Preserving Pieces of History: O Meanchey's New Artefact Facility
via Phnom Penh Post, 01 November 2023:New facility in Oddar Meanchey houses 1,399 artefacts, marking a stride in preserving Cambodia's historical fragments for academic exploration​.
via Phnom Penh Post, 01 November 2023: The Oddar Meanchey provincial Department of Culture and Fine Arts has curated over 1,000 artefacts in a new facility, launching a meticulous mission of cataloguing and preparing detailed histories for each item, a step towards enhancing academic exploration and affirming the region’s historical narrative. Yoeun mentioned that the collection contains various…
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yoeunkhath · 1 year
Group Performance Song Title "Mother" by students #cameraman #Yoeun
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openheartfanfics · 3 years
I'm wondering if anyone actually liked Sothy in Open Heart? I personally did not spend diamonds to save him.
Sothy is one of the characters where there are real consequences in Book 2 (looking at you Mitch Keller). If MC walks Sothy through the procedure, then it helps him become a more competent and confident doctor. Without the diamond scene, Sothy fails to secure a residency due to lack of practical experience.
Anyone else have a perspective on Sothy? Did you save him or not?
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kingliamsbitch · 4 years
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awww I love Sothy, I'm glad they're friends now cause I felt kinda sad that they stopped talking even tho it was for Sothy's own good
I wonder what happens in today's chapter if you don't pay diamonds to help Elijah last book?
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crazy-loca-blog · 4 years
Personal thoughts on Open Heart Second Year, Chapter 18
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
Last week I was so, so overwhelmed (in a good way) for everything that happened at that gala that I couldn’t even begin to write a post. My head was a mess! I had so much information on my mind that it was impossible for me to get one nice paragraph. Luckily, this means this week I have so much to say! So get ready, because this post is a long one!
First of all, let me tell you that after what happened this week, I’m betting for a 20 chapter book. It’s the only way I can see them making a proper closure to the story (with chapter 19 focused on saving Leland Bloom’s wife AND Edenbrook, and chapter 20 focused on fixing our own mess with our LIs).
I have mixed emotions on this chapter. At first, I absolutely loved it. It gave me such a rollercoaster of emotions that I just couldn’t help loving it. I went from being surprised to see Aurora back, to laughing with Zaid and Baz treating a patient together, to almost crying with the night out scene. I was really hyped! But then I replayed the chapter and I began to notice all those small details that you don’t notice when you first read it, and yeah, I have to agree with a lot of people who are as invested in this series as I am: something is not adding up after the rewrites.
As a person who’s romancing Ethan, Chapter 17 was a HUGE step in the relationship with the MC. The guy finally got rid of all his morals and his visions of what’s ethically correct dismantled the diagnostics team (aka “he’s not our boss anymore”) and decided to make things public with the MC (not “official”, but “public”). Now that I look at that moment in retrospective, I might understand the scene made sense so that the writers could finally level the field with people who are romancing Rafael, Jackie and Bryce. But this is when the first problem arises: the relationship with Rafael, Jackie or Bryce has never been public either. Sure, there has been some PDA between them and the MC throughout the whole series, but it’s not like our friends can say “oh, they’re a thing”, it’s not something evident. Why didn’t they use the gala for that? I simply don’t get it! They didn’t need to be “official”, just “public”. It was so easy, and I think it would have made things easier for the rest of the book.
And then we have this time jump… which now I’m beginning to realize it wasn’t as huge as we originally thought! Sure, we skipped Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, and we went from winter to spring in, literally, one screenshot. So it may seem it’s been a long, long time since the gala… BUT… the book has been settled on winter since forever now (there was already snow in Chapter 13 when we returned to work!), so even though we know it’s been over a month since the gala (because, and here I quote Ethan Ramsey, “this will actually stretch our budget for much longer than we expected”), it’s not like we’ve been on that limbo for a really, really loooong time!
Of course, this doesn’t justify the fact that the relationships with the LIs were affected by this time gap. And this is where I think the writers made a huge mistake. I actually said something about it already, but the fact that we’re not staying in Boston to continue our residency (even though we know in the end we’ll stay) may be the thing that it’s delaying the fact that we’re not official with our LIs. Again, Rafael is staying in Boston… after the Panacea scandal, Jackie will go wherever she’s accepted… Bryce was looking at a hospital in Chicago… and the more I replay the chapter, the more I think Ethan is overworking to avoid thinking about his own future (yup, he is a mess and he’s delaying the inevitable… as usual). But this doesn’t mean we don’t want to know what’s going on with our relationship… like… long distance? breaking up? enjoying it while it lasts? Chapter 18 was the right moment to have “the talk” (there were at least two moments in the chapter that would have worked perfectly: those free individual scenes that we had with our LIs… or during the night out, after Ethan joined the gang at the helipad) and it didn’t happen… and yes, it’s disappointing and frustrating. They missed a HUGE opportunity.
