#Yes matatagi even you
hitoshi-yuuto · 9 months
Matatagi : Would you slap Ibuki-
Shindou : Yes.
Matatagi : I didn't even finish!
Shindou : Sorry, continue.
Matatagi : Would you slap Ibuki for 10 dollars?
Shindou : I would do it for free.
Ibuki : Rude...
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
Explaining my Timeskip!Kay Faraday design n stuff
Hope you're ready for the mucho texto cause I have a lot of things to brag about xd
Things I left unchanged:
The key and the badge, that are basic Yatagarasu motifs
The scarf that I think is a memento from/tribute to her father, so of course she'll keep it
The belt that has a bag to keep stuff
And of course, the gloves, vital for a thief to not leave any fingerprints and to climb ropes and not hurt herself
The new stuff:
The jacket:
Ok, basically I remembered these things existed and the entire outfit just materialized in my mind. I was just thinking about what kind of clothes to give her and when I remembered that kind of jacket I was like "yeah, Kay'd look cool on that" and the complete design was there....
Then I realized she needed more pockets and I didn't let the shortness of the jacket to stop me lol
The hairstyle:
Related to the point above, the design just materialized itself like that, with her hair long, down, with the key wrapped in a 70ish looking hairstyle that I really like. Girls with long and untied hair propaganda. Also you can see in the doodles page that I intended to have her hair be close the original but it came down... too shippy. But if she comes back to Miles' side, she may tie it back to her classic style with his jabot cloth and a lock while he keeps the key because i'm very subtle
The dress:
Look, I really wanted to give her Tactical™ shorts, I wanted to give her high stockings and a zettai ryoku, Yoko Littner has the best Action Girl™ outfit ever but....... fucking everyone is doing it. Detective/prosecutor Kay wears shorts/pants, in redesigns of Kay she wears shorts/pants, in AUs she wears shorts/pants, in casual outfit she's drawn wearing shorts/pants, what is this? the middle east? fuck that shit my Kay is not going to stand for your....uuhh.... *spins the tumblr twitter buzzword wheel* your benevolent sexist islam-induced misoginy............. y-yeah that e-e! My Kay wears a short skirt dress, blue as the night with 3 shining stars representing the light of the Yatagarasu~ that also works as boob and navel windows because Kay is no stranger to showing leg and navel and she should show leg and navel if she feels like it!!
Hmmm... know that I think about it, she can sue anyone who looks under her skirt as sexual harrassment...... maybe it is Tactical™
The boots:
thigh high sneakers I think they're called... they were 'in' in the mid-2000s and were so very cool, I owned a couple of them during my childhood and now that my feet stoped growing they're no longer 'in' and haven't been able to find them ANYWHERE :(........ oh yeah Kay... she got those and have toe separations so she can easily climb stuff like ropes or trees, I just don't draw them noticeably because I'm lazy xd (same with her usual boots)
The color palette:
Ehehehe this one's the interesting one~ you have seen in the doodles that she's basically stealing Hayato Matatagi's (from Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy) color scheme... and yes, it is inspired by him, but why?
So spoiler alert for the character development on the anime where kids with superpowers and animal stands prevent an alien invasion with futbol...
The thing about this guy is that he is mean. Like not a good guy at all. Just faking he likes people cause that's convinient. So come in these blue looking aliens that can see your true feelings, they can see Matatagi's true colors which are dark like a black hole. And you'd think that this is the part where The Protagonist with his shining light of a soul will ''''help'''' your teammate through his ''''character development'''' to become a ''''better person''''. NOPE, he actually becomes worse. Matatagi's aura becomes even more dark and bitter. And they accept him! His teammates don't try and force him to change and trust them, they accept that he has more bad than good in his heart and it's fine, they'll be there if he ever wants to trust people again, even if it's not right now (especially that the aliens are too scared to confront him, allowing him to score a goal lol.)
That's pretty much what I want for Kay, for her to be the token bad girl in a team of good guys. She steals and does illegal activities, they accept this and can't change her mind. This can be because it doesn't affect them so they let her do what she wants, they're benefited or actively working with her or the kokoro goes doki doki when she smiles while talking about the job she likes so much and how he could steal that joy away from her? What kind of man could he be? He doesn't steal in general but still lol
What does she do:
She's the Professional Thief Yatagarasu, you can contract her to steal information from someone/s and then she'll give it to you and then you can do whatever you want with it. But if she doesn't like you or your plans she might sabotage you, and what are you gonna do? Call the cops? Too late, she already did, good luck mate lol
But if Edgeworth asks, she isn't actually ''''''stealing'''''', she's just borrowing stuff, making copies, saving evidence from being destroyed by the bad people, please uncuff me hahaha~
On her free time she searches for lost media and things of the sort. She's currently smuggling The Plumed Punisher episodes out of Khura'in and looking for translators to sub them (think of it as the Squirrel and Hedgehog of the AA universe) and looking for some miscellanous lost pilots on animation studios xd
She'll definitely have a more antagonistic role... or be the dark grey morality representative, an anti-villain so to speak... i dunno I just really want her to be less lawful than all other future kay interpretations, no offense but y'all lame af with that shit
Relationship with others:
let's be realistic here and say she ain't banging Miles.... yet. I haven't decided if they meet after a long time or if they were still in contact from time to time. What I know is that there's definitely some tension between them... (what kind of tension is left vague, you really think capcom is going to confirm a ship? like in general?)
she's good friends with Sebastian and Klavier :)
she hasn't met Simon or Nahyuta yet but I think she'll get along with Simon because duh birds xdd
she fucking hates Ema. what can I say, they're love rivals. Ema is pissed enough about not fucking Miles yet, having two pretenders she doesn't care about and now she has to worry about a fucking thief appearing to steal him away goddamit
quite neutral bout the waa lawyers. they're just the lawyers
Maya and Trucy may or may not be part of the Yatagarasu trio tho
still is in contact with Gumshoe, Franziska and maybe Lang but I don't if they'll ever return ToT
And that's pretty much it. I know it took a lot to write this but having many wips will do that to you lol.
If you got to this point I thank you for your attention and have a good day~ uwu
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0zrockbitway · 6 years
@producktions matamina time yeehaw
gay tutor time w/ special guest of Tengawara’s coach being physics teacher here
"Matatagi? Can I see you for a second before you go?"
The voice had came from the front of the class, the teacher, Ms. Mizuki had called for his attention right after the bell had rung. The boy in question peered towards her. He didn't want to be late for his next class, but how could he say no to a teacher? Mentally, he rolled his eyes, regretting the fact that he might have to dash throughout the school in order to not be late. He's confident that he'd make it on time.
"Yeah," he responds back, grabbing his bag and heading to the front of the room just after the rest of the students had trailed out the door. The boy bites down on his lip, a little worried about what this might be about. He had a feeling that he knew what this would be about and he was dreading it.
The woman wears a gentle smile, brushes back her brown bangs as she prepares herself for this conversation with her student. Matatagi takes notice how she's hesitating and figures it really is bad news, no matter how kind she wanted to be about this.
"Matatagi…I hate to say this, but you haven't been doing well in my class."
And there it was. What he had been dreading to hear, even if he had known it from the start. He just wants to groan in annoyance, but holds back. Not in front of a teacher, he tells himself.
"Oh, I'm sorry about that. I do plan on doing extra credit questions for homework to make up for it though," he responds as he glances down, avoiding her gaze. His hand clenches, angry and frustrated with himself for allowing this to actually happen. Matatagi had wanted to pass all his classes, get nothing but straight A's to keep up that scholarship, but…physics had been taking a toll on his hard work. It was the one class he couldn't defeat and it would hold him back if he didn't at least pass it.
