#Yellow Addison: Broadcast Nikola
emiplayzmc · 10 days
Alright, fellas, what should we call this? Addison Crossing? Cyber Crossing?
Either way, my Deltarune Addisons as Animal Crossing villagers!! Also special announcement at the end of the images :DD
(We're gonna ignore that personality types are gendered in proper AC alright guys shh it's fine)
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Bailey & Tourmaline. A peppy squirrel and a smug ostrich, both with the fashion hobby!
AKA, Banner and Target!
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Cassidy & Samuel. A jock and a sisterly - or a brotherly, in this case! - both deer! Cassidy has either the music or fitness hobby, and Samuel has the education hobby.
AKA, Broadcast and Sample!
And now... the one you've all been dying to see...
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Sawyer G. Sawyer!! A smug / jock (can't decide which) rabbit villager! Probably either education or play as hobbies!
Also known as... Spamton G. Spamton!
RAHHHH I had so much fun making these!! Addispam and Big Shot Spamton came out a little janky but it's FINEEE... Kinda like to think that maybe Addispam / Addi-Sawyer was an apprentice to Pete in the AC universe!
And now that that's done...
✨️✨️ I'm opening requests to draw people's Addisons as Animal Crossing villagers!! ✨️✨️
You can send in OC's, you can send in your own versions of the main Addis that we see in game, Addisonas, the sky's the limit! I had a lot of fun drawing AC villagers!
My only requests / rules are:
A) that I'm able to get a description / image of your Addison and their personality, clothing they'd wear, profession, music taste, etc. If you want to, send in a request for what animal you'd want me to draw them as, as well! (For now I'm only doing animals that can be easily put onto an existing character model in AC, like a fox on a Wolf model or a buffalo on a Bull model)
B) That you only send in one or two characters at a time, please! Still new to doing requests, lol
C) Send in requests via the askbox! ^-^
That's all! Anyways, hope y'all enjoy the Addison Crossing characters!!
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seek-the-truth-au · 2 months
♤~ Welcome to 'Seek the Truth' AU ~♤
♡~~ Welcome to the Cyber World, where the main participants of this blog can be found - Sample, Broadcast, Target, and Banner, all Addison salespeople! Send an inquiry about a clothing item you ordered, ask about their day, probe them for their darkest secrets, just have some fun~! They'll be more than happy to answer any inquiries - please fill out the survey and leave your wallet at the door as you enter! They can be trusted with your wallets, don't worry about it :) ~~♡
Important Information:
♤~ The Addisons will not all be available to ask at once! You will gradually be able to talk to more of them as time goes on, with certain characters unlocking different parts of the blog.
♤~ Even if all of the Addisons have been available to ask, some may not be able to answer 24/7! You are allowed to ask about other characters to the one you're talking to (IE: asking Blue Addison about Yellow Addison), and this is encouraged to be able to have more characters in the blog!
♤~ Time may be inconsistent between asks. Some characters may answer things within the same day, sometimes they'll end up being a day or MULTIPLE days later in-universe.
♤~ Things will eventually be drawn for the characters and asks when a certain character is unlocked ^-^. As of right now, drawings will be limited to special events that aren't asks (aka, what I'm calling 'cutscenes').
♤~ This AU will eventually be story based! At the beginning it'll mostly be me putzing around and having fun with the characters with a rough plot, and I'll be able to get more of a feel for the story as time goes on.
♤~ This AU is post-Big Shot era. Take that as you will :).
♤~ This AU's main Addis are all family! Please refrain from asking anything NSFW or 'shippy to the characters about their siblings or themselves. Simping for characters is allowed if it ever arises, but please keep this blog safe for minors~
♤~ Asks will work mostly as small messages that pop up in the Cyber World (think of Microsoft Clippy messages). As such, you cannot physically interact with characters, and things that can be 'sent' have a size limit. In other words, you can't send a car or something huge, but you can send money, letters, and MAYBE the occasional food item (keep it to a minimum).
♤~ RPing as other blogs is allowed ^-^
Available to ask:
Target Tourmaline - Pink Addison
Unavailable to Ask:
Sample James - Blue Addison
Broadcast Nikola - Yellow Addison
Banner Hestia - Orange Addison
??? - ???
Blog Owner:
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emiplayzmc · 1 month
On the roaddd 💛🩵🧡🩷🤍
In any case, for no reason, have some of my Addison playlists because yes ✨️ (I'm working on Addispam still, but have Big Shot Era :33).
