#Yandere jinwoo sung
viloxity · 4 months
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Fluctuating Skies (Part 1 of 2) — Yandere! Sung Jinwoo x Female Reader
Part 2
Synopsis: The scenario where the Monarchs rule Earth and the Shadow Monarch finds you in the New World.
A/N: this is one of two parts (he’ll get more unhinged, don’t worry). additionally, this is cross posted on quotev under the same name (viloxity). Any and all feedback or comments are greatly appreciated!!!
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You loved the sky.
The sky was beautiful, and perfect. It was never-ending; even when you stared until your eyes burned, you could never find the ending—or the beginning. You would stare, and stare, until you noticed the clouds. The way the clouds explored the skies’ vastness, steadily drifting towards their next unknown journey, gave you hope in this fickle world—a world where you were not sure if a tomorrow was guaranteed.
Each distortion that filled the skies—the skies you have started to despise—spelled an inevitable demise as humanity endured even worse losses. As you took exams at college, there were lines outside of hospitals. The day of your graduation, as you walked the confetti covered balcony, there were bodies lining graves—the A-rank dungeon break nearly flushed out a small city an hour away from you. That day, your supposed ‘celebration’ encompassed hesitant smiles and reluctant whispers that congratulated you on your success.
“At least we are still here.” You recalled a woman saying, scolding the looks on her family’s faces.
You looked at the sky, your tassel gently flowing with the motion of your head. Eventually, the monsters will take over this land. They will overwhelm humanity’s strongest fighters and wipe out the population in clusters. You could feel the anger pooling, then, at your helplessness. Average civilians were so weak, so useless. It hurt that you couldn’t even protect anyone, let alone yourself. Why, why were you born so weak—
Your emotions stilled at a cloud that slowly passed over the sun. Your heart was calm, beating slower.
Even when the world ends, the sky will remain unchanged—unchanged, vast, and still beautiful.
Then, the world ended.
You still remembered the day as if it were just yesterday, when the gates appeared—the roaring sounds oscillating across the entire country and its diameter devouring the peaceful summer sky. The action of itself was unjust—not because it triggered the apocalypse, but because it tied in a pacifist to the unyielding destruction of the entire world. There was a brief intermission between the gate openings and the flow of monsters; realization of the situation propelled Darwin’s theory of natural selection into motion. You were lucky to have broken out of your stupor, yelling out that everyone should run—maybe you saved some lives that day.
The screams were just as loud as the tremors that shook the earth once the rampage began. You could not focus on anything else but the shrieks, and the vile sounds of slicing of innocent faces you would now never get to meet in this lifetime. Once again, you were helpless to the world around you. No awakening, no power, no ability to do anything. The best you could do was silence your whimpers and hope it all stops.
Was your family okay? You thought as another scream fell silent. Where were they?
You looked at the sky for a miracle, but all you could see was that damned gate.
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“Thank you.” The stranger’s trembling hands folded over the small bread bun, his eyes full of shame and gratitude.
You nodded, then smiled. “You can pick up water from the well just North of here.”
The man nodded his head, repeatedly murmuring ‘thank you’s’ with his voice growing hoarse as tears dripped down his eyes. He had not moved to start eating yet; you could feel his hesitance even after you gave him the bun. You nodded once more before making a swift exit. From a few meters away, you could distantly make out the sounds of biting and chewing.
Your heart felt content. It was warm, sometimes, but it was hard for the heat to linger long. It was hard to fan the flames in the first place; humanity had dispersed into fragments, with remnants of a sound society lost long ago. You also had not heard of a single word regarding your family, no matter how many villages you crossed or people you asked—you assumed them dead on the day of the Parade.
Yes, the day of the Parade. The day of the nightmare you wished to forget, the crossing of endless monstrosities, and the mark of the end of humanity. By some miracle, despite the constant onslaught of dragons and beasts crossing the gates, you lived. Back then, people agreed how fortunate you and others were to be able to hide—after all, if you didn’t hide, you ran. Yet, all you could feel was turmoil brewing within you.
Was it really something fortunate?
The people you loved; your family, friends, they were all gone. Your accomplishments, career, vanished the moment the gates flooded open. Back then, you were playing a game of ‘pretend’—those serene smiles and unsaid thoughts renounced the oncoming catastrophe as a tale of make-believe. You wanted to shout at the survivors that nothing was ‘fortunate’ anymore, that you all were apart of scrapped pages ripped from a fable that deemed your lives forfeit after its story reached the end. You were dirt on the ground, now; organic matter that existed as sustenance for better life forms.
Then, there was the sky. The sky you had loved and cherished deeply, was an entity that you blamed. It was the sky’s fault; something that symbolized tranquility and freedom was replaced as a symbol of the beginning of the end. Beautiful, were the bright explosions that blinded and wrecked cities. Vast, the lines of gates that it held. Limitless, the rows and rows of monsters it brought from within. No longer a constant variable in your life, it was something that reminded you of the day you lost everything.
At least, that’s what you thought back then.
There was more to life than you realized when you found the first village. You had trekked far from the city, and far from your home. You did not know where you were walking, and it looked fruitless based on the lack of your supplies. By a stroke of luck, a group came across you while you were slumped on the floor. They pitied you, offering to take you to their sanctuary—the last of humanity’s efforts to survive.
Upon arrival, you noticed the structure itself looked flimsy, with a handful of people walking through rubble and around deep holes in the ground. It also looked poorly built; houses were built from logs and leaves, with some looking as if they could fall over any moment. But, that didn’t matter—what mattered were the people. A person stood in the middle of the village; you could only make out his shouts and pointing in different directions to assume he was the leader of the village. You watched as men moved to build another house, the same poorly structured house, as others ran away to seemingly get supplies. The women occupied their time by cooking and playing with the children, and you nearly cried at how carefree the children looked.
Despite everyone’s losses, they still moved on. You all were specks of dirt in the ground, but together—as soil—you could erode even the hardest of rocks.
You stopped momentarily, turning behind a piece of wooden wall that was left from a now-destroyed-shed. You peeked around the corner, seeing the man feast on the tiny bun. Good, he was eating. You originally volunteered to assist outsiders, thus had been handing out bread buns the entire day to lone scavengers roaming the outskirts. Although you could no longer take care of your family like you used to, at least you can try to ensure the nourishment of others.
You sighed, relief sifting down your body. You shifted through your bag, feeling the weight of a singular item. You had one more piece left, meaning your work wasn’t over, but you had exhausted nearly the entire outskirts. Perhaps you should take another lap around again—
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw what looked to be a dark, blackened figure. It reminded you of the black spots you would get when you were dizzy or fatigued, so you turned your head for a better view.
There was… nothing. Everything was dark, covered by a half-broken roof and the rapid growth of moss and vines. You felt as if… something was staring at you. It was like a sharp pinch, as if there was a pair of eyes piercing like a needle into your soul. At the same time, you felt tired; enough so that if you were to close your eyes right now, you were sure the abyss would greet you in response.
Your eyes swept the shed, noticing a faintly drawn outline that was swaying within the void of darkness. You made contact with a pair of dimmed gray hues, its stare so bold and cold that a shiver quaked through your body. It was tempting to conclude that it was just some illusion, some petty trick on your mind so that the pill was easier to swallow. The longer you stared into the gray depths, the more you couldn’t look away.
What was this feeling?
It was not only that you felt your heart pump strenuously, but the surreality of your condition. You felt and heard your heart pump simultaneously with the feeling of adrenaline hitting your bloodstream. Your arms and legs tensed out of instinct, causing you to wince as your muscle fibers moved and pulled across your bones. The several cracks under the soles of your feet trembled slightly, as if matching your fear.
You wanted to look away so badly. You are too entranced now; a rabbit trapped under sharp claws as the wolf stared down its prey.
Please, please, please, look away.
No, this feeling—
You are remembering that day again. God, why even remember now?
It must be a coincidence—but it couldn’t be. It feels so much like…
Like those beasts.
Those beasts that walked where the sun did not follow.
They appeared in shaky and inky black forms. They would appear, and whatever they would do, would always result in a calamity. You heard the most screams from them, always.
“I’m paralyzed.” You thought, realization sinking in.
Is this the end?
Then, a sigh.
A deep, long, aired out sigh.
In an instant, all the pressure building within your frame vanished. The tension on your sarcomeres lessened, like a weight slowly floating off your shoulders. As the rush dissipated, you are left with trembling hands and shaky legs. Your senses came back to you, one by one.
Your head shot up, fearful eyes meeting wary ones. You see a figure, now—which looked to be a man—but it was odd. His frame was fluctuating between reality and obscurity, like he was struggling to pick the right balance of tenebrosity or to succumb entirely to the veil of night. His stare engraved holes into you; it was lucky that you hadn’t deflated into a balloon, most likely due to the restraint on his aura.
Aura… his sheer presence is powerful enough to knock you unconscious, that much you could tell.
To be truthful, you were clueless as to his actual thoughts. Initially, his presence was concealed—only emitting essence that you now thought was a warning. Maybe you pushed a button or two, seeing as he actually appeared in front of you. If anything, you were slightly grateful to know that you weren’t entirely crazy and that there was an actual person in the shed. However, you couldn’t read his expression at all; firstly because he wasn’t conveying anything, and secondly because you were too scared to try.
Neither of you moved; the shock having knocked the breath out of you and the stranger seemingly studying you.
“Go home.”
His voice was deep, so low in octave you imagined the sound waves still bouncing around your ear drums. In any other situation, it would’ve soothed you, as you envisioned singing lullabies or the humming of baritone tunes.
But, you also weren’t stupid. The man’s wording was specific—a demand. In a sense, he was a king; a ruler who offers you mercy after finding you in contempt of the sovereign because you tried stepping on his land. Unconsciously, your legs moved, recognizing that the lord gave you permission to leave—words your being waited on with bated breath to live another day.
So, you ran, not realizing that you dropped your bag of items, nor the growing smile on the stranger’s face.
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That man, he never left your mind.
Somber gray eyes, and a complexion that rivaled Greek gods. His hair was as dark as the shadows devoured under his silhouette. He was more than ordinary, representative of a being that practices and deals in absolute power. There were only a handful of people who were gifted with abilities like that, back when the very first gates opened.
Right, now you remembered—they were called hunters. Hunters were classified into different rankings, all the way to S-rank and even national level hunters. To be a hunter, you were granted a certain seed of power.
If he were to be like anything else back then, could he have been a hunter? An S-class, even?
It was rare to come across ‘hunters’ anymore, the label long disbanding alongside the association that coined the term. When they appeared, it was considered a bad omen. Either they were chased by the Monarchs of the New World (for the risk they held) or isolated by the unawakened out of fear. Perhaps, the man was the last of the hunters—of the humans who could fight back at all.
Either way, you wanted to see him again. The more reflecting you did, the more you registered his seclusion; he is far, far from the remnants of civilization.
Regardless of the fear you felt, or the possibility of death, he was still human. He was someone who lost everything, just like you and everyone else.
The destination was a long and grueling walk from the current village you stayed at. Passing by outlanders, you gave out food and supplies as normal, while steadily making your way towards the shed.
Would he still be there? It was hard to say. Most remaining hunters were known to be nomads; staying in one place for longer than a day was like shooting fish in a barrel for their next enemy. You were not sure if he was a hunter in the first place, too—it was your latest profound superstition to be proven by whatever little luck you had left. As you treaded further, the familiarity of your surroundings fill you with perpetual dread. You began to second-guess your courage to embark on this trip in the first place, thoughts clouded and eventually drowned out by faint whispers inside decaying wooden walls. The moment your final step reached the broken shelter a hush filled the air, the shed girdling the edge of the forest encompassed by a heavy silence.
“Hello?” You called out to no one in particular.
You nearly surprised yourself with the surge of bravery to make out your greeting. You peeked into the shed, hands waving through vines. There was no one around the entrance, despite you hearing multiple voices.
You weaved through a few cracks in the floorboard before being greeted by gray eyes. You jumped, obviously, because you did not expect him to be in such close proximity to you. He was a till a few feet away, but you could have never spotted him if he chose to sit closer to the wall. He was indeed discernible now, sitting under a small stream of light gifted by the sun. His shadow dragged along the box he sat atop of, sinking behind its crevices before pushing itself onto the wall and absorbing its shade. In any other universe, you would’ve described it as strange. In this case, you thought it supported how outlandish—and isolated—he must be.
“You’re back, what a surprise,” The man said, expression clearly detached. “I thought I scared you off.”
This was going to be difficult.
“Right. I was, but I thought it would be better to introduce myself since we got off on the wrong foot—“
A half truth, but you were also cautious.
“—my name is Y/N.”
He was burning holes into you again—the stare wasn’t any less discomforting than the previous time. His silence, too, was deafening. A sudden urge to scream to at least get a reaction out of him rose within you, but you quickly simmered it out.
The stranger’s eyes narrowed slightly as he let out a faint hum.
You winced. “I wanted to give you something that I couldn’t last time.”
You quickly plucked out a wrapped item, hastily tearing through the covering to reveal a bread bun. You weren’t able to catch a glimpse of his face, opting to shift the bread onto an elevated surface so he wouldn’t be incentivized to lunge at you.
“I hope that this helps you, even if it isn’t a whole lot.” You said, nervously picking your cuticles.
The silence was very, VERY heavy, and—can he please say something?
You looked up and caught the man’s wide eyed, dazed state as his eyes lingered on the bread. It reminded you of a skeptical stray cat at a crossroads when offered an open-hand. The man’s eyes met yours, then, and all you could think was how much better he looked without baring his teeth at you.
“You’re funny.” He dryly chuckled, faint smile betraying his nonchalance.
You offered a small smile, blissfully unaware of his next few words.
“I’m Jinwoo.”
“See you tomorrow?”
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“Are you a hunter, Jinwoo?” You asked after placing down the wrapped bread.
You wanted to use his name in some way, lest you forget it or say it wrong. It was ironic you carried over some of your social habits after the end of the world, like a puppy you once fed.
“You could say that,” Jinwoo replied simply.
“Could?” You echoed.
He must’ve noticed your frown, adding, “Not like it matters now.”
He had a point; the name lost its meaning awhile ago. Still, you were ruffled by his restrained disposition. Surely, the label still had meaning to him.
…No, that was an unfair presumption. Jinwoo knows his own memories and emotions better than everyone, especially you. Besides, it wasn’t worth arguing the semantics on the basis of mere suspicion.
Thus, you decided to let it go.
Ah, that reminded you—he never told you his last name.
“You don’t have family?”
“I did.”
You perked up. “…You lost them, too?”
Jinwoo closed his eyes, licking his lips. “Because of the Tragedy, yes, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Then, he squinted his eyes curiously. “I’m more interested in your story.”
You coughed suddenly, shocked by his gravitation towards you. Maybe it was because all you had to offer was bread and stories, or because you never took the chance to settle with your memories, but you felt compelled to talk.
And talk, you did.
Jinwoo was an excellent listener; he was levelheaded and passive, allowing you to just… talk, and talk, and talk (with a tendency to sigh or huff as remarks). You were spilling your family’s entire life story, grasping this fact in the middle of talking about your sister’s fiancé’s secret affair, but you found that you didn’t care. If you weren’t able to come to terms with your family’s passing before this, perhaps someone else can remember in your stead.
Did he care to remember every single detail, anyway? Probably not.
“Hold on—I lost track of the time. Crap, it’s getting dark.” You said, rushing to readjust your cloak. If you started the walk now, you might make it before it’s fully dark.
“It’s rather late, it wouldn’t be safe for you to leave.” Jinwoo said, rough voice clipping louder than your hurried shuffling.
“Did you like my stories that much?” You joked.
You waited a few beats of silence. “Sorry, bad joke; I wouldn’t have any place to sleep if I stayed, anyway.”
The shed violently shook at the end of your sentence, causing your heart to lurch in your chest. You latched onto the metal pole next to you, clutching tightly as you waited for the shaking to cease. Within seconds, Jinwoo was next to you, gently but firmly holding your arm; in moments, the quaking stopped.
“Must’ve been an earthquake.” Jinwoo noted, tone and expression laced with unconventional serenity.
Your quivering hadn’t stopped after the vibrations ceased. In fact, it increased exponentially because you were still trying to comprehend the glimpse of Jinwoo’s vibrant, deep purple eyes etched with absolute unadulterated fury.
You were deluded, you thought quickly as your breathing hastened. You were tired, surely.
“I should go home.”
His breathing stilled.
“Don’t forget about me tomorrow,” Jinwoo said, sounding strangely hollow as his iron grip slowly released you.
Once again, you ran away from his grasp.
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starzgaze · 4 months
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"i swear this is the last time I'm leaving them alone with you"
"oh it was just one time! and the chase was pretty fun don't you think?" -S.JW & L.Z
I'm actually insane over these two ahhah........ save me... anway reqs open hah...
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nyashykyunnie · 5 months
˗ˏˋ Yandere! Sung Jinwoo x Player! Reader ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕁𝕚𝕟𝕨𝕠𝕠˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
・┆✦ Entry : 025 ✦ ┆・
‼️[ TW: stalking, obsession, yandere Jinwoo au ]
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┈➤ ❝ [ L o a d i n g. . . ] ¡! ❞
You never really thought about it, you just downloaded Solo Leveling's new game out of excitement to want to see your precious Jinwoo on screen. Perhaps you're here to re-experience the story, or maybe you want to help him grow better. Or just watch him entirely.
After all, you played this game to see him.
Leveling him up as much as you can, getting frustrated when you run out of keys, gold and materials to max him out— You became obsessed with this game just as fast you became with the main protagonist,...
Not knowing that he could feel your drilling gaze on him.
Jinwoo really doesn't know how this happened. He just had a good hot shower after finishing a high ranked gate and sprawled on his bed like a starfish the moment he was done with his nightly routine.
Then all of the sudden, he awakened in the body of his pathetic self. The him he hated so much. He wanted to thrash around, feel his face, or even speak. But in the end, he is somehow stuck on making mundane things. Saying cheesy lines that internally makes him wretch.
Jinwoo felt so disgusted when he sees himself in the reflection on the puddles of water. Unkept hair that looks like it hasn't been brushed for days. His small stature lacking any muscles, he's built like a twig and Jinwoo cant help but feel a huge douse of fury washing over him.
He even tries to make contact with his old friends. He cant say or control his body, but he could atleast control the movement of his eyes. He tried staring at Ju-hee's face even. But he soon realized that she's not really there. it's like she's a hollow machine spatting out whatever.
He tried to summon his shadows who were thankfully still with him, but he could tell that his children are all asleep despite him trying his best to wake them up telepathically.
But most of all, he could feel your eyes on him. He could hear your taps against something. It took Jinwoo a bit of time to realize that he himself— Is actually in a game and you are the player, the player that is controlling him like a damn puppet.
He hated it at first really, he could hear your excited squeals and his head even spins when you toss your phone around when he does something remotely basic. When you spin him around he craves to reach his hand out and shake you as punishment for making him go around and around like some sort of carousel.
Jinwoo had no choice but to be patient with you.
Even as he wants to sigh in defeat whenever you level up the wrong stats, even as you prioritize the wrong things, even as you skip reading important tutorials, even as you level up the wrong artifacts when they have the shittiest substats ever.
Really, sometimes, he just internally begs for you to stop playing the game and let him go. Maybe if you stop, he would wake up and go back to his mundane everyday life.
