fflaminlo · 3 months
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krishna-sangini · 1 year
oo antava or any slutty song is our domain
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elryuse · 1 year
Just to cute... M-my heart can't... Hold it... Aghhhhh
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cuddlybitch · 6 months
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여보. 해인아.
QUEEN OF TEARS (2024) dir. Kim Hee-won & Jang Young-woo
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silent-sanctum · 6 months
I love, love, LOVE your Morioh slices of life and would die for more of Jotaro trying to have a stable family life amid Josuke and Okuyasu shenanigans. Please? Maybe a beach episode?? Anything you want, really! 🙏
Hiya! Sorry I just got to your request! This one's pretty lengthy as I said but it is here now~ There was less Josuke and Okuyasu shenanigans than I hoped but that's because I wanted to focus the story on Jotaro's family bonding time. Hope you enjoy! ♡
A Slice of Morioh: Our Piece of Peace
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word count: 4.9k
When it comes to the Kujos, nothing was ever boring or simple.
Every day in every month was something new to explore for the couple and their energetic 4-year-old daughter. Initially, it was just the family doing what an average family does in their seaside villa in Florida, then give it a couple months of adjustments, they found themselves in a mini crusade as they traversed most of Asia.
Jolyne fully had the idea that their trip was purely for vacation, but little does she know that it was half-work as well. In the background of their travels, her parents hunted down potential Stand enemies and possible Stand arrows in the area with the intention of minimizing threats that could harm their little girl’s future.
The whole family work-vacation was entirely your idea, taking into consideration Jolyne’s adventurous and excitable personality. You wanted her to explore the world before she had to stay in one place for her schooling. Understandably, Jotaro hesitated with the suggestion, feeling fearful of what could happen to his family; a hint of trauma still plaguing the back of his mind even after attended many therapy sessions.
You gently insisted it was for their daughter’s development and that she’d be under constant watch but allowed him time to ponder, never pushing it too far that it irritated him.
Eventually, he gave in and trusted your word to allow Jolyne in the couple’s travels across half the world. Looking at her now being this happy and excited, Jotaro didn’t regret his decision.
At this point of their trip, they agreed to give themselves a break and opted to settle down in the small town of Morioh-cho.
And aside from the handful of local Stand users wanting you and Jotaro out of the way of their shady business, the trouble wasn’t too much to handle and the family still had enough rest before venturing out of the country once again.
“Eomma! Appa! I’m bored! Can we go somewhere else please?!”
Jolyne, having be used to the constant go-to routines her family does, began to fuss and whine within the 4 walls of their hotel room. You have stayed in the small town for over a month and within them, your daughter had wasted no time wandering about the area with the typical eagerness of a preschooler.
But since you and Jotaro intended to stay for at least 2 more months, it would only be time until she began to crave for more adventures. Thus, you found yourself facing Jolyne nearly throwing tearful tantrums in the lounge area of your hotel room, with Jotaro by your side perplexed at the situation, and Great Grandpa Joseph sighing as he carried the tiny Shizuka in his arms.
“I wanna go out! I wanna play and run and eat and do whatever!” Jolyne huffed and puffed in her butterfly-patterned pajamas, hands balling in tiny fists and feet stomping on the carpet.
“Jolyne, what did I tell you about being patient? Your mother and I still have matters to tend to here,” Jotaro said gruffly. “We already allowed you to hang out with Josuke and his friends.”
But the little girl continued to whine, cheeks growing red from frustration. “But they keep taking me to the same places over and over! I don’t wanna go back there!”
“Like where pearl?” You questioned.
She raised her chubby fingers and began to count from each. “The sandwich shop, the playground, the ice cream shop, the nice man’s food shop, the school, the park, and even that weird man’s house!”
“Which weird man?” Jotaro mumbled to you, to which you muttered back a quiet “Rohan Kishibe. They like to fool around with the guy”, and he nodded in immediate understanding.
“Listen,” you started as you got down on your knees to face Jolyne. “You have to understand that other than what your father said, the point of why we stayed here is to relax for a bit and then we can go back out there.”
She pouted. “But-”
“However,” you butted in before she could go back to throwing a fit. “How about I make a deal?” You reached over to grasp her one hand with both of yours. “We’ll have a mini road trip in the neighboring towns near Morioh and you can have all the fun you want, but when we get back, you have to behave until we finish our job here. Or else, you get limited exploration in our travels.”
