#giving Spinel the happiness she deserves
frigigly · 2 months
I do indeed want to eat glass anytime someone criticises the latter parts of Steven Universe without the context that it was rushed as hell by the network literally because of homophobic reasons.
Also the show is just good actually. Any arguments I've heard so far about the moral aspects of the show being weird seem just wrong to me lol.
I think the show does a very good job of separating characters' actions from the characters themselves? Like pearl tricking garnet to fuse with her was deeply fucked up and will never be ok, garnet makes a point to tell her she doesn't forgive her for it. And rightly so. But also the response to that isn't just pearl should die or something, its that she just moves on and learns to improve herself because that makes her happier and her friends happier, and this is applied to almost every other character too.
Like rose has done a lot of fucked up things, but she's not just supposed to be a villain 'worse than the diamonds' (insane that some people think that). She's the story of someone trying to remove themself from abusive familial dynamics and trying to improve themself despite that history. It makes sense that she takes on more of a negative/ sinister hue, considering the series takes place from Steven's perspective, and out of anybody, he's definitely allowed to hate her a little bit lol. But his own valid biases and feelings don't have to undo all the good that is inside her.
See also Bismuth, see also Spinel, see also Lapis, etc etc.
So when the diamonds do fucked up things, like corrupt gems, like indefinitely bubble the real roses, like maintain a fascist conquering regime, and then aren't killed as some kind of 'punishment', it doesn't bother me because I know this show, and I know it hasn't forgotten everything it's said up to this point. Just because they aren't actively being killed by Steven doesn't have to mean they're '''''redeemed'''''. They really were just not an active threat anymore.
It's ok to hate them! In fact I'm fairly sure the show expects you to. Even the fact that they were undoing the damage they had done in future doesn't just magically absolve them of how fucked up what they did was.
Like I really love the episode homeworld bound cause it's this almost mocking display to steven how everything is fine now, (throwing him right back into the princess gauntlet!) and the diamonds are sooooo perfect and cool now, and they have absolutely no problems, even though steven is in one of his lowest mental states to date. And the whole time steven is like "What the hell! You can't just magically make me feel better after everything you've done to me!" and they literally say to him "Lol yeah we can :D whats wrong lol why are you so mad, if you dont think you deserve to be happy thats your problem lol!" Like it's really giving pretentious ass self help yoga instructors, ESPECIALLY white like christ. Their egos are all still definitely there, they're just trying to make up for what they've done, because it should absolutely be on them to do so. It does not absolve them of their crimes and the show doesn't want you to think it does! And of course they can't help steven because they aren't fully respecting how much they've hurt him by that point, and all they do is send him further into his meltdown.
I really think you'd have to be blind to not see that even if Steven isn't fighting them anymore, he HATES the diamonds, and doesn't want anything to do with them now that he doesn't have to stop them from ruining his life. He literally does try to kill white but somehow people will still try to argue that he ''''''''forgave them too easily''''''''. I'm sorry but that argument really doesn't make any sense.
I know this show covers some very heavy topics, so it is going to be divisive. The horrors of how deeply your own family can hurt you is a reality many people are unfortunately very intimate with, so I do understand if people just don't like what the show tried to do, or if it just makes people uncomfortable, that's completely fair. I really do think though that the show is trying to stick up for people like that who have been hurt, and how you still deserve a chance to grow past it, it's surely not trying to dismiss or lessen anyone's trauma associated with their own past.
I'm sure in a better world we would have gotten a longer diamond days arc that didn't feel so rushed. Personally I think even future could have used another season, and the parts of season 5 exploring the fallout of the rose/ pink diamond reveal could have used some more episodes too. Unfortunately CN was very unfair to Rebecca and the crewniverse throughout the entirety of SUs airing.
Anyway I don't even know if I coherently made the point I was trying to, but tl;dr Steven universe is good actually, it should be looked at as a historic show for lgbt media and television, and it could have been even better if it wasn't being brought down every step of the way by a homophobic system, please support queer artists, love u bye
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beevean · 2 years
Steven Universe was a, wonderful show. I have to admit it has been so long since I have watched an episode, I should re-watch it again. I am sure like many things it also has/had its flaws, but, right now I can't remember anymore. I have to say it is sad, how, it appears as if the shows has been, in a way forgotten. I mean, the fans still exist and it is still talked about, but I assume that is now more in the background / more quiet.
It, does make me sad that, in the present, when, you hear about Steven Universe, it is indeed, often people making fun of the show, instead of hearing about a team of passionate writers and artists, trying to break boundaries and having to face again and again pushback and defiance, either way trough censorship, their work getting leaked or people ridiculing the show. Steven Universe, will always have a special place in my heart, and I will remember fondly how this show expressed and voiced about topics, that even now, some people and shows rarely to never talk or avoid talking about
SU was flawed because everything is. Even not considering the network reasons (Steven Bombs affecting the format, the sudden and exhausting hiatuses that made people less forgiving about "filler" episodes, the rushed finale), it had its growing problems and its ups and downs.
But it's a heartfelt show. It was cozy, sweet, not afraid of tackling poignant topics but still keeping that warm optimism that everyone can become a better person... and I'm not talking about the antagonists, I'm talking about the heroes. Pretty much everyone was morally grey to some degree. Everyone was given the chance to understand the error of their ways and improve.
It's frustrating that I still see tweets like Steven singing "Change" to Jack Horner to make fun of his modus operandi (ignoring that Change was directed at Spinel, who is very much not a Jack Horner) (and side note, while I enjoyed PIB:TLW, Jack Horner felt so on-the-nose he almost stopped being funny. yeah i get it, he's a monster. so subversive.) from people who only know about the show through memes or 2 hour long inflamatory essays. Maybe, if you watched the show, you'd know that Steven did not "forgive" the Diamonds, he very much does not like them until the end, they are the ones who were confronted with the flaws in their reasoning and had the presence of mind to realize "no, this is not right, I'm hurting my loved ones, I'm living a lie". Idealistic? Yeah! But welcome to a kids' show that has been idealistic since day 1!
And this is not mentioning the fact that Sugar fought to have representation back when the most famous example was Korra and Asami holding hands. She fought for it not because she wanted to have token representation, she actually believed that children deserved to see all kinds of love. That is admirable.
SU is a good show made with passion and love and a genuine desire to give hope to the audience, and the tools to find happiness. Feel free to dislike it, but at least know what you're talking about.
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two-sides-halved · 2 years
@erisdiamas | Continued
The cocoon of thorns completely encased the fusion, making the cocoon starting to form the shape of any egg. The sound of sobbing muffled through the vines, before the plants were thick enough to mask the sound completely. The sound of thunder boomed in the distance but it didn't bother the fusion inside the egg like cocoon.
Inside the mindscape, Human Steven was sobbing distraught. Gem Steven focused on the other trying his best to comfort his mourning brother. "Steven... I'm sorry about all of this... I I should never have made that stupid message to the galaxy if if I had just taken up the mantle of Pink Diamond like I was supposed to, we would have never been in this mess." Gem Steven replied rubbing the others back. Human Steven turned to the other, his sad expression morphing into one of anger, "Steven, would you stop blaming yourself for once in your life! I was so excited for you to get him... I'm happy I managed to get everyone's memories back but... it's not your fault... it's her fault" Gem Steven looked at his brother confused. "I gave her all my time, all my energy, I did my best to help her feel better about standing in the garden for 6000 years. I was so patient with her. I tried my best trying to be fair, to be nice... you were right... not everyone deserves that kindness." Human Steven's voice got darker, "she took away Connie's future... so now all she's going to do is live in a hell of her own creation."
The cracks between the vines of the egg shaped cocoon glowed with a vibrant bright pink glow. The egg had grown bigger and bigger before bursting into an explosion of roses, thorns and shredded vines. The gem on the fusion was no longer looked like the normal rotation of a round gem, the gem was rotated now showing the full size of the diamond gem embedded in their body. The large fusion stood up on his two feet, the clothes he was wearing stretched and torn to accommodate his bigger size only covering the upper part of their chest while a new pair of arms was coming out of the sides of their abdomen and they were unhindered by clothing.
Instead of standing at the height of an average Quartz solider the fusion stood the same height of Pink Diamond, dwarfing Spinel as now he was twice as tall as she was. The fusion sported pink skin, their hair no longer dual tone, now it was one solid light pink and the very tip of their large mane of light pink hair stopped at the knees. His eyes were fixed on Spinel, his breathing heavy. His mouth dripping with salvia due to not being about to properly close their jaw. Gem Steven looked over, "Alright, I gotta say I'm not sure how I feel about the energy but how do you suppose we do that?" "Just follow my lead." Human Steven replied, his arms lifting up. Gem Steven following the others lead. The two of them stared at each other, the pink eyes of the fusion's pupils changed now both of them a deep crimson red. The fusion's face soften and they extended both pairs of arms for the other as an apology? Spinel dropping her weapon to the side went in close for the hug. Perhaps she had been seen that she had gone to far and was accepting the hug as a truce? Or perhaps she thought that Pink had finally returned to her by mentally breaking her sons and now they could finally be together. "Steven, why are we giving her a hug?" "We're not hugging her... we're just getting her close enough to do this."
The fusion in one big swift movement, opened their dropping wet maw, revealing their two sets of teeth. Spinel looking up, realizing the trap she had just walked into, "oh fuu--" The fusion took a large chomp out of Spinel's form ripping her stretchy body to shreds causing her physical form to finally poof, the gemstone now in their maw and the massive fusion proceeded the chew on the gemstone in their mouth until it was practically a powder that turned into a thick paste, before they gave a thick gulp.
The fusion was brought back to the moment at hand by the thundering and lightening happening around them. Their eyes went back to the balanced form of normal. Black diamond pupil and white star pupil. The fusion had scooped up Connie's lifeless halves into the second pair of arms, carefully packing her organs into the cheeseburger backpack being extra careful that the majority of her corpse was in their trusty backpack. She deserved a proper burial even if it was going to be on Homeworld.
"Garnet!... Amethyst!... Pearl!!" He called out as he continued walking with picking up Connie's sword as well as the family's sword and bubbled them putting them into their gemstone. In the mindscape. "Ok, we gotta find Lion and Dad and get out of here, we can explain what happened with Connie and Spinel once we get to homeworld." Gem Steven replied, "... Steven?" "Connie..." He muttered, as he was holding a swarm of butterflies taking Connie's shape in his arms. "Alright, I guess I'll go find Dad and Lion and comfort you when we get to Homeworld when we're safe and sound." Gem Steven replied seeing how his brother was withdrawing in the fusion after what had happened to Connie, he didn't blame him, if he had seen Sadie like that he would be devastated. His breath hitched as he had realized that Sadie was at Beach-a-Palooza but he never got to see her play, not as himself anyway. He shook his head, "Focus Universe you got Lion and Dad to find."
