changingaccs · 8 months
Just - Minato and fugaku
no clue what I have been doing for the past months buutt! Naruto anime Naruto
Been obsessed with minato since I rewatched Naruto Shippuden so-
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Young!Minato and Young!fugaku !! That's probably a creak ship, I don't really care if you ship them or not (I see them as a one sided rivals) but I love these two ! (Mostly minato•-<) tried really hard to keep the shading same as the pic^^
Anyways here's the reference if anyone else wants em.
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I'll try posting more soon!(maybe DuckTales if I have the time:3)
Arunika out ! ^^
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mr-fear · 11 months
Ponyo ObiKK!
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I was feeling a bit.. silly and completely unmotivated by any normal work because of the stuff I've been working on at school. I can't say that being an art major is hard at all, but I CAN say that it's super tedious when all you work on is boring ass still lives. So I wanted to start a project that wasn't as time consuming or painful as my homework, but I also needed to work on something between my character sheets to get my mind off of anything difficult. SO! I decided that I was going to do little Ponyo redraws with ObiKK. I thought the idea was super cute since I've seen it a lot with NaruSasu (SNS) and I wanted to see the same thing with these guys. (But not the meme ones that think Obito getting crushed by a rock is the funniest shit ever.) So, this is what I have to offer you today and I hope everyone can enjoy it! I certainly enjoyed making it and if there are any requests for more, I might just do it!
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Screenshots I redrew- (Low key traced, but there was a lot of creative liberties taken so, eh-)
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mymp3 · 2 months
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P3 x Sleeping Beauty
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sockendrache · 1 year
Headcanon: Obito gets violently sick whenever he has a crush bc he's an Uchiha and feels everything way more intense
So. Uchiha feel emotions way more intense than non-Uchiha, yes?
Imagine Obito, who doesn't really have any friends but is desperate to be included, hearing the other kids talk about their little puppy-crushes. About feeling butterflies in your stomach and getting dizzy and nervous, all that jazz.
Then, enter Rin. Who's the first person to go out of her way to hang out with Obito and befriends him and gets to know him. And him, being so deprived of social interactions with kids his age, immediately latches onto her and they become besties-
And then he notices that his heart starts pounding and he gets butterflies whenever he's around Rin, and he just thinks to himself "Is this??? A Crush????" Since, y'know. He's got absolutely no reference to go off of and know the difference between friends and crushes.
What I'm saying is: Obito has no idea what having a friend feels like and is operating purely on what he heard other kids describe crushes to be like.
Years later he's slowly making friends with the other kids at the academy and has more experience on what having friends feels like, and he's cONFUSED as hell, because why the fuck does he get butterflies when he's hanging out with Asuma and Kurenai or sparring with Guy??!!
So he asks his Grandma what that's all about, and she just goes
"Well, you're an Uchiha, and we Uchiha are known to experience emotions about 10x more intense than others. What feels like a 'crush' to other kids is just what 'friendship' feels like to an Uchiha. I assure you, you'll know the difference when you truly develop feelings :)"
And Obito just thinks she's trying to comfort him because "No way that's true, how can my feelings get any stronger than this?!"
...flash forward to him, Rin and Kakashi being placed on Team Minato, and Obito realizing that Grandma was right when the sound of Kakashi's voice is enough to make him violently throw up
Turns out that those feelings could get stronger. A LOT stronger.
His friendship with Rin gives him comforting butterflies and a warm fuzzy feel up his spine that makes him smile for days.
Meanwhile, his rivalry (ITS NOT LOVE, IT'S NOT LOVE!!) with Kakashi makes him physically ill. Obito doesn't just feel warm and fuzzy when chatting (arguing) with Kakashi, he actually gets a fucking fever. Obito doesn't get comforting butterflies when he's around Kakashi, he gets violently sick to the point where he throws up whenever Kakashi so much as breathes in his direction.
And the worst part is: everyone knows what's wrong ("wrong") with Obito, literally everyone.
One moment Obito is chatting with Asuma and Genma, he's completely fine and feels great! ....then Kakashi comes up to them (making sure he gets to the training grounds on time, lol). He doesn't even get a single word in before Obito goes pale, then,
Hearing Kakashi say his name is enough to make him throw up into the nearest trashcan
Genma volunteers to help Obito get cleaned up, if only to escape the scene
Kakashi, watching them trott off: Tsk. Why doesn't he just go to the doctor already?
Asuma: ...
Asuma: Uhm. How long has he been... sick?
Kakashi: It's been like this for weeks. I honestly don't get why Minato Sensei has me go out of my way to fetch Obito every day when he's clearly too ill to be of any use during training.