Despite all this, this chapter gave us a bunch of good scenes:
1. The hospital scenes. This was a brief moment, but it was simply beautiful. In Chapter 17, we realized that “everything was about the mission” and that seemed to be a breaking point for everyone at Edenbrook. Seeing all of them working as the huge team they are, everyone overworking and helping each other just to help as many people as possible gave me all those community vibes that we constantly hear about in this series. I definitely need more of this in Book 3. The fact that they also connected all this madness with the closure of our interns plots was a nice detail. Can you believe that Gary Garrison was definitely the “last man standing”? Also, did you notice that Sothy and Elijah’s plot changes depending on the choices you made in past chapters? And I want to think that Sienna and Mitch finally talking about what happened will give her the peace of mind she needs and deserves.
2. Bryce’s diamond scene. I had so much fun with the Lahelas in Book 2. I love these two… I just can’t stop making puppy eyes every time we have a chance to witness such a wonderful relationship between these siblings. And Keiki leaving to boarding school was the happy ending they deserved. I’m so glad to see that there won’t be a new drama for them and that their parents agreed to send Keiki to boarding school. I loved to see how much Bryce grew in Book 2 (you know that I’ve always loved him, but now I came to consider him a “national treasure” type of guy) and how he really made his biggest effort to become the best version of himself we’ve seen so far. I’m so proud of him that it hurts!
3. Esme’s plot. It was nice to see that the relationship with her actually changes based on our choices. It still bothers me that we won’t know if she did it on purpose or not (I really hope we get to know the truth by the end of the book), but I felt proud of defending her after seeing how she seemed to be the only one who actually cared about Levi in that negotiation between his parents and the board, where everything was about “how much is Levi worth”. And I have to say that I fully agree with what Esme tells us if we don’t defend her… let’s be honest, the main reason why we got away with all Mrs. Martinez stuff was because PB was already planning a Book 2 of what Ethan did for us at the hearing.
4. The night out with our friends. We asked for it for a really, really long time. Book 2 was so focused on the hospital stuff that we missed those moments with our friends. It was so different from Vegas! It was intimate, it was emotional, there was this much needed bonding between the gang… there was a heart to heart that was long overdue! It was definitely a proper temporary goodbye to them. Besides what I mentioned before about “the talk”, I don’t think I would’ve changed anything about this scene.
By now, the final chapters of the book seem pretty obvious. I mean… Leland Bloom is a BILLIONAIRE and he loves to negotiate. Will he save Edenbrook if we save his wife? Absolutely, there is no question! We know the man is an ass****, but we also know how much he ADORES his wife and how genuine their marriage is (it’s 100% true love). She is also a caring woman, so I definitely don’t want to see her die. But how will they approach it? And here is where I want to see something HUGE happening (fingers crossed!). We know that the diagnostics team has been reduced to three people: the MC, Baz, and Ethan. BUT, at the same time, we have a full staff of people available to help (in the words of Ethan, “The other departments have taken the diagnostics team’s lead”... which leads to an inconsistency because the team is supposedly dismantled). So not only I see our team solving the case, but also everyone at the hospital involved on it. I can see Caroline Bloom taken by the paramedics to be admitted to Edenbrook, the nurses taking care of her, our friends helping to solve the case as part of the diagnostics team, Bryce, Harper and Tanaka performing some surgery, Kyra working on the paperwork… I’d love to see that, in the end, saving Edenbrook was a group effort and not only something like “the diagnostics team saved the hospital from closing”. That would be so, so nice to see and it would give every single character in this book the recognition they deserve!
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drsobemoji · 4 years
sothy checking on his patient:
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Confession: I know it was all in due time that our intern messed up considering we got Sothy, Gary, and Mitch messing up but I’m still embarrassed for Esme. Is this how Elijah, Jackie, and Sienna feel all the time?
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fakeyellow · 5 years
A betting pool starts amongst the Edenbrook staff on who Dr. Lila Valentine is dating.
It was yet another day in the locker room as the interns stripped off their clothes and put on their scrubs. There was the usual mindless sound of chatter as they asked each other how their weekends had went when Mitch paused, his muscled chest on full display as he stared imperiously at his fellow interns.