"Must've warped." Mega Steven continued trying to look for Lion since he wouldn't leave them behind, nor would he be able to use the warp pad without them, seeing Lion in the distance as they ran closer hopping another gap while the lower arms had held on to Connie making sure she didn't fall out of the backpack, clinging for dear life. As Mega Steven landed gracefully against the ground, he heard the familiar sounds of his father. "Dad!!" He called out looking around for the source of Greg's struggling noises.
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swelling-feeling · 7 months
"A Valentine's Treat"
Inflation Story - Starring Maxim, and Spinel
▽△ Story under the Cut △▽
Maxim sighed, focused, yet nervous about what he was about to do. All he sought to do was give his beloved a treat and a good time, as she deserves nothing less on valentine's day, and yet… the amusement he had in store was a bit unorthodox, odd. He didnt know if she would really enjoy, even if this wasnt their first time with such, 'amusements', as it were, but over not being fully… "out of that closet", so to speak, he's still very shy and/or nervous of these things. his mind wandered to many places, as he shook his head to try to regain focus, taking another deep breath, putting the chocolates up to his chest, sighing, and choosing to commit. Spinel was simply vibing in the living room, once she saw her favourite eldritch cutie-patootie enter the room, all nervous, making her softly smile, curious on why he had his hands behind his back, before he spoke,
"…H-happy Valentine's day, S-spinzie!"
He muttered, taking out a heart-shaped box of chocolates from behind his back, as he hummed with a little nervous grin, which made spinel's eyes glimmer with interest,
"Aww, Maxie! Ya shouldnt have!"
She chuckled, standing up and taking the box into her hands with a giggle,
"Well, its the day of love today and all that, and as such, thought i'd give my love something good...!"
Maxim hummed, as Spinel smiles, placing a quick kiss to his lips, making him blush, before she opened the box to check the chocolates. the chocolates were round, with some shape of balloons on them, which made her hum in interest, taking a moment, before glancing at the eldritch god with a raised brow, making him blush more and look away, seeming a tad more nervous still. He knew she was unto him at this point, but he didnt know that spinel was very much amused, and also very much willing to play along.
"Thanks Maxie."
She hummed with a smile, taking a chocolate into her hand, before nonechelantely popping it into her mouth, as Maxim softly hummed in both nervousness, as well as slightly-obvious interest. With a grin, the gem places the box on the table, as she moves closer to her beloved.
"So, where'd ya get those chocolates~?"
She spoke with a tone, that she knew worked on Maxim well,
"O-oh, nothing special… Conjured them myself, i-is all."
He stuttered, as he smiled at her,
"No wonda' it's good, then! Nobody else makes such good sweets like you, hun~"
She chuckled with a soft purr, making Maxim softly chuckle back, before softly humming, melting to the affection the gem freely showed him, pulling him into a kiss, and leading him to sit down on the couch to cuddle, to which maxim freely accepts. The two simply enjoy eachother's time, the eldritch lad clearly calmer than before, as he cuddles into the gem, which is just as content, if not a bit cheeky, occasionally kissing and playfully biting his ear or neck, making her beloved flustered to hell, which she greatly enjoys… just as much as when he flusters her back. The two continue enjoying eachother's presence and time, maxim being so focused on the present, and the affection, that he forgot of the chocolates, and their amusing effects, which spinel herself remembered, smirking with a mix of excitement and amusement, hearing and feeling a soft hiss from within her. Spinel moved to sit on Maxim's lap, making him lightly flustered, as she hugs herself against him, making him smile, hugging her back, not noticing the hiss rising in volume, as he's more focused on showing loving affection to his gem, to which she smiled. as this continued, Maxim was a tad confused on the pressure that was begining to appear against his form, as spinel hummed softly, not doing much about it, to which he doesnt do much of it either… yet, eventually, that pressure did catch his attention fully. the gem noticed the expression on her beloved's face that held that expression of attention, making her smile, as she presses herself against him more, making him blush greatly,
He stuttered, before she moved back, the hiss growing louder as her stomach ballooned out from between them, lightly squeaking at the friction, making his face go violet with blush.
"…Enjoyin' yaself~?"
She asked with a teasing smirk, making him blush even deeper as he hummed softly, his hands lightly moving and shaking as they hovered over her ballooning belly, to which she chuckled at the sight, gently taking one of his hands, and placing it against her tum, making him blush even more still, as he hummed softly.
"…G-good soft…"
He muttered, begining to remember the whole idea with the chocolates he had earlier, especially when seeing her knowing, teasing smirk.
"i am, aren't i…~?"
She purred softly, pressing her belly against him, making it squeak, and making him short circuit for a moment. The more this went on, the more he was flustered, and the more spinel knew she practically had him under her thumb… or more literally, had him under her belly. Maxim practically had swirls for eyes, as spinel pressed her hissing, ballooning tum against him, softly giggling,
As he softly hummed, muttering out a soft
making her smile more, and certainly making him more flustered… but also genuinely happy, and certainly amused, that she managed to read him like a dang book. Eventually, her belly stopped hissing and inflating, now the size of a giant beach ball, as the eldritch lad began to lightly accept, and enjoy the pressure of his beloved's balloon tummy against him as he softly hummed with chuckle, making her smile. She stretched her neck to face her beloved, kissing him on the cheek, making him blush.
"Happy Valentine's, Maxie~"
She smiled.
"…H-happy Valentine's, Spinzie…~"
He muttered, kissing her then and there, making her blush as well, as the two softly chuckled.
. . .
"...Watcha thinkin', Spinzie?" "just thinkin' on if i should take another now, or save some for later…"
Maxim hummed, staying silent as to not admit that he'd like to see her get bigger… …which she then took another chocolate, popping it into her mouth with a giggle, maxim lightly blushing, knowing that she was willing to take this further, just for their shared amusement and enjoyment. Soon enough, her belly began hissing anew, and Maxim blushed as her belly squeaked against him as it expanded. Yeah, this was going to be a fun day for them both.
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starshinegalaxy · 2 years
Star’s Not So Berry Legacy Challenge Masterpost!
In this Sims 4 challenge I play one family for TEN generations! This is a summary of each generation’s story as I play through them on stream. You can join the ride on my channel @starshinegalaxy​ :)
Generation One: Mint
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Pepper Berry joined the scientist career to follow her dreams of inventing a method to establish first contact with alien lifeforms. While developing her alien satellite she had a secret fling with a handsome coworker, but the secret couldn't stay under wraps for long once she realized that she was pregnant with his child. Pepper, surprised but elated to start a family of her own, had no problems being a single parent to her sweet baby girl Spinel while working on her dream project. She finally made a breakthrough but the satellite she made ended up working a little too well...
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Finn and Zarin, two aliens from Sixam, were on a simple reconnaisance mission to take photographs of Earth when they picked up on Pepper's satellite signal. Their ship malfunctioned on their way to the source of it, leading them to crash land right into Pepper's backyard. She welcomed them into her home and kept them secret from human society for years- and in return, Finn & Zarin helped her raise young Spinel. This unconventional family grew after a few spicy alien abductions led to the births of Spinel's half siblings Jasper and Sage. Even Finn was abducted by the same alien who impregnated Pepper, causing him to give birth to a baby girl named Juniper. Over the years love blossomed between Finn & Zarin, but Finn was also torn by his growing love for Pepper. Eventually all three sims decided to become a polycule, with Finn dating both Pepper & Zarin. Zarin is gay so he was not in a romantic relationship with Pepper, but they both got along splendidly and raised their beautiful children together. Pepper and Finn had their last baby boy Cielo, and while Pepper never married she could not have been more content with her partnership. Finn was the love of her life, as was Zarin's, and they were more than happy to share that love with each other for the rest of their lives.
Generation Two: Rose
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Spinel Berry was the oldest and the only human out of the five children that her mother and alien stepfathers raised. Ever since she was a child she had big ambitions to become the president of Sim Earth and establish a peaceful relationship with the aliens of Sixam. That way her fathers and half-alien half-siblings never had to hide their true forms from the rest of the world. Her work consumed most of her free time, but she always made sure to have a little fun messing around with people on the side. One night of reckless fun between her and Jamar Landgraab, her childhood best friend and heir to the prestigious Landgraab family fortune, led to her getting knocked up. As soon as Jamar's family heard the news they pressured him into proposing to Spinel to maintain positive appearances- after all, what would the public think of a Landgraab hooking up and having a baby with someone else out of wedlock, especially one who had nothing to her name?
Seeing the marriage as an opportunity to further her political career, Spinel agreed to it initially but ultimately she couldn't bear to go through with it. Her best friend deserved to be happy with someone who genuinely loved him, and she didn't want to be stuck in a loveless marriage for the rest of her life. She broke things off at the altar and ran away, raising their child Sun with Pepper's help. Jamar popped in and out of Sun's life, becoming more involved after sorting out his own family drama and getting married to his soulmate. As for Spinel, she stayed focused on her career. After a lot of of hard work and determination, she was finally elected president. All that remained was finding the right person she wished to spend her life with...
Generation Three: Yellow
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Sun Berry (They/Them) grew up listening to their grandmother's stories about her incredible journeys in space. They wanted to be just like her and their alien grandparents, exploring space and conducting research on Sixam's biodiversity. Sun's grandma Pepper was their best friend, the only person who they felt truly understood them. When she died, it left a massive hole in their heart. They spent most of their time alone, hiding in the shadows cast by their mother's spotlight. Their relationship was rocky, with Sun hating all of the suitors that Spinel brought into their presidential home. Eventually Sun became so sick of being alone that after starting high school, they reached out to their father Jamar and ran from home to live with him and his wife in quiet, sunny Sulani. Sun felt unsure about expressing their nonbinary gender identity at first, but after coming out to their family Sun realized that not only were they accepting, but they embraced all of their nerdy interests and didn't mind that they were quiet and introverted. Since Jamar removed himself from the Landgraab family business, Sun did not experience the same pressure that they felt while living with their politician mother.
More to come soon...!
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bubsgirl291 · 5 years
So I Have Decided to Give Spinel the Happy Ending that She Deserves by Writing my Interpretation of What Would Have Happened if Pink Took Spinel With Her
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In the Absence of Red Spider Lillies
Written By BubsGirl291
Three months, two weeks, and three days. Standing in the same spot, waiting for her to come back. She’ll come back—right? Spinel continued to smile and gaze upon the warp pad where Pink once stood. It would be any second now.
Pink diamond was furious. It was clear to her now that Blue and Yellow were not going to let her stop the progress of the Earth Colony as Pink Diamond. She needed to do it by force; by someone that they could not ignore.
Her form began to change—her cotton-candy hair curling into coils falling to the floor; bloomers, peplum, and shoulder pads becoming a delicate, ruffled white dress, with a star-shaped cut-out surrounding her newly-rotated gem. If war is what it takes, then war is what you’re going to get.
