#Yea the tank top and jeans is still just a casual fit but i did vibe with it personally
misspickman · 7 months
Like in my head cassie is a butch lesbian but i know this is never going to be real in dc so im not like Angry they don't make her more masc i just wish she looked more serious instead of like hey im a teen girl who Just became a superhero, which Worked before bc it was true but now shes been wonder girl for longer than yara and yet yara gets a cool fit and cassie gets. This
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Chapter 1
Mojave Desert, May 31 1991
The desert sun burns a beautiful shade of red as it begins to set just over the hills. I shift into gear, my black '69 Dodge Charger roaring beneath me with the wind blowing through my dark curls. I've been driving for hours though it feels more like days and I desperately need a drink of some sort. You can only drive so far and so fast before everything merges into one and you can't seem to separate the sky from the road.
The desert highway is a place I can escape, even if I have no idea where I'm going, it's comforting in the fact that it allows me to feel so free. Let's face it, I'm a fuck up. No matter how hard I try, everything just seems to crumble to pieces if I have anything to do with it. I just need space. Time to think. A place to clear my head. So with a duffel bag packed with as much clothes as I could fit with my most cherished possessions, I did the only thing I know how to do.
Run as far away as my car will take me.
Reaching in the glove compartment I take out my aviator shades, flicking the last of my cigarette out the window and decide it's time for some music. I slide some Pantera - Cowboys From Hell in the cassette deck of the car listening to Dime's guitar rip through my ears.
As the incredible thirst for a drink takes over, I find a little one horse town just off the beaten path and pull up to an old dive bar. The only other vehicle in the lot was an old beat up pick up truck and I decided to park next to it.
I open the car door and swing my legs out, feeling the rough gravel from beneath my Doc's. I could still feel the residual desert heat from the day as the sun now casts a pinkish-purple hue across the sky.
I rise from the drivers seat, adjusting my ripped, distressed light wash mini denim skirt and my low cut Type O Negative band shirt that I had made into a little muscle tank top, showing off my cleavage in the best way possible. Flipping my curls out of my face, I grab my bag to freshen up a little bit and close the car door to make my way inside the bar.
I step inside and notice that the bar is actually bigger than it appears on the outside. The only one inside was the bartender who was wiping down the bar who looks up immediately at me as the door closes.
"Hey, uh... restroom?" I ask.
He sticks a toothpick between his lips, flicking the bar towel on his shoulder and points to the ladies room at the far left corner.
"Thanks," I smile shyly and he gives me a nod as I make my way through the bar tables and chairs to the ladies room. I eased myself into the tiny bathroom, setting my bag up on the counter.
"At least it's clean in here," I say to myself as I take my sunglasses off and glance at myself in the mirror. I didn't look as bad as I thought but I still needed a bit of a touch up, I examine the small cut just above my eyebrow, thankful that there's no bruise appearing under my eye. That's the thing about my life though, see a train wreck become that train wreck.
I grab a bit of toilet paper from the dispenser, wetting it under the tap and dab a little bit of the dried blood from the cut. It must've started bleeding again when I put my sunglasses on.
"Fuck," I sigh to myself trying to keep it together. I've come this far I don't need to break down now. I finish cleaning myself up a little feeling a bit fresher than before and 15 minutes later I was good to go. I slip my sunglasses back on, pack up my back, make sure my curls were alright as they fell down around my shoulders and I head out of the ladies room.
I quickly ran back out to my car, throwing my bag in the backseat and made my way back inside to sit up at the bar.
"So... What can I get for a pretty young thing like you?" The bartender smirks as he plays with the toothpick between his lips.
"Jack... straight up," I smirk. He pours me a shot, sliding it over to me with a napkin underneath and I try to think about what I should do for the rest of the evening. I know I need some food. I didn't think I was hungry but as soon as I downed that shot I could already feel the warm and fuzzies wash over my body. I order a couple of tacos and wash them down with another shot of whiskey, feeling nice and relaxed. I set the shot glass back down on the bar and the bartender offers me another one. I nod and he pours, then slides it back over to me.
"Is there like... a hotel or something, or some place around here to stay for the night?" I ask as I twirl the whiskey shot between my fingers.
"Hell, no," He smirks as he takes away my empty plate of tacos.
Well that's easy, looks like an all nighter is in store for me or a good sleep in the back of my car.
As I look around at the empty bar I know I'm not going to be able to stay up all night with the bartender as my only company. But that was about to change in a big way.
Suddenly what seemed like a cavalry of vehicles arrive just outside and pull up to park around my car. A couple of trucks, vans and a bus that practically looked like a tour bus filled the parking lot outside.
"What's going on out there?" I ask as I down my whiskey shot.
"Bunch of rock n' rollers... they're makin' some music video or somethin' out here in the desert and come here at night to eat, drink and play pool. Nice bunch a guys though... tip well," He says as he wipes down the bar.
"Huh... local?" I ask.
"Nah, from up north... Seattle I think,"
I was just about to ask a little bit more when the door opened and a bunch of guys came in. I glance at each one of them as they walk through the door but none of them seemed familiar to me but everyone looked tired and thirsty. When they saw the bartender, they all hailed and waved at him. They looked like they were from up north for sure and were not unpleasing to the eye, especially the one who wore just a pair of baggy black shorts, a black button up shirt that he left unbuttoned and Doc's that matched mine. His long dark curls fell around his shoulders as he flips his curls out of his face, grabbing the pool cue from the wall and chalking it up. He was gorgeous, but I didn't want to stare too long so I turned back as the bartender poured me another shot. There must have been at least 25 guys in the group of them, a few girls thrown in there as well. They had turned on the old jukebox, ordered a slew of beers and food. It didn't seem like they were paying any attention to me other than the first guy I noticed walking through. I would catch his blue eyed glance every once and a while as he played pool and sipped his drink, laughing with everyone else. I'm honestly surprised some of the girls weren't all over him.
With the last glance he gave me, I quickly turn back again looking up at the T.V that was mounted above the bar which was oddly tuned to MTV. A few flashes and then a music video started... Soundgarden's Loud Love.
"That's where you're from," I say quietly to myself as I watch a few flashes of the video. Seeing Chris Cornell bare chested in his ripped jeans and boyish face was a sure distance from how he looked across the room playing pool. His curls are now obviously a little tamer and that goatee makes him look incredibly gorgeous.
"Soundgarden is here?" I whispered to the bartender as he poured me another shot
"Oh yea, that's what they're called. I couldn't remember... you heard of 'em?"
"Yea a little... that's the lead singer over there," I say nonchalantly gesturing to the crowd around the pool tables.
"Really? You wanna meet 'em?" He smiles at me.
"Uh no, no that's ok," I suddenly regret mentioning anything at all.
"Nah, don't worry it's alright... Hey... uh Chris right?" The bartender flags him down and he looks up from the pool table where he was about to take his shot.
"Yea, man" Chris replies with that smile that could make your heart fly out of your chest.
"C' mere a second will ya?"
Chris put down the pool cue and whispered something to one of the other guys, flips his curls out of his face and wonders over to us. I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder over him. His amazingly tall, toned but lean figure was on display from the opened shirt that he hadn't buttoned. I had the best view of him all night.
"This pretty young thing would like to meet ya," The bartender hooks his thumb in my direction and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, burning with embarrassment.
Oh god, just kill me now.
I am of fan, I'll admit that but I'm not some high school girl or a groupie with a crush, I'm mature. Been through a hell of a lot of shit in my life. I'm the same age as Chris, maybe just a few months younger than him but all the same.
His eyes flick over to me, wondering over my body for a few minutes and then he flashes me that smirk and I smiled shyly back at him. I probably look a little disheveled given the fact I've been driving all day in the hot sun. I flip my dark curls out of my face and try to straighten myself as I down another shot of whiskey.
"Mind if I join you?" Chris says to me offering me another smile as he moves over to me.
"No, not at all," I say and set the shot glass down in front of me. I'm surprised I'm not wasted yet but I have been pacing myself.
"I'm Chris," He says sweetly as he offered his hand for me to shake.
"I know," I say awkwardly with a bit of a giggle and realizing it was just a polite way for him to ask my name.
"I'm Andrea - er Andi," I say shaking my head a little and I reach out to shake his hand.
"Andi...? Well, nice to meet you Andi," He says giving me a flirtatious wink.
"So uh, what are you guys doing out here?" I ask trying to act casual as I gesture for the bartender to pour me another shot.
"We're uh... shooting a video out here, and it's only the second day and we're dying out here already," He chuckles.
"Not used to the desert heat?" I ask as the bartender pours me some whiskey.
"You could say that," He smiles at me then asks the bartender to have what I'm having.
"Never seen a chick drink whiskey like that before," He says as he takes a sip from his shot glass.
"Like what?" I ask.
"Like it's water, without any reaction," He raises his eyebrow at me.
"I guess I'm not like most chicks," I say and take a sip of my whiskey this time.
