#You can tell Bhaal is mildly angry at you because he kills you
y-rhywbeth2 · 9 months
The most obvious abuse aside, Bhaal's also in possession of a+ parenting skills when it comes to communicating what he wants his kids to do.
You want your child - who has no idea who you are or that they're not simply dreaming - to murder the soul of the Cyricist that they killed this morning using your own dagger and they decide to choke him to death with their bare hands instead? Well, I mean, you could've explained what you wanted instead of hinting... or!
"You turn to leave, but find the exit blocked. The lone dagger has become five: a skeletal set of claws that hovers before you. A talon extends and presses against your chest, and a hollow voice chills the air. "You should use the tools you are given." It traces a line of ichor on your tunic, increasing in pressure. "Listen to what is bred in the bone." There is a flash of motion as the claws push deep into your chest."
Or you could just fucking murder them! Because that's his solution to everything. (Interestingly, if you're being a goody two shoes at this point then Bhaal is significantly more pissed, but you wake up before the dagger hits - but he also yells at you after you wake up too)
Remember; if your father is Bhaal, then do remember that he expects you to be fully dependent on him; that you owe him for everything you are and have; and that you're supposed to somehow understand what he expects of you perfectly without him explaining a damn thing and you will be horribly punished for your lack of telepathy. Wow, this got realistic all of a sudden.
What was life like for Durge as his high priest? Did Durge just have to guess what the urges want and then gauge how hot or cold their guesses are by the way Bhaal murders them in their dreams? (I mean, yes, he wants murder - but Bhaal gets picky about this shit no torture, forced suicide, falls, or collisions and you have to do it personally and it has to be done for fun and-).
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