#Yata would be upset he didn't notice I think
ridiasfangirlings · 24 days
Saruhiko arrives home covered in suspicious bruises from neck down and it gives Yata a strange feeling that someone did this. Someone that Saruhiko was cheating on him with, maybe? After some stalking it just turned out that with Saruhiko's weakening powers he's getting progressively more hurt and sore in battles, so now his skin can easily bruise.
I feel like Yata would be even more upset about that than if Fushimi had been cheating, because he doesn’t like seeing Fushimi injured. Imagine they’ve been dating for a while and one day Fushimi comes home from work looking particularly stressed. Yata figures S4 must have been working him really hard and Fushimi clicks his tongue and says something like that as he pulls off his coat. His collar is up just like usual but Yata notices there’s a discolored spot on his neck. Without thinking Yata’s like ‘hey, what’s that’ and tries to move Fushimi’s collar aside, Fushimi fussily smacks his hand away and says it’s nothing. Yata huffs all I was just worried you might be hurt, Fushimi says it’s just a small bruise. Later when they’re getting ready for bed though and Fushimi’s wearing an oversized sleep shirt Yata realizes that Fushimi has bruises all down his neck, and even some on his chest. When Yata tries to ask about them he’s again told it’s nothing to worry about, Yata’s like I’m your boyfriend of course I’m gonna be worried if you’re all bruised. He can’t see Fushimi’s expression in the dark but hears this small tongue click as Fushimi again says it’s nothing. The next day he’s wearing his collar up again and getting dressed before Yata, so Yata can’t see the bruises again.
Yata is concerned though, like is something happening that Fushimi can’t tell him about. He’s turning it over in his mind at work when a couple of his coworkers come by gossiping about an acquaintance whose boyfriend was cheating on her and came home with marks all over his neck and chest. Yata’s like ‘wait could Saruhiko be…?’ and then immediately rejects it, there’s no way Fushimi would do that. But then he thinks what if someone is pressuring Fushimi into things though (insert Yata mental image of Munakata with shiny glasses, devil horns and wings here). He decides he needs to figure out what’s going on, since Saruhiko clearly doesn’t intend to tell him.
Yata calls Kusanagi, who he figures will know what’s going on with S4 right now since he’s always in touch with Awashima. Kusanagi wonders why Yata wants to know about S4 missions and Yata’s all evasive, Kusanagi is suspicious but tells him what Fushimi is supposedly working on right now (even though Yata only asked about S4 in general and not Fushimi specifically). This leads to Yata tracking Fushimi down and imagine him doing his best to stay hidden while watching Fushimi from the shadows, probably almost getting caught constantly because stealth is not Yata’s strong point. What he sees though is Fushimi fighting Strains and bad guys and getting no more roughed up than in any other fight — except at one point Yata sees Fushimi’s powers falter for a second as he’s fighting someone and he gets sucker punched in the neck. Yata immediately jumps out of hiding to help take the guys down, afterward as he’s turning to check on Fushimi he sees Fushimi irritably pull his collar down to reveal a growing bruise where he was hit.
Fushimi complains about Yata jumping in and Yata’s like never mind about that, why didn’t you tell me your powers have been fading. Fushimi says shouldn’t Yata know, since his have been doing the same. Yata says that’s true but he doesn’t feel like he’s gotten any worse at taking hits, Fushimi rolls his eyes and says that’s because Yata’s ridiculously sturdy. Yata says if Fushimi bruises so easily now he should be more careful and Fushimi calls that stupid, all that’s important is he gets his job done, not the condition of his body. He realizes he’s said the wrong thing when Yata looks at him almost like he’s about to cry, wondering if Fushimi really thinks that. Fushimi pauses, about to say something acid, but then he sighs and says no, leaning into Yata instead. Yata puts an arm around him and says he knows old habits die hard and all that but Fushimi needs to remember that people care about him and that seeing Fushimi hurt makes Yata hurt too. Yata knows that with Fushimi’s job being what it is he can’t entirely avoid getting banged up but asks if Fushimi will try to be careful for Yata’s sake, Fushimi sighs and says all right. Yata adds that if Fushimi has to get hurt he could at least let Yata help clean him up afterward and suggests they go home. Fushimi agrees but then pauses and gives Yata a suspicious look as he’s like why were you here anyway, Yata laughs nervously all um I was just passing by that’s all.
