#Yu Narukami x Sae Nijima x Margaret
narrators-journal · 4 months
Persona 4 and 5
A sequence of chapter 43 between narukami, Margaret and sae.
Hi it's me again, i liked what you did with the prompts i requested, so i wanted a sequence of narukami coming home. You have Blank card to do whatever you want with that kinks i listed.
I Hope you are safe and okay, kudos sir♥️
This is short, but I had fun trying my hand at a basically mute bit of writing again. That being said, I couldn’t cook up anything TOO spicy or, like, interesting this time...so, just take this as a sort of prompt rather than a really good scenario.
CW: a bit of exhibitionism, vibrators, implied dom/sub dynamics. Implied milf!Margaret and her and Narukami having babies lol.
Usually, a window shopping expedition after one of his business trips wasn’t something Yu Narukami would want to do. He’d often come home from his work trips exhausted, so the thought of meandering around the crowded mall was pretty low on his ‘fun’ list. But, this time, there was the incentive of his newest pet having agreed to join him and his wife in yet another of their games.
I hope Sae’s really into this stuff, though, and not just going along with it from some form of peer pessure.He mused as they strolled around the corridors of stores and advertisements. Though, when he glanced over to the silver-haired prosecutor, she seemed as happy as she could manage in her predicament.
So, the ex-wildcard studied the two women who walked ahead of him. Margaret with her arm linked with Sae Nijima’s to keep her steady as they strolled through the mall ever so casually, and Sae at war with herself to try and curb the lustful noises Narukami could almost see threatening to escape her lips. Both wore casual clothes, Margaret in a flowy sun dress of daring white, and Sae in a sweat shirt and dark leggings. Leggings that the silver-haired man was sure were carefully picked to hide any lewd stains caused by the small vibrator she’d agreed to put in for the walk.
Of course, Margaret had her own toy within her cunt. However, unlike the prosecutor, his wife had an easier time with the remote controlled toy and the stimulation Narukami caused when he fiddled with the small remotes in his pocket. The contrast between the two’s reactions was a thrill and a half for the man. Even with the crowds of civillians going about their own lives around the trio. Though, maybe how oblivious everyone around them was while they window shopped and chattered was another thing that made his carefully hidden erection throb.
So, he went ahead and continued to feed that fire within himself. Careful as he tweaked the remote of Sae’s vibrator to not turn it too high and get them caught for their lewd challenge, but only strengthen the intensity of the toy slightly. Just enough to make the powerful woman’s pretty face twitch. She was good, though, with a skill for bluffing that she likely built up in her years as a lawyer. But, that was what had caught his and Margaret’s attention. She was like a wild horse for the man, not quite broken, a bit of a challenge, and a breath of fresh air to their married life.
Not that I’m bored of my marriage, though. Narukami mused, his attention allowed to drift to one of the shops while Sae and Margaret did their best to discuss normal topics, like whether or not Sae would buy a gift for her sister. But, I mean...after children, the spark is kinda...dying.
The thought stung a bit. One that sparked a bit of guilt that threatened to dampen the bonfire that simmered in his belly. However, when he heard Margaret covertly tease the prosecutor, the guilt was soothed a bit by the reminder that his bratty wife was just as into the game as he was. So, instead of being dampened, the lustful burn was increased further.
God, I’m gonna fuck the shit out of these two when we get home.
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narrators-journal · 5 months
hello ma friend How you are? I Hope you are okay.
Persona 5 and 4
Sae niijima x narukami x margaret.
Kinks: threesome, maledom, Yuri, petplay, lingerie and impregnation
A smutty história where narukami dominates and breed his pet Margaret which has a dog collar and New lovers sae.
Tanke you and stay safe dude
Hello again! I’m doing okay, hit a bit of smut burn out lol, But, now that I’ve had a dose of something other than the nastiest smut prompts possible, lol, I decided to try my hand at some more. And while it’s still not perfect, I’m much happier with my creativity here. Still struggling with the descriptions of sexual pleasure, but with any luck I’ll be able to cure that with more down time between dickings down.
For this one tho, I mostly just wanted to spice up my threesomes. I’ve done a fair handful of Narukami throuples, and I feel they’re getting a lil stale. So! I took some liberties, reworked the impregnation part into more of a breeding kink and Milf!Margaret angle, dabbled in some post-canon domesticity, and played a bit fast and loose with ‘threesome’ lol. I hope it’s still a good read tho!
CW: Milf!Margaret, Narukami and Margaret have a child. Bondage, collars, toys, a small bit of voyeurism, but Narukami is the one giving the orders this time! Lingerie, masturbation, breeding kink lol, Margaret’s a bit of a brat in this one. Lotsa ground covered, but none are leaned into SUPER heavily I feel.
M: Are you awake, Yu? N: Yeah, was about to take melatonin tho, why? M: How much longer are you going to be away? N: Another few days probably? >_> M: Damn. If that’s the case, could we video call? I can’t keep my surprise a secret much longer.
A surprise? Hm…
N: Sure, hon. Give me a moment to set up my laptop. How’s the kiddo btw? Still camping? M: Yes, they’ll be back tomorrow night though.
