#Just imagine them as teenagers imagine how cute 🥺🥺
queenimmadolla · 7 months
I imagine eddie would have a little family time kid friendly valentines with the reader on one day and an adults only, ship the kids off somewhere valentines another day
What gifts or things do you think would happen on that day
Id imagine reader would wake up eddie by dressing the kids up as cherubs and attacking him with rubber sucker arrows to shoot at him
Family friendly Valentine’s Day is in the morning, After Hours (bow chicka bow wow) Valentine’s Day is from the evening and all through the night 😏 while the kids are sleeping over with grandpa Wayne and Maude.
I like the way you think and that’s very cute, reader buying the kids pairs of wings to wear and those annoying ass toy Cupid bow and arrows and then releases them into the bedroom to assault Eddie. It makes for a really good home movie and pictures for the family album.
Eddie OF COURSE was prepared and had to hide all of the gifts he got in the van because not a single person in the house, including reader, can be trusted not to go snooping. Eddie gets the girls and Wayne (his little Ferdinand 🥺) flowers, called into a floral shop weeks in advance to place the order and while reader absolutely loves her roses, seeing penny and wayne’s reaction to getting them is like the best thing in the world. They get all shy and happy about having received something so special, and their bouqets are significantly smaller than reader’s but it doesn’t matter; Wayne’s got his nose in his daisies, sniffing away for the rest of the day, and Penny lets reader help make hers into a flower crown, so she can wear it the entire day. They also gorge themselves on chocolate and candy, which reader isn’t happy about but Eddie couldn’t not buy some for them! Besides, the inevitable sugar high will be big Wayne’s problem.
Penny and Wayne will have made homemade Valentine’s cards that say something along the lines of “congraz” (Wayne, still says ‘happy birthday’ for most holiday greetings and gets confused with them all so it’s a congratulations from him this time). And Penny’s are just amusing (‘Happy Valentine’s Day, daddy! I gots no monies so this is what you get, i love you ps get me flowers and member i dont like white choclet’ and ‘Happy Valentine’s Day, mommy! You are my valentine now, not daddys but you can kiss daddy on the lips, but i saw hims eat some onions one time and they are stinky good luck”)
BUT, Eddie has plans for him and Reader, so the kids are pawned off to Wayne and Maude, reader is whisked away to a romantic dinner and then brought home for some very much needed alone time. They share a couple of joints on the porch, he gives her a foot massage because her feet ache a little from the heels she wore to dinner, they talk about their life; where they are in it, what they thought they’d be doing by then and how happy they are regardless, then they move things into the bedroom. Put those cuffs, Eddie now has to hide, to good use. Spend the rest of the night fucking like rabbits well into early morning, nearly depleting the box of condoms in the night stand. In between rounds, Eddie and reader finish off the leftovers from their dinner in bed when the munchies kick in, sharing a bottle of water, lounging around naked, talking about everything under the sun—weed induced peculiar thoughts, of course—and enjoying each other’s company. It’s reminiscent of the early days of their relationship, before the jobs, before the kids, before any of the responsibilities, when they were just teenagers.
Come morning light, you’ll have to go get your kids and slip back into the roles of mom and dad, which the two of you are more than happy to do, but it’s also nice to play a little pretend for the night.
Happy belated Valentine’s Day! 🩷
(P.s. part of the Pennyverse for any new readers ♡)
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greensagephase · 6 months
Miguel and Gabriella | Easter 🐇
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Disclaimer: I know not everyone celebrates the day but as someone who does, I just had this on my mind and couldn't help the fluffiness. I just love thinking about Miguel as a dad to Gabi 🥺 so these are just some random thoughts on it, if only things were different! I also want to add that I know some people celebrate differently, or have different takes/opinions on it or on certain traditions/activities, so please take no offense from this post. This is based on things my family used to do for the kids of the family when we were all children, so a lot of this was normal for me growing up.
This is meant to be a lighthearted post on Miguel being a dad to Gabriella and embracing his dad energy, so I hope you enjoy it for what it is. Thank you! :)
In an alternative timeline, Lyla took the photo with the bunny filter because it's almost Easter and she thought it would be funny. Miguel is grumpy about it.
In this alt timeline, Gabriella didn't die. That means Miguel had the opportunity to introduce her to the Spider Society and the fact that he's Spider-Man. So when Miguel returns from the mission to HQ, what's the first thing Lyla does? Show Gabi the picture, of course, which makes Gabi laugh. Miguel can't even be grumpy about the picture anymore. The sight of his daughter laughing, along with the endearing sound of it, erases any negative emotion regarding the photo and the mission. Miguel is just a happy dad!! 🥹
With Easter around the corner, I'm imagining Miguel and Gabi going shopping for her Easter dress. Miguel lets Gabi choose whichever one she wants. She probably chose a lilac-colored one (crying over a dead fictional child rn).
Because Gabi knows of the Spider Society, I imagine she knows the HQ building very well and it's like a second home to her, and due to that, Miguel plans a BIG Easter egg hunt for her and the other spider kids like Mayday. He makes it clear it's open for anyone. It's just a little fun time for the kids!
I'm imagining him and maybe a few other spider adults going to HQ at night to set up for the next day and when the kids arrive they spot Easter eggs everywhere. There's spider webs in corners with cute little Easter eggs stuck in them. Other Easter eggs are simply hanging from the ceiling with strings of web, and of course, there are more hidden in less obvious places to make things fun for the kids.
I don't know if Miguel would give Gabriella her own web shooters, at least not until she's older, and that's if she asks for them. Or, maybe he does but he has a whole lecture with her about using them appropriately. If Gabi doesn't have any web shooters, I can see Miguel carrying her on his shoulders so she can get the Easter eggs up on the ceiling. The whole time Miguel is grinning from ear to ear, loving Gabi's cute giggles of excitement due to the egg hunt (give me HAPPY DAD MIGUEL CONTENT, SONY, I'M BEGGING YOU).
And when Gabi is on her feet, running with her Easter basket in hand (also gifted by Miguel, of course 🥺), Miguel simply runs along with her, probably encouraging her and giving her little hints sometimes - "Mija, look, there's one right there!" and "Gabi, look up, mija!" and "Good job, hija, you found another one!"
Miguel is just having so much fun during this whole thing, he's smiling the whole time as he accompanies Gabi from sector to sector finding Easter eggs with the other spider parents and their kids.
And by the end of the egg hunt, him and the others probably prepared some food for everyone to eat and the kids are all talking about where they found eggs, or how many they found. It's just a wholesome moment for the Spider Society and those who decided to participate.
Okay, and also, with Miguel being so happy and having full on dad energy, he probably arranged for there to be some kind of Easter egg hunt for the teenagers, too (for those who celebrate or for anyone who wants to participate just for fun), because they're still kids but of course, he knows that a lot of them will be like, "I'm too old for easter egg hunting," so Miguel makes it into some kind of competitive Easter egg mission and that's how he gets some of them to participate. Miguel's just smiling in amusement as he watches the spiderlings go through it (I like to think even Hobie joined just to do the opposite of what Miguel expected from him, which was to not participate - Hobie and Pav probably won tbh)!
At the end of the day, everyone goes to their respective universes. Miguel and Gabi go home. Gabi's basket is full of Easter eggs and she's still full of energy because she's had a lot of candy at this point (and Miguel knows she's going to pass out asleep by like 8:30pm). They arrive home and Miguel is smiling because there's still one little surprise left for the day that will keep Gabi entertained while he cooks dinner for the two of them.
As soon as they step into their home, Gabi sees it. Another Easter gift basket, Spider-Man 2099 theme, the one she saw at the store a few weeks ago. It's sitting right on the floor and as soon as Gabi's pretty brown eyes land on it (no, seriously, crying over this child rn. She's so sweet 😭), she's off. She's immediately all like, "Daddy, look! It's the basket we saw at the store the other day!" and Miguel just stands a few feet away, smiling fondly at his daughter's excitement. "Si, mija, mira lo que te trajo la coneja!" ["Yes, mija, look what the [Easter] bunny brought you!"]
Miguel helps Gabi unpack her basket (we have Lyla taking pictures of them) and afterwards, while Gabi plays with some Spider-Man 2099 action figure, Miguel happily cooks dinner for them. 🥕🐇🥕🐇🥕🐇🥕🐇
I'm gonna go and cry about Miguel and Gabi
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japeneselunchtimerush · 3 months
They had really cute reactions when they arrived at the beach. Hayama and Nebuya were obviously excited. Hayama was shouting about how wide the sea was and mayuyu being his snarky self said "It's wide because its the sea😐😐"
We also got the team in swimsuits
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(Now that I think about it akashi's sprite is less muscular than the others. Maybe if he moved his arms out of the way I could be sure)
Also akashi says that he's been to this beach several times before. Thing is the beach is in Kyoto. Do you think the akashi family went on vacation to kyoto often?? IMAGINE BABY AKASHI AT THE BEACH WITH HIS FAMILY🥺🥺
Then Mibuchi goes on a rant about sunscreen and makes the rest of them put it on. Although mayuyu refuses because he wants to sit under the parasol and read.
Akashi also brings a barbecue set that he rented from the beach house. So they eat shrimp and scallops together on the beach. Then akashi suggests they go snorkeling. Now even though mayuyu said he wouldn't go into the ocean, the man's agreeing the minute akashi asks him to join.