You turned to look back at your husband. “Sounds like a good deal, right?” Jotaro quirked up his brows in agreement as he downed his cup of coffee.
Jolyne puffed her cheeks, dubious. “How long is the trip?”
“How long do you want it to be?”
“Hmm… 4 weeks!” Jolyne said with a wide smile.
“That’s a bit much. A week?”
“Okay then, how about 2 weeks?” You said. “We can do a lot in 2 weeks pearl.”
You felt a hand lay on your shoulder and for a second, you glanced at Jotaro kneeling next to you. “Eomma also needs to rest a lot for your baby sibling to grow properly. Don’t you want that?” You flushed as he wrapped a gentle arm around midsection, hand resting on your small bump.
Jolyne pressed her lips together as she mirrored her father’s action and placed her hand on your tummy. “Yeah…”
“Listen to your parents youngster,” Mr. Joestar spoke up from the back. “There’s loads of fun stuff you can do in places near Morioh. I would know because I’ve been quite the wanderer myself in my younger days.”
“Of course you were old man,” Jotaro deadpanned at him. You held back a laugh at the implication. “Quite the wanderer indeed. I wouldn’t say it was your younger years though.”
“Anyways,” you cleared your throat. “Do we have a deal, little miss?” You put up a hand for her to shake.
Jolyne scrunched her face in deep thought before grinning and eagerly grasping your hand with her smaller ones. “Deal!”
You huffed in complete adoration and couldn’t resist planting a kiss on her forehead. “Aigoo, my tiny impatient explorer….”
“Go bath now before your mother changes her mind,” Jotaro said, rustling her already-tousled dark hair. Jolyne stared up at her father with challenge in her eyes and a smirk for a mouth. “In the count of 3,” he started. “One… two…”
And just like that, your daughter bolted back to her room with a loud giggle.
Jotaro chuckled and got up from his knee, helping you up after him. “Good grief. We really should come up with something to keep her occupied in one spot.” He narrowed his eyes at you. “You spoil her too much.”
“Me?” You raised a brow with a scoff. “And you don’t?”
“I mean-” He watched how you smirked up at him. His cheeks warmed a bit. “This whole vacation was your idea.”
“I know. But you’re often the one bending over to Jolyne’s every wishes, Jotaro-ssi.”
“I get it!” You both turned to the elderly man. “You both are loving parents to that little girl! Have your squabble elsewhere before the baby starts crying again.”
You and your husband shared one look at each other and with that, a smile grew on both your faces.
Jotaro’s job was far from over. Stand users still run rampant in society as he speaks but even then, there was this reassuring sense of peace that often blanketed over his worries.
It took Jotaro months to realize that the source of his reassurance and light heart was the happiness and trust of his family that was with him all throughout this nomadic trip. The trust and love he had for his wife led him to this moment where he can put down the walls of his rigid stoicism and enjoy some semblance of normalcy that you both had wanted.
Just like an ordinary family.
Who knew something as mundane as packing up clothes and toiletries would something he’d prefer over throwing fists at somebody. It became a routine to him considering the number of times they had to the same thing with each country and its many cities.
Ironically, it was even a bit funny that he was finding amusement in the minute details of their daily living: The assigned roles of who was to pack what (Jotaro for the work equipment, you for the clothes, Jolyne for the toiletries), the frequent usage of Star Platinum, Silent Sanctuary, and Stone Free in doing simple assistive work, the banter you somehow still kept up with him throughout the years, his child’s laughter messing with her great grandfather etc.
And so as he tucked the last of the folders in the luggage, Jotaro cocked his head and felt his lip curl up at his own thoughts. “Unbelievable.”
You passed by and glancing at his organizational skills, let out an impressed “ooh” and turned to him. “Got everything packed?” He nodded once. “Your thesis papers? The Stand users’ profiles? Our personal documents?”
“Done. Also double-checked just in case.”
“As expected from you,” you said and got on your tiptoes to peck a chaste kiss on his cheek. “Watch out now, she’s gonna burst through that door in less than a second now.”
“What makes you say-”
“Eomma! Appa!” You both looked to the doorway to spot Jolyne with her trademark space buns, matching pastel green top and bottom, and butterfly accessories clipped on every inch of her clothes. A bright yellow backpack hung behind her, stuffed to the brim. “I’m ready!”