"So, you from around here?" He asks as he flicks his eyes over my body again, landing just at my chest for a few moments and then looks away to sip his whiskey.
Ok think Andi think...
"No... just passing through, on my way to Vegas... so..." I lie. He takes another sip from his shot glass, setting it down and asking for another. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander over his body as well. He looks so fucking amazing. So much more so than on T.V
"Vegas huh? Nice place," He raises his eyebrow at me again.
"Yea, yea it is... crowded though..." I say as I twirl the shot glass between my fingers.
"True... lots of temptation as well," He says slyly.
"Yea..." I trail off and take another sip of my whiskey.
Please don't ask any more questions about me, I'm running remember?
Somehow like he heard what I was thinking, the conversation switched to current events and what not, trailing into a conversation about music, different genre's we're into, bands we like... I take it he figured out I was a metal chick probably just from looking at me which sort of made me nervous about my story since I sure don't look like I'm from around here.
"So the video you guys are shooting... is that for the new record or somethin'?" I ask as I shift myself on my bar stool attempting to flirt but feeling like it wasn't coming out right. It had been a while since I've even attempted to and thank god for that liquid courage because any other time I just feel awkward, out of place and not even remotely confident enough to try at all.
"Yea... the record's due out in September so the record company wants a video as soon as possible... promote it to the masses you know," He smirks.
"Aiming for something a little different?" I ask gesturing to what he was wearing. It wasn't far off from what he looked like in his other videos but, damn he looks good. He looks down at himself for moment, opening his shirt just a little more, his dark curls falling down around him then glances back up at me with that sly smirk again. I guess I'm not the only one who's trying to flirt.
"Maybe," He says taking the last sip of his whiskey. I glance up at the clock above the bar and see that it was now creeping towards midnight, not even realizing how long we've been sitting here chatting away. I knew it was a while though as I could feel my bladder become increasingly full. I excuse myself to the ladies room to relieve myself and assess the situation in the mirror.
It looks like the cut above my eyebrow has started to bleed a little again. I grab some paper towels and dabbed what I could, cleaning it up again as best I could. I'm also really starting to feel those shots of Jack Daniels and I wasn't sure if I should continue on. I really just need to sleep this off before I start to embarrass myself. I tried to think of something to excuse myself without offending Chris and figured I'll just wing it once I get back to the bar.
Once I decided I looked presentable enough again, I stepped out of the ladies room and found that Chris wasn't at the bar any longer. I couldn't tell through the crowd of people if he was still even there so I just decided to step outside and head to my car, hopefully un-noticed.
The night air was still warm and all was quiet except for the muffled music coming from inside. I saw a few flickers of lightning off in the distance with a rumble of thunder and a part of me welcomes the storm that was brewing off in the distance. At least it'll help me sleep in the back of my car.
I'm glad I didn't have to use an excuse, maybe Chris was trying to find a way to escape me and he just used my leave to the ladies room as a perfect time to escape and didn't want to hurt my feelings.
"As if I have any feelings left to hurt," I mumbled to myself as I pull out my car keys from my pocket. I stood there for a moment, trying to decide if I was alright to drive. I did feel pretty drunk, but I wasn't slurring or anything and I could still walk straight or at least it felt like I could. I reach out for the door handle of my car and suddenly a hand closes over mine, his soft suede wrist bands feeling so smooth against my wrist.
"Where are you going?" His voice soft and low coming from behind me.
"Away, before I get too drunk to drive," I reply, not wanting to explain any more than that.
"Do you have a place to stay?" He asks.
"I'm just going to sleep it off in my car," I say still not turning around.
"Well that's not fun," He says lower and sexier as he moved closer behind me.
"This place apparently doesn't have any accommodations, so the back seat of my car is better than nothing,"
"It can be, but really, you just have to know where to look," He says so slyly that I could feel chills running up and down my spine. I turn to face him and lean my back against my car, his gorgeous blue eyes flick over my body again stopping for a moment at my cleavage again, then back to my eyes.
"Chris, I'm not one of your groupie chicks looking for a quick fuck," I sigh flipping my curls out of my face.
"I never thought you were," He says moving even closer and I could feel the heat radiating from his body as he leans himself against the car, his arms on either side of me.
"Fuck, me," I sigh in frustration with myself as I look away from him, my dark curls falling in my face again.
"Only if you want me to," He says playfully, trying to catch my eyes again. I glance back at him, finding that our lips were now dangerously close and I lean back a little more trying my hardest to resist him.
"You don't want this?" He asks, his eyebrows raised with a look of worry for some reason. I couldn't tell if it was worry for me or something else entirely.
"I honestly have no fucking clue," I exhale.
"I know... that's why you're running"
"How did you...?" I started but he glances at the cut above my brow and I couldn't bring myself to finish the question. He reaches up touching the cut just above my brow, gently tracing along the line, brushing a curl that had strewn across my face from the wind that had started to pick up a bit. I look down at myself suddenly feeling self conscious as he steps back from me for a moment, touching his beard and giving another glance over.
"Andi... just look around, there's no one here... we can both just forget about who we are... have a little fun..." Chris says gesturing around the parking lot. I look out towards the road for a moment, then look passed him towards the bar door and he was right. There was no one here, other than his band mates and I'm pretty sure they could give two fucks about what anyone was doing right now. I shook my keys in my hand trying to think but nothing was coming to this drunken head of mine.
"Where...?" I flick my eyes back up to his and the slyest smirk spreads across those beautiful lips of his.
"Let me drive and I'll show ya," He raises his eyebrow at me. At first I thought maybe he just wanted to drive my car and maybe that's true but also maybe it's better that he drives just in case. I hold out my car keys to him, dangling them from my fingers and he reaches out and takes them from me.
"Be careful, she's my baby," I warn raising my eyebrow back at him and I walk around to the passenger side feeling his eyes watch me as he steps up to the driver's side and we both climb in my car. It felt a little strange that I was letting him drive my car but for some reason I trusted him. I mean yea, this is Chris Cornell here but I still don't know him from a hole in the wall. He starts the engine and she comes to life and he reaches down to shift into gear as Pantera blasts through the speakers.
"A whiskey girl who also drives stick..." He says glancing over at me continuing his flirtatious demeanor.
"And listens to Pantera... told ya I'm not like most chicks," I flirt right back, regaining my confidence in doing so.
We pull out of the parking lot and he revs the engine a bit. I take it that he's always wanted to drive a '69 Dodge Charger and I can't say that I blame him. Like I said, she's my baby. We drive a little bit down the highway, the sound of the engine filling our ears as 'Domination' starts up through the stereo. I reach over and open up the glove compartment, pull out a pack of smokes and light one up. Chris glances at me as I take a drag, and exhaling as I pass it over to him. He raises his eyebrow at me again and without taking his hands off the wheel, he leans in taking the cigarette from me with his lips, squinting his eyes from the rising smoke. I watch him for a few moments as he puffs on the cigarette, then I take it from his lips and take another drag, squinting my eyes from the smoke.
"You gonna tell me how you got that cut on your eyebrow?" Chris asks as he looks out the windshield, exhaling the smoke from the cigarette.
"I thought we were forgetting about who we are," I say exhaling the smoke, with the cigarette still between my lips, lifting my leg to loosen the lace of my boot. Chris glances over at me giving me a long look at my thighs and then wondering over my chest again as I flip my curls out of my face. He smirks at me taking the cigarette from my lips, taking a drag for himself and turns his attention back to the road.
We eventually come up to a spot where there were a few vehicles parked, a large Volkswagen van and a couple of tents set up. It looked like they were just recently filming here earlier today. Chris pulls up to the van and cuts the engine.
"Is this where your staying?" I ask gesturing to the Volkswagen van.
"Just 'til tomorrow, then it's back to Seattle," He says glancing over at me taking the last drag of the cigarette and tossing it out the car window. I open my car door and step outside as he watches me and I close the door. He then steps out of the car himself, closing the door, handing me my keys and flipping his beautiful curls out of his face. He then makes his way over to the van door and opens it.
"After you," He says turning back to me and holding the door. I flash him a smirk, step inside, finding a spot on his makeshift bed and was immediately over taken by the heat and stuffiness inside.
"Here," He says and reaches up to pull open the window vent and the air started circulating immediately. He grabbed a small lamp and hung it from the ceiling instantly making the van look a little more intimate, then returned to sit across from me.
"So, what do you think?" He says.
"Not bad, better than my set up for the night," I say as I glance over his body again, his shirt still open revealing that perfectly toned chest and those abs that drove every girl crazy.
There was a brief awkward moment and I think he could sense it. My buzz was certainly starting to wear off and I could feel my courage waning.
"Hey Andi, we don't have to do - "
"No, no... I want to but uh... you got a drink, or something?" I cut him off though I didn't mean to but I got this far and I don't want to turn back now.