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Funny how Fushimi has such insecurities when practically one king was Making a mess just to have him join his group (Hisui) while the other (Munakata) helped him with the intention, I think, of having him join the blue clan instead. He's wanted and his talent is recognised by three Kings, if we add Mikoto. And that makes me wonder, how would Yata react if he learned about the whole Hisui fiasco just to have Fushimi? 😧😧 Please?
Yata probably wouldn't have time to be impressed that Fushimi was being courted by three Kings, being too upset that Hisui was messing with Fushimi like that and Yata never even knew. Like imagine some point post-ROK when Yata and Fushimi are having their talk he mentions the hallucinations and how Hisui tried to recruit him and Yata's just like wait wait what happened now. Fushimi explains how all that went down and I think Yata's first reaction would just be 'why didn't you say something you idiot?' Fushimi clicks his tongue and he says Yata wouldn't have listened to him even if he had and Yata's like see this is why you get misunderstood all the time Saruhiko, because you assume shit like this and then end up not saying anything and wondering why no one notices. I think Yata would be really pissed that Hisui was playing with Fushimi that way, like even if the whole hallucination idea was initiated in any way by Aya there's still the simple fact that Hisui was trying to isolate Fushimi even more from the Red clan just to recruit him and not caring about how that might affect Fushimi's mental health.
Imagine during their conversation too Yata's like you wouldn't have joined that guy anyway right and Fushimi kinda pauses, like he was so miserable in Homra at that point that he can't even say either way if he would have rejected Hisui if Munakata hadn't shown up when he did. This would make things hit home a bit more for Yata about how out of place Fushimi felt in Homra though, like even with jungle playing with him that way it still might have felt like more of a refuge than Homra did. I could see Yata also being a little angry at himself for never noticing what Fushimi was going through though, like even while he's annoyed that Fushimi never said anything part of Yata is just so upset because he feels like as Fushimi's partner he should have realized that something was off about Saruhiko at that time and he didn't, and maybe he could have avoided some of this mess if only he'd been trying harder to understand Fushimi at that time (also it probably rankles that Munakata was aware that something was going on with Fushimi while Yata wasn't, even though Yata probably knows how perceptive the Blue King is there's still this little twinge of jealousy that someone else saw what was happening with Fushimi while Yata was completely oblivious to it).
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
What if the Niki hallucinations happened a bit earlier and wasn't dealt with fast enough and was able to badly affect Fushimi? And since Fushimi didn't want to ask for help or tell anyone of his personal trouble, he had to deal with it alone and the hallucination is now manipulating him into actively hurting those around him (like other Homra members) and Yata gets mad at him when he finds out but not know about the reason. How would it end and how would Yata deal with finally knowing the reason
Imagine in this case maybe the hallucinations start shortly after Fushimi joins Homra, like right around the time they save Anna. Hisui’s been keeping an eye on Fushimi since the surprise party and decides to make his move, having Aya infect his PDA and since the whole Minato twins incident hasn’t happened yet Munakata hasn’t had an opening to try and recruit Fushimi to S4. Fushimi starts to notice it slowly, like he’ll be at the bar and catch a flash of a familiar face in the corner but when he looks up again no one’s there. Sometimes he thinks he sees Niki in the crowd and will go running after him, even if it’s in the middle of a Homra mission, but then when there’s no one there he has to explain why he ran off. Fushimi definitely won’t tell anyone that he’s been seeing things so he just shrugs and says he thought they were being watched, everyone’s kinda like ‘okay…,’ like they know Fushimi’s smart and all but this just seems weird even for him.