Though to his dismay, you kept playing everyday ceaselessly. Leveling him up, getting excited over events, feeling victorious whenever you win even with your ridiculously poorly built weapons and artifacts or pulling something good in the gacha system.
At least you're trying to take good care of him in a way, he appreciates that somehow.
But the more time spent, the more Jinwoo is learning.
While you're oblivious to everything and just blindly charging head-first in the game. Jinwoo spends that time learning about you.
He knows at least that he isn't someone real in your world, and he is nothing more than a figment of someone's imagination.
And most importantly, he is apparently your favourite character.
The thought of it made him shudder with cringe honestly.
Like come on, seriously?
Choose better you dimwit.
Of course, that sent him in a whole spiral of existential dread. Even as he isn't in a mood for anything. He cant really voice it out or do anything about it since you are technically his master and he is depresisngly bound to do whatever you wish.
Ah, but who is he again? Jinwoo.
Sung Jinwoo, The Shadow Monarch.
Just like before, Jinwoo will swallow the system. But this time, he's not just going to hack the game code— He will swallow your entire phone system.
Take it as a revenge for making him live through his E-ranked days again.
... At least that's what he plans but instead he craved to wash his eyes out with soap.
The amount of edits you have of him in your phone, the many many screenshots of him you have in your gallery— God, he just wanted to die actually.
Then again, he died a number of times and still woke up again so he's just pulling his leg here.
As frustrating it is, Jinwoo wa slowly finding himself getting attached to you.
From dreading your daily log-ins to actually looking forward to the time you log-in. He even memorized the exact time you usually open the game.
With his little tinkering here and there, he started helping you out with your gacha luck. From usually hitting hard pity to get something good to suddenly frequently having red appear despite being at low pity.
He cant really intervene with the system blindly since you will get suspicious so he starts manipulating the codes into making you have better artifacts and substats. You're not that stupid to keep the shitty ones anyway so he's thankful for that.
Slowly, slowly, Jinwoo's mind deteriorated from simple endearment to outright obsession in a span of a few days or weeks— He can't really tell when he started to become attached to you, his dearly beautiful master.
It never really sunk in how much he adored you until you opened another game you've stopped playing because of him. Jinwoo was so infuriated he almost made your phone shut down since he was in charge of it's system now.
He badly wanted to destroy your account in that game but refrained from doing so since he didn't want you to become upset.
Through hovering around in the code like a boogeyman, he could see that you display signs of attachment to these insignificant characters.
These damn fools aren't even aware of your affections and are just hollow dolls made up of codes. They're nothing more than fools just doing whatever the fuck they were programmed to do.
Jinwoo gets increasingly pissed off when you grind someone else's materials, when you giggle and kick around whenever you hear and read a line from them. Veins would pop angrily from Jinwoo's jaw, almost as if they could burst any moment.
But he had to keep his cool.
He had to endure them since atleast they're making you happy even if he entirely hates the premise of something else stealing your smiles away from him.
Jinwoo behaved relatively well until you decided to abandon him just to grind for another goddamn character you're pining to get.
Jinoo prayed it'll only be for one day, but soon lost his mind when you decided to ignore him for a total of 2 weeks just to get that fucking bastard home. He found it so disgusting that someone else dared to be the apple of your eye. That fucker made you hit hard pity when he in comparison just gives you whatever you want. It fucking pissed him off on another level.
Of course, you decided to pop right back in the moment you get that character from another game.
But Solo Leveling suddenly felt weird.
The game wasn't really buggy or anything, it looked normal but somehow— Somehow, you could feel a pair of eyes watching you the whole time. it was an eerie feeling but you just shrugged it off as you having a weird sense of gut feeling.
But ah, it started to make you feel horrified whenever you play the game.
You try to move to another game, but somehow you cant get them to open. You tried to reinstall and install again but it wont budge. Even as you moved to another device it wont work.
All your games wouldn't work except for Solo Leveling itself.
Left with no other choice, you start grinding him again.
You often forget that weird feeling you have stirring in the pit of your stomach.
However, sometimes, you could catch a glimpse of Jinwoo's eyes— Glancing right back at you even when you didn't manipulate the screen into making it that way.
You shrug it off as a weird bug in the game or your eyes just casually playing tricks on you.
But one day when you left your screen hanging for a few minutes since you had to do some chores, you go back just to see Jinwoo's grey eyes staring at you.
Even as you try to move around, his pupils would follow your movement like a hawk.
Back turned, a form straight and poise— You are sure that he really is looking at you.
Attempting to exit the game was to no avail, since your screen would freeze.
Turning off the button served no purpose either.
And finally, Jinwoo would move on his own, his tailcoat swishing around as he finally turns to meet your gaze with purple orbs glowing so eeriely like the devil reincarnated.
His mouth would move, mouthing so sweetly with his deep voice vibrating through your whole body "You really should have just stayed put, otherwise, I wouldn't have resorted to this."
A hand would suddenly burst from your screen a strong hand firmly holding your wrist. Long and elegant digits were on your skin now, the grip so firm it made you shudder. You weren't given any time to panic or scream for help as you were suddenly yanked in roughly but also gently.
Your eyes would be shut tight, your body shivering from fright as the strong hold on your wrist still stayed.
Then, an arm would find it's way around your waist— Making your orbs shot wide open as they now once again meets with another's gaze.
The gaze you have been staring for so long, the slanted deep eyes the were seemingly carved out of the finest gemstones, eyebrows steady and straight as if it were drawn by the most talented artist, his nose and jawline perfectly angled that felt like it was god himself who carved this divine appearance so that no man could ever match against his unflawed features.
Sung Jinwoo
"Locking you out of your other accounts worked at first, but then it started to rub me wrong," Jinwoo starts, his deep voice seeming to echo inside your eardrums as he shifts your hand to his chest where you can feel two distinctive heartbeats drumming against his ribcage. "Maybe I'm guilty for making you frustrated, after all, you tried your best to get into them just to see those pesky imbeciles."
He then continues, "Of course, I could always lift the binds that I placed down. But even the idea of your pretty eyes looking at something else set me off"
"So instead of making you suffer with bullshit you shouldn't, I decided it's high time I bring you home with me. After all, you've always been begging for me, I'll grant your wish."
With a firm grasp around your chin now, he pulled you close, his lips crashign against yours for a heated kiss. Your heart would leap out of your chest, each flick of Jinwoo's tongue tickling and swirling against yours making your inside itch to burst. As you both floated in the dark abyss, your thoughts are put into a screeching halt as Jinwoo continues his assault on you.
Each rub of his slender fingers made you shudder, one arm still firmly around your waist while the other tangled itself in your locks to gently massage your scalp in order to make you melt into his embrace once more.
The more he kissed you so lovingly and possessively— The more the light behind him grew stronger.
And as it engulfed the both of you in it's cold embrace— Your conciousness was eaten away.
The next thing you knew, you are awake in Jinwoo's bed with the hunter himself cradling you in his arms while on his phone.
He had wrapped you in his blanket in a cozy way, one hand still playing with the back of your head as he kept it resting on his shoulder like a pillow.
"You're awake," Jinwoo cooes, tossing his phone down lazily as he presses his lips against your forehead sweetly. "It's still early in the morning, go back to sleep, we'll talk later about your new life and some... Rules you're going to be living with now. But you'll be good and follow them for me, right?"
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ʚ(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭ .。✧・゚: ~♡ —! stories written by kyunnie; translations, reposts, plagiarism are strictly forbidden.
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sylusjinwoon · 4 months
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{ 168 }
the only exception.
yandere!jinwoo sung x fem.reader
disclaimers: i do not condone such behaviors in real life; read at your own caution; contains obsessive and possessive behavior.
whenever the news and gossip magazines chose to focus on the life of south korea's latest s-rank hunter, they would more often than not see sung jinwoo being so close to cha hae-in. there was a kindness in his gaze whenever the beautiful blond woman was settled right next to him, and he remained the ever so perfect gentleman when it came to how he treated hae-in.
and when their dating status had been confirmed, the world went wild for their relationship! paparazzi would discreetly follow them to each of their outings, the cameras catching them in their most pristine moments...
from holding hands while exiting the theaters together;
to late night walks spent on the beach;
and even the hundreds of kisses they shared after the completion of each raid they had went on together.
truly, jinwoo and hae-in's love story was something that was well known across the entirety of the world. there wasn't a single doubt in anyone's mind that they would become each other's endgame-
that is... until you arrived.
{ ... }
you kept pulling at the collar of your blouse, feeling as though the stiffness of your newly bought clothes was a bit too stifling for you-
or maybe you were just nervous about your new transfer to the korean hunter's association branch. apparently, news of your skills as a healer had caught the interest of one of the most well known branches of the hunter's association. and despite being on the fence about leaving the comfort of your country, just seeing the amount of money they had offered you was more than enough to make you reconsider.
before your transfer, you had taken some time to learn a bit of the language, just in case. despite how you knew that the chairman could speak fluently in various languages (including yours) you still wished to do your part and at least make an attempt to speak korean.
while approaching the chairman's office, you smoothed out the fabric of your skirt and blouse once more, ready to knock on the chairman's door had it not already been splayed open for you.
grateful that your reflexes were fast enough, you managed to take a step back, avoiding getting your face smashed in by the wooden doors. with a surprised gaze, you saw standing in front of you was a tall man who appeared to be around your age. his eyes go wide as a gentle, blue glow seemed to shine against them.
his full lips were parted, and his eyebrows were furrowed in response as he kept staring at you; not even blinking once as his eyes kept on trailing down your form. the more he kept looking at you, the more his soft, ebony locks of hair seemed to fall across his face, further covering his eyes.
for what seemed like an eternity, you and the tall man remained in that position. while you were caught up on why he looked so familiar, a sudden lightbulb went up in your head.
he's the super strong hunter that's dating that blond woman, hunter cha?
sung jinwoo. his name finally comes back to you.
he looks back up at you, eyes becoming even wider for the briefest moment as you let out a gasp.
fuck, did i say his name out loud? the urge to apologize to him was felt coursing through your veins as you gave jinwoo a polite bow.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say your name so casually. uhm..." you introduce yourself to him, letting him know how you were a new transfer in as much korean that you could manage.
once you finish, it appeared as though there were a shift in jinwoo's demeanor. instead of staring at you with a look of faint interest, there seemed to be a dreamy expression taking over his features. he tests your name out a few times before looking away from you-
with a prominent blush seen settled against his cheeks.
"would you like to join me for dinner?" jinwoo asks you in a flurry of words, making you take yet another step back.
did i hear him wrong?
a pout was seen against jinwoo's face when you didn't answer him, making him ask again, this time in english (a somewhat universally known language), "you and me, dinner?"
"oh, no, i'm sorry!" you quickly held up your hands in hopes of mitigating the tension you felt in the air, "i can't tonight because i have a meeting with the chairman..." your face felt hot, wondering why this was even happening.
jinwoo's shoulders seemed to slump just the tiniest bit in response, with his lips pursed. a sudden movement from your periphery catches your attention, and you trail your eyes down to see what it was, finally noticing the way jinwoo had his fists clenched in response.
a hearty voice calling out your name was what ultimately saves you from this awkward situation, standing up straight as chairman go gunhee greets you, "i was wondering what was taking you so long, but seeing hunter sung jinwoo means that you two must have just met, right?"
"sorry, i'll go now." jinwoo finally leaves just then, but not before suddenly bumping his shoulders against yours. a cold sensation was felt coursing through you, making goosebumps appear all across your skin as you had to fight back the urge to shiver.
jinwoo's presence was just so... overbearing at times. you could feel the darkness exuding from his form in absolute waves, making you feel intimidated by him at first...
but after his sudden question about asking you out to dinner, you were left a bit more confused than intimidated.
only when jinwoo leaves did the chairman place a comforting hand on your shoulder, smiling down at you with words of reassurance. "hunter sung can be a bit intimidating, but he's a good man that means well."
you nod your head in agreement with the chairman, following him into his office, completely forgetting about your strange encounter with jinwoo, remaining blissfully unaware of the strange pairs of glowing, purple eyes that were now hidden beneath your shadow.
{ … }
you had been filled in about the association’s current policy when it came to healers working here. these terms were simple, but had one golden rule that had to be followed:
healers were not allowed to join a guild or form a contract with any guilds; they are meant to serve the association as a whole and go on various raids to help hunters on the field. and because you were evaluated as being an a-rank healer, it was vital that you were kept on call and had to prepare for any raids that were to come.
of course, such a policy remained the same from your own country as well, so you were happy about this fact and saw no issues with following the rules.
as you were escorted out of the building, you let out a happy sigh, taking in the fresh air the night had brought you before making your way back home. as you pass by the citizens that went on with their day, none of them seemed to pay any attention to you, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
which caused you to think back to jinwoo and the general… oddities seen in his behavior.
why did he ask you out when the whole world knew of his relationship with hunter cha hae-in?
as you kept mulling your interaction with him over and over again, you managed to come up with a rational answer…
surely, he had to have meant it in a more professional manner, right? jinwoo probably noticed how nervous you were and wanted to help with further welcoming you. yes, that was probably it.
feeling satisfied with your answer, you began to walk with a bit of a bounce in your step. as your figure got closer to a streetlight, it manages to lengthen your shadow as a sudden, ink-like movement was seen on the pavement.
your eyes go wide, making you look down to see what it was. as your eyes trail across the sidewalk, the only thing you could see was your own shadow growing from beneath the intensity of the light.
“perhaps i’m lacking sleep or something.”
doing your best to convince yourself that you were not losing your mind, you continue your trek home, still unaware of the glowing eyes that remained expertly hidden from beneath the depths of your shadow.
{ … }
to say sung jinwoo had developed an infatuation with you would be a complete understatement-
he was obsessed with you.
ever since you began working as the association’s latest healer (left in the wake of several other healers own retirement), jinwoo had followed along with your every raid.
a strange sense of pride fills him when he sees your face plastered against the news articles. the nation adored your tenacity and potency of your healing abilities, which boosted many hunters’ own confidence and morale with each raid.
and despite how proud jinwoo was for your growing popularity…
he also hated it.
he hated how you were surrounded with other men (and women) who constantly boasted about you and your abilities. seeing how so many people adored you filled jinwoo with a sudden urge to slash them all away from you-
but he held back such urges. after all, it was vital that he play his cards right and appear to be the same, normal hunter sung jinwoo-
a sung jinwoo from before he ever met you.
{ … }
you knew something was amiss when the chairman made a direct call to you on the day that was supposed to be your day off. no gates had appeared as of late, and you took this chance to take a much needed breather from everything.
so you spent the next thirty minutes heading back to the hunter's association building, feeling your anxiety and concern increase by a tenfold the moment chairman go had met with you right when you first entered the building.
"come, let's take a bit of a stroll away from such prying eyes."
the chairman places a gentle hand behind your back, leading you out of the building and back into the warm, afternoon air. you walk aimlessly beside him, wringing your hands together in response to how anxious you felt.
"what's wrong, sir? you seem... conflicted."
he chuckles while glancing down at you, "you're a sharp woman."
the chairman stops walking while staring blankly ahead, and it takes him several seconds to compose himself before he tells you, "ahjin guild wishes to recruit you."
the sudden revelation makes you stop dead in your tracks as well. "what? but that's impossible... you can't mean to tell me that you're considering it, sir?"
he shakes his head while letting out a sigh, "i said the exact same thing to hunter sung. but he would not budge. he truly is going all in, just to have you."
it had been months (a total of 6 months, to be exact) since the day you had first met him. you had not seen him during the various raids you had participated in, the memory of him being brought to the backburner of your mind-
and now, you come to find out that jinwoo wished to recruit you?
"he says that if i will not allow you to join ahjin- if i am refusing to make an exception for you, then he will quit being a hunter."
chairman go's words succeeds in making your knees feel weak, nearly making you fall had it not been for the way his powerful arms were kept wrapped around your shoulders, keeping you steady.
"sir, y-you agreed to let him recruit me?"
a solemn expression was seen on the older man's face, giving you a slight nod before admitting to you, "i have made millions of loopholes for the sake of keeping jinwoo within his home country... as long as we have him on our side, then we shall always have the upper hand. i'm sorry."
your heart was pounding in your chest, filling you with a hint of despair, since you knew that there was no way that you could refuse now.
"a-and, when does hunter sung wish for me to start working for him at his guild?"
the chairman meets your gaze and answers, "he wishes for you to start first thing tomorrow morning."
{ ... }
the moment jinwoo received a call from the chairman, pretty much confirming you as the latest member of his guild, he was overjoyed, to say the least.
he had spent so much time paving a path for you; a path that would ultimately lead you to him.
now, all he had to do was tie up some loose ends.
jinwoo remained in his office, settled within the comfort of his guild when he could hear the tapping of someone's shoes echo across his floor. but his mind was too occupied to pay them any mind, holding his cup of instant coffee while staring blankly at the cityscape bathed beneath the light of the full moon.
in the next few seconds, his peace would be interrupted when a woman bursts through his office, panting heavily. he sees hae-in's features being reflected against the smooth pane of the window, and he gives her some semblance of his attention when he acknowledges her with a side glance.
"hunter cha, good evening. what brings you here?"
a sharp inhalation was heard coming from her, the woman's slender hands remaining clenched in response as her eyes began to flash gold. "you know why i'm here, jinwoo. just... just what has been going on with you?!"
"it's been months since we last spoke to each other, and... and every plan that we have made together has been cancelled by you so... so effortlessly."
jinwoo hums, putting down his cup of coffee before fully facing her. "i think you and i both know what's going on, cha hae-in."
angry tears were seen streaming down her face now, with her fists clenched in response. "i may understand it, but that doesn't mean that i'll accept it. we have been dating for nearly a year now, y-yet you're so eager to throw it all away!"
the shadow monarch folds his arms across his chest, left completely unfazed by hae-in's outbursts. "that's why i'm giving you a chance to save your pride; break up with me now and announce it in your next conference."
he watches as her nails dig into the palm of her hand, creating crescent shaped imprints from the sheer amount of pressure she had placed. "and if i refuse?"
the woman wasn't even given a chance to blink when jinwoo reaches her, summoning one of his daggers as he presses the tip of the blade close to her neck. a choked whimper was heard coming from her, and she watches with wide eyes when a droplet of blood manages to slide down the pale skin of her throat.
"you will do as i say, unless you really put such a low value on your life?" jinwoo sneers back at her, eyes glowing a dangerously violet hue.
it was in that moment that hae-in knew jinwoo had changed for the worse, seeing the tendrils of his dark love and obsession take over the entirety of his senses. all she could do was nod in agreement, promising jinwoo that she will make the announcement of their breakup the next day all while silently praying for the new woman jinwoo had fallen for...
{ ... }
the headlines that you read on your phone made you feel even dizzier as you made your way to ahjin guild's building, sending a wave of vertigo to course through you.
you were breathing heavily, leaning against one of the buildings as you fought back the urge to puke up your breakfast from this morning.