So they go snorkeling and mayuyu has the most unimpressed reactions to everything. He sees an octopus and he just goes "hmm...octopus." And what's crazy is that Hayama gets stung by a jellyfish. And akashi performs first aid on him. I don't think they went to the went to the hospital though😓😓(they probably should)
So they stay there for a couple of hours and they watch the sun set together. And then akashi says "We have some time until the train home, so let's stay here a little longer."
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Now I'm definitely overthinking this but I feel like during this whole thing akashi didn't feel the pressure of being who he is. Here he's not the captain of rakuzan or student council president or captain of the GoM. He's just a teenager spending time with his friends on a beach. And I think he enjoyed not having to be absolutely perfect at all times so he didn't really want to go back to all that very soon.
ALSO before rakuzan was shown heading to the beach, the others teams had apparently found out about it. And kise and takao were discussing about how it's impossible to think that a team like rakuzans would go to a beach.
Now this got me thinking, is this a common occurrence for the rakuzan gang? Do people assume that they wouldn't do normal things, just like how people assume akashi wouldn't?? Because it's not like they're different from the others, they're teenagers just like all the other teams. Why wouldn't they go to the beach which is a very normal spot to hang out?? Have they also been dehumanized(ok probably too harsh of a word to use but you get the idea) because of the fact that rakuzan is a powerhouse school?
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ofmermaidstories · 2 months
some bnha thoughts, on this sunny monday morning (or lunchtime, by the time i finish typing sdlkfjdlsk):
💥 got walloped with a return of the post-362 grief, with the latest episode of the anime lmao. unfortunately this means i am currently in my feelies, so thank u for bearing with me as i cycle through them in the form of shitposting. 🥹
💥 speaking of the anime, i’m sad they didn’t adapt one of my favourite panels from 360, where bakugou (or shiggy? it’s never really stated, but tbh i’ve always kinda assumed it’s shiggy imagining it LOL, maybe they both are? a joint moment of horror/delight where everyone knows exactly what’s about to happen 🥹) are imagining bakugou being torn apart by shiggy’s gross giant maggot fingers sdlkjlsdjflksdjf. i mean, i get why bones didn’t adapt it (bc they’re cheapskates and and also bc it is a show for children LMFAOOOO) but it’s a really cool example of how hard hori’s art can go, and also what im chalking up as his secret wish to write a horror story lmaoooo.
🪱🧵 i am biting my nails the closer we get to the end of the manga. chapter 428 was fun—bakugou and todoroki hiding behind iida as iida gently berates their newfound fangirls was so cute, lmao. also the revelation that edgeshot is slowly… regenerating? is….. interesting. i’m disappointed that hori didn’t kill him for a couple of reasons: the first one is my most selfish, and it’s bc i planned on edgeshot being dead for my halloween fic lmfao, now i gotta rework that whole angle. 💀😪 but the second reason is more pressing and that’s bc hori is a COWARD who NEVER kills off ANYONE that has INTERESTING CONSEQUENCES. and also bc he only likes killing off girls 💀 (we’ll circle back to this point). idk, i mean, for as much as i act like the grim reaper and whinge about mha not being depressing enough (lmao), the story that hori’s been writing has always been like, pretty easy to understand. hope connection blah blah blah (i say that lovingly).
💚🍵🩸 there are a few deaths i’ve always kinda expected, in the series, with the top of that list being shiggy and dabi. i was like, hopeful toga wouldn’t die, mostly bc i wanted hori to prove me wrong with his GIRL MURDERER AGENDA, but. 💀 cue the clown music, ig. and hey, maybe toga isn’t dead—maybe she’s just in a coma or in prison and ochako’s being emo bc she wants the world to see toga as a teenage girl and not a blood-sucking murdering psycho, and i HOPE that’s the case!!! i do!!!! like, are you seriously going to tell me dabi is somehow still alive (for now, anyways. do NOT come for me, that man got deep fried in the deepest oil vats of McHell!!!!) but toga gets the chop? 😒 like i actually fully expect tenko to come stumbling back (literally!!!) so you cannot tell me you save the dustpile AND the deepfriend mctodo just to axe the blood sucker!!!!! let them all live if ur gonna be a coward about it, hori!!!!! this is what i mean about interesting consequences. 😔 the only consequence we’re getting so far is deku and ochako both kinda 🫤🥺😦ing their way into a confession LOL. i’m being mean—i think the next chapter will be them both confronting their guilt over like, not being able to “save” their villains, and that if we do get a confession of feelies it’ll be something like ochako saying, “i like you deku, and/but i want to be a great hero too, to save people like toga in the future”. 🥹 maybe??? guess we’ll see. 🥺
🌇💀 my pet theory for the vaguely-tenko shaped rando that’s stumbling through the rumble is that it is indeed tenko, and that deku will somehow find him to help him and that’s how deku will get his powers back. and if he doesn’t and hori ends the series with deku being quirkless i will actually, and i mean this very sincerely, stop writing fanfic LMFAOOOO. ok im maybe like, half joking. 😒 but i have never been a fan of the quirkless deku ending and now im getting scared that’s what we’re gonna get!!!!! 😦 in one of his latest interviews, hori mentions something about wanting to strip away labels from people (characters) to see the human underneath them? soooo i guess we’ll just have to trust in him and these next two (TWO) chapters. 🥹
for all my whinging i do like bnha lmao. i whinge because i like it, and tbh i probably wouldn’t change a thing of it. 🥺 all the frustrating gaps—like those perceived consequences i keep getting worked up over the lack of—are what makes it fun to write and read fic for. 🥹 and it’s been fun watching the characters change!!! i was in a bookstore, yesterday, picking up a copy of volume 38 and the girl at the counter and i started talking about the series—the pros and cons of binging it vs keeping up weekly, the change in bakugou’s character and how reading over fics with him and his older characterisation can be kinda hard, now. how scary it was that it’s coming to an end!!! she and i have talked before—when i was buying volume 36 lmao—about whether bakugou could be canonically read as queer vs asexual, and like, idk any other series that has such a mainstream reach that you could have these outside conversations with other people in your day to day, outside of a twitter or tumblr sphere! that’s the power of my hero. and im glad to be here for the ride. and no matter how it ends, it’ll be fun, and worth it. 🥹
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ranhaitanisgf · 8 months
Hello Hana💖 Can i request Tenjiku Ran + dating app? lol. Something like:he gave it a try just bc rindou forced him to do it, he had no interest in dates/romance until he matches with y/n (y/n also felt the same way?) then they have a date and became good friends? and after a lot of time spent together & enjoying each other's company ,they realize they are in love? idk, do you magic lol change everything if you want. (i trust your talent and i love that man so much that i'll be happy anyway) Maybe it's an awful idea 🌚 but i'm not longer a teenager //.u. i go to college and i have no other way to delulu how can i met him if it's not through those 💩 apps hehe.
Thank you sweetie, have a wonderful day🥺💖
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i guess i can try it out...?
synopsis: rindou signed ran up for a dating app...how is this date going to go?
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☆ a/n ˎˊ˗ i i i... STRUGGLED WITH THIS .... this was such a cute req and idea omg but i have never used a dating app 😭 i do not know if i did this right but ! i hope you all still enjoy !! and thank you so much anon for requesting this !! xoxoxo
☆ characters ˎˊ˗ ran haitani x g/n!reader
☆ wc ˎˊ˗ 1.8k+
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❥ ran has never really found much interest in dating apps; why would he be interested in meeting someone in a fake way? maybe it’s the little romantic in him, but he doesn’t want to try to actually meet someone he wants to spend time with in a way that feels ‘fake’ to him. he wants to be able to meet someone he likes in an organic way, though he himself isn’t quite sure where this notion comes from, (maybe the romance movies his mom used to watch?). 
“here.”  “what’s all this?”  “you should find someone, aniki.” “oho? where’s this coming from all of a-” “you’re home too much.” 
❥ ran is genuinely hurt by this. 
❥ begrudgingly, he creates a loose profile, not putting a whole lot of effort into it. he doesn’t really see the point in all of this, so his profile consists of a single blurry picture of him with his brother, (not specifying which one he is) and his bio merely states his name, age, and that he likes to sleep. 
❥ surprisingly, he gets matches despite having such a bland and blank profile, but he doesn’t even respond to any of the messages asking to meet up or asking for more information about him. he leaves them all on read, feeling wholly uninterested in talking to any of the people who were trying to get to know him. 
❥ and so, rindou decides to take the matter into his own hands. he’s able to get a hold of ran’s phone rather easily, (the man does not wake up, so he was still snoring away while rindou entered his room) and proceeded to fix up his profile to a more suitable one, even going so far as to respond to at least one of the people who he thought might be a good match for his brother. 
❥ one can probably imagine ran’s surprise when he wakes up in the morning and sees his formal wear set out on his dresser, and you could most definitely imagine his surprise when he sees a ‘okay, sounds good! see you then :)’ message from the dating app on his phone. 
❥ he strides into the kitchen, his phone in hand as he pointedly looks at rindou, who is sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee while watching something on tv. there were no words said between the two of them for a few moments, rindou merely looking up at ran with a look that said ‘you got a problem?’. 
“rindou.” “aniki.” “dear brother…what is this?”  “you have a date today at 7.”  “i don’t think so.” “you’re going.” “no, i’m not. end of discussion.”
❥ it was not the end of the discussion. 
❥ ran ended up agreeing, but it was only because rindou promised to pay for his hair appointments for the next six months, (it was a pretty good deal; the salon he goes to is very expensive). he wasn’t too thrilled about this since he thought of it as more of a waste of time, but he decided to put on his nice clothes anyway, spraying some of his good cologne on his wrists and neck. he even left his hair out of its usual plaits, testing out a few different hairstyles before deciding to just leave it down. 
