#spamton headcanons
sakurabunart · 8 months
Hi!! Can I pester you for your headcanons on Spamton?
Sure!! I have plenty of random headcanons i've developed over time, so bear with me here-
Okay so its been a minute since i really considered these, so let me think. One thing i'll note is that i have this habit where i try to keep any takes i have on a character as canon as possible, so i've weeded out alot of the more outlandlish stuff over time. Starting under cut.
Starting off, I like to think that his cat element kinda aids in his life on the streets, in that he can manuver around the alleyways and whatnot of cyber city in more cat-like ways. Climbing walls, perching up on high vantage points, ect. Maybe the element is from a virus even? Anyway, off track.
Okay overall, less wordy headcanons.
-Spamton, through whatever process happened post Mike, is sorta a halfway point between robot and the strange digital entity that Addisons are. He's plastic and metal, but isn't entirely so. Can still move his face and whatnot.
-Addisons don't need sleep, but Spamton kinda does because of many different factors, the glitches being one of them. Its moreso just a luxury he held onto from the mansion days.
-I don't see it touched on much, but i like to think that he didn't go straight from the mansion to the trash, he had an in-between of living in some sketchy cyber-motels and trying to scrounge up easy work.
-I, for one, do in fact believe in the acid theory. Its simply brought up too much to be a red herring to me.
-Random nothing headcanon, i like to think of his current suit as just his big shot suit thats gotten dirty/stained over time, not a different one.
-Pipis are a virus in themselves, a worm virus specifically. It essentially makes whoever's infected with it completely endeared to the "eggs", thusly they keep the virus and spread it. I haven't developed it too much past that however.
-I liked a post earlier about this one, i think he'd enjoys art as well! He may not do it much, but i imagine he painted the wall behind the shopfront, so i imagine he probably does similar art stuff to try and emulate whatever divine visions he's seen.
Theres more, i know it, but i can't for the life of me think of em right now. I'll reply to this post later if i remember any good ones!
I appreciate the ask!
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emiplayzmc · 5 months
Random headcanon but I think Addisons giving gifts to each other or to others is an extra so so special thing for them. The closest these little guys go to gifts, usually, is splitting the bill with someone on things. If they give you something WITH ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE, you have won the LOTTERY. Many a time, even GIVING the gift is a pain between Addis because the recipient will usually try to insist on paying them back for it somehow. ✨️Capitalism✨️
In any case, the love languages of my Addis and Spamton <3 (these apply to both platonic / familial relationships in their lives and romantic ones ^-^)
Sample: Acts of Service.
Sample is completely the kind of Addison that would clean someone's apartment and do a lot of little things for people he cares about to make their lives easier :3. Breakfast in bed, letting people vent their problems to him unconditionally, taking their shift on a job, everything for people he cares about (and occasionally even people he doesn't particularly care for because he's just nice </3)
Broadcast: Physical Touch.
I have ✨️angst✨️ lore with this guy, and touch is something that's pretty important to him. It grounds him in reality and helps him realise, either physically or mentally, 'hey, I'm still here, I'm still around.' He has. So many. Fidget toys in his apartment. But when he's around people, he's BIG on doing things with touch (being respectful of boundaries of course ^-^). Hand holding, hugs, peeping over someone's shoulder and resting his chin there to see what they're doing, etc. It all helps to ground himself and let both himself and those around him know that he's mentally in the present and alert and listening!
Target: Words of Affirmation.
Target's not usually the type to do stuff for people nor want things done for him, and DEFINITELY not one to touch or BE touched, but they're definitely someone who gives out and needs himself comforting words or advice ^-^ Although usually what they give and need tends to land on the border of Harsh Truth TM as well. He will NOT sugarcoat things when talking to people, but if they genuinely need comfort, they're great at giving that, being a welcomed ear to listen and an offerer of advice or just a simple 'you're doing great, and please never forget that.' Despite his more strict exterior, they do tend to be a little bit more on the unsure side of himself and their profession, especially after [REDACTED LORE], so every now and then comfort is something he needs as well. :]
Banner: Quality Time.