Asuma: ...yea that's odd
Asuma, internally: kakashi how dense are you
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mixelation · 10 months
lmao maybe "minato wrecks iwa" is just canon to reborn au au. obito just makes everyone around him worse
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gopher-jade · 1 year
just watched the episode where naruto meets minato, and. idk if it's because i completely skipped the battle beforehand & therefore tense battle atmosphere or if i'm just older and more resentful now, but.
if i were an orphan who had no adult guardian most of my life and had to fight for respect, and then train my butt off to survive because my dad sealed a fucking wanted monster inside of me, and then said dead dad said "😀 i did it because i believe in you. you're my son after all. idk how you're going to solve the systemic problems of our world but i blindly believe in you because that's what parents ought to do". i think i would have puked and also aimed at his shoes.
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team7-headquarter · 7 months
I'm kinda curious about the period of time when Minato was Hokage, because there's so much you could say about Konoha depending on it. It could be that I don't remember what the manga says about it too, but anyway.
We know that before Minato was Hokage, the discrimination towards jinchuurikis was high. We know it from Kushina's story. After Minato, the jinchuurikis discrimination was not exactly as bad as it could have been (and the bar is soooo low) in physical terms, but the level of sheer isolation was ridiculous. Sure, Kushina had guards and she lived in a tower with a perimeter drawn around it, one that she couldn't surpass. The difference is that Kushina knew why she was being isolated, there was someone willing to teach her about it right from the start, a family member even if distant, someone with the same experience.
All Naruto knew is that he was unwanted. He had no family, no one was willing to guide him. No, not even Iruka. I'm talking about before in the manga, before Iruka realized how much Naruto needed him and did something about it.
If that was before and after, how was it during the time Minato was Hokage?
Did Minato push for Kushina to become Hokage? Was the idea rejected? Did he get angry? It was her dream after all. Or did they realize it would be impossible so they pushed Minato to go for it? Were they sad about the idea of Kushina having to live her dream through Minato, because they wouldn't let her go for it? When did Kushina give up and change her goal in life?
Did Minato tell anyone about his plan on how to get rid of the jinchuuriki discrimination? Did he talk about it with Kushina? We know that they planned Naruto's birth and tried to make it as safe as possible. When the time to seal Kurama within Naruto came, they both knew how Konoha would treat Naruto. Minato wanted Naruto to be viewed as the son of a hero, but his wishes were thrown aside as soon as his body was cold enough.
With no law to protect the jinchuuriki of the kyubi, I wonder how bold the people of Konoha were in their discrimination against Kushina while Minato was Hokage. Times were different, Minato was highly respected and feared, but how many times did he have to tell someone to mind their words? How many times did he catch Kushina avoiding a certain restaurant or a street? Did he ever feel a slight of resentment against his home for the way they treated his wife? His pregnant wife?
Were there rumors of the child being a monster for being the son of a jinchuuriki? It could be that some Konoha parents telling their kids to not play with the little Uzumaki/Namikaze was a thing before Naruto was even born?
From what I've seen, Konoha has no gentleness for kids of prestigious lineages. Being a child of a powerful shinobi makes your life worse, in fact. A million times over: it happened to Sasuke, to Neji, it happened to Kakashi in the generation before them, it happened to Itachi in the in-between.
I don't think that being the son of the hokage would have saved Naruto for being mistreated by the village. Not when his mother was a jinchuuriki.
It just makes me wonder, you know?
In the time he had, how did Minato try to change things to protect his family?
Was it a matter of needing more time? Or there wasn't a plan at all?
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katlou303 · 2 months
UPDATE!!!!!!! Chapter four of A Lost Corner of a Once Young Forest is up!
that's my Minato fic from 2018, if you've forgotten. NOTHING IS EVER TRULY ABANDONED IF YOU BELIEVE
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honeykiller666 · 9 months
Kakashi was 9 years old when he became Jonin and Obito died.
Change my mind. (Or demand proof)
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littencloud9 · 4 months
‘tsugemina is such a bad ship their age gap is so problematic!!!!!’ whole time minato is 23 and tsuge is 30.
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ygmreje · 3 months
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Üşenmedim bitirdim. ⚡⚡⚡
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sorisketches · 3 months
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mr-fear · 1 year
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More Naruto monster au. I probably should have waited for the spooky season for this kind of stuff, but what the hell? It's fun year round, let's be honest-
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minato-division03 · 11 months
Though it was days since her birthday had passed, that didn't necessarily mean that the woman known only as "Queen Card" would stop receiving gifts. Despite being one of the most secretive people, not only in the D.R.B., but in Japan, period, that naturally made a lot of people curious about her. Ironically, this also made her a lot more popular, due in no small part to her already well-known reputation as a stage magician and a detective.
