#YoI Star Trek sort of
mereth · 6 years
Space Week Day 1
@yoistargazers :  Day 1. nebulae - vague, conceptual, dreamlike. full of potential and what might be, swirling with the hopes and dreams of stars yet to be born.
1. Beginnings 
It had been years, but Yuuri remembers the first time he had seen a nebula. He had been 8 and bored out of his mind at school. He wasn’t a bad student, and he usually found his classes interesting, but that day the time had seemed to drag and not even Science, his favourite subject, had made it better, especially because they were on the History part of it. He just wanted to finish class and run to find Mari, who had promised to get him a holovid recording of last night’s skate.  He had wanted to watch it live, but not even being the first time Hasetsu had an athlete in the Olympics had been enough for his parents to let him be awake late. He was sure Yuuko had done great and he couldn’t wait to watch it. To witness how, for the first time, an inhabitant of Hasetsu space station was taking part and, he was sure, medaling in an Olympic competition. For once his little corner of the universe would be known aside from the few habited planets near them. And he knew that when he grew up he’d be their second Olympic athlete. He was good at skating; he could help make his people be known. He’d get that gold medal.
But all thoughts about the Olympics went out of his mind when the teacher made them turn to their next lesson. And there it was. An old picture on his screen full of colours: blue, black and red with shining points of gold around it, like the stars he had seen in old cartoons instead of the glowing suns he knew them to be; like the medals he had been dreaming about since he learnt Yuuko had classified for the Olympics. Yuuri drew a breath, surprised by how breathtakingly beautiful it was; his eyes moving to the bottom of it where the legend explained its name.
Pillars of Creation.
He started reading the text following the picture, trying to get as much information as he could. He remembered getting more and more fascinated as he learnt that it had been taken a lot time ago. That it was the most well-known picture among all the ones, 20th century Terrans had taken of nebulae. The birth of stars, the beginning of space.  He remembered his teacher’s voice explaining that the pictured had been taken by the Hubble telescope. A telescope so old Yuuri couldn’t figure out how that big and clunky thing had worked, let alone make that wonderful picture he had on his screen. He had been fascinated by how they had reached up, how they seemed alive even if it was just dust and gases. It looked like something amazing was happening, and Yuuri, for the first time, thought that he wanted, no he needed, to see something like that with his own eyes. To find what else was hidden in space.
If 20th Terrans had been able to find things as wonderful as that nebula with an old clunky telescope, what could be done now with their technology and spaceships? What was waiting for them out there?
That was the first day that Yuuri thought of space as a place, a big place full of wonderful things he didn’t know about, instead of something that was just there, like the oxygen he was breathing, like his family and the other people in the space station.
That was the first time, Yuuri thought of the stars as a goal.
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tsuyu-season · 4 years
Learning general fandom history (so like, history of all fandoms, not a specific fandom) is really interesting, bc like, people used to publish and distribute fanzines already long before the internet and fanfics would be puished in there, and people would find many creative ways of indulging in this joy together. There would be new language invented around certain fandoms and there is also sometimes a gap under fans of the same thing in how language is used amd what it describes. And it also shows how it is not just a thing of these past two decennium but a longer standing tradition and there are also old people who still enjoy things that makes them happy. Also feels comforting and less pressured to deny certain things once you reach a certain age.
But it's also so so cursed sometimes
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Hello, loves! So, I recently saw another masterlist post like this and as I’ve written a fair number of victuuri fics, I thought it could be fun to make one as well!!
I’ve written 27 Victor/Yuuri fics (no other ships involved) and all of them (except for one) are complete! This list compiles all of them neatly together and I can give some author insight into my own personal favorites versus which ones are my most popular, etcetera. 
The list will be compiled in alphabetical order! All relevant tags, ratings, author’s notes, and short(er) summaries will be shown in an organized manner. 
If interested, click the read below! Much love to you all and I hope you’ll like one of them, maybe!!! ❤️❤️
KEY:      ** = author’s favorite     bolded = top 3 kudos’d    IMG = embedded images in fic    
Abstract Intuition ~ Teen/3.2k words  ~ Introspection, Japanese Myths, Dreams vs. Reality ~ a/n: weird! loved writing it though ~ in which Yuuri understands more about himself than he thinks he does and believes in a Japanese supernatural being 
Aegri somniavana ~ Teen/2.3k words ~ Major Character Death, Heavy Angst, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Depression, Panic Attacks ~ a/n: sad! sad sad sad! if you don’t want to be sad, do not read this! ~ “The love of a half-dead heart will keep you half alive” 
a blessing in disguise ~ Teen/WIP~ AUs: Fantasy & Royalty, Witch Curses, Fairy Tale Elements, Mutual Pining, Magic & Wizards, Light Angst, Fluff & Humor, Child Victor (at times) ~ a/n: one of my favorites concept-wise, will update one day! ~ Victor gets cursed. Yuuri does not. Yuuri most definitely feels like he is though.
can’t buy love, but you can try if you’re a ridiculous man like Victor Nikiforov ~ General/495 words ~ SAPPY, old victuuri ~ a/n: domestic victuuri makes me so soft :’’) ~ Victor loves spoiling his grandchildren. 
