#You collect scars because you want proof that you're paying for whatever sins you have committed. (Naoto)
strxydxg-blog · 5 years
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Hello fellas! This is my own prompt list! Feel free to send requests! I'm really excited to do this haha
Also, this really took me some time to put it all together so please, if you reblog/use it/etc. give me credit. Thanks!
Update: If you have your own prompt that is not listed, quote or whatever else and you think it's great, you can send it to me and we'll see what comes out of it.
1. I fucking hate everyone. But you, you're the only person I don't hate.
2. And he looked at me, like there was something in me worth looking at. 
3. Anger makes you stupid. Stupid gets you killed.
4. I'm here. You can talk to me or not talk to me but I'm here.
5. Goddamn right you should be scared of me! 
6. And suddenly, life wasn't about living. It was about surviving.
7. "-but you'll die!" "I don't care." 
8. I said I'm fucking fine.
9. Don't you touch her.
10. We sat there smoking cigarettes at 5 in the morning. 
11. Oh! The girl/boy I've heard so much about. 
12. No one would hurt you again, or I'd kill them.
13. A cigarette for a thousand problems.
14. I could keep you save. They're all afraid of me.
15. You look so proud standing there with a frown and a cigarette. 
16. Thank you for loving me when I still tasted of heartache and war.
17. His eyes had more darkness than any other eyes I had ever seen before.
18. You don't know shit about what happened to me. 
19. This is who we are, a product of war.
20. Looking half a corpse and half a god.
21. I wanna see how you lose control.
22. I look at you and I just love you and it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you. 
23. "You can't protect everyone." "I have to try." 
24. He's a badass with a good heart.
25. You are losing my interest, and that is very dangerous. 
26. In a fight, they're lethal. Around each other, they melt. 
27. I wonder which will get you killed faster, your loyalty or your stubbornness.
28. You collect scars because you want proof that you are paying for whatever sins you've comitted. 
29. With this smile, I can get away with everything. 
30. I was so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend. 
31. Come over here and make me.
32. Oh my god! You're in love with him!
33. Oh, do you ever shut up? 
34. Can you two please get a room? 
35. I have a name and it's not sweetheart. 
36. If I ever see you anywhere near her, you'll have to deal with me. 
37. Everyone keeps telling me you're the bad guy. 
38. Such dirty words from such a pretty little mouth. 
39. Kiss me. 
40. Are you flirting or starting a fight? 
41. You stay awake do you hear me?! Don't you dare close your eyes! Please! Come on! 
42. Honestly, I only asked you for help because it's so cute when you try.  
43. You're standing a little close to me..
44. You're evil. It's hot. 
45. If you bite your lip one more time, I swear I'm going to do it for you. 
46. By the Gods! You love her, don't you? 
47. It's blood, not nuclear waste. Chill out. 
48. A knife? Are you flirting with me? 
49. "Hear me out." "Why the fuck should i listen to you?" 
50. I've been wanting to kick your ass all week. 
51. Rumour has it, I make you nervous. 
52. Leave, leave right now.
53. Can you just fuck off already?
54. "I- I trusted you!" "Sweet naive girl, trust is for children. You are a soldier." 
55. Alcohol's the only instant in my life.
56. You gotta stop saying things that make me want to kiss you. 
57. Please don't do this. Don't act like you care. 
58. Is everything supposed to go dark?
59. Why can't you see what you're doing to me. 
60. Fuck, you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my whole life.
61. It's 2 in the morning. Why are you still up?
62. I want an answer, goddammit! 
63. You make me want things I can't have. 
64. Cut the crap and tell me what happened. 
65. Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that.
66. It's nice to see someone who can appreciate my humour.
67. We're more than just friends and you know it. 
68. It's pitch black in here and I can see you're blushing.
69. Yes asshole, I do care about you.
70. They're both stubborn and it's complicated. 
71. For you, I would.
72. I like you more than I planned.
73. I need you, idiot.
74. Golden eyes and a smile made for war.
75. Take that, fuckers!
76. I licked it so it's mine!
77. We're in this together. 
78. Can I have this dance? 
79. Look, I know you're a hardass but can you play with my hair? It would really help. 
80. No! Stay away from me! Stay back! 
81. Maybe if you actually stop staring at her and talk to her, you might have a chance. 
82. You have to promise you won't fall in love with me.
83. I know that face. That's your I'm-upset-with-you face. 
84. I think we'd make this a fair fight if we each had a gun. Don't you think, boys? 
85. He loves you, you know? He's just afraid of admitting it.
86. Dear Lord, please have mercy on my soul. This woman/man will be the death of me. 
87. There are other things than Germans that can kill you. 
88. What the hell? You are supposed to hate me!
89. Why do you like me?
90. "You're annoying." "You love me."
91. Wanna go to hell together? 
92. I lack the vocabulary to describe you.
93. You make me feel... you make me feel." 
94. What the fuck...?
95. So that's you, the girl/boy who destroyed armies. 
96. You're my regret.
97. You better not die on me! 
98. Can you stop shouting at me?!
99. Why are you making this so damn hard? 
100. But that's the problem, (name). I don't think I'm able to stop loving him/her. Ever. 
101. There is no way you're going anywhere with him, not on my watch.
102. “You know you're in love with her right?” “Since when?” “Since always.” 
103. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t do this.
104. I love you, I do, but you're a real pain in the ass.
105. Is that my shirt?
106. Neither one of us is drunk enough for this conversation.
107. I think I might be falling in love with you.
108. What are you talking about? You’re married!
109. I saw that. You just checked me out.
110. Quick, pretend you're talking to me.
111. I just wanted to hear your voice.
112. That was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.
113. No. The moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up.
114. "It could be worse." “You aren’t the one bleeding.” "Look, you're still alive. Stop whining."
115. Are you naked under that thing?
116. "Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
117. What the hell were you thinking?! 
18. You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?
119. Well, if I told you, then it wouldn’t be a secret.
120. Is it weird that was a total turn on?
121. That was the worst joke I’ve ever heard.
122. If I kiss you right now, I won’t be able to stop.
123. What did you just say?
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