"relax... calm down, it's probably a coincidence. breakups happen all the time, and this time should be no different."
but was it really a coincidence? such timing seemed too... serendipitous. what were the chances that sung jinwoo would become single once more the day you were meant to join his guild?
not to mention, his strange desire for you to join in the first place...
fighting back the bitter taste within your mouth, you continue your trek towards jinwoo's building, ignoring the warning bells that went off from within the depths of your mind. even though your legs felt like lead with each step that you took, you push through and manage to arrive at ahjin's base of operations with a few minutes to spare.
the moment you step into the lobby, you were not expecting jinwoo to be standing directly in front of you, with you barely taking a step across the polished area when the president himself greets you.
he says your name (were you imagining the strange sense of yearning heard in his voice?) before placing a hand behind your back, "i'm so happy to see you again. it's been quite a while since our first meeting, and i intend to make up for it."
the sudden passion heard in jinwoo's voice catches you off guard even further, but you were given little time to react when he tightens his arms around you. a sudden shift was felt in the air as several, wisps of shadows began to surround you and jinwoo-
which left you a gaping mess when you found yourself in an unfamiliar room, surrounded with all the things that you loved.
from a bookshelf filled with your favorite novels and authors,
to various gaming consoles with a brand new laptop settled on a desk-
and the large, luxurious bed settled in the midst of it all-
your mind was struggling to keep up.
a new wave of nausea hits you as jinwoo wraps his arms around your front, bringing your back even closer to his chest as he practically presses you against him. he lets out a soft coo of your name, the tip of his nose felt brushing against your hair before he opens his mouth to gently tug at your ear with his teeth, lightly grazing at your skin.
"you have no idea how long i have waited for this moment, my darling love." a hint of insanity was heard within his voice, causing you to shiver when you tried to meet his gaze-
only to feel your blood turn ice cold at the mere sight of him.
his expression seemed to be in a haze with a prominent blush seen against his cheekbones. his mumblings were unclear to you, but the more you listened to him, the more you realized that such crazed mumblings were of your name alone.
"you’re mine mine mine mine... and if i even sense another breathing down your neck, i'll rip their hearts out."
his sudden admission makes you nearly slump down against the carpeted floors of the room, but jinwoo manages to keep you pressed against his chest. "oh, my darling girl, it's okay, it's okay... you won't need anyone else but me... and i'm going to take such good care of you. you're mine mine mine mine MINE... ah... sorry, i lost myself back there."
jinwoo's rich chuckle fills your ears, and you were still struggling to process everything when he carries you toward the bed decorated with blankets and sheets that went with your usual style. with a hum, he pulls back the blankets, getting into the plush bed with you still in his tight embrace.
after what seemed like an eternity, you manage to ask, "why... why are you like this?"
jinwoo continues to chuckle, further tightening his embrace around you, "well, what do you mean, sarang?"
you tremble and did your best to meet his gaze, "y-you were so loving when it came to hae-in... the perfect couple... you were the picture perfect lover, so why-"
"ah, that version of me is not the real version of me, my darling love." jinwoo interrupts you, admitting it with a sigh of relief. "in fact, it was quite stifling, pretending to bask in such minuscule emotions... one that does not even warrant to be defined as love-"
"oh no, what i felt for cha hae-in pales in comparison to what i feel for YOU. where all i felt was a lukewarm fondness for her, i feel a burning inferno for you."
jinwoo's breathing becomes heavier and more labored when he slowly unbuttons your blouse, lips latching hungrily onto your newly revealed skin as you cried out to him.
"b-but i don't understand... the love that i had seen between you and hae-in seemed so perfect, so why am i so different?"
jinwoo's teeth was lightly felt sinking into your skin, earning a gasp from you as the tears began to well up within your eyes, "well, if my darling must know, then i shall tell her."
jinwoo picks you up just then, allowing your frame to straddle his abdomen when his hands lovingly trace at your figure, "you just have a charm that i find irresistible, sarang. your scent and your appearance drew me into you, like a damn moth to a flame...! i can't help but feel as though the entirety of my existence is to serve and love you..."
he trails off just then, now leaning up to press another kiss against the shell of your ear before harshly whispering, "i'm not going to let anyone else have you. you are the one that evoked such changes in me... revealing my true self... allowing me to love you freely as the way that i have always been."
the severity of his confession was what ultimately sinks in, making you tremble in response. no words were able to escape from your parted lips when he spends the rest of his time littering your face with his possessive sweet kisses.
yet the moment he whispers the following words to you, you knew that your fate had been sealed from the moment sung jinwoo first laid eyes on you:
"you're the only exception... the only one that matters the most to me. everything that happened before you is meaningless now, and i hope that you're ready to take responsibility for all that you have done to me."
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a.n. - whew, this was so much fun to write,,, and lowkey hot as well. like jinwoo, i accept you, darkness and allllll 😭😭😭😭
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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circeyoru · 7 months
Hi, I'm Circe! Welcome to my list of random writings written from random bursts of thoughts and ideas!
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Hazbin Hotel Writing Collection
— Alastor (mainly), Lucifer, Vox
Solo Leveling Writing Collection
— Sung Jinwoo
⬧ ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ ⬧
About Requests
Characters I'll write for:
[CLOSED] HAZBIN HOTEL: Alastor (mainly); Lucifer, Vox (under consideration and depend on idea)
SOLO LEVELING: Sung Jinwoo (mainly); others (depending on request)
Reader Settings: I tend to set the reader as gender-neutral, otherwise, I am most comfortable with female-based reader inserts. Without any particular reason for the gender, it will be set as neutral
I do NOT write for SMUT and NSFW requests, like formerly stated. No ifs, or buts, or depending. If I see it in my inbox, I'll shut down the request function altogether.
You can check my works to see what kind of requests were sent and done to avoid repeated ideas or see the range of my genre.
For already sent requests that have yet to be written or replied to. BE PATIENT. Just because you sent a request does not mean I will 100% write it. Or that it just takes more time to write.
I have full right to decide NOT to write for that specific request at the end of the day. Like you are here to enjoy reading fanfics, I am here to enjoy writing them and receiving new ideas and comments on my work. Thank you.
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jinwoosungs · 2 months
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7/30/24: 11:15am
yandere!sung jinwoo x fem.reader
{ request - oneshot }
- the academy arc -
@nyashykyunnie asked: KYUNNIE COMING IN CLUTCH AND SHALL DO A REQ BECAUSE BLESS UR SOUL FOR LETTING ME DO A REQ!!! MWAHHHHH!!! Hmo... Childhood friend reader x Jinwoo who went back in time >;3. He was always the chill typea boy best friend but ever since bby had puberty and became tall n hot he suddenly became... A little more posessive hehehehehehe. And what Jinwoo doesnt know is reader is secretly transmigrated and was his biggest fangirl for a long time and instead of being scared of Yandere!Woo they giggle at his murderous spree when she discovers that woowoo is going yandere over her heheheh Otherwise, go crazy bby>:3
warnings: unedited; petty bullying; violence; blood mention; gore; body horror; possessive and obsessive behavior
disclaimers: i do not condone such behaviors in real life; since this is purely a work of fiction, anything goes and i am willing to portray this creatively in the best way possible.
you are 5 years old, and your parents just moved into a quaint apartment complex. they were excited to be able to live in a space that they could call their own while surrounded by friendly neighbors.
as you busied yourself with your sketchbook, drawing ocean waves with colorful fishes swimming in them with your crayons, you heard a knock at the door. your ears perk up at the sound, and just as you were about to answer it, your father stops you with a stern expression. he calls out your name before gently reminding you, “what did papa tell you about opening doors? you should always let your mama or papa answer first, okay?”
you twist at the strands of your hair while pouting at him, giving your father a hesitant nod before following him to the front door. you hid your face behind the back of your father’s legs, eyes peeking curiously forward the moment he unlocks the door.
settled directly before you was a family that seemed to tower over you. you saw what looked like a tall young man and woman greeting your dad with kind smiles. in the woman’s arms was a baby wrapped in blankets, but what perhaps caught your attention was a little boy that hid himself behind his mother’s legs.
with your fascination growing with each second that passes, you slowly move away from your father’s legs while the little boy does the same. his grey eyes seemed to take you in, the blush dyeing his pale cheeks a rosier hue as the woman gently calls out to him, “jinwoo, go on and talk to her. she’s the same age as you, and i’m sure you’ll have fun.”
with his mother’s permission, the boy (jinwoo, it’s such a nice name), gives her a nod before standing before you, taking a hold of your hand. “wanna play together?”
you give him an eager nod, leading him to the floor of your living room as you showed him your sketchpad and the various drawings you had. as you turned the pad to a fresh page, you shyly offer your crayons to jinwoo, asking him if he’d like to draw anything. he gives you a smile while eagerly nodding at you.
and just a few moments later, when your father and jinwoo’s parents enter your home, they would see two giggling kids drawing while laying flat on their stomachs, basking in their imaginations all while knowing that this was a friendship that would last a lifetime-
you and jinwoo would become inseparable ever since that fateful day.
{ … }
days go by, quickly turning into weeks as the weeks slowly morphed into months while the months carried the ever changing seasons leading up to the new year-
and you found yourself here, 10 years later, ready to begin your first year of high school. you look at your reflection, adjusting the ribbon settled on your collar while brushing back your hair. you had plans of leaving your apartment 15 minutes ago-
however, jinwoo specifically told you to wait for him; that he was the one that would walk you to and from school as an extra means of protection (whatever that meant.) as you look at your clock settled on your desk, seeing how close it was to being 8am, you let out a huff and began marching out of your room-
only for your face to come into contact with a hard wall of muscle, earning a gasp from you. massaging at the slight ache felt against your nose, you look up to see jinwoo smiling down at you, already standing at nearly 6 feet despite only being 15 years old. a smirk graces his features when you feel him playfully flick at your nose, “ready to head to school?”
you grumble when he teases you, ready to walk ahead of him when he wraps his arms around your waist. he keeps you close to him, making your eyes go wide when he walks out of the apartment with you. he sees your mother doing the dishes and announces your departure, earning a knowing smile from her, “have a good day at school you two!”
before you could answer, jinwoo closes the door, a strange, dark look crossing over his expression as you trembled a bit in response. he shoves a hand in his pocket, using his other hand to hold onto yours as he interlocks them together. you take note of his expression and ask, “are you okay? you seem… upset.”
his expression immediately changes, eyes going back to its normal hue of grey when he looks back at you all while playfully ruffling your hair. “i’m fine, no need to worry your pretty little head over me.”
jinwoo then proceeds to annoy you, making kissy faces at you as he tries to get closer to you. you end up laughing while struggling to maintain your balance on the sidewalk, noticing how he still kept his gloved hand hidden within the pockets of his coat. admittedly, you had some anxiety pertaining to your first day of high school, yet with jinwoo’s constant teasing and jokes, you felt yourself becoming more comfortable as time passed.
arriving at your high school, jinwoo remains close to you, standing in the midst of a crowd of student while interlocking his fingertips with yours. as you stood together, ready to enter the school and start your day, you became achingly aware of several girls excited whispers. from your periphery, you notice the way they point their perfectly manicured nails at him.
“hey, he’s cute…”
“and so tall too…”
“ugh, why is he with such a plain girl though? don’t tell me they’re dating?!”
“no way! i’m sure she’s his pathetic best friend or something! hehe, i bet she gets friendzoned by him all the time.”
you purse your lips at the sounds of their giggles and harsh words, yet jinwoo squeezes your hand in yet another reassuring manner, moving slightly forward to block your view of them. you give him a grateful smile, seeing jinwoo meet your gaze before giving you a wink.
when the bell rings, you and jinwoo both enter the school together, ready to begin your first day. despite being in different classes, jinwoo was adamant in walking you to your class, frowning all the way. as you stand in front of the classroom, jinwoo places a hand on your shoulders, eyes seemingly glowing when he tells you, “if anyone dares give you any trouble at all, you tell me, okay?”
you giggle and awkwardly shuffle your feet from side to side, “i think i’ll be alright, jinwoo… but, thank you for your concern.”
he returns your smile with a strained one, ready to head back to his own class as he never once looked away from you. only when he disappears into the corner of the hallway did you let out a shaky breath.
surely, you had nothing to worry about, right?
you were bound to have a completely normal day at school, right…?
{ … }
and oh, how wrong your assumptions were!
you had barely finished the day, ready to meet jinwoo for lunch when your exit was blocked off by another student. she was a haughty girl that wore an expensive, ruby pendant that was shaped in a delicate rose while hanging by a thin, golden chain. it was clear that her family had money, as she was dressed in all the accessories and clothes that seemed to accentuate the beauty of her silvery blonde hair and startling green eyes-
a beauty that was used to getting what she wanted-
and a girl that shared your class.
you didn’t bother to know or even recall her name, since all she did was increase your anxieties with her mere presence alone.
“i see you walk into school today with what has to be the hottest guy in our class. so what’s a mousy little thing like you doing with a gorgeous guy like him?”
bile was felt rising up the confines of your throat as you held your sketchbook closer to your chest. the girl sneers at you, already reaching out a hand to snatch away at your sketchbook. you gasp, trying to get it back from her as you felt the tears dot your vision. “please, give that back! that sketchbook means a lot to me!”
buried within those pages were various sketches and stories that you and jinwoo shared, and if she were to ruin them, then all would be lost to you. you watch as her green eyes flash with malicious intent, already opening up your sketchbook as she idly flipped through the pages with a bored expression on her face.
it was when she flips to a random page that she sees the various sketches of jinwoo you had kept, her smile suddenly widening as she tore off the page and folded it, placing it within the confines of her pocket. “now this i can keep. as for the rest…”
her feign sigh of reluctance was all you could hear when she began ripping the rest of the pages out of your sketchbook, tearing up the pages into as many tiny shreds her hands could handle before tossing them up into the air, allowing the torn pages to fall like flower petals in the wind.
by now, your tears blinded you, making you fall to your knees as your heart broke with each torn page that lands on the ground. your breathing became uneven as the girl lets out a tiny “oops!” in response, finally walking away from you while tossing aside her silky hair.
you had no idea how much time you spent gathering the pages in the empty hallway, already knowing that lunch was nearing its end. as you were so focused on picking up the torn pieces of your sketchbook, you were unaware of heavy footsteps approaching you, calling out your name.
“hey, what are you doing? lunch is almost over-“
upon recognizing jinwoo’s voice, you allow your teary eyes to meet with his gaze, seeing them darken before flashing purple. “who did this to you?”
he ignores the ruined sketchbook and focuses his attention on you. picking up your shivering form, jinwoo places your face against his chest, allowing the front of his jacket to soak up all of your tears. several seconds pass when you were finally able to tell him what had happened. “it’s just… i-i wanted to meet you, b-but a girl in my class stopped me from going to you. s-she was mad that i was with you this morning and… she… she tore up my sketchbook while keeping my sketch of you.”
jinwoo’s hands stopped threading through your hair when he lowly asks, “who is she? what’s her name?”
you tremble upon hearing the dark tone of his voice and admit with a shaky sigh, “i don’t know her name… i just know that she’s pretty, with silvery hair and green eyes.”
jinwoo hums at this new information, keeping your face pressed against his chest to hide his expression of sheer rage from you.
soon, you wouldn’t have to deal with such trash like this ever again.
{ … }
you had filled 240 total pages inside of your precious sketchbook-
(jinwoo knew this since he was the one who religiously asked to see each drawing, read each story, painted within those pages)
and for all those 240 pages that had been so callously ripped out from your sketchbook, he had cut park yeon a total of 240 times with his daggers.
it was easy to lure her to him after school. jinwoo had made up an excuse to you about needing to talk to the coach and sign up for track, reassuring you to go home first and that he’ll text you later. with you out of sight and in the safety of your home, he then works on luring yeon to him.
her green eyes were blazing with a possessive hunger for him, following him with little question to the back of the school. he recalls the way yeon fuels his rage by telling him how she was made for him; how she was all he could ever need.
needless to say, she didn’t get a chance to speak further the moment jinwoo slices through her throat, cutting off her vocal cords as he began his revenge on her.
the night air was thick with the scent of blood when he looks down at the girl’s now lifeless body. his glowing eyes manages to dim down, his anger and fury now dying down to a simmer of annoyance as he now had a body to deal with. before he calls upon his soldiers to take care of the evidence, jinwoo’s eyes take sight of the glittering, rose pendant hanging loosely from the girl’s neck, a smirk gracing his features when he leans down to carefully release its clasps from her neck as he held the gorgeously crafted necklace within the palm of his hand.
{ … }
park yeon was not in class this morning, and you briefly wondered what had happened to her-
yet perhaps more-so than that was jinwoo’s sudden absence as well. feeling more concerned about your best friend, you recall how this morning, jinwoo’s mother had told you he had already gone to class, having an early meeting with the track team-
yet when you tried searching for him, he was nowhere to be found.
you check back on your phone when you ultimately decided to make your trek back to class, seeing no reply from jinwoo. letting out a sigh, you enter class and sit at your desk. as you worked on getting out your notebook from your desk was when you felt something cold against the palm of your hand.
your eyebrows were furrowed when you manage to pull out whatever lay deep within the confines of your desk-
only to see a ruby rose pendant covered in dried flecks of blood.
your mouth goes dry at the sight, making you swallow thickly before a wide grin paints your features.
sheer giggles of delight were heard coming from your parted lips as you held in your hand the same pendant that bitch had flaunted when she tore apart your sketchbook. grateful that no one was around, you continued to laugh, never once stopping as you cradled the necklace close to your chest.
jinwoo had done something about it after all!
and you couldn’t have been happier.
of course, you knew about him and his deepest secret.
you knew that he was the shadow monarch and had somehow reversed time to save the world-
you knew of how the two years he went missing was to take on the monarchs by himself-
and you knew that you had his heart within the very palms of your hand, for he had held yours since the very beginning.
back when you were a mere civilian and he had saved you from beasts that escaped the gates-
back when all you could see was himhimhimhim!
and now, that same man was all yours; with fate somehow placing you within his life the moment your parents had moved into the same apartment complex he had lived in all those years ago…
and now, he would never leave your side so long as you played your cards right.
forcing yourself to calm down, you adjust your blouse and put on the necklace, allowing the blood stained rose to settle against your collarbone as you hid the pendant with the fabric of your blouse. once it was all buttoned up, you adjust your blazer and smiled innocently at your classmates that started to walk in while your phone was felt vibrating against your desk. sliding open the screen, you smile when you saw a text from him:
[ my monarch 👑: sorry i wasn’t able to walk you to school today, i wanted my gift to you to be perfect. let’s meet up for lunch later, and i’ll give you a brand new, leather bound sketchbook to make up for the one you lost :) ]
[ you: that’s okay, my love! i look forward to seeing you again. thank you for the gift, i love you ♡ ]
[ my monarch 👑: i love you, too. always. ]
smiling at your phone’s screen, you give jinwoo’s profile picture a light kiss, all too eager to see him again when you dutifully turned your gaze forward and began taking notes, doing your best to hide your smirk when your teacher questions park yeon’s absence.
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end notes: this feels like the most, true to genre yandere story i have ever written and i am so sorry for this, especially if it’s not my best work 😭🙏🏻
all stories are written by rei; please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works!!
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heirloomgem · 28 days
Insatiable {Sung Jinwoo x Reader August One-shot}
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Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except for my characters and plot.
Warning: Slight Yandere from the reader and Jinwoo. Sorry for the missed grammar.
Hello everyone, I hope you've been well! I would like to present to you this month's one-shot! The timeline is before Jinwoo met Joohee.