“So what’s the deal with Dr. Valentine? Is she seeing anyone?” he asked.
“I’m out,” Esme slipped on her top and walked out of the room.
Mitch didn’t spare her another glance as he leaned against the lockers, his arms crossed, “I bet she’s with Dr. Ramsay.”
Sothy looked uneasy, his usual grin gone from his face, “Dude, that’s not cool. Dr. Valentine’s a good doctor.”
“I don’t mean she slept her way into the diagnostic team,” Mitch said, rolling his eyes, “She was the best competitor and she won the position. I’m just saying, I think they also have a thing.”
“I don’t know,” Gary interjected, his face turning thoughtful, “Dr. Varma seems to really like her too. She keeps complaining about how good Dr. Valentine is.”
“Nah, you guys are both wrong,” Sothy said at ease now, his grin reappearing, “She’s definitely with Bryce. Have you seen that dude?”
While Mitch had indeed seen Bryce in the changing room, he was not as impressed with him as Sothy seemed to be, “Fifty bucks she’s with Ramsay.”
The other two looked at each other curiously before shrugging.
“You’re on.”
Gary Garrison was having a good day.
Sure, Dr. Varma had shut him down immediately when he’d asked about her relationship with Dr. Valentine, but he was confident that his intuition was correct.
As snarky as she usually was with Dr. Valentine, he hadn’t heard her talking about anyone else quite so often. Not to mention when he’d first been introduced to her, Dr. Varma had had called her one of the best damn doctors in the hospital.
Gary had no doubt that there was some sort of passion beneath their friendly rivalry. He was going to win a cool $100 from the others.
“So, do you know if Dr. Varma and Dr. Valentine are in a relationship?” Gary asked pleasantly.
The nurse he’d been talking to frowned at him, startled by the sudden change in subject, “I don’t know. Why do you want to know?”
Gary suddenly realised that the bet he’d made with Mitch and Sothy was probably something he should keep to himself.
“Oh, no reason!” He said loudly, feeling himself starting to sweat, “I just wanted to know if she was… free?”
The nurse looked wholly unconvinced and she continued to stare at him, waiting for an answer.
“I-well-“ Gary stammered before hanging his head in defeat, “I may have made a bet that Dr. Valentine is with Dr. Varma.”
He looked to the ground, sheepishly scratching his head as he waited to be reprimanded.
But when he looked up to meet the nurse’s eyes, she seemed positively thrilled.
“A bet?” She asked, her eyes burning with excitement, “Count me in.”
There were few people at Edenbrook who did not know Dr. Lila Valentine after her tumultuous first year.
Even if they didn’t know her personally, they knew of her: the doctor who had taken the hospital by storm, the doctor who had nearly lost her license by stealing from a pharmaceutical company to help a much loved patient, the doctor who had saved the life of the new Chief of Medicine when even he hadn’t been able to figure out what was wrong with him, the doctor who had become the youngest fellow on the diagnostic team.
There were numerous stories told about her and while they were filled with varying levels of truth, there was still one underlying consensus:
Dr. Lila Valentine was a damn good doctor and a damn good person.
It was hard not to like a person like Dr. Valentine, ever diligent and willing to help out others. Despite efforts to sabotage her reputation, there was hardly anyone who actually had something bad to say about her- most people only had good anecdotes to share, when she’d helped them out one way or another.
As it turned out, there were quite a lot of people interested in Dr. Valentine’s love life and Mitch soon found that he needed to keep a notebook in order to track the overwhelming number of bets being made.
“Dr. Zaid once caught her and Dr. Lahela making out in the supply closet,” An IM resident told Mitch conspiratorially as she handed him a twenty, “He was in a bad mood the rest of the day. Well, worse than usual.”
A NICU nurse went out of his way to find Mitch, “$50 on Ramsay. They stayed overnight once, watching over a premature baby. There’s something between them for sure!”
“I walked into the on call room once and I had to walk out immediately. I don’t think Drs. Valentine and Varma noticed but… I definitely noticed them,” A surgical resident whispered, blushing furiously even as she pushed a fifty dollar bill to Mitch.
The nurse sighed heavily, “I was personally rooting for Rafael.”
Seeing Mitch’s blank face, she quickly clarified, “He’s a paramedic. But then he showed up at the hospital one day with his girlfriend.”
