#maeda ryuutarou
rz-jocelyn · 1 year
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[NEWS UPDATE] Live Spectacle NARUTO: General Ticket Sales (Including International Ticketing) is Open for the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Shinobi no Ikiru Michi~"
For fans who attend the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Shinobi no Ikiru Michi~", there is a bonus B5-size monthly calendar for fans who purchase S-Seat tickets (which are priced at 12,000 yen).
The bonus featuring Uchiha Sasuke (Sato Ryuji) is the monthly calendar Type B, which also includes Hozuki Suigetsu (Maeda Ryuutarou), Karin (Nanaki Kanon), Orochimaru (Hiro Yuumi) and Uchiha Madara (Nakamura Seijiro).
The times and dates for performances with the Type B bonus:
12.00 (Japan time) on October 09, 2023
18.00 (Japan time) on October 18, 2023
17.00 (Japan time) on October 21, 2023
18.00 (Japan time) on October 31, 2023
13.00 (Japan time) on November 02, 2023
12.00 (Japan time) on November 05, 2023
NOTE: Please reconfirm the information on the official website before making any purchase.
To purchase tickets using the Japanese ticket site, please refer to this link: HERE
International ticketing is also available.
However, for fans who are interested in the bonus, please check to ensure that the bonus is also available with purchase through international ticketing.
To purchase tickets using the international ticket site, please refer to this link: HERE
Source: ( x )
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 舞台「無人島に生きる十六人」 (butai mujintou ni ikiru 16 nin)
the show will be running from April 15th, 2022 to April 24th, 2022 (Tokyo) @ こくみん共済 coop ホール / スペース・ゼロ (Kokumin Kyousai coop Hall / Space zero)
Sakurai Keito Menjou Kentarou
Matsuda Gaku Isaka Ikumi Tabuchi Rui Kosaka Ryoutarou Sorihashi Souichirou Saeki Ryou Maeda Ryuutarou Inaba Hikaru Anazawa Yuusuke Kikkawa Daiki Terashima Leon Yanase Daisuke Katou Yasuhisa Nakamura Seijirou
homepage twitter
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[Video] 舞台『弱虫ペダル』SPARE BIKE篇~Heroes!! (butai yowamushi pedal spare bike hen~heroes!!)
the DVD/Blu-ray will be released on August 18th, 2021☆ ☆ ☆
☆ DVD  ☆ Blu-ray ♪ Amazon
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tsubasa-butai · 6 years
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(x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
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yukimuraseiichi · 6 years
[Tenimyu] Team Party Rikkai Goods Pre-Order
Hello! We'll be going to Team Party Rikkai on April 6-8! New Team Party Rikkai goods will be sold at the venue, as well as other goods from Seigaku VS Rikkai and Seigaku VS Higa.
To view the goods and order, click the link below
International orders are accepted and will be shipped from Japan unless requested otherwise!
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sadamotofuji · 7 years
Sadamoto Fuuma Birthday Countdown (D-4)
Theme : Kawaii or Kakkoi Fuuma
Which one do you prefer? Kawaii or Kakkoi Fuuma.
Kawaii material, here’s the prove :
My Mom mistakenly Fuuma was a girl with bob hair when she saw Oyabu Taka (Marui Bunta’s Actor) and Fuuma’s photo 😂 because he is so kawaii.
ドウ?可愛い的 (笑)
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Waifu material : 1000000%
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Uno-san knows about it
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Kakkoi material, here’s the prove :
Look at those predebut picture, kakkoi deshou? An ikemen type with tsundere personality~
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I always see him as a cutie but when i see his performance as Fuji senpai i can find his kakkoi side, especially when his match with akaya. I can’t wait to see his performance in Seigaku vs Higa 😣
Okay, done for today.
Next theme is Tonari no Fuuma-tan
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aokinsight · 7 years
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3rd Season Sanada and Yukimura (featuring a pouting Akaya)
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i have one role in this fandom and its to remind people about josephine in the doe musical. gallop gallop
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nyxravessnow · 4 years
Shin Tenimyu - Musical The New Prince of Tennis The First Stage  Report
I saw the stream of the first performance of the The New Prince of Tennis musical awhile back and I wanted to write some of my thoughts. But I didn’t really enjoy the show and as I love tenimyu with all my heart, as it is my favourite show, I find it much harder to be super negative about the show when talking specifically about the show scene by scene. But with the casting news for 4th I thought that I would finish this so anyone who hasn’t seen the show can know my thoughts. 
