#You've all heard of accelerated aging in the clones
kopykunoichi · 2 years
Okay, I know this has come up on Reddit and other places, but I just haven't found any satisfactory explanations or theories to solve the mystery of:
Why is Omega so freaking "tiny"?!
Canonically, she's older than the guys; Tech said she was an unaltered first generation clone and also referred to her as an adolescent. When Order 66 takes place, the first gens are already 13 years old (born in 32 BBY). The Bad Batch season one spans several months, and by the time season two rolls around, it would be reasonable to assume they're 14, or close to it.
Omega is less mature than a typical teenager in many ways, but that is easily explained by how sheltered her life was. She is very insightful though, which is an interesting contrast to her childlike wonder at experiencing new things.
But her physical development has me stumped. Omega is 1.1 m (3'7")...that's the same height as my four year old daughter! Yet, she's supposed to be a 14 year old adolescent.
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Look at her standing next to Hera. Hera is 10 years old here (maybe 11 depending on when in the year her birthday is, but she was born in 29BBY). Not only is she a lot taller, she's also clearly a bit further along into puberty than Omega is. I don't know if that's a Twi-lek thing or not, but she definitely looks like an older adolescent. Compare Hera to the animation of Ahsoka when she was 14 and it's even more apparent. Meanwhile, Omega shows no signs of a maturing body. Even her facial structure looks more childlike.
At first I was just going to chalk it up to animators being inconsistent or not being able to properly depict a teenage girl, but now I'm beginning to wonder if there's more to it.
What if Omega's growth has been delayed as opposed to the other clones' growth being accelerated? What if the reason she looks like a seven year old when she's actually fourteen is because she ages half as fast as normal humans? And if that's the case, could that be why the Kaminoans wanted her DNA so bad? Think how marketable it would be if you could sell someone a way to make their natural lifespan twice as long?
It would also explain why Omega sometimes has moments where she has the reasoning capabilities of a teenager (because she does have fourteen years of life experience, such as it was), but retains the playful exuberance of a younger child, because developmentally, she's still seven.
What do you think? Have any of you come across any similar theories that I missed in my brief perusal of the forums?
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hjazysol · 5 years
Kelly: You've got some nerve knocking out my little bro & sis. I should teach you guys what manners are! So I assume you're all Spirit users?
Jacqueline: They're actually called Stands.
Kelly: Stands? I don't really care. I've been watching & listening to you all for ages. I could never leave those two without supervision. So let me ask you something based on what I've seen & heard here.
Irving: Hmm?
Kelly: Would you believe me if I say I can beat every single one of you in this room without moving from this spot in the doorway?
Irving: A bit cocky aren't you?
Kelly: You Irving can move fast or slow but that only applies to your movement. The girl Jacqueline can make damage multiply aswell as discharge. You Jona can fly & your wings are sharp. You Ronan create illusions. You Delta can create a tough armour from Chitin. And you Alois can cause damage from kinetic energy.
Ronan: She really has been listening she even knows our names. Earlier she was like a pure airhead. But now. Now it's like I'm looking at a completely different person.
Kelly: So I'm not gonna move from this doorway. So allow me to try something right now yeah. My Spirit is called Bad Habit. What it does is-
Alois dashed forward to attack while Kelly explained her Stand Ability.
Alois: ("I don't care dammit!")
Bad Habit appeared and grabbed onto Alois's hand.
Kelly: Aww. You want to be this close to me that bad? Hoh. Your gonna make me blush. As expected you hate monologues as proven from when you rudely intrupted my little sister. Well too bad for you. If you actually listened then you'd know. One of Bad Habit's abilities.
Alois: AAAH!!!
Kelly: Is to erase.
Bad Habit erased Alois' right hand out of existence. Then pushed them away with it's other hand (Right).
Irving: ALOIS!
Irving accelerated forward. Bad Habit tagged Another Way Out slightly with it's left hand after switching it from erase to something else. Irving took Alois to their side of the room.
Irving: Alois are you ok!?
Alois: ("Do I look okay!?")
Irving: Can you fight?
Alois: ("Up In Flames")
Kelly: Delete.
Up in Flames appeared only for it to fade away.
Alois: What!?
Irving: What just happened!?
Ronan: Irving your Stand! Your is fading away aswell!
Irving: How!?