I imagine this escalates to an almost sort of paranoia on Fushimi’s part, constantly seeing Niki everywhere he goes. Fushimi knows that guy is dead so he just thinks maybe he’s going crazy, laughing darkly to himself like he should have expected this sort of thing would happen to him, with his shitty family and Niki’s blood in his veins. Kusanagi, Mikoto and Totsuka would all I think start suspecting that something’s going on with Fushimi, Totsuka and Kusanagi at least encouraging him to talk with someone if he’s having some kind of problem, but Fushimi would rather die than admit he’s seeing things. Maybe this culminates in him actually attacking Homra members this time, like similar to what happens with Minato Akito in LSW except Fushimi doesn’t even have any excuse he can make up as to why he attacked. Even Yata gets sliced with a knife and he’s like what the hell Saruhiko all while Fushimi stares at him with a haunted expression. Fushimi ends up running off without saying anything, Niki’s laughter chasing him and mocking him for hurting the only person he cares about, like “hey, maybe next time you’ll kill him, won’t that be fun?”.
This is when Munakata finally shows up and everything happens like in canon, except Yata still doesn’t know why Fushimi attacked him and during the betrayal imagine Fushimi trying to change that moment as being not an accident, trying to act like he did that on purpose. Also even with his PDA destroyed imagine Fushimi still has hallucinations of Niki from time to time, like he was so traumatized by what happened that now it’s not Niki’s virus causing this it’s Fushimi’s mind. The hallucinations don’t go away even when he and Yata reconcile and at some point Fushimi has to admit it, like he’s still distant from Yata even though Yata’s trying to be friends again and Fushimi ends up blurting out that he’s afraid he’ll hurt Yata again, “that guy” will make Fushimi destroy him.
Yata’s shocked and I think he would be absolutely pissed when he finds out that the Green King did all this, like if Yata could go back in time he would go find that guy and punch him even if he was a King. I think Yata would also try and encourage Fushimi to talk to someone about this, like Yata doesn’t know how to solve this kind of thing but there’s like therapy and stuff, just something so that Fushimi doesn’t have to suffer alone. Yata hates that he didn’t see this was happening and that Fushimi’s been suffering all this time, like if only he’d known he would have tried to do something, Yata had told himself that he’d always protect Saruhiko and here someone was harming Fushimi all this time and Yata never knew. Fushimi thinks he’s too broken to even be with Yata and Yata’s like I’m not gonna accept that, Yata’s strong now and can protect himself too, as long as Fushimi keeps talking to him Yata will do whatever he needs to in order to help kill that ghost that’s haunting Fushimi still.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
1) Fushimi gives Yata a candle. I was surprised, because he doesn't like candles that much, so he said thank you and put the candle on the shelf. This gesture upset Saru for some reason, but he did not say why. Fushimi spent the next week in Scepter 4 because they had a lot to do, although Yata felt that Fushimi was avoiding him for some reason. But I didn't think it was the candle. A week later, Yata saw a candle of the same company at one of the guys in Homra and said that he had the same one.
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I feel like Fushimi gets talked into this by the alphabet boys somehow, like he can't vocalize his feelings well so someone suggests he try the candle route. Like say post-ROK Fushimi's obviously starting to accept the fact that he has a crush on Misaki but he also doesn't know how to deal with it, he's not good at putting his emotions into words and besides he can't quite convince himself that Yata would feel the same way and accept Fushimi's feelings after all Fushimi's done to him. At the same time though they've been getting closer since they reconciled and they're always going out on drinking dates and such and it's becoming harder and harder for Fushimi to bury his feelings. This has been putting him in an increasingly bad mood, snapping at the squad even more than usual because he's so preoccupied by all these annoying feelings. Eventually the squad manage to get him to admit it, like Akiyama notices Fushimi being more on edge than usual whenever Yata's mentioned and asks if something happened and Fushimi unintentionally blurts out that he can't find a way to tell Misaki that he loves him. The squad immediately descend on him like a bunch of gossipy old ladies, so excited that Fushimi-san is finally ready to admit his feelings. Fushimi waves them away angrily and mutters that it doesn't matter anyway, even if he tried to say it he would just ruin it. That's when Enomoto mentions the candles, he heard some of the ladies talking about how you can put a message in these special candles that will show up when the candle is lit. If Fushimi can't say the words maybe he can write them, and by giving Yata the candle Fushimi won't have to like stand there face to face while Yata reads it so there's no worry that he'll try to suddenly take the words back or anything.