"While I do appreciate you trying, I don't think that it will bring your grade up too high." She pauses. "I think you should get a tutor, Matatagi."
Dark eyes widen as his head shoots up immediately. "I can't-!" His response comes out too fast, maybe makes him look a little scared to even hearing that. "I-I mean…I wouldn't be able to-"
"Oh no," she cuts him off, waving a panicked hand. She hadn't meant to startle the boy. "I don't mean get one outside of school."
Matatagi feels himself sight out in relief.
"I meant another student could do it for you. Someone else in the class. And I already picked someone out to help you," she says with such a sweet smile, as if she were proud of her idea and choice. "He currently has the highest grade in my class, and he's a good boy, so I think he'll be able to help you. I already asked him it he'd be alright with it and he said he would. I just wanted to know if you would be to."
He wanted to say no. He didn't like getting help, even from a classmate that he hardly spoke to. His mind reels through the students who had just been here seconds ago as he tried to figure out who it might be. It couldn't be those he spoke with, they were…average. He only spoke to them about homework and that one kid about track. None of them seemed to be a physics genius. Was there even one in this class? A kid he hadn't spoken to? That seemed like the case.
"Um, who is he, exactly?"
"Minaho Kazuto."
Yeah, doesn't ring a bell.
"Well, I guess taking some lessons from him wouldn't hurt." He tries to make it sound like it's not a big deal and that he's mildly interested. It's not like he was in a position to say no anyway. She had already gone out of her way to pick out a student, talk to him, get him to agree. The only thing he could do was go along with this. Besides, he needed this- he'd do this for his grade.
"Great!" Ms. Mizuki claps her hands together with a joyous look. "I told him that you'd go see him at the library after school. All I want is for you to study with him for an hour a day if you can. Any more is up to you. I told him to go over most subjects and even gave him some spare notes to help. You'll be in good hands."
Matatagi forces a smile to his lips, a little surprised that she had already told him he'd agree. She couldn't have planned him to say yes, could she? What if he had declined? Oh well, he's not going to worry about that.
"Thank you, Ms. Mizuki. I promise I'll do better from now on."
When he steps into the school's library, he's quiet. Matatagi makes sure his shoes don't squeak as loud, keeps his bag pressed against him to limit the noise he might emit. He keeps his gaze away from the librarian as he passes by the desk. His eyes already begin to scan the room, going to the tables that were set up near the entrance for someone- alone, he assumes, someone he could possibly recognize.
The library is fairly empty, some students in the rows of bookshelves off to the right, theres one table that has a couple studying- they don't look interested in him or physics. He lets out a sigh, wondering why that guy couldn't have just been waiting for him by the door. Or maybe he was early? He was hoping that Minaho hadn't bounced on him.
Since the first few tables didn't have anyone familiar, he passes them, heading over to those off to the side nearby the computer stations. As he crosses over, someone catches his eyes- a hand movement. His head turns and he finds someone waving to him. His eyes narrow for a second and he recognizes that face. It wasn't someone he spoke to, but someone he did have a few other classes with.
"Matatagi," the other boy speaks his name once he had walked over to him, voice low, but not in a whisper. He guessed they could speak somewhat normally since they were pretty far from the librarians corner.
"Yeah, that's me. Minaho, right?" He asks while dropping his bag by the table taking the seat beside him.
"Mhmm!" Minaho smiles, extending a hand to him. "Pleasure to finally speak to you."
"Uhh…same to you," he says, not as enthusiastically before taking his hand to shake. This seemed a little to…formal for his liking. They were in the same year, so he was hoping that he wouldn't do a 180 and become one of those punks who loved shoving their knowledge down other people's throats.
"Thanks for agreeing to be my tutor," Matatagi says, figuring he might as well try to be polite.
"Oh, no need to thank me. I've been curious on how it is to teach someone. You know, they say if you can teach a subject to someone, that means you have a good grasp on it," Minaho replies with a confident grin before he puts a hand on his book. "Besides, I have no problem helping someone who actually needs and wants the help."
"Excuse me?" Matatagi raises a brow to the last comment, hoping that sarcasm hadn't slipped through his teeth.
"I noticed," he starts, eyes going from him to the book, flipping through the pages, "that you do try your best in class. I've seen you struggle a lot, especially with the weekly quizzes. You're not the only one, but you are the one who takes it seriously."
"You've been…watching me?" Matatagi asks in disbelief.
Minaho nods with a hum in response, his hand stopping on a page as he slides the book over to him. "I prefer the term observing. I get bored when there isn't anything else to do in class. You could say people watching is a little hobby of mine to. So, I may not know that much about you, but I do know some small things about you."
"Oh really?" Matatagi gives him a challenging look, finding this to be some bluff of his. He didn't like how…sure of himself he looked when he said that. As if he could list quirks about himself that even he wasn't aware of. "What do you know then?" He's not sure if he wants an answer to that question. He could feel the regret build up when he watches that smile on Minaho's face widen.
"Since you asked…You're one of the few who come early and study beforehand, being on time shows your studious nature, especially for the first class, but looking over previous notes shows that you doubt yourself or are underprepared. You tend to avoid causing trouble with those who sit beside you. And you're rather polite, trying to avoid conflict, even when the occasional rude comment comes up. I've noticed you only talk to a certain few people, but it's always small talk and-"
"That's enough." He says, suddenly, really not having expected that. Maybe he wasn't just all talk. Hopefully that would apply to him being able to teach.
"But I didn't get to the best part…"
Matatagi sighs as the other boy pouts. "I don't need to hear anymore. Just…teach me on this already, okay? I can't stay for long today."
"Why not?" Minaho asks with a curious gaze. "It's the first day, you should stay as long as possible."
"I have something else to attend to, okay?" He replies, hates how he's sounding impatient and rude. That earlier observation of his had thrown him off. Part of him is ready to just tell him to figure it out. "I'll stay longer to make tomorrow to make it up for today. But I have to leave early. Teach me what you can, now."
Minaho stares for a moment, trying to read him. He doubts that Matatagi is trying to get away from him, but something else is important. The tutor doesn't push, not today.
"Alright, let's get started with this problem…"
"Your grades have been improving, or so I've been told by Ms. Mizuki," Minaho states when Matatagi meets with him at their appointed time and place.
"I've only managed to get a handle on the subject thanks to you," he admits while taking his seat. "I doubt I'd be doing so good on my own. Or with another tutor."
"It's rare of you to actually praise me while looking at me," Minaho says as he props his elbows up on the table, holding his head in his hands. "At least your warming up to me."
Matatagi rolls his eyes to that comment. "I am not warming up to you."
"Would you prefer for me to say you're less hostile than when we first spoke?"
"Explain? Actually- don't. I don't want to hear you analyze me today."
"But you already said explain, so maybe I-"
Minaho stops himself when he sees that glare from Matatagi. He doesn't need to read his expression in depth to know that it's time for him to be quiet. He shrugs in defeat, letting his hands fall to the table, though doesn't look hurt by this loss.
"Okay, I won't. But only for today. Speaking of…are you able to stay?"
"Mmm. Yeah. My brothers have some little fun fair activity after school," Matatagi answers. "I can stay for a little longer than usual, but not too long. I have to go pick them up."
"Good to know! Anyway, I think I know what I can teach you before the midterm. And maybe after that, you'll be good enough on your own."