“It’s a shame. I saw them sleeping together in his hospital bed once and it was just the cutest thing I’d ever seen…” she clucked her tongue in disappointment before turning serious, “I want $40 on Dr. Lahela.”
Mitch had just handed a ticket to Dr. Taylor when he found himself facing a certain surgical resident.
“Dr. Lahela,” he greeted professionally, giving away no signs of apprehension.
Bryce glanced down to the notebook in Mitch’s hand with a smirk, and Mitch felt his grip on it tighten.
“I want $50 on Bryce,” Bryce finally said, handing him a crisp bill.
“Nice,” Mitch couldn’t help but nod in respect as he handed him his ticket.
“Always bet Bryce, baby!” Dr. Lahela declared as he walked off jauntily with his new betting receipt.
“Alright, Dr. Lahela has moved down to even money,” Mitch announced to a muttering crowd.
One day, during his break, Mitch was surrounded by a verifiable militia of hospital personnel, from security guards to lab techs to physicians. The chatter suddenly died down and Mitch had only the time to wonder why when the sea of people parted and the Chief of Medicine appeared in front of him.
“Dr. Banerji,” Mitch greeted with one of his most winning smiles, even as he began to panic internally. Was he going to lose his career all because of a single bet?
No. The panic quickly dissipated, and Mitch felt a calm take over him. He’d been in worse situations than this and he’d found that there was little the charm of a good looking and self assured man could not mitigate. There was only one way he’d get out of this.
“Would you like to place a bet sir?” Mitch asked confidently with one of his most winning smiles.
Dr. Banerji remained silent but Mitch did not let his composure break, staring intently at the man who held his career in his hands.
And then Dr. Banerji laughed and Mitch could not help but breathe in relief.
“No, no. I don’t think I’d be setting a good example if I were to bet on the personal lives of my employees,” he said and while he was chuckling, there was still an underlying current of warning that kept Mitch on edge.
“Of course,” Mitch said.
“But I do have to admit. I was a bit curious as to who was in the lead.”
Dr Banerji looked at him expectantly and Mitch quickly responded.
“Well Dr. Lahela is the current favourite, although Dr. Ramsay is a close second.”
“Hmm,” Dr. Banerji murmured, a mysterious smile on his face, and Mitch suddenly remembered that Dr. Banerji was the personal mentor of Dr. Ramsay. Not to mention, Dr. Valentine had saved his life.
There was no way he didn’t know who she was actually dating.
“Good day,” Dr. Banerji took his leave, chortling, and Mitch felt a sharp pang of regret that he had missed out a chance to ask for inside information.
A month had passed since the start of the betting pool, and while it had expanded to include a good quarter of the entire hospital, they were still no closer to reaching an official verdict.
If Dr. Valentine had felt scrutinised after the announcement of her disciplinary hearing, there were twice the number of eyes on her now.
But she didn’t seem to notice, passing each day oblivious to the attention on her.
Lila walked out of a patient’s room now, her brow furrowed in concentration as she made a few marks on the patient chart.
It was at this moment that Jackie made her way down the hallway. Upon seeing her, Lila bumped her hips playfully against Jackie’s, and the eyes of all of the staff in the vicinity seemed to focus in on that single action.
There was a playful exchange of “Doctor” between the two but Lila continued to keep walking to the disappointment of many.
Bryce appeared now, turning around the corner as he wheeled one of his patients out. Seeing Lila, he winked at her, and while this was standard behaviour for the flirty resident, Lila suddenly stopped him, placing a light hand on his shoulder.
Unknowingly, people began to lean forwards as Lila and Bryce engaged in a quiet conversation. When they stopped talking, there was a sudden buzz of activity as everyone pretended to be busily absorbed in their work.
The ding of the elevator announcing its arrival caused a current of excitement in the air as people waited with bated breath to see the newcomer, hoping desperately that it might be a certain diagnostician who would put an end to this bet.
Dr. Harper Emery, Chief of Neurosurgery, entered the ICU and there was a collective sigh of disappointment as Lila greeted the woman, handing her a patient file on the diagnostic team’s newest case that was in dire need of a neurosurgeon’s expertise.
The mood seemed to dampen until a sharp look from the surgeon caused everyone to begin working with renewed focus.
“You want to come over?” Sienna asked Danny brightly, “My roommates won’t mind. I mean, Lila barely comes home these days anyway.”
At the mention of Lila’s name, Mitch suddenly sidled up to her at the nurse’s station.
“Dr. Valentine hasn’t been home lately?” Mitch repeated and he slowly looked over Sienna, as if reassessing her worth to him.
