#Yard Barker website
yestolerancepro · 1 year
My dear girl, there are some things that just aren't done, such as drinking Dom Perignon '53 above the temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit. That's just as bad as listening to The Beatles without earmuffs!” A blog inspired by the music world of James Bond Part 5 The film is great but the title is well
Hello there and welcome to the final chapter of this extended series of blogs looking at the musical tastes of James Bond over the last 60 years .This chapter covers those tricky titles from the Ian Fleming James Bond stories that the script writers producers and song writers had a real struggle with.  Two of those tricky titles Thunderball and the Spy who loved me have been dealt with in prevous chapters of the blog.
 This Chapter of the blog deals with On her Majesty’s Secret service and Octopussy.
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Casting The New James Bond
In 1967, after five films, Sean Connery resigned from the role of James Bond and was not on speaking terms with Albert Broccoli during the filming of You Only Live Twice.[27] Over 400 actors, including many of the most famous performers in the Commonwealth, were considered for the role of James Bond.[17]
 The confirmed front runners were Englishman John Richardson, Dutchman Hans De Vries, Australian Robert Campbell, Scotsman Anthony Rogers, Greek Giorgos Fountas[28] and Australian George Lazenby.[14] Broccoli also met with Terence Stamp about playing the part.[29] Broccoli was interested in rising star Oliver Reed but decided his public image was already too distinct.
 Future Bond star Timothy Dalton was asked to audition after his appearance in The Lion in Winter but considered himself too young, as he was 25 years old and did not want to succeed Connery as Bond. In an interview in 1987 when he was playing Bond in The Living Daylights, Dalton said "I was 24-25 then, I had a good career then as a young man in films The Lion in Winter and Mr Broccoli kindly asked me if I was interested, I think I'm just too young for this role. I think Bond should be between 35 and 40, and as a 25-26 year old and I wouldn't have been right".[17]
Broccoli and Hunt eventually chose Lazenby after seeing him in a Fry's Chocolate Cream advertisement.[18] Lazenby dressed the part by sporting several sartorial Bond elements such as a Rolex Submariner wristwatch and a Savile Row suit (ordered for, but uncollected by, Connery), and going to Connery's barber at the Dorchester Hotel.[19] Broccoli noticed Lazenby as a Bond-type man based on his physique and character elements, and offered him an audition. The position was consolidated when Lazenby accidentally punched a professional wrestler, who was acting as stunt coordinator, in the face, impressing Broccoli with his ability to display aggression.[14
The film website Screenrant recently published an article called How all 6 James Bond actors compare to the Ian Fleming Iconic Book spy they said this about George Lazenby.
Lazenby only lasted one movie in the role of Bond, but he couldn’t have had a better shot at the part. The tragic On Her Majesty’s Secret Service wouldn’t have worked without anyone else in the role, and journalist Ben McIntyre argued that the actor came closest to embodying Fleming’s take on Bond in his 2008 book For Your Eyes Only. It’s easy to see where McIntyre’s argument comes from, as Lazenby’s Bond took himself more seriously than Connery's did, much like Fleming’s version of the spy. Outside an infamous fourth-wall-breaking opening gag, his storyline was also more grounded, which allowed Lazenby to embody Bond’s troubled side.
Casting the leading lady
For Tracy Draco, the producers wanted an established actress opposite neophyte Lazenby.[30] Brigitte Bardot was invited, but after she signed to appear in Shalako opposite Sean Connery, the deal fell through,[16] and Diana Rigg—who had already been the popular heroine Emma Peel in The Avengers—was cast instead.[8] Rigg said one of the reasons for accepting the role was that she always wanted to be in an epic film.[18]
The Iconic Villian in her Majesty’s secret Service 
On her Majesty’s sees the return of Ernst Stavro Blofeild this time by Telly Savalas he was played Donald Pleasence in you only live twice and would be played by Charles Grey in the following film Diamonds are Forever.
Recently Screenrantly published an article on their website titled Every James Bonds Iconic Villian Ranked and for George Lazenby they chose Blofeild  lets face it they couldn’t choose amybody else.
George Lazenby only ever starred in one Bond movie, so he only ever faced one Bond villain, and that movie was sandwiched into the middle of Sean Connery’s arc, so he had to share his villain with Connery. But that villain happened to be Bond’s ultimate big bad, Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Connery faced other unforgettable villains like Dr. No and Auric Goldfinger, but Blofeld was their boss. Blofeld’s portrayal in the Bond movies – particularly in You Only Live Twice – has influenced how supervillains are depicted on-screen for decades. Blofeld is the quintessential Bond villain: a diabolical criminal mastermind who’s always one step ahead of 007.
A bunch of different actors have put their own stamp on the role of Blofeld over the years. Telly Savalas played the character opposite Lazenby in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service and Charles Gray played the part opposite a returning Connery in Diamonds Are Forever. But the most iconic take on the character (by far) is Donald Pleasence’s chilling performance alongside Connery in You Only Live Twice. The glint in Pleasence’s scarred eye is both mesmerizing and unsettling; he’s a captivating presence whenever he appears on-screen. Every James Bond movie villain since Pleasence’s Blofeld has been competing for the silver medal.
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OHMSS A unique James Bond film
Taking over from Somebody in the lead role is difficult enough but when you take over the lead role from somebody as well known as Sean Connery in the most successful film franchise that is James Bond that task is even harder still
Considering it was it was also George Lazenby’s first lead role in a major film I thought George Lazenby’s take on James Bond in his only film was excellent On Her Majesty’s secret service is a unique film in my view in that its more of a charector piece than your usual James Bond spy story indeed more than in any other Bond film the gadgets take a backseat to the story for once and its more about the love story between James Bond and Tracey Draco than anything else 
This is highlighted by the fact as well that the What Culture website picked the relationship between the too as their moment of the whole film.
On Her Majesty's Secret Service, despite George Lazenby's terrible performance as Bond, is one of the most elite installments of the series. It does many things incredibly well, but it's Bond's relationship with Tracy di Vicenzo (Diana Rigg) that really makes the film linger in one's mind.
It seems clear the film put a huge amount of effort into this part of the story - in fact, at one point, the film basically stops in order to show a very nice romantic montage of the pair set to Louis Armstrong's "We Have All the Time in the World" - and while it made for a very different film compared to its predecessors, it sure as hell paid off.
OHMSS offers up a genuinely moving, chemistry-filled romance that pulls viewers right in and is so good that not even Lazenby can ruin it. Besides, any deficiencies in his performance are counter-balanced by Diana Rigg's wonderful turn as Tracy.
In the end, the film concludes with Tracy's murder and this scene is still absolutely devastating all these years later. With this tragic ending, OHMSS basically does something similar to what No Time to Die did decades later, but it did it far better.
Screenrant published an article called Each Bond actors defining scene  6 moments that defined James Bond for George Lazenby they Chose Tracy’s death scene
George Lazenby only played Bond in one movie, but it just so happened to be one of the greatest Bond movies of all time. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service sees 007 falling in love for the first time and ends with him marrying Contessa Teresa di Vicenzo, better known as Tracy. Just as Bond seems to get a happy ending, and he heads off on his honeymoon with Tracy, his bride is gunned down by his enemies in a drive-by shooting. This is one of the saddest moments in Bond history, and Lazenby nails the raw emotions of a widowed newlywed in tears, cradling his dead wife.
Tracy was never mentioned enough in later movies, but nonetheless, in OHMSS itself this love story is easily its greatest asset, although the cinematography, action sequences and the franchise's best incarnation of Blofeld (played here by Telly Savalas) deserve mention too.
Tracy’s Death was also included in another Screenrant article titled 10 greatest James Bonds scenes ranked from worst to best landing at number 5 in their list they had this to say:
George Lazenby only appeared in one James Bond movie, and the actor had the hard job of replacing Sean Connery, the original 007 who, according to many viewers, is still the greatest to ever play the role. However, Connery’s Bond wouldn’t have worked in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, as evidenced by the movie’s strongest scene. When 007 married his love interest, Tracy (Diana Rigg), only for her to be murdered by Blofeld (Telly Savalas), the unstoppable spy experienced his most crushing defeat in the franchise’s history. Poignant and brutal, this scene marked a turning point for Bond’s unflappable screen persona.
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Besides the James Bond and Tracey love story the film sees bond trying to stop Blofield spreading Germ warfair by using innocent girls which he calls his angels of death indeed the Colider film highlighted these ladies as one of the highlights of the film in their article The 16 deadliest Women in the James Bond franchise arriving on the list at number 10.
 The Angels of Death are 12 extremely attractive, wealthy, and sophisticated women who were selected by Irma Bunt (see below) from various countries to assist the Head of the crime organization SPECTRE, Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Telly Savalas), in contaminating, sterilizing, and eventually ransoming the world's food supply.
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“TOTAL Infertility! In plants and animals. Not just disease in a few herds, Mr. Bond. Or the loss of a single crop. But the destruction of a whole strain. Forever! If my demands are not met, I shall proceed with the systematic extinction of whole species of cereals and livestock all over the world!” - Blofeld
Though a global threat, the ladies are actually regularly brainwashed and hypnotized, unbeknownst to them, thinking they are simply being treated for their specific food allergies in a luxurious Alpine facility.
Irma Bunt played by the German actress Ilse Steppat made an appearance in the same list making number 7 in the chart so a film that a film considered by some as a flop does have some highlights this is what they had to say :
 Portrayed by the German actress Ilse Steppat, Irma Bunt is the stern middle-aged subordinate of Blofeld’s who runs the “allergy institute” in the Swiss Alps, “helping” the ladies with their allergies by day, and brainwashing them in their sleep. When Bond (the underrated George Lazenby) checks into the facility as a patient, she thoroughly has his luggage inspected, and informs him she enforces strict rules on all guests, such as not disclosing last names or room numbers. But then, his cover is blown, and after a relentless car chase, there is a big explosion, causing Bond to believe Bunt is dead. However, she later turns up at his own wedding, and attempts to shoot him with an M16, but she kills his new bride instead
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My thoughts on her Majestys secret service
Cinemagoers who came to see the film in 1969 most have had a big shock when they saw a more charector led story with a much more sensitive and emotional James Bond than they were used to but for me agaIn that's ok because sometimes a franchise even one like James Bond needs to take risk sometimes to stop it going stale and boring.