❥ before he left, he’d taken a glance at the profile of the person he was supposed to meet. despite the fact that he was annoyed about this date rindou had set up, he has to admit that his brother does know his tastes pretty well, so he starts to feel just the tiniest bit of amusement and curiosity, (maybe he should get flowers? nah, he’ll just play it casual and see where it goes). 
❥ when ran arrived, he wasn’t surprised to see it was a typical restaurant/bar type of place, though he was a bit amused at the fact that it was located still in roppongi, (he thinks it would be funny if someone came up to him in the middle of the date because they recognized him). 
“hey, are you ran?” 
“hm?” ran looked up from his place at the bar, seeing a somewhat familiar face looking back at him. he leans a bit closer, his eyes squinting to get a clearer picture…ah, the person he’s supposed to be meeting. 
he stood up from his spot at the bar, pasting a charismatic smile on his face as he held his hand out. “correct. you must be (y/n), right?” 
“yes! it’s nice to meet you!” you beamed, giving your hand for a handshake. ran was a bit amused when he noticed your rather firm grip while shaking hands, but it only made him just a bit more curious about you. 
the two of you went to sit down at your table, ran politely pulling your chair out for you, (he had been debating on whether or not to play the gentleman card, but he decided to go with it). after he sat himself down, he decided to wait for you to speak first, wondering if you were going to pique his interest. 
a few moments of silence passed by as he watched your eyes flicking around the place, examining everything before coming back to him. when the two of you made eye contact, your lips ghosted a polite smile, your fingers moving to fidget with a piece of your hair. 
“just to be clear, i’m not really into this whole…dating app thing. i think it’s kind of stupid, but my friends told me to go on at least one date, so i’m here. i’m sorry, i just…” you paused for a moment, pursing your lips. “...i didn’t want to give you the wrong idea. i hope we can still have a good time though.” 
consider his interest piqued. 
“well, if we’re clearing things up, then i’ll admit that these sorts of things are not something i enjoy. my brother is the one who messaged you, and i’m here because he said he would pay for my hair appointments if i came.” ran was curious as to how you would react at his words; would you make a scene by yelling at him and then leave? would you just storm out? maybe you would even cuss him out! 
what he wasn’t expecting was for you to let out a big sigh, seemingly of relief, as you laughed a bit, your posture seeming more relaxed and open. 
“hah! that’s so funny actually!” you mused. “i guess we’re the perfect match then, huh?” 
“seems like it.” ran answered, an amused smirk on his face. “maybe the whole matching thing on dating apps do work after all.” 
“right? this seems like too much of a coincidence to be true!” after a moment, you suddenly seemed to get an idea, leaning forward a bit with a grin. “how about we just hang out for tonight as potential friends? none of that weird polite romantic bullshit that you see in first dates. just two people getting to know each other, completely platonically.” ran let out a laugh at your suggestion, his lips upturned in a casual smile. 
“sure, why not?” 
❥ for the rest of the night, the two of you had a pleasant time chatting about various topics, talking about the latest fashion and hair trends to how you secretly think that pigeons are spying on the people of the world, (ran wholeheartedly believes in your theory; you made a very good argument). he hadn’t been expecting something like this, but when the night ended, he realized that he actually felt a bit sad at the fact that the two of you were going to be parting ways.
❥ this fact made him quite amused, and so, he suggested that the two of you hang out again. as friends, he says, explaining that he actually enjoyed your company and chatting with you, (he felt a little bit more than that, but he could save that for another time). 
❥ when he comes home and rindou asks how everything went, he just laughs and says ‘it was interesting’ then turns in for the night, leaving rindou wondering what the hell happened, and does interesting mean good or bad??
❥ the next time he sees you is by coincidence while he’s out grocery shopping for the week. he happens to run into you in the ice cream aisle, though you see him before he sees you; he’s quite focused on which flavor of ice cream to buy. 
“ran?”  “hm? oh, (y/n). funny seeing you here.” “yeah, no kidding! which flavor are you eyeing?”
❥ the two of you decide to have an impromptu hangout after that, both of you going to your respective apartments to drop off your groceries before meeting at a nearby cafe. it wasn’t anything crazy but there was a comfortable vibe, casual conversation and playful jokes being exchanged between the two of you as you sipped on your drinks. 
❥ ran hadn’t expected to have enjoyed talking with you so much, but before he knew it, the sky outside had changed from blue to orange, the sun setting in the distance. now that he had hung out with you for a second time, he knew that he was definitely interested in you, your joking and fun personality being something that he genuinely enjoyed, (he thought that you were also pretty cute, but that was another thing). 
“hey, let me take you home.”  “haha, i thought we said we were just going to be friends?”  “i can’t take my friends home to make sure they’re safe?”  “hmm…well, if you insist! who would’ve known you were such a gentleman~” 
❥ there wasn’t anything romantic about it, but there was a bit of a palpable tension between the two of you as he walked you home; the way your hands were just barely brushing against each other, the way you two were walking much closer to each other than friends would normally do, the stolen looks in the silent moments…ran knew you were feeling it too, but neither of you said anything. 
❥ there were no words spoke about it when the two of you arrived at your apartment, both of you just saying your goodbyes and leaving. ran is for the most part a patient man, so there’s a part of him that wants to keep quiet and see where everything goes. on the other hand, he wants to bring it up to you and maybe see where it takes the two of you. 
ranh_18: you looked good today. are you free on saturday? let me take you out for real this time.
❥ ran supposes he can be impatient every once in a while.
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canirove · 10 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 2
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"I hate my kids."
"What?" I laugh.
"I hate them, Val. They all are so… so… annoying."
"You've only been with them for three hours, Emma."
"Enough to know that I hate them" she sighs. "What about yours?"
"They seem lovely so far. We've been playing some games to get to know each other and they all were really into it."
"Lucky bitch."
"Hello, girls" says Beth, the headmistress of our school,  as we walk into the staffroom. "How's the day been so far?"
"Good, good" I say, stopping Emma before she says something she shouldn't.
"That's wonderful" Beth smiles. "Oh, Valeria, this came for you earlier" she says, giving me a big bouquet of flowers.
"These are for me?"
"Yep. And there is a note too."
"Why hadn't you told me you have a secret admirer?" Emma says.
"Because I don't" I reply, opening the note.
Hope you've had a good first day and that you don't need these flowers to cheer you up, just to remind you of how cute I am. -P
"P? Who is P?"
"Just a friend" I quickly say, hiding the note.
"He must be a special one. Look at that smile and the colour of your cheeks" Beth chuckles.
"We just met, it's nothing serious."
"But if he is already sending you flowers, that's because he likes you. Luis, why have you never sent me flowers?" 
"What?" Beth's husband says, looking up from the newspaper he was reading. One where Pedri is on the cover, a big smile on his face while joking with Gavi during training. 
"You've never gotten me flowers on my first day of work."
"What is the point? We've been working together since we got married" he shrugs, hiding once again behind his newspaper.
"See what I have to deal with?" she sighs. "Your boy is a keeper."
"I agree" Emma says. "And if he has a brother or something…"
"I'll let you know" I chuckle, my eyes fixed on the newspaper, on that smile I've gotten to see almost daily for the past couple of weeks. 
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Thank you for the flowers. They are beautiful.
You're welcome 😊 
But wait, why are you texting me? Shouldn't you be in class?
I am, but they are busy painting, they aren't paying attention.
Naughty, naughty 😜 
Are they good kids?
They are. I am really lucky this year.
But I am your favourite kid, am I not? 😇
I thought I had upgraded you to young man 🤔
Is that still standing?
It is. Thanks to the flowers you've earned yourself to keep that status 😜
Thanks to being cute, you mean
Yeah, that too
Do you give your kids a sticker or something if they behave or get good grades?
I do, yes. Had to buy some Barça ones and 🤢
But I think I also deserve something 
You get to keep your status Also have I told you yet how stupid you look on your profile pic? 😂
Always so nice, Val 🙄 
I look cute, which is what I am, and the reason why I think I deserve a kiss
Are you free this afternoon to give me the one from today?
Not really. Still have to prepare some things for next week.
What if I stop by your house?
That needy are you for a kiss? 😂
You can't even imagine 😩
Then ask one of the many teenagers who slide into your dms 🤷‍♀️
But I don't want their kisses. 
I want YOURS
I'm busy
C'mon, Val. You know like them too 😏
I can't today, I'm busy
It'll be just a kiss
A teeny tiny one 🥺
We don't do that type of kisses and you know it 😂
We don't, no 😏 
But c'mon 🥺 
And if I buy you one of the cookies we ate the other day on our way back from the beach?
Is that a yes? 👀
It's a maybe. Let me think about it
Yes! 💃🏻
"Aren't you going to ask me to come in?"
"You came here for a kiss, didn't you?" I say. "You don't need to come inside for that."
"What if your neighbours see us?" Pedri asks.
"They aren't home right now."
"Are you sure?"
"I am. Did you bring me the cookie?"
"I did" he says, showing me the small paper box. "But my kiss goes first."
"Fine" I say, giving him a peck.
"That isn't a kiss."
"It is."
"Not for us. I deserve one of our kisses, I got you flowers and a cookie, remember?"
"Ok, fine" I say again, wrapping my arms around his neck. "You are so needy, Pedri." 
"As if you didn't enjoy it" he smirks. "Kiss?"