As Minaho moves his chair closer to his, nearly pressing their shoulders together, his mind lingers on his last comment. He was hoping that he wasn't telling him that this would come to a stop, that this would all just…end. His gaze lifts from the text to Minaho, taking a quick glance at the other boy and how close they were. His eyes were bright, voice energetic, he swears the other had dimples when he smiled. He notices when their hands touch, both resting on the book. If this were a couple months earlier, he knows he would have swatted him away. But now, he doesn't. When had he stopped?
When had he started enjoying these sessions with him? Just…talking with him? God, he didn't know- didn't know why he was thinking about this all of a sudden now. He needed to focus on his lesson. Maybe he shouldn't be this close to him.
But did this really mean anything? It never would. It couldn't mean anything. This wasn't real.
Matatagi puts his head into his hand, eyes glancing back and forth between paper and blackboard. His hand is moving, writing down the same words written on the board, keeping up with the teacher. His gaze begins to drift away from the board, going to a more familiar person with orange hair. When he notices his attention had drifted off and Ms. Mizuki is moving on, he shakes his head to snap himself out of this daze. He's forced to raise his hand and ask for an extra minute to jot down notes before they're erased.
A sigh escapes him, hating himself for being the one in class to ask for extra time. He didn't mind asking when he really needed it or the teacher wasn't aware of how fast they were going, but asking since he had gotten distracted? God, he felt like a fool.
The lesson continues and Matatagi forces himself to pay attention. He tries to but physics still isn't his best subject and he finds something- someone else taking priority over this subject. By the end of the class, he's not even sure if he remembered anything that was said.
"Matatagi?" It's Ms. Mizuki, calling for him. "Can I see you for a few minutes?"
"Yes," he answers as he's putting away his belongings. Everyone is already shuffling out the door, his dark eyes meet with green. Minaho waves to him, mouthing a 'good luck' before he scurries out with the others.
"What did you want to see me for?" Matatagi asks once he's at her desk.
"It's not about your grades," she reassures, hoping not to startle him like the last time she called for him, even if it had been so long ago. "You've been doing very well lately. I'm happy to see the improvements and knowing Minaho is helping you. It's nice seeing you even work together with him for class assignments."
He feels his cheeks burn upon her noticing that. Well, he guessed it was fairly obvious. They hadn't been close until he started having to turn to Minaho for tutoring. And Matatagi preferred to go to him over anyone else, not just because he was smart, but because he was more pleasant to deal with. He liked him- no, he didn't. Not like that. Now isn't the time to be thinking about that when a teacher was right in front of him.
"I wanted to ask if everything is okay?" He voice snaps him away from his thoughts, thankfully.
"Everything is fine, why do you ask?"
"Well, you haven't been paying attention in class lately. I know this is an earlier one, so I thought maybe you haven't been getting enough sleep?"
"I have. I think I'm just a little worried about other classes. Midterms are coming up all at the same time. So…its a lot. I'm sorry, I'll try to focus more."
"Oh," she seems a little more relieved hearing that. "Well, if anything is ever wrong, you can come to me, okay, Matatagi? I want my students to succeed."
"I will, thank you."
Matatagi runs a hand through his hair as he stands outside the library. He'd been feeling hesitant to enter this past week. His mind had been overcrowded with thoughts and feelings he didn't want to really address. But, things would be normal. Nothing funny would happen today, he tells himself. With that, he enters the library, heading over to their usual spot. Minaho was already there, as usual.
"I found a really hard problem, bet you can't solve it," Minaho boasts like an energetic child.
"Challenging me right off the bat, huh? Cocky, aren't you?" Matatagi grins in response, taking his seat and already taking the pencil thats left on the table for him. "What is this, for the midterm?"
"Mhm. I think you can handle it now, but taking an extra step of precaution wouldn't hurt."
Matatagi rolls his eyes before they take to the paper. He hadn't expected a problem right away, but whatever. He gazes over the text, reads the problem, and begins to scribble notes necessary that would help him solve this. His mind is completely wrapped up in the problem, so eager to solve it that he doesn't notice the hand placed upon his shoulder and how close Minaho is to him. It wasn't strange anyway, not to him. Matatagi had learned the other liked getting into people's personal space- his anyway.
He hears his own name being uttered so close to his ear, in a strange whisper. It's startling and causes him to turn his head.
He stops, unable to finish saying his name as he finds something against his lips. He's frozen in place, taking a moment to realize Minaho's lips against his. He's not even sure what to think or if he can. His mind is just blank, everything had stopped. This had all happened so suddenly and- was this real? It is. It's very real. These soft lips pressing against his are definitely real. And upon realizing this, Matatagi bolts up from his seat, knocking the chair back with a thud in this quiet library.
"What the hell was that for?" He shouts, though shortly recalls afterwards that they're in a library and that he might have caused more heads to turn if there were any here. And boy is he grateful the librarian was out for whatever reason, she hadn't come running up to him or heard a shush (and the last thing he needs is detention for being disruptive).
Minaho grins, looking amused though doesn't laugh. "Sorry, I didn't think you'd react so loudly. I just had to confirm something."
"Confirm, what?"
"That you like me."
Matatagi blinks, staring at him. He scoffs, crosses his arms as he tries to think of a comeback, something that wouldn't count as a confirmation or denial. God, his mind was still blank after that kiss.
"What makes you think that, huh? How would you even guess something like that in the first place?" It takes so much to resist shouting at him. For once, he wishes they weren't in the library.
"I thought you'd never ask." Minaho points to him. "Your cheeks are red." This causes Matatagi's cheeks to burn more; he hadn't realized just how madly he was blushing. "You haven't run off or slapped me, as most would do to a failed- hmm I can't call this a typical confession, but one like it. If you need evidence to prove it, you stopped responding so violently to my touch. You find excuses to be with me, in and out of class. I've managed to gain your trust and that's something very hard to earn. And I've seen the way you look at me. I wasn't quite sure what it was before, but I think I was able to identify it. Especially since we're both young adolescents, so I believe you've been having a natural response to-"
Matatagi is quick to move a hand over his mouth before he could continue. This was a physics lesson, not a health one. God, he could feel his face heating up even more now with just a thought of that.
"Okay. Stop." Matatagi slowly removes his hand. "If you…already knew that I liked you. Why did you kiss me out of nowhere?" He hisses through his teeth.
"If I wanted to ask you out normally, I doubt you would have said yes. You would have put on a polite act and turned me down, even if it would be hard for you. Maybe you would have given me time, but call me impatient to say I didn't want to wait. Besides, this was a more interesting way to ask, don't you think?" Minaho gives him an innocent smile.
Matatagi stares at him. He really should have expected something like this from him. But, he was also right and hated that he was. He mumbles a curse underneath his breath and picks up the fallen chair. He sets it back in place, right beside Minaho. He's quiet, just…thinking about what had happened, looking over to the other boy, trying to catch him before he could pull another surprise kiss on him.
"So," Minaho starts, "What's your answer?"
"You didn't exactly ask me, you know…" Matatagi mutters, pulling the book closer to him and trying to see where he had left off. "But, maybe if you help me with this problem, we can figure something out."
"Like a date?"
"I'll take that as a yes."
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chuunyuuz · 7 years
Inazuma Eleven Get To Know Meme!!
Inazuma Eleven Get to Know Meme
How long have you been a fan of Inazuma Eleven?
For almost a year I believe? I got into it in January and or at the end end of December. It's sorta iffy.