I tried to finish it, I really did. But I have no motivation to really talk in length about this show in a deep dive sort of way. I will keep what I did for the 1st half of the show but after that it will only be kinda a summary of my thoughts. 
I have only seen the first night and I do not intend to see anymore of this show. I was incredibly disappointed and didn’t not make me want to see the show again or really any of the shin tenimyu shows but I will still watch those as a bad first show doesn’t mean all of them will be bad but I don’t think shin tenimyu will ever really be my thing. 
I will say that Tokki, Raima and Maeda-chan are actors I love so I am a little biased towards them
Bare in mind that this was the first performance and while I am not taking that into consideration for my criticisms things could definitely improve before the final show, the one that will be on dvd. 
Overall the show was about a 4-6/10 for me. There was only really one scene that brought it to a 6 and without it it would be a 4. 
Music: 2/10.
Direction: 1.5/10.
Acting: 6/10
Spoilers under the cut
Imamaki Hikaru - Echizen Ryouma: All round a solid 6/10. He was cute and delivered his lines very well but still has far to go with his singing and the design on his hair really sticking out from the sides of his hat made him seem much younger which I was not a fan of. This was a problem I had with early Nichika of them making Echizen seem too young and innocent. Like of course he is 13 and is a child but he isn’t this cute adorable boy. He can be cocky and he isn’t all innocent so I hope they don’t keep making the Echizen’s appear super young in this way.
Yamada Kento - Tezuka Kunimitsu: 8/10. I don’t think I really have any issues with his Tezuka at all. He had a very good voice, really good acting. 
Houjuyama Shun - Momoshiro Takeshi: 6/10. He has a really good voice for Momo when speaking but his singing leaves a lot to be desired. He didn’t really do very much in the show so I can’t rate him higher than a 6 as I don’t remember very much that he did bar the Oni match.
Gaku - Tachibana Kippei: 7/10. Similarly to Shun I don’t really remember him but his singing was quite good so this is where he landed
Takahashi Ryouya - Atobe Keigo: I’m sorry 1/10. He is an excellent singer and performer but there was nothing about his performance that made me think of Atobe. His voice was quite high, he was not very confident (Blending into the background when it wasn’t his match), saying his lines softly, moving softly. If I couldn’t see the wig I would not have known he was Atobe. I really hope that he can gain some confidence to play Atobe or else I think he was the wrong actor for the role. 
Maeda Ryuutarou - Kirihara Akaya/Hiramatsu Raima - Tooyama Kintarou: 10/10. I put these two here together because what I want to say is the same for both. You could absolutely tell they had been in the show before. The two brought confidence not many others had to their roles. They controlled their stage and as soon as they stepped onto it they were their characters. Every movement and every line was exactly like the character. I am so happy that they are continuing in tenimyu and hope that they will help the cast get to their level by the end of this run or maybe in future shows.
Takemoto Yusuke - Shiraishi Kuranosuke: 9/10. By far my favourite of the new cast members. I know a lot of people were apprehensive that he might play Shiraishi as sexy too much but he didn’t at all. He was excellent. The only reason that he isn’t a five is there are still some tiny things he could polish but once those are polished he will be perfect.
Matsushima Hiroki - Chitose Senri: 7/10. Ngl I keep forgetting that he was in this show. His doubles with Tachibana was quite forgetful and he didn’t have any major moments but was also quite good and not many problems in his performance. 
Shintani David - Lilident Krauser: 10/10. Like Maeda-chan and Raima you could tell that he had been in the show before, albeit much less than they had. For anyone who doesn’t know, he was an understudy and doubled as the part of Lilident in vs Rikkai Nationals. Very solid performance
(Warning I know much less about the high schoolers so this will be more on their acting in general rather than whether they were good as that character)
Ono Kento - Tokugawa Kazuya: ?/10. He was barely in the show and I have no idea how I could rate his performance. Pretty solid.
Okamoto Yuuki - Oni Juujirou: 8/10. Solid performance. Good enough singing for the role.
Aiba Hiroki - Irie Kanata: He wasn’t in the show so I can’t write a judgement of his performance
Yasue Kazuaki - Irie Kanata: 9/10. He was so excellent. Singing, acting, everything was top notch. Similarly to Yusuke he’s only not 10 because he has some small things to polish.
Chanhe (dunno how to spell his name) - Nakagauchi Sotomichi: 6/10. No real comments, pretty solid. 
Matsushima Yuunosuke - Yamato Yudai: 6/10. Pretty good, singing okay. 
Suzuki Ryouhei - Miyako Shinobu: 6/10. Didn’t have many lines or do very much, pretty overshadowed by Tokki (Will cover him next). What he did do was good, singing could use some improvement.