“I’m sure you are pearl.” He watched her run inside to hug your leg in excitement. In turn, you petted her head with gentle strokes. “Makes me wonder what you keep packing in that little bag of yours all the time.”
“Important stuff.” Jolyne giggled as you pinched her cheek.
But beyond the peaceful bubble of their bedroom, a pair of familiar loud teenage voices joined Joseph’s deaf complaints, causing a ruckus in the lounge area bearing the same eagerness as his child.
Said child jumped at their arrival and squealed with glee, hurrying back to greet the new visitors. “Jojo oppa! Kuyasu oppa!”
Jotaro let out the biggest sigh of the day. “Them again?” You smiled at him apologetically, but he knew you well enough to recognize that underlying smugness that paired with that smile. “Don’t tell me…”
“Jotaro-san! Y/N-san!”
He rolled his eyes at the mention of his name but didn’t resist when you held his hand and tugged him outside. Star hovered out behind to finish packing up all their luggage and carried them out afterwards.
“Josuke, Okuyasu, what are you doing here-” Whatever he wanted to say ended up short when he laid eyes on the two high schoolers… wearing their most casual wear, bulky bags on their backs, and wide grins on their faces. Meanwhile, Jolyne happily perched atop Crazy Diamond’s shoulders.
Jotaro lightly tilted his head to yours and simply muttered a curt “are they really?”
To which you shrugged. “It’s their break. I was thinking they can help us recommend some good spots to visit since they’re locals in the area.”
He wasn’t one to do such thing, but even he could feel himself pout as he said, “We can discover that for ourselves like we always do.”
“Oh come on now love, surely you’re not going to send them home disheartened? I mean, look at our little girl,” he watched as the said child played with the teenagers’ Stands with Stone Free creating many shapes out of its neon blue strings. “She’s so happy her goofy uncles are around. They can also be of big help security-wise if that makes you feel any better.”
Jotaro wanted to refute, his mind trying to come up with something but from a practical standpoint, you had every point in your favor. Instead of digging for more reasons to leave them, he combed his finger through his trimmed curls and heaved a heavy sigh. “I hate it when you have a point.”
You smiled, cheeky. “Where’s Koichi? Isn’t he coming along?”
“We told him to tag with us but he said he wanted to focus on his studies,” Okuyasu said. “And that he can’t leave his girlfriend behind.”
“Which I call foul because I still think she’s controlling and watching his every move,” Josuke added clicking his tongue. “Girl’s an insane stalker, you know?”
“Oh Y/N-san! When do we leave?” Okuyasu said, grabbing the handles of his bag like an elementary grade student about to go on their first school trip. “And what are we riding? Bus? Boat? Plane?”
“I’d like to board a plane…” Josuke mumbled with his thoughts already in the clouds.
“You two,” both boys froze in a second and stood rigid as Jotaro spoke from where he was beside you. “Be grateful Y/N invited you with us. I expect you to behave and minimize inconveniences around my family. Got it?”
“Y-Yes no problem with that Jotaro-san!” Josuke stuttered.
Nothing had even started and he was about to pop a blood vessel as soon as the two boys began to cause chaos in their booked hotel lounge. It was fortunate that you were there to step in and calm him down with a simple hand on his back. Jotaro turned to you and after a quick glance at him, you said to everyone in the room.
“Alright, looks like everything’s settled. Everyone is in attendance so let’s get this show on the road.”
“You kids have fun now,” Joseph said with the baby in his arms opening and closing her fists, mimicking an infant’s version of a wave. “I’ll just rest here with Shizuka. Poor thing might throw a fuss if I leave her alone.”
“Then I’ll have Koichi be the one to assist you then,” you said. “You take care Mr. Joestar.”
When planning out where to go for the impromptu trip, Jotaro didn’t think too much about it other than the potential of a Stand ambush. He trusted that you knew what and where you were going and that the two teenagers actually lived up to what was expected of them.
It was only after they boarded a train to the neighboring area and settled in their respective seats did his parental awareness kick in regarding whether or not Jolyne would even love the places they were going to.
If his prior research served him right, there weren’t any extravagant amusement parks or bustling cityscapes nearby that contained the attractions suited to entertain a preschool-aged girl. All there was were a multitude of sightseeing spots designed to interest older people instead of children.