How did you find out about Inazuma Eleven?
Okay so. I was in art class, and I was watching Yokai Watch stuff on YouTube because that was my shit earlier in the year, but while scrolling through the suggested videos I saw that they were doing a stream and clicked it. And it just so happens that it was the third Outer Code I believe? Could have been the second maybe maybe??? Well, it was the one with Eisei. And I thought it was really pretty, so I looked up Inazuma Eleven and recalled that my friend and I always wanted to see a soccer anime! So after that I began to watch the episodes and that puts me here today uwu
Favourite IE Character(s)
I really liked Endou, Kidou, Sakuma, Midorikawa, Fudou, and Kazemaru 💞
Favourite IEGO Character(s)
F E I. //Fei is best boi aaaaa /)v(\//
As well as Tenma, Tsurugi, Shindou, Kirino, Shuu, SARU, Ibuki, and Matatagi uwu
Least Favourite Character(s)
Kurimatsu? Yeah. Just Kurimatsu.
Favourite OTP and ships?
TenFei, SaruFei, Kyouten, ManaMina, MuneTaku, MinaKura, TakuRan, MuneTakuRan for an OT3 TBH UwU, DesuSein, GouEn, FuSaku, IchiAki, HiroMido, and GiriMeia ^^
Favourite BROTP?
Domon and Ichinose tbH????
Domon is like Ichinose's side ho. He's always there for his bro. 👏😤👏
If you were in a team of your choosing, which school?
Teikoku Gakuen aaAAAA
What position would you be playing?
Goalkeeper uwu
Favourite hissatsu move(s)?
ICE GROUND, BOUNCER RABBIT AND DEAD FUTURE. //Dead Future is pretty man. Like c'mon//
Favourite Season?
The third season of Inazuma Eleven, as well as the first two seasons of GO. It's hard for me to pick between the three so they're ALL MY FAV 😤👏💞
Favourite Episode?
What does Inazuma Eleven mean to you?
Everything to be hONEST. It's helped me through so many things. Every single time I think of Inazuma Eleven it just makes me so happy qwq I've got to meet a lot of wonderful people because of it as well, and it's just motivated me to do so much cRIES
Do you contribute to the fandom? (Graphics/Gifs/Writing/Art/ Supporter)
I draw? Even though my art isn't that good, I still like to share it with the fandom. I have also written, as well as helped answer questions that people have had. So yes?
Recommend some of your favourite Inazuma Eleven blog
Oh boy. Time for Nap to call out who she secretly looks up to 😳👌💞 No pressure~
@iuniu // Super cute art!!! ;0; Super sweet too! Their content is 👌���👌👌😳💞 Noice
Thank you to @suzusnowfuusuke for tagging me 💞
And if I am obligated to tag somebody I tag @rabbitsfrommars again because I love her and she deserves tags oh yeah.
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Prince Animage - Sasaki Seiji (Kuroiwa Ryuusei) Interview
Tumblr media
Full scans can be found here: http://inazuma.pmsinfirm.org/?p=330
This is for @sabervelvet~
I made a mistake! I thought this interview was unavailable online, but it is available! I know you asked a while back and I’m sorry it took a long time for me to get around to it, but I hope it’s what you were looking for! Kegayama’s voice actor seems so nice! And his hair is cool.
From Final Boss to Coach! Let’s Fight!
Teikoku Gakuen, Zeus Junior, Shin-Teikoku Gakuen, Team K, Orpheus – Kageyama has worked with many teams. We wonder how his current self feels about his past self?
Kuroiwa Ryuusei, Coach of Earth Eleven
Real name – Kageyama Reiji. Thanks to experimental new medicine, he’s undergone secret rehabilitation. As a result, he’s become able to see a power they can use to fight against different species living on different planets – kimono no chikara – the power of beasts.
Sasaki Seiji. Born on January 11th. Born in Saitama prefecture. Main anime roles: One Piece (Bruno), Hajime no Ippo (Shinoda Trainer), Shinryaku! Ika Musume (Haris), Game of Thrones (Roose Bolton) among others.
This man is back from the abyss of death! Going from friend to rival is a staple of Inazuma, but who would have thought the Emperor of Darkness would become such a strong ally for Tenma and the others?
How did you feel when you heard that Kageyama Reiji was still alive?
Sasaki: In any case I was surprised. At first, when I was contacted with a schedule for the new Inazuma series, I thought that this time I’d be playing a new character. Two years had passed after all. Then after two or three days I was told ‘You’ll be playing the role of Kageyama,’. I thought he’d reached the end of his life after fighting in the world tournament… Furthermore, when I heard that this time he would be a coach for the good guys I was even more surprised.
How did you feel when you saw the design for ‘Kuroiwa Ryuusei’?
Right. It happened by coincidence that I was letting for hair grow long for a stage appearance as part of my job, but I thought it was funny timing that when I reunited with him we both had the same hairstyle. I really like his design this time. Last time he wore an all-black suit with a collar, and when he was Mr K he wore a white suit, but this time something about his clothes feels different. I feel like he’s reached a cool age.
How do you feel about the dramatic events of Kageyama’s life?
He was a member of Raimon soccer club, but because of his father it seems like he had a pretty miserable childhood. Even though he really loved soccer, I think it’s terribly sad that he couldn’t be honest about his feelings and instead could only live by pretending the opposite was true. It’s because he has this feeling of loss that he wanted to exert his control over the world of middle school soccer, even if his methods weren’t pretty. Furthermore, I think his abilities as a leader are good. In reality, he’s the reason Teikoku is so strong. Even as the coach of Italy’s Orpheus his leadership was very good.
While he was the coach for Orpheus, Fideo saw through to who he really was one the inside, and was the reason he reformed himself.
Yes. The person who made Kageyama change himself wasn’t the boy he’d known for a very long time, Kidou, but Fideo – a boy he’d just met. But I thought it happened quite naturally. Kageyama’s relationship with Kidou is a little too close… I really had the feeling they were almost like a fake father and son. Their relationship couldn’t have developed any further without an outside factor.
A secretly rehabilitated Kageyama has been hiding himself for these past 10 years. What do you think he’s been doing and where?
My personal wish is that he finally took off his sunglasses, since he always uses them to hide his face. What about if he taught little kids how to play soccer or something? I’d like at least part of his life to be calm and peaceful.
Kageyama was hiding himself from the police, right? Do you think he went to another country to hide?
That could have happened. But if he did that, returning to Japan would have been awkward. He could have been prosecuted for the time he spent abroad! The police still don’t know that Kuroiwa Ryuusei is Kageyama Reiji, so I think he would have kept his movements legal.
And now he’s in space (laughs).
In other words, he can’t be prosecuted? The next time he returns to Japan he’ll definitely be caught be the police. (bitter laugh)
When Fudou called him Kageyama-san we could tell their relationship was quite close, so we wonder if he’s already reconciled with Endou and the others.
They’ve probably talked things over. Endou helped choose the new players, and Gouenji helped them come to know their new roles. Endou seems like the type of guy who can just forgive and forget. And Kidou is currently the commander of Teikoku Gakuen. Since Kidou has taken over Kageyama’s old role, Kageyama is surely happy about that. I think that he’s happy that Kidou continued to play soccer.
What kind of impression did you get of Kageyama becoming Kuroiwa and being a coach for the first time in a while?
He doesn’t really give any orders or make any strategies (laughs). All he does is say vague things like ‘they’ve finally noticed,’ or ‘that’s it,’ to Mizukawa who stands beside him.