Tauchi Tokihiro - Matsudaira Chikahiko: 10/10. Absolutely perfect. He brought so much energy and character to his performance that I don’t think any other new actor brought. He owned the stage, even competing with Maeda-chan for my attention when on stage. He had so much presence and would draw your eyes to him. He made everything seem so natural and not acted. Like the continuing actors he became his character on stage rather than acted them out.
Takahashi Shunichi - Suzuki Shun and Tsurimoto Minami - Washio Issa: 6/10. Didn’t do too much, pretty solid performance.
Murakami Kouhei - Kurobe Yukio/Izumi Shuhei - Saito Itaru: 6/10. Pretty standard for a coach. Singing was good.
Kishi Yuuji - Mifune Nyuudou: 10/10. Absolutely amazing. Everything about his performance was perfect. By FAR the best voice in the cast, incredible singing.
Direction and choreography
I am not a director so I cannot be too specific about details but I can say what I liked and didn’t. (Every comment is specifically about the direction not singing or acting). I have studied theatre though so I do have some insight from that angle Also, please don’t criticise what I classified as the same scene and what as different. 
Scene 1: Echizen in America, 1st song
Good beginning, very solid for a first show opening. 
Scene 2: High schoolers practicing while middle schoolers arrive, coach song
Felt very reminiscent of the vs Fudomine shows where Echizen first arrives at Seigaku, I really liked this.
Scene 3: Middle schoolers and high schoolers collecting dropped balls, middle schooler song
Was not a fan. I didn’t like how close everyone was but also randomly placed. I know it is inevitable with such a small cast of middle schoolers but I would have liked to see them more with their teammates in little clusters and slowly appear in front of Seigaku. Maybe even projecting images of other middle schoolers getting balls if none are to appear. 
I did like how Echizen arrives out of the back at the end though
Scene 4: Oni vs Momoshiro, Oni solo, Momo solo
Done pretty well, will talk in other section about stage design. Both actors were solid in their tennis, no missed moves that I saw. Built up Oni’s power well, showing him as a strong player. Showed Momo’s desperation well in the blocking.
Was not a fan of only having unknown high schoolers watching on. Makes sense in an anime or manga that has time to build up and unlimited cast but this show only has three hours to build up characters that may never return or become more important later. They did not need lines but would have been interesting to see them watching the match
Scene 5: Saito and Kurobe
Pretty simple scene, just the two talking. Pretty gay. 
Scene 6: Saito talking to the middle schoolers about elimination matches, Saito solo
I think the middle schoolers could do with being less clumped up around him as it makes the cast of characters seem small and does not give an indication of scale. Liked the stillness of the middle and high schoolers during his song. 
Scene 7: Echizen and Kinchan meet Tokugawa and Oni, Echizen vs Tokugawa, Echizen and Tokugawa duet 
I really love the way Oni and Tokugawa are tall and imposing and unmoving or slow moving on the outside of the stage where as Echizen and Kinchan are being active in the middle, shows contrast between the characters well. 
I really like there not being a net here reinforcing that Kinchan and Echizen just run off and do their own thing with no regard for officiality. 
Did not like the two random ensemble cast members appearing to watch and commentate, felt very weird and slightly meta. 
Scene 8: Elimination matches
I have EXTREMELY mixed feelings here. On the one hand I think the direction is excellent with the spotlight, the figures who lose falling and the single lines echoing. On the other hand, I hate that they didn’t have many of the matches and skipped over them completely, especially the lack of cast members (which I will touch on later). If they do the elimination matches in another show and this was building up to it then I take back my negative comments and I’ll be very happy about that. But if not I think this was not enough to cover them, especially since so many were missed out
Scene 9: Kinchan vs Oni, Kinchan and Oni duet
I really love this scene. A lot of, again, slow movements from Oni contrasting the never still form of Kinchan. Probably my favourite choreography from the show with Kinchan darting back under Oni’s legs. Doubles to show Oni’s maturity vs Kinchan’s childishness as well as showing Oni not taking Kinchan too seriously and letting him just run around aimlessly before he beats him.
Scene 10: Irie and Chitose talking
No real comments, they just stood and talked. 
Scene 11: Saito takes Kinchan and Echizen to the mountain
Liked them lying on the floor together, part of a series of things linking Kinchan and Echizen together. It was a bit weird seeing Tokugawa just watching them lie on the floor and catching their breath before giving them a message and leaving. Liked Saito picking them up by their collars, gives the impression that he doesn’t care that they are children. Which he doesn’t. Scene of climbing suffers from lack of actors as this could be a good place to add in comedy, which the show is lacking, but since they only have Momo, Echizen and Kinchan, none is created. 