 The film is will written and is well directored by Peter R Hunt It is the only Bond film to have been directed by him (with this serving as his directorial debut), he had served as a film editor and second unit director on previous films in the series.
OHMSS Brought to book
Peter R Hunt also had one of Ian Flemings best books to work with in Screenrants article which rated the 14 bond novels that Fleming wrote OHMSS came at number 4 in their chart they had this to say about the book
On Her Majesty's Secret Service followed the disaster that was The Spy Who Loved Me and, therefore, marked a return to form for both Fleming and the James Bond series. Though it contains much of the action and thrills of Fleming's other works, On Her Majesty's Secret Service offers a gentler and more tender approach than the previous entries. It all culminates in a gut-wrenching climax that once again proves that Fleming is far from a one-trick pony. An intriguing conspiracy and a worthy opponent in the form of Blofeld help make OHMSS a classic.
OHMSS features some of the best action scenes you will ever see in a Bond film the Stock car race and ski-ing sequences being  particularly good that Yard Barker published an article called the 25 Greatest set peices in the Bond highlighting the films finale at Piz Gloria.
Again, listen to Soderbergh. This is an exquisitely shot and edited set-piece that kicks off with three helicopters assaulting Blofeld’s Piz Gloria stronghold, proceeds to crosscut between a tightly staged firefight and Tracy di Vicenzo (Diana Rigg) holding her own (and eventually killing) one of Blofeld’s thugs, then concludes with a (literally) breakneck bobsled chase. Director Peter Hunt’s aerial, exterior and interior photography matches perfectly; you’re always aware of where the characters are (including Bond as he belly-slides down an icy slope, machine gun blazing), and what they’re trying to achieve. This is how it’s done.
on this evidance then its such a shame that he never any more bond films after this.
If it was up to me Lazenby should have ignored his agents wishes and stayed in the role for one more film at least then perharps audiences would have got used to his more sensitive portrayal as James Bond
Mind you I think I am right in saying if George Lazenby had continued as James Bond we would not have had the Roger Moore era of James Bond that I loved as a child so perharps you can’t have everything you want    
To watch a video review of OHMSS from the Oliver Harper YouTube channel click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfS0KRkQOo4
John Barry who provided the soundtrack for the film which I conisder to be his best work for Bond provided an instrumential theme tune as he had done for the first two films Dr No and From Russia with love.
Barry felt it would be difficult to compose a theme song containing the title "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" unless it were written operatically, in the style of Gilbert and Sullivan. Leslie Bricusse had considered lyrics for the title song but director Peter R. Hunt allowed an instrumental title theme in the tradition of the first two Bond films. The theme is built around a lament bass, which establishes the story as a tragedy. Barry's composition was described as "one of the best title cuts, a wordless Moog-driven monster, suitable for skiing at breakneck speed or dancing with equal abandon.
The instrumental theme for ONHMSS is a John Barry classic . It would not grace the pop charts under its own steam. the dance band The Propellerheads would release a remix of theme working with David Arnold for his album James Bond remixed. the single reached number 7 in the UK charts you can listen to it by clicking here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN8GcRGNWe4
Barry also composed the love song "We Have All the Time in the World", with lyrics by Burt Bacharach's regular lyricist Hal David, sung by Louis Armstrong. It is heard during the Bond–Tracy courtship montage, bridging Draco's birthday party in Portugal and Bond's burglary of the Gebrüder Gumbold law office in Bern, Switzerland.
The song doesn’t appear till 30 mins into the film gentle and reflective the song was the last studio recording by Louis Armstrong and features a beautiful and thrilling string arrangement that was modifed by Barry to play on Low strings as a jaunty theme for Bond in some of the films earlier sequences one of the most interesting and symbolic uses of music in the Bond film as 007 discusses Tracey with her father and Draco suggests that her daughter needs a man to dominate her !
Barry recalled Armstrong was very ill, but recorded the song in one take. Armstrong did, however, make some further recordings in 1970 and 1971. The song was re-released in 1994, achieving the number three position during a 13-week spell in the UK charts. When it was used for a Guinness infinity beer campaign.
The song was reused for a second Bond movie, when it was used as the soundtrack for the closing credits for the 2021 release No Time to Die.
To watch a trailer for on Her Majesty’s Secret sevice click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOLq5Rg9N-c&list=PL17vqAEJv6CUxmeZBk3JGDLBbcPEd4CDp&index=1
To watch a tribuite video for OHMSS click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y35cTSFFeYU
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Octopussy is a 1983 spy film and the thirteenth in the James Bond series produced by Eon Productions. It is the sixth to star Roger Moore as the MI6 agent James Bond. It was directed by John Glen and the screenplay was written by George MacDonald Fraser, Richard Maibaum and Michael G. Wilson.
The film's title is taken from a short story in Ian Fleming's 1966 short story collection Octopussy and The Living Daylights,
I like this film a lot again as with all the Bond films I enjoy it has a good mix of action and comedy and is well written and well directored by John Glenn ( his 2nd James Bond film after (for your eyes only)
His direction of the film was picked out of the What Culture website Best Bond moments article
Octopussy, with its stubborn insistence on prioritizing cringy comedy over thrills and a generally ill-conceived plot, is definitely one of the low points of the series (and one that totally ignored what made the previous film work) but it's not a total wash-out.
If there's one person who really comes out of the film with their dignity intact, it's John Glen, who directed five Bond movies, starting with For Your Eyes Only and finishing with Licence to Kill.
Glen is definitely one of the best directors the series ever had; he was already doing great work as an editor in the franchise, and once he stepped into the director's chair, he always directed with flair and precision, delivering many stunning visuals in the process.
Once again, just like with For Your Eyes Only, Glen does a smashing job and ensured that, despite how dated the film is on a writing level, it still looks absolutely terrific - especially during the picture's aerial action scenes.
The film also has Maud Adams this time returning as Octopussy She featured at number 9 in the 10 most deadliest women in the James Bond Franchise on the Movie web website who had this to say about Octopussy
Octopussy: [Bond sneaks into her room] Good evening. I wondered when you might arrive.
Bond: So, you are the mysterious Octopussy.
Octopussy: And you are James Bond, 007, licensed to kill. Am l to be your target for tonight?
Bond: Oh no, not necessarily. Depends how much you tell me about jewelry smuggling. And why one of our agents was killed in East Berlin.
Maud Adams plays Octopussy, a powerful smuggler of rare jewels, and the leader of an ancient cult of lone, fierce, and heavily trained acrobats, all of them women, and living on a secluded island in India. Her associate is an exiled Afghan prince, Kamal Khan, who also has members of the Cult of Octopus among his servants. Octopussy will eventually join forces with Bond (Roger Moore) against her ally
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Rather than use the word Octopussy in the title of the song the producers of the James Bond film did the most refreashing thing and decided not to mention it all instead we got a song called All Time High.
Once again John Barry provided the Soundtrack for the film   theme "All Time High" with lyricist Tim Rice. "All Time High", sung by Rita Coolidge, is one of seven musical themes in the James Bond series whose song titles do not refer to the film's title. "All Time High" spent four weeks at number one on the United States' Adult Contemporary singles chart and reached number 36 on the Billboard Hot 100.[25]
To watch a video short about the making of Octopussy called 10 things you never new about Octopussy Click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhwpkASnFlM&t=32s
To watch a trailer for Octopussy click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1hLWZzgZvU
a lot of work has gone into this blog if you have read it and liked it please consider sending a donation to the Tolerance project by clicking on the above link https://gofund.me/5cf25de4
If your wondering where the title of this blog comes from it features in the 3rd James Bond film Goldfinger which is rightly seen by many as a classic Bond  film and probably the best Bond film ever made. it was the first Bond film to make over a 100 million at the box office with a great mix of action comedy girls and gadgets and featured a great Goldfinger title song sung by Shirley Bassey the song itself made the top 30 in the UK charts
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To watch a trailer for Goldfinger click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA65V-oLKa8&list=PL17vqAEJv6CUxmeZBk3JGDLBbcPEd4CDp&index=12
Thanks once again to Wikipedia for the background notes this time on the songs All time high and We have all the time in the world the Oliver Harper Youtube page for the OHMSS Retrospective review video Storm Chaser Z you tube channel for the viarous James bond videos and the Cinema Blend website for the series of articles called James Bond ranked
And Google Images for the viarous pictures of the viarous eras of James Bond
1) Poster for OHMSS
2) Diana Rigg as Tracy
3) Diana Rigg as Tracey
4) Tracey and James Bond
5) The Angels of Death
6) Erima Bunt
7) Octpussy Poster
8) Octopussy herself
9) One of the many Posters for Goldfinger
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gplewis · 4 years
losing my edge
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being as young as I used to be has necessarily passed away; so I write the only poem I have left to write, calling it “poetry” even though it’s really just leaking, paired with a stubborn refusal to read what I’ve written; maybe that’s what autumn is for — my editing/reading self and my writing self are different; this I can support using this evidence:
Critics Parul Sehgal and Teju Cole on the changing authority of words
I’ve read this interview several times. What sticks in my mind is the notion: “The self that writes is not the self that edits is not the self that generates. I’m able to split and edit myself as if it’s copy coming in that I’ve never seen and I’m mildly contemptuous of.”
So writing and reading is an education in the soul, in time, in money, in the world as it is, in the flow of justice. And maybe I just have to apprentice myself all over again (I’m 33⅔ and recently spent a good few weeks ... no, the point of that was James Baldwin spent some years “tearing up paper” and maybe...I’m struggling to accept what writing won’t and can’t do for me, how it is necessarily apart from others, how maybe it isn’t for others, can’t do anything for you — you — I’m interested in your troubles because they’re mine: money, love, mortality, career, satisfying work, being proud of oneself, being connected to a community...we can deal with not-having together; “being, doing and not having” is an experience we share, and only silence keeps us apart; our only mistake is not having talked about it, not having met. 