Now looking at his little girl humming on her window seat beside him, happily munching on one of the wafer bars you bought back in Morioh, Jotaro’s mind started to overthink and his heart weighed a bit. I don’t want her to be disappointed. I should’ve told Y/N about modifying the itinerary because what if-
“Yeobo?” Jotaro snapped out from his thoughts to turn to you staring at him with worry. “Something in your mind?”
“It’s… It’s nothing,” he cleared his throat. He could only hope his nonchalance facade is effective. “I was thinking about changing some parts of my thesis, that’s all.”
“Really? Or are you worried about our daughter?”
Damnit. “What gave it away?”
“You kept looking at her eating with that shifty gaze I see in your eyes whenever you’re concerned,” you said. “What is it? Is it security matters again? Because the others are nearby to help out and I can always tell when a threat is within our vicinity.”
“No it’s not that. I got that issue sorted out in my head.”
“Then what?” A soft hand overlaid his and for a moment, his cheeks flared faintly, both at the feel of your wedding ring and your gentle touch. “Tell me.”
He sighed. “Will she enjoy this trip? I’m now recalling the plans you’ve laid out to me beforehand and thinking about it again, it’s not fit for a child’s entertainment. What if she experiences this whole vacation and ends up upset and starts throwing tantrums again when we get home?”
“Entertainment?” Looking away, you raised a hand to your mouth and huffed a breathy laugh. Jotaro remained puzzled as he continued to stare at you wanting solutions. “Love, this is Jolyne we’re talking about. The same Jolyne who wandered about wild forests with endless questions, and who’d find anything new interesting and worth exploring.”
“She’s been with us to isolated, rural places before and she loved every location regardless,” you smiled. “Don’t worry. As long as we’re with her and she has something to do, she’ll be fine.”
“And besides,” you gently patted your tiny bump. Something he always kept an eye on with fondness. “From all these countryside trips, I feel like this bean will grow more into a calmer baby than their sister.”
Reassurances were always something Jotaro never believed in fully being the skeptic that he was and a bit cynical towards the world, but hearing you say them was different- he’s been with you through the years and he’d seen how you’ve done or at least did your best to make sure you kept your word.
And he was grateful that he had someone he could feel this sentiment towards and he was glad it was you. So Jotaro smiled back in return, never saying anything back. Instead, he pressed a light kiss on your temple.
Time passed and eventually, the scenic view out their window transitioned from a stretch of green fields to the gradual transition into rows of blooming cherry blossom trees lining the large clear river down the slope.
The second the train had fully stopped, Jolyne couldn’t wait any longer and hurriedly tugged her parents towards the numerous pink foliage that waited for them. Josuke and Okuyasu stepped in to your aid and offered to play with her while they were there, sparing you from the worry of running and exerting stress to your unborn child and worrying Jotaro in the process.
The younger crowd enjoyed their time doing rounds of tag and role-playing while the “parents” of the group took their time to bask in the pleasing, spring environment. At times, the group would band together in one spot to take some photos with the Polaroid you brought for your travels.
The group proceeded to visit the nearby bay as suggested by the old man and there they continued to take even more memorable pictures as Jolyne wandered about the stone paths and bridges above the body of water. They were lucky enough to board a small boat to cruise them around before they made their last drive for the day.
By the time they reached the last hours of their afternoon, Jolyne grew tired and ended up sleeping the remainder of the day. With his daughter napping in his arms, the group took the chance to visit some of the local shrines within the area. During a break, they settled down momentarily in a nearby shop selling snacks.
While the teenagers goofed around talking about splurging versus saving, Jotaro chose to sit beside you with Jolyne laying on your lap, resting peacefully. Both of you had different treats in hand wanting separate selections. Naturally, you two ended up sharing a bite or two of their respective treats as if they were still the young lovers from high school.
After settling down for the night, the group proceeded to board a bus departing to a neighboring city the day after, and much like their situation in the train, Josuke and Okuyasu began to snicker and gossip to themselves in the seats ahead of Jotaro and his family. The only difference was that his little girl spent the duration of the bus trip with the teenagers, already accustomed to their chaos.
He could only imagine how befuddled and protective he became beside you.
“You’re in that mode again.”
“What mode?”
“Death glares, pressed lips, cocked head, crossed arms, bouncing knee, and lack of child within arms length..” You counted. “You know, papa wolf mode. I’ve took note a total of 3 occurrences so far during our vacation here.”
“Should I be concerned that I’m feeling this way more often? Or that you’re being smug and keeping count of it?”