Looking thoroughly unimpressed by his blunt intrusion into their conversation, Sienna responded, “If you have any questions, you should ask Dr. Valentine herself. Bye Danny.”
Sienna left but Mitch was beyond caring as he also left to round up his fellow interns.
“Dr. Trinh mentioned that Dr. Valentine hasn’t been home lately. That means she can’t be seeing Dr. Varma, she has to be seeing Ramsay!” Mitch declared triumphantly.  While the bet had started out harmlessly, it had gotten so big, and now, it was a matter of principle to him. He needed to know for his own pride that he was right, that Dr. Valentine was dating Dr. Ramsay.
“Well, Bryce doesn’t live with them either so he’s still an option too,“ Sothy pointed out.
Mitch grimaced at the truth of his statement.
After yet another tiring day of work, Mitch made his way to the locker room when he suddenly did a double take and took a few steps back.
There, in the diagnostic team’s room, visible through the glass walls, were Dr. Ramsay and Dr. Valentine alone.
The walls were unfortunately soundproof and Dr. Valentine’s face was obscured from his perspective, but Mitch could still see how close the two were to each other.
A tender smile appeared on Dr. Ramsay’s face, the likes of which Mitch had never seen before on the usually strict and tough physician. Dr. Ramsay then placed a hand on Dr. Valentine’s shoulder and Mitch surreptitiously sneaked over to a different vantage point.
And there it was.
Dr. Valentine’s face was flushed pink, her eyes filled with an adoring light as she listened to what Dr. Ramsay was telling her.
There needed to be more evidence before the bet could be finalized but this was as good a confirmation as Mitch needed and he whistled cheerily all the way home.
Lila practically purred in contentment, curled into her lover’s embrace on the couch and relishing the feeling of their hands stroking her side.
Reflecting on her day, Lila still felt herself flush with pride at the memory of Ethan’s words to her. Even after the better part of a year, it was hard not to feel out of place in the diagnostic team meetings, not to let herself become overwhelmed by the sheer knowledge and skill of her more experienced colleagues.
But today, Lila had been the one to guide the team to the correct diagnosis after days of struggle and countless consults; she’d been the one to see past the distracting myriad of abnormal test results. She had been the one to see the patient and notice the hepatomegaly that indicated liver failure even as the lab results said otherwise. She had been the one to figure out that the patient had Wilson’s Disease and place her on the list for a desperately needed liver transplant.
Ethan had pulled her back after the meeting to express his admiration for how far she’d come (“Good work, Doctor.”) and she felt like she was still on a high from that. Lila had never imagined she’d hear those words from a doctor she’d idolised since her days in medical school.
But then there were a lot of things Lila had never imagined would happen.
Their relationship had faced a lot of obstacles, including the woman herself because of her reservations, but it had all been worth it the day Harper Emery had told Lila that she loved her too.
There wasn’t an exact moment that Lila could pinpoint the start of her feelings for Harper; it had been a gradual realisation. Outside of the hearing, she hadn’t had much chance for interaction with the Chief of Medicine, but she’d stumbled upon the woman one day, alone in an empty surgical suite, running her hands wistfully over the surfaces.
One conversation had led to another and Lila had seen more and more of the woman behind the mantle with each meeting.
And then one day, she’d looked at Harper and realised that she loved her, had loved her for a while.
It had taken a long time for Harper to admit her own feelings but now they were together and Lila would not trade the world for it.
Of course, they both knew it was too early to report their relationship to HR. It was too soon after her disciplinary hearing and Lila had no intention of staining Harper’s professionalism, nor did Harper want to cast a shadow over Lila’s burgeoning career. It’d still be a year or so before things settled down and they could safely report their relationship without fear of excessive backlash.
But for now, Lila contented herself by snuggling into the warmth of Harper’s arms.
“You’re getting bold,” Harper said with a smirk in her voice as she pulled out the post it note that had been attached to the file she’d received from Lila.
“They all think I’m dating Bryce or Ethan or Jackie anyway,” Lila dismissed carelessly, “I don’t know how any of them believe I don’t know about the bet. They’re so obvious.”
“And wrong,” Harper murmured before leaning down and drawing Lila into a kiss that stole her breath away.
Lila hummed happily as they continued to kiss, feeling as if her heart might burst from all the happiness and joy she was feeling in this moment.
“Bed?” Harper asked sultrily, gently tugging Lila’s lower lip with her teeth as she withdrew from their kiss.