Scene 12: Mifune solo (ft. Echizen and Kinchan )
Loved how he is sat in the beginning, instantly shows his character. Along with his heavy slow movements and slightly hunched back. Liked it showing the middle schoolers climbing in the background, showing that he is not caring about their effort or wellbeing in getting to him. Liked the breaks to show Echizen and Kinchan and the complete shift in tone, will talk more about later in song, but also in lighting and speed of movement.
Scene 13: Middle schoolers arrive at the camp, hs vs ms outside match
Love the distance between the high schoolers, creating a sense of scale. Despite looking down usually being a sign of strength from the person standing you got a sense of Mifune’s power as they are all looking down on him sipping his sake. 
Loved the lighting for the high schoolers vs middle schoolers match. Fluid movements of the hs vs the random movements of the middle schoolers. 
Scene 14: Training back at the main camp, ms getting their place on court 5
Really liked the running on a off stage but would have liked to see characters return to stage and run off again like a consistant training menu and would have liked to see the words detailing their training be on the screen for a tad longer. 
Liked the short matches between the ms and hs but would have liked to see the hs look a bit more helpless in their movements.
Scene 15: Coaches talking, court 5 and 3 meet, Irie and Tokugawa chat 
Coaches talking is pretty standard
Liked the ms entering from different sides vs court 3 entering from the same side. Gives the impression that court 3 is a team whereas 5 is a lot of good individual players thrown together. 
Chat again, pretty standard
Scene 16: Oni talking to his court, court 5 song
I like them being spread out. Like them walking around at the beginning of the song with only Oni spotlighted to show he is bringing them together. 
Scene 17: Yamato and Tezuka talk 
Like the distance between them, showing how far apart they had grown due to time and also in personality, contrasted later during their duet.
Scene 18: Lining up, Nakagauchi vs Liladent
Liked contrast between Oni being just behind court 5 whereas Tokugawa is behind the bench (?). Of course court 3 isn’t Tokugawa’s court but it reminded me of Oni actively helping his court vs Tokugawa sending Echizen away to improve.
Pretty standard tenimyu match with no songs. Liked the show of Nakagauchi’s power by showing him being thrown into a fence, like Taka-san one of the strongest middle schoolers was in Shiten, but being unaffected by this. Of course I know it was done in the original so they also had to do it but I like how the direction is similar in both cases. 
Scene 19: Shiraishi and Akaya vs Miyako and Matsudaira
BEST SCENE OF THE SHOW. If every scene was like this one the show would be 10/10. Without this scene the show would be a 4/10 or perhaps lower.
Miyako and Matsudaira’s song was great.
Shiraishi’s solo was so good.
Shiraishi and Akaya’s duet is by far and away the best song in the show. The only song that really felt like ‘tenimyu’ and reminded me of what I loved about tenimyu. 
Scene 20: Camp training, Mifune sends Echizen/Kinchan/Momo to get Sake, Mifune solo
Pretty solid, suffering from a lack of actors and it felt a bit flat. Mifune’s singing was amazing again, though I think he did slightly get too many songs bc Mifune isn’t as important to the plot as the musical seems to make out, as far as I’m aware. 
So, that’s the first half. 
This show might be one of my least favourite 2.5d shows I have ever seen. The dancing was okay, the singing wasn’t great, the show did not feel well thoughtout and it was just so disappointing. So, many of the actors were rather underwhelming and despite so much going on the show felt boring. 
I may have not read the shintenipuri manga but I have seen the anime and it is really funny. This show was barely funny, so many jokes were cut out seemingly for no reason other than the characters who made the jokes not being there. But I do not understand why there weren’t there. I get they couldn’t have every shintenipuri character there but there are quite a few I think they could have added that would have brought a lot, not just to fill the numbers as the stage did feel quite empty quite a few times. Sanada, for example, would have been a very good addition to the cast he speaks to a few of the people there, he rallies the middle schoolers going up the mountain and they already use him quite a bit through voice recording so I do not see why they couldn’t actually cast him.