Kelly: I've touched both of you with Bad Habit on Delete. You're Spirits are gone now. I still haven't moved from this spot. It seems you truly are just rude. Next time don't get in our way and you won't need to be humiliated like this. So are we done here?
Jacqueline: I don't think so Jona are you ready!
Jona: Yeah!
Jacqueline: Beat It! Disk Toss!
Jona: Hallelujah! Flechette Storm!
Both fired their projectiles at the enemy.
Kelly: Keh! Is this a joke? Bad Habit. Erase.
In the simple swing of the hand. The attacks were erased.
Kelly: However I think I'd like to use this Disk to my advantage. Copy.
Beat It's disk toss was replicated.
Jacqueline: What kind of Stand is that!? It deletes! It erases! It copies!
Kelly: I can show you the last thing it can do if you really want? I just need you a little closer!
Jacqueline: How do you plan on getting closer if you refuse to move dipshit?
Bad Habit raised it's hand set on Erase. It swung it back down with intense force. With the space between Kelly & Jacqueline erased Jacqueline was automatically teleported forward infront of Kelly.
Kelly: Sup.
Jacqueline: The hell!?
Kelly: Bad Habit! Clone!
Bad Habit gripped onto Jacqueline and then pushed her away! A few seconds after an excact copy of Jacqueline appeared before her from inside of Bad Habit's mouth.
Jacqueline: Holy shit!... ...I really do look like a hot topic punk.
Jacqueline's clone sent out a clone of Beat It aswell.
Jacqueline: Wait that's a thing!?
Ronan: Jona! Quick get behind The Night! And keep attacking with your Flechette I'll create illusions so it'll be unclear which of them is real.
Jona: Right!
Ronan: The Night!
Ronan created 20 illusions of The Night that circled round the room.
Kelly: Hmm.
Jona: Flechette Storm!
Kelly got hit in the hand by a few of the feathers as she was too distracted attempting a method to complete the objective.
Kelly: The Night creates illusions for anything it wants. So anything in this room could be fake. But in that aspect. An illusion is just a fake image. So an illusion doesn't take up space. So since that's been sorted. Bad Habit. Erase.
Bad Habit erased the space in a circular motion.
Kelly: If I erase space with Bad Habit.
Only one of the 20 images of Ronan & Jona moved forward.
Kelly: Only one of the images should move which makes that one the real deal! Bad Habit disk toss!
Bad Habit used Beat It's move to attack The Night & Jona knocking then down. That damage would then keep being repeated over and over.
Ronan: (Coughs blood) The hell!
Ronan & Jona were sent flying back.
Kelly: Well then. That's pretty much them dealt with.
Irving: Damn you!!
Kelly: There. Now all that's left is you small fry.
Delta: ("You've gone too far! I'm afraid I can't let you do anymore harm. But what do I do? If I approach she can just erase my armour like she's throwing around sand. And if I do nothing she'll just bring me towards her! She's smart with it to. She knows exactly when and where to erase space so nothing else gets dragged.")
Kelly raised her hand.
Delta: ("Shit she's ready to teleport me forward! Erm! (Looks around) I've got it!")
Delta picked up several shards of glass.and held them infront of him. Kelly lowered her hand in caution.
Delta: ("She isn't attacking? That settles it then even if she's skilled with her Stand's diverse set of abilities if she wants to teleport me she'd have to teleport what I'm holding & as such the glass would potentially fly at her through the teleport.")
Kelly: Hey come on now coward. You think hiding behind a couple of shards are gonna stop me? I'll make you wish you were dead.
She raised her hand again and swiped it down. Space was erased and was about to close the gap.
Kelly: Bad Habit. Once the gap has closed I want you to erase the incoming shards. Not all of them just the ones that would wound me severely.
Space moved back together. Delta was moved forward with the glass shards flinging forward. Bad Habit erased the shards of glass that would have hit Kelly in her face or torso her arms and legs were cut by the glass.
Kelly: Well that was easy enough. Now then. Bad Habit punch his lights out.
Bad Habit went in to attack.
Delta: Crab Rave!
Delta surrounded himself with his Stand.
Kelly: Oh that's right you've got a defensive Stand. Now I don't want to kill you so. Please come out from that.
Delta: ("She refuses to erase just in case she erases me aswell. But if I attack she isn't afraid of erasing hands away. As shown by what happened to Alois")
He felt something touch his Stand.