I used to meet. Meetups. They were the way to get connected and going. Companies, jobs, work. That was the way. Now I know creativity, art, soul, spirituality, generosity, receptivity, curiosity, interest, talent, patience, endurance...these are the way to creating a life I want to live, and this work is solitary, but I can hand over the record of my working — but every man or woman working is alone; the charade has to slip like a cape off the shoulders for each individual.
There is no way to be easily satisfied anymore. Maybe life hasn’t changed, maybe I’ve just gotten older and realized I have to forge a way that’s never been traveled before. Robert Frost wrote a poem about the road less traveled and how it made all the difference. And it will. Maybe I’m surprised at how difficult it actually is for me to accept getting older and being alone. Intellectually it was easy, I flung the truth around like paint or a rope: the truth about life came easy to me, now it’s a little more difficult, or just slower and stranger. It used to be easy to sit in a room and live another Monday, but I suppose every Monday is unique in its hulking languor and constipation.
I could sigh and scream, “Maybe this is for no one!” but my enthusiasm doesn’t stop there. I know the only road forward for me is the writing one, and filling sentences with ever stranger material and music. I’m writing things I never thought I’d say; of course I’d like to be read even though I say often I don’t. Maybe it isn’t so pioneer to write my journal in public. Maybe many people write stuff like this, they just don’t share it. Though I have the sense my peers have defected to Netflix and wine, homeownership and a dog, weekend plans, online shopping, landscaping and yard projects...I don’t actually resent them for this, I just do different gardening.
It’s stressful and tiring to resist employment, to resist being told what to do, to always be pushing back against the gravitational force of the world, having to make your own way (the art of asking, which I delay on; right now I “need” money, though I keep finding a way to extend the runway and not worry about it — maybe my own collision course with being broke is essential American instruction and poetic voice: maybe I am meant to collide with the wall of needing money and not wanting to make it, and finding my own way to go on: no fitting in, no relenting, no losing my voice, — I remember email, meetings; I am always asking, “For what end?” Global scale and disruption (thinking of startups here, and friends’ postmortems of hope-filled experiences that were ultimately disappointing) for what? And then what happens?
Maybe employee is a stage to get through, and you learn what “a place” can’t do for you. The place is your solitude: any work you do alone, and it’s elective. You could be anywhere else; you could question why you’re there. Jim Carrey: “We make decisions out of fear disguised as practicality.” So what happens when you follow your dreams? Well, you’re alone, writing, at the forefront and precipice of your social network; you could reach out to anyone, draft any kind of website then be the carnival barker for what you’ve done and what you can do for others. 
I can’t live in this elected state. 
"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death." — Anaïs Nin, D.H. Lawrence: An Unprofessional Study
It is very difficult to live. Albert Camus: "Men must live and create. Live to the point of tears."
Nearly 7 million households could face eviction in July. It could be me. Who would have me? Where would I go? György Lukács: “Philosophy is transcendental homelessness; it is the urge to be at home everywhere.”
Is community a place in the world or in my head?
I used to be excited about having asked such big, important, vital questions in such a fresh, sharp, spiky way. This is a nice document here; nice enough to maybe I think warrant the kind of exciting young Parisian intellectual’s life, with more good food, alcohol, laughter, nice clothes, live music, dark bars, sex with beautiful women...but I realize it’s more about stretching in the morning, writing 1.5 pages longhand, breakfast and coffee, 4-5 hours with the laptop on whatever strikes your interest and limbers up your typing-hands, then outdoors time for exercise, and return for nourishment and also another creative practice: singing. Oh, it’s been a pleasure to perform as a vocalist:
I Want You (She's So Heavy)
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I was going to add that earlier; oh how I can already see a productive conversation with an editor — oh how I’ve called and called for this doctor — someone to help me make better use of my time, talent and work in progress. Oh, a manager, a boss, someone I respect, someone who will help me see the road ahead. This is something I could use in my personal life as well: someone to see with, stand with, talk with, plan with. Maybe I have become the most alone writing man in the world — this is the fine start for a seedbed of a career, ha! Career for what? I suppose tomorrow will be different, as every day is; I just had to wring this day out completely. Maybe one more walk around the neighborhood and then get to singing...ha, ha, maybe this is all going perfectly according to plan.
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breeforeverinspired · 5 years
Breed portrait of terrier
 Terriers are small to medium-sized dogs and were originally bred as hunting dogs. In many cases they have not yet lost this hunting instinct. All terriers have a rough shell but a golden heart! There are over 40 different breeds of terrier, but not all of them are recognized by the FCI. We give you an overview of the terrier breeds recognized by the FCI, which are assigned to group 3. [Read article]
 Traits and characteristics of terriers
Hover over an icon to see what it means. Colored symbols mean that the breed is suitable, gray symbols that the breed is not suitable.
All terriers are considered stubborn and stubborn, which is why they are not necessarily suitable for beginners. After all, their original task required them to make independent decisions. This character trait has been preserved to this day. Just like a more or less pronounced tendency to yap.
History of terriers
The term terrier comes from the French word "terre" for "earth" and already indicates the historical meaning of these dog breeds. These medium-sized to small four-legged friends were mainly bred for hunting. Like the dachshund, they were used to track down fox caves, badger structures and rabbit cauldrons and to drive the animal inhabitants out of their hiding places. In doing so, especially in direct confrontation with foxes and badgers, they needed a good dose of courage and a brave will. Most terriers still have these characteristics. You need a dog owner who offers these clever and docile dogs a lot of exercise and an assertive hand. Otherwise terriers do what they want quickly. They are also often used as guard dogs for your own garden or front yard because they vigorously defend their terrain and are not afraid to use their teeth.
 Pictures of terriers
Classification of the terrier breeds
Around 30 terrier breeds are officially listed on the FCI. Most of the terriers, like the Yorkshire Terrier, come from Great Britain, some also from Ireland and the USA. They are named after their country of origin or their appearance (e.g. Fox Terrier). Terriers are classified in FCI Group 3 (Terriers), which in turn is divided into 4 sections:
The Airedale Terrier from Great Britain is one of the High Terriers, the Jack Russell Terrier is one of the Low Terriers. Four breeds of bull-like terriers and three dwarf terrier breeds complete the FCI group 3. The only terrier breed from Japan (Nihon Teria) and from the Czech Republic (Ceský Teriér) are located in the section of the Low Terriers.
Advice on keeping terriers
Even if it would simplify living together a lot: Not every dog ​​reads its breed description! That means there are both water-shy Labrador Retrievers and lazy Australian Shepherds. And so not every terrier is a confident hunter.
It depends on the individual living being when living with your dog. Breed profiles can only give a possible indication of the future character of your four-legged friend.
 You can find very general information that you should consider and consider before you bring a dog into the house in this guide:
dog training
The terriers are a very heterogeneous group of dog breeds. They are very different both in size and in their area of ​​application. Nevertheless, they all have in common that they have been bred to confident dogs. Therefore, all terriers need a loving and consistent upbringing for a happy and contented life. The terriers become balanced dogs and not nervous barkers.
 You can find lots of tips and tricks on our dog education website. A list of trainers who train based on positive reinforcement can be found in the train-instead-dominate network.
Like all dog breeds, terriers can scare, run and cause an accident! Since the costs can quickly become very high, you should at least get a good dog owner liability. Nobody can tell you in advance whether and how much additional health insurance you need. Certainly you can save some money yourself every month just in case.
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bennetsandbowties · 2 years
10 Things You Must Be Aware Of Prior To Purchasing An Akita
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You have made the decision to adopt a dog as a part of your family growing. You've talked to all your family members and they're all in agreement. This is a new step for you, and it's exciting. You've thought about who walks the dog, who will take charge of the dog, and which vet you'll visit each year or when your dog is sick or injured. You've already heard the name of the pet store you will go to and have purchased the food, bowls, and leashes that your dog will need.
Now you are all set to purchase your dog. But don't rush, you need to find out more about the kind of dog you're seeking before purchasing a dog. There are a variety of breeds you might not like. You might get one dog that is very calm and is never a problem while another breed is so active all it does is cause you issues. If you are looking to learn more about the Akita breed, we salute you. They're amazing dogs. They're not for everyone. Just like other breeds, they're not suitable for all. It could be. We don't know what you'd like in a dog, what you can provide for a dog and what your expectations are therefore only you will know whether the Akita is right for you.
They're Big Dogs
They can weigh as much as 100 pounds. It is important to know this because the Akita puppy is tiny and adorable and snuggly. The puppy could grow to become a big dog. It's not recommended to bring home this breed for those who live in tiny apartment or home with no backyard.
They remain silent unless there is a good reason for them to believe they are not
The good news is that this isn't an animal that is known to bark. Akitas are often very talkative and some make grunting and groaning sounds in order to be in a conversation. But they do not bark. Akitas who bark are an indication of trouble. It could be a different animal living in your yard, someone that the dog does not know coming to your home or something else. They're just not barkers.
They're temperamental
These are not mean breeds and it is not wise to believe that all Akitas are temperamental. The breed can be sometimes temperamental however, it's not a typical trait. There are many reasons. This dog likes to be in control which is why it's stubborn. They can also become anxious when they feel they're being questioned or threatened by other dogs. In fact, they can become quite aggressive if they are feeling at risk. To find out more info about pup, you must visit AkitaPro website.
Prey can be small animals
If you're the owner of a cat or another small dog or a yard full of squirrels, you might worry with the possibility of having an Akita present. Akitas are small dogs who chase and prey upon small animals. It's better not to have one in your home. Be aware that not all Akitas are willing to devour the cat or mouse, however it's possible.
They are known for their aggression
This is an aggressive breed by nature. While this does not mean that the dog is going to eat the other dogs, it could suggest that they are fearful of other dogs. They may become aggressive when they feel attacked or unjustly treated. This is something to keep an eye on with this breed.
They're Not Big on Sharing Food
Akitas are very affectionate and very affectionate animals. but don't expect the dog to share their food. They can be very envious of this, so it's best to keep their food away from that of other animals. It's impossible to predict how mad this dog will get when it sees another animal eating its food.
They're Alpha-Dogs
To be a proud owner of an Akita one, you have to be an attentive, firm, and kind owner. They are alpha dogs and they require this type of alpha dominance to stay in line. They also don't like other breeds of the same sex. It is possible to have male and female Akita or other breed of dog in the same home and have no issues. Watch the fights begin when you have identical sexes in the same home.