Fushimi thinks this is a stupid idea but he ends up ordering the candle anyway, feeling like an idiot but at the same time wondering if this might actually work. It takes him a few tries to get himself to give the candle to Yata but finally one day after they've gone out drinking before the part ways to go back home Fushimi hands Yata the candle all 'here, this is for you.' Yata's kinda confused but also maybe a little pleased, because Saruhiko isn't the type to give gifts and isn't this a good sign, that Fushimi's giving him something. A candle is kinda weird as a gift but Yata chalks that up to Fushimi just being awkward, like well maybe Saruhiko couldn't decide what to get me and aren't candles supposed to be good gifts for like coworkers you don't know well and stuff (this suddenly makes him worried though, like but we're closer than that now aren't we). Yata doesn't really use candles but he's definitely not throwing Saruhiko's gift away so he just sticks it on a shelf and mostly forgets about it.
The next time he meets Fushimi for drinks Yata thinks that Fushimi seems weirdly nervous, like he keeps shooting Yata these little glances when he thinks Yata isn't looking. Yata asks if anything's wrong and Fushimi looks away and clicks his tongue as he says 'no,' there's something weird in his tone though. After that Yata notices that Fushimi starts avoiding him a little more, canceling when they were supposed to go out together and not really looking at him when S4 and Homra run into each other on patrol. Yata's confused and kinda upset, he thought things were really going well but now it feels like there's a wall between them again. He doesn't even really think much about the candle – or if he does maybe he starts to worry that it was like a 'coworker you don't know well' gift, like Fushimi's way of telling Yata they're not that close and he needs to back off.
Yata's feeling really bummed about all this when he stops in the bar, depressed and frustrated that things seemed to be going so well with Fushimi and now they're back to Fushimi not telling him anything. That's when he sees all the Homra guys gathering around Chitose, Yata goes over and sees Chitose has a candle with him that looks like the one Yata got from Fushimi. Yata's all what's with the candles all of a sudden and someone asks him what he means, Yata says Saru gave him one too. Chitose asks what Yata's candle said and Yata's like 'said? It doesn't talk.' Chitose explains he got this one from his current girlfriend, if you light the candle there's a message. The candles have basic messages but you can get special customized ones too, everyone starts joking about what kind of message Fushimi would give to Yata while Yata's just slowly realizing what just happened.
He leaves the bar in a hurry and rushes home, all flustered trying to find where he put the stupid candle. Finally he finds it and starts to light it, heart pounding, maybe worried that Fushimi put some kind of 'let's not see each other anymore' message in there. The candle starts to burn and finally the message shows up: 'I love you. Can we be together?'. Yata's face gets all red and he finds himself feeling almost giddy, like here he was worried that Fushimi hated him and instead Fushimi just confessed. Yata finds himself running right to S4, imagine Fushimi's working and Yata just busts into the office. Fushimi looks up and starts to say something cold to him but Yata just storms up to him and grabs him, pulling him close. Fushimi squirms like what the hell Misaki and Yata's like don't what the hell me you idiot, you're the one who didn't tell me to light the candle. Fushimi freezes and Yata's like yeah I finally got it, and anyway the answer is yes.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
If fushimi had a good reason to be scared of mikoto and to leave homra (maybe like mikoto actually does something to fushimi or just a misunderstanding or something), how do you think that would go? How do you think yata would react if he found out? o:
I don't think this would change much, outside of Mikoto maybe having a decent idea of why Fushimi wants to leave Homra. I feel like any sort of 'good' reason Fushimi would have to be scared of Mikoto would pretty much have to be either a misunderstanding or accident, I honestly can't see Mikoto knowingly like attacking Fushimi or anything like that outside of really extenuating circumstances, like Fushimi putting Anna in danger or something. Maybe Fushimi gets too close to Mikoto at some point when Mikoto's powers are starting to go a bit out of control and he's overwhelmed by the strength of it, falling to his knees and almost getting caught in a whirl of Red power as Mikoto attacks whatever enemy they were dealing with. Totsuka steps in to calm Mikoto down and it's not until that moment that they both realize Fushimi is lying there on the floor breathing hard, clearly having just come within inches of being burned.