Delta: ("She's... ...Touched me?...")
Kelly: Bad Habit. Delete.
Delta: ("Wait!?")
Kelly deleted Crab Rave.
Kelly: So. You gonna let me pass? I'll give back your Stand afterwards. Just know that our job is to make sure this world stays pure. We're an untraceable worldwide organisation. Stopping me does nothing to us. Besides we only get rid of truly evil people. You don't want them roaming around do you?
Delta: I...I guess not.
Kelly: Thank you for understanding.
She shook Cassidy & Michael to wake them up.
Kelly: Now come you two. Wakey wakey! We've got a woman to apprehend.
Michael: Erk...Guess you were right about when you said you should've come with us.
Kelly: Well of course silly. Big sis knows best! Hahaha!
Jacqueline: You're wrong! My mom! Wouldn't do a thing to hurt anyone! My Mom's a saint!!! She'd never commit a crime worthy of execution!
Irving: ...Jacqueline...
Delta: If this woman truly is part of a worldwide organisation then she most likely knows more about anything than any of us. What she says has an 80% chance of being true.
Jacqueline: NO! MY MOM ISN'T A CRIMINAL!!!
Kelly: Huh? Your Mom? Pfft I know your mom. And I can tell you as a matter of fact that that thing upstairs. That is not your Mom.
Jacqueline: What? How do you know my Mom?
Kelly: Not important besides. Your Mom has gone walking right now I saw her leave. So the thing up on the other floor of this hotel. That's an enemy Stand User.
Cassidy: What? That can't be right?
Kelly: (Turns slowly to face her brother) Mikey did you actually read the letter?
Michael: Yeah we were told that Jennifer Michaels had done wrong doing to a man named Arctic!
Kelly: Wrong Mikey. Firstly. You read the damn message wrong!
Michael: NANI!?
Kelly: Now I know that you like to rush through information. But come on Mikey!
Michael: Stop calling me Mikey infront of strangers!
Kelly: The letter sent from one of our associates in Egypt at this time states that. "A friend of ours, a man named Arctic, has apparently caught wind of a situation involving a woman name Jennifer Michaels. She will be attacked by someone who is to do some wrong doings! The name of the man he was speaking to was called Vanilla Ice. And the man himself is unknown." Seriously! How did you get "A woman called Jennifer Michaels has done some wrong doing to a man named Arctic" huh!? This could've all been avoided if you learned how to read slowly and told them the context!
Michael: Err! We're sorry sis!
Cassidy: We?!
Michael: Yes we!
Kelly: (Sigh) What this man was going to do with your mother is unclear but I know one thing. The situation most likely played out like this for him. Ahem. "Kekekeh! I've found the place where that woman is staying!" Which then moved to "When she gets in here I'm going to kidnap her and take her all the way to Egypt for Vanilla's master. I'll be paid big time!" But then Jacqueline entered the room. And in a state of panic most likely went "Shit! Who's this chick!?" So considering that you didn't seem to notice anything odd. That means his Stand allows him to shape shift. So now they're most likely sat on the hotel bed waiting for Jennifer to arrive.
Ronan: That's some great detective skill.
Kelly: Now little bro is gonna heal you all. So if you could please place your hands on this metal sphere.
They all did so.
Kelly: I've returned your Stands to you Irving & Alois. So if you could be as so kind as to have your Stand touch the ball Alois.
Irving: Won't that just electrocute us?
Kelly: Yes.
Irving: ... ... ...Huh?
Kelly: Little bros Stand can actually heal people if electricity is going round them it allows him to rework any broken bones or fix aching pains. So go ahead don't be shy! I'll also heal that Bryce fellow aswell. Oh that also reminds me. Here Alois. I made you a new hand from Bad Habit's clone ability. So when Beastie Boys reworks you they should attach that back to you sound good?
Alois: ("Thank you")
After Beastie Boys had healed everyone equally. Jacqueline was ready to beat the shit out of the guy impersonating her mom.
Jacqueline: Alright let's go I'm ready to kick ass.
Kelly: First we're gonna discuss a plan you got it? I'll take Ronan, Irving, Cassidy & Jacqueline meanwhile. Alois, Jona, Bryce, Michael & Delta go together aswell right?
Irving: What's the plan then?
Kelly: Heheheh! Oh just a little Operation I'm naming Sunken Treasure! Get excited!
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