Epitome of 'why so friends? -the visiter.' Always loves spending quality time with people they care about and has ALWAYS made time for people :3 It doesn't matter whether it's quality time out on the town, time spent rambling to each other, or even just sitting with someone for a while silently, they're ALL about being around people and wanting to show they care by spending as much time as they can with others. Usually, they're one of the first people there to be a shoulder to cry on or to come to a meeting or to arrive at a party and the last to leave ^-^
Spamton: Also quality time!! That or giving gifts :3
After so long of being alone, whether metaphorically in his Big Shot era or physically in his downfall, it would take him a while to be able to warm up to being around people again long-term (especially the Addisons, yeesh...), but when he does... the first way he shows that he WANTS to be with people again is by spending time with them - or at the very least, not pushing them away and letting THEM be around HIM. In all honesty, contact with other people is probably something he misses but would never admit because of his pride.
As for gift-giving, he'd probably still have the same reservations about it that he did as an Addison, but it's a little more loose for him now. If you're patient enough you can buy stuff from Spamton's shop for almost nothing. If you press F1 in battle with him, he'll give you a little healing Spam, even in the Weird Route. In the past, he gave Noelle a little Pipis gift since she was the one reading his emails. I think gifts for him after his downfall are more like loose 'you do something for me, I do something for you,' and only - ONLY!!! - for people he cares a LOT about. Beyond the salesman is a guy who does gift people things, but many a time, it's disguised as a transaction rather than an actual 'gift.' At least that's how I interpret him in-game, correct me if I'm wrong, so that's how I've chosen to interpret him for headcanons as well :>
Anywhooooo, there's my Addi + Spamton love languages - applying to platonic, familial, and romantic relationships alike ^-^✨️
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executie · 8 months
•••Some Spamton thoughts and headcanons•••
[how would he even fall in love?
I think with him it's pretty 'fast and hard' before his 'Big Shot' days. He was a struggling young man, I know he had friends at least, but I think he wanted a partner in the long run - just something he knew he'd want to have in the future. So I think a partner would be a heavens gift in his eyes - someone who loves a simple guy like him. He doesn't think of himself as a complete loser, I think he was just averagely normal and knew it. Maybe had some mental/neurodivergent struggles, maybe even stuttered or had a speech impediment of some sort.
Why 'fast and hard' - that's just specific for him, not much here. People fall in love differently, that's what I pick for him. But he falls hard and fast for his friends, not strangers or anyone who showed him just a bit of interest, bro knew he had value.
During 'Big Shot' days I think his ego definetly inflated and hurt him as a concequence. I definetly think he had a whore phase, cause who the fuck wouldn't in his specific place. Probably had his heart broken quite a few times during this period too from getting too attached too quickly from the lack of romantic experience. As time went on and his insecurity in his abilities grew, this definetly took a tall on his love life - I'd say he went back to falling only for closest friends/people who he conceded his stress and worries in (maybe Jevil, maybe Swatch, maybe someone else). I think he stopped falling for those that were after his success but never heightened his standards because he thought himself as a shitty partner at that point as well.
Then after a couple of years of constant stress and growing depression, maybe substance abuse (be it alcohol or nicotine, not necessarily drugs) his psyche was broken by him being thrown out of Queen's mansion (that's trauma number one).
Actually, no, his trauma number one was his friends turning away from him. It's pretty much confirmed he had NO ONE.
Trauma number two would be his insecurity growth and his uncertainty of the future, his abilities, definetly had impostor syndrome and some sort of personality crisis. That would happen while his success grew and his friends turned away from him.
Trauma number three is the phone not ringing anymore. That's when depression started.
Then him being thrown out.
I'd say that's when his psyche finally took damage that could not be reversed, bro is now slightly insane.
Then he tried to impersonate Swatch and took a swim in the acid river - that's another trauma. I think that's the first time his mind was properly smeared against the ground, leaving him scared and hopeless.
He never stopped trying to come back, of course, but that's just Spamton's iron will, the traumas just temporarily slowed him down.
And then years of homelessness beat him down to the level he is now - just harsh physical conditions.
I think what makes him absolutely and utterly amazing is his inner strength, perseverance and unwillingness to give up under any circumstance, just pure drive, because in his place I would not have gone for as long as he has.
And I can't even begin to imagine how fucked up everything he went through is.