Broadcast - Yellow Addison
Sample - Blue Addison
Target - Pink Addison
Banner - Orange Addison
Big Shot Spamton ✨️✨️
ALSO MY TWO MOST FLESHED OUT OC ADDIS, CLICK AND CLICKBAIT!! Some songs from Banner's playlist may repeat in theirs but only because Click and Banner have somewhat similar music tastes, and Clickbait is a Trojan / Copy of Click :> They have their own original songs as well
Click - Pink Addison
Clickbait - Pink Addison / Trojan Addison
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emiplayzmc · 1 month
Random headcanon but I think Addisons giving gifts to each other or to others is an extra so so special thing for them. The closest these little guys go to gifts, usually, is splitting the bill with someone on things. If they give you something WITH ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE, you have won the LOTTERY. Many a time, even GIVING the gift is a pain between Addis because the recipient will usually try to insist on paying them back for it somehow. ✨️Capitalism✨️
In any case, the love languages of my Addis and Spamton <3 (these apply to both platonic / familial relationships in their lives and romantic ones ^-^)
Sample: Acts of Service.
Sample is completely the kind of Addison that would clean someone's apartment and do a lot of little things for people he cares about to make their lives easier :3. Breakfast in bed, letting people vent their problems to him unconditionally, taking their shift on a job, everything for people he cares about (and occasionally even people he doesn't particularly care for because he's just nice </3)
Broadcast: Physical Touch.
I have ✨️angst✨️ lore with this guy, and touch is something that's pretty important to him. It grounds him in reality and helps him realise, either physically or mentally, 'hey, I'm still here, I'm still around.' He has. So many. Fidget toys in his apartment. But when he's around people, he's BIG on doing things with touch (being respectful of boundaries of course ^-^). Hand holding, hugs, peeping over someone's shoulder and resting his chin there to see what they're doing, etc. It all helps to ground himself and let both himself and those around him know that he's mentally in the present and alert and listening!
Target: Words of Affirmation.
Target's not usually the type to do stuff for people nor want things done for him, and DEFINITELY not one to touch or BE touched, but they're definitely someone who gives out and needs himself comforting words or advice ^-^ Although usually what they give and need tends to land on the border of Harsh Truth TM as well. He will NOT sugarcoat things when talking to people, but if they genuinely need comfort, they're great at giving that, being a welcomed ear to listen and an offerer of advice or just a simple 'you're doing great, and please never forget that.' Despite his more strict exterior, they do tend to be a little bit more on the unsure side of himself and their profession, especially after [REDACTED LORE], so every now and then comfort is something he needs as well. :]
Banner: Quality Time.
Epitome of 'why so friends? -the visiter.' Always loves spending quality time with people they care about and has ALWAYS made time for people :3 It doesn't matter whether it's quality time out on the town, time spent rambling to each other, or even just sitting with someone for a while silently, they're ALL about being around people and wanting to show they care by spending as much time as they can with others. Usually, they're one of the first people there to be a shoulder to cry on or to come to a meeting or to arrive at a party and the last to leave ^-^
Spamton: Also quality time!! That or giving gifts :3
After so long of being alone, whether metaphorically in his Big Shot era or physically in his downfall, it would take him a while to be able to warm up to being around people again long-term (especially the Addisons, yeesh...), but when he does... the first way he shows that he WANTS to be with people again is by spending time with them - or at the very least, not pushing them away and letting THEM be around HIM. In all honesty, contact with other people is probably something he misses but would never admit because of his pride.
As for gift-giving, he'd probably still have the same reservations about it that he did as an Addison, but it's a little more loose for him now. If you're patient enough you can buy stuff from Spamton's shop for almost nothing. If you press F1 in battle with him, he'll give you a little healing Spam, even in the Weird Route. In the past, he gave Noelle a little Pipis gift since she was the one reading his emails. I think gifts for him after his downfall are more like loose 'you do something for me, I do something for you,' and only - ONLY!!! - for people he cares a LOT about. Beyond the salesman is a guy who does gift people things, but many a time, it's disguised as a transaction rather than an actual 'gift.' At least that's how I interpret him in-game, correct me if I'm wrong, so that's how I've chosen to interpret him for headcanons as well :>
Anywhooooo, there's my Addi + Spamton love languages - applying to platonic, familial, and romantic relationships alike ^-^✨️
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emiplayzmc · 4 months
Yes hi hello I am completely normal about the Advertisons.
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YIPPEEE, my designs of the main four Addisons! Headcanons + Individual information under the cut :) (Long Post, as usual).
I think I started working on this in January?? In any case, THIS TOOK TOO LONG BUT I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT IT!!