"Shut up" I say, kissing him like he wanted me to while he hugs me against him, leaving no space between our bodies. 
"Someone is coming" I whisper against his lips when I hear the lift.
"Inside, now" I say, pushing him in.
"Careful, Val! What if I get injured?"
"Not sorry. Last time you were out Barça played like shit, so" I shrug. "Can I get my cookie now?"
"You have a really nice place" he says, completely ignoring me.
"Thank you. My cookie?"
"Which one is your room?"
"This one?" 
"Can I please get my cookie?" I insist.
"Nah, this isn't yours. This one, on the other hand…" he says as he walks in.
"Hey!" I say, following him.
"Nice bed. Very comfortable."
"Get up from there."
"Why? Haven't you thought about me laying here?" he smirks.
"I haven't. Now get up."
"Pedri, get up from my bed."
"You asked for it" I say, grabbing him by the ankle and trying to move him, but he is way heavier than he looks.
"You are gonna end up hurting yourself" he chuckles.
"Then move!"
"No" he says, quickly sitting up and grabbing me by the waist, making me lay down with him.
"What are you doing?" I protest.
"Cuddling" he says with an innocent smile.
"I don't want to cuddle. I want my cookie and for you to leave. I have work to do."
"All that can wait" he says, moving us so we are spooning.
"That's my name, yes" he says while kissing my neck, the feeling making me shudder.
"You have to leave."
"No" he whispers, kissing my neck again as his hand moves under my t-shirt.
"I'm serious."
"So am I."
"Pe…" But I can't keep talking, the feeling of his thumb over my nipple and his lips on my neck making me moan.
"Were saying?" he chuckles against my skin. 
"I… want…"
"Yes?" he says, kissing me and moving his thumb once again. 
"I want you to leave."
"No, you don't."
"I… I do. Leave."
"That's not what you want and you know it" he whispers in my ear while still moving his thumb, my hips unconsciously moving against him. "Tell me what you really want."
"I… I want…"
"Yes?" he whispers.
"I… I want you" I say, finally giving up.
"Didn't you want the cookie?" he teases me.
"No" I say, turning to face him. "I want you, Pedri. Now. Here. Naked and all over me, on me, inside me. I want you. All of you."
"Thought you would never ask, Valeria" he smiles before kissing me. 
"Val?" Silvia says, knocking on the door. "Val, are you awake?"
"Kind of" I grunt.
"You left your phone in the living room and your alarm has been going off for a while. If you don't get up you are going to be late for work."
"Just five more minutes."
"Ok… I'll be back in five minutes" she sighs. "Don't fall asleep again."
"I won't" I yawn.
"You are definitely falling asleep again" someone chuckles next to me before kissing my neck.
"Fuck!" I scream, sitting up on the bed.
"Or maybe not" Pedri laughs.
"What… What are you doing here?"
"That wasn't the first thing I expected to hear when I woke up today" he laughs again.
"I expected to wake up to something like good morning, handsome while we cuddled for a bit."
"Not happening" I say, leaving the bed.
"Next time then."
"There won't be a next time, Pedri" I say while looking for my underwear among all the clothes scattered on the floor.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Because I don't believe a word you just said. And neither do you, to be honest."
"It won't happen again" I insist. 
"Sure, Val. Sure. And they are here, by the way."
"Your knickers" he says, nodding to his left. "I know because I threw them there. They are really cute, I like them."
"Shut up" I say, quickly picking them up and putting them on. "What time is it?" I ask while looking for something else to throw on.
"What time do the classes start?"
"Then you still have time for some cuddles" he says.
"No, I don't. Because yesterday I should have washed my hair, and now I have to do that today. And shower. I'm all sticky."
"We had a good workout yesterday, didn't we? Or a few workouts" he smirks, putting an arm behind his head, his biceps popping. Focus, Valeria. Focus.
"Whatever" I say, managing to look away. 
"Why don't you come back here?"
"I've told you I can't! I have to shower, and get ready, and then it's Friday today, which means that there will be more traffic and the tube will be packed, and I'll probably be late. And it's all your fault."
"Mine? Why?"
"Do you seriously have to ask?" I say, rolling my eyes.
"It's not my fault I'm irresistible."
"Irre… whatever. I'm going to shower" I say after finally finding something to wear.
"Do you want compa… Ok, ok" he laughs after I give him my most murderous look. "But that t-shirt you are wearing is mine."
"Not anymore" I smile before leaving my room. 
"Why are you still here?" I say, walking into the kitchen after finishing getting ready.
"Val, manners!" Silvia scolds me.
"Why are you still here, Pedri?" I repeat, completely ignoring her.
"One, because I don't have a t-shirt and I can't go outside half naked, and two, because your lovely flatmate invited me to have breakfast with her."
"You did?"
"I couldn't let him leave on an empty stomach after all the exercise he did yesterday. He is a professional athlete but he also is human, you know?" Silvia says while sipping from her cup and trying to hide her smile. 
"Urgh" I groan.
"Where are you going now?"
"To find your t-shirt so you can finally leave!"
"And your breakfast?" Silvia asks.
"I'm not hungry!"
"But Val, you can't leave on an empty stomach either! You need to recharge your energy!" 
"I'm fine" I say when I'm back, throwing the t-shirt at Pedri's face. "And now you can leave."
"I'm not leaving until you eat something" he says.
"You two are so annoying."
"We just care about you. Don't we, P?" 
"We do."
"P?" I laugh. "Since when are you bffs?"
"Since we've been chatting a bit and getting to know each other. And I've also seen him shirtless and heard him while practicing a very intimate activity, something I didn't ask for despite wanting it to happen, but oh well. At least you guys had fun."
"We did" he smirks. 
"Well, if you aren't leaving, I am."
"Oh, c'mon Val" Silvia says. "Don't be like that."
"I can't be late on my second day of work."
"You can't and you shouldn't. But wait" Pedri says, quickly leaving the kitchen.
"Where is he going now?"
"I don't know" Silvia shrugs.
"Here" he says when he comes back.
"My cookie?" I chuckle.
"You didn't get to eat it yesterday. It may not taste as good, but at least you will be eating something."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome" he smiles. "Can I get a goodbye kiss?"
"A kiss is what got us into this mess, so no, you can't. Goodbye."
"Ok, fine" he sighs. "I'll text you later."
"I won't reply" I say, opening the door.
"That's what you always say, and then…" Pedri smirks, his smile being the last thing I see before I leave. 
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Were you late for work?
Thought you weren't going to reply to my texts 🤔
What are your plans for the weekend?
Not for me
I'm alone in the house this weekend
And? Are you scared? 😂
I actually am, yes. Will you come and make me company? 🥺 
I could show you around the neighborhood. And the weather still is nice, we could swim in the pool. And while I'm at training you can work. And then on Sunday you could come watch me play, it's the first game of the season. 
I'm not setting a foot on the Camp Nou 🤢
C'mon, Val. It'll be fun. A weekend just for you and I, getting to know each other. 
And you don't have to cheer for me. You can boo me if you want
That's what I'll probably do, yes. But from my sofa
Please, Valeria 🥺 
I would like to have you there
The game is at 9, I have to work on Monday
I'll drive you home after the game and then leave, I promise. 
Please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Fine 🙄  I'll think about it
I'll pick you up at 8 😊
Wait, what? I didn't say yes
When you say you'll think about it you always mean yes 🤷🏻‍♂️
I don't
Yes, you do 😊 
Pack some comfy clothes and something nice for the game. The pyjamas and the bikini are optional 😏
See you at 8! 🥰
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laura1633 · 4 months
Thank you to the previous anon who asked about omega max being shy about being pregnant because of how innocently he’s perceived
Max and Charles have been courting since they were teenagers, so all the older people on the grid remember them as teenaged max and f2 Charles who were so cute and innocent with each other. Just would constantly be blushing at the smallest of hand holding
So years later when they announce their pregnancy I can so easily imagine someone like Seb maybe he comes back to the grid sputtering and being like but your too young for children, fully not realizing that they’re only a year younger than he was when he had his first kid
Love this addition
Some of the older drivers still picture Charles and Max as the young alpha and omega that were so cute and totally smitten with each other.
It's almost unbelievable how fast they are growing up and now they are starting a little family of their own 🥺
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mirpuzzle · 5 months
Could you pretty please talk about how much you love occultshipping (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)?
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Gladly! 😊❤️ I have so much to say about this ship 😈👻
Their dynamic is fascinating to me. Two spooky guys who theme their decks around ghosts and the occult have a duel to decide who will make it to the finals, proving to be the scarier duelist.
I'll start by comparing the way they treat their monsters. Yami Bakura likes using a monster's whole existence as a tool to achieve what he wants, as if condemning its soul, showing whoever his opponent is horrors beyond their imagination. Kotsuzuka, on the other hand, prefers to strengthen his ghosts to make a scary army of undead creatures to frighten his opponents.
One of them condemns souls. The other makes them stronger. They're so similar and yet so different. It's like seeing two sides of the occult.
What I like the most about this pairing is that it simply works. I'm thinking again about their Duel Links tag. Every person who has met Yami Bakura wants to use him, harm him, stop him, or wants nothing to do with him. This is the first time I ever see someone wanting to be around Yami Bakura, let alone feeling admiration for him.
Kotsuzuka barely knows anything about him. He doesn't know about the Millennium Items or Bakura's dreadful past and origin. He has no idea that this teenager, who is only 1 or 2 years older than him, is an ancient spirit currently possessing Ryou's body. In Kotsuzuka's eyes, Yami Bakura is this cool, scary guy who masters the occult and uses that to terrify others. And he likes him that way.
