#Yoshitsugu MOURI
aitogi · 2 years
'mutuals, tell me what fictional characters you consider me an expert on' Am I allowed to answer with All The Mouri (And Associated Pirates)?
fglknlrknlgkn; tbh didn't really reblog that thing expecting an answer but AW THANK YOU YES YOU MAY I love my SW!Mouris but I do follow every fictional depiction of Associated Pirates like a hawk
AND FOR YOU you are definitely an expert on Mitsuhides, SW!Yoshitsugu, and DW!Sima family (and all associated partners in crime)
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iryomito · 4 years
Eastern Army vs Western Army
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source: https://www.zerochan.net/496892
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chikadatte · 6 years
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even your sun’s gotta set someday motonari bb
for ruto’s drowned me in a wishing well @ ao3 
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Pics] 斬劇『戦国BASARA』天政奉還 (zangeki sengoku basara ~ tenseihoukan)
visuals update under the cut^^
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Okino Kouji as Ishida Mitsunari (石田三成)
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Takeshi Naoki as Date Masamune (伊達政宗)
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Maeda Ryuutarou as Sanada Yukimura (真田幸村)
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Nagata Seiichiro as Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家康)
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Inoue Masahiro as Katakura Kojuurou (片倉小十郎)
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Matsufuji Takuya as Sarutobi Sasuke (猿飛佐助)
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Kento as Mouri Motonari (毛利元就)
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Shiramata Atsushi as Chousokabe Motochika (長曾我部元親)
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Terayama Takeshi as Ootani Yoshitsugu (大谷吉継)
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Mamoru Asana as Saika Magoichi (雑賀孫市)
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Deguchi Arisa as Tsuruhime (鶴姫)
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Minahara Yuki as Ii Naotora (井伊直虎)
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Juri as Sen no Rikyuu (千利休)
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Itou Yuuichi as Kuroda Kanbee (黒田官兵衛)
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jibuyo · 7 years
Few weeks ago, there was an episode of 諸説あり! that dealt with Sekigahara『関ヶ原の戦い』の真実 - The truth of the Battle of Sekigahara. It tries to introduce the recent research from primary sources to its viewers. For some reason Japanese historians started to focus on primary sources only in recent years. 
It doesn’t mean that this is the truth. They’re just new theories. And the story will always live. I’ll try to provide some arguments against if I know of them to give you more views. 
The show presented three points:
1. Kobayakawa Hideaki wasn’t a traitor
He was already a part of Eastern army before the 15th. He climbed Matsuoyama where someone else from the Western army was already stationed and kicked him out. According to Mitsunari’s letter addressed to Mashita Nagamori, Mitsunari wanted the Mouri to be at Matsuyoama, there were no plans for Kobayakawa to be there. (However some researchers - Nakai Shunichiro and Shiramine Jun - believe that this particular Mitsunari’s letter is a forgery. And Shiramine Jun says that it also can’t be confirmed that Hideaki actually was at Matsuoyama from primary materials, he was around there somewhere, but probably not at the top)
The other point the show talks about is the reward he got from Ieyasu. His fiefs were increased and moved closer to the capital (from Chikuzen to Okayama). However, the other four who betrayed after Hideaki did, weren’t given any increase, their fiefs were actually decreased or their clans were ended.
Which shows that Ieyasu recognized Hideaki as his ally right from the beginning.
Ieyasu firing guns at Hideaki to make him join him is a fiction created in Edo. It seems the first mention was in 1672 in Ii clan’s materials: “Todo Takatora fired the weapons, but Kobayakawa didn’t move” - after that other versions started to appear. In 1727 it was Ieyasu who fired and Kobayakawa moved.
After that the hosts joke since Ieyasu didn’t fire the guns and Hideaki attacked on his own conviction that it was him who did all work (and Ieyasu did nothing), hence why he was made into a traitor to make Ieyasu look better. (but in Shiramine Jun’s works where he summarized the letters and diaries, I remember reading that he was seen as someone who betrayed - so while perhaps he and Ieyasu had an agreement, the outside world saw it as a betrayal... so they just rolled with it I guess)
2. The actual battlefield wasn’t at Sekigahara
This is based on Shiramine Jun’s research. “They didn’t fight at Sekigahara, it was over in two hours.” 