Anyway, as for when his partner would come in: I like an AU where Spamton didn't come with Kris and co. but just returned to Cyber City. I think meeting with Kris definetly calmed him down in his insane pursuit of godhood, now he' would be ready to take things slow for once.
I say a month is enough reflection time for him to calm down and to come to terms with everything that happened regarding Kris; Spamton also definetly reflected on him nearly killing the kid - I don't think he was proud of that.
He is definetly a bitter, angry, hurt man, but with a good heart beneath all the pain and trauma he's endured.
So I say he is willing to keep hurting and using others mindlessly, before he befriends them.
So in the scenario where he would stumble across a future partner - he wouldn't trust them fully for a month or so, no matter how nice of interactions they have.
Than maybe they defend him in a street fight and he starts trusting them a bit more - maybe thinks they would be useful to keep around as a tough companion, but nothing more.
Than maybe they do something out of the goodness of their own heart and he genuinely appreciates it - I say that's them being genuinely interested in his shop, maybe helping him dumpster dive. I have a small nice headcanon that Spamton's future partner tries to help him by finding or thrifting and unwanted laptop to expand his business o line - maybe they don't find a laptop for him after all, or maybe they do - why the fuck not - but I say that's the moment he's touched by the reckless effort and decides they are now acquaintances instead of customer/salesman business partners.
And after that his future s/o feels easier around him as well, visits him more, they talk about things, share meals. Maybe hang out (definetly do more dumpster diving) or travel together somewhere nice, Spamton takes them to quite a few cool sightseeing spots. Maybe they sneak onto a roof of a skyscraper and have a meal there.
Maybe Spamton's now friend sneaks away cool dishes for him from a work event, and then finally fully acknowledges Spamton being homeless and pities him (not openly, they know Spamton's ego and heart couldn't handle it) and goes 'fuck it' and casually invites him to their house for lunch.
Maybe Spamton declines the offer for a month straight and then agrees just out of annoyance and then actually loves the experience, and maybe, surrounded by comfort and warmth of a home, having warm food in him, being in company of a person he trusts his life with (even if out of practical reasons) he fucking RELAXES for once in his horrible, grim life and thinks 'huh, I should do that more often'.
So they do, because god knows his friend is having a small crush on him already (they are weird and their tastes are insane), and maybe Spamton finally realised that he has made a friend and maybe that realisation hits him just a bit too hard and a small part of his broken heart gets put back in place. And maybe after that he tells the reader that he is grateful for them as a friend, and admits that for the first time in a long time, he feels content about anything in his life.
And maybe that's when he notices to himself that the reader is somewhat hot, and their strength is impressive, and their compassion and kindness is inspiring, and the contrast of him and Spamton is comforting and refreshing.
And maybe then reader shares a dark secret - about their past and their insecurities, their admiration for Spamton's strength and how they would have never been as tough as Spamton and that's why they think he's so cool and inspiring to them personally.
And maybe that's the moment Spamton takes a compliment genuienly and feels like the person in front of him appreciates Spamton for what he is - his strengths and weaknesses. And then just maybe, just maybe, realises he feels the same deep way about reader.
And that's when the LOVE kicks in hooooo boy.
His future s/o knows they have an infatuation with him. But then after they share a vulnerable moment, they start to get even closer, hang out more. Spamton becomes a regular guest in their home and they get used to him being close. And infatuation grows into comfort, feeling of safety and fondness. The closer they get - the closer they are physically - that results in intimate interest.
And Spamton feels just the same way, although processes it much worse - he IS a homeless mentally ill old man after all, and he knows it.