Having someone like Kotsuzuka around, who shows a genuine fascination for him (especially after experiencing how cruel he can be), could end up shaking Yami Bakura's world. This sweet ghost, who is both terrified and fascinated by him, could make Bakura want to lower his guard and get closer. He could make him care.
The height difference also makes this pairing too cute. Yami Bakura can easily hold Kotsuzuka, to which the little ghost will respond by finding the perfect spot to rest his head on Bakura's chest or shoulder.
Of course, I'm not forgetting about the dark aspect of this pair. Imagining a possessive Yami Bakura who wants to keep Kotsuzuka all to himself is what first got me into this pairing.
They could scare everyone together. Or they could lose themselves in the darkness. Just the two of them.
----------------✦ I have kind of a story in my head that includes all this. I hope I can turn it into a fic eventually (I've been practicing my writing) 🥺 Thank you SO much for the ask! 😊❤️ I fell in love with this pairing about three years ago, and my love for it keeps growing.
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
Could I ask for a Part 2 of tipsy? Eli and Reader meeting in the morning 🥰 it’s was such a cute imagine 🥰 can’t get enough of how sweet Derek was in that fic and the little heart to heart with Eli at the end 🥺🥺
word count: 0.8k
warnings: age gap, reader has a slight hangover, teen wolf the movie storyline- also peep the can you keep a secret gif for the ideal dilfyness- part 1
a/n: stop I got so excited when I saw this because I really loved writing tipsy
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You woke up with a headache, one you had a feeling should've been much worse considering the state of you, you were still wearing your dress from the night before but Derek was kind enough to remove your makeup and save his pillowcase in the process. The night, for the most part, was a bit of a blur, not that you didn't remember what happened, but rather how, how did you end up in Derek's bed drunk, to begin with after you tried to be careful and how did the poor man end up explaining that to his son.
You could hear the two men in the kitchen, it sounded like they were cooking, trying to at least since they probably hadn't done much of that before, their meals consisted mostly of takeout, frozen dinners, and whatever Melissa brought over every now and then. You thought it only fair to give them a bit more time to find their feet and give yourself some time to get over the sheer embarrassment of your current situation by taking a quick shower, hoping that Derek had something that would be at least slightly suitable for you to wear once you were done.
"That's not enough sugar," Eli noted after he'd heard the bathroom door shut, happy he wasn't expected to whisper anymore now that you were awake. Derek wasn't as happy, knowing that Eli would not hold back with the commentary as he continued to sift the sugar into the pancake batter.
"It's enough," he replied even though he wasn't all that sure himself, but he was not about to admit that out loud, so he stirred it through one more time, frowning at the consistency.
"It's not, look, I'll show you" the teenager argued and moved away from the frying bacon to shove his cell phone into his dad's face, the online recipe clearly stating that it needed twice the amount of sugar that Derek used. "Can you read that or should I get your glasses?" he teased, earning a raised brow of disapproval that only made him shrug.
"I can read it just fine, Eli," he groaned and despite his pride, he reached over for some more sugar, ignoring the light laugh that filled the kitchen. "You better not burn that bacon," he added and was about to dish out another order when the bedroom door opened, and barely a second later you came paddling into the room, nervous beyond measure as you pulled the sleeves of Derek's hoodie over your hands, hoping the pair of them wouldn't look too hard at the way his sweats fit you in all the wrong ways. "Morning, honey," Derek cooed and you swore you'd have missed it had he not moved over to you, a sweet kiss placed on your forehead as a gentle hand guided you further into the kitchen.
"How's your head?" Eli asked without a second of prompt, ignoring the warning glare from his father as you smiled, a giggle that sounded more like a breath leaving your lips. "Sorry, I wasn't supposed to mention that," he backtracked but you just shook your head, stealing a quick glance at Derek before looking up at Eli.
"Eli," Derek sighed in faux exasperation but he didn't miss the way your body was starting to calm down, your nerves easing slightly at how casually Eli was trying to talk to you.
"It's fine," you insisted, a gentle hand brushing over his chest paired with the sweetest of smiles as you walked over to Eli, looking over what they were trying to make, gently reaching over to turn the oven down so the bacon doesn't burn. "Can I help?" your question was aimed at Eli, the boy in question smiling brightly at the idea.
"Yes, please," he sighed and showed you the very recipe he was showing his dad, pointing specifically at the part where it shows the sugar. "Dad is severely under sugaring our pancakes," he sounded exasperated like the poor thing was fighting a losing battle to which you giggled softly, dipping a finger in the batter and nodding lightly after tasting it.
"Can he read that without his glasses?" you teased and Eli was very smug at the repetition of his joke, looking to Derek to witness the reaction the comment would receive and his curiosity was satisfied when he narrowed his eyes at him, leaning onto the counter with a sigh.
"I can read it just fine," he argued and when you noticed the tension in the room you looked between the two Hales with a knowing nod, Eli was already laughing softly as he took it upon himself to find the sugar.
"I'm sure you can, bear," you mused and he wasn't at all convincing when he tried to shake his head at you in disapproval, not when his lips were betraying him, a little grin spreading out and tilting into his face. Eli didn't buy it either, turning around with the bowl to have you taste the batter once again, it was slightly sweeter than it should be, showing he wasn't all that fond of the instructions either.
"Too sweet?"
"No, it's perfect," you lied and Derek hummed, standing up to join the two of you at the stove, not even thinking before wrapping his arms around you from behind and squeezing your waist in the process. "It's perfect," you whispered to yourself, watching Eli spoon far too much batter into the pan, not even telling him to do otherwise because he was clearly enjoying it too much.
"It is," Derek agreed and you weren't surprised by the kiss he placed on the back of your head, tightening his hold and forcing you against his chest, knowing that the both of you might've underestimated just how easy this whole thing would be- he loved you and Eli more than anything in the world, so how could it be anything other than perfect.
"Hey, dad, if you could stop fraternizing with my sous chef long enough for us to finish breakfast that would be great," you were quick to jump out Derek's arms, bumping shoulders with Eli as you took your place next to him. "Do you want to pour or flip?"
"Flipping is more fun..."
"Great, so I'll flip then," he was very pleased with himself when you managed a mocking gasp, taking the bowl and spoon from him as he searched for the spatula. "You can just stand there doing nothing, dad, it's safer, don't you think so, Y/n?"
"Definitely," you breathed and your heart soared seeing the sheer size of Derek's smile as he watched the two of you. "You can just stand there looking pretty."
"Yes, chef."
"Sous chef," Eli corrected and the laughter that filled the room was something the Hale house had been missing for quite some time and it was something that Derek hoped would never go away ever again.
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foxymoxynoona · 1 year
the way i would killl for a cute little scene between amended jk and lily when she was 4/5 doing something sweet like him teaching her something, or helping her in any way🥺🥺 I always imagined jk with a lil soft spot for her mini princess and i hope he does have it because lily is just the cutesttt!
I hope you enjoy this! <3
Story: Amended Characters: Jungkook and Lily Length: 2406 CW: Some soft cursing, mentions of blood, that's it
“Elbow pads,” Jungkook said and Lily held her arms out for him to check the straps, even though he’d only fastened them a minute ago.
“Check!” she said.
“Wrist guards,” he said and held his hands out for her to slap with the guards in place.
“Check!” she said.
“Knee pads.”
“Check!” Lily laughed and swatted at him as he drummed lightly on the hot pink shell protecting her blonde head from the sort of thing he would not want to have to explain to Isabella later. Isabella and Ezra were at a birthday party, one Lily was too young to participate in, which had led to many tears from the six year old who considered all of Ezra’s friends her friends too. 
There were few things Jungkook disliked more than Lily’s tears of disappointment, so he’d decided to make good on a promise he’d been given more than a year ago.
“Lesson one, how to carry the board,” he said, pulling the shortboard off the wall in the garage where he’d fitted hangings for his skateboards. Eomma had been about to throw them out when she and Appa were cleaning out their garage, and then Isabella had been skeptical why he’d want them seeing as he wasn’t seventeen anymore, but one smooth (ok, a little wobbly) ride home on the longboard had reminded him how much he enjoyed it. And he’d ridden since high school! Not in a few years, but now he’d do a few runs of the driveway on them, if Ezra and Lily had them out to play. They thought he looked cool. Isabella said he looked like a hospital visit but then she’d kiss his cheek affectionately so he thought she just didn’t want to admit that her little high school heart still thumped for him riding. He was sure of it. 
“I want to ride the big one,” Lily frowned and pointed.
“No let’s start with this one. That one will be harder for you to steer.”
She made a face but it quickly dissolved into a smile as he handed her the shortboard with its bright blue and yellow geometric design on the bottom. When she balanced it on her head, he showed her how to carry it under her arm instead.
“It’s scratchy,” she giggled. “I always scratch my butt on it.”
“That scratchy is really important, it’s going to help your shoes stay in place.”
“Like glue?!”
“Not quite but sort of.”
They walked together to the end of the long driveway, where many times before she would perch her butt or tummy on the skateboard and scoot down the slight incline. Jungkook had a terror of her rolling over her fingers so at least she knew to keep her hands up, but she’d definitely fallen off a few times even so. Usually when she veered into the grass and rolled off.
“Ok for starters, you’re going to just stand and I’ll help you go. I want you to get a feel for how moving your body changes where you go. Are you left footed or right footed.”
