Needs Back Their Strongest Soilder!
Mikasa glares as she raises her voice coldly- No he isnt....my heart doesnt believe it! I am sure he is alive...somewhere...
Tears welled up in her eyes- He is just running from us again & again! And I dont understand Why! He promised me for the final time....He will come back to me! If he was here....Eli & me wouldnt have been this much miserable!
Armin shocked- Can you stop it Mikasa? I know you miss him....We miss him too....But he is gone! Accept the reality! Move forward Mikasa! You are only ruining Eli ‘s life! Lastly....You do know how the people acknowledges Eren Now! He is known as Humanity's Biggest Threat in History! Doesnt matter what result has brought from that rumbling! Killing thousands of lives! A murderer is always a murderer!
Mikasa stares at Armin coldly but says nothing as he continues- Eli is still a kid....he doesnt know about his father even! While the people suspects him of Eren's kid! Though they only suspect but have no confirmation! I suggest you....
Mikasa retorts back- I dont need your suggestion Armin! And What proof do you have that Eren is dead? Did you see his body? Or his titanic form again? What makes you so sure of it! Well I dont take any of it....He was your best freind....And you only speak of him being dead! WHY!
Mikasa suddenly holds Armins collar freaking the hell out of him as she shouts- Why? Did you kill him by your own hands? To save humnaity....you were the one who suggested his death!
Armin shocked trying to get rid of her clutch around his collar- Hell No! Whats wrong with you?
Mikasa leaves him with a jerk- I dont care what anyone says....I believe he is alive! Only if he returns to us one day....
Armin sharply as he says hesitantly- Will you be able to forgive him even if he returns from his grave?
Eli is walking hurriedly all alone towards his home....he has gone bit far today....
Moreover he just bunked his school today, he honestly prays.....none of the teachers notices him all of sudden from no where....
The Sun was just on top of him shining brightly....it was quite hot due to the sun rays...
Eli keeps on looking behind at times for some wierd reason....
From a time being, he felt he was being followed by someone! But he couldn't notice anyone keeping an eye on him...
Eli was taking his steps faster....a creepy feeling was eating him out. He was feeling nervous...
Someone is definitely following him....or was it just his intution!
Eli was walking hurriedly without looking infront when suddenly he bumped into someone and fell on the ground....
Eli while rubbing his nose looks upwards and finds two men with hat staring at him angrily.
One man says- Heyyy you little brat! Whats up with you? Are you blind or something!
Suddenly the other man eyes shone brightly as he grinned wickedly- Oh look who is here! The child of the devil.....! ELI....ACKREMAN! THE LITTLE BASTARD....SON OF THAT FREAK!
While other man whispers – Wait....Ackerman? I dont think or remember that monster name as of some Ackraman....it was Yeager!
Eli was scowling at them while still being sitting on ground but not understanding a single thing about what they were talking about but it was definitely something about his name!
Eli angrily- Hey! Whom are you talking to?
The two guys glared at him as one of them pulled him up holding his collar freaking the hell out of him- Hey You Shut Your Filthy Mouth Up! Who even gave you permission to wander in these streets! If the rumours are true of you being the son of that BASTARD! You & your filthy mom should be extint!
Saying this he threw Eli away letting him fall again....
After that both of the men left while laughing loudly making Eli angry more....at that moment he felt like punching the faces of those two old creeps.
He was about to stand and run after them when suddenly a young lad came infront of him....his hair was quite long and the long bangs he had were covering his one eye....he had a stretcher in his one hand which was supporting him to stand still....
Eli notices closely and realises....the guy has a bandage too around his head....
As Eli was lost in noticing, the stranger brings a water bottle infront of him....making him snap out of his senses...
The stranger with deep voice as he stares deeply into Eli eyes while bending a bit- Hey You! You left it there in the bench! I had been following you with my broken leg till here....Kid You Run So Fast! What's the hurry? Here Put it back in your Bag!
Eli blinks his eyes nervously as suddenly it clicked him....Was it this guy following him all the way till here! But back then....there was no one in that barren land!
Eli with shaking hands takes the bottle away from the stranger's hand...
The guy then stands straight from his bending position as he glances back at Eli....
The Sunrays fell on his body as his face shone bright....while Eli eyes widen as he still kept on staring at him while still being on the ground!
While Eli was all numb, the guy asks coldly- Do you think you can stand....Kid?
Eli was scared....he didn't know Why! But he was....all he could do was nod his head swiftly in positive way..
The stranger with blank look replies- Great Then!
Saying so he started limping away slowly while Eli kept on staring at him....
There was something about this person which was bothering little Eli so much....
While at a distance the man halts and glances back at Eli as THEIR GREEN EYES STARED BACK AT EACH OTHER!
Chapter - 3
P.S So How Was The Chapter? Do Like , Share & Comment!😎
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 31 Review.
And here is Netto!