Chair AU (series with 2 fics) ~ General/505 words ~ why ~ a/n: yes it’s that fic the terrible and infamous chair au, yes i wrote that, yes i am aware of its contents, yes it is ridiculous ~ yuuri is a chair
ethereal ~ General/877 words ~ Introspection, Canon Compliant ~ a/n: romantic drabble ~ realizations
even Time ~ Mature/18k words ~ Time Travel Fix-It With A Twist!, AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Depression, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Poisoning, Depression, Complicated Relationships, Non-Linear Narrative ~ a/n: this was my 2nd yoi fic! there are two ways to read it (one chapter for each way). this is quite sad, but also… not ~ in which yuuri and victor get it wrong until time comes in and allows for them to get it right
finally ~ General/1.8k words ~ Mutual Pining, High School AU, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Oblivious Katsuki Yuuri, Fluff ~ a/n: ngl i wrote this so quickly and did not expect people to like it as much as they did ~ in which everyone got the memo that Yuuri and Victor are “totally dating” except for Yuuri
going places ~ Teen/1.2k words ~ Pre-Canon, AU- Canon Divergence, Self-Reflection, Adolescent Sexuality ~ a/n: my first fic!!!!!!!! i wrote this right after ep 3 was released, this was basically my take on how victor and yuuri knew each other before the reveal in ep 10 :3 ~ viktor remembers and yuuri helps
hearts beat ~ Teen/1.4k words ~ Introspection, Angst, Canon Compliant, Insecurity, set after the beginning of episode 12 ~ a/n: i wrote this for a friend actually :3 this isn’t as sad as people seem to think? like? it’s better afterward as seen in the show? people acting like i broke them up smh ~ Yuuri doesn’t see what Victor sees in him.
in sickness & in health ~ General/511 words ~ Sappy, Sickfic, Domestic ~ a/n: cute drabble :( ~ Yuuri takes care of his whiny and sick husband.
in sync ~ Teen/442 words ~ Introspection, Falling in Love ~ a/n: soft :( ~ heartbeat
inevitable ~ Teen/972 words ~ True Love, Domestic, Insecurity, Sappy Fluff ~ a/n: this is probably my favorite work for domestic victuuri ~ Victor had a bad day and comes home and snaps at Yuuri. Cue little fight and makeup. :)
love (leaf) pile ~ General/354 words ~ Fluff, Victor is Extra ~ a/n: this one was so fun to write! ~ Yuuri shows Victor the glory that is jumping in leaf piles!!
love letters are too cliché ~ Teen/7.2k words ~ Pen Pals, Fluff, Light Angst, Mutual Pining, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Coming Out, College AU (sort of), Letters ~ a/n: this was definitely one that took a lot of me to write for some reason but i’m proud of how it ended up uwu ~ Viktor and Yuuri are pen pals. They both get more out of it than they originally thought.
moonstruck ~ General/712 words ~ Canon Compliant, True Love, Gentle Kissing ~ a/n: i think this was my first ever drabble? i was so soft when writing it ~ moon·struck (adjective): unable to think or act normally, especially because of being in love.
Much To Do About Everything ~ Teen/24.8k words ~ Enemies to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Misunderstandings, Humor, Pranks and Practical Jokes, Fluff and Angst, Rivalry ~ a/n: this work is more dialogue heavy than my others and it was very fun to write that dialogue :) ~ Victor and Yuuri won’t stop complaining about each other. Phichit and Chris, being the wonderful best friends that they are, just want them to shut the hell up. Starfleet Academy/Star Trek/Much Ado About Nothing AU
**Pigeon Alley ~ IMG ~ Teen/35.5k words ~ Famous Actors Victuuri, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Insecurity, Implied/Referenced Alcoholism/Alcohol Abuse, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Non-Linear Narrative, Friends to Lovers to Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Media Attention ~ a/n: one of my personal favorites, writing this fic helped me in more ways than one ~ What’s meant to be will always find a way. Victor and Yuuri? They’re meant to be.
the rain before the rainbow ~ IMG ~ Teen/7.6k words ~ ANXIETY, Anxiety Attacks, Insecurity, Introspection, Post-Canon, Angst with a Happy Ending, Lack of Communication, Sick Makkachin ~ a/n: one of my more emotionally taxing fics honestly but working with Bee was so fun ~ Yuuri is anxious about marrying Victor.
recovery & the sun ~ Teen/1.2k words ~ Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Introspection, Character Study, Recovery, Drabble ~ a/n: one of my my darkest fics (if not the darkest) and also one where i wrote it just to project some of my own feelings ~ Yuuri understood in a way that Victor had never expected, had never even hoped.
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy ~ Explicit/1.7k words ~ Anal Sex, Porn with Feelings, basically Yuuri rides Victor while Victor wears a cowboy hat, kind of a crack fic? ~ a/n: fjfjfjfjfjfjjfjfjjfj why ~ When Victor receives a cowboy hat from a fan, Yuuri may or may not want to devastate him.
strength ~ Teen/1.1k words ~ Gender Dysphoria, Trans Katsuki Yuuri, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Anxiety, Established Relationship ~ a/n: so this fic haunts me bc i think i misinterpreted the prompt wrong (didn’t see the “him” at the end there) and a big part of me wishes i wrote yuuri as a trans GUY and i feel bad whenever i think about this fic but some people liked it and yeah ~ Yuuri feels dysphoric and Victor comforts her.
sunflower ~ Teen/1.2k words ~ Slight Angst, Introspection, Femininity, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Fluff, Sappy ~ a/n: one of my fave drabbles! uwu~ Yuuri realizes it’s okay to like wearing dresses.
touch ~ General/439 words ~ True Love, Anxiety ~ a/n: this is also another one of my fave drabbles ~ Viktor and Yuuri express their love through touch.