He says that the place was slightly west from Sekigahara, called Yamanaka (this actually has two meanings - it’s a place name, but it can also refer to a place between mountains. But on maps from Edo, a place called Yamanaka actually exists). Ieyasu wrote to Masamune that the battle took place in Minou-Yamanaka. In Kikkawa Hiroie’s letter written two days after the battle, it was also called Yamanaka. (Sekigahara is mentioned once in the letters written at that time.)
((If you’re wondering where Yamanaka is, it’s basically between Matsuoyama and the mountain where Yoshitsugu put up his camp according to tradition. (Until now, when I read this theory before, I was like, ok, so I visit Sekigahara and you tell me that the battle wasn’t even there? And I was a bit disappointed... but thanks to this programme I learned that I actually walked through Yamanaka, thx)))
The second point for supporting this theory is archeological research. They didn’t find anything that would support a big battle happening at Sekigahara. They did find some bullets at Yamanaka.
The third thing supporting this theory is the fact that the current battlefield formation and people’s positions that everyone is familiar with was actually created in Meiji and it’s different from formations and positions that circulated in Edo. It is assumed that the map was redrawn and redrawn many times and it got the current form.
So what kind of a battle it was if it ended in two hours?
According to Shimazu clan’s documents: At dawn, Otani Yoshitsugu was attacked by Hideaki and completely destroyed. At 10am, the Eastern army (those who came from Kantou) got close to Shimazu clan’s position.
According to Shiramine, the battle had two levels.
The Western army was stationed in Yamanaka, only Yoshitsugu moved towards Sekigahara, when he was attacked by Hideaki from Matsuoyama’s direction and some forces that came from Kantou. The first level ended.
The second one started at 10am. Ishida’s forces were overwhelmed, Shimazu fled. The end.
So an interesting, engaging story was created - “the battle of Sekigahara”.
3. Ishida Mitsunari wasn’t the mastermind
This is based on Takahashi Yousuke’s research (however Shiramine Jun made some arguments about Takahashi’s understanding of the content of the primary sources and also suggested that some of the letters, because they’re not originals, might be forgeries. For the record, Shiramine Jun thinks Ishida was a central figure, but not alone - it was the magistrates as a group, and he calls the Western army Ishida-Mouri coalition.)
They provide three points:
a. “what did Ieyasu do wrong” letter - Mitsunari’s signature’s not on it. All following letters sent to various daimyo also don’t have Mitsunari’s signature, so it’s thought that the three magistrates also hold a position close to being a “mastermind”. (Mitsunari’s signatures starts to appear in August, before that he already wrote to Sanada Masayuki - a personal letter. Masayuki got letters from the magistrates, Terumoto, Hideie, and Yoshitsugu too, Mitsunari’s one was the most detailed, given their relationship, completely understandable)
b. in diaries of people living in Kyoto, when commenting on the situation surrounding the rise of armies, Ishida Mitsunari’s name doesn’t come up, Terumoto’s does. After the Western army is defeated, in diaries of nobles, it’s written Ieyasu won, Ukita Hideie lost. There was no mention of Mitsunari being a central person of the Western army. It apparently only comes up when he gets executed (now, if I remember correctly his name also comes up right after the West was defeated - Otani and Ishida were killed (that might be from the shrine’s diary though) obviously a misunderstanding)
While I don’t think the diaries should be taken as 100% truth of what went behind the scene, because they only reflect the situation, and how it’s seen by people, it shows that people of that time didn’t know/there was nothing that would point at Mitsunari being the one behind everything. And they were definitely aware of “Jibu no shō”.
In one of the books I own, but I can’t remember which one, there’s also a mention that in foreigners’ (Jesuit and Korean) accounts from the execution, they write something along those lines that Mitsunari was just made responsible. (but tbh I think Jesuit diaries and letters shouldn’t be trusted because everyone says something different imo. For the record there are Jesuit accounts that do say Mitsunari was a central figure with Konishi Yukinaga, but because the connection to Yukinaga is quite strong in those, it’s not unbiased, therefore shouldn’t be trusted unconditionally imo)
c. Ieyasu and Mitsunari’s relationship. They say they didn’t hate each other and that they apparently had a favourable relationship. According to Ieyasu’s retainer, it was Mitsunari who announced Hideyoshi’s death to Ieyasu and it made them closer. When Ieyasu was staying in Osaka, he was using Mitsunari and Ishida Masazumi's housing. Ishida Shigeie became Ieyasu’s retainer (this is the first I heard about it, though, it was always a hostage situation), Mitsunari was helping Ieyasu during the subjugation of Kaga (i.e. Maeda Toshinaga) - they use the line written by Kang Hang, but it can actually be proven thanks to... Shimazu clan’s document??? I think. And he did plan to sent Shigeie to Aizu.