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Oh, sorry, that’s my Gulpin who I nicknamed Netto.
Here is Hikari Netto!
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Well, now I remember why I called him that.
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I like how Netto admits that the title is a bad pun. XD
We open the episode with a Star Wars parody for some reason, don’t believe me?
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Long ago in a far away parody...
Netto narrates the text since it’s in english, and we then see a flying curry saucer near the Earth and a shot of Netto’s plane arriving at Namaste, a country known for its curry. Apperantly, Namaste takes this title seriously since we see something resembling the hand of the statue of liberty holding a curry dish.
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As soon as Netto leaves the airport he is greeted by an indian looking man who tells him that he will partake in an “all you can eat curry buffet”. Netto, being the hungry anime boy protagonist, is delighted by this idea and accepts to go with the perfect stranger, despite Rockman’s suspitions.
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We inmediately cut to a fancy hotel where Netto gets ready to eat his first curry meal.
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Before watching this episode I had no idea what curry was, all I took from this episode is that it was some kind of sauce.
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It just looks like a regular dish with rice and meat sauce with some vegetables on it to me.
Netto begins to chow down the curry like crazy, ignoring Rockman’s warnings.
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Soon after we get a montage of all the dishes he has to eat in a single day.
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How is a curry ice cream even posible?!
 Anyway, the curry sushi seems to hit the spot for Netto as he has another over the top reaction, with the indian guy crying with joy.
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What does tasting curry have to do with being in the N-1?
Get ready ladies, because right after this we get a close up of Netto’s belly expanding.
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Rockman is not to be blamed if Hikari Netto explodes.
More belly expansion.
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What’s strange about this scene is the amount of detail they put into these close ups, it’s suppoused to be funny, but it feels like it has another purpose. Then again, I might have a dirty mind. X(
We leave Netto asking for more as we zoom in to some mountains where we find Madoi and Count Elec hand gliding. They talk about Mahajarama summoning them to Namaste and that Hinouken already there. We still don’t know why, but since they are gliding really high their gliders freeze up and the two of them fall into an abyss.
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I’m sure they’re fine.
 We then see Netto’s friends on a ship where Yaito tells them that they should surprise Netto at Namaste since it is his last stop, and what better way to get there fast than in a freaking rocket!
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Even Yaito seems like she’s having second thoughts. XD
Speaking of bad decisions, we return with a shot of a super stuff Netto. Naturally, he is too full to keep eating, but since Netto loves curry so much he wont quit.
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This guy doesn’t see that Netto is too full?
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It took this long for his vest to finally open.
We then see the fat Netto on a bed where the indian guy tells him to get ready to meet the best curry restaurant in Namaste with a very familiar name.
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Good to know your ears are not stuff too.
After this, we cut to Count Elec and Madoi with some souvenirs for Mahajarama.
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I like how the Count gets offended after Mahajarama underappreciates the souvenirs.
Turns out Mahajarama owns a popular curry restaurant that has been in his family for generations, to which Count Elec asks him why he didnt bother paying for airplane tickets for them.
They also ask why he called for the World Three members.
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Well that came out perfectly for you, considering you took the wrong plane in the last episode, but now that I think about it, could Mahajarama had something to do with that too?
Mahajarama tells them the harsh truth about them never getting real jobs and that their only hope is to rebuild World Three, and the only way to do that is for them to finally defeat Netto and Rockman.
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Since the last time you saw them? Because you still believe last episode was a dream, right?
After Hinouken mentions something about team work, we cut to Netto’s friends who are finally at Namaste. Not knowing where Netto is, Yaito tells them that she will track him with her spy satelite and that they will wait in the air for the results.
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She has an automatic lawn mower as part of her security system, a giant tree house that doubles as a secret base, her own private jet, a limo that can drive over water, her own battle submarine, and a freaking rocket! What else is new?
We cut back to the World Three with Mahajarama giving a speech about curry being a combination of different spices and compares it to the perfect team work, as he reveals the other three members rising from the floor with colorful chef hats.
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I like their different expressions, Count Elec looks angry, Hinouken is embarrassed, and only Madoi seems cool with it.
They are all gathered in an underground Net Battle arena that doubles as a curry research lab where Mahajarama reveals a giant machine with several arms like a hindu god.
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Pfff... Puririkko-chan.
This giant machine scans the brain waves of all the World Three members and has the ability to create a curry dish based on their team work.
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Each plate comes with a glass of water, cooked rice, some chopped vegetables and a spoon.
Since they know nothing about team work the taste of the curry is flat out horrible. Mahajarama tells them that if they can master working together the curry will taste better.
Outside of Mahajarama’s restaurant, Netto arrives with Rockman. Their suspitions are confirmed once they see a life zise statue of Mahajarama at the entrance, Rockman warns Netto that it is a trap, but Netto’s stomach proofs to be stronger than his brain since the smell of the curry inside is enough for him to go in.