She glanced at Pearl, who had an inscrutable look on her face. “We’re going to need all of the help that we can get, My Diamond,” She breathed. “But who could we possibly know that would be willing enough to rebel against the Diamond Authorit—“ Rose paused, a giddy grin forming on her face. “I know exactly who to ask.” Pearl turned her head to the side, giving her a quizzical look. “Oh? And who would that be?”
Three months, two weeks, and four days. Standing in the same spot, waiting for her to come back. Aaaany second now. Spinel continued to smile and gaze upon the warp pad where Pink once stood. But then, something started to change. The warp pad burst into a beam of blue light, and two figures slowly took shape in the light’s midst. One was visibly shorter than the other; they seemed to be some sort of pearl, for their nose gave them away. Could it be? The bright blue light slowly vanished, revealing that the smaller figure was in fact Pink Diamond’s Pearl. Oh my goodness! She’s finally ba—wait, who is that gem standing next to her? That isn’t Pink. What happened to Pink?
The taller gem gracefully descended the steps, Pink’s pearl following closely behind. She paused about two feet away from Spinel, and the Gem began to cry. She covered her mouth, and regret filled her sad eyes. “I am so sorry—“ she whispered, her voice shaky. “Why are you sorry? I have never met you before.” Spinel responded, confusion evident in her voice. All of a sudden, Spinel felt the strangest urge to cheer her up, even though this Gem definitely wasn’t her best friend. “I—never should have left you here—what was I thinking?” The gem got out between sobs.
“My Diamond, I do not think that she recognizes you,” Pink’s Pearl whispered rather loudly to the other gem. “O-oh! I f-forgot about that,” the taller gem exclaimed, wiping away her tears. “It’s me, Spinel. Pink—Pink Diamond?”
Spinel’s eyes widened, and she blabbered “w-what?? B-but you look—“
“Different? Yes, yes I know.”
“How am I supposed to know that it’s you?”
“I’ll prove it to you.”
The gem’s form began to shift, the gem rotating in the center of the glowing blob to reveal that the gem was in fact, a Diamond. Spinel’s eyes widened once again, but this time, she was standing in front of Pink Diamond—her best friend. She had come back!
This time, it was Spinel’s turn to cry, for she was just so happy to see her again. “That game went on for a long time, huh? It was kind of getting old, to be completely honest with you,” Spinel laughed, small tears falling down her cheeks. She expected for Pink to laugh too, but she did not. Her face only fell into more sadness. She grimaced and avoided her gaze. “Spinel, I have something to confess—“ Pink replied, and Spinel began to worry. “It wasn’t a game... When I had left you here, I had never intended on coming back.”
Spinel was floored. Her tears ceased. She clutched her chest, her eyes wide. She felt numb. Now, why was she going to do that? Surely, she is lying. How could she ever forget about her best friend? Friends don’t leave one another behind, right? Spinel looked up numbly at Pink, and asked in a whisper, barely audible to hear, “but why would you do that...”
They stood there for a long time, seconds feeling like minutes, minutes feeling like hours. Pink carefully broke the silence, “because I thought that I didn’t need you anymore. I thought—since the colony was created, I needed to become a serious leader, and that you were keeping me from becoming that.” Spinel simply stared at her with her heartbroken eyes, and it tore Pink apart inside. She crouched down, and put her hands on Spinel’s shoulders, gazed into her eyes, and continued, “but I was wrong. You kept me sane, and you were always my biggest supporter when no one else was. I never realized how much I needed you, until I realized that it might be too late. I hate myself for being so stupid to leave you here, for who knows how long, and put you through exactly what the Diamond Authority has put me through. Neglect. Pain. The feeling that I am not enough, because if they don’t make the time for me, then that must be the case. I want to be better than them. I don’t want to put you through that, because you don’t deserve it. I cannot fully put into words how sorry I am for even attempting to do that to you.”
She paused for a moment, in order to let her words fully sink into Spinel’s mind, for her apology was quite a heavy one to handle. After a few moments, she continued, “and on that note, I promise to be better than those who have tossed me aside, and take you with me to Earth, and I ask you to join me. Join me in my rebellion to save an innocent planet from total annihilation, and to liberate it from the tyranny of the Diamond Authority. We can make a stop to this, together. Will you join me, Spinel?”
Spinel started to smile, warmth welling up in her chest. “Yes. I will follow you to the end of the Universe and back if I have to.” Pink Diamond smiled back, and gazed upon Spinel in a way that she never had before. With love in her eyes. Until this moment, Pink has never realized how much she cared about this gem, for she was the family that she had never had. Her, Pearl, and Spinel would be each other’s support system. They were in this together, and she had no doubt in her mind about that.
Spinel gazed back at her with an equal amount of love and adoration, and pulled Pink into a hug. “I forgive you. I could tell that that was hard for you to admit, and I truly appreciate that you care enough to come back for me.” She pulled away, and said, “now, let’s go kick some Diamond butt!” Pink Diamond nodded, and shifted back into the form that she was in when she had arrived. Rose looked at Pearl, then Spinel and smiled, “let’s go home.”
The three of them ascended their way up the steps to the warp pad, and Spinel and Pearl stood on either side of Rose. She reached out, and the three held hands in anticipation, ready to start a new journey, together, and there was no turning back. Spinel gazed upon Rose’s face, and knew that she was worth fighting for. And Rose felt the same. The warp pad began to glow once more, the bright blue light engulfing them. When the light began to cease, there was nothing left in the garden, and for the next six-thousand years, not one red spider lily grew there.
Alright, so that is pretty much how I pictured that this situation would go! This is my first ever ficlet, or how her you call it, so I hope that you guys like it! This story was inspired by these Instagram posts: [x] [x]. Alright, so to close it up, I hope that you guys enjoyed this! Have a wonderful day!
-Yours Truly,
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astralrumpus · 5 years
“allow me to hug, love, and cherish spinel.” is the most potent wish i’ve ever had towards a fictional character.
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mandareeboo · 4 years
SU Music Rankings
Bc I can and I wanna start some Disk Horse rip. These are all in order of preference, with explanations, etc. It’s a long bitch. That said, I’m not counting little short jingles or small joke songs like Little Butler. This is the meat and potatoes of SU music- just under 30 songs. I might do the rest if people like my takes lol.
I scored it mostly on three bases- how dear it was to my heart, how much/often I relisten to it, and also what it means to the plot. That said, little fun songs don’t automatically go farther down than big, plot-heavy songs either! It’s a strange little balance.
Special Note: I don’t dislike any of this music! I love SU and that includes its bumps and glitches. I just pick favorite children lol.
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1.) Change
Was there ever a more Steven moment than when he wiped the blood off his face and kissed it into sparkles? I think not. 
If “Be Wherever You Are” is an ode to young Steven, then this is teen Steven’s. Talking about change, and how much and how little it can do. How he holds his arms up for Spinel to hug him, so trusting. How he seems able to just. Break into soft tears at will, and not to be manipulative- it’s just his kind nature. The warmth in his voice. Fuck yesssss.
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2.) Change Your Mind
This song is only fifty five seconds and it’s EVERYTHING to me. It really felt like someone was speaking the words I’d always held deep inside of me, unsure of how to say. It feels like a goodbye to someone who never really loved me. 
As much as I enjoyed Future, if this was the finale of SU, I would’ve been perfectly okay with that.
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3.) Drift Away
This song gave me legitimate shivers the first time I heard it, and it still haunts me to this day. Spinel stayed, and waited, and all she got was a transmission thousands of years later. Fuck.
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4.) Here We Are In The Future
THE MOVIE IS SU AS ITS BEST AND I WON’T BE SWAYED ON IT. Steven being a teen who loves his weird family but is growing just a bit sarcastic to their drama. The adorable love he and Connie share. His slow realization that he will always be working, always have things to do, is both somber and real. The Crystal Gems won’t be safe with one epic battle. They’ll be safe with years of hard work and love. HIS LITTLE HANDSHAKE WITH AMETHYST.
This is a helluva bop and a great way to summarize the main character’s backstories.
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5.) Let’s Only Think About Love
Did ya’ll know that Zach Callison killed his throat with that last note? He gave his all for this performance in a vocal range he no longer comfortably do and by god did it SHINE. The FLAIR. The FORESHADOWING. All of the Gems all being awkward about Rose and Steven trying to bring them to the present. Peridot having a mini-existential crisis in a cute yellow dress. I love Zach Callison’s normal singing voice but man is that a fucking bop. Nothing will ever beat it.
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6.) Here Comes A Thought
This bad boy helped me out a LOT with some mental issues I was dealing with in high school. I was unmedicated, unsupervised, and full of anxiety. I’d have break downs when I tried to speak about certain things. I couldn’t function. This song inspired me. It helped me feel okay with my intrusive thoughts.
And the episode! -chef’s kiss-. Once again bringing up the morally gray area of training child soldiers. Connie expanding her social group. Steven’s trauma hauling ass in that second half. The ANIMATION. Stevonnie’s gorgeous singing voice. GOD yes.
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7.) It’s Over Isn’t It?
Just barely squeaking above Stronger Than You, this ballad is everything gorgeous. The whole episode is. I think Mr. Greg stands in the top five of my episodes for the entire show. It even got nominated!
There’s just so much about this song that I love. The gentle melancholy of Pearl’s voice. How the crew had to redo the shots for this bit bc Deedee went so fucking hard. The hard cuts between Pearl, remembering the love of her life, and Steven, who has begun to feel like he took her away. I’d recommend this song to anyone, regardless of what they do or don’t know about SU, simply bc it tugs so many heartstrings of love, loss, and responsibility.
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8.) Stronger Than You
Did you realize this episode aired SEVEN years ago? This bitch was what got me into SU! Hearing about Ruby and Sapphire made my little gay heart so happy inside, and then getting a whole song confirming that they were a couple, that their love powered the strongest Gem on the team? Aaaaaaaaa
To this DAY I get excited when I hear Estelle start singing. This song is timeless. This song will live in media history. God I fucking love this song.
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9.) Other Friends
I’m not the biggest musical person, so I hadn’t heard of Sarah Stiles before her casting as Spinel, but JESUS CHRIST the lady went hard. She went SO fucking hard. Sarah Stiles started on 100 and somehow just kept CLIMBING. You can just hear the sheer manic energy building in her voice, the anger and resentment. 10/10 Sarah Stiles is a queen.
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10.) Independent Together
This made the list entirely bc the crew was like “you’re gonna get a himbo ass Steven-Greg fusion singing with Opal while Garnet flies across the moon on Lion while floating” and I am forever thankful to them for it
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11.) Who We Are
Bismuth deserved more songs. ‘Nuff said.
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12.) Peace and Love (On the Planet Earth)
It Could’ve been Great is EASILY one of my favorite s2 episodes. I love the entire concept of this song. Of Steven making music to reflect how much Earth means to him and his family. Of him teaching Peridot some self-care. Also Peridot’s singing voice is really cute and squeaky. 
I know it’s silly, but I would’ve really enjoyed a flip around of this in Future! Like Peridot reminding Steven how much he loves music, that he needs to take time to relax for himself, maybe with a new verse or just a remix of the original song!