The request came from @xxeclipze. [Hello! Can you make a sung jinwoo x s rank fem reader whose a grim reaper class, she's quiet and a simple minded person who has never once joined any guild since they want to stay independent.][Hello! Can you do sung jin woo with a s/o who's a quiet and simple minded person and they wield a scythe, they had never once joined a guild at all. They're a s-rank hunter too :>]
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Watching from the podium as every high-rank hunter did practical combat, Sung Jinwoo's eyes never left your figure as you fought your opponent with the grace and precision he had seen in his early days.
Your hands show no wasted movement as you strike, your steps were solid as you stride to your next target, and your eyes, observant of your enemy's weaknesses.
All these never escape him and yet it’s not just these that Jinwoo observe closely.
The way your hair swayed with your movement, the spark in your eyes as you enjoyed the thrill, the curve in your reddish lips as you taunt your opponent, the sweat that trickled down your slender neck as you tilt your head.
Completely different reasons that he shouldn’t have noted in the first place, however to Jinwoo, he fervently etched it into his very being.
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Once, Jinwoo heard that a small spark was all that was needed to ignite a man's obsession.
As the weakest E-rank, Jinwoo was always on the verge of death whenever he entered a dungeon. But with the circumstances, he’s been given, he never had a choice but to always take a step towards death.
And this one was no different from the others he had faced and yet so different at the same time.
The sole reason for that is because of you. An unknown S-rank hunter who was not affiliated with any of the guilds however you work with the hunter association in exchange for keeping your identity.
Jinwoo has learned these only by coincidence when you had been assigned to work with him and the other hunters for another raid.
Jinwoo's impression of you at first is a weird, playful but kind hunter as you accidentally bump into him. The coffee that he just bought spilled on his shirt.
Seeing this, you quickly panicked, bowing profusely, and apologizing.
Seeing that the situation was unavoidable and it was just a pure accident, Jinwoo waved it off with an awkward smile, hoping to diffuse the situation. However, that didn’t seem to work as you looked at him and the coffee he dropped, a flash of guilt on your face.
Bowing again then you quickly ran off in a different direction, Jinwoo thought that that was the end of your interaction however it wasn’t long before you returned, this time with a drink and food in hand.
Giving him the food and drink and not even waiting for him to decline, you told him it was in return for earlier.
Jinwoo, with a panicked expression, tried to decline “This is too much it's just a coffee that was spilled. You didn't have to go through all that trouble.”
With clear and bright eyes, you smiled, “This is nothing. Beside the coffee is for the coffee as for the sandwich…”
You grinned before putting a finger in front of your mouth, “It’s because I find you cute.” You winked and chuckled as Jinwoo blushed. Seeing him so flustered, you couldn't help but find him even cuter.
Thinking that’s enough teasing for the young man in front of you, you winked and smiled at him before giving a small wave and left; leaving a frazzled Jinwoo.
Staring at your disappearing figure, he couldn’t help but think for a moment of your smile. It was beautiful and sincere even though a glint of playfulness was mixed with it. It's so unlike the ones he was used to receiving when he became a weak fool of a hunter.
And for some reason because of your smile, he finally accepted your offer. The lingering hesitation he still has vanished and a warmth ignited within him.
Smiling, Jinwoo took a bite of the food and enjoyed the enriched flavour of coffee on his tongue, his mind drifting to you again.
When he had been trying to calm you down earlier, he took notice of the massive bag behind you, deducing it might be your weapon.
Unusual though never rare as he has also seen other hunters carry such weapons in size. The only thing he’s worried about is that your choice of weapon might have been too big for you as he saw how petite you were.
Later, he considered how foolish he was to have such thoughts as they entered the dungeon and were unexpectedly engulfed by a red gate.
As soon as they entered, everything was calm and controlled. The more experienced hunters were swiftly taking down charging monsters, while he did his best to defend and went after the weaker ones. Unfortunately, his caution didn't prevent him from getting injured.
As the group delved deeper into the dungeon, the atmosphere grew increasingly perilous. The mana in the air darkened, making it difficult for the hunters to breathe, and a sense of fear began to weigh on their minds. The monsters they encountered were noticeably more powerful than those they had faced earlier.
Even the strongest hunter in their group was visibly struggling to deal with the monsters, while Jinwoo could only focus on defending his life.
In the corner of his eyes, he saw you.
He couldn’t help but find it weird as he never saw you use the massive weapon on your back. Only a short sword in hand when confronting such monsters.
However, before Jinwoo could ponder more, screams echoed from all the hunters in his group and he felt like a massive weight fell on him, making him slam into the ground because of an unknown fear and bloodlust that suddenly appeared in the air.
His ears were ringing, his mind disorientated, but once Jinwoo got his bearings, he struggled to lift his head and saw that all his comrades had fallen to the ground. Some fainted, some half-conscious, coughing up blood.
That’s when Jinwoo noticed liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth. The taste of iron on his tongue. Looking down, he saw red droplets staining the ground.
He then heard a growl, a group of monsters slowly prowled at their group as they eyed them, ready to hunt and eat them for their next meal.
Jinwoo thought that things couldn’t get worse when suddenly a massive creature, a chimera, emerged. It’s the dungeon's final boss.
Dread filled Jinwoo’s being.
The thought of his sister waiting for him at home and his mother in the hospital made him tear up as he struggled to get up, to get away.
Abruptly, Jinwoo saw one of the monsters run up at him. The monster's fangs were just about to hit him when he felt a gush of air ruffled his hair. The monster that was about to kill him was now lying in front of him, cut in half.
Blood splattered on his clothes and onto his face; Jinwoo looked up. There in front of him, he saw you.
A massive scythe in hand, adorned with a crimson essence stone, almost resembling a demon eye. A long curving silver blade extends from a skeleton whose skull is wrapped in razor-sharp blades sticking out in different directions, while the rib cage connects to the red and black stem of the handle, which ends in its lower backbone.
 “Are you okay?” You ask, your eyes never leaving the monsters that started circling your group.
Jinwoo silently nodded before realizing you couldn’t see him “I am.”
“That’s good. Take cover for a moment.” You frowned, eyes without the hint of joy nor playfulness from earlier. And yet Jinwoo couldn’t help but find you alluring at that moment.
With a flick of a wrist, your scythe twisted in your hand with ease as if the massive weight was nothing and without a moment, you disappeared, only leaving dust in your wake before Jinwoo heard yelp and howls of pain echoed as you dealt with them swiftly.
Heads torn from their necks and split in half from head to groin. This was the sight Jinwoo witnessed in disbelief as you fought them with such calmness.
All of a sudden, Jinwoo saw the chimera preparing for a breath. He screamed, not caring for his life but yours, “Watch out!”
Evading at the last minute and with a solid step you rush forward, a hand lowered on your weapon's handle and this time you swing your weapon much faster and sharper, completely decapitating the boss of the dungeon, not even leaving a chance for a counterattack.
And with a loud thud, its two heads fell on the floor, cracking the ground.
Finally, as if a weight was lifted from his shoulder, Jinwoo couldn’t help but hyperventilate. All the suppressed emotions he had been holding since the moment he noticed that there was something wrong with this dungeon, came crashing down.
He clutched his chest and tried to calm down, but no matter what, he couldn’t, and beads of sweat dropped faster than the last.
Glancing at him, you turned back, kneeling before him and placing a hand on his forehead. Ignoring the sweat and blood that clung to him.
Still breathing with difficulty, you frowned before meeting your forehead with him, your eyes locking with his frantic ones.
Your voice quietly whispering, “Take it slow and match your breathing with me… that’s its. Just like that…”
Your soft and warm voice made him follow with ease. The soft caress of your hand on his cheeks calmed him down and calmed his trembling body without reserve as he basked in your soft gaze.
The sensation in his cold limb slowly came back as your warmth spread throughout his body. He was sure his ears were tinged with red now that he regained his bearing, though still disorientated.
Sensing that he had calmed down, you smiled softly.
“I’ve heard many things about you, but from what I’ve seen so far, you’re a strong person.”
No, he wasn’t. Jinwoo thought. He wasn’t strong as a hunter. He’s the lowest in his rank. If anything he was barely hanging on supporting his sister and mother. However, before he could wallow more in self-pity, you interrupted as if you heard him.
“Of course, I’m not talking in that sense.” You chuckled.
“I might not know you that well, and we have only met today, but something in you just told me you're a strong person because you're so kind."
You admitted, closing your eyes as you nuzzled into him, ruffling his already messy hair.
Since your first raid, this man immediately caught your attention. Not because of his rank or anything special but because of the kindness and strength inside him.
Learning new little details about him as you observe him every time, a fondness within you arouses.
Even though your personality changes into a confident combatant whenever you enter every mission, you don’t dare to talk to him. Shy and blushing at the mere thought of talking to him, but the incident earlier gave you the courage you needed to take the first step.
Even at this moment, you knew you were pushing it; however, with the way your path is going as a hunter. This was the only time that you might be able to confess to the man who has caught your attention so wholeheartedly.
You did have past crushes; however, they were only admiration by the end of the day and faded right away but this time, it’s different.
He’s different from everyone.
Deep inside, you realize that there wouldn’t be anyone who would be able to compare to him and that there wouldn’t be a chance for you to be with anyone because of him, however, you didn’t mind.
He captured your very being.
Opening your eyes, you softly and lovingly gaze at him causing his already flushed cheeks to turn redder and his eyes reddening.
Noticing that your breaths were intertwining together, your eyes lowered and stared at his lips. If you moved even a little, your lips would finally touch but...you knew that this wasn't right.
He wasn't yours, and you weren't his.
And so with a deep ache inside of you, you close your eyes again, chuckling and lifting your head. Jinwoo then felt your warm and soft lips on his forehead, hearing you say before his consciousness slowly faded.
“You won’t be able to remember this but I like you, Sung Jinwoo.”
And with that, everything went blank.
The next time he woke up, medics were rushing everywhere, assisting him and every hunter who were now out of the gate and regaining their consciousness.
He couldn’t help but look everywhere, looking for you in particular.
He didn’t know why, but now a part of him longed for you deeply, and with time, it seems to only intensify.  
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Walking towards you with a calm façade but with trembling hands in his pocket, Jinwoo helplessly clenched them tightly, holding his sanity.
It’s only been a few years but he felt like it’s been an eternity.
As Chairman Go Gunhee introduced him to you, Jinwoo felt some blood flow from his trembling fist as his nails dug into his palm.
Jinwoo lowered his eyes as it darkened. He tried his hardest to calm down as he felt that at any moment he might just grab and attack you, his desire and longing just barely contained.
Letting out a small breathe, he then gave you a close-eyed smile, apologizing to you in his mind.
Now that he finally caught up, this time, he won’t let you go that easily like he did when he was a weak hunter.
Now that he remembers your confession, it’s only right of him to reciprocate it, right?
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A/n: It was only supposed to be a short one-shot but it got longer than expected. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one-shot!
{All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author}
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brillantradiance · 2 months
Random Jin Woo Headcanons
Warning: slightly suggestive and unedited
Talking to the void again. I personally think on a subconscious level Jin Woo would have a thing for predator/prey dynamics.
It would kill him to admit it though but there’s definitely signs.
Like the thrill he gets when scaring his S/O by sneaking up behind them. He does this All. The. Time. It doesn’t help that he can hide his presence so there’s nothing that can be done. Tell him to stop and all you get in return is a mischievous smirk. He’s already plotting when he’s gonna scare them again. S/O can be at work, school you name a place and he’s probably done it there too. He also loves to shadow exchange his S/O randomly. (At the expense of their convenience)
He most likely watches his soulmate while they sleep. He can’t help but be enamored by how vulnerable they look. Something primal stirs within him. Something about wanting to ruin them right then and there but he holds himself back. S/O wakes up after feeling like they’re being watched just to be met with two glowing purple eyes staring into their soul and shrieks in fear. Jin Woo can’t help but laugh.
Oh good luck if his S/O is a hunter and asks the guy for a sparring match. In this scenario S/O is a strong s rank Jin Woo will obviously have mutual respect of his S/O abilities but will still hold back. The S/O knows this gets ticked off and lands a hard blow on Jin Woo pushing him back. Before they could even celebrate their fleeting victory Jin Woo already has them pinned on the ground with his pupils dilated. As if he wants to devour them. S/O rendered helpless could only look up in fear on what Jin Woo plans to do with them. Just for him to peck them on lips and say I win. Leaving his S/O breathless for multiple reasons.
Also S/O 100% will match his freak. While watching a horror movie seeing the monster chase the final girl in the woods his S/O casually states he should chase them just like the monster in the movie. And for once Jin Woo short circuits. And doesn’t agree to the chase until his S/O bets he won’t catch them and if he does he can do whatever he wants to his S/O afterwards. Suffice to say his S/O was not walking for the next two weeks.
Note: y’all yandere SJW with a primal/predator&prey kink where literally stalks his darling in their own house would go so hard please see my vision 🥺
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viloxity · 1 month
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Fluctuating Skies (Part 2 of 2) -- Yandere! Sung Jinwoo x Female Reader
Part 1
Synopsis: The scenario where the Monarchs rule Earth and the Shadow Monarch finds you in the New World A/N: it's finally here! thank you so much for the support on the previous part, i hope this lives up to expectation! reblogs and comments especially motivate me so let me know your thoughts <3 enjoy!
WC: 7.5k (oops)
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Waking up to soft rays of light twinkling through cracks in the walls did not feel as invigorating as it should’ve been.
You slowly raised a hand to unwrap the blankets around you, stopping as yesterday’s events flashed through your mind. How could you even describe it? His behavior was becoming progressively uncanny and the foreboding that he would only get worse stuck with you. You felt like you were drowning, suddenly, weary eyes blinking to find yourself underwater in the middle of an endless ocean. You were surrounded by blue, as if you put on filtered sunglasses and now your world was the singularity of a color that reflected the same shade of the sky. Despite your circulatory system’s losing battle as the deep blue engulfed your trachea, you felt a sense of tranquility. Under the sky’s watchful gaze and the water’s gentle hands, you were protected. No longer did you have to suffer from the wars, the loss, the pain; you were free. Free to forget, free to explore, and free to experience.
You spent your time rejoicing under the guise that trepidation was a falsehood and forgetting that nothing was permanent because time waits for no one.
By the time you discerned the forgotten unpleasantry known as angst that did not belong in your Better World, it was too late.
You did not notice the inky black tendrils that were wrapping around your free-floating form.
You tried to swim away, to fight back, but they were relentless in caging you. The shadowy cage was reminiscent of a black tomb that fixated your view behind pole-like structures and entrapped you within something inescapable.
You distantly spotted a single immensely darkened creature as it swirled at the lower depths of the sea. The unknown entity eyed you hungrily from beyond the blackened bars, swimming patiently as you began to register once more the water bursting down your esophagus and into your lungs. You grabbed the bars with all your might and pulled, realizing too late that it only hastened your submerging. You were sinking deeper, closer to the unknown and closer to a fate that you would no longer be in control of. At last—before you buried the last of your desires—you screamed, attempting to curse out that disgusting monstrosity that spectated your descent to darkness; the water engulfed you, then, happy to oblige to your acceptance of asphyxiation.
The moment the light faded, your eyes shot wide open as your hands quickly moved away from clutching your throat. You gasped for breath, uncontrollably coughing as you wildly looked around. Your eyes finally settled on the streams of light pouring from the window, the rush of blood flowing past your ears beginning to fade. You then counted each beat of your heart, the tallying of each thump dissolving your heightened senses as you drifted under the threshold.
You hadn’t realized the moment you fell back asleep.
Gradually, as each night brought misery the second your eyes closed, you found yourself struggling to get a wink of sleep. The crevices of your mind were so desolate, so dolorous, that you shuddered at the mere notion of the night blanketing you. Each dream was similar, with some darkened figure watching over you like a god spectating their worshippers—never forwardly reacting, and never intervening. At the end of every scenario, you eerily felt that the entity delighted in your cycle of despair as previously neutral movements transitioned into fervent, animated motions. If it appeared like a shadowy humanoid, they would lean down and smile as you inevitably drifted towards them. In your most recent dream, it resembled a piranha that eagerly circled you as it waited to devour your impending despondence. Every single time, you remembered the creature, its face, its actions, and your anguish.
It had been a few days since your first meeting with Jinwoo, simultaneously marking the first day you began to fear the dark.
The darkness was another mask the sky used—a different side on the same coin of the marvelous bright blue you woke to. If the bright sky told you it was a beginning, the blackened night represented an end. Every day was unique; the beginning and end were never the same, nor did they repeat. A new day was a new beginning, while a new end was a new conclusion. In a society brimming with devastation, people tended to characterize ‘the end’ in this way—as a sum of its parts. This was a consequence, survivors learned, because it meant you neglected the substantiality of an imperfect world and became the first sacrifice as a method of fidelity to the strongest in the realm. The totality of the ending was the truth, because the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts in the New World.
You stopped looking at the other side of the coin because it was never meant for you. The strongest controlled the night sky and you had an inkling that Jinwoo might be one of them; a being that can write your ending so long as it satisfied him, his face abruptly flashing through your mind was enough to make you retch.
Your head turned towards the sky, somewhat covered by the walls of your home. At the very least, the morning sky was still your oyster—every morning was a fresh start that alleviated the pain of a predetermined ending. You learned to forgive it back then because you could not dream of never relying on it again.
You rose from under your bed covers. It was no longer something you could ignore.
To a degree, you were certain that there was some positive correlation between Jinwoo’s behavior and your nightmares. The more your mind flickered back to yesterday, the more unsalvageable his company looked. He was more a threat to your survivability than someone who you could befriend like the others. If it came down to it, you would possibly have to run the most you’ve ever done in your life. You were willing, but it was a matter of if you would get the chance to in the first place.
Jinwoo’s words from yesterday vividly echoed throughout your mind—in any case, there was no avoiding him today. You moved to the closet, creaky wooden doors opening to reveal you staring at your reflection. The mirror was placed in the middle of the closet, nearly engulfed by what looked to be a storm that passed through your belongings. You patted your face, fingers kneading away knit eyebrows as you tried not to focus on weary eyes and the tight line drawn on your face. Your affliction was proof of your dejection due to your new circumstance—it was unlike you to be in such a state. You survived to live freely and now you placed yourself in a predicament that threatened your state of being.
You ignored the sensation of faint prickling that tickled the corners of your lips.
Jinwoo was unpredictable, and that was a major problem in terms of survivability.
Damn it, how could you get out?
He was slowly beginning to root himself into your life and that was terrifying. Even worse, you were never clued in to his actual intentions—by a stroke of fate he gave you the ‘honor’ of his attention, and now he was feeding you handfuls. Was it a major oversight on your part, to not pay attention to such an action? Would your careless decision during a moment of vulnerability cost you everything? It was easy to envision how your life would eventually center around his, like a satellite orbiting a planet—Jinwoo’s raw strength and unknown capabilities could be enough to bend an individual to his desires. Said individual would no longer maintain the privilege of free choice; any option that was not correct—in his eyes—was a rash decision that betrayed his wishes.
Fuck. All paths that tied in Jinwoo involved a life half-lived.
Unless you were inferring too much. Everything thus far was still speculation, other than a few abnormalities in his usual solemn behavior. It had only been a few days, and yet your mind portrayed him as a villain.