"Uh yea," He says looking around the van for a moment, finding the cooler and pulling out a small bottle of Jack Daniels. He unscrews the cap and takes a sip then hands me the bottle. He watches me as I take a small sip at first, then a longer drink, closing my eyes and relishing in the beautiful burn that trickles down my throat. Once I finished my sip, I hand the bottle back to him and he takes another sip for himself, offers the bottle back to me again but I decline.
"No I'm good, I want to remember at least something about tonight," I say as he caps the Jack Daniels bottle and sets it down on the cooler.
"Trust me, I won't let you forget," He says low and so lustfully, flipping his curls out of his face as his eyes flick over my body again. He moves closer to me placing his hands on my hips but I stop him.
"Wait... I wanna see you first," I say, not meaning to be so bold but I couldn't help it. My buzz was coming back and damn his body was driving me crazy.
"Uh huh... alright, I'll show you mine if you show me yours," He says so slyly.
"Deal... you first though," I smirk and he chuckles.
"How 'bout some music?" He raises his eyebrow at me and for some reason I get the feeling like he was trying to stall. I shrug and he moves into a crouch reaching into the front and suddenly his voice started coming out through the stereo.
"Fuck no, not me," He laughs and changes it to something else. Black Sabbath's Sweet Leaf. Perfect for the mood.
"Master of Reality?" I ask.
"Yea," He smiles at me as he returns to sitting cross legged across from me.
"Shirt," I gesture to him after a few moments of him glancing over my body again.
"Right," He chuckles looking down at himself for a moment, then takes off his button up shirt, his curls spilling across his chest as he tosses the shirt aside. Feeling bold from the drink of whiskey, I move into a kneeling position, reaching over and touching his chest, feeling every toned muscle and the smoothness of his skin. Fuck he's gorgeous. I move my hands over his shoulders and down his biceps admiring how his freckles show with his fresh tan from earlier today. He then looks up at me with that look of hunger.
"Now you," Chris says with his blue eyes gleaming at me. I smirk remembering our deal and move my hands to the bottom of my shirt, pulling it up over my head, revealing my black lacy push up bra to him as my dark curls fall down around my shoulders while I toss my shirt aside.
"Eh hmmm," He clears his throat gesturing for me to take off my bra. I take the hint... since he was completely shirtless, I should be too. I teasingly unclasp my bra, freeing my breasts before him and tossing it aside with my shirt.
"Jeezus," He exhales and bites his bottom lip as his hands move to my hips , his fingers trailing up my sides, his calloused fingers skipping over my pale skin, his thumbs softly caressing the sides of my breasts.
"Hard or soft?" He asks, his eyes lingering at my breasts, then wandering down.
"Hard. God, make it hard," I sigh. He chuckles as his eyes find mine again and with that, he flips me over so that he was on top of me, his lips immediately making contact with my neck while his hands scrambled to unbuckle my belt. I thought maybe of just suggesting that he just lift up my skirt instead, but he was able to finally unbuckle me, pulling it down over my hips, tossing it aside with the rest of my clothes. Soon enough we were both completely undressed, though he still kept those suede wrist bands on, and sat up for a moment to gaze at me.
"Damn," He whispers as I push a few curls out of my eyes.
"I could just eat you right now," He says as his eyes flick over my body again and I blush. It has been a long time since anyone gave me a compliment like that.
I open my legs flicking my eyes to his, and bite my bottom lip .
"Yea, exactly," He growls, flipping his curls and positioning himself, wasting no time in getting to work. As soon as his lips touched me I swear I wanted to scream. My clit was alive and throbbing even before his lips touched me but once his tongue went to work, I knew I was not going to last very long, but I can still go again.
His tongue flicks while his lips suck and I swear to god, it feels as if he is pulling the very soul right out of my body. His hands move to spread my legs farther open for him and I thought I was about to lose it. He is determined and so am I and never once did he let up, not even for a second.
Reaching up, threading my fingers through my own curls, gripping at my roots I start to pant, whimpering and moaning beneath him. My other hand goes for his hair, entwining my fingers through his curls encouraging him to continue sucking and flicking my clit. Once his fingers entered me, it was over.
"Jeezus fuck, Chris.. I'm gonna fucking cum," I whine, not even recognizing my own voice and he still never once let up. He moans against me, still sucking my clit for all it is worth and that is all the encouragement I need to finally let go. The wave of incredible orgasm took over my entire body, edging me once again and tipping over immediately after the first one. I whimper and groan a string of profanities that even a sailor would blush at.
When he finally lifts his head from between my legs, wiping his chin with his palm, his expression displaying that he is quite pleased with himself, I continue to pant trying to come down from my high and get my bearings again.
"Sounded like you needed that," He says.
"Uh huh," I pant.
"That better not be all you got tonight," He says  as he sits up to look at me.
"Uh uh... trust me I still got... a lot left in me... are you sure you can handle it though?" I tease in between my panting.
"After a performance like that, how could I not?" He smiles that devilish grin, flipping his curls out of his face once again.
"Prove it," I smirk batting my brown eyes at him. He bites his bottom lip and in one swift movement, he flips me over so that I was on my stomach and I giggle as I lift myself up on all fours. His hands grab my hips and he pulls me pack to him as he positions himself behind me.
"Hard remember?" I remind him as I glance back at him for a moment. His hand smacks my butt cheek which made me yelp in surprise and I start to giggle again.
He leans over me, his one hand still gripping my hip, his other moving to my hair entwining his fingers through and giving me a tug, pulling my head back as I gasp feeling completely turned on by his actions right now.
"Trust me I haven't forgotten," He purrs in my ear, his voice filled with lust and determination, his breath hot as his lips brush my earlobe, then moves to the spot just under my earlobe and bites, sending a wave of shivers all over my body. Then wasting no time once again, he inserts himself inside me.
"Oh, fuck," I cry out in surprise, as I knew it was coming but I didn't realize just how big he really was. Thank god he was gentle going in otherwise I would've stopped him.
"You alright?" He asks stopping for a moment.
"Yes... fuck, don't stop," I pant. I appreciated the fact that he was concerned for a moment but I'm not interested in niceties right now. He begins to move again and the feeling of him inside me completely filling me up is a feeling that I never knew I could have again.
"I said hard Chris," I instruct. He starts to thrust harder with more determination and tugs my curls once more. I start to whimper relishing in the length and fullness of him inside me. He bucks his hips against me and I respond, pushing back, moaning and panting. Then for some reason he moves his hand from my hip, moving up my side and around to my front pulling me up into a seated position with him still behind me. My curls fall down around me, falling across my face and he takes his one hand, brushing them off my shoulder, revealing that spot just under my earlobe again and presses his lips, softly brushing and kissing all along down to my shoulder.
It's starting to feel like he's trying to be gentle again and I don't want gentle.
"Chris stop," I say quickly.
"Huh?" He pants.
"Just... stop for a minute," I say moving off of him.
"You alright..? Did I hurt you?" He asks furrowing his brow at me and panting. I turn around to face him, flipping my curls out of my face.
"No, no you didn't hurt me," I pant trying to catch my breath. He studies me for a couple of moments as he tries to catch his breath.
"Just... um... can I be on top?" I look away from him for a moment and then flick my eyes back to him. I could feel that awkward moment creeping back in the van and I just wanted to get rid of it as fast as it appeared.
"Absolutely," He flashes me that devilish grin and moves to lay himself down on his back beside me, raising his arms and clasping his fingers together behind his head. My eyes wonder all over his body glancing at those perfect pecks and further still noticing he hasn't lost his arousal one bit.
I climb up on top of him as gracefully as I can, placing my hand around his shaft, finally getting a good look at just how large he really is which makes my heart beat a bit faster and I give him a squeeze in my hand.
"Damn," Was all he could get out before his eyes fluttered shut tilting his head back and biting his bottom lip. I worked him a little bit, pumping my hand up and down, earning moans of encouragement from him as a tiny bit of pre-cum released from him.
"You ready?" I ask.
"I have been for a while now," He breathes. With that I move to position myself, straddling him and guiding him inside me as best I can.
"Oh, fuck," He exhales as I start to move, placing my hands on his chest to steady myself. I arch my back rocking my hips against him, making sure to feel every inch of him inside me. I close my eyes and throw my head back as he reaches to grip my hips to help guide me.
"Oh god, yes... make me forget," I moan as he starts to buck his hips again.
"I'm not going to let you forget this... not one single... second... of... this," He pants in between each hard thrust and he suddenly flips me over so that I was now underneath him. I wrap my legs around him as tight as I can, moving my hands to his beautiful curls again threading my fingers through as he buries his face in my neck, biting in the most perfect way possible. I grind my hips against him, whimpering and moaning, feeling that pressure building up inside me. My fingers release from his hair, moving to his back and I find myself clawing and digging my fingers up and down as hard as I can.
"Fuck... I'm so fucking close," I whine.
"No, wait... not yet," Chris pleads and I respond by tightening my muscles around him.