**The Universe’s Secrets ~ IMG ~ General/5.3k words ~ Pre-Relationship, Mutual Pining, Sappy, Introspection, Canon Compliant, Tension, Relationship Study, Developing Relationship ~ a/n: another fic that took a lot of me but i’m proud of writing and ALSO another fic where i very much enjoyed working with jercy~ 3 times Victor smiles at Yuuri + 3 times Yuuri smiles at Victor. 
The World Opened With You ~ IMG ~ Teen/10.6k words ~ Famous Victuuri, Violinist Victor, Pianist Yuuri, Musician AU, Depression, Family Issues, Sappy, Introspection ~ a/n: this fic really popped off huh !! i honestly never expected it to and it meant a lot that it did and thank you STILL nikai for making gorgeous artwork, i really loved working with him too :( ~ Victor and Yuuri are paired up to play a duet together. More things come from it than expected.
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jenroses · 6 years
State of the writing, 2017
A complete breakdown of things I posted this year on AO3 and my blog, plus WIP news and links to everything. 
Behind the cut.
AO3 says:
User Subscriptions:206 Kudos:4605 Comment Threads:776 Bookmarks:754 Subscriptions:518 Word Count:345423 (note: 117006 of previous/hubby’s stuff) Hits:56353
(sorted by date, italics indicate either something previously published elsewhere, or something my husband wrote)
Lost in Translations (Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)) (10258 words)Subscriptions: 31 Hits: 11393 Kudos: 949 Comment Threads: 107 Bookmarks: 164
Translations Over Distance (Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)) (10881 words)Subscriptions: 31 Hits: 6623 Kudos: 583 Comment Threads: 86 Bookmarks: 99
Translations: Initiations (Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)) (8234 words)Subscriptions: 5 Hits: 6197 Kudos: 462 Comment Threads: 37 Bookmarks: 59
Translations: Elongations (Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)) (36622 words)Subscriptions: 192 Hits: 9869 Kudos: 657 Comment Threads: 186 Bookmarks: 121
AO3 Story Organization: Section, Chapter, Story, Series or Collection? (Archive of Our Own) (1891 words)Subscriptions: 1 Hits: 370 Kudos: 37 Comment Threads: 2 Bookmarks: 3
Dendarii's Privateers (Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold) (563 words)Hits: 170 Kudos: 10 Comment Threads: 4 Bookmarks: 2
Jody Burke (Check Please! (Webcomic)) (942 words)Hits: 765 Kudos: 146 Comment Threads: 9 Bookmarks: 1
Ashley Burton (Check Please! (Webcomic)) (1510 words)Subscriptions: 1 Hits: 585 Kudos: 84 Comment Threads: 5 Bookmarks: 0
Therapy (Castle) (89390 words)Subscriptions: 1 Hits: 383 Kudos: 13 Comment Threads: 1 Bookmarks: 2
Warning to the Dragonborn (Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim) (163 words)Hits: 77 Kudos: 15 Comment Threads: 0 Bookmarks: 1
Jack Came Back (Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, Torchwood) (568 words)Hits: 82 Kudos: 3 Comment Threads: 0 Bookmarks: 1
Translations: Terminations and Transitions (Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)) (53987 words)Subscriptions: 151 Hits: 6192 Kudos: 379 Comment Threads: 123 Bookmarks: 63
Transition: Puberty (Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)) (15460 words)Subscriptions: 39 Hits: 3545 Kudos: 245 Comment Threads: 63 Bookmarks: 22
Symbolon (Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005)) (25583 words)Subscriptions: 25 Hits: 1383 Kudos: 50 Comment Threads: 8 Bookmarks: 19
How To Be Vorish (Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold) (521 words)Hits: 156 Kudos: 6 Comment Threads: 1 Bookmarks: 0
Transition: The Leap (Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)) (41865 words)Subscriptions: 17 Hits: 1278 Kudos: 115 Comment Threads: 28 Bookmarks: 7
Transition: Questioning (Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)) (21055 words)Subscriptions: 4 Hits: 829 Kudos: 85 Comment Threads: 21 Bookmarks: 5
Transition: Coming Out (Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)) (5988 words)Subscriptions: 18 Hits: 1505 Kudos: 148 Comment Threads: 56 Bookmarks: 10
Workflow from Google Docs to Ao3: A Primer (Archive of Our Own, Google Docs - Fandom) (5445 words)Hits: 2465 Kudos: 120 Comment Threads: 13 Bookmarks: 100 (chapter 2 came this year)
The Lion's Cross (Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis) (381 words)Hits: 39 Kudos: 3 Comment Threads: 0 Bookmarks: 0
mother i climbed (Star Trek: Discovery) (643 words)Subscriptions: 1 Hits: 278 Kudos: 43 Comment Threads: 3 Bookmarks: 5
Just Guys Baking Pies (Check Please! (Webcomic)) (4492 words)Subscriptions: 1 Hits: 2138 Kudos: 449 Comment Threads: 22 Bookmarks: 70
A Lon Beginning (Original Work) (8981 words)Hits: 31 Kudos: 3 Comment Threads: 1 Bookmarks: 0
Works in process:
YOI: Transitions: Landings  word count 11,000-ish. 3 1/2 chapters written. I’m writing it a little out of order, as the mood strikes, so this will probably be completed before it gets posted at all.