Akitas Opinion Eye Contact as Aggression
Akita Rescue recommends that you not get down to eye level with your dog, or keeping eyes on each other when you are disciplining your dog. This is something that the dog is viewed as extremely aggressive and it's a situation which could be dangerous. You should be aware that not all Akitas are like this. However, the breed is well-known for being insecure and you're not aware of what to expect.
They are very family-oriented
These are fantastic family dogs. They are very loyal to their family members. They are extremely sensitive, loving, and are extremely loyal to their families. They don't like being separated from their families for extended periods and this could mean that you have some destruction at your disposal if this dog is not taken care of when you're gone.
They're very calm doggies.
They are dogs that, despite their reputation as being domineering, aggressive and protective, don't have much energy. They are sweet and gentle and are incredibly loved by many. They are a breed that is delighted to be in your home snuggling with you and content to be out in the garden having a good time with the children.
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apachepopups · 3 years
Keep em rolling !!!
3/16/99 "I just wanted to drop you a word of encouragement. I bought a 76 Ramada about ten years ago and can't wear the thing out. Have traveled across the southeast US and most of Texas without so much as a wimper from the old girl. Now that my two girls have grown up and are not into the camping scene anymore I have, at times, considered passing her on to a friend or relative. Then I put her up  in the back-yard under the guise of a good cleaning before I let her go and it starts all over again. You know , this thing is a state of mind, a fixer of lost souls , a good friend,  forever a retreat from the every day grind. She is one of a kind , never to be duplicated . So is yours. It is nice to see that there are other fans out there , keep em rolling !!! Kelly Barker , Louisiana (Cajun)"
- Original posts and stories from the Apachepopups website that have been reposted here to preserve them for future Apache camper enthusiasts
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xindesheng-shoes · 3 years
Herring shoes - UK shoe store
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Herring Shoes is a British family business founded in 1966 by Richard Herring. Our aim is to provide quality footwear from UK manufacturers such as Barker, Church's, Chaney and Loake through our website and retail stores.
We retail shoes under the Herring brand, crafting beautifully styled, high-quality footwear tailored to today's needs, based on years of in-depth knowledge of the British handcrafted footwear industry.
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Warehouse: Old Station Yard, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 1ES, England.
Our customer service staff are footwear experts. Contact them today on +44 (0)1548 854886.
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How to Spend 48 Hours in Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park looks like something out of a youngsters's storybook. It's not unusual to listen to people taking advantage of terms like enchanting or spiritual to describe just how they probe this park. The most famous points to do below are strolling or treking among the trees, climbing the imposing rock wall surface areas, camping under the celebs, taping the beauty in images, or just taking in the calmness of the desert. Develop where the Mojave along with Colorado Deserts satisfy, the park has an intricate landscape, with considerably numerous appearances and likewise greenery depending on the altitude. Some areas are covered with fully grown Joshua trees when it comes to the eye can see, and also others are entirely without these trees yet still utilize their own distinct sophistication. Well located nature training courses, treking tracks, as well as cars and truck pullouts are expanded throughout the park, providing straightforward access to this marvelous landscape. Although the park incorporates some 800,000 acres, a lot of it is not obtainable by roadway. 2 main roads go through the park: Park Blvd, which runs west to east from Twentynine Palms as well as also the North Entranceway to the West Entrance along with the community of Joshua Tree; as well as likewise Pinto Container Road, which connects Park Blvd as well as runs southern to north from Interstate 10 and likewise the Cottonwood Site visitor Center to the North Entry and the community of Twentynine Palms. Park Blvd is the primary location of the park that is of interest to a great deal of website visitors, but various other areas of passion are found along the north half of Pinto Container Road. Bear in mind that pets are not enabled on tracks in the park; the only exemption is the Refuge of Mara led path. Pets are allowed on-leash on the unpaved roads as well as additionally when driving within the outdoor camping websites along with bbq areas. To aid strategy your browse through, see our checklist of points to do in Joshua Tree National Forest. Keys Ranch (Guided Scenic Tour). In a location that number of people would definitely describe as inviting are the remains of Keys Ranch, the previous homestead as well as cattle ranch of William F. Keys, that solved in this area in the 1910s. The household or commercial home, that includes your home, schoolhouse, shop, in addition to workshop, is a National Historic Register Website and also can only be checked out on ranger-led assisted trips. These trips run seasonally throughout the winter season and additionally into springtime. The trips are exceptionally insightful and offer understanding right into Keys, who was quite an individuality, as well as the problems run into by the household as well as resourcefulness required to sustain below. See the park website for details on trip days as well as times. Appointments are called for along with can be made up to 60 days beforehand. The 90-minute trips are made use of at a cost and also involve a half-mile of walking. Keys View It is well worth the drive up to Keys Sight, a hunt element at an altitude of more than 5,000 feet, with sweeping sights prolonging out over the Coachella Valley. Distant, you can see the San Andreas geological mistake, Hand Springs, the Salton Sea, and on a clear day, past to Mexico. If the air is clear, the view is outstanding and also this is a wonderful method to obtain oriented with the bordering geography. As you increase below, the elevation alterations, the temperature is noticeably cooler, and the landscape tackles an entire various personality. Barker Dam Nature Course One more brief strolling path, Barker Dam is a 1.3-mile loop path. If you are simply wanting to do one short route in Joshua Tree, this is your best option, with big Joshua trees, rocks, and also an area of water that typically brings in birds. At the back of the loophole are the residues of a water storage tank left by livestock herdsmans who as soon as lived in the area. Lots of individuals stroll in to this point and likewise turn around, leaving by the very same route, however this is a mistake. While this could be rather much shorter, it is well worth proceeding, with much of the greatest landscapes and likewise largest trees on the loophole past the dam. Hidden Valley Nature Trail & Day Usage Location The Hidden Valley area of Joshua is just among one of the most gorgeous in addition to quickly obtainable areas of the park. It's finest if you are seeking to do a quick stroll or simply stroll among the trees and also rock formations. The Hidden Valley Nature Course is a delightful one-mile loophole trail that enters via an opening right into a huge dish bordered by rock walls. It's thought that as a result of the area, Hidden Valley was when utilized by cattle rustlers, that would certainly herd the livestock right into this place to hide them. This is a relatively basic as well as also stunning path, making it among one of the most popular strollings in Joshua Tree National Forest. It does not have lots of Joshua trees. Of note on this route is the significant column called the Great Burrito, a popular climbing area in the park. The Hidden Valley barbeque location, on the contrary side of the parking lot from the trailhead, is a whole lot extra attractive, with a wide range of large Joshua trees scattered around huge rocks and rock loads. This is a fantastic place to appreciate a getaway and meander about. From the last barbecue location at the west end, a very quick simple course leads out in addition to around to the back side of the stand of rocks, opening into a heaven of rocks as well as trees, ideal for digital photography. Exterior camping For campers, Joshua Tree is a genuine benefit. Exterior camping among the Joshua trees, bordered by unusual rock growths, the experience here is various than your basic camping trip. Numerous of Joshua Tree's amazing outdoor camping websites are embeded in hassle-free places for uncovering the park. Each of these has its actual own appearance, yet every one of them deserve spending a night or even more under a star-filled skies. The suitable time to camp right here stays in springtime and fall: March, April, October, and November. Nights are fashionable, but days commonly have a tendency to be brilliant and also cozy. This is not jumbo Recreational Vehicle exterior camping: the camping areas are reasonably small and likewise greatly indicated for camping tent outdoor camping, Mobile home under 25 feet, or smaller sized pop-up-style camp trailers. Among the best camping locations is Hidden Valley Outdoor camping Site, yet it is a first-come, first-served location. If you desire the safety of having a consultation prior to you get here, the best selection is Jumbo Rocks. Both of these are close to all the main things to see and also do. 5. Cholla Cactus Yard For nature lovers, the Cholla Cactus Yard is perhaps among one of the most unbelievable websites in the park, with more than a thousand densely packed chollas prolonging throughout the desert floor covering. While chollas are typically sprinkled to name a few plants in the desert, below they are the only cactuses in this natural yard. In the morning light or late mid-day sun, the backlit needles virtually luster, and also the hills in the distance supply the outstanding history. An extremely simple, degree strolling path takes you by means of this wonderful place. The Cholla Cactus Yard is on the highway to Cottonwood Springtime, past Belle as well as White Storage tank camping sites. Farther along this roadway, heading towards Cottonwood, is the Ocotillo Spot, however there are just a small number of these plants at this pullout location. If you plan on leaving the park on this road, there is no need to quit right here since there are plenty more Ocotillos better on, past Cottonwood, heading to Interstate 10. Head Rock Perhaps no location else in the park is the virtually comics landscape additional finely detailed than at Skull Rock. You could see faces as well as photos in the rock developments that manage the park, but at Head Rock it takes extremely little innovative creativity to see the head kind peering out of the boulder-strewn rubble. This substantial, generally shaped rock is located right alongside the roadway, as well as additionally it constantly draws in a group. The entire place around this roadside quit is fascinating, with an expanse of rolling rock lots, great for strolling or light rushing. Residues of tracks go through the area, nevertheless several people just stray about, uncovering optimals for lookouts, sunning themselves on the pieces of rock, or simply stopping briefly. Nearby is a 1.7-mile walking trail via rocks and also shrubby plant with a couple of Joshua trees spread out around. Rock Climbing and additionally Bouldering Climbing up in addition to bouldering are several of among the most preferred amusement activities in the park, as well as likewise one consider the landscape will definitely inform you why. Joshua Tree has someplace in the community of 8,000 climbing training courses as well as also countless going up advancements. Information pamphlets as well as maps are offered at the site visitor facilities. Mountain climbers consistent Joshua Tree National forest, especially throughout the winter season when the excellent going up locations in addition north, like Yosemite, are out of season. Hill mountain climbers often has a tendency to congregate in many areas, however the Hidden Valley location as well as various other nearby websites at the west end of the park are the main hot spots. Consequently, camping areas at this end of the park commonly have a tendency to be full typically throughout the wintertime, especially in February and March, when climbers as well as likewise leisure campers are vying for spots. Ryan Hillside Walking From Park Blvd, the raise Ryan Hill looks a little challenging as well as moderately unimpressive, yet this stroll is every little thing regarding the benefit from the top, where the views increase 360 degrees out over the park. This is a moderately hard, three-mile up-and-down walking, with 1,000 feet of altitude gain. The revealed path materials little to no shade and also is much less than interesting as it follows a barren hill around the top, yet from the top, at 5,457 feet, the sight is terrific, making the initiative satisfying.