"Ah, fuck..." He flicks his eyes open and looks at me.
"Yes, go for it," I moan as he looks into my eyes. A few hard final thrusts and he was crying out just like he does in so many of his songs and in doing so, I release all of the hurt and pain I've endured, matching his orgasm with my own and forgetting just for a little while.
"Jeezus," I exhale as he lifts his head from my shoulder to look at me, placing his hands on either side of my face, brushing the stray curls out of my eyes. I study his eyes as he seems to not want to break his gaze from me at all and we lay there together not saying one word. The rumbling of thunder off in the distance, and Black Sabbath's Into The Void finally coming to an end signals to me that something more than just a fuck happened in this van, whether I care to admit it or not.
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shawnies-rihno-blog · 5 years
They Don’t Know About Us
Part 1.
Where Shawn and Alisha end up falling for each other, but things aren’t easy for them because of their age difference, but also because Alisha is Aaliyah’s best friend.
Warnings: Cursing, Cat calling.
Enjoy! Thank you so much for reading!
Summer had finally started yesterday, well summer vacation. Alisha Ahmed was beyond excited to return to her father’s house, after living in her dorm for 9 straight months. She was more excited to come back home to Pickering.
Alisha Ahmed was an 18 year old, who had secured herself a spot in Werstern University, one of the best in Canada. She had gotten herself entangled with Medicine like her father and older brother. She had gotten through the first year of BSC (Bachelors of Science) with a lot of hard work and mental breakdowns.
When she got her exam marks back, it was like she was on a high. Her overall average was 98%, and she was beyond excited to tell her dad about her marks.  She had driven all the way from London (in Canada), and she finally had reached Toronto, the skyline visible now.
After 4 hours of a non-stop drive, she decided to make a pit stop. She got off at Queens, and made her way through downtown, bad idea. Downtown was probably the worst place to go to at  6pm on a Friday, but Alisha was pretty stupid, atleast she said that herself. 
She made a quick pit stop, filling up the gas in her car, and then heading to the Drake Coffee Shop, it was a thing, really. She spent a good 10 minutes finding herself a parking spot, not wanting a parking ticket, her dad would have yelled at her.  After parking her white BMW series 4, courtesy of her father, she got out, walking towards the cafe.
Alisha Ahmed had become a woman in the past 9 months, she was a late bloomer, but boy did late blooming pay off. She was always gorgeous, but boys never looked at her, because she looked 16. But now Alisha Ahmed had the best of men begging to get in bed with her.
She was rocking low-waisted light washed jeans, with a salmon coloured tank top. Her curves looking inhumanely beautiful in those jeans, the tank top making her breasts look plump, as if they weren’t already.
Her brunette hair were embracing the summer wind and sun of Toronto. Her hair was let down, and even after 4 continuous hours of driving and sitting in one place, it still managed to look beautiful. Her hair reached until her lower back, and it was impressive how she managed to keep it healthy.
She walked into the coffeehouse, people giving her a weird look, it didn’t go unnoticed. Everyone was well dressed, girls in casual cocktail dresses, and guys in dress pants and shirts. “She didn’t belong” was the look she got from different girls about the same age as her, or older, she didn’t care. 
She belonged in this world more than anyone with her father being one of the best Cardiologist in Canada, coming to places like this was common. Sure she was a bit undressed, well more than a bit, but that didn’t mean she didn’t understand every single person here, like the back of her hand.
She had grown up going to charity balls and fancy restaurants. She could judge people in places like these really quick, it was simple, their etiquettes and the look in their eyes gave it away. Alisha grew up quiet, she was known as shy, but she was just too busy understanding each and every person. 
She ignored the looks given from the 20 year old’s in tight cocktail dresses, and headed to sit at a 2 person table. A waiter approached her as she got comfortable in her seat, she skimmed through the menu and ordered tea with some strawberry shortcake. The waiter placed a reserved card on the table, and left. 
Alisha headed to the bathroom, freshening up. She reapplied her pink-tinted lipgloss and fixed her hair, re-parting it. She walked out of the bathroom, and she started getting that look again, from a different set of people this time. She didn’t know if it was either because she wasn’t white, or because she wasn’t dressed properly. 
She went back to her table taking a seat. 
Incoming. Daddy<3.
She picked up the call, her father’s voice flooding through the phone speaker.
“Hey baby! Did you reach yet?”
“Hi daddy! Um- no, I stopped downtown to grab coffee, but I’m in Toronto, prolly another hour and a half until I reach home,” 
“Oh okay, well Samir texted me saying he’s gonna be home in ‘bout 30 minutes. I think Jack is with him too,”
“Oh okay, I’ll talk to Samir myself, are you still at work?” 
“Oh yea, a heart arrived for a patient, it wasn’t supposed to come in until tomorrow, but the patient is really ill and his SATS are really low so I have to do the transplant right now. It’s probably gonna be another 6 hours or something.”
“Aw, shit. Well okay I’ll head home and then see you later, take care and don’t forget to eat an energy bar before you go inside the OR, and stay hydrated, please!” Alisha said, making sure her father took care of himself.
“Okay Jaan, take care of yourself, and drive safely, the traffic is really bad at this hour,” her father chuckled, making sure she took care of herself as well.
“Love you, bye.”
Alisha put away her phone, and shortly after, her tea and cake arrived. She took in her presence and was deep in thought, noticing every tiny detail around her. She quickly started to judge people, well not judge, but understand them. She looked over to the perky mid 20 year old girls, their dresses to fit for their body, how do the breath? She questioned. 
Rich fathers, probably lawyers or businessmen or something. Those girls were too full of themselves, they were caucaisan, tall, skinny legs, blonde, rich dads, why wouldn’t they be full of themselves. She thought.
She moved her gaze to another set of girls, boobs practically falling out of their dresses, dress a little too short, if you squint hard enough you could probably see what was underneath the dress. They were here to find a rich boyfriend, she thought.
She moved her gaze to a couple that looked like they were on their first date. The girl looked very uncomfortable, fake laughing at his probably really lame joke. God, save that girl, Alisha prayed silently.
Her cake halfway eaten, Alisha’s gaze now moved to the bar, there were barely any people there, but there was a man drinking away at 6pm, something sad probably happened, another guy sat a couple seats away from him, eyeing the perky girls dangerously, what a perv! She thought.
She finished her slice of cake, and started to sip her now warm tea, 2 men and a girl walked through the door taking a seat close to Alisha, she was far enough to not be able to hear their conversation, but close enough to get a clear view of both men. 
The taller guy and the redheaded guy sat together, where they had a clear view of Alisha as well, while the girl sat opposite to the taller guy. The taller guy, with the brown curls falling on his forehead, looked familiar to Alisha, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.
Samir: Where are you? Bro you were suppose to be home like 5 minutes ago.
Alisha: I’m downtown, drinking tea :)
Samir: Informing me wouldve been nice
Alisha: I’ll be home in an hour, chill.
Samir: k, tc.
Samir: Yo, Jack is over aswell
Samir: Anyways letting you know. K bye.
Alisha: okay! Tell him to not bring girls over, bye.
Samir: lol, bye <3
Alisha put her phone away for the second time, looking up to see the redhead staring at her. She looked back at him, she was bold, something a lot of people admire about her. He smiled at her, and Alisha rolled her eyes, going back to her tea. 
A song faintly started playing, Alisha had heard it on the radio a couple of times, apparently it was the song of the summer. It was awfully sad for the summer, she thought, but she could care less about pop music. That song was also sung by her best friend's older brother, but she still couldn’t care less.
The redhead started freaking out, and now Alisha could hear him, “Shawn, dude, that's your song!” He exclaimed.
Oh, now I know why he seemed so familiar. He was Shawn Mendes, the famous guy from Pickering, he was also Aaliyah’s brother. She thought.
Shawn told the redhead to quiet down, but it was too late, one of the perky girl already exclaimed that Shawn Mendes was here. Alisha quickly finished her tea, calling over a waiter so she could pay.
About 5 girls surrounded Shawn, asking for pictures. Alisha rolled her eyes, not knowing what was so special about Shawn Mendes, he was a white boy who got famous over Vine. Typical.
The waiter brought back Alisha’s credit card with a receipt, and Alisha got up ready to leave. As Alisha grabbed her phone from the table, she quickly glanced at Shawn’s table again, Shawn looked back at her, locking eyes with Alisha for the first time since she was 10 and he was 14. 
Alisha quickly moved her gaze elsewhere, and headed out the door.
Alisha walked through the front door of her father’s house, excited to finally be home. As she entered she saw a pair of Nike Air’s carelessly thrown on the ground. She picked them up and placed both the shoes together, shaking her head while doing so.
She dragged her tiny suitcase further, placing it beside the staircase. She headed upstairs, in hopes to find her brother. She reached the top of the staircase heading inside her brother’s childhood bedroom.