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13.) Something Entirely New
I watched this episode as it aired, and I legitimately almost cried. I love Charlyne Yi’s voice so much ya’ll- her raspy, not perfect singing voice against Sapphire’s deep soothing lull is great.
And to have Ruby and Sapphire’s meeting be the way it was- for Ruby to bemoan Sapphire losing Homeworld, to being stuck with a single Ruby, while Sapphire is a noble who has always been taught everyone in her “caste” is vitally important (and has, in her own mind, taken that to mean every Gem, as she should) and how they come together and make each other happy. Good shit good shit.
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14.) I’m Just a Comet
The fact that Greg’s music career never really blasted off pisses me off to this day bc Tom Scharpling’s voice is fucking BUTTER. Also the song really feels like a jab at his parents now that we know the kind of dynamic he had growing up. “This life in the stars if all I’ve ever known” is definitely him wiping away their existence after reminding them (and himself) the things they used to say about him.
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15.) Do It For Her
This episode. This fucking episode. This episode got me permanently hooked on SU. I’d just binged season 1 and was kinda meh about it overall after the bop of Stronger Than You. “Oh,” I thought to myself, foolishly, “I’ll probably just casually watch this from time to time.”
Like three days later Sworn to the Sword aired and that was it. I was hooked! Pearl’s gentle training song turning darker and darker, Connie’s accompaniment from nervous to determined to fully into such a toxic mindset. The fact that SU had the BALLS to discuss the repercussions of training child soldiers, now and later. This episode was everything to me, STILL is everything to me.
Six years and well over 100 fanfics written later, I think it’s safe to say this show swallowed me whole and never let go.
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16.) System/Boot.pearl_final(3)
I debated putting this on the list because it’s not anything crazy important, just a way to show things are Wrong, but I had to do it entirely bc Pearl is so damn SALTY.
Like telling us about the Gems makes sense, she felt like she was given a duty, but she went so damn petty. WHY is that Ruby alone. Gross. This Amethyst is a trash dump. Wtf are you people.
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17.) Full Disclosure
This episode really feels like a turning point for SU. Before, the show had its dark moments- but now we’re in the thick of it, and it’s not going away. Full Disclosure felt like an rebuff to the idea of returning to any normal we’d established in season 1. Gems are actually a giant species now. Gems tried to kill us now. There’s this Yellow Diamond bitch who got namedropped. Something about a Cluster. 
The song itself is BALLER, with its ingenious use of Steven’s ringtone and photos as he tries to decide whether to clue in Connie on all this nonsense. Meanwhile we, the audience, already know damn well Connie about to yeet some common sense into him.
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18.) What’s the Use of Feeling Blue?
I’mma admit it- I’m a Yellow Diamond stan. I’ve always loved her- her anger, her poise, her hardworking nature. I actively argued against the “Yellow Shattered Pink” theories back in the day. But, man, when this arc leaked? I got so overexcited I was too jittery to watch it for like two days. It’s easily my favorite arc of the series. The sheer alien nature of the zoo, the Famethyst, and absolutely Patti Lupone’s beautiful ballad. Goddamn. Yellow singing to Blue to try and help her regain her old status, the warble in her voice as she reminds Blue she misses Pink too, the movement of the bubbles as she talks about attack. It gives me shivers to this day. FUCK.
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19.) Tower of Mistakes
This is, fun fact, that only SU song I have completely memorized. The story itself is kinda funny! See, we lost internet at my house for a solid 5 to 6 months when these episodes aired, so I only got a very brief window to view them all. But this was the first Amethyst song in a long while, and I didn’t want to forget it! So I keep replaying it in my head for ages. And that’s still definitely a thing.
Anyway will never not be sad that this entire song was about making it up to Garnet for Amethyst’s perceived slights with Sugilite (which was a two-way road), only for Garnet to pressure her into fusion later when pissed and never discuss it again bc Garnet probably never thought twice about it and Amethyst has the emotional openness of a clam that’s just been told its ugly. Helluva way to make someone feel like shit, G. Helluva way to bottle that shit, Ames.
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20.) On the Run
I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: Amethyst! Needed! More! Songs! 
The dichotomy between Steven’s play and Amethyst’s honest desire to run away from home is so well-done, especially when you consider a lot of Steven and Amethyst’s actions are playing together. The song is also near and dear to me simply bc it’s my favorite Amethyst episode to exist (well, maybe second to What’s Your Problem, but not by much). Moments like these are all the proof I need that they were right to fuse first.
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21.) Be Wherever You Are
This tune really just feels like an ode to who Steven was as a kid. Trapped on an island with no way home, and he’s just happy to be with his friends. The stars are beautiful and not oppressive. Also that one animatic with Lars and the Off Colors playing in the Homeworld Kindergarten to this music was iconic and made this song get stuck in my head for a solid month.
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22.) Familiar
I ADORE how the crew use bright neon colors to show how alien Homeworld can be. And Steven recognizing that the Diamonds treat him how the CGs used to, and how prepared he is to “fix” a broken family. It’s a soft, gentle tune about melancholy. Also the Pebbles are beautiful.
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23.) Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart
Such a cute little love ballad, but every time I listen to it now I just imagine the heart attack Rose must’ve had at the line “And if we look out of place/Well, baby, that's okay/I'll drive us into outer space.” like there’s a Vietnam war flashback if I ever heard one
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24.) What Can I Do?
I’m kind of neutral on this one? Rose and Greg both have great voices, but the song itself lacks many lyrics. I think it was definitely a good way to show Rose’s flaws in thinking.
Also, I’m shocked they managed cram that much vaguely sexual innuendo into two minutes, followed by how Not Hetereo that dance between Rose and Pearl was, and not get their asses chewed by it. You go guys.
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25.) Cookie Cat
I love a lot of the vibes this song has. The lyrics are so damn prophetic, but they also sound like the kind of weird 90s commercials I grew up on. It’s been like two decades since I saw the Shirley Temple commercial but I’ll be damned if I don’t remember “Animals crackers in my soup! Monkey and rabbits loop-de-loop.”
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26.) Giant Woman
I am. NOT the biggest fan of Steven’s original singing voice. I feel bad saying that, since it was just Zach Callison as a kid, but he never jived well with me for some reason. So I wouldn’t listen to this on the fly. 
The song itself is still really good though, with all sorts of fun animation of Amethyst and Pearl being bitchy to each other. It’s a bit sad in hindsight to see tiny Steven trying to get his moms to get along. Ahh, season 1.
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27.) Strong in the Real Way
This song has SUCH a strong start. Pearl reflecting on Sugilite’s problems, but the show making sure to show us that Pearl’s lack of enthusiasm towards her also lends itself to jealousy as well as just general malaise. How much she cares about Steven, and wants him to grow up strong. 
And then Steven just kinda. Ruins it? I appreciate his enthusiasm for tryna bulk up but to take what was starting as such a rich, personal song and broadcasting it to random strangers just makes me a bit sad. Almost a bit angry on her behalf?
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28.) That Distant Shore
I KNOW this is gonna create some discourse, but I’m just not the biggest Lapis stan. I love her voice. I love the visuals of the song. And I get why she felt afraid and needed to flee.
But Lapis never got to take responsibility for her own actions. And, in the end, the song feels hollow to me- because we all know she’ll never talk to anyone about it, know she’ll burst back in and destroy the barn, and no one will ever question it. I like Lapis a lot, but I feel like her arc never was fully finished. She never got help. She never learned to feel safe.
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29.) Dear Old Dad
I’ve yet to meet a single human being who likes this episode tbh. There’s some great discussion about what kind of parent Greg is from it, and what kind of dynamic he has with the Gems that he felt he had to fake an injury to hang out with his son. Honestly the first half was fine and dandy. It’s just that then they Greg just went out of his way to drag Steven away from missions and such. It never jived well with his character before or after.
Also, is it just me, or does Zach himself sound like he hates the song as he sings it? There’s no passion or heart in his voice. It sounds like they told him to read off cue cards and he did. Tom Scharpling’s best attempts didn’t save this one for being a skipper. But the episode, unfortunately, isn’t, so it gets a spot on here.
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nikailustracion · 4 years
My views on Rose, Pearl and their relationship :D
I’m bored, so I thought, why not, let’s just make an analysis of my fav characters, yay D: 
(Sorry if you aren’t interested in this, feel free to skip it. If you do like it, enjoy! ^^)
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I’ve always loved tragic love stories, and both Pearl and Rose are characters that fit into that trope.
First things first, let’s go in order. When Pearl was given to Pink Diamond, Pink already had her share of bad experiences (the abuse from the diamonds and the loss of her former pearl which was, even if accidentally, her fault). We can see her change of personality from “Jungle Moon” to “Now we’re only falling appart”. While in the first one she was more childish and didn’t seem to hesitate to speak her mind freely, in the second one we can see her hesitate sometimes. She looks as if she has lost a lot of her energy. Even when she shows joy about seeing the quartzes emerge, she still acts deflated. We can also see changes in her behavior when Spinel talks to Steven about their relationship. As the scenes of their interactions keep coming, we can see how Pink seems more and more aloof. The stories we hear from the diamons in “Familiar” and “Change your mind” give a lot of context to this. All of this gives us a lot of context of Rose’s mind when Pearl gets into her life. 
Pearl, on the other hand, still believes that she’s nothing more than a servant. She is confused when Pink talks to her and asks her opinion. When they both visit Earth for the first time, we can see a glimpse of their true selves. 
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Rebecca stated that Rose began to fall in love with Pearl’s boldness, and as we are told in “Now we’re falling appart”, Pearl loved her aswell. For further proof, Rebecca herself said that Pearl’s love for Rose “wasn’t unrequited”. When they both meet Garnet, they finally share what they feel for each other. Rose wants to fight for Garnet and Pearl. She wants all of the gems to be free. However, she’s in a tight spot. She knows the diamonds won’t listen and it’s very likely that if Pink Diamond started the rebellion, they would try to hide that from gems until they can fix the problem.  After all, what would a Diamond of the Authority defying her own system imply? But repressing a low-ranking gem that stepped out of line would be something they wouldn’t hesitate to show everyone as an example. We’re told this in “Now we’re only falling appart”, when Pearl says that she would take a stand as someone they couldn’t ignore.
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This is where Rose’s faults should be mentioned. She manages to gather many other gems that feel the same way as allies. However, even if they are close and trustworthy, she still can’t bring herself to tell them the truth. She hates herself and she’s afraid that they will hate her aswell. And while understandable, that only made everyone feel hurt when the truth came out. It can’t be denied that she hurt Pearl by telling her not to reveal the truth, because in the end, Pearl was unable to talk about most of her feelings with anyone. And that’s something that’s shown in “Volleyball” where Pearl literally says   “I was badly hurt”
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On the other hand, Pearl had her own issues. Even if she had gained some confidence, she still felt like someone inferior. Rose was the one who had helped her feel like that and that only made her see Rose in an unrealistic way. She thought Rose was perfect, when she was definitely not. She thought she couldn’t live without her and that she was above her own life. They definitely argued about this in the past, as shown in “Sworn to the sword”, where it’s implied that Rose told her to stop risking her life for her. She also seems very insecure about herself, and sees herself as easily replaceable. That’s why she is so bothered by Greg. In “Mr Greg” she mentions that there had been more humans before, but that she had never felt like that until Greg came, and she started to fear that Rose would just leave her behind. Finally, in that same episode, they come to terms and finally get to understand that she loved both of them.