“What’s it to you?” You smirked with that knowing shrug of yours. Seeing you crossing arms after him had Jotaro scoffing lightheartedly in disbelief, albeit with a curl to his upper lip. “Come on, it’s endearing admit it.”
Eventually past the rural side of the place and even more stretches of plains and farms, the bus made it to its destination. Drawn to the many eye-catching arcades immediately seen from where they stand outside the station, the high schoolers returned to Jolyne and with her consent and the permission of her parents, and invited her to play with them.
You shared a look with your husband and in silent resignation, he waved the boys off to do whatever. You allowed it as well under the condition they return and meet-up in the lobby area of hotel after an hour.
Suffice to say, they bolted to the nearby arcade game the second everyone approved. “Good grief,” Jotaro said. “When I got myself prepared to be a parent to 1, I didn’t think I’d be one to 3.”
“4,” you said back.
His eyes widened for a brief moment in realization before letting out a bashful chuckle. He stroked your tummy in soft circles. “You’re right. My bad, little bean.”
Their time spent in the urban landscape wasn’t as grand as they would’ve expected, but at the same time none of you complained. Instead, you discovered that other than the numerous entertainment being offered for the younger members of the group, you found a variety of dishes to try with the family ranging from new sushi items, unique meat selections, battered fish cake on a stick, fluffy custard-filled sponge cakes, flavored mochi treats, and many more.
Your days ended up with filled bellies and bags… upon bags of purchased “souvenirs” the teenagers stacked up during their shopping spree. Funnily enough, they were able to buy that much to begin because Jotaro lent them some money under the pretense that they leave his family in peace for even one day.
That day, Jolyne sported a toothy grin as she added a stuffed kitty and puppy plush to her toy collection from a whole day spent in an indoor amusement park- a prize won by her father and his Stand’s impeccable accuracy at a game of shooting specified number of targets. As a cherry on top, you had a hunch the guy manning the booth rigged the game from the number of unclaimed toys sitting on their shelves and the cocky stance he put on. So you took matters into your hands.
A light ring and a mellow symphony conducted by your Stand ended up swaying the con artist to give away all his prizes to nearby children. He earned enough.
“This is papa,” Jolyne said, taking the paw of her puppy plush to wave at Jotaro. The latter raised a brow at his daughter sitting on his forearm and reached up to pinch her cheeks with his free hand. She fumbled around until she’s able to grasp the kitty’s paw to wave at you. “And this is mama.”
You cooed, combing through her partly-dyed hair. She wanted them down for today and you didn’t see any problem with that. “How about yours, pearl?”
“I’m the butterfly toy back at home,” Jolyne said in return, pouting as she joined paws of both her plushies. “The pretty blue butterfly.”
You smiled and glancing at your husband, he had one on his face as well. “That’s right. You’re puppy-kitty’s little butterfly.”
At that, Jolyne giggled as she snuggled both squeaky plushies into her hug.
Their last stop was a humble, homey village not too far from the city. Known for their crafts, the place gave its visitors a piece of history, nature, local tradition, and its many signature wood products.
Almost immediately, Jolyne hurried over with eager skips to the many workshops available for her to participate in, and just like your child and her 2 older brother-figures accompanying her, you too had to admit that you were also excited to build something.
While they went about their way as usual, you followed after them with a slower stride alongside your husband. “I can just tell you’re brimming to do all sorts of activity here.”
You turned to Jotaro with a confident shrug. “Why wouldn’t I? I’m always up to trying out new stuff.”
“You weren’t exactly the best during that time we had to create wooden statues for arts class.”
“Yah, that was 9 years ago Jotaro-ssi!” You scoffed and playfully slapped his bicep. “A lady can improve. Matter of fact, I have improved when you weren’t around.”
Jotaro smirked, unconvinced. “We’ll see.”
The workshops offered a variety of craft choices to choose from and all members of your group didn’t hesitate to test them out starting from the shop teaching how to make chopsticks from scratch. By the end of the session, your family created 3 pairs of freshly lacquered chopsticks in different colors- violet, burgundy, and olive green.
Josuke and Okuyasu went ahead to visit the workshop that guided them to craft more creative wood works, though knowing them, using their respective Stands to cheat and compete on who would make the better end product was likely what they did without adult supervision.
They spent the entire afternoon exploring the different activities available for them and made personalized trinkets and small wooden decor they could add to spruce their home up. Skill-wise? You weren’t lying when you said you’d somewhat mastered some level of craftsmanship when carving and assembling pieces of chopped wood into various designs.