“Ew, what the hell is wrong with you!” She exclaimed as she saw Jack, her brother’s best friend, taking pictures in front of the mirror only in a pair of fitted boxers. Samir, her 26 year old brother, chuckled at her.
“I know you like what you see, babe,” Jack tried talking seductively. 
“Watch yourself,” Samir said sternly, making sure Jack was well aware of his limits.
Alisha plopped herself on her brother’s bed, Samir shifted over to the other side of the double bed so Alisha had some space.
“How was the ride?” Samir questioned.
“Tiring,” she replied mindlessly, her eyes shut due to exhaustion.
“I told you I could come pick you up,” her brother spoke in an elderly tone.
“Well I made it,” she shifted her head, looking over at him while raising her eyebrow.
“I’ll drop you off, the drive is really long,” he replied back in a protective tone.
“We’ll see,”
Alisha shut her eyes again, and she almost found herself deep into her peaceful slumber, but Jack pushed her closer to Samir, and then plopped beside her.
Alisha moaned in distress, “It’s too small,”
“That’s what she said,” Jack commented.
“Shut up!” She replied back slapping his chest.
“Bro, has anyone realized Alisha finally looks like a woman and not a 10 year old kid. Did you get surgery or something,” Jack remarked.
“Shut Up, I don’t need ass and breast implants,” she said defensively, Samir only chuckling at her comment.
“Really?!” he said sarcastically, “The past fucking 5 years of my life were filled with my boobies are too small or why don’t I have an ass!” he said in a 6 year old girl tone.
“Shut up, we don’t talk about that!” Alisha became defensive again.
Jack had been Samir’s friend since they were 8. They both went through alot in life together, and they both were always there for eachother. Even though Jack had become a frat boy and endlessly fucked girls, Samir was still there being his rock. Both Samir and Jack were totally different people from when they were 16 or even 8, but they still stuck around, supporting each other.
Their friendship was similar to Alisha and Aaliyah’s. Both Alisha and Aaliyah had known each other since they were 5, both comfortable with each other since kindergarten. Alisha knew everything about Aaliyah, like how Aaliyah knew everything about Alisha. 
Alisha stayed up talking to Aaliyah whenever Shawn left for tour, trying to help her find some peace. Alisha knew what it felt like being away from your older brother. She would be there for her, and if sometimes it meant being on call the whole night, then so be it. 
Aaliyah was always there for her as well, supporting her no matter what, sometimes even through bad decisions. It was impossible to separate the both of them, and if both of them ever got in a fight, they found a way to make up.
Alisha’s phone started ringing, she got up and took her phone out of her butt pocket. 
 Incoming, Aaliyah Mendes, her phone read. She answered the call.
“HEY! Did you reach yet?!” Aaliyah exclaimed excitedly through the phone.
“Calm down! Ya, I’m with Samir right now,” she replied back.
“K, stay the night over at my house,”
“What no, it’s gonna be weird.”
“Why? you’ve stayed over so many times,” Aaliyah question, confused.
“Not when Shawn was over as well,” Alisha said in an obvious tone.
“Oh, he said that he was gonna spend the night over at his place, with his friends or something. The point is, he’s not there, come over!” Aaliyah explained.
“Okay, I’ll be over in an hour, I'm gonna take a shower and do whatever, but I'll see you then.”
“Okay, I’m with Jordan right now, I’ll probably be there when you get there. Also mum and dad aren’t here for tonight so we can have fun. Eeee,” Aaliyaah squealed.
“Haha, K seen you then,” Alisha ended the call chuckling, heading to take a shower.
Alisha ran towards Samir G Wagon in a hurry because of his constant honking. She opened the door sliding her backpack into the jeep, her following behind. She buckled herself, and fixed her hair, which was all over the place due to the running.
“What took you so long?!” Samir exclaimed.
“Let me be, my hair is still wet!” Alisha replied annoyed.
“You know if you chop of your hair it’s gonna be easier to dry,” Jack comments.
“Literally no one asked for your opinion Jack, also I’ve been growing this hair out since I was 13. I’m not gonna chop it off cus’ some white guy told me too,” Alisha snarks back.
“You’re white too,” Jack remarks.
“‘M not.”
“Yes you are. You try so fucking hard to be different than me but your just plain white,” Jack replied.
“I am not fucking white!” “Your mother was, so how are you not white? You literally sound like a fucking dumbass,” 
“I don’t have a mother, never had one,” Alisha said.
“Both of you shut up! You guys act like 5 year olds!” Samir stopped both of them knowing this conversation was taking a bad turn.
Soon Samir pulled up in front of Mendes' household. Alisha texted a quick “I’m here” to Aaliyah. 
“When did they get a G wagon?” Samir questioned.
“I don’t know, probably ‘Liyah’s friend of something,” Alisha replied mindlessly.
“Oh- anyways, Jack and I are gonna crash at our place after a party tonight, and i’m pretty sure dad is gonna be in surgery all night so no one’s gonna be home. So stay the night here and don’t fuck things up,” Samir told Alisha.
“I’m not gonna do anything,” Alisha pecked Samir’s cheek, about to get out of the car.
“Hey! I want a kiss too!” Jack exclaimed.
Alisha playfully rolled her eyes at him and pecked him aswell, “Take care, and stay away from girls like good muslim boys,” Alisha commented jokingly.
“Says you! Plus I’m not even muslim,” Jack replied.
Alisha and Samir both chuckled at Jack’s comment, Alisha bid a quick goodbye and got out of her brother’s car.
Alisha headed up the front steps, knocking on the door hoping to be met by Aaliyah. She stood at the front porch for a good twenty seconds, Samir already drove away. Alisha started to get annoyed now, furiously texting Aaliyaah, before she could even comprehend, the door flung open. Alisha headed inside without even looking up, but before she could enter she hit her face into something that felt like a brick wall.
Alisha slowly lifted her head, looking up to see a bare chest that looked like it belonged to a man. Alisha soon saw the face of the person who the chest belonged to. The infamous Shawn Mendes. 
“Excuse me? Who are you? And what are you doing here?” Shawn questioned, he had grown since the last time Alisha saw him properly, his voice wasn’t high pitched like a squirrel now either.
“Um- what the fu-” Alisha was deeply confused, he wasn’t supposed to here.
“Ah! Did you stalk me to my house from the coffee shop? What do you want? a picture?” Shawn asked a little rudely.
“Oh fuck you! Who the fuck do you think you are!”
“Excuse me, you’re at my house.” 
“For your information Mr. I’m too good for everyone, I’m Alisha Ahmed, Aaliyah’s best friend!” She replied angrily.
“Oh,” Shawn was taken aback, “You’ve grown, alot,” Shawn reluctantly said.
Alisha gave him her best petty smile, rolling her eyes after, “Is Aaliyah here?”
“Oh um, No. She’s out with a friend,” Shawn said heading to the kitchen.
“Ugh!” Alisha sat onto the couch, “Weren’t you supposed to not be here today?” she said distastefully.
“Um, excuse me?” 
“Whatever,” Alisha rolled her eyes. “Can you put on a shirt?” Alisha said after awhile.
“Oh!” realisation hit Shawn, “Yea, I’m gonna do that,” and with that Shawn headed upstairs.
Alisha dialed Aaliyah, already pissed at her, because she was stuck with the one person she never really liked after he became famous. She thought that he had changed since the day he signed himself to a record label. She thought he tried too hard to be perfect, and with years of doing that he lost himself a little. Alisha never told anyone that, simply because her opinion didn’t matter, but also because she never really knew Shawn properly.
“Hey! Where the fuck are you?!” Alisha exclaimed through the phone speaker.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry! We ended up going to get some food, omg I’m so sorry,” Aaliyah said guilty.
“Keep your fucking sorries to yourself!”
“Calm down, ‘Lisha, I’m gonna be back in an hour or 2,” 
“Don’t fucking bother anymore!” Alisha uttered, clearly pissed.
She cut the call before she could hear more from her best friend. Alisha didn’t like when people cancelled on her, or made her wait. And Aaliyah knew that very well, so that just pissed Alisha even more. 
Alisha made herself comfortable on the couch scrolling through her phone, Shawn never came back downstairs, probably to give Alisha some privacy. Alisha wanted to go home because she didn’t feel comfortable, but who would drop her off? And even though she would never say it out loud, she was scared of staying the night alone in her father’s large house. At least Shawn was here, and she felt a little safe having another person here with her.
Shawn came back downstairs after about 30 minutes later, helping himself with some food. “Hey, um I have pizza here if you want some,” Shawn spoke.
Alisha was hungry and a little bit of food wouldn't hurt anyone right? She got up, fixing her tank top and heading towards the kitchen. Shawn grabbed 2 slices for her, warming them up in the microwave. After a minute or so, Shawn grabbed the plate and placed it in front of her.
“Thank you,” Alisha mumbled.
“No problem,” Shawn smiled. He was wearing a white tank top with pajama pants, his curls messier than ever.