And yet…
And yet it felt like he was hiding. The feeling that he was still lurking within the shadows, just like the first day you met him. That he was not… fully there. He was faded out, but if you cared to look a little closer, you would see that he wasn’t a normal shadow.
Your antsy temperance, driven by countless near-fatal encounters, never quelled itself in the presence of Jinwoo.
Either your mentality was cracking under pressure—his pressure—or the severe amount of devils advocate you played as a paroxysm of coping.
It would not be long until your mind landed itself in the grave, by his hand or yours.
You watched the intense rich shade of red trickle down your lips and onto your chin, its boldness absorbing your attention and trail suctioning color beneath its crimson hue. Perhaps the aching of your sensory receptors was a direct consequence of the peril you put yourself in—an unconscious and remorseful action.
You could not regret—there was no time, for he controlled that too.
Reaching for a towel to wipe the ruby from your face, a flash of purple streaked from the corner of your eye. You quickly turned but all your bulging eyes made contact with was the floor.
The floor and your shadow.
Your shadow was swirling, its outline swaying against the wooden floorboards and darkness crawling as it followed your movements. Within its depths was the image of a battle; the clash of fragments of hazel scattered throughout the pools of ink. Each unconquered piece slowly succumbed to the tide because lone soldiers were weak in the face of an army. As rich brown gradually swirled into deep black, you were reminded of the arachnids; the eight-legged creature that crawled where it pleased and patiently waited for its prey to fall into its carefully crafted web. The flush colored area that unluckily landed itself behind you was now trapped in a web of gloom, an inescapable route that held no other option but to wait for its end.
Akin to how your shadow absorbed the surroundings around it—colors swirling from vivid to black—you too were mesmerized by its outlandish ferocity. The way it continued to entrench on other areas despite your lack of movement gave you the feeling it was more lively than how you remembered it.
You moved a step back. You felt your heart racing as the shadow stormed after you, quickly discarding its entrapped victims and viciously tearing apart others to get to you. Once it reached your side, the shadow began to swirl around in its new area, straying slightly farther than your outline as it dragged other pieces of hazel within its midst.
You took several steps back, fearful eyes following your shadow’s barbaric barreling as its outline shook and swirling hastened. You could make out a small groaning sound, then a wave of sighs once the shadow reached you. Your shadow’s outline and swirling lessened in intensity, resuming its invasion sequence. Near the bottom of your feet, you almost didn’t make out the tiny inky strings that connected you to the shadow. You wanted to say they resembled hands, the way there were several small strings tied to one long string, but the swirling of the ink made it hard to make out.
Even in your own home you were going crazy.
Shortly after, you quickly got dressed and rushed out the door, never once looking back at your shadow.
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The trek was fast because you did not bother to stop and look around for people to hand out food to. You were too absorbed in rethinking each encounter that you did not realize the man standing outside the shed.
“Glad to see you’re back.” Jinwoo greeted, body leaning against the shed with arms crossed. He was in a spot that offered him shade from the morning sun, dressed in his normal attire of all-black from head to toe.
You caught yourself from flinching, breaking out of your dazed state and willing yourself to speak to him.
“I, um, don’t see why not,” You meekly replied, the grip on the strap of your bag getting a little tighter. “The earthquake from yesterday did scare me, though.”
“There is no need to be afraid as long as I’m here,” Jinwoo said, pushing off the shed and stopping a shy few inches away from you.
You had not fully realized it, but Jinwoo really was an intimidating character. You never saw him at full height as he would always be sitting on something at some distance away from you and shrouded by shadows. With the way your eyes were nearly shoved into a face full of chest, you were struggling to maintain your fortitude against his domineering posture and terrorizing stare. His hands in his pockets could only do so much to shrink his broad shoulders that boldly shaped his black dress shirt.
Jinwoo leaned down toward you, head slightly tilted. His gray eyes immediately collapsed your own, unable to turn away as your heart beat sporadically. Soon the chirps of birds and the swaying of grass by the wind drowned out as static filled your ears. There was only static, until you made out faint whispering that echoed by your feet—it was incomprehensible, but it was there. You could not look away to confirm or deny your paranoia—to prove you maintained a piece of sanity—but that did not matter in the face of the ferocious beast in front of you. No, what you were more scared of now was if Jinwoo could hear how fast your heart raced—whether he could read your thoughts by glimpsing through your eyes and by the amount of time he’s spent in your head. You were able to push back the trembling, but how long could you hold it for?
A voice was murmuring underneath the ocean of sound, promptly silencing the whispers that plagued your ears.
“Huh?” Your mind was still mushy after the wave of panic passed you, having forgotten who was in front of you. The ringing static faded the harder your nails dug into your palm.
“No charity work today?” Jinwoo repeated, head tilting more at his inquiry. He leaned back, the mist clouding your mind finally settling as he separated from you.
Your fingers fiddling with the bag strap and the shuffling noise it emitted reminded you of the donations you were given today.
Wait—the donations. You sucked in a breath, trying to even out your breathing. It was made a point that you would always hand out food before meeting with him, as you would offer him the last piece you had. It was a consistent act that you performed despite only knowing Jinwoo for a minimal amount of time. How was he aware, that today of all days, was the one irregularity in your schedule?
You quickly cleared your throat. “I planned on going after meeting with you.”
Jinwoo hummed, eyes flashing to the small stream of red that trickled down your palm. His prolonged glare at the crimson liquid and clenched fists was nearly enough for you to voice your concern, but what could you even say? The tension in the air wound your vocal cords like tight knots with a string and you were too scared to unweave them.
The brief flicker of a violet hue immediately stilled your fiddling. The color was as vivid and deep as you remembered, so much so that your body couldn’t help but freeze.
There was no way he didn’t notice.
For a moment, the only sound you heard was the blood rushing through your ears as neither of you spoke a word.
Then, Jinwoo smiled. “I’ll go with you.”
“Ah—wait, um—“ You stuttered out a flood of incomprehensible blabber, quickly muted by the pattering of Jinwoo’s shoes as they trailed off in the direction you just came from.
Jinwoo turned after a few steps, eyelids slightly crinkled due to the corners of his lips being upturned. The way that his eyes were glazed over with a somber shade, the lines of his lips wavering from his strange smile, and his tight, restrained posture snipped the words of rejection off the tip of your tongue.
Oddly, your attention shifted to the floor. The sun was blaring strongly at the current hour, your shadow desperately clinging underneath you seeking respite from its isolation to other shadowy entities. You watched—in a state of shock and awe—as the shadow stretched its outline farther, almost as if extending an open hand, as Jinwoo crept closer to you. His silhouette looked animated as inky black pools excitedly swirled the closer it got. It was drawn to you—desperately trying to stay close to you—as if it was a planet orbiting the sun.
The gravity that must surround you enough to pull in an entity of the likes of possibly Jupiter—did it mean you were significant, someone that finally held power?
…Even then, would that be a good thing?
The sun’s gravity was strong enough to pull in other planets to its orbit, and they would remain there for however long the sun remained. If the sun moved, the planets moved with it.
The sun was significant, so the sun was trapped.
…Could the sun ever defy its fate?
Gray eyes pierced like needles into your skin.
“Shall we?”
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“Please use this to take care of yourself.”
You handed a woman a portion of your donations, watching as she carefully grasped the bread before hastily running off in the opposite direction.
You did not blame the woman since the oppressive presence behind you was beginning to give you a headache. You could say he was like a shadow that followed your movement, but that felt obvious.
In any case, he felt more like a parasite. He fed off any and all emotions you had and indulged as if it were a banquet and you were a feast—when you smiled after someone was vigorously thanking you, the atmosphere felt lighter. If you so much as frowned at someone’s words, the inky shadows that trailed his form flickered harshly.
He shared your actions, albeit more ferociously.
It was out of the question telling him to leave, so was it within the realm of possibility to tell Jinwoo to calm down?
Speak of the devil—he suddenly interrupted your thoughts.
“Would you care to enlighten me for a moment?” You perked up at Jinwoo’s words. He was smiling, albeit a bit more widely when your eyes met his.
“What are your thoughts about ‘wielding power’?”
A spontaneous question; something you were never normally asked. Sure, people ask what ability you would have if you awakened but they never asked about the concept. The wording was… off putting to say the least, but….
You pursed your lips. “Power is the gauge of potential. An individual can hold a certain level of power and thus exert that same level of authority over those without it.”
The Hunters Association and all guilds used a similar basis. Individuals had power, but what about combining power? There was a reason why the top guilds all held S-ranks and many A-ranks.
“When it comes to wielding power, I don’t think my opinion matters.”
“Well, I asked specifically for it, no?”
You shook your head. “That’s not what I mean. My opinion is that I have no opinion because it’s something I could never experience.”
Hunters? Awakening? If you had not seen the end of the world you wouldn’t have believed such nonsensical words. Your life was so awfully normal that dropping your phone on the floor was likely a weekly highlight for you.
“Wielding power… is something I’ve merely wished for. More precisely, I wish for the ability to protect.”
“The ability to protect…” Jinwoo echoed, pondering for a moment. Your eyes caught a glimpse of his eyebrow twitching, as if he had decided something. You wanted to inquire, but he looked incredibly deep in thought.
Eventually, you gathered the courage to speak.
“Excuse me?” A male voice spoke out from your side.
A boyish-looking male came into view and the first thing you noticed was his tattered clothing. His shoes were completely worn while his satchel was tearing apart at the seams. His clothes and face were marred with dirt and you felt your heart tug a little.
He looked exasperated.
You nodded quickly, pulling out bread and a bottle of water. You ignored the annoyed grunt from behind you.
The way the boy’s eyes lit up… it was a reminder of why you pushed so far. The loss of folks you cherished so deeply nearly tipped you over the edge. No matter how many times you begged the wind to guide you to at least a breathing sibling, or knelt down crying in front of the small cemetery that would never hold a single one of your family members—it would not bring them back. But, doing some good for others felt good. It reminded you of the days when they were still there—the small smiles plastered on grateful faces morphed into ones that resembled familiar, joyful expressions.
Familiarity was comforting in a world that was anything but.
What was not familiar, however, was the sudden warmth you felt allocating your entire body. Your wide eyes met his closed ones—he had shaky arms wrapped around you while murmuring multiple thank you’s. It was an uncommon occurrence for passerby’s to show this degree of gratitude, mostly because of fear. It took you a few seconds to realize he was hugging you, but when you did, you hugged back. Maybe it was because his hug felt like your parents were embracing you, or that he distinctly sounded like your younger cousin. Maybe it was out of pity. Nonetheless, you hugged him back and patted his shoulder.
“You’ll be okay,” You mumbled. You weren’t sure if it was to yourself or to the boy.
The boy pulled away, hesitating before saying, “Please thank the man that was with you for me.”
You raised a brow. ‘Was’? You turned around, seeking a figure that was no longer there. Your body shook a bit, hair on your arms standing. Where did he go?
You weren’t paying attention to where he fled, or whether he said anything or not. It wasn’t like him to suddenly walk out, at least, you thought so.
Maybe that was why your chest felt so light.
You waved farewell to the boy after a few more minutes of him bowing, watching him vanish among the cluster of trees. You couldn’t help but take another sweep around to make sure Jinwoo left. The numerous amount of times you’ve experienced him doing something unpredictable still did not quell the insurmountable dread racking over you.
Some time passed during your small scavenge to see where he had gone and you ultimately decided to return home at the sight of the darkening sky. The sounds of the night… on occasion there were the croaks of animals but, really, all that remained were the small insects the strong never worried about. The more you thought about it, you and the people you knew resembled those same insects. You all buzzed around as a population and prayed the predators didn’t bat an eye at the footprints left behind. The moment the noises got loud enough, the population would be wiped in an instant.
You readjusted your bag strap as you stepped over a tree root. The narrow path signaled you were getting closer to home. The familiar twisting of branches and rocks ensnared in crevices eased your spiraling mind. Leaves crunched under your foot with each step and eventually was matched by the sound of your breathing. This, too, was familiar.
You took another step. Crunch.
Then another step. Crunch.
Another step. Cr—
The crunching noise was subsided by a light splash-like sound. You took another step, not quite registering the sudden change, yet felt a sticky substance beneath your feet. You looked down, seeing splatters of a mysterious liquid littered around leaves. It looked like there was a trail, but even when you squinted your eyes you could not make out what the liquid was. You continued to walk, splatters turning into pools and your feet felt like it was moving through mud. The brisk fresh air that felt easy to breathe began to filter out as dread filled your lungs. The trees parted out around this point now, and the village was just in sight. The crimson gleamed grimly under the moonlight and you willed your shaking knees to not give out. You wanted to let out a sob but your throat tightened as the wind picked up. Leaves, some dyed with red, flew past you and all you could do was linger on the familiar flow of hair that sat atop an unmoving body surrounded by waves of blood.
You refused to move outside of the village.
The first few days, you stranded yourself inside your home. After finding the corpse, you immediately ran to the village chief and reported it. You were interrogated for a short while, but upon determining your innocence—the crime scene did not match how clean your clothes were—you were allowed to return home. The tread back did not stop you from listening to the whispers of curious crowds.
“He was stabbed a grand total of 30 times all around his body.”
“Really? I would’ve thought some sort of monster had slaughtered him, the way he was completely torn through…”
“He looks awfully young… This is truly a tragedy.”
“What caused this?”
“Does anyone know who this is?”
You shut the door, leaning your head down and bumping it harshly against the wooden door.
The familiar patch of hair covered in blood, cold amber eyes, and scarred boyish features kept you awake that night.
You did not tell the others that you had met him hours prior—had given him a portion of the donations you always carried with you. Perhaps it was so you could grieve by your lonesome, or so you wouldn’t have to face reality just yet.
You mourned the fact you didn’t even know his name.
For the first time ever, you refused to hand out donations. Instead, you helped around the village. Your guilt was eating away at you and you needed a distraction. You helped repair houses, organize food, and babysat children. Each job wore you down worse than the other, to the point where you would pass out in bed. You took nearly every job in the hopes of being kept away from… thinking.
It worked out for a while. You stopped thinking about the body, and you stopped thinking about Jinwoo.
Jinwoo. It was not difficult to put the pieces together.
He was despair incarnate—an accident waiting to happen.
It was high time you stopped fooling yourself that he would be anything less than ‘normal’.
You refused to fathom the ‘why’ and ‘how’. He was not someone you wanted to concern yourself with anymore. Each event that played out, odd occurrences, and anxiety attacks all linked to him.
To be around him… it was like reliving trauma from the day the world collapsed.
Each day away from him you continued living your past life of normalcy. You didn’t second guess actions of others, less nightmares, and you stopped paying attention to your shadow. There was a slight pull on your heart sometimes, one that resembled fear, and it motivated you go all the way for a fresh new start.
By the end of the week, you would move out. Based on the local nomads that come and go from your village, there was another shelter farther from here. It would be a long journey—not an easy feat—but you welcomed this as a new experience.
You were going to put everything behind you and live free. Your lost family, friends—maybe they would rest more easily knowing you finally stopped clinging to their memories.
You opened the closet door and looked into the mirror. Your face looked brighter and fuller. You smiled to the reflection, happy that for the first time in forever you were proud of yourself.
A heavy knock sounded at your door and you practically bounced over. It could be one of the parent’s wanting you to watch their children again; someone like May would want her daughter to get a proper goodbye.
An unfamiliar face greeted you at the door and you were taken aback by her petrified expression. Your smile dropped near instantaneously.
“T-The c-center… y-you…” The woman was quivering so much you thought she would fall.
You did not need to hear the rest of her words to start sprinting towards the village’s center.
The center had a good amount of space for larger-than-normal gatherings and meetings. Closest to the center housed the village’s chief, so any and all important duties always beelined to the center.
Certainly there was not a special meeting today, otherwise you would’ve heard about it. A surprise occasion, perhaps?
You spotted a giant cluster of people swarming the center. Roughly speaking, nearly the entire village’s population was gathered outside with even the scavengers joining the party based off the number of familiar heads you saw. The large crowd of people made you more suspicious. This was definitely not normal. You could make out numerous terrified whispers beyond the turning heads and mouths behind their hands. It was only when you got closer that you realized this was not a normal gathering.
At the edges of the crowd and covered in a thick, deep black were multiple entities. They varied in form from large bears, elves, ants, and wolves to humanoid figures covered in armor. You would’ve assumed them to be beasts if not for their color and that they were not attacking the unarmed civilians they surrounded.
A gut-wrenching feeling was pooling. All of the village was gathered, there were beasts patrolling thought to be untamable, and you specifically were reached out to. Your house was a bit out of the way—it was the one closest to the edge and furthest from the center. It would make sense why you did not hear the commotion, but it did not make sense for you to be called on out of everyone else.
In a moment you made up your mind. The beasts were busy watching over the crowd so you took quiet steps to back away. It was better to make distance in case you needed a head start—something you wish you did when the portals opened and you were too awestruck to move.
There was growling heard from a wolf as a woman attempted to leave.
You took a few more steps back. If you reached a bit farther back you could block yourself with the bushes.
In any case, the situation looked dire enough for you to debate running to another village for help. The closest one was about a day or two’s worth of walking, it was a risk but what other option did you possibly have? All the people here were in danger, yet again, you were powerless. What a bitter feeling.
You took another step only to stop at the sound of groaning behind you.
You turned, nearly falling to the floor at the sight in front of you.
The figure was tall—tall enough that you had to turn your head up to see its head. Similar to its peers, it was completely encased in an inky black. Now that you could get a closer look, you also noticed dark clouds pooling around the entity, almost like a mist-like substance was protruding from it. It confirmed that whatever these… things were, they were not normal portal creatures. Your eyes trailed slowly from its darkened plates—was that armor?—to two white orbs. Its white eyes were staring holes into you, face hidden behind an armor helmet. You watched in horror as the plume atop its head waved, metal creaking as it bent its top half forward. You were expecting hostility; perhaps the being would usher you forcefully into the crowd or treat you as if you escaped. To your surprise, the head dipped—it went low enough for the white to disappear. The right hand of the knight was placed gently against the center of its chest and it kept its head down for a few moments. Was it… bowing?
You moved to sprint but the knight’s head shot up. It narrowed its eyes in a way that said ‘don’t’. The moment you saw the heavy sheathed sword strapped to its side you stopped. You felt your eye twitch as it waved its hand in the direction of the center, motioning for you to step forward first. You could clearly see, then, the other shadowy entities staring at you and how the armored knight perfectly stood atop your shadow. You were caught in the same trap as the others, the sinking feeling in your chest unyielding.
You reluctantly made your way towards the center. Following your steps behind you was the sound of metal grating and heavy thudding against the clear plain. No matter how many times you pinched yourself, the sight remained the same: large crowd and beasts. It reminded you so vividly of back then that you couldn’t stop the trembling in your legs. As you approached the crowd, their faces reflected your shaking: uneasy and fearful. Some shadows moved to part the crowd, allowing you an easier entryway towards the center. They mimicked what the knight from before did, all bowing in their own way.
You felt everyone staring and never before did you feel so anxious.
The sudden hushes from the crowd that swiftly turned into silence allowed you to hear the booming voices in the distance.
The familiar sinking of your heart stimulated the fully formulated sensation of fear—a new-found source of dread entirely because one of the booming voices you recognized.
“…This offer is beneficial to you, is it not?” A deep voice said, sending a tremor down your spine.