But when the confrontation of the live confession happens - that's probably when his mental shit hits the fan in his brains. Good thing his love interest is right there to comfort him :)
I wrote this in one go at 4am while sleep deprived help and don't judge me
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darkangel1117 · 1 year
whats your favorite thing about spamton?
my absolute favorite thing about spamton is his lore by FAR
ive always been the type-⏃ guy to be super interested in dark and creepy topics so when ⟟ realized spamton had deep dark creepy lore ⟟ just lost it
and then of course ⟟ had to go and do ⏃ deep lore dive so ⟟ replayed deltarune 3 times for ⏃ bunch of spamton lore (youtube videos help ⏃ 'ton' AHAH)
but uh yea ⟟ like how his lore revolves around this idea of fate, that hes stuck being an unlucky salesman his entire life, handed the bad luck card from square one, then when he finally gets some success its ripped from him and he gets strung up like ⏃ literal puppet. so creepy but so interesting at the same time 😊
oh and he was told the truth of his existence and the world he lives in and went insane, but ⟟ dont think hes really INSANE, just to other people because hes actually right, they arent
then hes thrown into ⏃ dumpster like literal trash, and (again) when be finally gets some help (from kris) its again ripped from him in the saddest way (strings snapped)
poor guy couldnt catch ⏃ break and finally gave up :(
oh and the whole idea of post spamton lore is great ⟟ already have ⏃ great mutual that supplies me with that (iykyk) they know who they are 👁️👁️
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hoagiesnadwich · 4 months
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happy pride!!! have some penpals art
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viridescenttemple · 4 months
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egostrawberry · 8 days
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Been wanting to flesh out these guy’s personalities for a hot minute,, so I did! :>
Names may or may not change later (except for Spamton obv), but I thought these were pretty cute idk
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brightgoat · 1 year
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Addison weapon headcanons and ideas
Every Addison gets a somewhat-personalised weapon (repeats exist). Every Addison also gets pop-up windows or screens that can act as shields (Click has learned to use them as platforms/hoverboards)
Oranges are firewalls, so they get literal walls of fire, fireballs and other fiery-attacks.
Yellows get small handheld sharp weapons (usually one for each hand).
Blues don't get weapons but have very good shields, and can turn the visuals on the shield into projectiles.
Pinks gets arrows or arrow-shaped objects that they can summon and throw long range, along with a handheld-weapon that includes a sharp edge/blade. The two can be connected/fused in some ways (Example: Joyston, Scroll).
Aquatics (Eco) don't have weapons, but have poppups (or other sea creatures?)
Spamton gets neither weapon nor shields, but every Addison also has a Heart Shaped object that can be used as a last-resort weapon. Using it that way is risky however.
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norisalmon · 3 months
Found this thing, thought “why not”
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I mean, doesn’t sound too far fetched, he probably does.
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Something tells me it was much, much longer than two and a half weeks.
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This is not a headcanon, it’s a canon. Over littering.
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Yeah, this is probably connected
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Yeah, happened at the very beginning, that’s in the theme song
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nartblartmallcop · 10 days
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sorry this looks messy, im getting back into digital art rn <3
based on this edit
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charrfie · 6 months
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We're Addisons! All we do is advertise!
Finally got some official references worked out for these guys! I've had their designs in my head (or in half finished ref sheets and other sketches) for the longest time but I never properly finished something and wrote down notes about it. Here they all are now!!
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manofthepipis · 6 months
Can we take a look at Spamton w/o glasses if possible?? I suppose his eyes are in a bad condition since they were burnt out from seeing [[heaven]] (if I remember correctly), but still I want to check them out
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hes defensive about those things
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hazmatmaid · 3 months
Hi! So what ARE your Spamton headcanons? How do you like to portray him?
Mighty kind of you to ask! Apart from much of these being made with the help of @val-of-the-north, I've been intending to draw his known eras in life, and this is the perfect opportunity to detail each:
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Addi Spamton:
He's just some guy. A young adult with some semblance of direction in life, but neither the know-how nor the skill to get there. Despite this, he still talks himself up with confidence you wouldn't otherwise expect from him.
If I ever have any "cutesy blushy uwu" interactions, I dump them all here, where I think he's young and inexperienced enough for it to make the most sense.
He once tried to sell home insurance to a hotel guest.
All of his buddies mostly pity him for his abysmal luck (or whatever else might be holding him back), rather than simply looking down on him, even if they are embarrassed to be seen with him.
Just as prone to bullshitting (and getting pissed off when he's called out on it) as his future selves.
I don't consistently include his hairline in this stage, I mostly just draw it for my own convenience.