“Um, if you want I can drop you off at your home? Cus’ it’s been an hour or something since you’ve been here. You must be bored,” Shawn said taking a seat, a couple of seats away from her.
“Oh, No one’s home, so…” Alisha’s voice drifted at the end.
“Oh okay, Well um- Isn’t your brother here? I heard he was,” Shawn replied.
“Yea he is, but there was some on campus party so him and Jack went there, and they are probably gonna crash at their crib,” Alisha replied, taking a bite of her pizza after she finished.
“Jack? The same Jack from highschool?” Shawn asked, a little shocked.
“Oh um- Yea, Same old Jack,” Alisha smiled.
“Your dad let your brother be friends with Jack?” Shawn questioned.
“Well I mean- well they went through shit, both of them got messed up, but they got their life together so my dad doesn’t really care,” Alisha replied.
“So your brother goes to Med school at UFT, I know that, but what is Jack doing?” Shawn asked trying to keep a conversation.
“He’s in med school too,” Alisha replied, as if it was the most obvious answer.
“What?! Wow! That’s crazy!” Shawn said completely shocked.
“I know! Who would’ve thought 10 years ago that both of them would even graduate with the amount of suspensions both of them had. But now both of them are graduating in March, and my dad has already promised both of them a job at his hospital!” Alisha replied excitedly, proud of how far both of them had come.
“Good for them,” Shawn replied.
After that it got awkwardly silent again, Shawn got up and helped himself with another slice of pizza, putting one in Alisha’s plate too. Shawn warmed up the food giving Alisha her plate, and then sitting back on his seat.
“So what about you?” Shawn questioned, trying to keep a conversation.
“What about me?” Alisha chuckled.
“Well what uni do you go to? Or did you take a gap year like ‘Liyah?” Shawn questioned.
“Oh, well i’m in Westren doing BSC right now,”
“Science? Like your father? And brother?”
“Yea, I always liked Science,”
“Hmm, how’s London?” Shawn further questioned.
“Well crazy, I mean like at first it was kind of hard to settle cus’ I knew no one, and like dad and Samir weren’t there, but now I like it. Like I have my little friend group, who knows me and doesn’t judge me or I don’t know treat me like I have a super rich dad,” Alisha spoke, Shawn listened carefully, intrigued by the way she talked.
“Well I’m glad you found some good friends,”
“Are you though? You barely know me, so like you don’t care about me,” Alisha commented without thinking, instantly regretting what she said.
“I’m just kidding!” She exclaimed, hoping to make this less awkward.
Shawn chuckled, “So are you gonna become a surgeon like your dad and brother or are you interested in something else?”
“No, I wanna be a cardiologist like my dad, like it’s so cool just to hold a heart in your hand you know? Like because of you the person would be able to breath and live basically. I don’t know but like- just- like- like I don’t know but to hold a heart in my hand just fascinates me so much, but at the same time it just makes me more thankful,” Alisha rambled, Shawn loved how she spoke so passionately about her future, already knowing what she wanted to do in life.
“Well I know your gonna be as successful as your father, if not more,” Shawn smiled.
Alisha smiled, and then it got quiet again, not for long though.
“You know, I kinda never liked you, but now I’m starting to, I guess,” Alisha commented.
“Well I kinda got that idea when I was the only one you’d shoot with Nerf guns,” Shawn chuckled.
“What?! I only did that cus’- okay yea whatever.”
“Well I’m glad, Thank you for the honour Ms. Ahmed,” Shawn got up from his seat and bowed down. Alisha’s laughter filling the air, Shawn smiling because he loved when people smiled because of him.
Shawn grabbed the plated placing them in the dishwasher. “Oh by the way, a couple of my friends are coming over in about ten, so if you wanna go upstairs in Aaliyah’s room or something you can, or you can stay down here, your choice, but most of them are guys and older than you so I don’t think you’d be comfortable, but it's your choice,” Shawn rambled.
“Um yea, I’ll be upstairs in ‘Liyah’s room,” Alisha said grabbing her backpack and heading up the stairs, she stopped mid way though, “thanks for the food,” she smiled at Shawn.
“Oh no problem,” Shawn chuckled.
Alisha made herself comfortable in Aaliyah’s bed. She laid there watching a movie on Aaliyah’s macbook. She flipped through instagram stories and twitter. Soon she started talking to her friend from London, he was from Toronto, which was close to Alisha’s hometown,  But he wasn’t going to come back until Monday, due to some party he was attending. He invited her to it, but she kindly rejected, longing to go home. 
Before she knew it 2 hours had already passed, Alisha bid Lucas, her friend, goodbye. Her phone soon showed the low battery sign. Alisha looked for a charger everywhere, knowing she had it with her before, but realisation hit her, it was downstairs.
Alisha thought about letting her phone die, dreading to go downstairs, but soon she decided against it and headed downstairs, still in her jeans and tank top. She heard guys laughing, some girls too, but not many.
As she reached the living room, Shawn noticed her presence, “Um, sorry I just wanted to get my charger,” Alisha said to him, but before Shawn could talk another guy spoke.
“Oh my man! You brought that girl home! I told you she was hot!” That guy whistled at the end. Alisha turned her head to see who was speaking. A red head came into her view, the same guy from the cafe who smiled at her.
“Um excuse me?” Alisha questioned, totally taken aback.
“Bria-” Shawn was cut off.
“Oh I saw you at the cafe, you looked really hot and Shawn brought you home, so just congratulating him on his win, Mans is finally gonna get some,” that guy spoke, the room dead silent. 
“What are y-” Alisha was interrupted by a blonde girl.
“Bri, boo you find her hot, what are you looking through, the trash can or something,” the girl snarked, her voice so screechy, it made Alisha cringe. 
She hoped Shawn would stop the clownery, but he didn’t.
“Nah, like a one night stand thing, like look at her body, I’d want her to be on top of me,” that guy spoke again. Alisha had never felt more disgusted and uncomfortable. The redhead got up and stepped closer to her.
Never in a million years did Alisha think she’d be this disgusted by the human kind. The way he was commenting on her body, as if it was a doll, if it were fake or something. She kept begging God for Shawn to speak up, but he never did, he only told the guy to sit back down. 
“Your really pretty, let me know if I can hit you up,” he spoke again, and that was the last string for Alisha, she wasn’t known for taking people’s shit, and she wasn’t going to right now, either.
She slapped the red head across the face, everyone gasped, definitely taken aback by her certain rage. The guy was definitely taken aback, his hand holding his cheek, the effect causing him to step back. 
“They only thing you’d every fuck is a fucking toy! You fucking idiot. You know really just please kill yourself, it’s better for the world!” Alisha ragged, “Don’t you ever fucking talk to me or any other girl like this ever,” She stepped closer to him grabbing his jaw hardly and then pushing him away. “Fucking pervert,” and with that Alisha grabbed her charger and started walking back to Aaliyah’s room.
Shawn was definitely taken aback by this, he never thought a girl as sweet as her could be this rough too, and with the redness of Brian’s cheek it definitely looked like she slapped him hard. 
Before Alisha went up the staircase she spoke up, looking Shawn dead in the eye, “You know, I thought you weren’t so horrible afterall and boy was I wrong, your a fucking pussy, can’t even tell your friend to shut up. I have never in my life disliked a person more than I dislike you right now!” Alisha exclaimed harshly.
She headed upstairs throwing the charger on the floor, suddenly not caring about it anymore. She got into the bed, wrapping herself inside Aaliyah’s blanket, quietly sobbing until sleep overtook her.
Alisha woke up to someone next to her in bed, she moved her head to get a better view, Aaliyah. She got out of bed, still in her jeans. She went into the bathroom brushing her teeth washing her face, her eyes puffy from last night. She got out of the bathroom, grabbing her phone. She tried turning it on, but it was dead. She grabbed her charger which was now placed on Aaliyah’s study table. She put her phone on charge hoping her phone would turn on sooner.
While her phone charged, Alisha grabbed her stuff and stuffing it in her bag. Soon her phone turned on, and she quickly called the one person she could trust right now. 
“Hey, where are you?”
“We just came back to your dad’s house, why?”
“Where’s Sam?”
“He’s went back to sleep, he got shit faced last night.”
“Jack… can you please come pick me up,” Alisha spoke quietly, a gentle sob let her mouth.
“You okay?”
“Please. just hurry up,” she whispered.
“Yea I’m getting in the car right now, I’ll be there in 5.” Alisha ended the call, wiping away the few droplets of tears that fell on her cheek. She grabbed her bag and then headed downstairs. She heard Karen talking, Shawn replying back to her. 
As Alisha reached the bottom of the stairs, Karen greeted her, “Hey ‘Lisha come here. I haven’t seen you in so long!”
Alisha put her bag down, heading over to Karen and hugging her. “Come have breakfast with us,” Karen pulled away.
“Oh um- no it’s okay, thank you, though!”