“I have both feet,” she assured him, looking up with wide-eyed innocence.
“Yes but which is your– nevermind. Start walking towards me?”
“Why?” she asked, taking several steps in his direction, left foot first.
“Ah! You’re goofy!”
“You’re goofy,” she glared and giggled and stuck her tongue out.
“No, we call it goofy-footed, I think your left foot is your dominant foot.”
“What does dah-mint mean?”
“Never mind. Here, you’re going to stand like this on the board,” Jungkook said, taking up a demonstrative stance beside her. He waited for her to mimic his foot position, then took a moment to adjust her weight and shoulders, told her to bend her knees, hands out for now. She bounced up and down to make a game of it, giggling. Little girl energy was very different from teenage boy energy, when he’d learned to board from YouTube videos and hid in the garage until he wouldn’t embarrass himself.
“Great. Now let’s give it a go on the board. Up you go,” he said. She stepped up only to immediately yelp as it slid out from under her. Fortunately he caught her but they had to chase the board down.
“Easy does it, try again.”
“It’s like getting on a nervous horse,” she giggled.
“Have… you ever ridden a horse?”
“No like in Barbie, duh.”
“Duh,” he repeated, eyes wide, shaking his head at her sass. “Ok, easy like you’re getting on a nervous horse.”
He let her try again and then the third time decided to more actively help her find her balance. She had her legs straight which would have sent her sailing onto her bum when the board when flying if Jungkook hadn’t been right there to catch her under the armpits. So he held her tight as she stepped onto the board the third time, and made her bend her knees, and then maneuvered her to help her find the right balance.
“Steady, steadyyyy,” he teased, slowly letting go of her.
Lily made a horse whinnying noise and promptly fell off. He didn’t manage to catch her this time. For a brief moment he watched her waver between whether she thought this was funny or not, but she decided it was ok and popped back up. 
They tried it again and this time Lily could hold steady enough that he gave her a little nudge to get her rolling.
“Knees bent! Knees bent!” he encouraged, hands hovering around her as she wobbled. He hadn’t pushed the skateboard hard though and when it abruptly lost steam against a crack in the sidewalk, Lily pitched forward and he barely managed to catch her.
“Again!” Lily cheered as she spun her around and toed the skateboard back into place. Of course she thought flying was fun! Jungkook smiled and ignored the burning starting in his muscles at being so consistently tensed so as to keep her from eating shit.
They tried the routine several more times, each time Jungkook pushing her a little further and faster as she did her best to maintain balance. Gradually he moved his hands away from her, trusting her to hold steady.
“Shit,” he choked as that came back to bite him in the ass: Lily took a forward tumble, shooting the board back into his shins, which hurt like shit and also kept him from catching her in time. Knee pads and wrist guards clattered against the driveway as Lily let out an anguished cry. He scooped her up, checking for any major injuries as big tears rolled down her face, blue eyes the size of dinner plates.
“Anything hurt? Anything broken?” he demanded, looking her over. She sniffled and shook her head. “You didn’t bite your tongue or break a tooth or anything?”
“It was scary!” she sobbed and threw her arms around his neck.
“Ok. I know. Ok we don’t have to keep going, you did really well today. You were doing it!”
But Lily sobbed, “I want to do it all the way.”
“All the way what?”
“I want to do tricks!” she cried. “I want to go up the house.”
“Up the house?”
“Up the house and I do a flip.”
“No no,” he laughed. “Today we just go down the driveway. You have to skate a while before you can do tricks and not up the side of the house! We’d need to go to a skate park.”
“Not today, Lilybear. We can be done now. Let’s go inside and–”
“But I only went this far!” she sobbed and held up her fingers an inch apart. 
“You… want to keep going?” It seemed untrue considering she was still crying, but she nodded and held her hand high to be lifted. So he picked her up to her feet. “Ok, well, high five! Let’s try again then!”
She was very brave with her little sniffles, wiping her face off and then complaining about the velcro that scratched her cheek. Jungkook got the skateboard set up again, helped her on, and then did it all again. Now that she’d had one fall, she was tense at first, but after a few minutes began to relax again and she started riding further. And further. And further until she reached more of the incline of their long driveway and gained speed. Jungkook had to jog to keep up and she shrieked with laughter, knees bent, hands out to catch herself.
“Go!” he shouted as he realized she was stable and might be able to ride the whole length. “Go go! You got this! Go!” He cheered in the distance as she rolled onwards, gaining speed but not wavering.
Only to scream, “HOW DO I STOP?!”
He set off at a sprint and just barely managed to catch her off the board around the waist before she slammed into the garage door like a bird at the window.
“I did it!!” Lily shrieked as Jungkook spun her around, his own cheers bubbling around hers, “You did it! You did it!” He was proud of her, yes, especially for getting back onto the skateboard after falling so many times, but also he was relieved as all fuck that she had suffered no major injuries. 
“Ah, watching you is really inspiring,” he told her through a double high-five. “You want to go again?”
“Nope! I’m all done,” she beamed at him.
“For today? Or forever?”
“I don’t know.”
“Ok,” he laughed, and scratched the back of his neck. “Well… I’m going to do one lap up and back, watching you board was so inspiring.”
“I know,” she grinned, though he suspected she didn’t know what that meant. But helping her for so long left him desperate for a cool, smooth ride. And maybe to show off a little too, convince her that it was cool and she should practice it more. He thought having a skateboarder daughter would be pretty cool.
He got a running start and tossed the board down, stepping onto it with ease, a muscle memory still in his balance and legs. The breeze through his hair was nice as he stretched his arms and rode up the long driveway, occasionally pushing off to get more speed through the slight incline. At the top he tried to do a little jump to spin around but he was rusty and just stepped heavily off the board but Lily couldn’t see him fuck it up from the far end of the driveway so that was ok.
He set off again, a little faster this time, gliding smoothly side to side, arms raised in a victorious pose as she cheered for him from the front door where she’d already stripped her guards off. 
Unfortunately, she opened the door. And Gidget, who had been kept inside so as not to “helpfully” knock Lily over during her lesson came sprinting directly towards Jungkook. He zipped to the side to avoid running over her, but he had miscalculated how close to the edge of the driveway he was. 
The right wheels sank into the narrow space between concrete and grass and Jungkook pitched forward, frantically lowering his arms to catch himself. He landed hard on his left side, barely biting back a curse as Gidget leapt over him as if trying to smother him and finish the job.
He rolled onto his back and hissed at the burning sensation on his leg and arm, scowling and ordering, “Get off, Gidget. Down girl, stop!”
“Daddy!” Lily’s scream hadn’t registered with Jungkook as he ate shit but now her voice cut through as she sprinted over to him. He held Gidget’s collar with one hand and gingerly inspected his arm and knee with the other.
“Oh no you scraped your knee!” Lily gasped. His elbow too, both scratched raw like he hadn’t done in probably a decade, not since he played soccer. Honestly, maybe not this bad since he was a kid. He felt exactly like a six-year-old as Lily, now the adult, crouched over him and grimaced in sympathy.
“Yeah, Lil?”
“You’re supposed to wear a helmet! What if you hit your head? You got hurt so bad! Where are your knee pads?!”
Jungkook made a face and sighed, “I don’t even own kneepads… I thought I’d be ok…”
“Safety first! Are you even wearing sunscreen?!”
Jungkook’s scowl grew all the way into a pout as he looked to the side and let Gidget go and sighed, “... No.”
“I know just what to do. We need our first aid kit. I’m not allowed to touch it but it’s under the sink so you can get it and um… I’ll hold your hand while you put a bandaid on it because I don’t think I’m allowed to touch blood and I don’t want to look at it anymore,” she said, full transparency, her gaze repeatedly jerking away from the bloody scrapes. “Maybe we should call Mom. I don’t ever want to look at your owie again.”
“We don’t need to call Mom.”
“It’s a lot of blood.”
It hurt, but her concern made him chuckle as he assured her, “It’s not as bad as it looks. Come on, help me walk into the house.”
“Did you break your bones?! Maybe you’re too old to skateboard!”
“Lily! I’m not that old!”
“No more skateboarding unless you have all the pads.”
“It’s the rule,” she reminded him, exactly what he had said to her that morning when she had first complained that the elbow and wrist pads were uncomfortable. Damnit. 
“Ok ok. I won’t argue with you right now. Let’s get me cleaned up… but I looked pretty cool before I crashed, right? You saw?”
“I saw you rolling.”
“It’s called boarding.”
“Did you do a trick? I was taking my pads off.”
“No, I didn’t do a trick, I just… boarded good…” 
Lily just blinked at him. Jungkook let out a noisy sigh and lay back in the grass, surrendering to Gidget’s licks around his neck and chin.
“You boarded good! Now you need a bandaid and I need a snack,” Lily assured him. Jungkook heaved himself to his feet, wincing at the sting of the scrapes, and the two skaters called it a day and went for juice and cookies and a whole lotta Frozen bandaids.
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
Ok ok... I haven't read the OG book (I ordered that though and it's arriving on Wednesday!), but... Hear me out.
Apparently, according to Google, originally Aunt Em and Unkle Henry are actually Dorothy's adopted parents. Her biological mother left her on their doorstep. In Oz, the Scarecrow, Tinman, and Lion all vowed to look after each other and Dorothy on their way to Oz.