“It is a negotiation, not an offer,” Another voice said, “I am uncertain of your terms so I cannot comply.”
There was a long, drawn-out sigh. You peeked from behind the shoulder of a soldier in front of you, praying you wouldn’t be noticed.
Jinwoo ran a hand through his messy dark hair, eyes practically glowering at the village chief. The leader of the community—the one who allocates and organizes everyone’s resources while ensuring safety—is known as the village chief. For the minor semblance to how past society lived, they were elected periodically by the community. You talked to him recently about the body, but… why was he talking to Jinwoo?
Wait, why was Jinwoo even here?
“Well, it doesn’t matter. I only asked for your permission out of convenience.”
“After all, the person I was waiting for is finally here.”
You cowered behind the soldier, watching as his eyes raked through the entire crowd until stopping on you.
“Isn’t that right, Y/N? Come out now.” He was beckoning you forward with his hand, index finger wagging at you as if trying to cage a scared puppy.
Jinwoo, of the attire you’ve seen him in previously, was wearing something different. Instead of slightly ragged clothes he was wearing a long black coat with silver engravings around the shoulder and wrists. He wore a clean white shirt underneath along with black pants and formal black shoes—the outfit would’ve screamed ‘money’ to you if there was such things as designer still.
He was befitting to be someone of high society, in fact.
Your eyes met with the village chief and it seemed he immediately understood the situation. He was mouthing ‘no’ at you, trying to deter you—this was enough to keep your feet planted.
You remained still. Soon enough, you felt something spike in the air, the shadows beneath his coat tail flicking wildly at your impertinence. The entities surrounding the crowd grew restless, with the shadow-being you were hiding behind shaking. Jinwoo was staring bullets into you, even behind the soldier, and the shadows were as well.
“Move.” Jinwoo flicked his wrist towards the soldier and it immediately crumbled into a dark cloudy mist. The essence then moved back towards Jinwoo’s shadow, becoming absorbed into his outline.
Petrified, you stood still. A lot of things started to click as you began to realize what Jinwoo’s true power was. The way his shadow never stood still or how your own never acted quite right… it made sense.
Now you were staring at him and he was staring at you. Jinwoo gave you a slight wave.
He smiled. “I missed you.”
You were too scared to open your mouth with how tight your throat was.
Jinwoo turned to the tall knight next to you. “Good work, Igris. Now—“
The knight nodded his head, white eyes still watching you.
“—I’d like to discuss our future.” There was a glow emitting from Jinwoo’s eyes, light shining on his violet pupils.
He held out his hand, tapping the right palm of the hand using his left index finger. “From now on, the people living here will act under me.”
What? What did he say?
“I reject!” The village chief roared. “For someone like you to show up like this…”
“Quiet.” Jinwoo held a finger to his lips, purple eyes violently flashing.
“I wasn’t talking to you.”
He turned towards you. “I will protect all that live here.”
Jinwoo licked his lips. “In return, Y/N, you will be my betrothed.”
No. No, no, no, no.
After all that has happened, maybe it was because of him. Just him. He single-handedly ruined the remaining good parts of your life and for what? To be some selfish bastard?
No. No way.
“What the fuck are you talking about, Jinwoo?” You shouted, holding back tears. No wonder his behavior was so goddamn psychotic—he wanted you to be his lover?
“I barely know who the hell you are, and what you’re doing right now is absurd. Just who are you?”
Jinwoo tilted his head. “Do you really not know?” He tapped a finger against his cheek.
“Have you heard of the Monarchs?”
Monarchs? Did he mean the Monarchs of Calamity?
Although you experienced the end of the world, you were unfamiliar concerning its origin. There were multiple theories that were shared with you, such as planned gate-opening or that multiple outbreaks occurred simultaneously due to probability. A leading theory was that there were beings, named Monarchs, who acted as divinity because they possessed power that rivaled gods. Even when the S-rank hunters of other countries joined forces, they were unable to be on equal footing with the Monarchs. These Monarchs, for an unbeknownst reason, released an unnatural calamity upon the world—hence the name ‘Monarchs of Calamity.’ You never pondered this theory—why would you want to reflect on the idea that a disaster was intentionally brought upon you? The fact that it was brought up means…
“…Are you a Monarch?” You asked, eyes flashing towards the darkened knight he called ‘Igris.’
“I am the Monarch of Shadows.” Jinwoo sneered at the title, the corner of his lips momentarily quirking upward as he watched despair flash over the village chief’s face.
It seemed Jinwoo did not like your own befallen expression, though.
“It’s of interest to you because that means I am also the leader of Monarchs.” You curled your right fist, squeezing your nails as hard as you could against the palm of your hand.
“In terms of protection, I am the best there is.” Jinwoo continued, waving towards his army—monstrosities that have already conquered countless civilizations within a blink of an eye.
“The people you love now… I can take care of them. All you have to do is say yes.”
You looked back towards the crowd. They were still anxious and afraid. The familiar faces you saw, the children, the families… this was cruel. If you said no, would he—
“Do you remember the conversation we had the other day, about power?” Jinwoo asked suddenly. The way his eyes were watching you so intently, that he was eagerly awaiting your responses frightened you more than anything. You saw him flick his wrists, pulling out something from within his shadow. There was a gleam of red and immediately you let out a scream for him to stop but it was far too late.
There was a loud thud next to you and you nearly vomited.
“Your wish to obtain power… I can grant it, so long as you become my Queen.”
There, lying on the ground next to you, was the unmoving body of the village chief. The one who attempted to protect this little community to the very end, who tried to shield you despite the circumstances, and stood up to a Monarch despite not wielding power himself. There was a large, red dagger driven deep into his chest. As his blood pooled out onto the floor, the screaming began. Men shouted and roared out of fear and anger, some women screamed while others covered the childrens’ eyes. The dagger currently lodged in his chest made you blink once, then twice.
You gasped suddenly, your mind flashing back to the corpse of the boy who was overly cheerful—the image of the deep slash marks, riddled with slashes that tore out skin from bone churned through your head.
“You… the boy—it was you, wasn’t it?” You choked out, reaching for the village chief.
“He overstepped, by touching what is mine,” Jinwoo hissed, expression smoldering and hair bristling. “It’s unforgivable.”
The shadows were shrieking now, trying to tame the crowd while their Monarch was simmering. He was about to burst, but you were already on the edge. You were so overwhelmed, so tired of him and whatever despair he brought with him, that you started letting go.
“You’re a monster. A cruel, unruly, disgusting monster.” You sharply emphasized every word, hoping it stabbed as deep as he did to those innocent people. “I will never agree to your dogshit proposal.”
The yelling of the crowd began turning into shattering shrieks and now everything was unraveling to be a slaughter. There were brave people who fought and those who fled. Those who were caught began to follow the village chief. The sound of constant thudding flooded your mind but all you could simply do was tearfully stare at the corpses.
It was like the end of the world all over again.
Jinwoo held a firm hand against his face, a purple eye peeking through his fingers to peer at you.
“I still have yet to understand you. Death is such an easy thing yet you act like it’s your first time witnessing it everytime…” Jinwoo softly gritted his teeth.
“However, if death is the only issue, then it’s fixable.” Jinwoo raised a hand towards the village chief, the shadowy cloud quickly enveloping the corpse.
Everything happened so quickly that you were nearly convinced you had blacked out. From the corpse that remained on the now bloody floor rose a new shadowy figure. This time, it was in the very shape of the man who you saw killed just moments ago. In fact, multiple other figures emerged from unmoving bodies that sat on the ground. Each face was a face that you recognized as people you interacted with daily. They were familiar, yet not at the same time—their faces were dull, expressionless, as if they became puppets and were waiting for the master to pull the strings.
“Queen,” The village chief spoke next to you and you stepped back out of alarm. “You are the Queen.”
“Queen,” The crowd repeated in unison. “You are the Queen.”
Queen. It was like standing in an echo chamber.
You are the Queen. Was he this heartless?
Queen. You are the Queen.
“Stop,” You whispered.
Queen. Some children were repeating it too.
You. Are. The. Queen.
“Stop it!” You screamed, holding both hands against your ears as you finally let a sob rack over your body.
You heard footsteps approaching you, but you didn’t care. You just wanted it all to stop—everything. All the pain, the suffering, the memories. You were tired. Enough fighting, enough thinking—just, please, stop.
A warmth enveloped your body and you felt a hand gently uncover one side of your ear.
“I have waited so long for you, so accept me.” Jinwoo’s breath tickled your ear and you couldn’t help but shiver.
"Just as you belong to me, I belong to you. Any item you want, I will give. Any person you dislike will vanish within an instant.”
If you want the stars in the sky, I will lay them at your feet. If you want to conquer the entire sky, it will all be yours."
“Just be mine.”
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starzgaze · 4 months
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incomprehensible slashes and clashes could be heard from the gymnasium.
you stood there, a bit dumbfounded from the sight in front of you. two of the most sought out hunters in the country is having a duel over for your love.
and you were there to witness it, front row and possibly held at gun point.
i can't write fics that well but i can pick up a pen and visualize it 😛 anyway also no dialogue option here
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561 notes · View notes
nyashykyunnie · 2 months
˗ˏˋ Historical Au: Slave!Jinwoo x Noble!Reader ◛⑅˚ ༘ ♡ ˎˊ˗
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕁𝕚𝕟𝕨𝕠𝕠˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
・┆✦ Entry : 036 ✦ ┆・
‼️[ TW: Slavery, Violence, Yandere Jinwoo, Familial Abuse, strong language. Please don't read this fic if it is triggering or uncomfortable for you. I do not condone slavery nor do encourage such acts. This is simply a work of fiction ]
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅ Cai Bot Link ♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ Devotion or Obsession? ] ¡! ❞
"A gift for you, my dear child" Your father mused as an 18 year old teenager, tattered and chained, was dragged to the floor and forced to kneel in-front of you Jinwoo looked up at you with expressionless gray eyes, his face was covered in dirt and his shirt was extremely filthy. "Hi." Jinwoo greeted you humbly.
"Father!" You shrieked, flicking the fabrics of your dress as you hurriedly knelt towards the slave and tried to support his limp figure.
He was hardly even concious with his bleary and sleepy eyes, his clothes are covered in grime and dirt as his face was dusted with blood and something else. He looked not much older nor younger than you, and yet all this man was made of was skin and bones.
"Why so upset, my dear?" Your father sneers, humming as he swirls a glass of wine in his his hand. "It's your birthday after all. Daddy thought that should be gifted, no?"
"But I didn't ask for a slave or anything at all!" You protest, only to be met by a domineering glare that instantly made you close your mouth.
"Be grateful, you goddamn pig" He bites, making you feel even more terrified than you older were. "If it weren't for the fact your fucking wench of a mother making a goddamn fuss before dying you wouldn't be here. The least you could do is accept whatever the fact I give you"
He calms down, continuing "That child was only a few silver coins. If you dont want him I could always give him to your sisters or work him to death."
"N-no!" You protest immediately, shivering at the thought of what your father might decide to do. "I-I'll keep him... I'll take care of him."
"There's a good girl," He chuckles, "Start with the imprinting."
You gulp, anxiously looking at Jinwoo who was tired beside you, he looked like he just wanted to to be done with everything.
"Your... Uhm..." His eyes would sweep towards you with an empty grey gaze. "Name?"
"Jinwoo." He says shortly.
"Alright, uhm, Jinwoo..." You hold your palm out. "It'll tickle, I have't done this before s-so—"
"It's fine." He cuts you off, stretching his scarred left hand towards yours and pressing it together.
You tremble at the touch, not of disgust— But instead you were nervous. If you screw this up, you might get another beating or worse,... Something might happen to Jinwoo.
So with the little mana you hold; you started pouring energy out as a soft gentle light comes as the brilliant and pretty things somehow turned into pitch black and purple shadows— Twisting and churning before attaching themselves to both of your ring fingers.
Jinwoo seemed unamused, but your father certainly was.
"Now, get out of my sight" Your father simply said after recovering from the spectacle. "Your sisters are about to arrive, you bring a sour expression to their wonderful faces, so leave"
You could only respond with a polite bow as you helped Jinwoo up to his feet and guided him out of the main house.
There wasn't even a carriage prepared for the both of you as you silently walked towards the far west inside a forest and then finally arriving at a crude but somehow decent looking manor.
Jinwoo watched and followed you as you guided him to a dusty bedroom and sat him down before fetching a small chest with ointments and bandages. Though his gaze was still empty, he was looking at you with curiosity, wondering why exactly you're doing this.
"I'm your slave," Jinwoo breaks the silence. "Aren't you supposed to leave this to your servants?"
"Hahah... Sorry." You apologize, making him quirk up an eyebrow. "Your master is pathetic, I have no servant in my name."
He doesn't question that situation, instead asking; "Then why do it yourself? I can patch myself up just fine."
"Maybe... Because I feel guilty?" You fidget, applying ointment on him after wiping his arm. "It's my... Birthday and yet because of it you're here. I'm sorry."
"Don't." He simply said, not meeting your eyes as he looks out to the distant skies. outside your broken window. "It's not your fault. And besides, here is better than just wherever."
The silence ensues, nothing much being said any further as you directed Jinwoo to an empty room. He was given a decent place to sleep in. It was odd, since this bedroom seemed more comfortable compared to yours that was even more shabby and dusty.
⋅ ˚ ₊ ‧ ଳ ‧ ₊ ˚ ⋅ ⋆ ౨ৎ ˚ ⟡ ˖ ࣪
It an odd situation, not once did you have ever treat Jinwoo as a slave, you were often on your own in your little garden at the backyard and farming vegetables for both of you to eat.
Jinwoo actively avoided you for quite a while, before deciding that since he lives with you and is technically leeching off of you— He might as well be useful.
And in those days where he helped you, the walls that Jinwoo had built around himself crumbled the more time passed by.
For a while, he was happy, you were happy.
You were both happy.
That was until you had to attend a gathering with your family that had abandoned you.
Of course, you had to dress in your shabby and outdated dress, to which everyone in the ballroom responds with mockery and spite. Jinwoo expected it, sure he's mad, but there's nothing he could do since he is nothing more but a damn slave who cant even defend his own master.
With heads hung low like cowards, the both of you decided to just stay in a corner and be as far away from any and all interactions. It went well for the first hour.
Admiring the brilliant lights and listening to wonderful music around you. Nobility is truly such a beautiful thing, golden plates, silver spoons, brilliant and gleaming jewels stitched into fine fabrics made by highly respectable and sought after tailors.
Jinwoo wanted to admire the scene with you, he truly did.
After all, he spent most of his days being dragged through the mud, his body being flogged over and over just for the fun of a drunk knight, or worse— Hard labour with only a piece of bread you can barely chew on due to how hard it is.
Compared to the grueling days he spent sleeping on the dirt, compared to the devastation he had as he cradled his dearly beloved little sister's corpse when she died of starvation— The sight of these luxurious tiles is mercy upon his pitiful soul.
Jinwoo's face drained of it's colours as he watches your elder sister yell at you for simply trying to greet her. A simple greet.
That was all it took for you to be on your knees frantically saying sorry with your voice as humble and as quiet as it can be.
He felt so hopeless, so frozen as he sees your pretty face scrunch in grief at your own actions that isnt even in the wrong in the first place.
So why must you kneel? Why must you humiliate yourself like this?
They stare at you with those sly eyes, as if finding your misery a source of entertainment. Sneers and chuckles would come with each insult being thrown your way.
Was it your fault you were born as the bastard child of the duke when it was your father who willingly went to brothels and slept with multiple women. It wa sonly your mother who stepped up confidently to demand your father to take you in despite the fact that she is currently dying of birth complications. Your mother did all of that just so you could live a comfortable life.
And instead here you were, being punished over something you didn't do.
Isn't family supposed to love eachohter? Jinwoo loved his baby sister so much. So why is he watching another older sibling throw wine at their own blood just for breathing?
Jinwoo felt so... Devastated, his dear companion, his master. His own master— Is being ridiculed right in front of him.
The person he was sold to, the person who took care of him—
"Don't touch him, eonnie!" You scream, throwing yourself right in front of Jinwoo despite the fact you're already soaking wet from the wine splattered all over your pretty face and your already ruined dress. "Please, he's innocent. He's imprinted to me, but he shouldn't receive any punishment. We'll go, eonnie, we'll go. Please don't touch him."
You're protecting him.
That bastard woman would have continued her assault if it werent for her dear father stopping her and saying it's a waste of time dealing with a bunch of lowlifes.
Thus, the two of you were escorted— No, thrown out the main palace.
Jinwoo followed behind you towards the path of your shabby manor, and as the blowing wind caressed your skins,... You broke down.
"Sorry, sorry, Jinwoo." You sob as the man threw his arms around you. "I'm sorry, it was my fault, you shouldn't have seen that. I'm so sorry, Jinwoo. I really am. Please forgive me. Don't be mad at me.
"Why are you asking me those questions?" He asks, his soft voice barely even able to control his trembling voice. "You're my owner, shouldn't I be begging for forgiveness?"
"No, no," You sob even louder.
And Jinwoo couldn't do anything else but comfort you.
⋅ ˚ ₊ ‧ ଳ ‧ ₊ ˚ ⋅ ⋆ ౨ৎ ˚ ⟡ ˖ ࣪
Jinwoo didnt know how, but he managed to put you into sleep right after taking you home. He delivered some spare clothes to you for you to change in. He tucked you in under the shabby blankets and watched over you.
His gaze was stuck on you, contemplating deeply while guilt slowly clawed at his heart.
Tap, Tap, Tap.
"You'll get her killed." A voice suddenly says, and Jinwoo shot up, blocking his arm in front of you as you slept.
"Shut up"
The voice suddenly came from behind him, and when Jinwoo looked back— He could see a pair of purple eyes glaring at him. He can't quite see the face of the man, it was too pitch black and the moon isnt out tonight. He tried grabbing the vase on the sidetable but something had stopped him.
He can't quite tell, but it was as if the air itself is holding him back as those wicked and colr purple eyes glanced at him from the darkness right beside your sleeping form.
"You really think a damn vase can scare off an intruder?" The man scoffs. "You're pathetic."
"Who are you?" Jinwoo asks again, struggling to move as quiet murmurs surrounded him.
"Some guy" He answers.
"You must be one of those—"
"Ssh." The purple eyes gaze up at him again. "You'll wake the princess up with your voice."
Jinwoo shut his mouth, biting down on his lip as once again he felt so utterly hopeless. Not to mention the air around the stranger was absolutely wicked and somehow... Demonic? Otherwordly?
It was a feeling akin to staring at the abyss, the unkown that makes your skin crawl and itch.
That man is dangerous.
Dangerous But Not Hostile.
"That sister of hers," The man starts, his voice a little tense. "Will get her killed in a few years."
"Excuse me?"
"She'll die, and her blood will be on you, Jinwoo" He grits his teeth. "Just like your sister's who died from starvation, just like your mother who died from sickness, just like your father who died in your arms saving you from a bandit— Her blood will be on your hands just like theirs that is already on you."
"So quiet, now, huh? You're crying?" He sneers, the voice suddenly coming from behind him. "Crying wont do you any good, you fucking idiot."