In the aftermath I think Mikoto would be apologetic and probably somewhat annoyed with himself, that he put someone under his protection in danger. I think he was always at least a little aware that Fushimi was afraid of him and this would just cement that, Mikoto noticing the way Fushimi flinches whenever he gets close, and Mikoto would likely try to avoid putting Fushimi in that position – not in like a really obvious way, no one except Fushimi and maybe Totsuka is even aware he's doing it, but Mikoto's trying to be considerate in his own way. Fushimi of course doesn't see it that way and is irritated about it, the idea that Mikoto might be pitying him or looking down on him, and it makes him feel even more like he can't remain in Homra. Then when the events of LSW happen I could see the scene where Fushimi 'chooses' Munakata playing out a little differently, like Mikoto purposefully moves a little closer to Fushimi so that Fushimi will retreat towards Munakata, knowing that with everything that's happened Fushimi would probably be better off with a King he's not terrified of.
If Yata found out later I don't think it would really change things, pre-S1 Yata would likely jump to Mikoto's defense that it was an accident and he didn't mean to do it and post-ROK Yata would just wonder why Fushimi never said anything about it. Like if Fushimi taunted Yata about it during the betrayal years I could see Yata not believing him and then asking Mikoto about it later, Mikoto confirms that he did once almost burn Fushimi. Yata's upset to hear that but at the same time he's adamant that it was an accident and Mikoto didn't mean to, and if Fushimi had just said something Yata's sure he could have made Fushimi understand that. If Fushimi mentioned it while actually in Homra I think Yata would have blown it off a little with a 'Mikoto-san didn't mean it, I'm sure there's nothing to be worried about' and he would have wanted Fushimi to talk to Mikoto and work it out, irritating Fushimi because of course Misaki takes Mikoto's side. Post-ROK I think he would be more understanding though, seeing how that moment clearly shaped Fushimi's feelings, and he just wishes Fushimi would have honestly opened up to him and let him know how miserable Fushimi was in Homra. I think Yata would still defend Mikoto – since Mikoto truly didn't mean to scare Fushimi or hurt him -- but he would also understand more how that doesn't change what Fushimi's feelings were and why Fushimi ultimately had to leave.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
I wonder if Yata ever realized that he is the hero of Fushimi?
I feel like this is something that would eventually dawn on Yata at some point post-ROK, that after he's always wanted to be a hero and tried to become someone strong like Mikoto and all that he was already someone else's hero just by being a sweet middle school kid who saw something amazing in his lonely gloomy classmate. Like imagine post-ROK the two of them have reconciled and everything though Yata's still trying to really understand Fushimi properly (which is not easy, after all, and for all Fushimi's promising to say things in a way an idiot can understand I think there's a lot about himself that Fushimi can't really find a way to articulate at all). He knows that Fushimi still gets touchy whenever Yata mentions Mikoto and that he grumbles when Yata talks about Mikoto being the 'hero' who 'saved' Yata from the streets. Yata doesn't really know why it bothers Fushimi so much, especially since one of the reasons Mikoto was his hero is because Mikoto literally saved Saruhiko, Yata's most important person, and yet Fushimi as the person who was saved doesn't seem to care at all.