As stated, it came as no surprise to the woman in question when she received a package in her mail one afternoon. She didn't need to look inside to know that, judging from the texture and shape of the item in the wrapping paper, it was a bottle of liquor. And only one person could have the gall to send her a bottle of liquor for her birthday twice in a row.
"Rashaad," Queen Card stated, shaking her head, not sure whether to thank the man in question for the amount of spirits she sent her on an annual basis, or to curse him for it. Deciding on the former, she unwrapped the packaging paper and looked at the bottle underneath it.
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It was a bottle of Crown Royal: Apple. A 23-year-old bottle of Crown Royal: Apple. A bottle like this was, at best, worth about 250 U.S. dollars. Queen Card wasn't as interested in the price of the bottle as she was the flavor of it, though. Though there were few things she would openly admit about herself, one thing only a few people knew about her is that she had a particular fondness for apples. So for Rashaad to send her something like this... it wasn't unappreciated.
Looking at the box that it came it, she wasn't surprised to find a letter attached to the outside. Picking it up, she read it.
'Dear Queen Card,
A very 'happy birthday' to you! I apologize for delivering this so late after your birthday had passed, but unfortunately, I was told by the shipping company that it wouldn't get here in time for your birthday. Still, I hope you enjoy it, regardless. I know you have a particular fondness for apples and such, so I made sure to get you the best apple liquor that I could find. I hope you enjoy it thoroughly. Thank you again for always entertaining the crowds at Eagle's Nest whenever you stop by. It is always greatly appreciated. Looking forward to seeing you back there again.
Rashaad Young'
“Bastard,” Queen Card mumbled as she slapped the letter on her coffee table.
She plopped on her couch in her office, giving the bottle of liquor in front of her a thorough examination.
She sat up and ran her slender fingers along the bottle, feeling the grooves and indentations on the bottle.
Perhaps on our next company night out, it would be a good idea to share this beauty with the rest of the therm.
Thanks for the gift!
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okinawa-division · 1 year
🖤 for all three!
Ace has never killed anyone before, not surprisingly. Has he gotten into brawls and fights? Yes, but that's what they all are: brawls. He's never killed someone, be it with a weapon or his own hands. As far as someone's trust or heart goes, Ace has, unfortunately. One memory that sticks with him is the week after his grandfather passed. He and Evelyn got into a fight because he was suffering from depression and in the midst of it, he angrily stated that he never wanted to see her again, which broke his girlfriend's heart. Of course, Evelyn soon forgave him after he got help, but that memory still sticks with him because it reminds him of how weak he was.
Evelyn is the same as Ace. In fact, asking her if she has ever killed anything would probably get you stared at like you were crazy. Like Ace, she has been in fights before, though she's never killed anyone. Has she ever wished someone dead? Yes, but not to the point of actually doing it herself. On matters of the heart and trust, she feels she betrayed Ace's trust when she went off to university. When she was going through a bad time in college, she recalls that she once got drunk at a party and wound up having unprotected sex with a guy.
Even worse, she thought that she was pregnant with the guy's kid since she repeatedly had morning sickness for up to two weeks. Fortunately, it turns out, it was just a pregnancy scare and it was just her anxiety acting up. It was after that, though that the cheerleader started having issues about her self-worth because not only had she been treated like she was 'easy', but she had betrayed the trust of a guy she really loved and cared for. To this day, she still hasn't told Ace about that.
Rashaad, unfortunately, has killed someone before, and he regrets it to this very day. After he had awoken from his coma and had been told that he had to repeat his last year of high school due to missing so many days, he was incensed. He dropped out of school and joined a street gang, which engaged in numerous crimes throughout his neighborhood. Though a close friend of his tried to get his life back on track, the future bartender was stubborn. It was only after he accidentally shot his friend during a shootout that he realized what he had done.
Rashaad has never forgiven himself for killing his friend, who, unlike him, actually had a good head on his shoulders and was trying to make something of himself. Before he left New York for Japan, he made a makeshift grave for his friend since he couldn't attend his funeral. He still keeps his friend's memory close to his heart, and he hopes and prays that he can someday accept his death and come to peace with himself.
Thanks for the ask!
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noidol-nolife · 2 years
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週刊ヤングジャンプ No.44 2022年10/13号 (2022/9/29)
''THE MOVIE-ish'' (#ババババンビ)
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