#You give it the schematics of the part you want (usually taken from the DNA data of the reploid being built) and the corresponding material
rp-repliforce · 2 years
(Colonel) What was the weirdest thing you ever fought?
"I had to put down a malfunctioning fabricator for the science branch once. It flailed its dozens of arms so intensely that it had snapped the pole they tried to use to turn it off, and the force of its movements were enough to cause it to hop around slightly. By the time I had gotten there, it had shot sharp metal wires all over the lab until it had run out of material, and was making an awful grinding sound in the corner. Most of the staff had taken cover behind some overturned tables."
"Even though it was an expensive piece of equipment, the scientists had enough of its reign of terror, and just asked me to destroy it so they could get back to work."
"I could have cut it in half with a single shockwave, but that attack was too destructive to use in the lab. So - I found a fire axe, waited for an opening, and threw it like a tomahawk at the fabricator. I managed to take it out in one hit."
Colonel paused, making a small, amused smile as he reflected on the experience.
"I can laugh at this situation now, but at the time I was far from pleased..."
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immortalonus · 3 years
Valerie's Weird, Creepy Robo Suit (P2)
So now that I finally managed to finish the first chapter of the fic I actually built this headcannon stuff for in the first place, my head no longer feels like it's crammed with swiss cheese, and I now feel all set and ready to make the next part of this multi-post series. Hurray!
#2: Stuff the Red Huntress can do/powers.
So the way I figure it, Valerie has the potential to be, if not a match to Dan Phantom, then at least powerful enough to hold her own against him for a solid decade while simultaneously protecting an entire town.
If we take into account the fact that Dan Phantom is powerful enough to destroy an entire world and a huge ass chunk of the Ghost Zone while he was at it, then a Red Huntress capable of standing up to that must be pretty frigging OP.
I sort of kept that in mind while building her power list, which I imagine being a little something like this:
>>>dimensional storage spaces. (AKA Valerie's bags of holding)
I mean, she has to keep all those guns somewhere, right? Not to mention her hoverboard and all her other cool toys. Some kind of folded space/extra dimensional area as a fundamental part of her suit makeup just makes sense, sorta like super pockets for her super-suit.
Specifically, I have it written out so that she has three, each roughly the size of a very nice walk in closet: One for general storage, one for her engine/power center, and one for her material manipulation/generation centers.
A) general storage:
Teenage Val's favorite of the three spaces, this is the place where she puts her spare homework, guns, and the bits of her suit that aren't permanently bound to her body. There's a lot of junk there, but it's also where she keeps most of her weapons, hoverboard, and any raw materials for her material manipulation/generation centers.
(For those of you who haven't noticed, I am terrible at coming up with cool names for things.)
If Valerie wants to take anything into this storage unit, she would need to make direct physical contact with the object in question. If she wants it out, it will default to appearing against whatever part of her body she first touched it with: So any gun she grabbed with her left hand to send in storage will return to that left hand when she brings it back out, unless she wills it otherwise.
Valerie's general storage, like all her subspaces, is uninhabitable, but only because it never crossed her mind to fill it or any of the others with air. While I doubt she'll figure this trick out anytime during the runtime of Where You Belong, Somewhere down the line, when she and Team Phantom have cleared everything up between each other, someone, (probably Tucker,) is going to ask her about that, and Valerie will spend the next week kicking herself that she could totally have had a space to pull off her armor and relax in during her hell hike through the Ghost Zone back in the day.
B) Engine/power Center
This is the bit where I wish I had literally any knowledge of physics/engineering/ect, and any attempt to educate myself didn't cause pounding headaches every time I tried. I could've made this whole section so much cooler.
Basically, engine and power centers for the Red Huntress Unit do exactly what you'd think they would: Provide and distribute energy to all of its processes and systems.
This engine is pretty big (it takes up the entirety of Valerie's second subspace,) and can run on basically any energy source with varying degrees of efficiency. Since Valerie lives in Amity, its primary energy source is ectoplasm scraped up from the atmosphere, but it could conceivably run on solar, fossil fuel, and even organic energy sources, once Valerie has processed them a bit into something simple enough for the Red Huntress Unit to use. (This last one would be painfully inefficient and probably lead to starvation on Val's part, so lucky her she lives in a place this would never be something she'd need to do.)
How does this engine keep the Red Huntress Unit charged when it's all a bunch of separate pieces without a bunch of charging cables running around everywhere? Well that's easy, it's quantum entanglement, son!