“Shawn I don’t know if you met her when she came over yesterday, but this is Alisha, she’s all grown, just look at her,” Karen spoke. Shawn looked over, slightly smiling, testing the waters. Alisha didn’t smile back though, instead she turned her face away from him.
“Karen, how is Aunt Becky’s daughter?” She asked, changing the topic.
“Oh she is doing much better, I think your brother talked to her or something. That’s was Becky told me,” Karen replied.
“Wait he did?!” 
“You know he has come really far, I’m so proud of him.”
“Trust me I’m more proud.”
Karen smiled at Alisha’s comment. Aaliyah walked down the stairs saying good morning to everyone. Alisha ignored it, and went on her phone.
“ ‘Lisha, Morning?” Aaliyah questioned. 
Alisha still ignored her, Aaliyah looked at her mother worriedly. This time Shawn tried starting a conversation. 
“Hey Alisha, want this pancake? I made it myself,” Shawn spoke sweetly. 
“Well then you can gladly shove it up your ass,” Alisha replied twice as sweetly. She got up, grabbing her bag. “Karen, I’ll visit you later, cus’ I actually have so much to tell you and I missed you a little too much. Also I’ll want your cookies so…” She continued. She quickly hugged her, “I should get going cus’ Jack is waiting for me, Bye.”
“I’ll walk you to the door,” Aaliyah spoke.
“I can walk by myself,” Alisha replied, Aaliyah taken aback.
“K, then I will,” Shawn spoke as he got up from his seat.
“Just please, I don’t need favours from you, especially,” and with that Alisha walked out the door. 
Karen was confused as ever, not knowing what happened. “Guys what did you do, she literally the sweetest person you can meet?” she questioned.
“I came home late, she was waiting for me, she’s probably pissed at me cus’ of that,” Aaliyah spoke. 
Shawn got up and walked up to the window with Aaliyah following behind him. As he reached the window, he got a view of Alisha hugging Jack, and sobbing. Jack was holding her tight, not letting her go, but his face was full of rage. 
“Shawn what’d you do? I know her, she wouldn’t cry cus’ I stood her up,” Aaliyah spoke.
“Nothing,” he spoke.
“Don’t lie!” Aaliyah yelled at her older brother.
“Brian cat called her last night, he said how he’d like her on top of him, and she slapped him and then she went upstairs,” Shawn spoke quietly.
“You’ve got to be fucking shitting me!” Aaliyah spoke angrily.
“ ‘Liyah, I-”
“Do you even know the kinds of people her brother and Jack know! If they want they can kill Brian or make sure he at least ends up in a hospital!” She spoke worriedly.
“She said they didn’t do that shit anymore?” Shawn questioned.
“And that doesn’t change the fact they still talk to those people! Shawn Samir and Jack basically grew up with those hood gangsters. And I know for a fact that those people would do anything to keep Alisha safe!” Aaliyah said, “There was a fucking guy in grade 11 who wouldn’t stop bothering her and she literally fucking told her brother and before anyone knew that guy was in the frickin’ hospital,” She continued.
“Well, What am I supposed to do about that?”
“Well you better hope she doesn’t tell anyone!” Aaliyah exclaimed.
“Do you think-” “Yes Shawn, she was fucking crying! Alisha never cries!”
“You guys better apologize to her,” Karen spoke.
Shawn sat back in his seat, deep in thought. He thought about yesterday’s events. He didn’t want to be, but he was intrigued by her. He always saw Alisha as his baby sister’s best friend, but there was so much to her. Shawn didn’t want to admit it, because it was wrong, but her powerful personality attracted him. And as hard as he tried pushing her out of his mind, she just came back invading his thoughts stronger each time.
Thank you so much for reading up until the end! I hope you liked it, I cant wait to write more part. also leave feeback, It would mean alot xx.
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Love, Hate and Music
(Y/N pov) Sammy and I are in the living room watching a movie while cuddling on the couch. I’m wearing a tight fitting tank top with shorts while Sammy’s shirtless with sweatpants on. It’s about 10:30pm and we hear a knock at the door. “Who is that?” Sammy says “how would I know?” I say getting up while walking to the door “we’ll hurry up” Sammy shouts from the couch. I open the door to see none other than Shawn Mendes. “Oh my god Shawn it’s been a while” I say surprised as I engulf him in a hug, he hugs me back right away. “Yea Y/N I’ve missed you” Shawn says chuckling, I smile and nod agreeing that I’ve missed him also. “Well why don’t you come inside?” I ask him “oh no what I came for won’t take that long I was jus-” he then stopped talking and looked up from his previous gaze which was down on me due to the height difference between us. I was confused until I felt two familiar hands on my waist, squeezing lightly. I turn my head around to see Sammy, who was glaring at Shawn with no emotion. I decide to break the silence and say “um Shawn, as you were saying?” Shawn blinks a few times and looks back at me “oh yea what I came here for was um- uh to uh- ask you- yea ask you if you-” he stopped again. I could tell he felt really intimidated by Sammy so I then turn to face Sammy and say “Um Sam?” He breaks his gaze from Shawn and looks down a me squeezing my waist a bit tighter “hmm yea babe” he says with a cocky smile as if he was boasting that he could call me ‘babe’ “can you go back in the living room while Shawn and I talk?” His smile turns to a frown “why is it so-” he starts but I cut him off “Sam, just please” I say nodding my head towards the living room. He rolls his eyes and leaves mumbling something but I brush it off and look back at Shawn smiling indicating he should proceed. He smiles and continues “um yea so I have a show tomorrow here in LA and I was wondering if you’d like to come? I have two tickets and backstage passes for you and anyone you’d like to bring just in case you have trouble getting in” he says hold up the tickets and passes “of course I’d love to come-” I start but then get cut off by Sammy who zooms over to the door “WE will be there” he says smiling as he puts his hands around my waist. Shawn gives a small smile “well great, in here are the tickets and such and I hope to see you there Y/N” he hands me an envelope and walks off. Sammy slams the door right away and goes to hop back on the couch. I sit down on a stool by the kitchen counter and open the envelope, as I’m taking out the tickets and passes when Sammy yells “BAAAABBBBEEEE COME BACK TO THE COUCHHHHH”. I put everything back in the envelope leaving it on the counter and walk over to the front of the couch, arms crossed staring at Sammy. “What?” He asks “why did you do that?” I ask “do what?” He responds “Sam, you know exactly what the fuck I’m talking about. How the fuck could you intimidate Shawn Mendes? He’s one of the sweetest people on Earth and you literally were strangling him with your eyes”. Sammy sits up from his previous laying down position and says “Y/N. You and I both know that Shawn has had the biggest crush on you since even before I asked you out and that was over eight months ago! He was even caught on the low saying that his damn song ‘Treat You Better’ was about you!” “SAM YOU EVEN JUST SAID IT! THAT SWEET BOY HAS LIKED ME FOREVER AND HASN’T TRIED TO PULL ONE MOVE ON ME BECAUSE HE RESPECTS ME AND MY RELATIONSHIP! SO WHAT IF HE WROTE A SONG?!” I decide to tone down the shouting and continue “all I’m saying is that you shouldn’t be so damn rude to him when he has no reason to be treated poorly” I finish and roll my eyes and sit beside him my eyes dead on the tv. He scoots closer to me and lays his hand on my thigh, “baby I’m sorry you know I’m only jealous because I love you” he says rubbing my thigh. I stare harshly at the tv ignoring his presence, he then proceeds to get up and sit on my lap stuffing his head into my chest. “Baaaabbbbyyyyy I love you” he says “Sammy get off of me you fucking elephant” I say trying to push him off of me. He perks his head up and jumps off of me in an excited manner “you called me Sammy! That means you’re not mad at me!” He says sitting back down by my side hugging me. “I don’t know what you’re talking about” I say pretending to not understand his logic, “Y/N we all know you call me SAM when you’re mad at me” he says emphasizing the 'Sam’. I look at him with a side glance to see him smirking and I giggle a bit, “ahhh there’s my girl” he says pulling me into him. “Listen we’ll go to the concert ok?” He asks “anddd?” I ask “and we can stay after backstage or whatever you’d like because I know how much you care about Shawn, even though I don’t know why….” he says mumbling the last part under his breath. I hit his chest “SAMMY!” I say “geez ok ok sorry obsessed much?” He says “no I just really really care-” he cuts me off “ok ok I get it we’ve been through this you just 'really really care about Shawn’” he says mockingly. I roll my eyes and jump up from the couch turning off the tv “c'mon lets go to bed” I say running up the stairs, I watch as the lights quickly go off and then hear Sammy run up behind me.