YOI: Translations: Rosetta Stone is done and 2000 words but will be posted as the last thing I post in the series.  
Check Please: Healing Rules, most of chapter 7 is done (5-6k words) Will publish when chapter 7 is done and proofed.
A Lon Story: The next story is well underway. 3 chapters, 6k words, will publish when complete.
JAG: Making Fate: Complete, proofing, 45k, 7 chapters, post-series canon compliant 
So by my total, that means 70k of WIP.
Total fic count, about 298k.
But I’ve ALSO done two major website overhauls:
Jenrose.com was completely revamped and Lonstory.com was built and then completely overhauled this year. I did so much art for this, y’all.
And I’ve written a lot of blog posts for my main site, many of which are repurposed Tumblr things. Here’s the important ones:
Bridges Falling (twitter series on collapsing metaphorical bridges.) (short? Like 1k I guess with the new limits?)
Sexual Harassment: Now You See It. Why didn’t you before?   Holy fuck this behemoth is 4k. This is probably the most article-y thing I’ve written this year.
Drinking Games as Coping Measures  ~500 words
Handle With Care: Why Doctors Don’t Like the EDS Diagnosis  hilariously, this has 911 words. I think this might be the most commented-on article I’ve ever written for my blog.
Tricks for dealing with feeling disconnected  1540 words
The piano-tuning metaphor for social justice  1240 words
Adjusting an N95 particulate mask to a kid face 342 words, but important
How Spiderman: Homecoming Brilliantly Highlights Everything We Do Wrong With Teenagers  650 words
Negative Self Talk in Survivors: Techniques for Reframing 1215 words
On dealing with criticism and pattern arguments A variant of this went around a lot all year long on Tumblr, and is probably the biggest thing that got random people inboxing me all year. *waves* 1393 words
So that’s a total of about 12,800 words there.
That brings the writing total this year to 312k. Now the JAG thing was mostly written a long time ago, but hasn’t been posted before. So maybe 267-ish k of new writing? 
Not bad considering how horribly ill I’ve been this year, all fucking year. 
Oh, and last but not least, I got my Patreon started. So stop on by if you enjoy the work I do, there’s more coming.
I’ll do another post for art.
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pageleaf · 7 years
fic authors self rec! when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers.
tagged by @beatperfume
1. “the queen’s guard” - queen’s thief - irene/lady!costis - T - 2.3k this is pretty much what it sounds like: an au of the queen of attolia with the premise that costis is a lady (the first in the guard) instead. implied (to me at least) future ot3
2. “crimson headache, aching blush” - yuri!!! on ice - yuri/viktor/yuuri - E - 7.6k future!fic pining threesome with sex pollen :) this is...idk, like the purest distillation of my id. lots of emotionally fraught banging with background pining and future polyamory, plus some weird emotional plot twists here and there. i’m just super happy with this one because i was going for a very specific tone, and somehow i actually managed it!
3. “the unbeaten road” - haikyuu!! - ushijima/iwaizumi/oikawa - T - 5.9k ok ok shit i lied, THIS one is the purest distillation of my id. star trek au (mostly of the 2009 movie, which is what i know) with oikawa as the captain, iwaizumi as the cmo, and ushijima as chief science officer/first officer. non-linear narrative
4. “a physical fatality” - boku no hero academia - erasermight - E - 3k i wrote this absurdly quickly, because i just have a lot of feelings. post-where we are in the manga, bondage porn with feelings
5. “adolescence and all its glory” - haikyuu!! - ushijima/iwaizumi/oikawa - T - 20k this is just my softest fic and i love it. ushijima and iwaizumi go to university together, oikawa and iwaizumi have a sort of unlabeled romantic thing going on, and then endgame negotiated polyamory
honorable mention for “silver” because it’s my most popular and i do love it (yoi, viktor/yuuri, E, post-series medal play)
tagging @plalligator, @grim-lupine, @themardia, @carriecmoney, and @stopthatimp if you’d like! and anyone else who wants to :)
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rachello344 · 7 years
FanFic ask game: B, I, M, S, T, U, and X!
Thank you so much!  These were all super cool to think about!!!  
B.  Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?Quite a few!  A lot of my really sappy, domestic KaiShin stuff is based on my own life with a roommate I’m super close to.  We aren’t romantic, but I think a strong romance should be built on a solid foundation of friendship and family feelings.  You should like spending time quietly with the one you love, so a lot of those quiet little things I pull from my own life.  ^^  I couldn’t give you a direct example off hand, but that domestic vibe comes straight from my own life, wholesale.  (Bits of dialogue and characterization often do as well, but that’s a lot harder to pin down than a mood, I think.)
I.  Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?Kind of?  For writing, I take a possibly perverse pleasure in killing off characters I hate.  When I was first getting into writing I actually had an OC for that exact purpose.  I would give him traits I hated, and then kill him off.  It was very therapeutic.  I mostly keep that sort of thing to myself nowadays, but the pleasure is still there.  The character is usually harder to come by now, though.  Most characters I could take or leave.  There are very few that I could be said to really hate.And for reading, I read a lot of really filthy smut, actually.  I won’t tell you which kinks or anything, but a lot of them are... really weird.  Otherwise, I don’t actually feel much guilt about what I read or write (or generally enjoy), so I don’t really have a hard and fast guilty pleasure.