From left to right: Target (Pink), Banner (Orange), Broadcast (Yellow), and Sample (Blue)
Part 1: Body Ref Sheet + Headcanons
Part 2: Random Headcanons
Sample James (The Blue Addison) [He/Him]
I am not immune to Blue Addison = Oldest and most responsible propaganda. So... yeah! Sample is the eldest / second-eldest next to his twin, Broadcast, of the group! He's an employee of a gift shop / Cyber Shoes location (the shop that gives out free samples!) They're the most level-headed of the group, being the type to offer gentle advice, comfort, and care, along with a listening ear and a calming presence. They're not exactly... enthusiastic about their job? But it pays the bill, so he doesn't try to find a new one that fits into his purpose within Cyber City's Addison workforce. Sample also has pica, so occasionally he's selling / giving Lightners (like Kris) products from the gift shop like they're comsumables rather than items.
Sample is closest with his twin, Broadcast - in fact, they're the only pair of Addisons to have spawned in at the exact same time on the same day in Cyber City. Even if they're not biologically related, they still consider themselves twins, and they were the first people that each other saw. Broadcast is a bit like the Yin to Sample's Yang, as they're an influencer to getting Sample to be more outgoing, while Sample is the influence that (sometimes) mellows Broadcast out.
Sample's advertisements tend to hinge between survey advertisements (like sample sizes) and advertising websites that work with coupons and saving money like Honey and Rakuten.
Broadcast Nikola (The Yellow Addison) [He/They]
In my interpretation of the main four Addisons, Broadcast is, as his name suggests, a commercial broadcaster! Tehy work very long hours at Cyber City's TV station as the sole host of Cyber City's shopping channels, advertising products sold by Addisons across the city nearly 24 hours a day. Despite the long hours, he's a huge ball of energy, constantly speaking quickly and fidgeting with a pair of metal spheres that they carry everywhere. In addition, they're... very much a coffee and sugar addict, keeping a thermos on him at all times that's filled with coffee mixed with obscene amounts of cinnamon and sugar.
Of course, they're closest with their twin, Sample. Most of their free time off work is spent with him. Broadcast is also the type to wear Hawaiian shirts and meme clothes (like that one ADHD shirt that parodies the ACDC merch), and was the one who suggested they and Sample dye portions of their hair in the other's colour, and the one who suggested the family spend their Friday nights at the Cyber Grill (a lot of the time, he was singing at the karaoke stand with Spamton or Banner).
As you probably guessed, Broadcast's advertisements are all television / video based, with commercials on television and advertisements on websites like YouTube.
Target Tourmaline (The Pink Addison) [He/Him]
Target is the middle child of the main four Addisons! He runs a combination jewellery store / Cyber Shoes location - the place where you buy the Freeze Ring / get the pitch for the Dating Shoes. He also runs the tea shop, so he is a bit of a workaholic. He's very no-nonsense and by-the-book, and VERY strict with time management since he already runs three stores. He's also very picky about what he eats and drinks, watching the amount of data that consumables have and pretty much only drinking tea and occasionally battery acid.
Out of the main group, he's the most powerful with his magic, having studied and practiced with it for a long time. Outside of being very uppity, he does care a lot about his siblings, and is usually the one to be called for tough love and harsh truths that need to be heard. He's the closest with Banner, but was also pretty close with Spamton in more of a teasing older sibling - egotistical little sibling dynamic.
Their type of advertising is targeted ads, giving Lightners ads based on their browsing data. He and Spamton used to run a dating website where he did the matchmaking, and Spamton sent out the emails to promote the website.
Banner Hestia (The Orange Addison) [They/Them]
Banner is the youngest of the main four! They run the shop where you buy the Mannequin, and is the most successful of the group with a very popular boutique. They tend to hyperfixate HARD on their clothing designs, and brings a sketching tablet practically everywhere with them. They can make clothes and designs very VERY fast, buuuut tend to fall asleep at their own desk late at night.
They're the closest with Target, usually going to him for advice and just general hanging out, but it's very well known that Banner wears their heart on their sleeve, and cares deeply for every one of their little family - to the point where it may be a little bit obsessive / possessive. They're known for their excellent customer service and speed at getting work and commissions done, being very helpful and supportive towards the customers that come to their shop. Simultaneously the most and least salesman-like of the group since despite their great success they still form a lot of connections with customers and clients and never just like another sucker to buy their stuff.
Banner's type of advertising is, of course, banner advertisements. You have them to thank for the absolutely insane amount of banner ads covering most of the Fandom wiki.
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