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yestolerancepro · 11 months
Tolerance Project extra I’ll be back and he certainly was Every Terminator film ranked from worst to best
The Terminator is a 1984 American science fiction action film directed by James Cameron. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, a cyborg assassin sent back in time from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), whose unborn son will one day save mankind from extinction by Skynet, a hostile artificial intelligence in a post-apocalyptic future. Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) is a soldier sent back in time to protect Sarah. The screenplay is credited to Cameron and producer Gale Anne Hurd.
Defying low pre-release expectations, The Terminator topped the United States box office for two weeks, eventually grossing $78.3 million against a modest $6.4 million budget. It is credited with launching Cameron's film career and solidifying Schwarzenegger's status as a leading man. The film's success led to a franchise consisting of several sequels, a television series, comic books, novels and video games. In 2008, The Terminator was selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the United States National Film Registry.
To watch a video short detailing some of the background story behind The Terminator click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7kjFRBq2Ic&list=PL17vqAEJv6CV1syq4_fFKgBwSqGdJzH9z&index=325
The Screen rant film website recently published a list of what they thought were the best films in the Terminator film franchise.
to read the screen rant list click here https://screenrant.com/terminator-movies-ranked-worst-best/
When it was released in 1984 it made Arnold Schwarzenegger  a star Collider the entertainment website recently revealed how he got the role when the director wanted him in the film to play a differant part all togather you can read about it here https://collider.com/arnold-schwarzenegger-the-terminator-james-cameron/
Me and The Terminator Franchise
There have been 6 films in The Terminator franchise I must admit I have not seen them all so I won’t comment on those but  I think the first 2 films in the series are the best ones in the franchise as a whole.  
The Collider entertainment website published an article recently where they   showed the first 2 two Terminator films to first time viewer to read his thoughts click here https://collider.com/terminator-review-james-cameron-arnold-schwarzenegger-small-story/
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I would have stopped the series after Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines after all it would have made a nice little trilogy. I actually saw the 2nd Terminator film Judgement day first. 
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I only saw that because I was intriged by a spoof pop single in the british charts by Arnie and the Terminators which you can listen to by clicking here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JewSFEb4D6Y 
Did you know Terminator 2 Judgement orignally had a differant ending which would have ended of the Terminator series after 2 films.
The epic saga of the "Terminator" films nearly had a far more conclusive ending in its second installment. James Cameron initially planned for a future-set epilogue in which an older Sarah Connor watches her son John, now a senator, playing with his daughter in a peaceful, Skynet-free world.
This would have sealed the fate of our beloved characters, leaving no room for a sequel, let alone the multiple that followed. As apocalyptic as the "Terminator" franchise tends to be, it's amusing to imagine it wrapping up with a peaceful picnic scene.
Screenrant again published an article on their website called 10 Movies that should have ended the Franchise and Terminator 2 Judgement Day was on their list at number at number 7 this is what they had to say 
There are several reasons why Terminator 2: Judgment Day still holds up today. Apart from the impressive effects and performance that brought the T-1000 to life, Terminator 2 compellingly raised the stakes and further explored the plot's ethical implications. It also pulled off the impossible by turning the first movie's villain, the T-800, into a hero and father figure to John Connor. With Skynet's defeat, Sarah and John finally had a reason to be optimistic in the ending, which brings the story to a full circle. The disappointing events of Terminator 3 and the succeeding reboot sequels only strengthen Judgment Day's place among movies that should have ended the franchise. 
Reading those comments myself its very hard to disagree with them also this article from the CBR.com website explains why the Terminator film series should have perharps stopped at Terminator 2 Judgement Day https://www.cbr.com/t2-perfect-end-terminator-series/
Also the yard Barker website included it in a list of films in article called Sequels that could have worked as standalone films this is what they had to say:
James Cameron’s original Terminator is a hallmark of sci-fi and action cinema, and, if anything, its sequel is even better. In this case, the story focuses on Sarah Connor, her son John, and their unlikely ally, the T-800. The entire cast is at the top of their game, though, of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a highlight as the Terminator. Throughout the film, Cameron showcases his skills as a director, and it’s a film that only grows in importance and relevance as AI becomes a more pronounced and undeniable part of everyone’s daily life, for better and for worse.
This article from the CBR website also lists 10 reasons why Terminator 2 Judgement Day is the best film of the Franchise https://www.cbr.com/terminator-2-best-movie-franchise/
This article from the screenrant website details the 10 best things found in the other Terminator sequels after Terminator 2 Judgement day you can read it by clicking here https://screenrant.com/terminator-movie-sequels-good-things-after-t2-judgment-day/
Tolerance and the Terminator
Why am I talking about Terminator well we almost had a Terminator spoof in the Tolerance film as you can see below first published in the 2nd Part of my Producers comentary blog 
Deleted scene
Tolerance deals with five major issues, one of which is transport. The second deleted scene is one I rather miss, and I wish we had kept it as it would have been funny. In the finished film, we see Robert trying to get to his interview; his taxi has not turned up and he just misses the bus; it is just not his day. The deleted scene would have been a Terminator spoof. Perhaps the scene was excluded because the director felt a bus company would not let us borrow a bus for a few hours! It is a shame as Railtrack let us borrow a train for half a day for the Huddersfield Station sequences later in the film.
Robert falls into one of his day dreams and lifts himself out of the chair and onto the bus. He is now wearing full bike leathers, sun glasses and motorbike boots; the passengers on the bus look terrified!
Robert hands the driver a ten pound note.
BUS DRIVER (pointing to a sign which says correct change only): Correct change only mate.
Robert leans into the perspex.
ROBERT: 'I’ll be back'
Robert the Terminator steps off the bus; the bus pulls away leaving him standing next to the wheelchair in his normal clothes. According to the shooting schedule if this scene was shot it would have been recorded on the 17th August the same day as the Huddersfield Train station scenes making a long day even longer perhaps another reason why it was cut
The props listed for this deleted scene include full leather gear motorbike boots sunglasses and rather strangely a red eye was Richard planning to have a prosthetic eye made just for this scene ?
Bonus content
To watch a video called WTF Happened to The Terminator from from the JO Blos orignal you tube page Click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1QwVogN-yA&t=46s
To watch a a retrospective review of the orignal Terminator film from the Oliver Harper You Tube page click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRYFDGDBdG8&list=PL17vqAEJv6CV1syq4_fFKgBwSqGdJzH9z&index=301&t=16s
To watch a retrospective review of Terminator 2 Judgement Day from the Oliver Harper Youtube page click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB6Ydsahf08&list=PL17vqAEJv6CV1syq4_fFKgBwSqGdJzH9z&index=298&t=25s
To watch a retrospective review of Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8DLnrkBDZE&list=PL17vqAEJv6CV1syq4_fFKgBwSqGdJzH9z&index=297&t=2s
To watch a review of Terminator Dark Fate click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB6Cc5F1pCQ&list=PL17vqAEJv6CV1syq4_fFKgBwSqGdJzH9z&index=300&t=40s
Ten things you didnt know about the Terminator Video Series from Minty Comedic arts
The Orignal Terminator film click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-tprB2tQ4Q&t=117s
Terminator 2 Judgement Day Click Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNaEUzo5DFw&t=88s
Terminator 3 Rise of The Machines click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_klwA4A0O0&t=44s
To watch a video about some of the computer games the franchise has inspired click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZO2L1HVdUI&list=PL17vqAEJv6CV1syq4_fFKgBwSqGdJzH9z&index=317
Borrowing Blockbusters: The Best Worst Terminator Knock Offs, Rip-Offs and Clones
An interesting video about the knock off and Clones of the Terminator series you can watch it by clicking herehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulV81PZXx4I&list=PL17vqAEJv6CV1syq4_fFKgBwSqGdJzH9z&index=341&t=32s
A collection of Trailers from all 6 films click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYrcUanZ2dM
Further reading
The movieweb website published a list called the 18 greatest Scifi film Franchises of all time the Terminator series landed at number at number 7 you can read the full list by clicking here https://movieweb.com/best-sci-fi-film-franchises/#pacific-rim
This article from the Screenrant website lists 12 greatest up and downs in the Terminator Franchise to read it click here https://screenrant.com/terminator-movies-ups-downs-franchise/
This article by the slash film website gives a good history of the orignal film but also explains why Orion Pictures backed the film in the first place with only one condition to read it click here https://www.slashfilm.com/1515271/orion-pictures-agreed-finance-the-terminator-one-condition/
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Thank you to Minty Comedic arts youtube channel for his 10 things you didn’t know about Terminator for the first 3 films in the Terminator series. Also Thank you Oliver Harper youtube Channel for his retrospective review series again on the first Terminator films and also his review Dark Fate. and lastly thank you to Jo blo orignals for his wtf happened to the Terminator  and other Terminator related videos
Remember if you want to help the Tolerance project after reading this mini blog or just want further information click on this link https://gofund.me/5cf25de4
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/gameday-central-wisconsin-28-illinois-7-end-3rd-quarter-sports/
Gameday Central: Wisconsin 28, Illinois 7; End 3rd quarter | Sports
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Beat writer Scott Richey will keep providing updates all night long from Camp Randall Stadium as Illinois takes on Wisconsin in the 2020 Big Ten opener. Follow along right here: 
Tweets by srrichey
Meanwhile, back in Champaign. The watch party at Memorial Stadium is drawing a pretty good-sized student crowd.
Tonight’s Illini starters:
LT – Vederian Lowe
LG – Kendrick Green
C – Doug Kramer
RG – Verdis Brown
RT – Alex Palczewski
QB – Brandon Peters
RB – Mike Epstein
WR – Josh Imatorbhebhe
WR – Casey Washington
WR – Donny Navarro
TE – Daniel Barker
DE – Owen Carney Jr.