M.  Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?I’ve been thinking of this one KaiShin fic for AGES, actually.  Basically, Kaito is a celebrity, maybe as an actor, maybe as a magician, and he ends up hiring Shinichi as his agent.  (Shinichi is a GREAT agent, he’s just a little on the stiff side.)  Kaito falls for him, but Shinichi is a professional, so he keeps his feelings out of his work.  He also thinks Kaito is just a flirt, so his teasing doesn’t mean anything.  It would be from Kaito’s POV, I think, and take place over the course of a movie’s PR cycle or something.
S.  Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?Arranged marriage (especially political or fantasy based) and werewolves/good ABO.  I will drop everything to read those.  Especially combinations, like someone is arranged to marry into a wolf pack for a treaty.  
T.  Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?I hate when people make 20-somethings out to be “parents,” especially of teenagers.  I am not a parent, I’m an older sister.  MAYBE a young aunt of a small child.  If they actually ARE parents, and it’s kid fic, that’s one thing, but like the Team Parents trend needs to die.  (@ VLD, @ YoI)  Obviously people will like what they like, so it really only bothers me if that’s like.  The ONLY thing in the fandom.  Otherwise I’ll read about anything, as long as it’s a ship I like.  (I’m also kind of leery of the insistence on multi-shipping nowadays, but maybe that’s just me being stubborn.  I’m still an OTP kinda girl.  One true pairing per fandom (that I ship exclusively), and the others can pair up with whoever.)
U.  Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.@lunarscaped (lunadarkside) as always ;D  I’ve always been super envious of her descriptions and her emotional language.  I want to get that kind of emotional intensity into my own writing.  ^^@atomicblonde (lalazee) is a writer I’ve admired for... God, something like eight years?!  She wrote (writes?) super great Star Trek fic--some of the best Kirk/Spock I’ve read, actually--and lately, she’s started writing AMAZING BakuDeku.  (God Bless @mgcmind is, of course, one of my faves (in general, but especially for Lawlight)~  Everything she’s written has been great, especially Seeking His Hand, obviously.  No other fic in recent years has had me gasping like some kind of Victorian maiden, clutching my pearls.  It is a downright incredible slowburn.  I await each update with baited breath~  Oh, and Kratos_Aurion (on AO3) writes this REALLY great ABO Lawlight fic (Into the Grey) that I’ve been keeping up with.  The mystery elements and the suspense of the main plot, coupled with the slowburn romance make for a GREAT read.  It does a great job balancing the complications of a world with ABO dynamics with the personalities of the major players.  It updates fairly regularly and I highly recommend it.  ;D
X.  A character you enjoy making suffer.0tabek A/tin.  I hate him.  I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but I honestly can’t stand what he’s become.  It makes me hella petty, but that’s something I’m willing to accept about myself.  So, I tend to take out my aggression on him.  As far as the “characters I love that I also want to suffer” I can’t really say I have any.  I like making characters I like happy.  The struggles are generally incidental to the larger plot, not the purpose of the plot, you feel me?
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min-sugakookies · 7 years
10 Questions:
I was tagged by the lovely @n3rdlif343va here we go!! 1: if you had to choose a song as you're theme song, what would it be? Hmm that's a hard question... I love so many songs. But I'd probably choose Believer by Imagine Dragons. 2: what is your favorite book? Ive read so much and have so many favourites... umm... probably the Chesapeake Bay series by Nora Roberts. 3: if you could only wear one color for the rest of you're life, what would it be? Probably Grey.... 4: name the closest item to your right. My new phones box... Lol. 5: what is your favorite animates movie? It's gotta be, How to Train Your Dragon. 6: where is you're favorite place to write/read/draw? On my bed!!! 7: what is your native language? English!! 8: what do you want to see most in the upcoming YOI or Miraculous Ladybug movie? All I'm hoping for in the new YOI movie is for it to be spectacular!!! 9: star wars, star trek, or get out of my house you crazy nerd... Neither..... 10: crusaders of fluff or demons of angst, take your pick. Crusaders with demons tendencies!! Okay. So here are my ten questions!! 1: Dragon, unicorn or Griffin? 2: If you had to travel... what's your choice of travel?? 3: What character are you most like in any fandom?? 4: Animated movies or Action?? 5: Marry, Fuck, or Keep as you're dirty secret: Viktor, Yuuri, or Phichit?? 6: Fan fiction or Fanart?? 7: Have 1 Viktor or two Yuuris?? 8: Writing on keyboard or In a notebook?? 9: Most loved character in any fandom?? 10: what house are you sorted in at Hogwarts?? (Sorry to the non Harry potter fans) I'm tagging @n3rdlif343va @maydei @queen-among-writers @extranikiforov @paxohana @daysinrussiavictuuri
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oingomyboingos · 7 years
I was tagged by @sunny-day-sky (ily ty!!!!) Rules: answer in a new post and tag 20 people whoever you want!