More historians actually think that the relationship between the two of them wasn’t based on hatred. I don’t remember reading anything that would suggest a bad relationship between them before Sekigahara tbh just saying (and once I start to read some more, I’ll find something :D)
So if Mitsunari wasn’t the mastermind, what the hell happened when Yoshitsugu visited him? What did they talk about? Wasn’t it the other way? Wasn’t Yoshitsugu asking for Mitsunari’s help? That’s what Takahashi thinks.
There’s actually a line about this in the Jesuits accounts that says one of the magistrates visited Mitsunari at Sawayama.
In conclusion, the guest (a historian) himself thinks that there was no mastermind behind the Western army. The host jokes: “because Western army was so scattered and disconnected it’s natural that they lost.” And that’s most likely what happened. 
So this was the summary of the episode of “The truth about the battle of Sekigahara”. Take from it what you want.
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sweetjaegerlove · 4 years
by Fuurin444
После официального расформирования Корпус Егерей снова собирает своих прежних пилотов, и Чосокабе Моточика возвращается в строй. А значит, всё начинается сначала: дрифт-тест, строгий график, кайдзю. Впрочем, бой с громадными монстрами, вполне возможно, не самое сложное, с чем придётся иметь дело.
Words: 3025, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Русский
Fandoms: Sengoku Basara, Pacific Rim (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Chousokabe Motochika, Mouri Motonari, Date Masamune, Katakura Kojuurou, Sanada Yukimura, Sarutobi Sasuke, Maeda Keiji, Takeda Shingen, Uesugi Kenshin, Kasuga (Sengoku Basara), Ii Naotora, Azai Nagamasa, Oda Oichi, Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide, Takenaka Hanbei, Ishida Mitsunari, Ootani Yoshitsugu, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Saika Magoichi, Shima Sakon, Matsunaga Hisahide, Fuuma Kotarou
Relationships: Chousokabe Motochika/Mouri Motonari
Additional Tags: Crossover
pacific rim February 2, 2020 at 02:21PM via AO3 works tagged 'Pacific Rim (2013)'
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ao3feed-pacific-rim · 4 years
Sengoku Rim
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uUyBss
by Fuurin444
После официального расформирования Корпус Егерей снова собирает своих прежних пилотов, и Чосокабе Моточика возвращается в строй. А значит, всё начинается сначала: дрифт-тест, строгий график, кайдзю. Впрочем, бой с громадными монстрами, вполне возможно, не самое сложное, с чем придётся иметь дело.
Words: 3025, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Русский
Fandoms: Sengoku Basara, Pacific Rim (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Chousokabe Motochika, Mouri Motonari, Date Masamune, Katakura Kojuurou, Sanada Yukimura, Sarutobi Sasuke, Maeda Keiji, Takeda Shingen, Uesugi Kenshin, Kasuga (Sengoku Basara), Ii Naotora, Azai Nagamasa, Oda Oichi, Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide, Takenaka Hanbei, Ishida Mitsunari, Ootani Yoshitsugu, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Saika Magoichi, Shima Sakon, Matsunaga Hisahide, Fuuma Kotarou
Relationships: Chousokabe Motochika/Mouri Motonari
Additional Tags: Crossover
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uUyBss
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iryomito · 4 years
SenBasa characters as movies
Something for this special event xd
happy 15th anniversary!!!