"So what exactly do you want me to do?" Jinwoo yells, struggling as he tried to face the man. "I'm not strong, I'm built like a twig. I'm trying, okay? But I'm just a slave. This house is goddamn shabby, I've been trying to fix everything but it's lacking. I can barely even help in the farm, not to mention it's almost winter soon and if she wont die by that bitch's hands then she'll die because of this house! What the hell do you think I can do? I'm trying here and nothing is working!"
Of course he doesn't want to be in this situation either. Who does? He already lost his family, his blood, his precious kin— All gone and he couldnt do anything about. It was a hopeless situation. Of course, he tried getting a job in the capital since you let him roam as he pleases. He tried some odd jobs, several of them ranging from ordinary helper jobs to cleaning shoes to seeling newspapers; nothing is working.
He lost his family because of his weakness, and because of that same weakness he'll loose you too.
"Hypothetically, you are given a guide to becoming extremely strong to protect her but in the process you loose your sanity along the way as well as your emotions" The voice says, his footsteps echoing in the quiet room as he walked around Jinwoo like a ghost. "How far are you willing to go?"
"Farther than the limit."
"Even if you lose your limbs along the way?"
"Even if you get mauled by beasts?"
"Even if you go mad by the power you'll soon hold?"
"Even if you must become a murderer?"
"I'll do it."
"I'll do it all for her sake."
"Good" The voice hums, satisfied.
Jinwoo starts feeling dizzy, his legs giving in as he felt himself collapse on something soft.
"Protect her." The stranger's tone becomes gentle. "Where I failed to do so, be better than me. Devote yourself to her. Protect the heart that is more precious than anything in this world. Even if you go through hell, you must protect her. You must love her. Give her all the adoration you can ever give. Because I couldn't protect my princess. So don't make the same mistake."
⋅ ˚ ₊ ‧ ଳ ‧ ₊ ˚ ⋅ ⋆ ౨ৎ ˚ ⟡ ˖ ࣪
Jinwoo had received the system from that night ever since. He had been busy from then on, often going out in the day and coming back in the evenings tired but somehow... A little different.
He'd go on long trips sometimes, which you honestly didn't mind so long as he promises to come home.
Soon enough, that same lanky, 18 year old boy— Is suddenly a head taller than you that you physically have to strain your neck just so you can meet with him eye-to-eye. Jinwoo had become from a lanky boy to a different person in just a blink of an eye in a matter of months.
Each long week he disappears; he comes back even more mature and lax in his demeanour. THe next thing you knew, Jinwoo enrolled himself as a hunter.
You're proud of him, of course you are.
That's your Jinwoo.
Your precious, precious and sweet Jinwoo who always stuck by your side even if you are a noble who had no servant to her name and a manor fit to be deemed as a haunted home.
The wealth would soon come pouring in with each succesful hunt Jinwoo goes through. And the more powerful his bounties were, the more famous he became. The money he accumulated directly went into rebuilding the shabby manor into an opulent home worthy of a duke's daughter. Your filthy, ragged dresses were replaced by finely crafted fabrics. Your neck and ears would be adorned in the meek but captivating jewelry.
Of course, he still had that title of slave over his head but weirdly enough... Jinwoo seemed to carry it as a badge of honor.
Because he was yours.
What's he is yours.
Naturally, jealous eyes come your way as the your dear hunter is now the most sought after. Who wouldn't want him anyway? Tall, handsome, a hunter— He is the embodiment of what is lusted for with a man.
And yet he never once bat an eye to those arrogant nobles who offered him the finest of fine wealth could ever give.
Love letters from all over the kingdom pine for your precious Jinwoo.
And yet he still chose you.
Those steely grey eyes of him would solely be for you and you only.
He looked a you like you are his precious goddess.
You Jinwoo is so... So Innocent and lovely.
Even as he held your father's severed head on his hand.
Even as a pool of blood puddled beneath his feet. Even as his grey orbs have turned purple. Even as the opulent pearl tiles reflected his maddened figure.
Your Jinwoo is just so... So lovely.
His heart, oh, his heart belonged to you. His innocent, pretty little master who looks up at him with a bewildered but awestruck gaze— He knew you weren't mad.
"I did it all for you, princess" Jinwoo would coo, cupping your face and swiping his thumb affectionately over cheek. "They were trying to make you cry again. We can't have that"
He whispers, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "After all, I am yours. We're already binded by a contract. Even if it didn't exist I'd still choose the same choice I have made now."
He holds up his hand, pressing his palm against yours as the tattooes rings on your ring fingers glowed purple.
"See? Even our mark is like wedding rings" He intertwines your fingers together before bringing it up to his lips and kissing the mark on you. "It's okay. It's okay. This is for your own good."
"This is all for your sake, my precious god."
"This bloodbath is an offering for you."
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꒰ A/N: idk what I made nor do I wanna know. The plot is all over the place wheeze. I'm quaking at writer's block. I should not write for Jinwoo until I get the energy back. I'm so mindblocked with him maybe it's because I cant draw fanart of him atm. ahhhhhhhhhh ꒱
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ʚ(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭ .。✧・゚: ~♡ —! stories written by kyunnie; translations, reposts, plagiarism are strictly forbidden.
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sylusjinwoon · 5 months
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{ 157 }
headfirst for halos.
yandere!jinwoo sung x fem.reader
warnings + disclaimers: obsessive behavior; dark content; i do not condone this behavior in real life, but in fiction, anything goes.
notes: reading solo leveling and seeing how hard jinwoo goes to protect his family and those that he loves-
it’s not impossible for him to have some yandere tendencies. i’ll try to write this to the best of my abilities, even though this really isn’t my strong suit 。゚(TヮT)゚。 this will be written for the anon that wishes to see me write for yandere!jinwoo... so i hope this meets your expectations...
{ well, let’s go back to the middle of the day that starts it all | i can’t begin to let you know just what i’m feeling. }
there she is, the girl that stole my heart the moment i first laid eyes on her.
my breathing comes out as uneven gasps, and i was actively struggling to breathe at the mere sight of her. along with my labored breaths, my heart could be felt pumping quickly, racing as my palms began to sweat the more i looked at her-
an almost crazed expression paints my features, eyes never straying too far away from that lovely woman. from my viewpoint, i could see that she was simply enjoying her day with a book in hand, taking casual sips of her coffee while running her hands through her hair.
and oh, how i long to sit across from her! to simply bask in her radiance while listening to the gentle sweetness of her voice...
but not yet.
i cannot approach such a perfect goddess just yet.
i still have not reached my full potential.
so, i'll simply stand right here, hidden within the shadows with my hood pulled over my face. from this point onwards, i will never allow my goddess to leave my sights-
"wait for me, my love."
{ ... }
the day sung jinwoo had confessed his feelings for you was the day you had labeled as being the best in your life.
after your meeting with the association's chairman, jinwoo had waited for you all while donning an expensive, black suit. in his hands was a bouquet of red roses, signifying his true intentions as he gifted you the precious blooms with a single statement.
"i am deeply in love with you, please, tell me that you'll be mine."
you thought nothing of the sheer desperation heard in his voice, finding yourself becoming captivated by the mere sight of him. and truly, could anyone really blame you for being so starstruck at the sight of him?
here was this perfect specimen of a man, with features that could rival any idol, and a body that was sculpted to perfection thanks to the many battles he had faced. neat locks of ebony hair falls perfectly across his face, with his full lips tilted up in an unassuming smile (let's not forget that adorable blush, too!)
within seconds, you held the bouquet of roses close to your chest while accepting his confession.
and just a few moments later was when you found yourself immediately brought into jinwoo's embrace. a gasp escapes from your lips as it felt as though he were crushing you to his chest-
like he wanted to somehow meld your body together with his-
your slight cry of pain was what ultimately makes jinwoo let go of you, eyes glowing a startling purple hue while looking down at your arms to see the roses he had purchased for you ruined as the thorns managed to pierce through the skin of your arms.
you swore you could never forget the look of utter devastation seen within his eyes, his apologies being repeated over and over again before taking the broken bouquet and smashing it to the ground with his feet.
"no no no, this was supposed to be the perfect day! the roses were meant to convey my deep and passionate love for you, but it ended up hurting you- i need to get rid of it, need to get rid of anything that harms you-"
by the end of his panicked rants, you were the one that had to calm him down, promising that you could heal yourself and that such a minor injury was no problem at all. you could see the look of pure relief reflected in his gaze as he squeezes your body to his chest once more, embracing you while standing over a broken bouquet of roses.
despite how strange it was, you were truly staring at him through rose-colored lenses, thinking nothing of it.
now that you were together with him for roughly 6 months now, you began to notice tiny details pertaining to jinwoo and his behavior when it came to you.
for starters, you had only been dating for a month when he practically demanded that you move in with him, successfully convincing you to terminate your lease with your current apartment while seducing you with promises of financial stability and a large penthouse to share with him.
"sarang, i know that you're a capable healer, but your earnings are no match for mine! please, let me take care of you."
despite not even dating for a year, you moved in with him anyways, allowing jinwoo to further spoil you.
along with his constant presence, you realized one other detail-
now, jinwoo owned a journal of some sort, seeming to write in that thick notebook on a near daily basis.
during the times you had seen him before you began dating, jinwoo had never once kept a diary. he appeared calm, cool, and collected, with his status as korea's latest s-rank hunter putting him to nearly famous heights. due to his growing fame, you figured he had no time to do such a mundane task.
yet now, without fail, he would never cease writing so furiously within the journal, only slamming the pages shut and stopping when you would walk into the room. you had a sneaking suspicion he was writing about you, but each time you asked about it, he would simply harden his gaze and give you a scowl.
"with all due respect, this has nothing to do with you. am i not allowed the privacy to write down my own thoughts?"
his biting words nearly makes the tears stream down your face, your apologies coming out into broken syllables. upon realizing that he has hurt your feelings, jinwoo would push himself away from the table, leaving behind his journal before comforting you by taking you in his arms.
"i'm sorry, i'm so so so sorry, your monarch didn't mean to make you cry. forgive me, my love?"
being comforted by his warmth and blinded by the sheer love you still had for him, you merely nodded your head in response, accepting his kiss as the gesture erased all of your thoughts pertaining to his journal.
and that was how your days typically went with your boyfriend.
he would take you out on dates and spoil you with gifts-
each time you were scheduled to attend a raid, he would take over and finish each dungeon solely on his own without even giving you and your team a chance-
and when nightfall came (when jinwoo believed you had fallen asleep), he would continue to write (with a strange fervor) within the pages of his journal until the early hours of the morning.
it wasn't until now that you decided to do something about your growing curiosity.
jinwoo was currently away on what you could only deem as a 'business trip.' the american branch of the hunter's association had reached out to him, and he would be gone for roughly a week-
leaving you alone within the confines of the penthouse.
your eyes were staring blankly at the television screen, not really paying attention to the show that was currently being aired. instead, your heart was pounding with anxiety, trailing your eyes towards the bedroom.
within your shared master bedroom, you were aware of the desk jinwoo kept against the wall, being filled with various paperwork and checkbooks that kept track of his earnings as a hunter-
and settled inside the desk was a locked compartment that you were certain his journal was kept hidden. you always saw the key to the drawer somewhere close to his body as an extra precaution to make sure that you would never be able to read its contents while he was away.
but truly, you were nothing if you didn't have some tenacity.
clasped within your hands were two needles that were going to serve as your tools for picking the lock within jinwoo's desk (and you could only hope that whatever shadow soldier he had placed within your shadow wouldn't alert him.)
you knew of the risks that came with unlocking the drawer-
however, you could not stop yourself.
with a determined expression, you swiftly head towards your room, turning on the lights before marching towards jinwoo's desk. kneeling before it, you place the two, slender needles within the keyhole all while gently maneuvering it-
you bring the needles closer together within the keyhole-
then proceed to turn it around just a little bit more-
only to let out a surprised gasp upon hearing something click.
the two needles remain rooted in place when you managed to open the drawer, seeing jinwoo's diary settled within the deep confines of its space. as your hands lean down to grab it, the sudden memory of his ice cold gaze and voice dripping with fury stops you-
with all due respect, this has nothing to do with you.
your breathing comes out as labored, with your heart felt twisting just the tiniest bit in anxiety-
but sadly, your curiosity had won, taking over as you extracted the diary from the safety of the drawer before opening the cover to its first page-
making you regret it instantly.
for what lay before you was pure and utter darkness-
may 6, 16:41 she's mine. she's finally mine! the woman i have longed for- the woman who has saved me when i was a mere e-rank hunter accepted my flower and my love. now she is mine to hold. mine to love. mine to cherish for all eternity. my heart feel so happy, so free. today is truly the best day of my life. SHE'S FINALLY MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE....
june 7, 12:42 i asked my soulmate to move in with me today, yet felt ANNOYED at the slight hesitance in her gaze. she has no right to refuse me! here i am, spoiling her with everything she could possibly want and need, yet she still wants to live in a space AWAY FROM ME? unacceptable. i refuse to tolerate her defiance. if she loves me, she'll cut off her lease and be with me. only i can give her what she wants- ONLY I CAN GIVE HER WHAT SHE NEEDS. despite my anger that was felt mounting, i manage to calm down and speak to her with my normal tone, making sure that it was honey sweet while coaxing her, promising her that i will take care of her and provide her everything that she needs. and oh, i truly am so lucky! she agreed to move in with me by the end of the day. life cannot get any better than this.
june 9, 0250 i couldn't help myself- the moment she lay in my bed, i made love to her. i perfectly slotted myself between the softness of her thighs while basking in her warmth. i can feel myself getting harder at the memory. fuck, i need her. despite taking her for several hours, i can't get enough of her. i'll finish up this entry and place my hands between her slick sweetness- don't worry, i'll make sure she's awake and needy for me so that i can look back at this entry and smile at the memory. I WILL FOREVER MARK HER AS MINE I WILL FOREVER MARK HER AS MINE I WILL FOREVER MARK HER AS MINE I WILL FOREVER MARK HER AS MINE I WILL FOREVER MARK HER AS MINE I WILL FOREVER MARK HER AS MINE
august 18, 20:00 that damn hunter keeps bothering her again, shamelessly flirting with her while constantly begging her to heal him. i bet he wants her. i bet he has thoughts of fucking her. why else does he keep leading her hands toward his shoulder like that? and why are his eyes shining with lust for her like that? i'm going to have to teach him a lesson- after all, my love doesn't know any better, so there's no way i could ever punish her. it's my duty to protect her. to save her from all men that wish to use her- ah, he's here. i'll end my entry for now.
after reading those few entries, your head began to spin, recalling each of those days with perfect clarity. after those entries, jinwoo seemed to lose all coherent thoughts, spending the next hundred of pages detailing your every activity-
from how you slept-
to what you wore-
even going down to such minuscule details like what you had for your meals and what you were constantly doing marked by the hours-
and now, you had context for the sudden disappearance of the hunter you had healed all those months ago-
nausea was felt coursing through your veins as you shoved the journal away from you, running into the bathroom as you threw up the contents of your breakfast and lunch into the porcelain toilet. even when your stomach was emptied of its contents, you kept on dry heaving, trying to get rid of the sourness felt deep inside of you.
time passes seemingly in a sluggish manner, with you flushing the toilet before crawling out of the bathroom. when you tried to stand back to your full height, a wave of dizziness hits you-
but one thought still remains-
i need to get out of here!
those words were what ultimately pushes you forward, with your uneven breaths filling at the air as your feet pounded against the floors, about to reach the front door when a sudden shift was felt in the air.
"i knew that it was best for me to save my shadow exchange for moments like this."
a silent scream escapes from your parted lips when jinwoo suddenly appears before you. he simply holds your arms tightly within his hands, not even using his full strength when he manages to fully apprehend you.
tears stream down your face as you actively fought against him, but to no avail...
all you managed to do was further tire yourself out, slumping back down to the floors as jinwoo coos at you, using his full weight against you while bearing you down against the cold, hardwood floors.
"it's okay... it's okay... i'm not mad at you for reading my most private thoughts. in fact, i WANTED you to read them someday! that way, you will know the full extent of my pure love and devotion to you!"
your tears were trailing down your face in cascades now, the sobs wracking through your body with such visceral and potent fear that violent tremors began taking over your form from beneath him. yet still, jinwoo keep staring down at you with those glowing, violet gaze, never once looking away from you.
"you're mine..." he says your name in a bit of a drunken haze, "it doesn't matter how you feel about me now, because i'm never letting you go!"
crazed laughter echoes throughout the area, with jinwoo drowning out your sobs and cries for help by kissing your lips deeply-
in mere seconds, the rose-colored lens had finally shattered the moment you tasted something coppery and bitter from within his lips...
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a.n. - while re-reading solo leveling, the panel used as the preview of my story genuinely scared me, which was what further solidified mine and everyone else's belief in the yandere potential he had 😭
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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circeyoru · 15 days
The Only Reason _ Part 2
[Yandere!Sung Jinwoo x Worker!Reader - Mana Chaos AU]
*Note: I got a name for the AU!! Mana Chaos!! A bit random, but I just went with it. Here’s part 2 since the part one blew up.
Part 1 — Part 2 (here)
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“Have a safe trip, Personnel 002.”
“Be safe, please.”
“We’re counting on you.”
“Don’t let your guard down.”
As you expected everyone was treating you like you were the one going into a war zone and not the S-Rank Hunter that was doing the country a favour. You internally sighed while you maintained an expressionless face to all those around you bidding farewell or wishing you luck and safety. 
Honestly speaking, you were the safest person in the building, if not, in the world with the amount of Shadow soldiers Jinwoo has put into your shadow for your protection. Just the other day, you were furiously protected by none other than Beru, one of Jinwoo’s strongest general grade or was it higher? You can’t recall and Jinwoo did explain to you once, but your system overloaded and didn’t catch much.
Concerning how those soldiers came to be, it was simple. To raise them from the dead. With every battle, Jinwoo grows stronger and stronger, hence why you privately dubbed him a National Level Hunter. His army of Shadows could practically cover the entire country two or three times, maybe even more. Even give Thomas a run for his money, if they ever meet each other in a battle. It would be distaterous so you rather not come to it.
This is why you didn’t want Jinwoo in the facility at all. He has perfect control over his emotions and high morals if you don’t cross his line. He was overall peaceful even with his vast strength and power. Unlike Thomas, he was tamed and very very well-behaved, to put it simply. You had tried to get your seniors or higher-ups and colleague to understand, but they all brushed it aside, saying an S-Rank belongs here and under surveillance. 
Once, they agreed to observe Jinwoo’s tamed nature, to stop your insistence. However, it turned out horribly. You watched from the surveillance room when your unconvinced party enter Jinwoo’s cell. It all appeared normal until the straitjacket was removed from him and he started lashing out. The guards immediately tried to subdue him and rescue the innocent group from the clushes of the raging Hunter.
A chill ran down your spine as you froze up while the room darkened, an echoy whispered in your ear, “I heard you wanted to kick me out. So cold of you, really. I would have behaved if you had a work-life balance, but you are always in this insufferable building, so I have to decline.”
“You could have just told me…” You voice only came out as a mere mutter, but Jinwoo heard it loud and clear. Whatever controlled and peaceful image you have of Jinwoo gone to the drains, never to be recovered in that moment. Like anyone else, you were afraid. Not for yourself, but for those around you.