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Big Shot Spamton:
A Spamton who knows success to not only afford basic cost of living, but to have his name and face on every sign, screen, and soda in Cyber World (and possibly beyond). Naturally, because of his aforementioned ambition, and unlike his former peers, he doesn't question if he deserves any of it, having an obnoxious, arrogant "I told you so" attitude.
His idea of gifts to his old Addison buddies is his own merchandise (once couldn't attend one of their birthdays, and instead sent them a giant cungadero-shaped cake decorated with neon signs, sparklers, and a picture of him leaning out the window).
Ain't no way he's not spending bank on hookers and cocaine.
If he has a softer side at this point in his life, rarely anyone would see it.
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Present Spamton:
A 40-something Spamton who has long since abandoned much of his morals and inhibitions, even somewhat before his downfall.
Down with murder: this doesn't necessarily mean that I just see him as a mindless killer. Far from it, in fact. His role in Snowgrave is to take advantage of it in a calculated manner once he sees what's going on.
He is capable of kindness (or as close as he can possibly get to it), but it's more him reciprocating someone else's kindness. Even if he does do this unprompted, he probably has to relate to them, or see himself in them on some level.
This version of him is where I am most prone to claiming other absurd, wacky things of him (not that his BShot self is exempt from this).
While I tend to see him at this point as mostly self-serving, conniving, and planning all manner of revenge/murder, I don't think he's entirely beyond redemption and saving, but it would probably take another whole route of character development for him to get anywhere close.
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darkangel1117 · 2 years
ok besties now that i got your attention i am about to drop my favorite spamton headcanons so that we can trade
i shall go first (obviously) (spoilers for deltarune chapter 1 and 2 i think)
spamton neo is made of metal, but due to the fact that he was only neo for a short time, he overheats easily
spamton purrs, but it sounds like a LOUD computer fan
this is probably canon, but the strings on spamton neo are literal wires, which is why when u cut them, he "dies"
spamton is the type of guy to watch his closest friends through their windows and wait to be invited in, without asking to go to their house first
i like the headcanon that spamton cant take a deal if he cant give them something back to "seal the deal"
spamton believes that heaven is the light world, hence his weird obsession with heaven and reaching "the light", pressing f1 has a mini angel spamton heal you, he calls noelle an angel, and wishes to see the light (light world)
spamton is a rabid animal and i stand by that
spamton is the type of guy that stims, mostly when he sees a customer
if the crossover were to ever exist, i think spamton would like metttaton a lot
i like the idea that since spamton is technically a computer, that he can google random information to help make his sales pitches more "reliable"
spamton doesnt have a big obsession on his phone anymore, but cant bring himself to get rid of it
(if spamton can even eat stuff) when spamton eats a cd disk, it just plays a heavily distorded clip of his theme song (any)
spamtons normal form has been corrupted, and small glitches are constantly present
since spamton is corrupted, he can also distort places that he goes to frequently
spamton literally cant NOT smile. due to his puppet-ification, he has a permanent salesman-y smile on his face. it creeps a lot of people out
ever since being evicted, spamton has lost track of time so much that he has no concept of how much time has passed
ok thats all i got bye bye
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beckkii · 1 year
forever thinking about the slow descent of big shot spamton. the way his glitches start off as his typical small quirk but soon become something worse and sinister as off putting phrases come in, more often as well, weirding out (and worrying) those around him. the way he’s found oftentimes either completely zoned out or muttering to himself for minutes on end, only to say to others that he’s “just distracted.” the way his once cheery and bustling room in the mansion goes empty and dark as he spends all his time in the basement, so much so that swatch and the swatchlings immediately head there first thing in the morning to kick him out, only to find him rambling lost in prayer and screeching as he’s carried away
anyways. why don’t ppl talk about spamton’s slow descent into insanity. i wanna talk about spamton’s slow descent into insanity
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taralen · 11 months
I love that Spamton is simultaneously:
Piece of @#$%
Lovable Weirdo
No jointed
He's like the perfect poster boy. He fits into so many categories, and yet, most of them fit him anyway. Want an ad for something horrific? SPAMTON G. SPAMTON. Need a model for the latest lingerie? SPAMTON G. SPAMTON. Looking to advertise good dental care? SPAMTON G. SPAMTON. Need a scapegoat for all the city's problems? SPAMTON G. SPAMT—
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