Beside you, Jolyne created her own custom goodies with Jotaro’s assistance.
After successfully trying out everything, Jolyne spent all her energy for the day and went on to take a nap in her father’s arms, cradling a self-made kokeshi doll swaddled in a forest green handkerchief that she dyed herself- a tiny wooden doll carved, polished, and painted to look like a miniature version of her. And she had Star Platinum to thank.
The sun began to set as the sky’s clear blue gradually transitioned into a beautiful autumn orange. One-by-one, the village houses lit up together with the street lamps that shone upon the dirt path below.
They settled in for the night in a quaint guest house, stowing their bags in their respective rooms, and meeting up to eat dinner at a nearby restaurant serving stew and roast.
And just to finish the vacation on a soft note, why not make use of the hot springs resting just outside their bedroom. Luckily, you were able to book the rooms that had the natural feature before anyone else could, and since the spring was isolated to your spot alone, no one else would be able to interrupt your time in the warm waters and cozy ambiance.
With your daughter now asleep in her pajamas, you invited Jotaro with you for a relaxing soak and seeing there would be no reason to decline, he followed you there.
This is what he wanted. Not the stressful fights with Stand users or the hassle of paperwork and research.
Just having to hold you in his arms, resting in solitude without having to worry about the problems of the outside world. As a matter of fact, it dawned on him that during the entirety of this mini trip, any paranoia that would’ve appeared at any moment hasn’t made itself known.
Strangely enough, Jotaro felt safe.
He felt safe and fuzzy inside that it genuinely brought a clear joy to his face and a heart that weighed light as a feather. Every once in a while, he could shut his cold logic for a moment and pretend that he was an ordinary man with his wife and child taking the break he so desperately wanted.
He could live like this forever with you.
“You’re uncharacteristically affectionate tonight, love.”
“Hm?” He blinked once, twice, and realized he was half submerged in steaming water, sitting by the stone with your back against his chest. He also caught himself nuzzling the crook of your neck, arms tightening a bit around your midsection just under your breasts with his hands overlapping over your small baby bump. “Oh…”
“I didn’t tell you to stop though,” you said, reaching up behind you to nudge his head forward and plant a soft kiss on his cheek. “I’m happy that you’re happy, right?”
Jotaro, not needing to be the intimidating and strong Stand user that slayed the immortal DIO, allowed himself to smile and reciprocate your peck with a tender kiss on your lips. Only then did he nod to answer you.
“We’re heading back to Morioh tomorrow and resume doing Stand business,” you said. “I’ll miss this moment of quietness between us.”
You huddled closer to your husband, holding his hands with yours. “This is nice.” He purred in acknowledgment as he rest his chin atop your head. “I wish we had more moments like this. Just you, me, and our children.”
“I’d like that too…”
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chersoyei · 1 year
yeobo junsung and jagi sungho btw.
37 notes · View notes
kookjinnies · 2 years
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JIN on instagram [221006]
103 notes · View notes
filmbyjy · 1 year
tell me why I was looking through twitter and I saw how jay would call his lover by their name rather than pet names
and then ‘that feeling when’ comes on.
like out of nowhere I heard jay’s voice and just went “oh.”
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chaesvoguerice · 8 months
if i was a cat and i curled up on your lap would you rub my belly be honest
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panarchie · 5 months
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goth wives / luluchelle
take my hands now you are the cause of my euphoria BTS
happy birthday to my wife of soon 2 years, @luziferonholiday
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fflaminlo · 4 months
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finally making some additions to my human story !! i wish i had time to draw more :(
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krishna-sangini · 11 months
what up bitch it's always the low quality pics
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ezamevolni · 1 year
Cryptic: Biggest Concern
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I haven't done a real post in so long TT I miss writing!! I vowed to do some properly this week but forces of the universe are at work to stop me (fever...forgot my hard disk...broke my laptop :')) But I finally got a few days of vacation! YAY! What better to do when sick and free, than to write about Jinkook eh?