His style before was more Spartan-style, wasn’t it?
In his time at Teikoku he was like a dictator, almost like brain-washing, and he planted his own methodology firmly in their heads. But now he’s completely the opposite – he believes in the players own abilities and doesn’t say a word. I think he wants them to realize things by themselves. He wants them to realize their true potential and individual talents, and because he has absolute faith in them he doesn’t feel the need to give them any orders. So he doesn’t do anything during matches (laughs).
He has given some advice to Minaho and Manabe before, hasn’t he?
He has… But basically he doesn’t say anything about battle strategies or tactics. He’s said to Tenma and the two others ‘look after these guys,’, but since that wasn’t an order so much as ‘I’m trusting you with this’, he leaves most of the decision making to the team. Ahh, he did help make the Black Room. It seems like the real person who made it was Oba-chan, but the idea that the steel structure would fall down was probably his idea (laughs). And he was very Kageyama-like when he told Resistance to Japan to ‘completely destroy them,’. He arranged that practice match because he wanted them to understand how terrifying soccer can be. It felt like how a lion will throw their cub into the bottom or a valley.
Do you think Kuroiwa is fond of the players?
Well… he does trust them. But he said strange things to Matatagi like ‘I don’t trust them or anything,’ so I think he’s as contrary as ever.
It hasn’t been shown yet, but who do you think he gets on well with?
When he was at Teikoku Kidou was his ‘greatest masterpiece’, which is standard to be judged against. If compared to that, the team this time has 13 people. And they aren’t two faced – they’re very straight-forward people, which is good for Kageyama. Fideo was like that too, and the reason Kageyama found the light in his dark heart. In terms of the members of the team this time, I think he’s attracted to members of the team that have something he doesn’t like Kusaka, Tetsukado, Ibuki and Tenma for example. On the contrary, the most similar person to Kageyama is Matatagi. Because he’s the most warped.
What impression do you have of the story? It’s actually a soccer tournament held throughout the Milky Way?
The story completely changed halfway through, but I think going to space is fun. The story is going to expand a lot from here. But when it was clear they were fighting for the fate of the planets, it felt like a really huge burden for middle school kids to carry. I really wanted Kageyama to step forward as an adult to help these kids who have been wrapped up in all of this…
What would you like to see happen?
I’d like Kageyama to unexpectedly show a softer, weaker side to himself, and personally I want to know more about Kageyama as a person. He’s had a lot of personal drama, so I’m waiting for him to be able to enjoy himself. The Earth Eleven will continue to fight many enemies, and I want him to watch over and looks after them as a team.
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yulicchi-x · 8 years
The wonderful quiz is made by @revivedandabandonedkids and I was tagged by this precious person - @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9
- Heya what’s your name :
Yuliana, nice to meet you! ~  
- Favorite character :
Endou Mamoru, Fudou Akio and Ibuki Munemasa
- Favorite arc :
Aliea Аcademy
- OTP :
Everything. I ship everything in Inazuma and I don’t hate any ship, so if any of you guys is having a crack ship or even a “mainstream” ship that’s okay by me so please, tell me about your ships! My weaknesses thou are : Endou with everyone (sorry, I just like to see him in diferent relationships since he’s my precious husbando) Fudou, Gouenji, Kidou and Endou (each of them with the other ; I really like the Endou x Fudou one because those two are my fave characters and I like the idea of them being together /I also have a lot of headcanons/ ) ; Someoka, Fudou, Tsunami and Tobitaka (because of the Bad Boys Brothers Blues band those are my babies and I ship them so hard. Together or each of them with the other - doesn’t matter as long as they are together! Also, my baby Fudou is there so yeah :’)   ❤ ) Tsurugi Yuuichi x Tsurugi Kyousuke (i’m sorry, I’m a slut for incest, don’t kill me) ; Tsurugi, Tenma and Shindou (OT3, ship each of them with the other) ; Zanark x Gamma ; Ibuki x Shindou ; Ibuki x Tsurugi ; Ibuki x Matatagi ; faxe Tsurugi x Ozrock Bitway AND MY ULTIMATE SHIP : Endou x soccer ball x Tenma You cannot tell me this isn’t real. 
- BroTP : Fudou x Sakuma ; Hiroto x Endou ; Ichinose x Endou ; Tenma x Fei ; Tsurugi x Hakuryuu ; Ibuki x Kirino (thou I can count those as OTPs as well because... damn, I ship everything in Inazuma xD ) 
- Any ships that everyone ships but you surprisingly don’t (please remember the little // in the ship names so it won’t show up in the tags) :
There isn’t any because I’m a trash and I ship everything XD
- Favorite hissatsu :
God Hand, God Knows, Ryusei Blade, Death Sword
- What about combination hissatsu :
Killer Fields, Koutein Penguin, The Birth, Inazuma Break, 
- Favorite Keishin:
Majin Pegasus, Lancelot 
- Favorite Mixi-max (I bet you were expecting this) :
- Favorite Soul (you’re right I don’t have any excuses for this ) :
Matatagi’s, Tsurugi’s and Konoha’s
- Favorite forward (LOL THERE’S MORE) :
Gouenji Shuuya, Fideo Ardena, Tsurugi Kyousuke, Gamma,  Zanark Avalonic,  Matatagi Hayato
- Favorite mid-fielder (I know this is getting old okay) :
MY PRECIOUS FUDOU AKIO. Kidou Yuuto, Matsukaze Tenma, Shindou Takuto, 
- Favorite defender (Almost done…):
Fubuki Shirou, Tobitaka Seiya, Tsunami Jousuke, 
- Favorite goalkeeper (Not my fault there are so many positions) :
MY BABY ENDOU MAMORU  ❤ also Genda, Desarm, Rococo and Ibuki
- Favorite manager/girl player (actually, all girls in general) :
Kino Aki, Urabe Rika, Nanobana Kinako, Sorano Aoi, Seto Midori,  Mizukawa Minori, Hilary Flail
- Favorite team :
Raimon, Teikoku, Kidokawa Seishu (from Go), Inazuma Japan (both inazuma and inazuma galaxy), Resistance Japan
- Favorite team uniform :
Teikoku, Shin Teikoku, Raimon, Zeus
- Which movie is the best :
All of them!
- Prettiest character :
Afuro Terumi, Kirino Ranmaru and Gamma
- Most handsome :
Endou Mamoru (OF COURSE), Fudou Akio (OF COURSE), Tsunami Jousuke, Tsurugi Yuuichi, Ibuki Munemasa
- Best hairstyle: Kidou Yuuto, Endou Mamoru, Sakuma Jirou, Gamma, Shindou Takuto, Ibuki Munemasa
- Do you think it takes more hairgel to style Tenma’s, Alpha’s, or Tobitaka’s hair :
- Whose hair takes the most time to manage :
Gouenji Shuuya, Tobitaka Seiya, Tsunami Jousuke, Tsurugi Kyosuke, Zanark, Ozrock Bitway
- Who would you most want to see with their hair down (sorry for all the hair-relatedness) :
Tsurugi Kyousuke
- That OP/ED that keeps replaying over and over again in your mind :
Op : Maji de Kansha, Tenmade Todoke, KandoKyoyu, Supernovа Ed : Ryusei Boy, Mata ne, Te wo tsunago, Bokutachi no shiro 
- That character song that is way too catchy for its own good :
COOL HEAT! and Bad Boys Brothers Blues ❤
- Raimon or Teikoku :
Both, I’m sorry. 
- Ultimate Shining or Ancient Dark :
Ultimate Shining.