Nickname: Jill, Jilly if you’re Britani Star sign: Aries Height: 5′2″ Last thing I googled: “Lautrec tightrope walker” on my phone and “confusion matrix” on my laptop (i have psych and art projects due soon lol) Fave music artist: L O T S but for some reason im reviving my love of alex clare again Last movie you watched: ???? What are you wearing? black ballet flats, my headphones, and a gray snow white + roses patterned dress from hot topic When did you create your blog? June 15, 2012 (according to the post limit checker site lol). I have a couple side blogs for star trek ( @gay-space-trash ) and taz ( @razzma-taz) but i only made them this year so theyre v non substantial lol What kind of stuff do you post: a dumpster pile of memes, yoi, hp, lgbt stuff, aesthetic, history, etc. Why did you choose your url? @terpsichorean-princess was the original inspo with her muse themed url. since she got the muse of dance i went with the muse of history and a pun (aMUSEd) Gender: Cis girl Hogwarts house: Ravenpuff Pokemon team: Instinct Fave color: Purple Average hours of sleep: 4-7 is my average id say,,,,, i havent had a healthy sleep schedule since 8th grade lol Lucky number: 5 and 55 Fave characters:  Taako, Dexter Morgan, Leonard McCoy, Javert, Raskolnikov (he’s a mess but he’s gr8),,,,, more but i cant think of any atm lol
side note but i think you could sort all of these characters as either slytherin or ravenclaw i feel like that says something about me How many blankets do you sleep with? 1 but its a v thick feather duvet Dream job: Museum educator!! Or a prof/researcher in hist/psych,,, or a hs art teacher (still dont got the future completely locked down ahah)
I tag: @teenagehuman @salty-tomatoes @allysondreane @a-rainbow-named-ally @cynicallyamorous @themusicmoviesportsguy @amazingaliyah  @terpsichorean-princess @cornspiracy and anyone else who wants to do it!
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uozlulu · 7 years
1 and 13?
1. if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to? - I'm going to try to make this as short as possible but I can't not explain, you know?
TV shows:
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Specifically season 1. I can't tell sometimes if it unintentionally influenced me when I fell asleep while my sister was watching it when I was a small child or I was always going to have similarities to Picard anyway. Also just in general, Star Trek and its positive aspects have influenced me as a person throughout my life.
Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy - It premirered when I was fourteen and really captured my adolescence better than anything else. It was really funny and reltable for me.
Supernatural - Seasons 1 - 5. While it's a deeply flawed show, I thought Kripke's version of Sam and Dean really reminded me of my little brother and me, which is why I ended up sticking with the show despite its problems. I found Dean to be especially relatable in how he couldn't quite be himself, was immature and mature, and felt personally responsible for Sam's well-being especially at the expense of his own well-being. After Kripke left, the aspects of the show I liked disappeared and more things I disliked began happening so I droped it.
Yuri on Ice - While I could have done without the nudity (I'm not a fanservice type no matter the circumstances), I found the characters to be like people I've met IRL. It's also really nice to see a non-straight romance between two adults that went on and beyond my expectations. Like I went into it thinking it'd be a little baity, but then it wasn't and it became so much more than I could have hoped for. YoI makes me feel like maybe someday I too will have a serious relationship, and I don't always feel that hopeful much anymore.
In general, history, travel, music, and crime documentaries sum up a lot of the non-fiction I watch. I also love cooking/baking programs/movies that are about the process rather than just about eating.
Jurassic Park (1993) - Classic 90's horror/scifi/fantasy with great effects and dionsaurs. I really enjoy this movie and watch it every so often when I run across it on TV and haven't seen it in a while.
Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... (2001) - This movie really understands how I feel about having a sister eleven years older than me. The way Rohan fights to reconnect to Rahul and the way the brother express how they love each other is very relatable. It gives me a lot of feelings that I wouldn't have had if they'd had a closer age gap. The movie is insanely long and pretty melodramatic, but it's also a musical which gives it bonus points in my book. I love musicals.
Apollo 13 (1995) - This movie is kind of some of the stuff that connects me and my dad together. Both my parents are big non-fiction people, and so I grew up with things like World War II and the space race on our TV. This is also the first PG-13 movie I watched and I watched it with my dad just the two of us when it premired on cable.
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll - Ever wondered what it's like to have some of the types of epilepsy I have? A lot of the weird things that happen to Alice are things I've experienced including size perception distortion (though of course not to the extreme as depicted in the book).
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery - I LOVED this book and PBS miniseries as a child. I read it so much I think I could almost recite it at one point. I also loved Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan because they are both well done children's historical fiction novels with endearing characters. It of course took me a long time to realize part of while I liked both these books was that historical fiction is one of my jams.
Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - I'm not sure if there's a spcific story/novel, but I found Sherlock Holmes to be very validating as a child. Holmes is intelligent, constantly plagued by boredom, can be both modest at times and unkind at others. He also in the stories seems to suffer from some sort of cyclical mood disorder that he's self medicating. All of these things were very relatable to me even as a kid. Also, they're mystery stories and I love mystery stories and forensics. I've always been fascinated by how to catch people who commit crimes and also how to identify red flags when it comes to criminals.
I'm not sure what music to put. I listen to so many things because music is as heavy of a passion to me as writing is. It just comes so naturally to me. My mom says when she was pregnant with me I used to move around to 80's rock when she listened to the radio in the car. Probably my most listened to tracks and artists lists on my last.fm account might have more insight than I do off the top of my head.