“Please,” Lila breathed out and all thoughts escaped her mind as she lost herself in the embrace of the woman she loved.
A/N: lol did anyone guess the pairing?
several points of explanation:
We don’t know much about the new interns so I just based their personalities off of what we’ve seen so far. It made sense to me that Mitch would be experienced with large betting pools as like a frat guy or whatever, and that Gary wouldn’t be able to lie about the bet.
I wrote Lila to be a very affectionate person. She enjoys having fun and she’s had a couple of light trysts with some of her friends her first year; they’re all young and good looking and under inordinate amounts of stress that only each other understand, what’s to stop them? I don’t know if Ethan would have been up for a one night stand so you can think whatever you like, it’s open. But ultimately, she falls for Harper and they’re in a committed relationship.
Dr. Banerji knows about the relationship and thinks they’re good for each other although he regrets that they have to hide it for now. Sienna knows and I couldn’t decide if Bryce/Jackie/Elijah also know or if they only know that she’s in a relationship.
The Wilson’s disease case I summarised briefly is a true story that Dr. Lisa Sanders wrote about in her book, “Every Patient Tells a Story.” Fun fact: she actually inspired the show, House MD
Bryce has moved down to even money - this means that if he turned out to be dating Dr. Valentine, everyone who bet on him would get their money back. 1:1 odds, as opposed to getting like double their money.
to reiterate: Lila’s flushed bc she’s proud to be praised by her idol turned friend. Mitch is just misunderstanding everything.
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benedict-b · 5 years
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katslitg · 4 years
what ur fave open heart character says about u:
ethan ramsey: ur either so fucking annoying that the other stans are ashamed of being an oh fan or ure the absolutely sweetest n love all the other lis
jackie varma: ure feisty af, sexc n probably a top and u would kill someone if they hurt ur friends
bryce lahela: you dgaf about the actually storyline u just miss ur husband
rafael aveiro: u love him and ure either a loyal stan or ure fucking everyone bc we’re not sure if hes even an li
elijah greene: ure a sexc nerd. no rly u probably get all the sport and marvel/dc refrences he makes
sienna trinh: ok so basically ure the cutest and sweetest and everyone wants to be ur friend
aurora emery: ure a whole top n just want her to be urs
kyra santana: power top, would kill for their friends and is openly bi
june hirata: ure like the most annoying, sexiest person to ever exist n either are involved with all the drama or u just know all about it
baz mirani: ure a cinnamon roll n would never hurt anyone, just like sienna
zaid mirani: ur friends either love u or are scared of u, ure also very powerful n sexc
ines delarosa: u probably are friends with someone like june/zaid irl and always have to apologize for their sarcastic behaviour, but u urself would never be rude to anyone
harper emery: you dont care about anything,,, u probably hate men n just want to be left alone with ur thoughts
sothy yoeun: ure dumb but sweet. people love u and get along with u easily but u probably have a hard time learning something
gary garrison: ure funny asf without even knowing it, would consider sum1 their friend without them even knowing it
esme ortega: people are scared of u when they first meet u but ure actually just shy and super sweet and probably been through a lot
mitch whatever his last name is: idk ure probably annoying and a white supremacist
naveen banerji: ure one of the funniest people and always put a smile on sum1’s face, 100000% sure i’d be ur friend
teresa martinez: girl u probably just wanna live ur life somewhere far away,,, u probably would love/already travel a lot and want to see the whole world
tobias carrick: ure probably a whore n u love it,,, ure a troublemaker and this either makes everyone want to be ur friend or hate u, no in between
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1,260 Ancient Artefacts Discovered in Cambodia's Oddar Meanchey province
via Khmer Times, 15 August 2023: Oddar Meanchey provincial authorities in Cambodia have identified 1,260 ancient artefacts this year, cataloguing 86.5% of them, and have called for public cooperation in preserving the nation's cultural heritage.
via Khmer Times, 15 August 2023: Oddar Meanchey provincial authorities in Cambodia have identified 1,260 ancient artefacts this year, cataloguing 86.5% of them, and have called for public cooperation in preserving the nation’s cultural heritage. Hong Yoeun, director of Oddar Meanchey Department of Culture and Fine Arts, said yesterday that the department has catalogued and collected artefacts…
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oceanatydes · 5 years
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harmonicprince · 4 years
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and poor dr. mirani thought the last batch of interns were torturing him 😪😭
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pixelsbichoice · 4 years
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kingliamsbitch · 4 years
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I'm so glad Sothy has become better at his job ❤️
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