Basically, as I understand it, when you entangle two particles together, their states will influence each other no matter how far apart they happen to be separated. While it's impossible to influence these states IRL, this is fiction, so I've taken the liberty of bending the rules a bit.
Supposing it's possible to control the properties of any given particle, and you were to entangle two or more of these particles, it should be possible to transfer information and I think also energy? instantaneously across time and space.
Which means if you were to take say, a battery called battery A, and quantumly entangle it with battery B somewhere across the universe, it should be possible to use battery A to charge battery B, even though battery B is far away from any and all charging cables.
If nothing else, it's a pretty gosh darn cool explanation for how the Red Huntress Unit can send information and charge power across all it's separate parts, IMHO.
I also like to imagine this is how stuff like the power sources for Valerie's laser guns, or her hoverboard engine, get charged up, too. They're all connected to that main engine room, which provides them energy on an as needed basis.
C) Material Manipulation/Generation center.
Probably the trickiest of Valerie's abilities for me to conceive of and explain, the material manipulation and generation centers are responsible for both weapon creation and suit repair. They are also one of the most energy intensive, time consuming, and complex functions native to the Red Huntress Unit.
Just like the engines, Valerie's Material manipulation and generation centers take up the entirety of their respective subspace, and provides two very important functions:
1) Limited material generation:
Because the Red Huntress Unit is not a divinely powerful suit (Technus just ain't that good,) It's ability to create and replicate materials is limited to the unique materials that make up The Red Huntress Unit and all it's associated parts. And it's only able to do this thanks to the fact that the suit and most of its materials is made up of unique polymer strands, which, when combined with some nanotechnology, are capable of replicating in a manner very similar to DNA/RNA within a cell.
Whenever Valerie Damages her suit, the material generator would pull the polymer-nanobot combination associated with the damaged portion, and set about on repair.
There are some portions of her system, however, and a bunch of her weapons, that do not use these unique polymers, forcing the Red Huntress Unit to resort to using the other part of this system: Material manipulation.
2) Material Manipulation centers:
For everything else, the Red Huntress Unit can pull apart, recombine, alter, but not generate or create from nothing *most* materials, with a few caveats:
A/// material manipulation is limited to the molecular level: So if Valerie gets a chunk of plastic and runs it through her material manipulation center, she can't use her manipulation centers to chop up the component atoms of the molecule and re-arrange it into some non-plastic substance.
I would personally tell you this has to with the bonds between the atoms being too strong for her manipulation centers to safely pull apart, but considering we are well into the realm of silly nonsense style sci-fi physics, the actual reason why probably doesn't mean much.
B/// Material manipulation relies on resources being available in one of her storage units (usually general storage,) to supply the base materials for whatever's being made.
I think this would go without saying, but I thought I'd spell it out anyway. If Valerie wants to make herself a shotgun, she'd need to go find enough iron, plastic, and wood for her manipulation centers to make it for her.
C/// to create an object, Valerie either needs to mentally picture every part of the thing she wants made in extreme detail, or upload the schematics into her system.
Following along with the idea that Valerie's manipulation centers can't really make something from nothing, the shape of what her systems would form the raw materials she's provided them into would need to be guided by something.
It should be noted that Technus himself provided a few of these schematics when he first created the Red Huntress suit, which is where stuff like her laser cubes comes from, but for the rest, Valerie would either have to imagine it for herself, or find an object or weapon that's already been made for her to copy.
D/// The Red Huntress Unit can neither create nor manipulate organic material of any kind.
I will confess here and now that the practical, out of universe reason for this one is related to my desire to give Valerie an even harder time in the story I made all this up for lol.
There is an in-story reason for this restriction, however, which has to do with the Red Huntress Unit's origin in technology and death, making it an existence to far removed from life and living to interact with biological processes in too much depth. Bonding with a living host like Valerie is about the extent of its ability to interact with the biological beings, and even that came at the expense of some of her humanity. A part of her is permanantly a cyborg now, because that's what the Red Huntress Unit needs to properly interact with its host.
In addition to being unable to create food no matter how many organic compounds Valerie tries to cram into her material manipulation and generation centers, this also means the Red Huntress Unit has issues repairing any damage inflicted its host.
Which is to say that if Valerie gets hurt badly enough, her systems will prioritize her survival over her biological integrity, and replace whatever's damaged with the kind of artificial systems it can properly mantain and repair.
AKA Valerie is at risk of being forcibly turned into a robot piece by piece if she takes too much damage.
Well, that was a big post, even for me. There's still some more headcannons I've been playing with for Valerie and her suit, but I think I'll save those for part 3: More cool stuff.
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