The show was just lacking the heart that normal tenimyu has. Every tenimyu show before this, even the ones I haven’t enjoyed as much like Remarkable Match Fudomine or Seigaku vs Shitenhoji 2nd season, made me want to watch them again. They still drew me in and got me invested in the characters, partly because of excellent chemistry between the actors. Honestly, so few of these actors had good chemistry with one another. Raima and Maeda-chan quite honestly felt good with everyone. Tokki and Ryouhei were good as Miyako and Matsudaira, Kento and Yuunosuke weren’t bad as Yamato and Tezuka and Ryoya and Kazu were pretty okay. I didn’t feel a connection between almost anyone else. I don’t know if this was the actors not feeling comfortable with each other or the fast pace of the show that left no time for actors to develop in character chemistry but I am leaning towards the 2nd as the backstage photos would suggest they got on well.
This show felt like tenimyu’s attempt to make a Toho show. And it did not work. The show took itself way too seriously instead of in normal tenimyu where they seem to have a blast and it’s okay to understand that the show is ridiculous. I don’t know if this is at all what they were attempting but with the new attitude and the actors from Toho, especially Mifune’s actor who they gave a lot of solos to, it certainly felt like that to me. 
I am not just being negative about shin tenimyu because I wanted tenimyu to stay the same forever. I was very prepared for new things in shin tenimyu but I don’t think the approach of let’s keep virtually nothing from past tenimyu really appealed to me. I honestly did like some of the new stuff they tried but I think they should have kept more things the same and phased stuff out later down the line when people were more onboard with shintenimyu. I.e. not in their first show.
I will talk more about the issues I had with casting in my next post as I will finally talk about the casting of 11th Seigaku and 4th Fudomine.  
Okay, now I’ve gotten a lot of my negative thoughts out of the way.
Thanks for reading this half review, and I’m sorry it took so long. I personally wouldn’t recommened to anyone who is a massive tenimyu fan to check out this show but please don’t just take my word but see what other people think to.
Please continue to support my reviews and leave a like and maybe send me a message so we can chat about stuff.
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[May] J-Actors Birthday Calendar
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♪ May 1st
◎ Kikuchi Takuya 菊池卓也 1991
◎ Sera Yuusuke 瀬良祐介 1994
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♪ May 2nd
◎ Yamada Ryou 山田諒 1992
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♪ May 3rd
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♪ May 4th
◎ Furuya Yamato 古谷大和 1991
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♪ May 5th
◎ Mori Masaru 森大 1979
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♪ May 6th
◎ Kawaharada Takuya 河原田巧也 1991
◎ Yamanaka Kenta 山中健太 1992
◎ Yamanaka Shouta 山中翔太 1992
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♪ May 7th
◎ Kanai Sonde 金井成大 1990
◎ Kishimoto Takuya 岸本卓也 1985
◎ Sugie Taishi 杉江大志 1992
◎ Totani Kimito 戸谷公人 1990
◎ Yamada James Takeshi 山田ジェームス武  1990
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♪ May 8th
◎ Matsumoto Yui 松本唯 1991
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♪ May 9th
◎ Nakao Kenya 中尾拳也 1993
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♪ May 10th
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♪ May 11th
◎ Inagaki Seiya 稲垣成弥 1990
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♪ May 12th
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♪ May 13th
◎ Ezoe Takanori 江副貴紀 1998
◎ Ishiga Kazuki 石賀和輝 1996
◎ Sakamoto Shougo 阪本奨悟 1993
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♪ May 14th
◎ Saotome Yuuki 早乙女友貴 1996
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♪ May 15th
◎ Fujiwara Tatsuya 藤原竜也 1982
◎ Ise Daiki 伊勢大貴 1991
◎ Kitagawa Naoya 北川尚弥 1996
◎ Matsumoto Taishi 松本大志 1992
◎ Okuno Masaki 奥野正明 1980
◎ Ryouga 琉翔 2002
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♪ May 16th
◎ Sakagaki Reiji 坂垣怜次 1995