He's discussing it at some point while at the bar, maybe just venting to Kusanagi a little that he's trying his best but feels kinda inadequate because he can't understand Saruhiko as much as he likes. Akagi speaks up and says that he doesn't really know much about Fushimi, since he joined after Fushimi had already left, but he always thought it was weird that two guys like them were friends and he wonders how they even got together in the first place. Yata can't resist sharing old fond memories so he talks a little about how things were when they were in middle school, maybe not like quite giving away Fushimi's entire past – since that's not really his place to be like let me tell you all about Saruhiko's shitty parents and abusive upbringing – but he does talk about how Saruhiko was alone a lot and didn't have any other friends and used to not even go home so Yata just wanted to make a place where Fushimi could feel safe, like he belonged. Akagi's like 'so you were kinda like his hero, right?' and Yata's like 'well no, not...' and then he trails off and his eyes get wide as he realizes wait a second that actually makes sense.
Yata's meeting Fushimi for drinks after this and he keeps thinking about it, thinking about all the times Fushimi scoffed at Mikoto being a hero and how upset he always seemed to get whenever Yata talked about Mikoto saving 'them both.' As Yata walks into the bar where they're meeting Fushimi immediately notices something's wrong and Yata tries to wave it off a little, like yeah we were talking about something back at Homra and it just made me think a lot. Fushimi clicks his tongue all 'made you think, that's a new one for a bunch of idiots.' Yata glares at him but can't really feel annoyed, ordering his drink and just turning over the idea in his mind, that he was a hero to someone. Fushimi's maybe getting a bit annoyed (and possibly slightly on edge) that Yata's not rising to the usual bait and finally Yata just looks at him plainly and straight out asks it 'Saruhiko...was I a hero to you?'. Fushimi looks surprised and his initial reaction is probably to try and deny it but then he stops, like recalling his own promise to try and say what he actually means more in ways Yata can understand, and instead he hides his face and murmurs '...You were. There was never anyone at all by my side, until Misaki.' Yata suddenly just grabs Fushimi and gives him this fierce hug that makes Fushimi squirm a little and complain that Yata's going to suffocate him and Yata's just like say that kind of thing sooner you idiot.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Fushimi with piercings gives me life, What if fushimi has a lip piercing that he doesn't wear to work and he ends up running into s4 and Homra Mains with it in? Reactions? What if misaki didn't know but he's had it forever basically
Fushimiwith a lip ring that he doesn’t wear often because it’s a bother toanswer people’s questions about it. Like maybe he got it shortlybefore he left Homra (oh, imagine this being just another nail in thecoffin, that he gets a lip piercing and only wears it when he’s homein the apartment but Yata never even notices because half the timewhen they’re together they’re at Homra and even when they’re homeit’s just like to sleep or eat and Yata’s not really payingattention). When he joins Scepter 4 he only wears it on days whenhe’s off duty, like he’ll be sitting in his room playing on hiscomputer and being asocial like usual and no one knows that he’s gothis lip piercing in. Then one day he’s off and out like picking upsome groceries or something and gets called back to work for anemergency, he’s in such a hurry that he doesn’t have time to take thepiercing out. Munakata I imagine havingquestions about it because lip piercing is a fascinating new thingthat he has never experienced before and he is very curious aboutFushimi getting his lip pierced and how it feels and what kind ofjewelry Fushimi puts on and Fushimi’s just like ‘Captain tell me youaren’t getting a lip piercing.’ Awashima simply raises an eyebrow andnotes that lip piercings are probably against regulation, Fushimishrugs and says he’ll take it out next time. The alphabet squad isall about this though, like nobody can believe that Fushimi has a lippiercing and Akiyama and Hidaka especially probably can’t stoplooking at it all mission long.
