#Yeah Raphie and Gabe are kind jealous of Adam
michaelmilligan · 3 years
At some point I need to write a Midam highschool AU where Adam is like 'wow this guy is sooo hot, but he's also a jock. Kinda cringe. :/' And then it turns out that Michael is thee biggest dork who doesn't know how to people and only hangs with the 'cool kids' because they're the only ones who approached him and let him tag along. He's the captain of some sports team (football? volleyball? not sure) but he doesn't even like the sport that much, he just did that because his dad signed him up for that sport at some point and then being good at that was the only thing that Michael was ever praised for by his dad. But at this point his dad is home so rarely that Michael is losing his only motivation to play, so while he could probably get a sports scholarship, he doesn't want it and instead just wants to study economics (thinking that will please his dad).
Anyway, the point of this post was that Adam gets to know him better and goes 'Wait he's hot and a dork?? I'm in love.' And Michael, who has never dated anyone who was actually interested in him outside of his looks and him being the [insert sports team here] captain, goes 'What do you mean you like me for my personality??? Error 404, site not found.' But then he's soooo happy, because Adam actually likes him. :) And he's also a little dorky and they can be dorks together. :) And yeah, the other 'cool kids' don't get wtf is going on, but they suck anyway and Michael doesn't care about their opinion, so he just walks around school with heart eyes and carries Adam's books for him and is soooo doting. No one can understand what happened because wasn't this guy kind of a brooding, loner type of person?? (No one realized he was just shitty at approaching/talking to people and all it needed was someone to be a safe haven where he could say what he wanted without being reprimanded or ridiculed. The 'cool kids' hung out with him, but he barely talked to them either because they were so fucking judgy about everyone else he didn't dare say much because they were the only ones who he thought 'tolerated' him and he didn't want to fuck that up. Now he has Adam though, AND Adam's friends who are also dorky and fun.)
So yeah, I just think they're neat and they should get a highschool AU.
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