- IE or IE GO:
WHY ARE YOU MAKING THIS?! ;--; I’m sorry, I love both. Yes, the original one will always be fave but there’s so much hate on the Go series and I’m like : WTF PEOPLE?!  I really love the Go series, every single one of them, that’s why I can’t put them aside.
- Taiyou or Taiyou (hint: The answer is Taiyou):
Taiyou because he’s one precious sunshine baby  ❤
- Fubuki post-personality-disorder or merged:
Merged.  It’s kinda sad that he thinks he’s no one without Atsuya, but I’m happy it turned out good and he’s happy!
- Hang out with Rika or Touko :
Both, those girls are my precious ladies and I love them!
- Yank Tsurugi’s ponytail or Fei’s :
- Kageyama Tobio Reiji or Kuroiwa Ryuusei :
Kuroiwa Ryuusei
- Quick! Kiss Cliff Marry. Shindou, Kariya, Kinako :
Kiss : Kariya Cliff : Kinako Marry : Shindou
- Which is more amazing, the fact that the ball doesn’t pop or the goal doesn’t get torn through :
The goal doesn’t get torn through XD LIKE, HOW?! WHAT KIND OF MAGIC?! 
- Why don’t they ever get yellow/red cards????? :
Actually, I found out that Fudou and Gouenji are the only players that ever got a yellow card and I’m like : What...???? When did that happened???? I mean??? This is Inazuma???? It’s not a normal soccer??? THERE WAS A YELLOW CARD??? 
- Eat a soda popsicle with Suzuno or plant a tulip with Nagumo :
- Be a forward with a defense technique or a defender with a shooting technique :
Defender with a shooting technique!
- Who do you think Endou should really end up with :
Me, lol. (just kidding XD actually no)  Well, if we talk about yaoi then Gouenji But I liked the idea of him being with Aki (even thou I like her with Ichinose too) But Natsumi was my second choice so I’m actually really happy for them! Even thou I’m really jealous, Natsumi you’re one lucky girl :’)) 
- Yes or No, Afuro Terumi :
- Sacca yarouze? :
Are you offering me a date??? That’s the best pick up line ever OMG SAKKA YAROUZE. 
- Anything you wanna praise the series for :
Everything, really
- Anything you wanna complain about the series (don’t worry we all know it’s not real hate here) :
Is it strange that I like everything??? Like ??? Everything??? I don’t have anything to complain about
- Got any IE merch (yes I’m offering you bragging rights) :
I have a poster, also a magazine with some of the Galaxy characters. And I have the uniform of Aphrodi (because of my cosplay) and a soccer ball with thunder (like Tenma’s ball from Gouenji) 
- What do you think about Ares no Tenbin :
- 3 things you love about the IE fandom :
The fandom is small but it’s like a warm family. There’s a lot of inside jokes THAT I LIVE FOR.  People are just amazing.
- 1 thing you would like to say to the IE community (fandom,producers,etc.) :
Thank you for being alive. Thank you for existing. Thank you for choosing Inazuma! Also, thank you Level-5 for creating such a wonderful series!
- What do you think about the creator of this whole post (I know. I’m lame. I’m sorry.) :
Thank you for making this great quiz! I love it, it was a pleasure for me to answer!
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vradmic · 8 years
Inazuma Eleven Tag Game
@revivedandabandonedkids made an IE tag thingy a little while back, and while I wasn’t actually tagged myself… I’m a big fan of Inazuma Eleven, so why the heck not?
For anyone who stumbles upon this in the future and is not part of the IE fandom: this post contains spoilers for Inazuma Eleven, Inazuma Eleven GO, Inazuma Eleven GO: Chrono Stone, and Inazuma Eleven GO: Galaxy (though I tried to keep spoilers to a minimum, there may still be some here).
- Heya what’s your name: You can call me vradmic/vrad or Fal, I’ve gotten used to both. I rather not share my real name publicly.
- Favorite character: Fubuki Shirou and Kiyama Hiroto (original), Amemiya Taiyou and Hakuryuu (GO), and Matatagi Hayato (Galaxy). Naturally, I have more, but let’s keep the list short to avoid a list of five pages, shall we?
- Favorite arc: Aliea Academy
- OTP: None
- BroTP: If they’ve interacted in canon in a good way, then… that works for me.
- Any ships that everyone ships but you surprisingly don’t (please remember the little // in the ship names so it won’t show up in the tags): As should be obvious from what I said earlier; since I don’t actively ship any characters romantically with anyone in the Inazuma Eleven franchise, I could put any ship in here and it would, technically, count as long as people in the fandom ship them.
- Favorite hissatsu: Eternal Blizzard, Panther Blizzard, Gekirin Dunk, Tenkuu Otoshi, Maou no Ono, Tenchi Raimei, Thousand Arrow, Sunshine Force, God Hand X, and Asokoni UFO!
- What about combination hissatsu: Fire Tornado DD, Black Dawn, Extreme Rabbit, and Great Blaster
- Favorite Keishin: Seijuu Shining Dragon and Taiyou Shin Apollo
- Favorite Mixi-max (I bet you were expecting this): Hakuryuu and Taiyou with Shokatsu Koumei.
- Favorite Soul (you’re right I don’t have any excuses for this): Ookami, Hayabusa, and Pelion/Belion.
- Favorite forward (LOL THERE’S MORE): Hakuryuu and Matatagi Hayato
- Favorite mid-fielder (I know this is getting old okay): Kiyama Hiroto, Amemiya Taiyou, and Terumi Afuro
- Favorite defender (Almost done…): Fubuki Shirou followed by Tobitaka Seiya
- Favorite goalkeeper (Not my fault there are so many positions): Rococo Urupa and Ibuki Munemasa.
- Favorite manager/girl player (actually, all girls in general): Fran
- Favorite team: Zero and Faram Dite
- Favorite team uniform: Raimon GO’s 2nd uniform and Faram Dite 1st uniform
- Which movie is the best: Kyūkyoku no Kizuna Gryphon
- Prettiest character: No answer
- Most handsome: No answer
- Best hairstyle: Fudou Akio in GO without a doubt
- Do you think it takes more hairgel to style Tenma’s, Alpha’s, or Tobitaka’s hair: Tobitaka without a doubt
- Whose hair takes the most time to manage: Probably anyone with long hair (Terumi Afuro comes to mind)
- Who would you most want to see with their hair down (sorry for all the hair-relatedness): Hakuryuu or Kidou Yuuto
- That OP/ED that keeps replaying over and over again in your mind: Probably Maji Bomber or Mata Ne… no Kisetsu
- That character song that is way too catchy for its own good: Mai Agare! and Starline
- Raimon or Teikoku: original --> Teikoku, GO --> Raimon
- Ultimate Shining or Ancient Dark: Ultimate Shining (sorry, Shuu… US was harder to beat…)
- IE or IE GO: Overall, probably the original
- Taiyou or Taiyou (hint: The answer is Taiyou): Going to be fancy and say Taiyō instead
- Fubuki post-personality-disorder or merged: Former.
- Hang out with Rika or Touko: Touko seems a lot… calmer… I’ll go with her.
- Yank Tsurugi’s ponytail or Fei’s: Fei has a ponytail? I’m not sure if that counts as a ponytail, to be honest… Probably Fei because I can more easily convince him that “it’s joke!” or that it was a bet or something along those lines.