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♪ May 17th
◎ Abe Yoshitsugu 阿部よしつぐ 1979
◎ Nobuyama Toshihiro 延山信弘 1991
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♪ May 18th
◎ Irie Jingi 入江甚儀 1993
◎ Seto Kouji 瀬戸康史 1988
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♪ May 19th
◎ Kamiki Ryuunosuke 神木隆之介 1993
◎ Murakami Kouhei 村上耕平 1986
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♪ May 20th
◎ Hirano Ryou 平野良 1984
◎ Nagai Masaru 永井大 1978
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♪ May 21st
◎ Midorikawa Riku 緑川睦 1981
◎ Uno Yuuya 宇野結也 1992
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♪ May 22nd
◎ Abe Kaisei 阿部快征 1996
◎ Tsurimoto Minami 釣本南 1990
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♪ May 23rd
◎ Arai Atsushi 荒井敦史 1993
◎ Kawai Ryuunosuke 河合龍之介 1983
◎ Noguchi Ryousuke 野口稜介 1997
◎ Takeshita Kento 竹下健人 1993
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♪ May 24th
◎ Matsushita Yuuya 松下優也 1990
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♪ May 25th
◎ Kubo Tomohiro 久保智裕 1989
◎ Shioguchi Ryouhei 塩口量平 1982
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♪ May 26th
◎ Aoki Jin 蒼木陣 1992
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♪ May 27th
◎ Aoki Soramu 青木空夢 1993
◎ Hagino Takashi 萩野崇 1973
◎ Maeda Ryuutarou 前田隆太朗 1995
◎ Yuuki Jutta 夕輝壽太 1985
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♪ May 28th
◎ Itokawa Youjirou 糸川耀士郎 1993
◎ Konno Takerou 近野拓郎 1998
◎ Ryoutaro 諒太郎 1991
◎ Sakurada Kousei 桜田航成 1987
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♪ May 29th
◎ Takiguchi Yukihiro 滝口幸広 1985
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♪ May 30th
◎ Fukushi Souta 福士蒼汰 1993
◎ Hori Kaito 堀海登 1999
◎ Tamura Shougo 田村升吾 1998
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♪ May 31st
◎ Matsuoka Yuuki 松岡佑季 1988
◎ Nagaoka Takuya 永岡卓也 1985
◎ Takahashi Yuuta 高橋優太 1984
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animeonstage-blog · 7 years
Tenimyu Rikkai 3rd Cast Announcement!
Yukimura Seiichi: Tateishi Toshiki Sanada Genichirou: Tazuru Shougo Yanagi Renji: Isawa Takuma Niou Masaharu: Gotou Dai Yagyuu Hiroshi: Oosumi Yuuta Marui Bunta: Ooyabu Taka Kuwahara Jackal: Kawasaki Yuusaku Kirihara Akaya: Maeda Ryuutarou
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rz-jocelyn · 1 year
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[NEWS UPDATE] Live Spectacle NARUTO: The Title, Full Cast and Other Information for the Final "Live Spectacle NARUTO" Stage have been Announced
Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Shinobi no Ikiru Michi~
Nakao Masaki as Uzumaki Naruto
Sato Ryuji as Uchiha Sasuke
Ito Yui as Haruno Sakura
Kimisawa Yuki as Hatake Kakashi
Daigo Cecile as Tsunade
Sena as Hyuuga Hinata
Ikeoka Ryousuke as Nara Shikamaru
Kojima Sari as Yamanaka Ino
Kawai Ryuunosuke as Senju Tobirama
Tsukada Tomoki as Sarutobi Hiruzen
Naya Takeru as Gaara
Kitamura Keigo as A
Koyanagi Shin as Killer B
Maeda Ryuutarou as Hozuki Suigetsu
Nanaki Kanon as Karin
Ise Daiki as Uchiha Obito
Kitazono Ryo as Namikaze Minato (Fourth Hokage)
Hiro Yuumi as Orochimaru
Nakamura Seijiro as Uchiha Madara
Kyou Nobuo as Senju Hashirama
[1] Sato Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke), Ito Yui (Haruno Sakura) and Kimisawa Yuki (Hatake Kakashi) are the starting members of "Live Spectacle NARUTO" who have been in every production since 2015.
For translations of Ryuji and Kimi-chan’s Tweets regarding the announcement of "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Shinobi no Ikiru Michi~", please refer to this link: HERE
[2] Also making a notable return is Hiro Yuumi, who has played Orochimaru since 2015.
[3] On Team Taka, Nanaki Kanon will also be returning as Karin. Kanon-chan and Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) are the two members of Team Taka who have played their roles since the formation of Team Hebi in 2017.
Dates: October 08, 2023 to October 11, 2023
Venue: Kanagawa Arts Theatre
Capacity: 1,200 people
Dates: October 18, 2023 to October 22, 2023
Venue: AiiA 2.5 Theater Kobe
Capacity: 775 people
Dates: October 28, 2023 to November 05, 2023
Capacity: 2,500 people
To watch the other productions in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO", please refer to the links below.
