pandasarebaee · 1 year
Do you now the feeling when you look at an aesthetic mood board that you made for one of your characters and just get this ache because you want to be them. Like you want that life exactly but you just can’t ever achieve it and you long for these pictures to have been made by you?
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pandasarebaee · 2 years
So I was at a Showing of Be more Chill yesterday
And it was really awesome because
Christine only walked around doing ballet ( no normal walking here no sir)
Mr Heere and Mr Reyes were played by women but still had the same character traits
Rich had green hair ( and was played by the same actor who played JD three years ago in the same theater)
Jenna was played as a non-binary character and called Jay. They only deadnamed for dramatic effect once and they immediately apologized and didn’t do it again over the whole play. AND they explained what deadnaming is and how shitty it is on the booklet they made for the show
For “Rich set a fire” they all wore animal onesies
Rich was still bisexual but in this version he was in love with Jeremy
RICH JUST LOOKED LIKE THE HOTTEST PUNK ROCK BITCH (you can’t change my mind fight me)
At the end Mrs Heere was just a girl boss (yas Queen you go, slay)
The squid was played by three people ( and one of them played Heather chandler three years ago)
The actors were all sooooo sweet and because they’re just a small theatre group they all almost cried when people told them how awesome it was ( also they all give very good hugs and the actor of Jay and Jeremy were so cute I love them)
And all in all I just loved it so much.
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pandasarebaee · 3 years
Everytime I eat a piece of cake i look at it and think „Wow we‘re both pieces. You‘re a piece of cake and I‘m a piece of shit“
But it never answers for it‘s crimes and neither do I!
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pandasarebaee · 3 years
Is it weird that Camilo helped me understand my gender disaster?
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pandasarebaee · 3 years
You’ve heard of ace cake now get ready for
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pandasarebaee · 4 years
So if Jesus is the child of God and Maria... Jesus is a demigod!!!
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pandasarebaee · 4 years
If in toy story every toy comes to life you have to ask yourself... what counts as a toy? Does everything you play with become a toy?
If you were to play with you food, would it then immediately gain consciousness? Or if you play with a body part of yours for example your foot would it gain consciousness? Could you still control it or would you just have a foot that moves on its own?
In a world were children can play with literally anything, this thought kinda scares me.
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pandasarebaee · 4 years
Being anxious AND forgetful is like:
Thinking: „I have to call my grandma , but I am to anxious to call her so maybe I‘ll do it later“
Then forgetting about it and getting yelled at by your mom because you forgot to call your grandma and now she (your mom) thinks you are arrogant and ungrateful.
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pandasarebaee · 4 years
Just so you can imagine how i am this fine day: I dreamed about going to therapy:D
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pandasarebaee · 4 years
why people assume I want long flowy hair: to look more girly, feminoine❤️👸
why I actually want to have long hair:
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pandasarebaee · 4 years
A CONVERSATION BETWEEN ME 1 (one) Bisexual, my gay friend and my asexual friend
Gay friend: You know homo means human in Latin!
Me: Wow. Do you know this feeling when you’re human-sexual?!
My ace friend (totally emotionless): No...
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pandasarebaee · 4 years
My politics teacher just asked me (who talked about hot girls not even five minutes before) if I want children, to which I replied no. Then he said: “Oh well when you find the right man...” and I just said there like:
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pandasarebaee · 4 years
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When you’re trying to find a plot for a new ineffable husbands fanfiction...
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pandasarebaee · 5 years
Do you know the feeling when you’re too tired to do anything but not tired enough to actually sleep?
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pandasarebaee · 5 years
Evan Hansen and Connor Murphy from „Dear Evan Hansen“ are the high-school-mental-illness equivalents of Aziraphale and Crowley from „Good Omens“.
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pandasarebaee · 5 years
For my pals who search for new bands!!!!
Try 'C for Caroline'!!! It's a german Punkband and and they are reaaaaaaaally good.
(Also I now the drummer XD)
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pandasarebaee · 5 years
I just noticed being bisexual is like being a cat AND a dog person
Like, people always ask me:
“Are you a cat or a dog person”
And I’m like “I like both!”
And then people argue about that like “How can you like cats too their so disgusting and evil” oder “Ew you like dogs too, sorry but I can’t talk to you anymore!”
And I am always very confused.
How can you get angry about that?
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