What if Dorothy, as a baby/young child, got taken to Oz and somehow found herself in the care of the trio? Maybe one of them found her and basically adopted her (Scare was nailed to his post, and Lion was a coward that ran from everything. So my best guess would be Tinny). Or all three of them if they had found each other first? Imagine them all trying to figure out what to do with this child! Imagine the lengths they go to protect her and take care of her! Imagine Dorothy growing up and hearing them all say they don't have brains, heart or courage, but she sees them as the smartest, loving and bravest people she knows! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Basically, a Three Men and a Baby/Little Lady AU, but with Dorothy and Friends. Idk about you, but I need this wholsomeness in my life XD ^^ (maybe Dorothy's wish in this AU would be to know where she really came from? 🤔)
... now I have to re-watch 3 Men and a Baby. Thats okay, I love that movie XD
🥺🥺🥺 BUT IMAGINE LION FINDS HER FIRST!! He was scared by her at first, so he rushes behind some bushes or something... just to see another jungle creature approach the defenseless little bundle. And they look h u n g r y. And Lion is terrified of that creature even worse, but even more then that?? He's scared f o r the defenseless bundle!!
So. He decides, taking a deep whimpering breath. He has to save it.
And after that he ends up keeping the little one, because oh its kind of cute?? So sweet??? He's still a little scared of it every time it cries or screams (or sneaks up on him, if Dorothy's already crawling), but its so... weak. Cant even roar. And its all alone, like him... He Has to care for it.
But he cant do it here. Its too dangerous in the jungle. They have to go somewhere else.
And on the way to a 'safe place', they meet Tin and Scarecrow!!! The Lion tries to leave them both as soon as he sees them, but both times baby Dorothy slips from the Lion's grasp, or cries so sadly at the prospect of leaving them that once again- he h a s to step up and help the strange men.
Okay, some extra HC's that came to mind with this:
Scarecrow showing his brains by being the one to find food for baby Dottie after Tin Woodman tells Lion she cant eat raw meat- thats not how baby humans work. Scare did the same thing for little teenage Dorothy in the book! He found her food multiple times (Nuts, fruit) and I just love that about their relationship. He also covers her in dry leaves to keep her warm while she sleeps.
Tin Woodman showing his heart when he's the one to hold Baby Dottie and stick with her and sympathise with her through all her tantrums and bouts of uncontrollable crying. As she grows up this doesn't change, and he's always the one she talks to when she needs it.
Just another book thing I love, but- Tin and Scare watching over Lion and baby Dottie every night while they slept, since they don't do that. Baby Dottie often sleeping in Scare's arms because he's squishy and warm like a blanket and Lion will get startled if she sleeps with him and suddenly moves.
Tin Woodman making Dottie clothes and blankets and stuff as she gets bigger. I just feel like out of all of them, Tin would have the most home-making skills. (IMAGINE HIM TEACHING LION HOW TO KNIT, THOUGH!! It would be such a nice calm activity for him <3)
Scare and Lion telling the best bedtime stories while Tin sits with little Dottie in his lap and gets just as into it as she does. Scare's get goofy and out-there, while Lion's detail brave acts of daring-do he imagines he might complete if he had the courage.
IMAGINE HOW THIS CHANGE EFFECTS THE DOROTHY MUST DIE VERSION OF THE STORY!! Those are no longer her friends- thats her Straw Dad and her Fur Dad and her Tin Dad. The love Tin has for Dorothy is no longer romantic (Unless it still is, in which case... I'm still intrigued by this even darker storyline honestly) but fatherly. Protective. Maybe he's sad that she's turned out this way, but he will never turn away from her?? He couldn't?? Thats his little girl and he will always be on her side.
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leclerced · 8 months
I just had the most random idea but it seemed cute so here goes
Imagine reader maybe raising a teenage brother like her son for family reasons of whatver ( or maybe taking care of siblings son for an extended period of time) and introducing him to max for the first time. Like my family is a mix of guido Italian-americans and traditional southern rednecks and I have 4 brothers who are all protective and big and play football and drive trucks and I can so imagine Max being either intimidated or really eager to please readers son/nephew, even though he's only like 9 years younger. Like max letting him teach him about football and rodeo and farming and just general southern culture even though it makes no sense to him but he still wants his approval
Thanks in advance for whatever you decide to do with this and have a nice day/night!
no this is so cute actually
imagine the kid is still in high school and is on the football team 🥺 no one in the town knows what formula one is so max gets to be a normal guy, like just someones boyfriend, when he goes to see his girl and attends a game with them. he gets a school shirt or hoodie when they do spirit sales at the school that he wears to the games. and attends rodeos and gets all dressed up w them in boots and jeans and a button down with a cowboy hat!! maybe the kid is in the rodeo and so he’s cheering as the kid does whatever rodeo event he’s favored. he doesn’t really know what’s going on during football games or the rodeos, and just cheers when the rest of the family does. he’d learn pretty quickly i think but at first he doesn’t get it, wouldn’t be as excited about those things as like his racing, but he learns about it so he can impress them w his knowledge. thinking ab him researching the ncha after they mention wanting to attend and he wants to know all ab it before he buys tickets for them to go!
also him attending thanksgiving with her fam and trying to play football with her brothers?? he learns how to throw the ball but that’s about it. ends up retreating to the kitchen to help with thanksgiving dinner after too many failed catches.
farming?? the town is grew up in is like known for watermelons and sadly we had a horrible drought this past summer and they had the worst harvest in a decade 😭😭 thinking ab max sitting at my family’s dinner table while we complain ab the drought and how the local watermelon stand isn’t up because the deer are eating all the good melons and they haven’t had a harvest yet.
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
The worst thing, in my opinion, is growing up in a household where fighting and screaming is common. Especially when it induces fear on the child. cough cough hint on a young hobie hc soon?? cough cough Daily Hobie HC! Inspired by the song Treehouse by Alex G- TEEN HOBIE>:) Hobie met you at school, when you had offered to buy him something in place of him giving away his lunch to someone else. As he struck up conversation while you two were waiting to buy, you two just seemed to click. You and Hobie were practically glued to each other, so much so that even teacher's began to notice and change the seats so that you two would sit together, since they had determined that you both wouldn't be so chaotic together. Whenever one of you guys was absent, for example Hobie if he got sick, the teachers would ask you on where he was and when he would most likely be coming back. It was always Hobie and you to everyone else, and the two of you were proud of it. Hobie would always go to your place. It was like a second home for him, where he could hang out with you afterschool and play around with your pets and talk. A few times Hobie had remembered that you haven't seen his house much, and with a lot of begging, he would invite you over for sleepovers or just hangouts. Eventually, Hobie began to get a really warm feeling in his chest whenever you were around, but simply dismissed it as just a really secure friendship with you. One time, he had wanted to show you the new treehouse he got, with the two of you immediately climbing into it. However, you paused when you had read 'DO NOT ENTER!" in scribbly, red handwriting, to which Hobie quickly reassured you that you were the only person with an exception. You hugged him tightly, and he hugged you just as tightly in response, before entering into the small, cozy treehouse. There was even a small balcony, where Hobie made his way to show you the specific noisy bird he always complains about. No doubt, you both spent hours in the treehouse. Talking, laughing, being unhinged, cuddling, talking some more. Mainly the 'teenager stuff', as your mother would put it sometimes. As night fell, before you got picked up after dinner, Hobie wanted to show you a meteor shower that was supposed to be visible tonight. After an hour of waiting, Hobie was getting impatient as you two waited on the balcony. Eventually, the meteor shower came, with Hobie immediately dragging you to the corner of the balcony where the sky was most clear, his head flopping down into your lap as you two watched, which was a common position for the two of you to be in. At school whenever the teacher put something on to watch, either Hobie would have his head in your lap, if they could sit wherever they wanted, or with your head leaning on his shoulder if you had to stay in your seats. Most of the time, whenever your head leant against his shoulder, he would always lay his head against yours, ignoring the teasing 'ooohhh's of classmates around. Hobie's eyes drifted to yours as you gazed up at the sparkling meteor shower, his smile softening as he admired the meteor shower from your eyes, completely unaware of the concept of a crush (before it's too late and he's already head over heels for you) -🐦‍⬛
Uh oh angst for the next daily hc 😨
Daily Hobie HC ‼️‼️‼️
Oooh I love that song!
Aisbjwdbhwjsb they're so cute!!! I can imagine this is how TTN! Hobie and R acted during their younger years! Like they're so attached to the hip every one ships the two of them!
The treehouse!!! Oh I always wanted one when I was a kid!