NT – Roderick Perry II
DT – Jamal Woods
DE – Marc Mondesir
OLB – Khalan Tolson
MLB – Jake Hansen
OLB – Delano Ware
CB – Nate Hobbs
CB – Tony Adams
S – Sydney Brown
S – Derrick Smith
K – James McCourt
P – Blake Hayes
We’re about an hour from kickoff in Madison, and there’s already some rather significant news to report. Illinois released its list of unavailable players for tonight’s game, and there are some big names on it.
Out at Wisconsin
DL Isaiah Gay DB Michael Marchese WR Trevon Sidney DB Devon Witherspoon OL Blake Jeresaty (season)
— Illini Stats & Notes (@IlliniStats) October 23, 2020
Defensive line was already a question mark heading into the season, and no Isaiah Gay only exacerbates that. Getting pressure on Wisconsin redshirt freshman quarterback Graham Mertz could be important. Gay’s absence means Illinois will have to put an inexperienced defensive end on the field to start the game.
Devon Witherspoon being unavailable is just as big a blow. You might remember the sophomore cornerback from his game-saving tackle in last year’s upset of Wisconsin. The big question, of course, is if Witherspoon is out does that mean Tony Adams moves back to corner or does Marquez Beason make his Illini debut as a starter?
Looking out from the Camp Randal Stadium press box to no one (save for some cardboard cutouts in the seats closest to the field) is a surreal feeling.
The press box itself is pretty empty, too. Wisconsin is taking the social distancing thing seriously. I’m at an end of a row, and I’ve got more than six feet between my seat and where the Chicago Tribune’s Shannon Ryan will sit. 
Warmups are underway, but for the moment only the specialists for both teams are on the field.
The News-Gazette will be represented at Camp Randall Stadium for tonight’s Big Ten opener between Illinois and Wisconsin. Beat writer Scott Richey (that’s me as I shift to first person) is, in fact, set up in an undisclosed Marriott-brand location in Wisconsin right now prepping for his gameday coverage. 
In a typical year I might venture out in Madison. Check out campus (again). In 2020? Hotel. Camp Randall. Nothing in between. Especially in Wisconsin.
The hotel was even a concession to 2020, in a way. The press box at Camp Randall is set to close 30 minutes after the last Zoom interview is complete. That’s not enough time to provide you all with the exhaustive coverage that will wind up right here at IlliniHQ.com in the wee hours Saturday morning. That and much more will grace the pages of Sunday’s News-Gazette.
The strangeness of 2020 aside, the drive from Champaign to Madison was exceedingly normal. I could have done without the rain, but being back on the road for the first time since early March (Illini basketball at Ohio State) was a surreal feeling. Then I hit the construction as soon as I crossed the Illinois-Wisconsin border, and all felt right with the world. It was a sign that at least some things never, ever, ever change.
In our still not-so-normal world, I won’t be joined for tonight’s game by News-Gazette colleague Bob Asmussen. Wisconsin credentialed just six total Illinois media members. It will be nice, though, to see the Decatur Herald & Review’s Joey Wagner, the Chicago Tribune’s Shannon Ryan, 247Sports’ Jeremy Werner, Gatehouse correspondent Gavin Good and Gabby Hajduk from the Daily Illini.
Here we go. I’ll check back in when I can get into Camp Randall at 5:30 p.m.
— Kendrick J. Green (@The_fridge53) October 23, 2020
Our beat writer caught up with the Illini coach before Friday night’s season opener at Wisconsin
Beat writer Scott Richey breaks down the 2020 season opener
Here’s what you should expect in the Illini’s season opener
Three AP voters give their take on the Illini quarterback ahead of Friday night’s season opener at Wisconsin
‘Last year, when we played Wisconsin, it was an all-around effort by everybody,’ defensive lineman Jamal Woods said
Well, here we go again. The 2020 Illinois football, once thought lost to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, starts tonight in Madison, Wis. The Illini don’t ease into it either, with No. 14 Wisconsin first up in the revised (times two) Big Ten schedule.
No nonconference warmup in 2020. No shot at an Illinois State or UConn or Bowling Green before jumping into Big Ten play. No, it’s a headfirst dive into the deep end immediately instead.
The Illini and Badgers kick of at 7 p.m. at Camp Randal Stadium. Most will be listening (check out Brian Barnhart and Martin O’Donnell on WDWS) or watching from home. The Big Ten has banned fans in 2020, and even the allowance for families of players and coaches has been put on pause in Madison. 
While you get ready for the start of the most unique Illinois football season in more than a century, catch up on our exhaustive preseason coverage leading up to today’s game. It was a team effort by the entire N-G sports staff, including long-time beat writer Bob Asmussen, sports editor Matt Daniels, preps writer Colin Likas with a major assist, copy editor Joe Vozzelli and beat writer Scott Richey.
Richey will represent the N-G in Madison as one of just six Illinois media credentialed to make the trip in the new COVID-19 world we’re living in. He’ll provide updates throughout the day and late into the night as befitting a 7 p.m. kickoff. (Don’t ask his opinion on that. Or do. He doesn’t mind sharing). 
As always, right here at IlliniHQ.com is where all your gameday needs will be answered, including more from our preseason deep dive on the Illini:
Uniform tweaks further awareness of social justice issues
CHAMPAIGN — Illinois football players have taken an active stance on social justice issues in the last few months, including an athlete-organized march in late August against police violence and racial injustice. Redshirt junior offensive lineman Kendrick Green and senior cornerback Nate Hobbs spearheaded that initiative, and others have been active on social media to promote awareness, too.
The Illini will use Friday’s season opener at No. 14 Wisconsin to further that cause. Illinois will replace its traditional orange and blue Block I helmet decal with a black Block I instead.
“We wanted to show that we are aware of what’s happening in our country right now,” Hobbs said in an official release. “We’re willing to take a stand, not as one, but as a unit.”
To continue reading, click here.
Quarterback Brandon Peters leads a deep and talented senior class for the 2020 Illinois football team, which opens the season at 7 p.m. on Friday at Wisconsin.
David Craan/Illinois athletics
Asmussen | Illini, get ready for a college football season like no other
CHAMPAIGN — It’s 11 a.m. on Dec. 5.
Three inches of snow blanket the Memorial Stadium turf. And the white stuff fills the empty stands.
Well, almost empty … except for the cardboard cutouts of fans ($50 to $99 a pop) and the faux Marching Illini.
In five minutes, Illinois and Iowa will run onto Zuppke Field to no applause, other than what’s generated by the loudspeakers and scoreboards.
No smell of roasting hot dogs or popcorn in the air. No beers being spilled on people in the next row.
Outside beautiful Memorial Stadium, the usual hustle and bustle are absent.
If the Dick Butkus and Red Grange statues could talk, it would be some version of, “What the heck is going on around here?”
To continue reading, click here.
More from the 2020 Illinois football special section:
Meet the seniors
Meet the coaches
Big Ten West preview
Big Ten East preview
Gibson City-Melvin-Sibley graduate Bryce Barnes is entering his sophomore season at Illinois.
Illinois athletics
GCMS grad Barnes aiming for bigger special teams presence
CHAMPAIGN — Bryce Barnes is readily visible for about 2 seconds.
His nameplate and number 48, in dark blue print on a gray uniform backdrop, are seen bouncing around before being sucked into a sea of humanity.
The then-Illinois football freshman turns into one small piece of a massive celebration, set off by James McCourt’s 39-yard field goal that allowed the Illini to upset No. 6 Wisconsin 24-23 at Memorial Stadium on Oct. 19, 2019.
It’s all archived in a YouTube video on the Illinois athletics website.
Of course, Barnes lived the moment. And the 2019 Gibson City-Melvin-Sibley graduate can provide a slightly different perspective from it.
“I ended up at the bottom of the pile, and (McCourt and I) were face to face underneath everybody,” said Barnes, who was blocking on the line as McCourt booted the ball through the uprights in front of the Illini band and student section. “It was an honor for me to be out there in such a big win for this program. I wanted to start crying just because of how happy I was.”
To continue reading, click here.
More from the local Illini:
Catching up with Ben Schultz and Dylan Thomas
Danville product Caleb Griffin gets creative ahead of season
Center Doug Kramer is the anchor of an experienced Illinois offensive line with the Hinsdale product’s 32 career starts as an Illini trailing only Alex Palczewski’s 36.
David Craan/Illinois athletics
Asmussen | Illini O-line learns from earlier struggles
CHAMPAIGN — Kendrick Green, Doug Kramer, Vederian Lowe and Alex Palczewski have learned a lot about each other over the years.
Along with new-to-the-lineup Verdis Brown, they will make up the starting offensive line Friday night at No. 14 Wisconsin.
They are close. Not in a forced way. But naturally.
“I think it’s really simple,” Kramer said Tuesday. “There’s never been too many issues in our room. We’ve been friends from the start.”
“We’ve just seen each other grow up over these past three years,” Palczewski added. “We’ve all grown up from these freshmen who didn’t know what was going on.”
In 2017, they were part of a 2-10 team that didn’t win a Big Ten game. For the offensive linemen, it was a punch in the gut.
To their credit, they got better. Four wins in ‘18 and six last season.
Now, they want to take another step. Toward the top of the Big Ten West.
To continue reading, click here.
More from Bob Asmussen:
Contingency plans on need-to-know basis
Week 1 Big Ten power poll
A unique Illini gameday in C-U
Talking points with Wisconsin beat writer Colten Bartholomew
Ask the beat writer: Playing in an empty Camp Randall
Previewing Illinois’ offense
Previewing Illinois’ defense
Previewing Illinois’ special teams
Illinois linebacker Jake Hansen during practice in August at Memorial Stadium in Champaign.
David Craan/Illinois athletics
Illinois underdogs against Wisconsin again
CHAMPAIGN — Jake Hansen sauntered into the interview room at the Smith Center following Illinois football’s upset of No. 6 Wisconsin last October.
It’s the only way to describe Hansen’s entrance — cigar in his hands and a smile on his face.
Hansen also made a point of noting just how much the people that set the gambling lines considered the Illini underdogs against the Badgers.