Live Spectacle NARUTO (2015)
Live Spectacle NARUTO (2016)
Blu-ray: HERE
Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~ (2017)
Blu-ray: HERE
Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~ (2019)
Blu-ray: HERE
Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~ (2021)
Blu-ray: HERE
Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Ninkai Taisen, Kaisen~ (2022)
Animate Limited Set (Blu-ray): HERE
Animate Limited Set (DVD): HERE
Limited Edition (Blu-ray): HERE
Limited Edition (DVD): HERE
To purchase the goods for the "Live Spectacle NARUTO", please refer to this link: HERE
[1] To purchase the individual goods for Uchiha Sasuke (Sato Ryuji), click on the dropdown menu above the "カートに入れる” (Add to Cart) and “スピード購入” (Speed Buy) buttons.
[2] Then, select the option that says “うちはサスケ:佐藤流司”.
For more information about the proxy services available for Japan, please refer to this link: HERE
Source: ( x )
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] ミュージカル 悪ノ娘 (musical aku no musume)
you will be able to watch 2 shows @ mixchannel [a VPN might be needed to watch the show^^]
price: ¥5.000 + fees (each) [set ¥9.500]
◎ 前楽 (maeraku) [October 12th, 2021 ~ 12:00]
◎ 千穐楽 (senshuuraku) [October 12th, 2021 ~ 16:00]
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rz-jocelyn · 6 months
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[NEWS] Live Spectacle NARUTO: The Content and Previews of Bonus Bromides for the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Shinobi no Ikiru Michi~" Blu-ray/DVD have been Released
Release Date: April 24, 2023
Animate Limited Set (Blu-ray/DVD): 11,330 yen / 10,230 yen
Special booklet *
Animate special bonus DVD
Limited Edition (Blu-ray/DVD): 10,780 yen / 9,680 yen
Special booklet *
* The special booklet that is included with the Blu-ray/DVD is different from the performance pamphlet that can be found: HERE
Main Disc (BD/DVD)
"Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Shinobi no Ikiru Michi~" grand finale performance
Bonus Disc (DVD)
Making and backstage footage
Opening + Valley of the End + singing scenes (Uzumaki Naruto version)
Opening + Valley of the End + singing scenes (Uchiha Sasuke version)
Animate Bonus Disc
"Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Shinobi no Ikiru Michi~" grand finale performance panoramic view
Cast camera footage
NOTE: The Animate bonus disc is only available with the Animate Limited Set.
Onstage Bromide Set:
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Nakao Masaki as Uzumaki Naruto
Sato Ryuji as Uchiha Sasuke
Ito Yui as Haruno Sakura
Kimisawa Yuki as Hatake Kakashi
Daigo Cecile as Tsunade
Ise Daiki as Uchiha Obito
Kitazono Ryo as Namikaze Minato (Fourth Hokage)
Hiro Yuumi as Orochimaru
To pre-order/purchase the BD/DVD from Animate, please refer to the links below.
Animate Limited Set (Blu-ray): HERE
Animate Limited Set (DVD): HERE
Limited Edition (Blu-ray): HERE
Limited Edition (DVD): HERE
Onstage Bromide Set:
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Nakao Masaki as Uzumaki Naruto
Sato Ryuji as Uchiha Sasuke
Naya Takeru as Gaara
Kitamura Keigo as A
Koyanagi Shin as Killer B
Maeda Ryuutarou as Hozuki Suigetsu
Nanaki Kanon as Karin
Nakamura Seijiro as Uchiha Madara
To pre-order/purchase the BD/DVD from ANIPLEX+, please refer to this link: HERE
Onstage Bromide Set:
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Nakao Masaki as Uzumaki Naruto
Sato Ryuji as Uchiha Sasuke
Sena as Hyuuga Hinata
Ikeoka Ryousuke as Nara Shikamaru
Kojima Sari as Yamanaka Ino
Kawai Ryuunosuke as Senju Tobirama
Tsukada Tomoki as Sarutobi Hiruzen
Kyou Nobuo as Senju Hashirama
To pre-order/purchase the BD/DVD from Amazon, please refer to the links below.
Limited Edition (Blu-ray): HERE
Limited Edition (DVD): HERE
* Ensure that the link leads to the BD/DVD which says "(オリジナル特典:「舞台写真ブロマイドセット」付)" as this is the version with the bonus onstage bromide set.
NOTE: For more information about the proxy services available in Japan, please refer to this link: HERE
Source(s): ( x , x , x , x )
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rz-jocelyn · 1 year
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[NEWS] Live Spectacle NARUTO: The Blu-ray/DVD for the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Shinobi no Ikiru Michi~" is Now Available for Pre-Order
Release Date: April 24, 2023
To watch the Genepro preview videos for the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Shinobi no Ikiru Michi~", please refer to the links below.