Not Hobie catching feelings 🤭 Love that for R
The meteor shower 🥺 I bet Hobie secretly has a Polaroid of you looking up at the sky during that brief moment 🥰
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toomuchracket · 1 year
flatmate matty (i miss him) is so teenage dream coded like he absolutely does stare at her like a simp when she’s taking her makeup off at the end of the day or laughs at the silliest dad jokes that she cracks and just yeah i think every single lyric of that song could fit them so well 🥺
i miss him too :(( i'm imagining this song coming on when the two of you are newly-dating and out with your friends one night. you watch matty laugh with george as they stand at the bar - you're two drinks in, in the little sweet spot between sober and tipsy, and matty's never been more beautiful to you than he is now, happily bopping his head to the song as he waits for the bartender to make your vodka soda lime. at the first two lines of the song, you're reminded of the other night in the flat; you were both a little high and giggly, and you laughed so hard you couldn't get the end of your joke out, which made matty giggle uncontrollably, and then he persisted in trying to kiss all over your face after you'd just washed it (because you laughing so hard made your mascara run), repeatedly saying "my beautiful girl, let me love youuuuuuuu" and cooing at "how cute your little grumpy face is" even when you told him to fuck off. anyway, he comes back over with your drink, kissing you and tugging you onto his lap after he sits down, before holding your face in his hands and singing the chorus directly to you (in the same key and octave as katy, which makes you giggle). during the second verse, matty's like "oh we should do that when we get home" about the fort-building line, and you're like "my god you're literally obsessed with them. but yes"; he giggles, and he's like "you know, this song is actually so us, when you think about it. like, you were in all my best teenage dreams. actually, there was a really good one with a bedsheet fort in it too. we were both naked in that one lol i thought about it quite a lot. and we've actually done it, so i still think about it". you facepalm like "omg please stop we are in public", and matty laughs and pulls your hand away to look at you lovingly and tuck a bit of hair behind your ear - he's like "sorry, baby. but you really are my dream, teenage and always. and you're my reality, too, which is even better", and you can't stop yourself from kissing him. and then you're like "you know you've been in all my best dreams since we were eighteen too, yeah? used to dream about us like this, out with our best friends, you and i together. i mean i had sex dreams about you too, obv, but i liked these sweet ones the best"; matty caresses your cheek at the description of your dream, then his eyes widen at the next bit and he's like "WAIT what were we doing in your sex dreams i have to know so we can recreate", and you kiss him again and cheekily say "don't worry, i'll show you in the fort when we get home" lol. but yeah, that song is very flatmate coded <3
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sarahhillips · 1 year
Hey I’m Toasted Watching Libertys Kids. Here are my comments
Boston Tea Party
First I’m so happy that every episode is available on YouTube! That makes things so much easier.
The theme song has NO RIGHT to hit this hard. Why isn’t this our national anthem? 🥹
For real though, the premise of this show overall has potential for an Outlander quality show for us big kids.
The opening montage? Cinema.
Walter Cronkite as Ben Franklin is A+ casting because his name ends in kite.
I love how Sarah’s so calm even though she’s trapped in a stormy ship. Maybe it’s because she’s hyper focused when she’s writing. I was on a cruise once and panicked when the ship got to swayey for me.
I love how Sarah adores her father. Leaving London for a new land unsupervised as a teenage girl sounds wild.
Moses is done with James already
Moses doesn’t end up having kids because he basically already had kids and said that’s enough for me.
“It’s addressed to Moses! You look like James!”😆 He’s so cute.
Omg it’s the beer guy. Beer overthrew tea.
It’s pretty hardcore that they have a picture of the redcoats murdering them hanging on the tavern wall.
Imagine walking out to the deck of a ship to see strange and unfamiliar land. Also where is the captain??? Why is she the only person on the ship when they break in to it?
The sons of liberty look like they’re going to coachella.
“Mom? How did you and dad meet?” “I hit him with a pillow stuffed with books and insulted his grammar.”
When she cute but conservative af
“You’re Sarah Phillips!?”
“Dr. Franklin sent YOU?”
Why didn’t Moses go below deck first?
Bro straight up tore her locket off on purpose. He always wanted to do that to a woman.
Moses calling them big ugly hogs 😂😂
If James and Henri stink that bad, poor Sarah must have been suffocating under that blanket.
Omg Sarah we don’t just ask people if they’re slaves.
Ok real talk though, how many of you have been to an African American history museum with a slave ship hallway? Because that was horrific.
Phylis Wheatley should have written the Declaration, not Jefferson.
Sarah dropping the mic more than Hamilton tbh
Sarahs doing pretty well for a rich girl sleeping in a barn for the first time
Bro that is not sanity, throw that fish away
Look at all the wigs!
OMG you guys the tea party is totes Bens fault. Ben looks so done with them.
The Intolerable Acts
Dear mom, this is not the airbnb that I wanted
“English Henri!” “I’m counting the English!”
Ben literally said suck my dick at Parliament.
James not noticing the redcoats in the barn for five minutes
The redcoats act like Karens.
Sarah don’t have time for your shit James
That captain is such a piece of shit. Henris backstory is lowkey fucked up.
I’d like to have more of a backstory on James’ parents.
*heavenly music*
He just put Sarah on the spot like that and she outwitted him beautifully.
When a man gives you his outerwear, he’s at your service forever.
Dear mom I’m finally in the right airbnb
Bro just straight up gave up his ring so she could have a locket omg 🥺
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gillianthecat · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I just love Kurosawa hugging Adachi from behind, ok.
I was unsure about the Cherry Magic movie at first, but as soon as it started lightly torturing its main characters I got into it 😈
And then by the end I adored them.
some of my favorite moments:
The scene in the dark hospital hallway when Adachi looks so defeated and, out of focus in the background someone emerges from around the corner and, still very out of focus, runs toward Adachi and calls his name. Possibly my favorite shot out of the whole movie - how they kept Kurosawa unrecognizably out of focus the entire time, but you could sort of recognize his brown bag, and of course it was him, who else could it be. Adachi's disbelief and slowness to turn around - am I just dreaming this too? is what I imagined him thinking. Kurosawa drenched from the rain with a look of desperation and relief on his face. The feeling evoked by that dark empty hospital, only dimly lit with fluorescent lights.
In additional support of my agenda of torturing Kurosawa as much as possible, his defeated look as he's drying his hair on Adachi's temporary couch, and him finally being honest about what he's feeling, finally admitting to some selfishness for once in his life.
Kurosawa's hug from behind when they're confirming that Adachi has lost the ability to read minds.
The fact that Adachi finally lost the ability to read minds! I don't care whether or not he ever has sex, but narratively speaking the mind reading really needed to end, and I'm glad it happened by the middle of the movie.
Any time Fujisaki appeared on screen. She didn't even have to be doing anything, just seeing her reminded me that I love her.
Kurosawa sneaking a photo of Adachi in the clothes he bought him (though I'm with Adachi here, why that outfit of all things, Kurosawa??). His cute little shy face, and then giving into it and chasing Adachi around with the camera.
Sleepy morning Kurosawa coming up behind Adachi cooking. I think I just like Kurosawa back hugs. Again, it feels like him just taking what he wants 🥰 Especially because it seems like they've spent most of their relationship being so very careful about how and when they touch. And here he is, just grabbing on to Adachi because he wants to. And I like that he's finally relaxed enough to be his sleepy stumbling morning self around Adachi.
Kurosawa staring at the eggs because he wants to imprint it on his mind 🥺 The cutest thing ev-er.
Tsuge's proposal (of moving in together) on the cold dark street after leaving a cozy warm dinner with friends. (I may be projecting a bit about the weather, but that whole scene, the dinner and everything after, stirred up memories and emotions of dinner parties and old friendships.)
Adachi's speech about needing to come out, to share with their loved ones that they were each other's person. And, I don't know if it was intentional (though I suspect it was), but that was an argument for marriage equality too.
Kurosawa nervously presenting his resume (to Adachi) explaining why he should date Adachi. I love how the more we get to know him the weirder he gets 😻
coming out, introducing the boyfriend, and asking for permission to marry all in one go. damn. i can't decide if this is ambitious or efficient. Plus the mama's reaction - tears, laughter, love 🤎
Something about their house and their busy family is nostalgic for me - the wood, the big window with the trees behind Adachi and Kurosawa at the table, the wall hangings, the cluttered shelves. It's stirring up a lot of feelings and memories of Thanksgivings in New England and New York, of visiting relatives and friends of friends as a teenager and young adult.
Kurosawa's conversation with the dad over the go game! His teary-eyed relief at being accepted and embraced by Adachi's family. I almost teared up myself 😢
when you are weak, I will be strong. I think I like all the serious conversations these characters have outside in the dark.
I love how at the end this turned into a quiet but vehement defense of gay rights and marriage equality, and against homophobia 🌈
ok, i knew (from seeing pictures) that this ended with a wedding, but my heart still leapt when Kurosawa pulled out the ring box.
(possibly because I'd been distracted thinking about how many recent BLs have ended with walks on the beach - Blueming, Minato Shouji's Coin Laundry, I Promised You the Moon, Takara-kun to Amagi-kun. Just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are others.)
Looking up at the rings on their hands against the blue sky as they lie on the beach together! And that one moment when their wrists crossed as they lay collapsed next to each other. Kurosawa's joyous smile as he admits to measuring Adachi's finger while he slept. (I was wondering that too, Adachi, thank you for asking.)
Those final shots of them simply holding hands as they walk in the park. I think that there were so many times I wanted them to touch each other and they didn't, so whenever they did it felt special. And now they've softened into simply holding hands just because they want to. 💖
The major theme here is I like seeing Kurosawa either miserable or being selfish. We've got to torture him until he learns how to ask for what he wants, mwahaha 😈
Honestly, I wouldn't have watched this tonight if I hadn't been worried that the video would get taken down at any moment. But I'm glad I did. I still have complicated feelings about the Cherry Magic series, and I still haven't re-watched it, but I felt like the movie addressed some of the things that frustrated me about the series. Kurosawa got to be a little more selfish, a little more of a character in his own right; the characters both grew up a little more. And ironically, in not being able to hear Kurosawa's thoughts I felt like I got more insight into who he was.
Or perhaps my expectations were just a lot lower; Cherry Magic the series got such rave reviews that I think I was wanting too much from it, and I suspect ultimately it's just not quite my thing, for a variety of reasons. But having had that experience I'm able to enjoy the movie more for what it is. And unexpectedly it's wormed its way into my heart. I confess I still found them annoying at the start, but by the end I was all I love their love so much 😭
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