Rose regarded herself as lesser than everyone, and she thought that they didn’t need her. When she films the tape with Greg, she says how happy she is that Steven’s going to have the chance to grow, and be an extraordinary being. She thinks her death is irrelevant in order for that to happen. Rebecca stated in the EoAE artbook that it was both selfless and selfish, and none of them could be denied. She said that Rose thought of herself as powerless and useless, when she was actually very powerful and relevant. 
Steven is born, and Rose dies. Everyone has to deal with the loss and Pearl is the most affected by it. She doesn’t know what to do now that Rose is gone. Sometimes, she’s bitter and aloof, and refuses to acknowledge her reality. But as the series go on, she finally realises that everything she did proved how strong she really was. Even if Rose was the one who gave her the courage, she was the one who dared to defy her status and purpose. Sharing the truth with the others finally makes her see Rose as the gem she really is, and this is something that goes on from “A single pale rose” to “Volleyball”. She learns that Rose had faults, as everyone else. 
So, to finish this essay, I really like the complexity this story has to offer. We’re shown two characters with a lot of development and complexity. They don’t depict a perfect relationship and that is really interesting aswell as realistic. The fact that they both had self-steem issues only made their relationship more difficult and sometimes they hurt each other even if they didn’t mean to. Even so, they truly loved each other and they made a huge impact in each other’s lives. Pearl started to feel confident in herself because of Rose, and Rose started to change because she felt inspired by Pearl. Rose made Pearl feel “like she was everything” and Pearl helped Rose keep going, even when she thought she didn’t deserve it. 
Basically, to sum up, I love my gay disasters
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Spinel Deserved Better (very cool and swag retrospective essay/rant)
I have a lot of frustrations with how Spinel was handled and how her ending is complete and utter BS.
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At the beginning of the movie, it is made absurdly clear how clingy and toxic the diamonds actions are towards steven. The lyrics are so unsettling considering the subtext. The diamonds still hardly view Steven as his own person. Despite their insistence that they know he isn't Pink, they still view him as the closest connection they have to their diseased relative and cling onto him unhealthily because of it. This is displayed to the audience as obviously wrong and creepy, and Steven leaves them quickly after. (rightfully so.)
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This is what makes it so unbelievably frustrated when they show the diamonds repeating the exact same toxicity again, even using the same song with the same lyrics, but this time targeted towards Spinel. This is treated as a POSITIVE, which frustrates me to no end. Nothing has changed within the diamonds. They just found a new subject to unrightfully de-humanize and use as a coping mechanism. They don't view Spinel as a person, they view her like a happy little puppy. And Spinel, being desperate for any affection, just for ANYONE to love her, care for her, falls right into their hands. (Literally lmao)
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The diamonds and Spinel are both broken people unhealthily clinging onto each other because of their own personal issues. This isn't even a self-aware thing either, considering in SUF we're shown an update on them and they don't attempt to address any of these concerns. It's complete tone deafness to an inherently and is ultimately doomed to fail artificial relationship.
Spinel isn't valued for the person she is in this situation and is ultimately put in the position she started out as. A play thing. A coping mechanism others don't truly take seriously. She's relieved to be validated to some degree, but it's kind of just the same thing Pearl went through. Artificial feelings of freedom while in reality she's just repeating her past unhealthy relationship dynamic she was born into that is holding her down from truly being able to become her best, happiest self. She was never given the opportunity to develop real, meaningful relationships. Just shoved into the diamonds hands because that's what seemed most convenient for steven who just wanted his life to be peaceful.
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Spinel is doomed to tragedy because of this. Best case scenario, Spinel lives in ignorance of her tragic situation for the rest of her life. Worst case scenario, the diamonds fall back into their abusive tendencies and Spinel is put back into her nightmare of being left alone and desolate in those same punishments Pink was forced through.
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Ultimately, Spinel's ending is doomed to tragedy. No one wants to help her. And she's too desperate for love to realize the situation she's in or to find the strength to leave the diamonds. And it angers me none of this was addressed in canon and how she was treated as a burden Steven quickly wanted to get rid of without thinking of the long-term consequences.
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TLDR spinel deserved better than the garbage ending she got.
She could've become a clown for the boardwalk in beachcity and build relationships from there ffs. Give her a fellow clown gf smh. How dare you pair her with the garbage toxic facists sugar i will have ur head for this
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mimik-u · 3 years
Fragments III, 1-100
300 drabbles about Steven Universe/Future, 100 words each! These are the first 100 prompts and writer’s choices that have been fulfilled.
Asterisks are placed next to my personal favorites that I’ve written.
Baggage* — Steven meets his new therapist!
Eternity —How about a Bellow interaction you've always wanted to see in canon but didn't get to?
Foe —Jasper is simultaneously satisfied and yet left deeply empty inside by her self-isolation on Earth, and doesn't understand how to even begin to process this dichotomy. (So she doesn’t.)
Letter — Young Greg's POV when he wrote those letters to his parents Steven found on Mr. Universe episode.
Sword —Connie interacting with someone she doesn't usually talk to by herself (ex Jasper, Bismuth, Lapis, etc.).
Reconciliation — Idk about you but I wanna see more Mega Pearl. The others have not met Mega Pearl.
Marks —How about... Spinel, and the tiny, everyday baby steps towards healing?
Tangled — Peridot finds out/is told about PD/RQ? (And is confirmed in her guess that Pearl is fancy...?)
Challenge* — How is Steven’s TubeTube channel doing?
Bruises — Priyanka tends to Connie's wounds after training sessions with Pearl. [Writer’s Choice]
Rest* — Yellow Diamond gets to relax. (She's the one who most expresses regret and real understanding. Let her take a nap! She deserves it!)
Barbecue* — Post-movie, during cleanup, Steven and Lars talk and plan the BBQ we got a glimpse at during the final song.
Ghost — Yellowtail and Greg talk about fatherhood and how it can be ruined (mentioning Marty and Greg's father subtly).
UNO* — Date between Pearls (platonic or otherwise).
Height — The pebbles!!! They're so small???? Where are they? *Sobs, points at the Heaven and Earth Beetles.*
Embrace — Steven gets a well-deserved cuddle pile from family and friends.
Constructs — Bismuth and Peridot have a lot more in common than they think.
Horns — Amethyst makes an unexpected new friend at Little Homeschool. (Whichever other character you feel would fit best!)
Garden — Pre-show scene. While having a funny chat, Greg mentions something that reminds Rose about her abandoning Spinel, which makes her regret more of her choices.
Advice — Garnet can tell when Stevonnie has a lot on their mind. [Writer’s Choice.]
Hum — Yellow and her relationship with music.
Love* — Pearl considering her romantic feelings towards someone and thinking about how she's finally moving on from Rose. (Doesn't mean she'll ever forget her.)
Kid — A glimpse into “Sadie Killer.” Maybe when they played their first show, while Steven was still in the band. Celebrating afterward or a discussion on why Steven didn't stay IN the band?
Troubleshooting* — Integration of gem communication networks and Earth Internet and phone lines and the resulting inevitable disaster.
Fairytale — Connie gets a tour of Little Homeworld.
Hope — Jasper finally starting to let her guard down and realize her self worth.
Song* — As for prompts... Steg? Like, him in general, just being himself. It's a bummer we only got to see him in the movie.
Mistakes* — Steven talking to someone (not a therapist, just another character) about his trauma?
Forgiveness — The Topaz fusion reconnects with the Crystal Gems at Little Homeschool and apologizes for her role in the kidnapping all those years ago.
Visions — Sapphire and Ruby reflect on the events of "Together Forever." [Writer’s Choice]
Reunited — Maybe a scene where Yellow comes home from a long escapade and is reunited with a worried Spinel?
Beginnings — After CYM, Lapis and Peridot discuss where to live since the barn is destroyed.
Pet* — White Diamond happily announces one day that she has decided to take in a small creature (of your choosing) as a pet.
Together — What were Doc, Army, Navy, and Leggy doing during Future?
Desert — Steven meeting Lion from Lion's perspective. I dunno, I think it could be neat.
Freedom — For a post-CYM/SU:F prompt, what do you think about the exact moment it hit either Blue or Yellow Pearl that they were completely free to follow their whims?
Apologies — Greg apologizes to Steven due to the incident in “Mr. Universe” and both have the talk they should've had in that episode.
Change — Blue and Yellow Zircon's relationship has improved even if they are now rivals in the new democratic Homeworld. This last tiny bit is related to the “Homeworld Bound” episode.
Hug — Bellow cuddling. Yellow has no idea what to do, but Blue is loving it.
Valentine* — Steven gives Peridot a Valentine's Day gift. [Writer’s Choice]
Spite — Aquamarine and Eyeball are distraught at knowing they won't be rewarded for their actions because their worst enemy, Steven Universe, has been labeled a hero and royalty by the Diamonds.
Reevaluation — How about more Peedee and Steven friendship? Like, Peedee noticing Steven’s change in demeanor the farther along the show we get?
Camp — Connie kicking ass at space camp.
Family — The night after the events of the movie, Steven gets some quality family time.
Homestretch — Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth spend time together while preparing Little Homeworld.
Enough — We know what Jenny, Sour Cream, and Buck are gonna do for their futures, but what's Kiki been up to? Is she gonna take over the pizzeria?
Spillage — Vidalia and Amethyst catch up after Steven's monster episode.
Reformation — White Diamond has learned how to be so extremely empathetic to the point that she literally becomes another person, but has she really begun to understand others?
Comment* — Sardonyx makes some Internet videos.
Unicorn — While traveling through California, Steven encounters two fishermen arguing about unicorns. [SU/GF crossover.] [Writer’s Choice]
Worry — Andy and Greg stay in touch.
Homerun* — I hopal for Opal—perhaps she will attempt some baseball.
Skydancer — Post-CYM, Pearl getting to “truly” take Steven out for a joy ride through the cosmos in a properly operational ship of her design.
Mercy* — The shattering-is-wrong discussion between Rose and Bismuth that led to Bis being bubbled.
Happy — Smoky Quartz hasn't made a self deprecating joke in a while—is it Steven's therapy?
Electric* — Yellow’s gloves—I feel like they’re covering something up, maybe.
Cake — Fusion Cuisine 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Belonging — The Rose Quartz sisters visit again.
Transcendence — Fluorite offers someone wise caterpillar grandma advice.
