#Yay Pink Diamond actually is nice and solved her own problems for once
bubsgirl291 · 5 years
So I Have Decided to Give Spinel the Happy Ending that She Deserves by Writing my Interpretation of What Would Have Happened if Pink Took Spinel With Her
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In the Absence of Red Spider Lillies
Written By BubsGirl291
Three months, two weeks, and three days. Standing in the same spot, waiting for her to come back. She’ll come back—right? Spinel continued to smile and gaze upon the warp pad where Pink once stood. It would be any second now.
Pink diamond was furious. It was clear to her now that Blue and Yellow were not going to let her stop the progress of the Earth Colony as Pink Diamond. She needed to do it by force; by someone that they could not ignore.
Her form began to change—her cotton-candy hair curling into coils falling to the floor; bloomers, peplum, and shoulder pads becoming a delicate, ruffled white dress, with a star-shaped cut-out surrounding her newly-rotated gem. If war is what it takes, then war is what you’re going to get.
She glanced at Pearl, who had an inscrutable look on her face. “We’re going to need all of the help that we can get, My Diamond,” She breathed. “But who could we possibly know that would be willing enough to rebel against the Diamond Authorit—“ Rose paused, a giddy grin forming on her face. “I know exactly who to ask.” Pearl turned her head to the side, giving her a quizzical look. “Oh? And who would that be?”
Three months, two weeks, and four days. Standing in the same spot, waiting for her to come back. Aaaany second now. Spinel continued to smile and gaze upon the warp pad where Pink once stood. But then, something started to change. The warp pad burst into a beam of blue light, and two figures slowly took shape in the light’s midst. One was visibly shorter than the other; they seemed to be some sort of pearl, for their nose gave them away. Could it be? The bright blue light slowly vanished, revealing that the smaller figure was in fact Pink Diamond’s Pearl. Oh my goodness! She’s finally ba—wait, who is that gem standing next to her? That isn’t Pink. What happened to Pink?
The taller gem gracefully descended the steps, Pink’s pearl following closely behind. She paused about two feet away from Spinel, and the Gem began to cry. She covered her mouth, and regret filled her sad eyes. “I am so sorry—“ she whispered, her voice shaky. “Why are you sorry? I have never met you before.” Spinel responded, confusion evident in her voice. All of a sudden, Spinel felt the strangest urge to cheer her up, even though this Gem definitely wasn’t her best friend. “I—never should have left you here—what was I thinking?” The gem got out between sobs.
“My Diamond, I do not think that she recognizes you,” Pink’s Pearl whispered rather loudly to the other gem. “O-oh! I f-forgot about that,” the taller gem exclaimed, wiping away her tears. “It’s me, Spinel. Pink—Pink Diamond?”
Spinel’s eyes widened, and she blabbered “w-what?? B-but you look—“
“Different? Yes, yes I know.”
“How am I supposed to know that it’s you?”
“I’ll prove it to you.”
The gem’s form began to shift, the gem rotating in the center of the glowing blob to reveal that the gem was in fact, a Diamond. Spinel’s eyes widened once again, but this time, she was standing in front of Pink Diamond—her best friend. She had come back!
This time, it was Spinel’s turn to cry, for she was just so happy to see her again. “That game went on for a long time, huh? It was kind of getting old, to be completely honest with you,” Spinel laughed, small tears falling down her cheeks. She expected for Pink to laugh too, but she did not. Her face only fell into more sadness. She grimaced and avoided her gaze. “Spinel, I have something to confess—“ Pink replied, and Spinel began to worry. “It wasn’t a game... When I had left you here, I had never intended on coming back.”
Spinel was floored. Her tears ceased. She clutched her chest, her eyes wide. She felt numb. Now, why was she going to do that? Surely, she is lying. How could she ever forget about her best friend? Friends don’t leave one another behind, right? Spinel looked up numbly at Pink, and asked in a whisper, barely audible to hear, “but why would you do that...”
They stood there for a long time, seconds feeling like minutes, minutes feeling like hours. Pink carefully broke the silence, “because I thought that I didn’t need you anymore. I thought—since the colony was created, I needed to become a serious leader, and that you were keeping me from becoming that.” Spinel simply stared at her with her heartbroken eyes, and it tore Pink apart inside. She crouched down, and put her hands on Spinel’s shoulders, gazed into her eyes, and continued, “but I was wrong. You kept me sane, and you were always my biggest supporter when no one else was. I never realized how much I needed you, until I realized that it might be too late. I hate myself for being so stupid to leave you here, for who knows how long, and put you through exactly what the Diamond Authority has put me through. Neglect. Pain. The feeling that I am not enough, because if they don’t make the time for me, then that must be the case. I want to be better than them. I don’t want to put you through that, because you don’t deserve it. I cannot fully put into words how sorry I am for even attempting to do that to you.”
She paused for a moment, in order to let her words fully sink into Spinel’s mind, for her apology was quite a heavy one to handle. After a few moments, she continued, “and on that note, I promise to be better than those who have tossed me aside, and take you with me to Earth, and I ask you to join me. Join me in my rebellion to save an innocent planet from total annihilation, and to liberate it from the tyranny of the Diamond Authority. We can make a stop to this, together. Will you join me, Spinel?”
Spinel started to smile, warmth welling up in her chest. “Yes. I will follow you to the end of the Universe and back if I have to.” Pink Diamond smiled back, and gazed upon Spinel in a way that she never had before. With love in her eyes. Until this moment, Pink has never realized how much she cared about this gem, for she was the family that she had never had. Her, Pearl, and Spinel would be each other’s support system. They were in this together, and she had no doubt in her mind about that.
Spinel gazed back at her with an equal amount of love and adoration, and pulled Pink into a hug. “I forgive you. I could tell that that was hard for you to admit, and I truly appreciate that you care enough to come back for me.” She pulled away, and said, “now, let’s go kick some Diamond butt!” Pink Diamond nodded, and shifted back into the form that she was in when she had arrived. Rose looked at Pearl, then Spinel and smiled, “let’s go home.”
The three of them ascended their way up the steps to the warp pad, and Spinel and Pearl stood on either side of Rose. She reached out, and the three held hands in anticipation, ready to start a new journey, together, and there was no turning back. Spinel gazed upon Rose’s face, and knew that she was worth fighting for. And Rose felt the same. The warp pad began to glow once more, the bright blue light engulfing them. When the light began to cease, there was nothing left in the garden, and for the next six-thousand years, not one red spider lily grew there.
Alright, so that is pretty much how I pictured that this situation would go! This is my first ever ficlet, or how her you call it, so I hope that you guys like it! This story was inspired by these Instagram posts: [x] [x]. Alright, so to close it up, I hope that you guys enjoyed this! Have a wonderful day!
-Yours Truly,
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