Mini Theater Tsushin: HERE
2.5 News: HERE
Animate Limited Set (Blu-ray/DVD): 11,330 yen / 10,230 yen
Special booklet *
Animate special bonus DVD
Limited Edition (Blu-ray/DVD): 10,780 yen / 9,680 yen
Special booklet *
* The special booklet that is included with the Blu-ray/DVD is different from the performance pamphlet that can be found: HERE
Onstage Bromide Set:
Nakao Masaki as Uzumaki Naruto
Sato Ryuji as Uchiha Sasuke
Ito Yui as Haruno Sakura
Kimisawa Yuki as Hatake Kakashi
Daigo Cecile as Tsunade
Ise Daiki as Uchiha Obito
Kitazono Ryo as Namikaze Minato (Fourth Hokage)
Hiro Yuumi as Orochimaru
To pre-order/purchase the BD/DVD from Animate, please refer to the links below.
Animate Limited Set (Blu-ray): HERE
Animate Limited Set (DVD): HERE
Limited Edition (Blu-ray): HERE
Limited Edition (DVD): HERE
Onstage Bromide Set:
Nakao Masaki as Uzumaki Naruto
Sato Ryuji as Uchiha Sasuke
Naya Takeru as Gaara
Kitamura Keigo as A
Koyanagi Shin as Killer B
Maeda Ryuutarou as Hozuki Suigetsu
Nanaki Kanon as Karin
Nakamura Seijiro as Uchiha Madara
To pre-order/purchase the BD/DVD from ANIPLEX+, please refer to this link: HERE
Onstage Bromide Set:
Nakao Masaki as Uzumaki Naruto
Sato Ryuji as Uchiha Sasuke
Sena as Hyuuga Hinata
Ikeoka Ryousuke as Nara Shikamaru
Kojima Sari as Yamanaka Ino
Kawai Ryuunosuke as Senju Tobirama
Tsukada Tomoki as Sarutobi Hiruzen
Kyou Nobuo as Senju Hashirama
To pre-order/purchase the BD/DVD from Amazon, please refer to the links below.
Limited Edition (Blu-ray): HERE
Limited Edition (DVD): HERE
* Ensure that the link leads to the BD/DVD which says "(オリジナル特典:「舞台写真ブロマイドセット」付)" as this is the version with the bonus onstage bromide set.
NOTE: For more information about the proxy services available in Japan, please refer to this link: HERE
Source(s): ( x , x )
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rz-jocelyn · 1 year
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Itoshi no Hakana: "Live Spectacle NARUTO" Cast Members who Attended "Itoshi no Hakana"
Team 7 / Team Kakashi
Nakao Masaki (Uzumaki Naruto)
Kimisawa Yuki (Hatake Kakashi)
Sadamoto Fuuma (Sai)
Team Hebi / Team Taka
Maeda Ryuutarou (Hozuki Suigetsu)
Ohno Ryota (Juugo)
Daigo Cecile (Tsunade)
Sena (Hyuuga Hinata)
Kojima Sari (Shizune, Uzumaki Kushina, Yamanaka Ino)
Kitazono Ryo (Namikaze Minato)
Kitamura Keigo (A)
Katayama Hironori (Tobi)
Ibuki Furuta
[1] Nakao Masaki and Ryuji have known each other since 2014. They have also co-starred with in the "Nelke Idol Stage" series and the "Musical Touken Ranbu".
[2] Kimisawa Yuki and Ryuji have known each other since 2013. They have also co-starred in "Musical The Prince of Tennis", and are both starting members in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO", who have been with the production since its first production in 2015.
[3] Sadamoto Fuuma has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Jujutsu Kaisen" The Stage, the "Musical Touken Ranbu", "REAL⇔FAKE" and the Movie Theatre "Success Sou".
[4] Ohno Ryota has also co-starred with Ryuji in the "Musical Touken Ranbu" where he is a member of Ryuji's team for the solo performances that Ryuji did as Kashuu Kiyomitsu in 2017, 2018 and 2019.
[5] Sena has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Fire Force Stage -Hakai no Hana, Souzou no Oto-".
[6] Kitazono Ryo has also worked with Ryuji on "Castor & Pollux", the stage play that Ryuji wrote and directed. Additionally, he has co-starred with Ryuji in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO", the Online Reading "Lily & Rose" Vol. 01 and the Movie Theatre "Success Sou".
[7] Katayama Hironori has also co-starred with Ryuji in the "Musical Touken Ranbu".
For more information on how to purchase the goods and Blu-ray/DVD for "Itoshi no Hakana", please refer to this link: HERE
Source(s): ( x , x , x , x , x )
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