March — Connie and Steven reflect on changes in life after the pandemic. Not canon compliant. [Writer’s Choice.]
Understanding — Onion be doing Onion things.
Ocean* — Andy and Steven post-”I Am My Monster”? I love their relationship, lol.
Ignorance* — Does Lapis even realize Bismuth was probably the one who poofed her?
Reflection — Did I already say more Mega Pearl? ‘Cause there can never be enough Mega Pearl.
Possibility* — Yellow deciding she should try putting shattered gems back together. (She probably broke the most.)
Storyboard — Peridot’s budding career as a storyboarder.
Fall — Lapis and Steven talk about trauma and recovery. Pre-The Future.
Limbo — How the dismantled gempire has affected the lives of noble gems like Emerald, Holly Blue Agate, and others.
Now — Garnet reminds herself to live in the present.
Grief* — Alexandrite forms for the first time. [Writer’s Choice]
Inauguration — Wait, did Connie's parents ever meet Stevonnie?
Please — Did Kevin ever learn anything? Naaaaaah....unless...
Friend — General prompt? A sequel/prequel to this, please [White D’s panther].
Treatment — Greg starting to learn more about gem stuff to be more involved in Steven's life if something ugly happens.
Numbers — Pearl, please do something with all those phone numbers in your head.
Generations — Rose continues to discover the wonders of Earth, even after all this time. (No angst allowed in this one, just pure wonder.)
Survival — The Off-Colors used to have more members in the past.
Acting — How did Rainbow 2.0 even get invited to babysit Onion?
Kindness* — Former Mayor Dewey coming to terms with his new position in town.
Play — The Gems and Greg try to capture Steven's first moments on a bike. [Writer’s Choice]
Documentary — Ronaldo makes a real actually informative documentary about Little Homeworld.
Rain — Blue Diamond still cries sometimes.
Zoophobia — Also, I saw Z and my immediate thought was "Zoophobia.”
Echo* — Why does the tiny floating whale have Rose's voice before Steven ever heard it in the tape?
Sketch — Steven and Connie discover an anime character/mythological figure who bears an awfully similar resemblance to Obsidian.
Unironically — Why does Buck wanna be a doctor?
Club — How did Bismuth, Lapis, and Peri become such tight friends?
Nostalgia — Greg considers a comeback tour.
Pressure* — The creation of the Diamonds, maybe?
Coping — Amethyst and Pearl grapple with Rose's pregnancy. [Writer’s Choice]
Theatre — Sugilite, meet Rainbow 2.0.
Dadhood* — Whatever happened to Mrs. Fryman? IS there a Mrs. Fryman, or was it only a passing on-and-off thing that resulted in kids?
Lingering — Jasper finally lets Malachite go.
Human — Steven talks to his therapist about his mom, the feelings of before and the now. (It was left open-ended—his relationship with his mother.)
Words — Kofi is proud of his daughters.
Quest — [Letter prompt] Quest.
Picture — Sour Cream and Steven talking about absent parents and bad parenting. Post-The Future.
Bittersweet* — Shep finally gets to meet the notorious Lars.
Gemini — Spinel discovers memes and we're all doomed.
Weird — When he's younger, Steven doesn't quite know how to label the Gems.
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pyreo · 5 years
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Okay all right give me ONE more SU post because I ADORED the space garden scene. God I love the device of a robot/immortal whatever standing and waiting in the same place for eons just because they were told to and when I realised that’s what this was I got so excited
Even the establishing shot is heartbreaking, it was obviously an intricate place of importance but it’s rotted to nothing, there’s visual motifs of it literally hanging by a thread
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You can tell from the animation why Pink left her ‘toy’ behind. She was gonna be a real Diamond with her own planet and that meant she had to grow up. The garden and the neverending playtime with Spinel represent Pink’s childhood and you can see when she’s on the phone with Blue and Yellow and Spinel keeps bouncing into the shot, she’s embarrassed. She wants to be a proper Diamond with colonies and she won’t have time to play any more, but she doesn’t do the difficult thing and explain this. She strings Spinel along because it’s easier and she has her trust. Diamonds have trouble seeing non-diamonds as worthy of time or respect.
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Then you get the refrain “Happily watching her drift away” with the extension, a full bar to itself before the key change, on ‘drift’, making you wait for it to conclude, just like Spinel, making you focus on the drift, the slow, gradual separation of something you don’t want to acknowledge, the three beats desperately holding on until the fourth one dives into the minor. 
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Finally you get the impact: the years passing, hundreds of them. Hundreds, and her smile has only dimmed a little. Like all SU songs that explore relationships between magical mineral aliens, the lyrics are metaphorical and applicable to ourselves when taken out of context. 
“Happily wondering, night after night,  Is this how it works? Am I doing it right? Happy to listen. Happy to stay.  Happily watching her drift away.  You keep on turning pages For people who don’t care, people who don’t care about you. And still it takes you ages To see that no-one’s there, see that no-one’s there, see that no-one’s there Everyone’s gone on without you.”
It’s any relationship with a person who doesn’t give you emotional support. Leaving you thinking you must be doing something wrong and it’s up to you to figure it out and do better, on your own. It could be any relationship with a person who’s physically present, keeping you around, but isn’t interested any more and hints that it’ll all go back the way it was if you play their game correctly. You become an outsider to a life you thought you lived in as someone you love replaces you with others and doesn’t have the honesty to tell you things have changed. 
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After 6000 years we catch up with the present day and connect to the foreshadowing at the beginning. The broadcast going out to a seemingly uninhabited wasteland. 
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Spinel can hardly move, her feet are nearly merged with the ground. Pink said ‘stand very still’ and she never so much as unclasped her hands.
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Spinel relives the memory of the emotional impact and we get to see it, when she realised nobody had thought about her for 6000 years, nobody was coming back, that she could have used the teleporter to leave any time and nobody was going to reward her diligence for trying so hard to play the ‘game’ of her last instructions. 
As usual, SU uses the framing of immortal, mentally-programmed gems to dig down into the extremely human problems of misusing power, and loving somebody more than they love you.
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Then having relived the experiences that made her her, like the others, Spinel changes form to before she was reset. By losing her memories she was able to act without malice, but in order to start recovering, she has to allow herself to acknowledge that she was misused. She later says that nobody would want her in that form - the one in disarray, unkempt, with a mimicry of mascara streaks down her cheeks from crying. She’s ashamed to have loved and been hurt, implies she should have known better. 
The rest of the finale is trying to figure out how to help Spinel recover without erasing what she went through, so she can live with it and realise it wasn’t her fault. 
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Steven starts a duet with her and tells her she can learn to love again and she deserves better, in which the line “You just need to find someone” ends on another elongated beat, and Spinel repeats the same drop in cadence from the “drift” in Drift Away, but the song has Steven lead her from that painful memory into a new tune. She can’t go back to the person she was before and she can’t remove the effects on her personality or appearance from being mistreated, but she can still have a future.
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caitlinluvsmanga · 5 years
One of the reasons Spinel’s story breaks my heart so much is because I’ve been in that one-sided friendship where I was the one who was used.
Spinel was the best friend and that was her job, to make Pink happy. But Pink never told Spinel she could go or anything. She tricked her with a game and said “you say it will be fun, I’ll be back”. Those friendships where you put in energy and discover you were the only one doing so.
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I broke down in tears hearing her story because it became a matter of Spinel felt like a useless, pointless thing. And Pink giving that look of embarrassment of her made it worse because she later told Steven “at least you thought I was funny, right?” She felt annoying and like a joke once she realized why she was felt behind.
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As a person who constantly feels annoying and has experienced what is basically being ghosted. It kills you instead because you feel pointless and that angry destroys you.
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The lyrics to her song kill me because I’ve loved them. Spinel being left behind and tricked and showing what it’s like to be in that situation. The lyrics reflecting what it’s like to be in that one-sided friendship.
“You keep on turning pages for people who don't care
People who don't care about you
And still, it takes you ages to see that no one's there.
Isn’t it lovely?
Isn't that cool?
And isn't that cruel
And aren't I a fool to have
Happily listened
Happy to stay”
Her entire backstory struck a cord. Breaks my freaking heart because everyone deserves better. I’ve never hated Pink Diamond because she was naive and didn’t realize her selfishness but poor Spinel. Who would have done everything for her best friend and became what she calls “a bad guy” because of how cruel it was what was done to her.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
(All gifs did not come from me)
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fireopal-tash · 4 years
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First of all, an explanation about certain words that I will use: - things like 'daughters', 'mother' and 'sisters' is not in the sense of family, but of creation, superiority in a more friendly way, and closeness.
After all, gems have no family. Not until Steven. It is a simple connection that has no words, that's why I use those. If it bothers you, my apologies. You can change the words for others, if that is what you prefer.
Also, as always, sorry if there are mistakes ^w^'
Chapter 5: Era 0
It was a warm and bright morning when Steven Universe was woken up by a commotion below. Still a bit sleepy, but worried about what might have happened, Steven ran down the stairs, almost hitting the wall. He didn't notice anything out of the ordinary at first, until he saw smoke coming from the kitchen. He headed there, somewhat amused by what he saw. Amethyst, Pearl, and Spinel were covered in bread dough, flour, and... something he guessed was cream. The smoke was coming from the oven, apparently.
"What are you doing?" He asked, holding back his laughter. The gems looked at him somewhat embarrassed. Well, Amethyst seemed to be having fun more than anything, and Pearl seemed worried, trying to get rid of the smoke. Spinel, however, looked at the ground with a really red face.
"I... I just wanted to make you the brakefat" she mumbled, trying to explain.
"Don't you mean 'breakfast'?" the purple gem snickered, one hand over her mouth. She couldn't resist, really. That pink gem was very... cartoonish. And funny.
"Ha ha ha" Spinel mocked her, annoyed by the other's attitude "It was your fault it ended up like this. You told me to..." Their discussion stopped short when they heard Steven's free laugh. When was the last time he laughed like that? None of them remembered. And the heart-shaped gem was very captivated. Amethyst snickered again at the sight of Spinel's face, which brought her out of that state.
"S-shut up!" she complained, he cheeks flushed. Ame laughed again.
"Ok, ok. I'll stop now." she got off the counter, brushed off the food scraps and headed in front of Spinel "To make it up to you, how about I take you to the funniest place in all Beach City?"
That invitation was... very tempting, she had to admit. And Spinel smiled enthusiastically, forgetting the disaster that surrounded them.
"Now, Amethyst? Really?" Pearl pointed at the mess, almost hoping they would understand her. She knew better than that tho.
"I don't see what's the problem. Spinel still needs a tour of the city" the purple shrugged, completely unconcerned.
"Amethyst!" Pearl yelled annoyed.
Spinel, once clean, approached Steven, arm in arm, watching the scene in front of them. It was funnier than her misfortune on her first attempt at cooking.
"We better get going, before Pearl makes us clean everything up too" Steven whispered, walking in the direction of the door.