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Geez, Netto, if it wasn’t just the World Three you would’ve put your life in danger just because you couldn’t resist the smell of curry.
Netto quickly remembers he walked into a trap as soon as he hears Mahajarama’s voice, who captures him inside a ball that transports Netto to the underground floor.
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After commercials, Netto arrives at the underground arena where he is greeted by the World Three operators challenging him to a Net Battle, Netto agrees and sends Rockman into a cyberworld that looks a giant curry stew.
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Just like their operators, Fireman and Elecman can’t wait to fight Rockman and interrupt Magicman’s witty dialogue attemp.
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Rockman points out that they are cowards and the two Navis rush over to attack him, with Coloredman joining in by thowing his ball along with some vegetables he picks up accidentaly hitting Fireman and Elecman who fall in the apperantly boiling curry water.
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Mahajarama nags them and the machine scans them again revealing another curry dish that they dont even bother to taste.
Netto sends in the Shot gun to Rockman, but the four Navis finally work together to block the attack and make a combo. Rockman dodges the attack but a new curry dish is created.
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Normally when lightning strikes, it means something bad.
The World Three curry is getting better as they score another combo attack, which is just them passing Coloredman’s ball to eachother like in a soccer game, and they knock Rockman into a giant bread cooker that rises from the water.
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Rockman is being cooked inside, and it looks like Yaito’s spy satelite can also capture images from the cyberworld because Netto’s friends inmediately receive the footage of Rockman’s face! They figure that Netto and Rockman are in trouble and they hurry to where the footage came from.
Netto points out that the World Three strategy is dirty, but Mahajarama just complements himself by saying that the dirtyness adds that extra flavor to his curry.
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Okay, now the machine has cooked meat too?!
Yaito’s rocket arrives and drops two drilling cars with arms that bust through the ceilling to where Netto and the World Three are, because what can’t you buy when you’re rich?!. After casually greeting him, Netto’s friends plug in their Navis to break the container where Rockman is.
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The World Three Navis proceed to attack them, but Rockman’s friends protect him with a cuadriple barrier. After seeing how in synch they are we eachother, Mahajarama scans the group’s brain waves and a new curry dish appears, literally blowing the World Three away.
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Netto and the others explain to him that their team work is better because they’ve been friends for a long time, and that the best curry is the one that is left out after a day.
Rockman activates a new style change, the Elec Team Style aka Elec Brother Style.
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Somehow Netto knows the Elec Brother’s ability since he asks Tohru to lend him Iceman’s power by using an “extension chip” from who knows where, because I have never heard of that until now.
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The extension chip downloads Iceman’s data into Rockman which might be the anime’s version of a Navi chip, this grants Rockman the power to send his electricity to the WWW Navis and freezing them.
For some other unexplained reason, Piririkko-chan...Pff, blows up after this and Netto and friends manage to escape on Yaito’s rocket just in time, where Netto then tells them that he might not eat curry again in a long time after his experience in Namaste.
Mahajarama survived the explosion where he is found by Beet, he says that he have finally realized that he’s indian curry is superior to the japanese curry and that he will proceed with his plan of expanding his restaurant world wide.
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However, the other World Three operators overhear him and are not happy with the fact that he used them in order to confirm his theory, leading to them beating him up off camera.
Netto finally returns home, where his useless mom had no idea he was coming back that day nor did she even consider picking him up at the airport. Netto asks her what’s for dinner and falls over after she tells him that its curry. And the episode ends with Rockman laughing at Netto’s bad luck and telling the viewers that their trip around the world is officially over.
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She sure seems trilled to see her only son back home! XC
My thoughts?
This episode wasn’t just for comedic purposes, it also lets us know what the former WWW members are up too after the whole Pharohman incident. Any other criminal would just go find another job, because its not like the police know who they are and the Net agents have proved to be useless in arresting people. No, these guys want to keep creating chaos and get revenge on Rockman, Mahajarama already has a different goal, why can’t the others do the same? Just give up already, you’re never gonna beat Rockman!
“Namaste” is an Indian greeting, and in the anime it is the name of a country that seems to be based on India, though it is never mentioned again after this episode.
We also learn what curry is, curry is a dish that was created in India and is a sauce made by combining spices and herbs. Curry is a popular dish in other asian countries who adopted it and created their own curry recipies based on reginal preferences. For example, did you notice how the curry plate created from Netto and his friends teamwork was yellow rice? That is because thats a japanese styled curry. Rice curry is a popular dish in Japan, so in any anime series you will always find atleast one episode where the main characters are eating rice curry.
The Elec Team style is actually named the Elec Brother style, I guess it is because Rockman and Netto are suppoused to be brothers in the game. This style is activated when using Navi chips often, since there are no Navi chips in the anime they decided to let Rockman gain another Navis ability with the help of some “magical” extension chip that appears out of nowhere, seriously, I have no idea where Netto got that thing or knew it was compatible with the new style.
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