“Thirty-one point spread, huh?” the Illinois linebacker yelled out as he made his way from a celebratory locker room to the small lobby outside the Smith Center weight room filled with reporters.
Monday marked the one-year anniversary of the biggest Illinois football win in more than a decade. It also coincided with the line for this year’s rematch with Wisconsin receiving a slight adjustment.
Wisconsin opened as a 23 1/2-point favorite last week for the 7 p.m. Friday Big Ten opener in Madison, Wis. Monday’s adjustment didn’t really make Illinois any less the underdog. The Badgers are still considered approximately a 19- or 20-point favorite.
To continue reading, click here.
More from Scott Richey
Lovie: ‘We’re going to see exciting football’
Starters have Smith comfortable with cornerbacks
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architectnews · 4 years
Arch House, Brooklyn
Arch House, Brooklyn Home, NYC Real Estate, NY Redesign Project, Architecture Photos
Arch House in Brooklyn, New York
Oct 20, 2020
Arch House in Brooklyn
Design Architects: Barker Associates Architecture Office
Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States, USA
The Arch House project is a triplex for a young couple who travel extensively for business and wanted the feeling of a quiet sanctuary for their new home.
They partnered with BDDW to provide furnishings throughout the house. The existing building is a relatively compact Anglo-Italianate townhouse circa 1860, and a three-story extension was added to expand the living space.
The house’s signature arched doorway and front window were the inspiration for much of the detailing for the renovated spaces. Arched openings connect the dining space to the foyer as well as to the kitchen through a butler’s pantry.
The generous kitchen spans the entire width of the house and is designed for socializing while cooking, with a large central marble island and extensive countertop space. The ceilings were raised on the parlor floor to visually and spatially open out the space toward the rear yard, which is framed by a full wall of steel doors and accessed from a rear deck. The centerpiece of the living room is a plaster fluted fireplace surround.
The existing wood stair and handrail were restored and the skylight above was replaced in the shape of an oval to match the geometry of the stairwell. The master suite occupies the second floor. A library and office with original moldings and fireplace overlook the street. The bedroom, a plaster, and marble master bath are sequestered through more arched openings via a raised passageway toward the rear. The bedroom opens onto a balcony through more steel doors. The third floor is configured as a level for children, guests, and caregivers.
Arch House, Brooklyn – Building Information
Design Architects: Barker Associates Architecture Office Alexandra Barker, FAIA, Principal Interior Decorator: Jae Joo Designs Contractor: Altek Construction Structural Engineer: Zaki Albanna
Materials and Products Information Kitchen Stone supplied by ABC Stone (Olympian White Danby) Bathroom Stone supplied by European Marble and Granite (Calacatta Bettogli) Custom stone sinks by Marmoles Stone Kitchen and Pantry Cabinetry by Bespoke 7 Kitchen and bar faucets by Kallista 3rd-floor bath wallpaper by Anthropologie Pantry wallpaper by Fornasetti Powder room wallpaper by Maison C Cement tile by Cement Tile Shop Custom plaster by Kamp Studios (fireplace) Custom plaster in kitchen and bathrooms by I-faux Master bath fixtures by Waterworks Powder room fixture by Devon and Devon Third-floor fixture by Kingston Brass
About BAAO Architects BAAO Architects is an award-winning multidisciplinary practice based in New York with a focus on exploring spatial and material practices that adapt to the evolving relationships between inhabitants and the built environment.
BAAO has worked in the public and private sector on a range of projects that include ground-up private residences, interiors, and institutional and retail projects in the New York area, regionally, and internationally. The firm has engaged with a range of private and corporate clients including The Hudson Companies and Trinity Real Estate as well as developers for residential units in Inner Mongolia, China
Photography: Francis Dzikowski/OTTO
Arch House, Brooklyn image / information received 201020
Address: Brooklyn, NY, United States
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Website: Brooklyn
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jeremystrele · 6 years
Reclaimed Resources: 8 Ways to Score Recycled Materials
Building with recycled materials offers two-fold benefits. Not only are you building with cheaper materials that come with a story, but you’re also helping to offset some of your carbon building footprint. It’s no secret that building materials can really eat into your building budget. Just like the housing market, material prices can ebb and flow. By searching for recycled materials whenever possible, you can save more of your money. Not sure where to start? If you know where to look, you’ll find an abundance of reclaimed materials at your fingertips. Here are some of the best places to score free and low-cost materials.
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Reclaimed material adds extra character to your home. Image: Pillar & Peacock
Social media and online classifieds
The best place to start is by putting out the call to your friends and family on social media. Chances are someone on your friend list has something you need sitting in their garage right now. Post a message on your page and then post messages on indoor swap meet and online classified sites. There are entire websites, like Freecycle, devoted to exchanging used goods for free. You can find wood, tile and counter remnants and even tools there.
Building reuse stores
Habitat for Humanity Restores are outlets that accept building material donations like fixtures, cabinets and even tools. They then resell them to the general public for pennies on the dollar. You can check if there’s a Restore near you, but if you’re not lucky enough to have one, try thrift stores.
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Check out demo sites for reclaimed stone and metal, too. Image: Barker and Stonehouse
Bartering and trading
Hey, you’re not looking for a handout, just recycled materials! Trading some of the extra materials you have on hand can be a win-win situation. Don’t have anything extra? Offer to lend a hand for a builder or a neighbor who has materials you need. Or, take a look through your garage and post some of the tools or toys you don’t use on trade or sell sites. It’s a great way to get to know your community and help offload some of your extra stuff, too.
Scratch and dent centers
When floor models or packaging becomes damaged, it’s usually unsellable for retailers. While some stores might write damaged items off at a loss, others send the damaged things to scratch and dent outlets. There, you can find screaming deals on materials that have minor cosmetic issues, were returned by customers or were ordered incorrectly. Check out these outlets for things like carpeting, lighting fixtures, plumbing fixtures, flooring and even appliances. If you’re willing to overlook cosmetic issues or are less picky about color and finish, you can outfit your home on the cheap.
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Make contact with local builders for first dibs on scraps. Image: Appalachian Antique Hardwood
Building sites
Here’s the thing: building sites almost always have remnants and leftovers in their garbage bins. Before you dumpster dive for scraps, however, check to make sure it’s kosher with the builder. In fact, calling a builder to see if they have extras of your bathroom tile or an incorrectly ordered chandelier can help you connect with contractors who are happy to give you scraps they would have thrown out otherwise.
Demolition sites
Demolition sites are the real motherlode for recycled materials because in most cases, the materials are headed to the dump. When you think about how many homes are renovated while still in technically good condition, it’s a no-brainer. Cabinetry, for example, is updated frequently, even when there’s nothing wrong cosmetically or functionally. Keep an eye out for demolition sites to score reclaimed wood, brick, cabinets and even tile and flooring.
Salvage yards
Salvage yards are usually run by individuals who can see the potential in just about anything. Even the pallets used in shipping can become reclaimed wood if you can find them in good condition. Take a Saturday afternoon and head over to your local salvage yard. Let the owner or manager know some of the things on your wishlist and, more often than not, you’ll find someone happy to help you on your treasure hunt. Salvage yards are great for upcycling metal and reclaimed wood and finding replacement parts for pricey tools.
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Reclaimed materials make for great architectural features. Image: Jane Kim Design
Hey, no one can give you their recycled stuff if you don’t ask, right? Simply putting the word out in your neighborhood can give you a huge return on your time. Printing a flyer that lets your neighbors know what you’re working on and some of the materials you’d like to recycle can help you reclaim things practically from your own backyard. Put a few flyers up around town or post them on community bulletin boards to make sure you get the word out.
Whether you’re renovating your home or building from scratch, your local hardware store isn’t the be-all, end-all for materials. Getting creative about sourcing and looking beyond the usual avenues can help you save money, plus it adds more to your story. Give materials new life by committing to recycle and reuse whenever you can and you’ll appreciate your finished project even more than before.
The post Reclaimed Resources: 8 Ways to Score Recycled Materials appeared first on Freshome.com.
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whitneypierce717 · 6 years
Tyra – 3 year old female English Springer Spaniel
Tyra is a 3 year old female English Springer Spaniel. Tyra came to us after a brief stop at another fosterer where she did not get on with the two male dogs there. Initially she was walked over fields and did not come into contact with other dogs because she was in season. Just as her season ended she was adopted and it was found that she is reactive to other dogs, lunging and barking at them so she came back to us. We are addressing this, taking her on short walks where she meets dogs at a distance to try to reduce her reactivity. We ask her to sit when a dog comes within about 10 yards then we distract her with high value treats, keeping eye contact with her and talking reassuringly. Other dog owners are asked to keep their dogs at a distance, not to approach too near. We would like this training to be continued by whoever adopts her. She had led a sheltered life, being bought up as a show dog but now she loves the country life here, running over the fields, sniffing around and chasing balls and she has become fitter.
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An affectionate girl, she loves cuddles and in the evening will curl up next to you on the sofa if allowed. Her recall is good. Walking her on the lead is fine– she doesn’t pull. She’s housetrained and there’s no problems with eating, she enjoys her food and has been known to check what is on the kitchen counter! If she hears someone coming to the door then she will bark to let us know but she is not a continual barker. She has shown no aggression and after an initial quick bark at visitors she wags her tail and is welcoming though she sometimes needs us to welcome the visitor first. She can sometimes jump up when welcoming but a quick ‘down’ and she stops (best with older children 12+ for this reason).
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Playing fetch with a tennis ball is her idea of heaven and I think she would spend all day doing this if we had all day to throw her ball! She’s been to the vet a couple of times and has no problem in being handled. Chickens and sheep she ignores, our cat she still chases. She enjoys travelling in the car although she can sometimes have a mini grizzle for a couple of minutes she then settles. Her previous owner told us that she suffers from separation anxiety. However we have popped out for about an hour and when we returned she was OK.
Generally she is an intelligent girl who will love you to bits once she gets to know and trust you. However due to her reactive nature, though we think it will improve with continued gentle interface with other dogs, there is no knowing how much progress she will make in overcoming this and would be adopters should be aware of this. For this reason we think she needs a home where there are virtually dog-free walks around (for example on a farm), also people who are around most of the day.