"Wait! Steven...!" Amethyst yelled running after them, ignoring Pearl, who kept talking about how irresponsible she was. Ah, the old days...
It didn't take long for the three of them to get to the Big Donut. After running part of the way, of course. Breathing somewhat ragged, Steven looked at Amethyst.
"Amethyst, why, ah, this sudden interest in being a guide?" He asked somewhat curious, still catching his breath.
"Eh, no reason. Someone has to do it" she replied absently.
Noticing how the smaller gem got all of Spinel's attention, Steven snorted, somewhat irritated. He could be a guide too. He had done it many other times, after all, hadn't he?
"Hey Ame-" He was interrupted again by the purple who made a loud exclamation as she pointed to another place, managing to capture Spinel's attention even more.
Steven grunted. The purple gem kept walking, showing and pointing at everything in their path, Spinel behind her as she looked at Steven with concern. It hadn't escaped her attention how very dejected the boy looked. The brunet's good humor seemed to have vanished the moment Amethyst had offered to accompany them.
"Spinel, look over there!" Amy exclaimed again, pointing to one of the buildings there. They were in Little Homeworld now "There are the gems I mentioned earlier. Come on"
Steven hadn't realized, until now, that she had been talking about other gems, or that they had arrived at Little Homeworld. They both approached the center, Amethyst calling out to said gems, while Steven lagged behind. Today nothing was going well. It was too early for this. He sighed, his hands fisted in his pockets. He did not want anyone to see him in that state. And it was ridiculous, to be honest. There was no reason to be upset. He should be happy for Spinel.
"Lapis! Peri! Bis!" she called again. The three mentioned gems appeared shortly after, Bismuth carrying a heavy weight on one of her shoulders.
"Hey Amethyst!" The smallest gem greeted, being caught by one of the arms of the purple gem "Stop it!" she complained, managing to get rid of it "You know how much I hate when you mess with my hair"
"Heh. Whatever you say dwarf" she stuck out her tongue. Peridot hid behind Bismuth, her cheeks puffed out.
"And who is this gem?" Lapis Lazuli asked, noticing the pink one.
Spinel looked away, seeming to be looking for something, or someone, before approaching Steven and wrapping her arm with his. She was feeling nervous again.
"It's okay" Steven reassured her, and turned his attention to the blue gem, at whom he smiled "Lapis, this is Spinel. She is new, and today she is here to learn a little about our planet, right?" He looked back at Spinel. Spinel nodded, implying that it was true.
"Nice to meet you, Spinel. I am Lapis, Lapis Lazuli. The dwarf gem is Peridot. And the gigantic gem over there is Bismuth.
"Diamonds are bigger" Spinel commented on impulse.
Well it was true. Bismuth was small compared to the matriarchs. Lapis snorted, especially when she saw the shocked faces of her companions.
"I like this gem~"
Spinel beamed at her accomplishment. Even if that was not her intention. She wasn't as rusted as she had originally believed. Steven was an exception.
The rest of the day they took a detour. The gems were telling stories, taking again all Spinel's attention. Amethyst was the one in front of the entire group, leading animatedly. Steven stayed behind once more, noticing how Spinel was acclimatizing. Soon she wasn't going to need him... It was Bismuth who noticed this, heading back, until she was next to Steven.
"Hey, buddy? What's wrong?"
"Bismuth?" he was surprised to see her there. He shook his head and with a forced smiled said "it's nothing"
The multicolored gem frowned, not believing him at all. It was clear that the hybrid was upset about something.
"Come on, tell Aunt Bis what's wrong?" she insisted.
The boy sighed again, knowing that the other was not going to give up. His gaze fell on Spinel, who was talking to Lapis, as she showed her one of the trees. Spinel seemed amazed.
"It's just that I thought I could help her" referring to the gem with two pigtails.
"I don't see the problem, it seems to me that you're already helping her"
"That's what it looks like, isn't it? But I didn't do anything. The others are the ones helping her. Showing her everything. Telling her everything she needs to know. And I don't know how..." he complained hands in his hair.
"Steven. You, better than anyone, know that you cannot pressure others to do what you want, even if your intentions are good" she admonished him.
The hybrid was embarrassed to notice that this was what he had been doing.
"Besides, isn't it your presence that makes her feel so relax around us? If you look closely, you will notice that you do more than you think. Give yourself more credit, Steven. You deserve it. "
She patted him on the shoulder, before returning to Lapis's side, changing the subject, noticing Peridot and Amethyst were about to start an argument.
"I guess you're right..." Steven whispered, relieved.
(In Beach City)
It didn't take Pearl long to clean up the mess in the kitchen, plus Garnet was waiting for her on top of the portal, so she didn't have time to lose.
Today they were going to visit the diamonds. Cleaning helped her with her nervousness.
"Pearl, we don't have all day," Fusion reminded her patiently. She didn't want to go either, but it was for Steven's good.
"Yes. Of course. You're right, Garnet" the pale gem sighed, before putting away her cleaning supplies. Better to get this over with as soon as possible.
They both immediately traveled to Homeworld, appearing in front of the gigantic thrones. The diamonds were nowhere to be seen.
"Well, here we are. How do we do this, Garnet?" Pearl asked, her hands entwining between them. She still didn't like the place, tho this was her first home.
"We have to find the Diamonds. Or the pearls. They will know where to find the Diamonds" replied the fusion calmly, noticing the room full of other gems.
"Right, come on then!" exclaimed the other nervously. The fusion followed her, preferring to keep quiet. Some things never really change, do they?
They had been walking from hall to hall for at least half an hour trying to find someone who could help them before finding that someone.
"Blue Pearl..." Pearl whispered. The last time they saw each other, not counting what happened two years ago, was shortly after the war began.
The blue pearl seemed to have a good hearing, because she turned in their direction, her hands clasped as they usually are. She tilted her head slightly, before speaking.
"Blue Diamond is busy with a meeting with Yellow Diamond" she said, intuiting in part the reason why two of the members of the Crystal Gems were present.
"Ah...! Yeah? T-then we'll go talk to White Diamond" replied Pearl nervously but almost challenging.
"Wait" Garnet looked closely at Blue Pearl "Maybe you can help us" she finally decided.
"Me?" she said softly.
"Garnet?" Pearl questioned her friend.
"I'm curious. I've heard of a very interesting story about the first Era" she lied easily "and I would like to know more about it"
A few seconds passed, before Blue Pearl decided to give them an answer. By way of following them, because all she did was walk in another direction. The palest gem had her doubts, but trusted her friend's judgment. They spent some time going through the corridors, before reaching their objective. Pearl gasped, immediately recognizing the place. The Great Library about Gems and their History. She believed her entry had been forbidden before she was created. She must have said that outloud, because Blue Pearl replied with a:
"It was reopened recently. It has been several millennia since I was last here..." her dreamy gaze under her bangs was positioned over the other Pearl "Something you never could" Pearl felt irritation bloom inside her. She knew she was teasing her, even if neither her tone of voice, nor her words, showed it.
"Right. That's why I'm here" she admitted with difficulty. The hand on her back made her feel better. At least she had someone's support "Come on, Garnet"
In Homeworld, things like night and day didn't exist. There was always light, albeit artificial. The library that Pearl and Garnet were in was no different from the rest of the planet. It was huge, cold, and empty, apart from the few gems, and many, many files. All in the form of a somewhat old and difficult to read writings - more by the method of recording such information than by the language itself. Time didn't seem to pass.
"We've been here for many hours, I think, Garnet. And we haven't found anything! Are you sure this is the right place? It would be quicker to ask the diamonds." Pearl kept complaining. If she was on Earth, she would have been excited about this research. But she was too uncomfortable.
"No. This is the place. Here we will find our answers. If at some point the Diamonds give us information, we can contrast it with what we find here."
"But the Diamonds were the ones who created this place. They are the ones who have lived the history of the gems since the beginning. Or at least White did." the last thing was mumbled, a little unsure.
The two kept silent, still searching through the sea of information, their patience wearing thin.
"Aha! Here! I found it!" Pearl exclaimed with a shout of joy. At last! "Let me see..."
The pale gem began to read aloud:
"Entry XXXXX - 6
This writing is a testimony of the times. ERA 0.
Thousands of years ago, the Guardians were created, formed by the great authority, White Diamond. The Great Creator, that's what they called her in those days.
This was an opportunity, a new community, created from the power of The Great Creator. Our Queen, in her benevolence, gave each gem created from her light her own gems, and thus create great cities and discovered more worlds. A whole colony. The First of many others.
Tourmaline. Tanzanite. Moissanite. These were the three great Guardians. The first gems created by The Great Star. Powerful as they were, they weren't perfect. They made mistakes, being punished by The Great Creator, turned into permanent statues to maintain their eternal vigilance over the entrances of each new world. What did their 'daughters' do to receive such a destiny, you ask? Breaking the only law that existed during the Era 0: The separation of two Gem Mates.
Shortly after another law was created: Vindicta.
[ Gem Mates are gems that are made to be together forever. Made to be understood. Made to never feel alone. Their bodies of light, their music, everything in them is in sync. Much more than a fusion could ever be. They call it: The Final Union. If for some reason a GemMate is destroyed or is too far from its half, its lights will fade, agonisingly slowly. Some take longer, others turn off suddenly. There are records of these events in entry XXXXVI - 19 ]
Tourmaline was jealous of the closeness between Tanzanite and Moissanite, her sisters. They were both Gemmates, so it wasn't a surprise. But, as the story goes, Tourmaline was madly 'in love' - that's what she called it, that feeling - Painful but the most wonderful thing she had ever felt.
One day, she saw them together sharing their light. Fusion. That moment of intimacy was what made her act impulsively, pulling out her sledgehammer - a weapon that was created to protect, not to destroy - and take down one of her sisters. Tanzanite. When the Guardian came back to herself, The Great Creator was present. Moissanite, hurt by the loss, asked for one last wish to her Queen, before she herself ceased to exist. Their wish was granted with the idea that they would give up, or lose the will to commit such a crime. Such was her mistake...
The fighting was fierce and devastating. All the gems present were watching from a distance, shouting, asking for the tragedy to stop. They had never seen anything so devastating as the fight and separation of their Guardians. They asked for mercy. White Diamond granted their wish. She had had enough.
"For having broken the universal law, for separating what should never have been separated, and for the use of the Vindicta, I condemn you to an eternity as statues" said this, the Great Authority threw a powerful light, turning their companions in what today are known as statues, objects of admiration; and soon after, historic art walls were created to never forget what happened.
Some time later, perhaps due to the loss of her daughters, The Queen created two more gems. Blue and Yellow Diamond. The New Authority. Welcome to Era 1.
End of Entry
White Sapphire, the Queen's Clairvoyant "
That was all. It was not the only entry on this same topic, but the first of many others. Apparently they were going to spend a lot more time in the Great Library about Gems and their History than they thought.
They both looked at each other with a triumphant smile. At least now they had knew where to start.
