#Yep that’s the official important lore tag for this au now
Robotic Mythology Moon!
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(Oh and her cloak was made by Sig, hence the purple collar and green seams)
Also brief story/lore dump:
The general order for the group getting off the string and discovering what they were able to do goes by SRS, CW, NSH, and then LttM and FP (and then UI but that’s later).
My current idea is that Sig would be the first to find out about Suns freeing themselves, and so while Suns flies(yes flies) to Winds can, Sig busies himself w/ final preparations to leave for a while in addition to making Moon a new, ocean blue cloak. Btw I’m very aware I haven’t fully mentioned exactly what the iterators are in this au, but for now I’ll just say they were originally built much more powerful than the Ancients ever allowed them to be in present day.
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