A dark chuckle rang and you felt like you were in his shadowy embrace with a weight lunched over from the back of your head down to your spine. “That was an option, but I wanted to show you my opposition to your idea. This was the best way I’ve come up with. Plus, it shows everyone here that you aren’t replaceable.” The weight was gone and the room returned to normal with his words beckoning you to him, “So come and calm me down, Personnel 002.”
Looking out the transport vehicle, you saw the streets practically empty apart from the guards stationed from place to place. You grimaced at the fearful citizens that no doubt went indoors or hid in their homes at the news. 
Whenever an S-Rank is let out of their cell into the streets, be it for fresh air or raiding an impossible dungeon for the country, the public would get news of it and warn the citizens to stay away from the gate and advised to remain indoors while the mentioned locations or roads would be purposefully used to transport the Hunter directly to the site. 
Bringing an S-Rank to an A-Rank gate or higher alone was practically giving them a death sentence. It was the government and people’s way of telling the strong Hunters to control themselves or they would die hourably in the raid while protecting their country. 
A case of such an instance was the Jeju Island Raid. An S-Rank dungeon that have failed for 4 times before an alliance was formed between the Japanese S-Rank and Korean S-Rank. The Japanese Government sent their strongest to offer support, but mostly to get rid of them because they have grown too powerful and influential. With the <Outrage Incident>, they couldn’t afford to take any chances. 
That raid had the most S-Rank Hunters in the same place, fighting the same battle. Originally, Jinwoo wasn’t present and you were with him in his cell doing paperwork while he watched the news. As sudden as it came, Jinwoo demanded to go there to help his fellow S-Rank Hunters from total annihilation. 
When you saw the murderous ant, you knew Jinwoo wanted to add him into his army. You did wonder if the people above would want help, since it was a sure-fire way to rid the S-Rank Hunters but when again without the S-Rank, who would clear the harder gates? This stupid EMI system and all the cautiousness of frightened people. 
In the end, Jinwoo’s wish was granted and you were also sent to the front lines in case Jinwoo went haywire. As drugs and medicine was proven ineffective to Jinwoo, the next best thing was you, since he held you in high regard. Not only did Jinwoo get his new soldier, who was later placed as your bodyguard, but he also somehow managed to control the other surviving S-Rank Hunters. 
What happened after was Jinwoo showing his dominance over the other S-Ranks in Korea and making himself at the top of the food chain. He’s stay mild and controlled because he wanted to. Not because you people —the public and the government— could control him. 
The vehicle stopped and your door was opened from the outside, a guard nodded and welcomed you while you got out. Your eyes looked over to the gigantic gate. 
“Feels like a date, doesn’t it?” Jinwoo’s voice brought your attention to him. Dressed in a causal manner, a shirt and pants, plus a long coat to complete his look, his stuck to his dark theme. You were quite used to him in a straitjacket that everytime he was dressed normally, you were always spellbound. He chuckled and ruffled your hair. “Cat got your tongue?”
“You’re looking good.” You looked away to the side, a faint blush over your cheeks. There was no use fangirling in secret when Beru or some other soldiers would report back to him and he’d have a field day the next time you visit him. You might as well be honest and tell him now to get over it.
Now it was Jinwoo’s turn to freeze up and chuckle. “Thanks.”
Amidst the careful atmosphere, you sense the guards around you two on edge with Jinwoo’s freedom to do anything and his power unrestraint. Better enter the gate before they act out of fear and trigger some ridiculous conflict. “Let’s go, do you need any gear?”
“I only need you by my side.” Jinwoo returned back to his smooth and cheeky self, smiling down at you with a soft look in his eyes. 
You physically and mentally controlled yourself so that you don’t faint from his words, reminding yourself repeatedly that you two were in public. It was hard for you to defend yourself against these attacks of his when he wasn’t in his usual dull look in the EMI. He is one handsome man. “Just say we can go…”
Jinwoo extended his hand to you and waited for you to put your hand in his, essentially you’d be putting your life in his hands because once you pass through the gate, he was your only lifeline to return in one piece. You did so without hesitation, Jinwoo will never allow harm to you and never let you out of his sight so long as he lives. You could feel the nervous and anxious glances from the guards scattered around the site from your nonchalant actions.
With a hum, Jinwoo gripped your hand in his and lead you into the gate where only he and you would be without any other humans. Truly as he said, it’d be a date where he and you could be your true selves.
“Come forth.” Jinwoo summoned his army who all appeared at his command, all kneeled and bowed their heads to him. “Like usual.” His eyes glowed a purple hue, “Leave the boss to me.”
So began the massacre while Jinwoo walked you through it all. The first time it happened, you were beyond terrified for you only knew Jinwoo was a capable S-Rank and shouldn’t be underestimated. That was the first time you’ve seen his army’s might and power. Compared to him, you and all the others in the EMI were ants, mere insects. 
How you managed to capture Jinwoo’s eyes was beyond you, but you were a lucky person to be favoured by him, to some extent. Soon, you didn’t mind Jinwoo’s little favouritism and childish acts to get you into his cell. You looked forward to it. He accepted you for who you are and given you a place, a special irreplaceable place in the world and in his heart. 
For all he has done for you, you wanted to return something for him. You even asked the soldiers in your shadow to keep it a secret from him so it was a grand surprise for him. The Jeju Island Raid that he singlehandedly cleared, you brought the island under his name with your wealth. With the help of the Shadows, you made the island habitable once more and invited some special people to live on it. 
Your hand squeezed his as you looked up to him, he momentarily took his eyes off the battlefield and stared into your eyes. “Yes?”
A rare smile spread on your face, your inner self becoming giddy and expectant of Jinwoo’s reaction. “Do you want to see your family? I’ve offered them a place to live away from all the criticism and pressure from the government and public. They’ve also been wanting to see you too, face to face.”
Jinwoo’s eyes widened. The moment he was reevaluated, he was sent to the EMI building in Korea, he was treated like an object rather than a human being. He could have lashed out, but his family was on the line and while he could use his Shadows to protect him so he has freedom, that only puts a target on his back. By then, people would want him dead for sure. 
The only solance he found in his darkness was you. The you who found out his secret and kept it to yourself, even wanting to give him back his freedom for your security, but he wanted to stay by your side instead. He thought that’s all he needed, but one day, you connected him with his family while in his cell and let him have his moment with them. 
From time to time, you’d call his family and have a video call to let him and his beloved mother and sister chat together while you work in the corner with music playing in your headphones connected to your other device to give him privacy. A luxury he never could have with the protocols of EMI.
He was grateful for all you’ve done for him. Genuinely and absolutely. “Yeah, I’d love that.”
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Note: I seriously did NOT think there would be another part. You guys liked part 1 a lot and I have no idea why. Welp, here's part 2. Not sure about a part 3, but I'll see how this one goes. Enjoy~!
Circe Y.
Taglist: (these are the people from Part 1's comment section)
@stupendouspizzacomputer @xiannars
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jinwoosungs · 16 days
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09/08/24; 04:15pm
yandere!self.aware!sung jinwoo x fem.reader
you had no idea how this strange love began.
your mind knew that sung jinwoo was simply a fictional character; one whose birth stemmed from a mind of a writer before coming into fruition when an artist decided to illustrate his stories-
yet you couldn't deny how much your heart raced at the mere sight of him-
how your mind painted daydream upon daydream about being together with him, be it while using your own self insert or an original character made to reflect your personality and make your own stories with your beloved jinwoo.
in your mind, jinwoo would always choose you; his heart never once belonged to the infuriatingly lovely cha hae-in because you were the one who loved him from the start.
you were the one who supported him even when he was a mere level e hunter, labeled the weakest in the world along with his frumpy appearance.
you loved him when he had messy locks of ebony hair-
you loved him when all he could afford were plain, blue hoodies, ripped jeans, and damaged sneakers-
you loved him when he was at his worst-
and you had convinced yourself that only you could deserve him while he was at his best.
truly, cha hae-in could never.
but you digress and were getting a bit ahead of yourself. after re-reading his webcomic on your phone, (losing count of the sheer amount of times that you have read his story), your life took on a brighter turn one early morning.
as you were shopping for your usual groceries, you pass by the aisle that held a few shelves dedicated to some books along with some mangas and manhwas alike when a familiar title stops you dead in your tracks.
solo leveling.
not even trying to hide your immense joy at seeing the colorful and physical volume of your beloved series, you grab it while flipping through its pages, completely captivated by each panel that featured jinwoo in various scenarios. as your eyes land on a full page dedicated to him, a giggle was heard escaping from your parted lips as you gave that jinwoo panel a kiss.
feeling your cheeks heat up at how silly you were behaving, you grab the single volume of solo leveling and place it within your cart, unaware of how tiny wisps of shadows slowly began to surround the seemingly unassuming manhwa.
{ ... }
jinwoo had simply began doing his usual 10km run for the day when he felt the lingering sensation of being kissed somewhere on his cheek. the sensation felt so close and real that it made the young hunter stop dead in his tracks.
the last time jinwoo recalled ever being kissed was by his mother, and that had been years ago. now that he was an adult, such kisses came sparingly because it was embarrassing to be doted on by his mother at such an age despite knowing how much his mother would always love him.
so feeling such an affectionate touch put a bit of a smile on jinwoo's face. he touches at the spot where he felt the kiss, blaming it on a mere phantom's touch before continuing on with his day.
however, it was easier to ignore such lingering kisses had it just been a one time occurrence-
ever since that day, it seemed that the kisses felt against his skin became even more frequent. despite how he lived alone, jinwoo swore he could feel a gentle kiss against his head of hair, and even hear the sounds of muffled giggling-
and it was truly driving him insane with curiosity.
when he felt another one of those lingering kisses against his skin did he finally use the system to get to the bottom of this. summoning its translucent screen, he stares straight into it while demanding, "show me the image of the person who keeps kissing me."
[ ... ]
[ ... ... ... ... ... ... ]
[ anomaly detected; connection forged between this world and the other ]
[ view anomaly? ( y / n )? ]
"yes." jinwoo's voice was filled with confidence, ready to get to the bottom of this the moment the system began to work its magic. he saw nothing but static and white noise for a brief second-
yet that all changes when the screen clears, revealing a smiling, young woman.
it was someone he had never once seen before in his life, but seeing the girl smiling so brightly at him made jinwoo's heart lurch within the confines of his chest. his mouth turns dry, and he found his grey eyes practically try to drink in the sight of the strangely beautiful girl.
and the more he stared, the more he knew that it was completely over for him-
for you had somehow taken over his life, leaving him a mere husk of what he once was.
{ … }
as time goes on, you were able to collect even more physical volumes of solo leveling, further expanding your love for jinwoo as you eagerly drank in those colored pages that captures your beloved so well.
however, there seemed to be something… off each time you read those pages. usually, while admiring those panels, jinwoo would often face whoever was speaking to him, giving you the perfect view of his side profile.
yet now, it seemed like whenever you would admire those pages, jinwoo’s gaze would somehow be honed forward, as if he was looking directly at you instead. the speech bubbles would remain the same-
yet jinwoo would no longer be looking at the other character-
only at you (always at you.)
admittedly, it scared you just the tiniest bit, which was what made you stop reading solo leveling. you figured the reason why jinwoo appeared like he was looking at you was probably because you were severely sleep deprived. instead of reading, you decided to search through your album dedicated to jinwoo and choose a new wallpaper for your phone.
it takes you quite a bit of time to decide, but you decided on a particularly good shot of his side profile where he is smiling and deep in thought. feeling your heart racing at the mere sight of him, you finalize your phone's wallpaper before setting your phone off to the side and on top of your nightstand.
deciding to destress with a good shower, you head into the bathroom and turn on the hot water, undressing your clothes while remaining blissfully unaware of how your phone began to display the same, strange shadowy wisps that surrounded the volume of solo leveling you had purchased.
you spent roughly half an hour cleansing yourself in the shower, letting out a sigh of relief when you began drying your hair with a plush towel. now dressed in your usual sleepwear, you were ready to cuddle up in bed while playing games and maybe watch a video or two on your phone.
landing in bed with a wide grin, you take a hold of your phone, ready to open your usual applications when something startling makes you freeze up completely.
the wallpaper you had made for your phone-
the one where you had assigned jinwoo's side profile-
his side profile was no longer seen.
instead, what you saw was jinwoo looking directly at you, his purple eyes seeming to glow with mischief. unable to comprehend nor believe what was going on, you bring your phone closer to you, seeing jinwoo break into a smirk while saying your name.
it sounds muffled at first, yet the movement of his lips and the deep sound of his voice was undeniable-
letting out a sudden gasp, you toss your phone away from you, hands clutching at your comforter when thick tendrils of shadows began to surround the entirety of your room.
the sudden onslaught of darkness overwhelms you, making you lose consciousness almost immediately as a pair of powerful arms traps you in its embrace...
{ ... }
your head was pounding, making you let out a groan when you felt the bright sunlight hitting at the back of your eyelids. coupled along with the near blinding light was a reverent touch that was felt against your skin.
desperate to know what was going on, you carefully open your eyes, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings.
as you lay in bed, you saw that you were in a room that was much larger than your own while laying on a bed that had to be triple the size of your own bed. with a groan, you turn your face away from the piercing sunlight-
only to be met with the achingly handsome face of sung jinwoo himself.
your movements were quick, with your legs pushing you away from the person you assumed was a damn good sung jinwoo impersonator. but... impersonator or not, his easygoing smile and kind, grey eyes were enough to make your heart skip beats and your breathing hitched.
was this some kind of sweet dream you were living in?
and why was everything suddenly so vivid?
jinwoo scoffs before saying your name once more, using his large hands to pull your hips closer to him. "now, where do you think you're going?"
your mind was spinning when you felt jinwoo press a kiss against your temple, "y-you... who are you? a-and how did i get here?"
jinwoo was felt trembling a bit before letting out a tsk, delving his fingers into your slightly damp hair before pulling your body flush against his. "oh, i think you know exactly who i am, darling. or do you need a reminder?"
he hums, eyes never once looking away from you when he leans closer to press a series of lingering kisses against your features. the sight of the man you have always loved (and prayed to become real) actually kissing you makes you lose all train of coherency, with you only managing to wrap your arms around his neck in response.
you feel jinwoo smiling against your skin, pressing one last lingering kiss against it before murmuring to you, "you think you're so slick, believing that i could never feel any of your kisses against my skin-
but you're wrong."
the way his voice takes on a deeper, more possessive edge makes you look back up at him, meeting his gaze as they seemed to burn with fervor for you. "i always thought it was strange... how i could feel your phantom kisses against my skin, but could never once see you. i was desperate to know who you were that i used the system to reveal your identity to me."
your breathing becomes labored then, throat turning dry the more jinwoo continues to inch ever so closer to you, "and when i finally knew who you were, i was a goner. the fact that you were in an entirely different universe kept driving me up the wall, since i knew i had to do everything i could to keep you."
you found no words could come from your parted lips, simply trying to bask in jinwoo's confession as he kept gazing at you with an intensity that makes your heart soar. "my days were filled with thoughts of you alone. i needed to see you; to know what you were doing at every single moment- of every single second. so, i used my abilities as a monarch to invade the pages of my story. i made sure that each time you could see me, you would know that i would be looking back at you."
you immediately recall the times where it felt like jinwoo was looking at you through those glossy pages, "i-i always found it strange how it felt like you were looking at me."
a low hiss and a groan comes from jinwoo, and you felt his hands tighten around your shoulders as he begins to actively tremble in response to the sound of your voice once more, “you have no idea... how amazing it feels to finally hear the sound of your voice again. it's.... it's beautiful. better than music to my ears."
you shiver against him, feeling jinwoo gently nipping at your ear in a playful manner when you shakily tell him, "w-what's this? you sound like a man obsessed."
jinwoo was felt smirking against your skin, turning back to meet with your gaze. the look in his eyes was absolutely dark and full of possession at this point, and there was no way he would deny the truth, not to himself or to you, "obsessed? baby, i'm far more than obsessed with you. it's almost like i love you so much that it's become unhealthy... and i'm not ashamed to admit it."
another shiver was felt coursing through you, "y-you would do anything for me?"
his smirk simply widens in response to your question. anything for you? ha! that was an understatement. he would do anything and everything for you. it was practically like a god giving out his blessings at this point. "of course i would... i don't think there's anything i wouldn't do if you asked or needed me to do it. if it's for you, i wouldn't hesitate to do anything at all."
you were suddenly filled with a giddiness then, heart pounding within your chest as a sweet anticipation fills you. no longer were you worried about your life back in the real world, for the man you had always loved jut admitted to the lengths he would go to keep you happy and safe.
jinwoo notices the dreamy look in your eyes and chuckles, bringing your body closer to his while resting his forehead against yours. you were just so precious to him; like a rare gemstone he had to keep safe at all costs. seeing you filled with such joy for him only made him want to love and protect you even more.
"are you happy that i'd do anything for you, baby?"
your eager nods were all the confirmation jinwoo needed to lean closer to you, letting out a whisper of your name before slotting his lips against yours, hungrily swallowing your moans as he kept you pinned against his bed and trapped forever in this world with him-
a world where you will always be cherished and loved by him and him alone.
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end notes: self aware jinwoo, you have my heart (⺣◡⺣)♡ currently unedited, but i'll make any changes once this is posted.
all stories are written by rei; please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works!!
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inzsanewrites · 2 years
Hey there, I read your 'introverted s/o' reaction of solo leveling, and it made me think what would yandere Jinwoo be like with same s/o, can you make that reaction too? It's okay if you don't write yanderes, anyway take care <3
Yandere Sung Jin-Woo
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The best personality you can have in his eyes
He can keep you to himself with the least amount of effort as possible as your quietness and unwillingness to be around people in general
So when he casually sweeps you away in the shadows, no one says a word about to you disappearance
Although it does strike a bit of a problem when he’s attempting to communicate with you in anyway and you bolt to your (his) room.
He’s willing to give you a bit of space to adjust to your new surroundings and new “boyfriend” but should an attempt to escape be made, his demeanor will quickly turn cold as he forces you in his embrace to speak to him about anything
(He just wants to hear your voice)
From that point on you can either force 1000% percent of yourself to try to at least acknowledge the Shadow Monarch or have him everywhere all the time invading your very existence 25/8
Now he’s not one to use violence on you but he’s not above dragging you from your hiding place and restraining you in the circle of his arms when he’s in need of some affection
It doesn’t even matter from that point on if you continue your attempts he can get you in a nanosecond and your personality very much hinders you from seeking help from an average person, even more so a police officer or even a hunter if you ever managed to
When he appears in front of you wrapped in the darkness, do expect to be to be trapped in a room full of raging alcoholic young adults who have no concept of a personal bubble is
If you do try to open up to him though and reveal your more comfy personality with him he’s much softer with you and more doting at that and willing to give you more freedom (heavily supervised freedom)
You want something? Ask him or the shadows (Bellion or Beru most likely) and you’ll have it shortly
Want to go on a walk? Sure but make sure no one sees you, take a legion of shadows with you and be back in 10 minutes
However let it be known that ever since Jin-Woo laid eyes on you beautiful figure for the first time as the weakest hunter in the world, he’s been prepared to do anything to keep you by his side
Especially now that he has the power to do it
A/N: Sorry this took a bit as I’ve never written any yandere content before ( ◕‿‿◕ )
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chiikasevennn · 5 months
I saw a post where it said people gotta realize Sung Jinwoo's yandere potential and they were so right HAHAHAHA
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