- Kageyama Tobio Reiji or Kuroiwa Ryuusei: Reiji
- Quick! Kiss Cliff Marry. Shindou, Kariya, Kinako: Kinako, Kariya, and Shindou respectively. I can give my reasonings if anyone wants to know.
- Which is more amazing, the fact that the ball doesn’t pop or the goal doesn’t get torn through: Considering the fact that the ball popped twice (Gouenji and Reize) and the goal only got torn once (Reize), I probably have to go with the latter; especially with techniques like Excalibur and Gradius Arch out there…
- Why don’t they ever get yellow/red cards?????: They did, though! There were cards given in both the Aliea Academy arc and the Chrono Stone arc. But to be fair… would you be brave enough to give yellow/red cards to teenagers who can set the ball aflame, make lightning strike down from the heavens above or even freeze the entire field solid? I rest my case…
- Eat a soda popsicle with Suzuno or plant a tulip with Nagumo: Suzuno’s cool, I’ll go with him.
- Be a forward with a defense technique or a defender with a shooting technique: Defender. Defender without a doubt.
- Who do you think Endou should really end up with: I’m going to trigger so many people here… Fuyuppe.
- Yes or No, Afuro Terumi: What’s the question? But, yeah, Afuro’s cool.
- Sacca yarouze?: Sure…
- Anything you wanna praise the series for: Character development and pacing was really well done. The BGM was also really good, and I feel like it’s an underappreciated aspect of the franchise.
- Anything you wanna complain about the series (don’t worry we all know it’s not real hate here): Hm… there were some characters that I didn’t feel “deserved” to appear again in later episodes. Chou Jigen Dream Match is another thing that I didn’t fully agree with (the lineups, at the very least…). I also wonder how living creatures that shouldn’t be able to speak Japanese are able to speak Japanese, and how soccer determines literally everything. Finally, why didn’t they look for non-Japanese players and/or older players for Galaxy? It is heavily hinted that Souls are something owned by a species, so it shouldn’t be unthinkable for non-Japanese players to also have a Soul.
- Got any IE merch (yes I’m offering you bragging rights): Meh… all I got are the Striker games (with the exception of the first one) and the character song albums.
- What do you think about Ares no Tenbin: It has a lot to do to make a name for itself in my eyes, that’s for sure. At the same time, I’m intrigued by the idea that is Ares no Tenbin.
- 3 things you love about the IE fandom: They’re still active even after the almost three-year hiatus since Chou Jigen went up, the fanart is awesome, and they haven’t killed anyone yet are still going strong despite how unknown IE as a franchise is (relative to the size of the franchise as a whole).
- 1 thing you would like to say to the IE community (fandom,producers,etc.): Please make Ares no Tenbin live up to the hype that it is receiving!
- What do you think about the creator of this whole post (I know. I’m lame. I’m sorry.): Nothing specific; I am not active in the IE fandom so I barely know anybody here (the creator of this post included).
I… am not going to be tagging anyone as everybody I know who is a fan of IE has already done this or doesn’t have an account here…
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cozychuu · 8 years
Inazuma Eleven Tag Game
This is hella long so I’m putting it under a cut!!
I was tagged by @enyaga and it’s cool to do a tag game about the series we met through? It’s been about 4 years since then... amazing!
- Heya what’s your name :
i’m mimi! even though in inazuma times most ppl still used michelle!
- Favorite character :
my very first favourite was kazemaru! i later on learned to love handa who is pretty much my favourite now! for go it’s definitely kariya - i kinda separate the series for this >
- Favorite arc :
i rlly loved the aliea arc back then i powered through it in A WEEK. but i also love the original GO season a lot, i’ve rewatched that one often.
- OTP :
FuKaze! i know fudou and kazemaru don’t really have much interaction in the series itself but i have a feeling that they could learn from each other and grow closer through that. i do ship a lot of other ships too tho
- BroTP :
Endou/Touko is one of the best BroTPs.. they just get each other so well! also the original manager triangle is a good BroTP. is it still called a BroTP if it’s girls???
- Any ships that everyone ships but you surprisingly don’t (please remember the little // in the ship names so it won’t show up in the tags) :
Gouenji/Fubuki, Kidou/Fudou, Endou/Gouenji, Fubuki/Someoka, Midorikawa/Hiroto, Tachimukai/Tsunami, Tenma/Tsurugi. …Well, there’s little I ship that is popular, really.
- Favorite hissatsu :
Beautiful Hoop was pretty nice! i don’t rlly have favourite hissatsus, sorry
- What about combination hissatsu :
DEAD FUTURE. nobody can deny that this hissatsu is absolutely killer!
- Favorite Keshin:
Goddess of the Vacant Skies, Athena!!
- Favorite Mixi-max (I bet you were expecting this) :
tsurugi/okita all the way!! i love the design so so much
- Favorite Soul (you’re right I don’t have any excuses for this ) :
- Favorite forward (LOL THERE’S MORE) :
MMMM matatagi probably
- Favorite mid-fielder (I know this is getting old okay) :
- Favorite defender (Almost done…):
kazemaru & kariya
- Favorite goalkeeper (Not my fault there are so many positions) :
tachimukai, i think?
- Favorite manager/girl player (actually, all girls in general) :
haruna, kinako, beta and sakura!! tbh i love all girls i will defend them til my grave
- Favorite team :
i love go raimon a lot.
- Favorite team uniform :
Tengawara and Resistance Japan had great uniforms - but i also like Earth Eleven!
- Which movie is the best :
i feel like the gryphon movie had the most clear story line
- Prettiest character :
there are TOO MANY pretty characters in this series
- Most handsome :
- Best hairstyle:
mm. hiroto looks very good in go!
- Do you think it takes more hairgel to style Tenma’s, Alpha’s, or Tobitaka’s hair :
definitely tobitaka! alpha probs only needs to blowdry it properly
- Whose hair takes the most time to manage :
have u seen gazel’s hair
- Who would you most want to see with their hair down (sorry for all the hair-relatedness) :
mm i don’t know tbh
- That OP/ED that keeps replaying over and over again in your mind :
- That character song that is way too catchy for its own good :
starline is beautiful!
- Raimon or Teikoku :
- Ultimate Shining or Ancient Dark :
Ultimate Shining???? idk
- IE or IE GO:
- Taiyou or Taiyou (hint: The answer is Taiyou):
- Fubuki post-personality-disorder or merged:
isn’t that the same thing?
- Hang out with Rika or Touko :
i’d love to hang out with them both!!
- Yank Tsurugi’s ponytail or Fei’s :
i’d be a bit scared to yank tsurugi’s
- Kageyama Tobio Reiji or Kuroiwa Ryuusei :
- Quick! Kiss Cliff Marry. Shindou, Kariya, Kinako :
uhhhhhhh kiss kariya, marry kinako, cliff shindou?? i’m sorry shindou
- Which is more amazing, the fact that the ball doesn’t pop or the goal doesn’t get torn through :
didn’t both actually happen
- Why don’t they ever get yellow/red cards????? :
el dorado 2 got red cards!! and fudou too!
- Eat a soda popsicle with Suzuno or plant a tulip with Nagumo :
plant tulips!!
- Be a forward with a defense technique or a defender with a shooting technique :
defense techniques are always useful!!
- Who do you think Endou should really end up with :
i think he ended up well with natsumi.
- Yes or No, Afuro Terumi :
- Sacca yarouze? :
i actually used to play soccer when i was a kid!
- Anything you wanna praise the series for :
i will never stop praising its character designs!! it also was a very good time for me when it still aired..