What did you think of my entry? I have my own version of the Gems history, something that will be part of my Fic.
It will not be 100% well done, sure, but I hope you find it interesting, and you like it~ xP
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swelling-feeling · 8 months
imagine making Spinel your permablimp
just inflating her to just the right size and making it so she stays that way. constantly bumping against the ceiling all floaty. creaking when squeezed through doorways. And especially leashing her and taking her on "walks"
a lovely partner permaballoon you get to take everywhere <3
After everything she's been through? i think she deserves a lot - and i do mean a Lot - of pampering.
Most likely, Maxim used some specific magic to inflate Her to that perfect size, and even better, using that same magic can control if Spinel will stay put, and be very heavy, or if She'll be as free as a balloon in the wind, floaty and bumping against the ceiling
With the former, she's most likely vibing on their shared bed, Maxim bringing whatever treats she desires, and doting on her, giving Her countless loving compliments, and speaking of how He loves Her and Her majestic form - all while gently rubbing Her belly, holding Her hand, or whatever other affection He could offer Her. Mayby even tease Her occasionally with gentle squeezes, testing Her pressure, try to make Her... "Sing", as it were? Not to mention all the squeaks and creaks from all that friction lol
With the latter, it's a very happy idea of Maxim striding around, proud and jubilant as can be, smiling as the shadow of His Ballooned Beloved casts over Him - Happily parading Her like one would show off their greatest trophy, or a priceless artifact. Of course, none of this stops Him from being a little bit cheeky - sometimes lightly letting go of the leash, letting Spinel quickly float up for but a mere moment, before Maxim easily catches the leash again, with a sly smile. That, and of course the aforementioned idea of squeezing her through doorways - must be rather Flustering for her, that, not to mention with all that pressure, but hey, if he wants to take His Beloved somewhere, She's goin' with Him! Not like she can really refuse, but it's also not like He's gonna take Her somewhere She wouldn't want to be. Otherwise, i can imagine Maxim using His strechabillity to let Himself be with her at eye-level, still holding Her hands gently, as She keeps floating upwards in some spacious room in their Mansion, or, dare i say, outside - all with Maxim's feet never leaving the floor lmao if need be, He can still hold unto Her hands and be Her tether to the ground - mayby give Her a few smooches on Her face as well, as she deserves
Either way, an amusing idea to be sure, Spinel not having to worry about anything bad ever again, and simply being loved and pampered by Her Beloved God for all time - with Him treating her so perfectly well, like a Perfect, Devine Goddess, why would all those trivial things matter now? they seem so distant now, after all...
0 notes
First and Last of her Kind Ch 3 Escaping the Garden
Spinel quickly hid behind a half crumbled pillar, she didn’t under and but something inside her didn’t want to be seen like this. All dirty and unkept. Something about this didn’t bode well for the small pink gem. Spinel kept quiet as she listened to the two gems speak.
“So we’re here for a spinel?” One of the topazes asked..
The other nodded.
“Yeah it was said that Pink Diamond had a special gem made just for her in this garden.”
The Amethyst spoke up.
“Really? I thought those were just silly rumors told by the aquamarines.” The purple gem said.
The first topaz shook her head.
“No it’s true, the diamonds made a special gem made with the most specific ingredients for her.” They replied.
“Sounds pretty neat.” The amethyst said.
“Yes, she's also said to be a rare gem too, the only spinel ever to be crested.” The second topaz said.
“Seriously and she lives in this dump?” The amethyst guard said gesturing to the dead garden,.
Spinel winced at the mention of how deplorable the garden was, yet the small gem was finding herself to be blushing a soft red hue at the assumption that she was rare.
She wasn’t that rare? Was she?
Spinel listened closely to what the three gems were saying.
“Rumor has it that this gem has remained in this garden for all her existence.” The first topaz said.
Okay that was both true and not true. Spinel has been out in Homeworld….well sorta. It was one time…..and it wasn’t that long….but still she had been out of the garden.
“Kinda sad that she was left all alone and kept in this dark about what happened to her diamond.” The amethyst said cal,lay.
Spinel swallowed a painful lump in her throat, were they mentioning of her giving up her form and leaving Spinel on her own account while she live a whole other life and made friends on her own without her. Spinel swallowed hard, she didn’t want to think about that right now and no she wasn’t in the dark. At least not anymore.
“Well we need to find her, Pink Diamond’s son wants to see her. Something about getting her old belongings and things since he’s the new pink diamond now.” The amethyst said.
Spinel stood there frozen. She would belong to him.
Steven Universe.
Spinel froze, body going rigid and felt her breaths being caught in her throat. Her mind went blank for a second and once it rebooted she shook and trembled as few gripped her form. No. She didn’t want to go with him, she did not want to be with the new pink diamond. Spinel shuttered and the small pink gem watched with scared Cotton candy pink eyes as the three gems began spreading out looking for her. Spinel needed to leave, she couldn’t stay here. Maybe she could hide and wait it out.
Spinel gasped as one of the gems were getting closer to where she was. What was Pink Diamond’s son going to do to her when he got his hands on her? Spinel trembled, not wanting to think about it let alone went to find out. The small gem could hear those nasty voices in her head saying terrible things about her and her unfortunate situation.
‘When they do find you your as good as shattered.’ ‘That diamond won’t want a broken toy like you.’ ‘If you couldn’t keep your diamond happy what makes you think you can keep the new pink diamond happy?’ Her mind hissed.
Spinel shook, she needed to leave. Could she really leave though this was her garden this was once her home. However did she really want to stay here in the dark and rotting garden all alone to waste away. Did he really want that? To remain in the dark colorless garden with nothing but her awful thoughts that could consume her? Spinel whimpered sniffing softly, remembering now only the bad times she had here it was getting so hard to see the good times as her most terrible and darkest days were spent in this garden. No, she didn’t want to stay here anymore the awful rotting smell the horrible darkness and the feelings of loneliness and despair radiated off of this place. This place was far too gone and now the memories were tainted and ruined by the one person she thought loved her.
Did Pink even care about their friendship? Did she ever care about Spinel at all? That would explain the terrible abuse she got when Pink was in one of her moods. The hair pulling the verbal and cruel words and the beatings. Sweet stars the painful beatings she would get when her diamond was angry with her. Painful blue and purple bruises would litter her small body and she would be limping for a couple of days. But Pink did that only because she loved her. That’s what she said. What had she done to deserve this though? The tiny pink gem peeled out of her hiding spot and stared at the gems who were looking for her. Luckily they were too far away to see her.
However the young gem’s eyes wandered over to the warp pad as it went off and someone else appeared standing tall and strong. They worse a long pink cloak that draped against the ground and the tiny pink gem knew that gems of high estate wore capes; her diamond had told her that when she saw a jasper wearing one. Spinel could barely make out their fave as it was covered partially by the cloak that they were wearing. The small pink gem stared out and it didn’t take long for her to realize from the embroidery and embellishments on the cloak that the individual was a high ranking gem. That’s when she spotted the three gems stopping what they were doing and did the salute….oh sweet merciful stars that was-
“My diamond.” The three gems said in union.
The cloaked diamond lifted his hands dismissing them and stared at them.
“Where is flaucet cut 001 AA?” He said in a rather calm yet form voice.
“My diamond we are still looking for her.” The amethyst said bowing to the higher authority diamond.
The cloaked diamond seemed unhappy but this.
“This garden isn’t that big, you couldn’t have possibly lost her.” He stated firmly.
“Yes my diamond, we’ll keep searching for her..” One of the topazes said.
“See to it that you do.” The cloaked diamond stayed coldly.
The diamond stood there watching as the three gems hurried to find the pink gem and Spinelmshook and shuttered. What was he going to do to her when he found her? Spinel trembled she needed to- Oh ho. He was beginning to walk around and joined in on the search for the supposed “missing gem.” It would only be a matter of time before they eventually find her. Spinel sucked in a breath and stepped out from where she was hiding once he had turned away from where she was hiding. The small pink gem took the opportunity to run and hide in a different area of the garden, Spinel used her elasticity to her advantage and proceeded to hide behind one of the dying trees of the garden.. . The small gem looked at the tree the leaves had long gone and died and the bark of the red was peeling away easily like dead skin.
The small gem could see that all the gems were spreading out looking for her but that was fine side she was close to the huge staircase near the warp pad. In all her existence Spinel had never thought that she would leave the garden, this had once become her home her paradise where she and her diamond could play for hours on end it had been the first place she had ever seen when she emerged but now, now it was nothing more than her personal hell . A painful reminder that Pink Diamond, someone who she dearly loved, had left her...had abandoned her. Left her to rot for six thousand years. Spinel could feel tears burn and swell in her eyes, had she truly been a horrible best friend to deserve such a cruel fate? Or maybe she was just unworthy of love and affection.
Spinel sniffed pitifully and gasped when she saw the cloaked diamond snap his head and turned to her direction, but as quick as a bullet Spinel retracted back into her hiding spot. She could practically hear her own heartbeat ringing in gin her non existent ears. Spinel watched as the amethyst guard called for her diamond.
“My diamond it seems the gem you might be looking for might still in fact be here.” The purple gem informed.
“How so?” Came a calm toned voice.
Spinel watched as the amethyst paused for a moment but cleared her throat to continue speaking.
“Well my diamond based on some of the evidence over here by the vines being ripped I’d say she moved recently from this spot. The footprints indicated that she might have moved somewhere over ther, the amethyst said.
Spinel didn’t waste any time as she quickly ran out of her spot where she was hidden and ran straight towards the pink stairs that lead to the warppad. However the universe wasn’t on her side of the moment and the small gem stepped on a dead twig lying in the ground. The snapping sound the dead wood had caused immediately gave away her location. Spinel froze and saw the three gems and diamond all state at her from afar. They all just stared and everything felt so cold and tense. Spinel at this point didn’t like the pairs of eyes that were on her now yet she enjoyed it when she was entertaining her diamond but now it just felt wrong.
The small pink gem felt her breath hitch and quickly bolted up the stunts she didn’t even stop when she hewed the amethyst shout.
The pink gem didn’t stop, didn’t turn around, she no longer wished to stay in the rotting garden. It was driving her mad. The garden was no longer friendly and welcoming like it once was. There was only a disturbing dark energy lingering and embedding itself in the soils. It was now colorless and dying sending chills down anyone who dare venture alone in its dark depths. Spinel could hear the heavy footsteps of the topaz guards coming after her and his only furthered the small gem to run faster and when she finally reached the warp pad Spinel turned around to see that the cloaked diamond .had jumped into the air and was now flying towards her at such a speed. She could see his bright pink diamond eyes and she did not like it one bit. They looked…...looked way too much like her own diamond’s eyes. It unsettled Spinel. She felt her body go cold when she saw them and felt herself unable to move but luck have it that she snapped out of her daze and helped in fear as but before he could manage to catch her the warp pad activated and the small pink gem was swallowed up by a bright blue light before being sent to a completely different part of Homeworld.
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