13. inside or outdoors? - I like both. Outdoors is amazing because you can experience things like waterfalls up close and see sunrises, sunsets, the moon, etc.. so easily if you're in the right location. I also enjoy observing wildlife and I like my wildlife outside rather than inside always. As for inside, it's got some benefits too. It leads to less distraction when I'm trying to write. If a day is too hot for my nervous system I can also stay out of the sun easier. It doesn't bother me to spend every day outside or every day inside, though I do know that if I spend too many days stuck inside the house I have to get out every so often even if it's to go to another indoor place. ===Put a number in my ask box and I'll answer the corresponding question from this ask meme
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wanderingsofal · 7 years
You haven't told me to stop yet, so more random questions: do you prefer western or Asian dragons? What's your favourite hair and eye colour? Do you have anything that you could watch a thousand times and never get tired of?
I actually like western dragons best, but with the temperament of asian dragons. Mostly because I love the winged and four-legged design of western dragons, and while there are several different kinds of asian dragons, I’m not as fond of them. But I do love how asian dragons are usually portrayed as wise and kind, verses the evil and destructive western dragons.
My favorite hair and eye colors for myself are red hair (not my natural color) and hazel eyes (my real eye color). On other people, I like all sorts of colors. I tend to like blue or green eyes best, but I adore darker eyes as well. Eyes are just so pretty, you know? 
I used to watch 101 Dalmatians and Anastasia over and over again until I wore out the VHSs. Now... I have music I can listen to forever (I have a playlist labeled ‘ad infinitum’ that I can listen to for hours and hours on repeat) but while I have shows I like to rewatch, I’ll hit a point where I just know what happens too well and need to put it aside to watch again in a few months. But I do keep coming back to Captain America: the Winter Soldier, YoI, Star Trek (from 2009) and now Voltron. 
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mereth · 6 years
Space Week day 4 (Sic itur Ad Astra 4/7)
For @yoistargazers 
Day Four. the empty spaces in-between - cosmic latte or endless void, either way the emptiness is far more vast than the pinpricks that punctuate it. what drifts in the dark?
To read in AO3
Viktor looked through the window, staring at the empty space on the other side. The starship-his starship- wasn’t moving so instead of the tiny white-ish pinpricks that signaled hyperspace travel he usually saw, there was only darkness. A vast dark void where nothing could be seen. Viktor sighed making a face. He had always wanted to travel through the stars, to command his own ship and lead his crew to unknown places in space. But what he hadn’t know was that, with that dream, came a lot of things he’d learn to endure but never like. It wasn’t the responsibility, he was captain he was responsible for his ship and his crew and he saw it as a duty and an honor. It was the endless bureaucracy, the hoops they had to jump through to get missions more complicated than everyday research.
Viktor knew those missions were important. But he had always wanted to explore and that mean reaching for the unknown. He had always dreamt with stars and exploring, finding what was there and nobody had found yet. That was the main reason he had smashed through Starfleet Academy and his internship, brash and fast like a comet, breaking records and boundaries like it were a hobby: youngest intern (along with Chris) in an Exploration vessel, youngest Terran to have graduated in both Command and Science tracks, captain of his own ship at 24…all he had done had been with a goal in mind: to become a captain and travel through deep space to whatever laid on the other side.
People had always talked about how bold he was, knowing since he was a teenager with his first internship that he wanted to explore space. To go to the end of the known stars and keep going through the space nobody knew about (yet). Spatium Incognito.
He just knew, felt, that there was something out there he had to find. And he was decided to do it. He had recruited a crew with the same wish to see what was out there. People from every corner of the universe with good marks and experience and that something else nobody knew what to call.
People called it boldness, usually, or recklessness if you asked captain Feltsmann who had been his boss before he got to command his own ship. But it wasn’t that. At least not just that. All his crew from the lowest rank to the highest, from Engineering to Science to Command had the same drive: to find out what was there. He could see it in Phichit Chulanont’s eyes when something he had never heard before appeared in his communication console; he saw it in Chris’ expression while they charted the ship’s course glancing from the corner of their eyes to the areas of space labelled as ‘unexplored’; he felt in his Science officer expression of wonder every time he looked at simulations, the stars’ light reflected in his glasses.
They all had it and they had shown Command they were ready for it mission after mission. But Command hadn’t agreed, giving them more research or close exploration instead of what they yearned. Viktor sighed looking at the void, he had lost count of how many times he had looked at the seemingly empty space while waiting for the Command’s massage with their new mission. He had learnt after a while to not hope, to accept they weren’t going to deep space while sadness kept sneaking in. But he had promised himself this was the last one before asking for a reassignment. There were a limit to the number of times he could see his dream near his reach to have it stolen again. Perhaps he should try as a space pirate. At least there’d be less paperwork.
A ding at the door pulled him from his thoughts.
“Enter,” he said without turning. He figured it was Chris coming to drag him from his own head.
“Captain,” the shy voice made him turn and stop. There was his usually shy Science Officer, nearly jumping out of his skin and with the same expression he had when he looked at the stars.
“What is it Lieutenant Katsuki?”he asked. “And I have told you time after time that if I’m not on duty I’m Viktor.”
“We got the message from Command. I was the higher officer in the bridge and it got sent to me and I saw the requirements for the scientists under me…”
“Katsuki. Yuuri.” Viktor interrupted gently his officer’s babble, trying to not hope too much about the new mission. But if his normally unflappable officer was so excited..what if.. “What is it? Where are we going?”
“IOK-1, in the Coma Berenice constellation.” Yuuri smiled widely, his happiness so infectious Viktor could feel himself smiling. “It doesn’t have a common name.”
“Because nobody has been there before.” Viktor concluded. They had gotten it.  They were going into unknown space.