So I'm doing a shorter (?) post on something I don't think I've seen many people commenting on. Of course, I could be chronically overthinking if I'm the only one that picked it up? haha. 🙂
JinJunMin~ Making Salad (3.13.2021)
Anyways, this instance is rather loosely connected to Jungkook 🧚🏼‍♀️
For context and relevancy: BTS were frequently doing unit Vlives after they were grounded since the start of 2020. They had less public activities so 'prescheduled' Vlives were an avenue for them to see fans, and for fans to see them. Sometimes the Vlives were fun because the members were absorbed into doing the activity of the day, other times it's fun when they find camaraderie in their shared reluctance to be there.
This salad making session demonstrated the latter - Jin already ate before the live, Minimoni were not salad fans so this trio by all means were just attending as part of their jobs. Happy to be there? That's asking too much lol.
For more specific context, the trio had been on the verge of an argument fallen into silence several times and were giving each other a hard time randomly jumping from topic to topic throughout the live.
When Jin was sarcastically hyping up the plate of chicken breast to the camera, RM abruptly decided to ask him how he had been doing.
The question seemed to stump Jin for a few moments,
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Jin was stuttering, stalling, and racking his brain for something to say, then eventually landed on a work schedule as his answer. Then Jimin and Namjoon both chimed in about how they've been practicing for Grammys and actually saw each other the day before.
An assumption on my part, but Jin likely first thought about the section of his life that Namjoon didn't know about - off-work hours - and was filtering through for what he could talk about. I think gaming could have been a great answer. But Jin was caught off-guard, so I don't know if that affected his fibbing skills.
It could be something or could be nothing.
But the following in the middle of the live was quite the interesting convo:
The conversation had stopped and started a few times by now and Jin was filling in by talking about something salad related.
He brought up how some of the other members had salad recently.
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Namjoon was paying close attention to what Jin was saying because he parroted him when he listed "Yoongi" and "Jungkookie"
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RM: (nodding and repeating) "...Jungkookie."
And after a brief second of contemplation, Namjoon went ahead and asked, "Hyung, don't you have any concerns lately?"
Jin seemed to immediately know what he was referring to and answered, "For concerns, there's just the one thing."
Jimin seemed in the know about this as well.
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Humming in agreement, nodding and suppressing a grin.
By now Jin had laid down his chopsticks. I think he knew what Joon was referring to. It was a pretty vague question, but it seemed like it had a pointed answer.
However since Jin didn't elaborate, Namjoon probed further.
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If you've watched enough BTS interviews, you'd know the signs instantly whenever they all simultaneously think of something they can't say on camera and start smiling like weirdos.
Jin was still chewing but he was gearing up. He's about to say it.
As he went, "Of course," ...
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that was met with instant censorship from Jimin ("Let's just stop, hyung").
I also noticed Namjoon's knowing expressions while he was waiting and listening:
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Annnnnd of course, we don't get the real answer from Jin who said,
"I don't have Army in front of me during concerts."
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Joon was laughing after hearing the line. Jimin also hadn't looked at the camera once since this conversation started.
And we know Jin just lied improvised a new answer because he retorted back at Joon,
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There is another answer. There is another 'concern'.
He almost said it 🤌🏼 Just let it all go and say it Seokjin.. what's there to hide 😩
After Jin gave his answer, RM decided not to probe further since he knew the nature of that other answer. It can't be said anyway. So they agreed on 'armys not being there in person as a very important concern'.
And Jin of course turned the tables on Joon when he could
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Ok, whatever this 'concern' was, it's very specific and I guess RM also had a similar ongoing issue that Jin knew about?
So to recap:
Jin mentioned Yoongi and Jungkook's names, Namjoon heard, repeated Jungkook's name and suddenly posed the question 'any recent concerns'.
Jin did have a major one which apparently everyone (but us) knew about. And it can't be said on camera. And the thought of it makes them giggle.
Lastly, RM seemed to have a similar concern.
So 🙂 I don't have an answer for what the mystery concern is, but I do have ideas. They are probably similar to your ideas right now. Or maybe we all have no idea.
But wouldn't it be funny if one of us was right ;)
Ultimately, if you want any take aways from this cryptic conversation, is that they tend to giggle a lot whenever they touch on topics related to ermhmm, taboo topics. It's not sad, dark or serious, but taboo. What else could it be.
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mysticaltaegisus · 2 years
He hears Moon for the first time.
Inspired by Ground Control to Major Jeon by @tracksdifferent
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annajeanf · 2 years
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We opted for healthier menu options. 🥰🍽️ #latergram #yeobos (at Kuya J Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpplGmFJIex/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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presidentricecake · 6 months
my girl helped me so much today...
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