- Anything you wanna complain about the series (don’t worry we all know it’s not real hate here) :
why was there only one female player in the chrono stone team?
- Got any IE merch (yes I’m offering you bragging rights) :
@tallemy gifted me a midorikawa key chain! i also have a bunch of posters and calendars. i also own a bunch of trading cards also partly gifted to me by tallemy.
- What do you think about Ares no Tenbin :
i can’t wait for it! i just hope the new characters won’t get overshadowed by the old characters
- 3 things you love about the IE fandom :
we used to have so so many great artists!!
i think it’s rlly chill with shipping?
it was rlly tight-knit back in the days which was super cool
- 1 thing you would like to say to the IE community (fandom,producers,etc.) :
pls don’t draw child porn
- What do you think about the creator of this whole post (I know. I’m lame. I’m sorry.) :
thank you so much for creating this!!
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0zrockbitway · 8 years
I was tagged by @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 Thanks! This is great motivation to actually do this haha;; @revivedandabandonedkids was the one who made this and you can find it here!
- Heya what’s your name :
I’m Victoria but feel free to give me nicknames or anything
- Favorite character :
Ozrocku is number one \^o^/
- Favorite arc :
Galaxy counts?? but from the original Aliea arc
- OTP :
Afufubu saved my life. for GO its a tie between Hakushuu and Alfei. There’s more but limiting this-
- BroTP :
Literally all the friends? I don’t think I have one BroTP, the romantic ships I have can be bros/platonic. Anyone who is good to each other are bros
- Any ships that everyone ships but you surprisingly don’t (please remember the little // in the ship names so it won’t show up in the tags) :
Probably anything with Gouenji just cuz I?? don’t like him as much as everyone else. I don’t hate the ships I just probably won’t be able to get into them
- Favorite hissatsu :
Stargazer and Donkonjou Catch (the one where the goalkeeper catches the ball with their butt)
- What about combination hissatsu :
Crossfire, The Birth, Shooting Star, Neo Galaxy
- Favorite Keishin:
Sousha Maestro and Ryuujin Korogaon
- Favorite Mixi-max (I bet you were expecting this) :
I don’t think I have a favorite?? I want to experiment in the CS games then get back to you on this
- Favorite Soul (you’re right I don’t have any excuses for this ) :
All of Ixal Fleet souls are good I love them
- Favorite forward (LOL THERE’S MORE) :
Fubuki, Taiyou, Ozrock, Baddap, Hakuryuu, Matatagi...probably more a lot of my favs tend to be forwards for some reason
- Favorite mid-fielder (I know this is getting old okay) :
Shindou, Powai, Midorikawa, Hiroto, Aphrodi, Nishinosora
- Favorite defender (Almost done…):
Kariya, Tsunami, Torb, Manabe, Minaho
- Favorite goalkeeper (Not my fault there are so many positions) :
Rococo, Miyabino, Phobos, Chet, Ibuki
- Favorite manager/girl player (actually, all girls in general) :
Fuyuka, Akane, Shuu’s younger sister
- Favorite team :
Ixal Fleet, Ogre, Hakuren
- Favorite team uniform :
Hakuren, Resistance Japan, Ogre, Ixal Fleet, Sazanaara Eleven
- Which movie is the best :
I like the Ogre movie and the first GO one w/ Hakuryuu and Shuu
- Prettiest character :
They all pretty tho. Beta and Aphrodi are first to come to mind???
- Most handsome :
Hiroto and Fubuki (older, he’s cute when younger)
- Best hairstyle:
Shindou because its easy for me to have the same hairstyle haha-
- Do you think it takes more hairgel to style Tenma’s, Alpha’s, or Tobitaka’s hair :
Tobitaka! Tenma’s is managed by his love of soccer. Alpha is a koala apparently so its natural
- Whose hair takes the most time to manage :
Gouenji maybe?? anyone with really long or super spiked hair probably
- Who would you most want to see with their hair down (sorry for all the hair-relatedness) :
Hakuryuu and Fei
- That OP/ED that keeps replaying over and over again in your mind :
- That character song that is way too catchy for its own good :
Ice Road and Starline are the ones I play over and over
- Raimon or Teikoku :
Raimon in first season, Teikoku in GO
- Ultimate Shining or Ancient Dark :
Zero >:3c I love them both
- IE or IE GO:
I love...GO more
- Taiyou or Taiyou (hint: The answer is Taiyou):
Sol Daystar
- Fubuki post-personality-disorder or merged:
A happy Fubuki is a good Fubuki. So I guess post??
- Hang out with Rika or Touko :
Both would be fun but I don’t think I have the energy to match Rika;; so Touko!
- Yank Tsurugi’s ponytail or Fei’s :
I want Tsurugi to glare at me so him
- Kageyama Tobio Reiji or Kuroiwa Ryuusei :
Kuroiwa Ryuusei
- Quick! Kiss Cliff Marry. Shindou, Kariya, Kinako :
Kinako kiss, Kariya cliff, Shindou marry
- Which is more amazing, the fact that the ball doesn’t pop or the goal doesn’t get torn through :
The fact that the ball can disintegrate or transform or just get rekt one second and appear fully formed the next. 
- Why don’t they ever get yellow/red cards????? :
They got one once didn’t they?? I haven’t even gotten a yellow/red card in the games. Then again they’d probably be getting them left and right if they tried using their moves in a regular soccer match
- Eat a soda popsicle with Suzuno or plant a tulip with Nagumo :
Eat one with Suzuno while watching Nagumo plant a tulip
- Be a forward with a defense technique or a defender with a shooting technique :
Forward so I can get/keep the ball applies game logic to this answer tbh
- Who do you think Endou should really end up with :
I don’t really have an OTP for him ahaha;; ship him with whoever you want
- Yes or No, Afuro Terumi :
- Sacca yarouze? :
- Anything you wanna praise the series for :
It taught me about soccer, more of the game really but I know more than I would before lol. Also super great characters & character designs. can i also praise it for taking over my life
- Anything you wanna complain about the series (don’t worry we all know it’s not real hate here) :
Should have done some things they did in the games (best example: making Kazemaru not run away/be frightened of Genesis but have him man up and be stronger), give spotlight on more characters, add more girls/girl only teams.
- Got any IE merch (yes I’m offering you bragging rights) :
Uhh I have almost all the EU games, mini plushies, rubber straps, a...metallic charm??? and cosplay. I think one pin and a little strap to. The ‘unofficial’ merch would be like fanart, doujinshi, and posters. I think thats all.
- What do you think about Ares no Tenbin :
Curious and looking forward to what this AU is going to bring to the series. Also wondering if they’re going to bring in a new...tactic? Like kenshins or something just new. Maybe those bracelet things have a thing to do with it but idk.
- 3 things you love about the IE fandom :
I’d rather not comment about the fandom just because I don’t like the idea of ‘fandoms’ and most are garbage but thats a topic for another day but rather the people I know in it. They’re pretty friendly and I love seeing some headcanons that I’d never think of personally?? But its good to see great artists and writers contributing to it! Also we all accept sakka as another word for soccer I think thats great
- 1 thing you would like to say to the IE community (fandom, producers, etc.) :
Please make a bunch of crossovers with Level-5′s other series (also please appreciate Level-5′s other works they are just as amazing as ina11)
- What do you think about the creator of this whole post (I know. I’m lame. I’m sorry.) :
You seem cool also you love afufubu so??? you’re automatically great in my book ;) hmu anytime about the otp my dude
Tagging: umm...if you want an excuse to do this say I tagged you!
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