Viktor laughed happily and hugged Yuuri for a second before moving and trying to be professional again. His big heart-shaped smile and his officer’s blush the only proof of what had happened.
“Announce the good news to the crew. Wideship announcement.”
“Shouldn’t you do it?” Yuuri asked nervously. “You are the captain.”
“And you are my second and the one who got the message. You do the honors. You deserve it.”
For all answer Yuuri bowed his head nodding.
“Tell the alpha crew to join me in the command room. We are going to do a lot of work before our shift.”
Yuuri nodded, smiling before leaving. It’d be a lot of work but Viktor was sure nobody would mind. The stars waited for them.
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Stitch - FTH Contributor Page
See Stitch’s works here and here!
To contact the seller before bidding, please email [email protected]
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it’s best to contact the seller before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
Charities these auctions benefit: Campaign Zero, Lambda Legal, National Immigrant Justice Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, The Nature Conservancy, Planned Parenthood, Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, Standing Rock, the Trevor Project, Trans LifeLine
(See full list at our FAQ)
Stitch’s offerings:
Stitch Auction #1
Type of fanwork: fic Fandom(s): Fairy Tail, Harry Potter, Pokemon, Star Trek (TOS, 2009 remake), Voltron Legendary Defender, Naruto, Nanatsu no Taizai/Seven Deadly Sins, Legend of Korra Rating(s): G, Teen, Mature Length/size: up to 5k words, 5-10k words Especially interested in: Gajevy/GaLe (Fairy Tail) Will not: Child/teen with an adult, rape/abuse survival, I write mature for language/gore/themes/whatever but not sexual content, incestSpecific pairings: separating Gajevy (Fairy Tail), Zervis (Fairy Tail), WolfStar (HP), Shiro with any of the paladins (Voltron - bc those are teen/adult ships imo, but I wanted to clarify just in case), Pidge not aged up (Voltron), King/Ban (NNT), SassuNaru (Naruto) Notes: I've only published fics for a few fandoms, but LoK is the only one I haven't tried writing for before. If you want Naruto, I'll be rusty (and I dropped it at chap 614 so AUs are probably your best bet tbh).
Auctions run from 12 January 2017 (Midnight, EST) to 19 January 2017 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s ;bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Stitch Auction #2
Type of fanwork: fan labor (betaing, etc) Subtype(s): Beta-ing Fandom(s): Fairy Tail, Star Trek (TOS, 2009 remake), Harry Potter, Pokemon, Voltron Legendary Defender, Naruto, Legend of Korra, Nanatsu no Taizai/Seven Deadly Sins, Haikyuu!!, Yuuri!!! on Ice, Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia Rating(s): n/a Length/size: up to 5K words, 5-10K Especially interested in: Gajevy/GaLe (Fairy Tail) Will not: Mature/explicit for any sort of sexual content, rape/abuse survival, child/teen with and adult for a romantic ship, incestPairings: separating Gajevy (Fairy Tail), Zervis (Fairy Tail), Shiro with any of the paladins (Voltron - imo they're teen/adult ships, and putting here for clarification), Pidge not aged up (Voltron), WolfStar (HP), Ban/King (NNT), SasuNaru (Naruto), Yurio/JJ (YOI), Deku's mom and All Might (BNHA) Notes: I'd be rusty for in universe Naruto (stopped reading at 614, and I don't remember much after Pein attacked Konoha and used that ""Jesus no Jutsu"" thing).
Auctions run from 12 January 2017 (Midnight, EST) to 19 January 2017 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
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winnifredburkle · 7 years
2, 3, 8, 28?
2. have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
I don’t think so? I don’t think anyone thinks just like anyone else, but like. I went to a conference recently and an author name Tui Sutherland said a lot of stuff that really resonated with me.
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
elana i have a lot of fandoms gdi ok here we go
HP - Hermione. My bushy haired book lover. Who made me feel like less of a freak and was one of the first characters I ever could see that made me think “hey, i could be a hero too!”
GOT/ASOIAF - Arya. A little papa’s girl who doesn’t mind getting dirty and does “”boy”” activities and is curious and interested in everything. As well as the playing a lot of different parts to blend in, that’s something I do a lot in my own life.
YOI - Yuri Katsuki. Anxious gay bab??? Same. Also Yuri tends to be able to snap out of it easier when he’s determined or angry and like...yes.
FMA - Ed. There’s the big sibling thing (I would willingly saw off my own arm for brother. I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t do for his sake.) and also the punk tendencies and the stubbornness.
Star Trek - Spock. Definitely that whole theme of existing at intersections, and never being enough for one group and not feeling like you fit in except with a select group of friends/found family.
BTVS - Tara. I can be kind of withdrawn and unsure around people, but by god do I care about the people that I love and I have definite Mom tendencies.
Marvel - Okay I’m literally Billy Kaplan though? Depressed, gay, Jewish nerd. Hopefully MCU stays far away from him, so in that realm def Tony.
And special shout out to Violet Baudelaire? I don’t talk about asoue as much as I really should, and she meant a whole lot to me as a kid/still does mean a lot. Big sis in a male field extraordinaire.
8. what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
Panic! At the Disco was the band that got my through my high school depression lows (and boyy were they LOW LOWS) but I also find a lot of comfort in Ingrid Michelson’s music.
28. on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
Hmm it sort of depends? There’s definitely things that I’m a 1 on, but other things that like, whatever it’s a 10 I don’t care.
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