Then say after the mission is over heruns into Homra, Mikoto probably wouldn’t have any reaction at allother than a shrug but I’m sure Totsuka would be interested andKusanagi’s probably just like when did that kid get a piercing.Totsuka I imagine would be very interested in the lip piercing andthinking that he should get more piercings too and hey Fushimi whydidn’t you let us ever see the lip piercing, like he’s all ready tostart piercing Mikoto’s lip in the name of new hobbies. Kusanagi oncehe gets over the surprise of seeing it just shakes his head like huh,didn’t think you were the kinda kid to get his lip pierced but justmake sure you’re taking care of it. They don’t mention the meeting toYata and so Yata’s super surprised post-ROK when Fushimi shows up tomeet him for drinks and has the piercing in. Yata would probably be alittle upset that he never knew Fushimi had a pierced lip, especiallyonce he learns that Fushimi got it done while he was still in Homralike how did I never notice. He also would probably be a littlebummed because I could see Yata in the Homra days thinking it wouldbe cool for them to get a piercing togetherand here Fushimi did it all by himself and never told Yata anything.It doesn’t help that the piercing is way distracting though, likeYata suddenly can’t stop staring at Fushimi’s lips and going all redin the face.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
imagine fushimi talking with yata and mentioning how he monitored munakata's condition when the sword was crumbling and kept tabs on him and even confronted him abt it and it was super "annoying and stressful"? And yata feeling v proud and happy that saru found someone to dedicate himself to but also guilty because fushimi did all this for his king while he didn't even notice anything abt mikoto's condition right up until the very end and maybe vows to do better this time to a v confused fushimi
Part of what I think is interesting about this is that Yata wasn’treally aware of how much Mikoto’s Sword  was crumbling and so henever had to deal with everything Fushimi went through, no doublechecking of Weismann levels and worrying about what can be done aboutit, and so hearing this from Fushimi would I think remind him of howhe wishes he had understood Mikoto sooner so that he could have maybetried to be more of a support there as well (it also makes me thinkthat Fushimi and Kusanagi should talk about this some time, we see abit of Kusanagi and Awashima going over it but I’d be curious as tohow Kusanagi would react to Fushimi being in the same place with theBlue King that Kusanagi was with the Red). Maybe at some pointpost-ROK Yata and Fushimi are talking and Fushimi mentions how muchstress everyone in the force was under up until the destruction ofthe Slate, Yata doesn’t get what he’s talking about and Fushimi justgives him this look like ‘didn’t you even notice the Captain’sSword?’ Yata was maybe peripherally aware of what was going on withMunakata – I could see him at least overhearing Kusanagi and Annatalk about it – but he never really knew exactly what was happeningthere and why everyone was so worried about it. Fushimi kinda sighslike of course you wouldn’t pay attention to anything but Homra, notreally upset but more fondly resigned, and he explains how Munakata’sSword had been deteriorating for some time and how irritating andstressful it was constantly keeping an eye on it and making plans forwhat to do if things went bad and wondering about what would happento Scepter 4 if Munakata was gone.
Yata listens to the whole thing and just finds himself feeling a bitof a pang in his heart as he realizes just how much stress Fushimihas been under all this time, like Yata knows what it was like losinghis own King and while he can’t understand Fushimi’s loyalty toMunakata Yata feels like if he’d known about all this stuff whenMikoto was going after Colorless it would have put an unbelievableamount of stress on him too. Plus maybe Fushimi mentions how he wasoverworking himself all the time and he only had Awashima really totalk to and for Yata it’s like a double realization, that he didn’tget to support Mikoto and he wasn’t there to support Fushimi in atough time either, and he wants to be better at that. I coulddefinitely see Yata deciding that from now on he’ll keep working atunderstanding the people he loves because Yata doesn’t want to be onthe outside anymore, if things are going bad he wants to know so hecan be a source of strength for them in times of need and never againlose someone without knowing he did everything he could to hold ontothem. Fushimi looks at Yata all confused and a bit red-faced maybe asYata says that he intends to support Fushimi through everything aswell, like if the burden of helping his King is ever too much forFushimi Yata wants to be there to help lighten the load for him.
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