Date Masamune: Deadpool
Sanada Yukimura: Superman
Katakura Kojuro: John Wick
Sarutobi Sasuke: Fantastic beasts
Ishida Mitsunari: Kill Bill
Tokugawa Ieyasu: The Avengers
Chosokabe Motochika: Pirates of the Caribean
Mouri Motonari: Silence of the Lambs
Shima Sakon: Ocean eleven
Shibata Katsuie: the fault in our stars
Maeda Keiji: the new year’s eve
Maeda Toshie and Matsu: Fun with dick and Jane
Otani Yoshitsugu: It
Oda Nobunaga: the Godfather
Nouhime: Millenium Actress
Oichi: The Conjuring
Azai Nagamaza: Justice League
Tenkai: Saw
Matsunaga Hisashide: National Treasure
Fuma Kotaro: the artist
Toyotomi Hideyoshi: 300
Takenaka Hanbei: Angels and Demons
Tsuruhime: Howl’s moving castle
Saica Magoichi: Wonder Woman
Takeda Shingen: the Lord of the rings
Uesugi Kenshin: Stardust
Kasuga: Cinderella
Shimazu Yoshihiro: Last Vegas
Kuroda Kanbei: series of unfortunate events
Otomo Sorin: Sister’s act
Mogami Yoshiaki: the three Musketeers
Kobayakawa Hideaki:Julie and Julia
Kyōgoku Maria: Letters to Juliet
Ii Naotora: La femme Nikita
Itsuki: Jack frost
Mori Ranmaru: Home alone
Yamanaka Shikanosuke: The Jungle book
Goto Matabei: World war z
Ashikaga Yoshiteru: the great gatsby
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Pics] 斬劇『戦国BASARA』天政奉還 (zangeki sengoku basara ~ tenseihoukan)
visuals update under the cut^^
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Okino Kouji as Ishida Mitsunari (石田三成)
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Takeshi Naoki as Date Masamune (伊達政宗)
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Maeda Ryuutarou as Sanada Yukimura (真田幸村)
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Nagata Seiichiro as Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家康)
Inoue Masahiro as Katakura Kojuurou (片倉小十郎) Matsufuji Takuya as Sarutobi Sasuke (猿飛佐助)
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Kento as Mouri Motonari (毛利元就)
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Shiramata Atsushi as Chousokabe Motochika (長曾我部元親)
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Terayama Takeshi as Ootani Yoshitsugu (大谷吉継)
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Mamoru Asana as Saika Magoichi (雑賀孫市)
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Deguchi Arisa as Tsuruhime (鶴姫)
Minahara Yuki as Ii Naotora (井伊直虎) Juri as Sen no Rikyuu (千利休)
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Itou Yuuichi as Kuroda Kanbee (黒田官兵衛)
homepage twitter natalie
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Announcement] 斬劇「戦国BASARA」(zangeki sengoku basara)
the show is set for April 2020 @ Tokyo & Hyogo
Okino Kouji as Ishida Mitsunari (石田三成) Nagata Seiichiro as Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家康) Inoue Masahiro as Katakura Kojuurou (片倉小十郎) Matsufuji Takuya as Sarutobi Sasuke (猿飛佐助) Kento as Mouri Motonari (毛利元就) Shiramata Atsushi as Chousokabe Motochika (長曾我部元親) Terayama Takeshi as Ootani Yoshitsugu (大谷吉継) Mamoru Asana as Suzuki Magoichi (雑s孫市) Deguchi Arisa as Tsuruhime (鶴姫) Minahara Yuki as Ii Naotora (井伊直虎) Juri as Sen no Rikyuu  (千利休) Itou Yuuichi as Kuroda Yoshitaka (黒田官兵衛)
homepage natalie
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Announcement] 斬劇『戦国BASARA』天政奉還 (zangeki sengoku basara ~ tenseihoukan)
the show will be running from April 10th, 2020 to April 19th, 2020 (Tokyo) @ 品川プリンスホテル ステラボール (Shinagawa Prince Hotel Stella Ball) & April 24th, 2019 to April 26th, 2019 (Hyogo) @ AiiA 2.5 Theater Kobe
Okino Kouji as Ishida Mitsunari (石田三成) Takeshi Naoki as Date Masamune (伊達政宗) Maeda Ryuutarou as Sanada Yukimura (真田幸村) Nagata Seiichiro as Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家康) Inoue Masahiro as Katakura Kojuurou (片倉小十郎) Matsufuji Takuya as Sarutobi Sasuke (猿飛佐助) Kento as Mouri Motonari (毛利元就) Shiramata Atsushi as Chousokabe Motochika (長曾我部元親) Terayama Takeshi as Ootani Yoshitsugu (大谷吉継) Mamoru Asana as Saika Magoichi (雑賀孫市) Deguchi Arisa as Tsuruhime (鶴姫) Minahara Yuki as Ii Naotora (井伊直虎) Juri as Sen no Rikyuu (千利休) Itou Yuuichi as Kuroda Kanbee (黒田官兵衛)
homepage twitter natalie
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