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Tayra is not neutered due to recently having finished a season and will be rehomed with a contract to do so in 3 months. She is chipped vaccinated wormed and flead and adoption is subject to meet and greet home check and adoption fee. Applications via forms section of website please.
via WordPress https://whitneypierce123.wordpress.com/2018/10/23/tyra-3-year-old-female-english-springer-spaniel/
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eathealthylivefree · 5 years
Moving Mindfully
One of my goals for this year is to explore mindfulness. In this blog, I want to share a few things that I’ve learned about this life changing topic.
According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, a pioneer in American mindfulness, “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.”
I enjoy being outside in nature. I have often wondered why this is relaxing for me. Why is it that I breathe deeper and feel a sense of calmness come over me while enjoying the beauty of nature?
I have learned that it has to do with the focus on my surroundings and mental relaxation that I experience from being in nature. Moving mindfully provides us with several benefits and can help increase the awareness of our bodies and the surroundings around us. According to the American Heart Association, some benefits of mindful movement may include:
Manage stress, depression and insomnia
Lower blood pressure
Improve balance and stability
Relieve chronic pain
Improve quality of life and mood in people with heart disease, cancer and other chronic illnesses
Motivate you to exercise more and eat healthier
One reason that I enjoy exploring mindfulness in nature is that I am paying attention to my surroundings and experiencing several senses: sight, smell, touch, and hearing. Watching the way that a blade of grass blows in the wind, feeling wind in your face, hearing the rustle of leaves, watching clouds drift across the sky are all examples of ways that we can pay attention to the details in nature. You can also enjoy these visual cues while looking out your window.
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Integrative and Complementary Medicine website offers several Mindfulness practices for you to explore. Click on the link and check out their resources.
Take time during your busy life to check out nature as I did this past weekend. I visited one of my favorite spots in the town where I live. A 90-year-old man has 4 acres of paths and trails through his back yard. You can walk and explore the Hosta plants and wildflowers he has planted over the years. One year he shared with me he planted 3,000 daffodil bulbs!  Imagine all those beautiful flowers!
Share in the comments how you enjoy mindfulness in nature.
Dreskin, M., Smith, S. & Kane, D., Kaiser Permanente Clinical Ambassadors. Retrieved from: https://m.kp.org/health-wellness/mental-health/tools-resources/mind-body-wellness/movement-benefits
Powers-Barker, P., 2106. Introduction to Mindfulness. Ohioline Factsheet number HYG-5243. Ohio State University. Retrieved from: https://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/hyg-5243
Suttie, J., 2018. Five Ways Mindfulness Meditation is Good for your Health. Retrieved from: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/five_ways_mindfulness_meditation_is_good_for_your_health
Hostas courtesy of Cory’s Wildflower Gardens, Chillicothe, Ohio.
Written by: Michelle Treber, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Pickaway County, [email protected]
Reviewed by: Beth Stefura, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Mahoning County, [email protected]
from Live Healthy Live Well http://bit.ly/2LNqpSU
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landscapeusa · 5 years
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Drain Cleaning Fullerton | Plumbers In Fullerton | Barker & Sons
If there’s one thing that can put a damper on life in sunny Fullerton, it’s a clogged drain. From a small clog in the kitchen sink to backed up commercial sewer pipes, there are few things more frustrating than dealing with a plumbing emergency. Luckily, there’s a solution.
At Barker and Sons Plumbing & Rooter, we know plumbing. And we can fix clogged drains, damaged sewage pipes, and handle a full range of drain cleaning services to make your life easier.
It doesn’t matter if it’s night or day. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to keep your home or business in working order.
Our licensed, insured and experienced technicians use a variety of different methods to clean and repair drains, including:
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technicolorday1 · 6 years
7 people in 1 race? GOP nod for Congress may rely on who you recognize | Idaho Statesman
Early polls in the seven-way GOP race to succeed U.S. Rep. Raul Labrador had the two candidates with the highest name recognition – Meridian real estate broker Russ Fulcher and former Idaho Attorney General and Lt. Gov. David Leroy �� leading the pack.
But the two polls that have been made public still showed large swaths of undecided voters in Idaho’s 1st Congressional District. That gives hope to the other five candidates in the Republican primary: former prosecutor and state Rep. Luke Malek of Coeur d’Alene; gun shop owner and state Rep. Christy Perry of Nampa; conservative author and blogger Michael Snyder of Bonners Ferry; Nick Henderson, an Army combat veteran and businessman from Post Falls; and Alex Gallegos, a retired Army lieutenant colonel from Nampa.
With 41 days left until the May 15 primary, the leaders are hoping to hold or grow their advantage while the others seek to catch fire.
[Related: What kind of polling captures Idaho’s closed Republican primary?]
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History suggests anywhere from 63,000 to 72,000 voters may participate in the closed Republican primary. If so, one of the candidates will need 15,000 to 20,000 votes to win. Republican Bill Sali garnered 18,985 votes, or 25.8 percent, in 2006, the last time there was an open field this crowded.
Sali’s advantage was an endorsement from the Club For Growth, which along with its supporters pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into his campaign – a relatively small sum to win a congressional seat nationwide.
This year, Fulcher has the Club for Growth endorsement. Not surprisingly, he’s the first to go on the air with television commercials and has led in overall fundraising. Leroy countered with an endorsement from the American Conservative Union, which organizes the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.
Fulcher started out running for governor, following on his strong showing in the 2014 GOP primary against Gov. Butch Otter. In June, he pulled out after Labrador announced he would seek the governor’s post, and announced he would run for Labrador’s seat instead.
Labrador endorsed Fulcher, as has Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. But Fulcher has not endorsed Labrador. That has angered many of his supporters, said Henderson and Snyder, who both endorsed Labrador and hope his supporters come to them.
“I see it as a huge sign of disrespect after all Raul Labrador has done,” Snyder said.
Fulcher said he has worked closely with Labrador.
Snyder portrays himself as the most conservative candidate in a field where the collective views on issues like the Second Amendment, abortion and tax cuts are all pretty close. He said he would get rid of the Internal Revenue Service, the federal income tax, the Federal Reserve, and would close the Department of Education, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Bureau of Land Management.
His yard signs spread all over the Treasure Valley advertise him as pro-Trump, who pundits say is the most popular politician among Idaho Republicans. Both Leroy and Fulcher embrace Trump in their own ways.
“I think Trump is a change agent,” Leroy said. “If we put conservative legislation in front of him, he’ll sign it.”
Leroy is counting on most of the electorate in the GOP primary to be old enough to remember when he was attorney general, lieutenant governor and even acting governor for 254 days.
“This is a time when experience and aptitude is at a great premium,” Leroy said. “These are problematic, sophisticated, complicated times.”
Fulcher, who traveled the world with Micron and did business with the likes of Apple’s Steve Jobs, sees Trump as the businessman in the same mold.
“They don’t look at the world the way we do,” he said. “That see it as cost centers and profit centers.”
Fulcher said he can talk to Trump and help him get his agenda through Congress, even if the Democrats take control of the House.
“I’m going to advance the ball,” Fulcher said. “If I can get three yards, I’ll take it.”
Malek takes that approach even further. He said he was “the point of the spear” to create Idaho’s state-run health insurance exchange, replacing the federal option with one that is more efficient, user-friendly and has lower costs. At a recent Ada County GOP Central Committee candidate forum, Malek was the only one who said he would vote for the omnibus spending bill that among Idaho’s delegation, only Rep. Mike Simpson backed.
Malek picked up the endorsement of former U.S. Sen. Larry Craig, who said Malek has a record of getting things done.
“To me this job is not worth doing if I’m not a problem-solver,” Malek said. “I’m a conservative guy, but there’s a job to be done back there.”
Often this legislative session, Malek found himself opposite Perry on issues like the health care package aimed at helping 35,000 Idahoans without insurance afford coverage. In the end, the House refused to vote on the issue Perry helped carry to the floor, with Malek among the opposition.
“I’m willing to buck leadership and the system for what I think the people wanted,” Perry said. “I think that sets me apart from the others.”
Perry hopes to appeal to women because of her record on family issues and health. But she also expects to pull votes away from Fulcher because of her conservative values, such as her call to eliminate the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and turn its authority over to the states.
And, Perry is appealing to sportsmen, just as Henderson hopes to bring veterans to the polls as a supporter of more flexibility for veterans’ health care.
“I’m all for Veterans Choice because I’ve benefited from it,” Henderson said, referencing a program that allows veterans to see a local health provider if they meet certain conditions, such as lengthy VA appointment delays or long driving distances to a VA hospital.
Gallegos was the last to join the race, in February, and was not at the Ada County forum last week. He said in his announcement press release that he would push to control debt, improve combat readiness and work on veterans’ issues.
“I feel compelled to run because the dysfunction in Washington, D.C., is a threat to our children and grandchildren’s future,” he said in the release.
Reliable polling is scarce in this spring’s election. An Idaho Politics Weekly poll in November, compiled through live phone calls to residents of the congressional district, found 54 percent still undecided — though that included residents of all political persuasions. A March 12-13 automated phone poll of Republicans by Magellan Strategies, released by Leroy, had 40 percent of voters undecided.
To leap ahead, Snyder, Malek, Perry, Henderson or Gallegos will need huge influxes of money or field volunteers, or a collapse by the better-known Fulcher and Leroy, said Justin Vaughn, Boise State University associate professor of political science.
“If you’re a voter and you recognize some of the names down the list but you don’t know a lot about them, you’re going to go with the one you know,” Vaughn said.
Rocky Barker: 208-377-6484, @RockyBarker
Am I in the 1st District?
The 1st District begins on its southeast corner with a third of Boise and most of its suburbs, and runs west to Oregon and Washington, and north to the Canadian border. In addition to Ada County, it includes Adams, Benewah, Boise, Bonner, Boundary, Canyon, Clearwater, Gem, Idaho, Kootenai, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, Owyhee, Payette, Shoshone, Valley, and Washington.
What about the Democrats?
Three have filed for the 1st District seat: real estate agent Cristina McNeil, of Boise; retired sheriff’s deputy James Vandermaas, of Eagle; and veteran Michael W. Smith, of Post Falls. Watch for coverage of the Democratic primary in a future edition of the Statesman.
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