—–THE NEXT DAY—– (Still Y/N pov) It’s the day of the concert and it’s about 4:30pm, the concert starts at 6:00, I basically waited out the whole day at home while Sammy was at the studio, I just wanted to hurry up and go. I’m about to take a shower when I hear Sammy come home “Sammy?” I shout even though I’m almost certain it is him “yea babe be ready by 5:30 it’ll take a while in that traffic” he shouts from downstairs. I hop right in the shower —-SKIP SHOWER—– Once I finish showering I go to choose my outfit, I want something casual but hot at the same time. I decide to wear some black ripped jeans and a semi tight fitting crop top that shows off my curves beautifully. I get dressed, wear my hair natural and throw on some light makeup running down the stairs. “You ready Sammy?” I ask him as I approach the Vans I’m going to wear. (Sammy’s pov) “You ready Sammy?” Y/N asks, I’m looking at my phone while I say “yea babe lets go” I walk to the door already with my shoes on to see her putting on her favorite Vans. That’s when I take a look at her outfit “damnnnnn baby you look goooooddd” I say wrapping my arms around her waist “aww thanks baby but let’s go I don’t want to be late” she says kissing my cheek really quick but then running out the door to the car. 'I don’t get why she’s so excited’ I think to myself as I walk out the house shutting the door behind me. As I’m walking to the car Y/N says “Sammy hurry up its 5:15” I roll my eyes unlocking the door and hopping in the drivers seat as she gets in the passenger seat. I start the car up while looking at Y/N to make sure she’s situated then I back out the driveway and drive off. We are about half way there stuck in some traffic, Y/N has her earbuds in and I have the radio on. I look to see that she’s texting on her phone, “who ya textin’?” I ask her. She smiles and laughs at her phone “huh? Oh Shawn” she replies “nice nice” I say while tapping the steering wheel. “Well babe do you want to maybe go out somewhere tonight?” I ask her trying to grab her attention “like where?” She asks finally looking up at me from her phone “maybe bowling or ice skating?” “Umm well- OHHHHHH WE’RE HERE!!” She bounces up and down excitedly completely ignoring my pervious question. (Y/N pov) It’s 5:30 when we arrive at the Staples Center and the place is packed with screaming fangirls. Sam parks the car down the street and we start walking towards the arena. That’s when people start noticing us. “SAMMY WILK AND OMG Y/N THEYRE HERE YOOO EVERYONE LOOK!!!” One girl screams and everyone draws their attention towards us and screaming fans started to bombard us. Just before it got even more chaotic a large man pulled me and Sammy into a door. We appeared to be backstage, “woah oh thank you” I say to the man who seemed to be a security guard “no problem Shawn told me to watch out for you and your friend” he said indicating that Sammy was my friend “yea boyfriend thank you very much sir” Sammy says with sass while dragging me to a couch near by. “Sam, stop being so rude to people for no reason!” I say once we get to the couch and take a seat. He rolls his eyes “yea yea can we please just go out somewhere instead?” He asks “no I want to watch Shawn’s performance” I say. He groans “you know you don’t have to be here, you can leave no ones stopping you” I say in response to his attitude. He rolls his eyes as we see Shawn approaching. I stand up immediately walking up to Shawn to embrace him in a hug. “Ohhh Y/N I’m so glad you’re here” Shawn says in a nervous tone, I pull away from the hug and say “aww what do you mean?” “*sigh* I’m just so nervous” he says “Shawn this isn’t your first performance” I say chuckling a bit “I don’t know it’s been a while” he says looking around the room “well I know you’ll kill it” I say. A woman in a head set then comes over to Shawn “2 minutes Mendes” she says. He looks at me and I nod “I’ll be right here cheering you on” “OHH GAG!” I hear Sammy yell from behind me, I roll my eyes and hug Shawn one last time as he runs to the stage entrance. I go back to sit next to Sammy, “oohhh Y/N I’m glad you’re here I’m just so nervous” he says mocking Shawn. I hit his chest giggling at his foolery “you’re such a dick” I say and he winks at me. “Now let’s go over there so we can actually see the show” I say pointing to a little backstage area where you could watch the show and even the performer could see you. “Fineeee” Sammy says getting up. (Sammy’s pov) “HOWS THE BEAUTIFUL CITY OF LOS ANGELES DOING TONIGHT?!” Shawn screams as he arrives on stage, I prepare myself for the most meaningless night ever. Shawn’s great and all but I think we all know why I don’t fancy him. The show is now almost over, to be honest it wasn’t that bad. It was actually quite enjoyable. “And this next song will be one that’s so near and dear to my heart, this goes out to a special someone, I love you.” Shawn says as he quickly looks backstage, it almost seems as if he’s looking at me. The fans scream with excitement and the beat to “Treat You Better” starts playing “I won’t lie to you,”. At this point Y/N is screaming and singing along, she was doing this most of the show but this song was what really broke her enthusiasm scale “AND YOURE SPENDING ALL YOUR TIME IN THIS WRONG SITUATION AND ANYTIME YOU WANT IT TO STOP…” Y/N sings. Shawn then looks over in my direction again “I know I can treat you better than he can, and any girl like you deserves a gentleman. Tell me why are we wasting time on all your wasted crime WHEN YOU SHOULD BE WITH ME INSTEEEAAAADDDDD” Shawn sings and he winks my way. 'Why the fuck is he looking over here’ I think to myself. I then look at him, then Y/N, then him, then Y/N. That’s when it finally hit me “OH MY FUCKING GOD!!” I yell. Y/N then shoots her head my way and a worried look flashes on her face “Sammy baby what’s wrong?” She asks as she sets her hand on my thigh. I stand up and grab Y/N’s arm dragging her backstage. We get backstage where it’s almost vacant of people “Sammy what the fuck is your problem?!” Y/N says “WHATS MY PROBLEM?! Y/N you act like I’m blind oh my god how couldn’t I have seen it earlier” I say with fury “Sammy what are you talking about?” She says puzzled “YOU! YOU AND THIS-THIS CONCERT! You-you’re so excited and happy and joyous and ughggggghh and you literally broke your vocal chords singing!” I scream “Sammy I’d do this at any concert! What is your issue?!” She shouts “My issue is all those looks Shawn was giving throughout the show just slipped past my mind until fucking TREAT YOU BETTER! Y/N he’s in love with you! He even said it on stage! And don’t you dare lie to me!” I yell “lie about what Sam?!” She asks “YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE A THING FOR HIM! Y/N YOU DONT EVEN BOTHER TO COME TO MY CONCERTS AND WHEN YOU DO YOU DON’T PAY ATTENTION TO THE SHOW! I can’t even blame him because I do the same thing, I look at the girl I love offstage as I’m singing my heart out but you never notice, you just don’t look. You just don’t care” I say my voice gradually getting lower and more sorrowful as I finish talking “SAM I CARE TOO MUCH ABOUT YOU AND YOUR MUSIC YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND! I LOVE YOU AND WHAT YOU DO SO MUCH AND IM ALWAYS THERE TO SUPPORT YOU AND TRY AND BE THERE FOR YOU AS MUCH AS I CAN! I COULD NEVER CARE ABOUT ANYONE AS MUCH AS I DO YOU!” She yells “OHHHH Shut up! You didn’t even know I dropped an album yet you’ve memorized all of his songs!” (Shawn’s pov) I’m on my last song “Roses” when I get to the most intense part “YOU CAN TELL ME TO STOP IF YOU ALREADY KNOW, THOUGH IM NOT SURE MY HEART CAN TAKE IT BUT THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE is 'don’t let me go’” I sing with so much passion. I look backstage to see that Y/N isn’t there anymore. It is true that I’m in love with her, I have been for a while but I know she loves Sammy but tonight I felt so much of a connection and her singing along to my music made me feel so good. “THANK YOU L.A. I LOVE YOU! Until next time.” I say as I proceed off stage and the fans screams fade. I come backstage to see Sam and Y/N in what looks to be an argument “Hey guys everything alright” Sam then looks at me with he deadliest glare I’ve ever seen. “Listen here Mendes,” he says pointing his finger into my chest. But then Y/N cuts him off “SAM STOP!” “SEE WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH?!” He asks her yelling “BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!” She yells. Everything goes silent “you what?” Sam asks gritting his teeth. Her eyes then flash with what seems like guilt “Sammy you know I di-” he then cuts her off “Save it, I know where I stand” he says walking off towards the exit “SAMMY!” She yells after him. He opens the backstage door to outside fans screams fill the air but soon vanish as the door closes. Y/N sighs. “Look Y/N I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to cause any trouble with your relationship you know-” she cuts me off “Shawn, honey. Sometimes it’s ok to let your feelings out. You’ve held them in so long and I appreciate you respecting my relationship and just know that I do love you, I love you so much because you generally love anyone who makes you happy and you’re one of the greatest people I’ve met. And- I don’t want to lose you but-” she says but her words start to stutter so I intervene “Y/N I get it, I’m being friend zoned,” she smiles a bit and I chuckle while continuing “I understand everything, it’s fine ya know it’s totally fine” “well good because you’re my best friend and I love you and I don’t wanna lose you"she says “same here, now I think you should go fix things with-” “yea I think I should” she finishes off my statement. We hug and she leaves. 'Maybe one day’ was my last thought as she left.
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