As Narukami continued to message back and forth with Margaret, he found his laptop in the darkness of his hotel room and powered it on to illuminate him. The video call program not too hard to set up, but his first call wasn’t picked up, he returned to their texts.
N: ? M: Sorry love, give me a moment, I need to fetch something for your surprise. Ten minutes tops.
Narukami snorted at that, but waited until Margaret messaged again,
M: Okay, sorry that took a bit longer than I estimated. Please call again.
That got an eyebrow raise from the grey-haired man, but he didn’t bother messaging back, simply tried the video call once again. And, that time it was answered. So, Narukami was greeted with his own dimly lit bedroom on his screen. “Are you there, master?” Margaret hummed playfully, the use of his sexual title instantly sending a bolt of heat into his pajamas while she casually adjusted the camera before she stepped into frame. And, jesus christ was she a sight.
Standing in front of the camera, dressed in her embossed leather collar and midnight-blue satin panties with a soft corset top that held her plump breasts in by criss-crossing strings and sheer luck, was Narukami’s old velvet room attendant. The tiger stripes earned by the birth of their child able to just peek out on the small section of belly the panty set didn’t cover, and her warm golden eyes aglow with a mischievous light as she smiled at him through the screen. “Do you like this new set, Master?” She hummed, leaning forward so that her breasts nearly spilled from the cups of her top, “I thought it’d be a nice surprise for you~” “Oh, i-it is.” Narukami finally managed to mumble when his brain finally remembered how to string his words together. Yet, as the attendant stood up again, her smile only grew. “Teriffic! I have another surprise for you, master!” “Another? Jesus, babe. I leave you for a week and you lose all of your training, huh?” The ex-wildcard chuckled, his words noticeably feeding the bratty glint in his lovers beautiful eyes. “Maybe just a little~” She admitted, “But give it a chance, sir. I think you’ll like this surprise just as much.”
With Narukami’s interest properly piqued, Margaret waved another person into frame, her whispered encouragement not loud enough for the speakers to clearly pick up. But, her words didn’t really matter, as after a few short moments, Narukami’s attention was snatched away by the new body that came into view.
Clad in babydoll-style lingerie set of a strawberry hue that contrasted deliciously with Margaret’s, was an entirely new woman. Not Elizabeth, the usual sidekick to his attendant’s more bratty moments, but a more toned woman with stern brown eyes and long, wavy hair in a similar grey shade as his own. “Master, this is Sae Nijima. I befriended her at the gym, and she agreed to help me surprise you tonight.” Margaret introduced, her slim fingers settled upon the pink-cheeked woman’s hips while Narukami drank in Sae’s figure.
She was definitely a contrast to Margaret’s softened figure. More muscular than the types of women that usually gave Narukami that primitive urge, but the loose, sheer fabric that hung from her top, and the warm color definitely seemed to be a flattering style for her. Accentuating her smaller bust while pairing with the small window into the room to keep each peek of naked skin a flirtatious gesture. She may not have seemed like his usual type, but god did his erection not give a shit. ”Well, hello miss Nijima.” He offered politely, though his words seemed to catch in his throat. “You can call me Sae, I think...this situation is familiar enough to drop the formalities.” Sae said with a nervous chuckle, so he nodded. “I take it you aren’t mad at me anymore?” Margaret suddenly prompted, which, got another nod from the man. “I’ll forgive this unprompted decision, so long as I’m told her boundaries.” He confirmed, so, with a smile on her pretty lips, the old attendant prompted Sae to explain her limits. And as she spoke, Narukami let his hand snake into his pajama pants to tease his cock with the gentle brush of his fingers.
Once Sae had laid down her boundaries, Narukami gave her a charm-laced smile, “Great, so you don’t have any issue with being tied up, right?” He hummed, a fresh bolt of excitement poured into his blood when he saw Sae’s cheeks turn pinker as she shook her head. “Alright then, Margaret, tie her up and blindfold her.” “Yes sir~”
While Margaret fished the soft BDSM rope and a thick blindfold from their intimacy drawer, the old wildcard let out a slow breath to ease the tension already built up in his gut from little more than the show and the soft touches he gave himself. Though, once miss Nijima was good and tied up, sat on the edge of her bed within frame, with Margaret behind her with her arms draped over the woman’s shoulders. “Any other requests, sir? Or do you just want to see the both of us tied up tonight?” She teased, and he chuckled back, “No, though that would make a lovely photo set~” able to see how the flirtatious tone he let slip into his voice ignited a filthy light in his baby mama’s eyes before he continued to instruct, “But, that can be done later. This time, I want you to use a toy to tease Sae a bit.” Which, Margaret was eager to go through with.
Narukami, meanwhile, finally wrapped his fingers around the aching cock that threatened to rip his pants open. Though, he held off on the movements just yet. The simple increase in skin-to-skin contact enough to simmer his blood even before Margaret returned into frame with a vibrator in hand.
Sadly, all the grey-haired persona user could do was watch as the collared mother of his children pushed Sae’s thighs apart and drug the quivering toy over the smooth fabric of her red panties. But, he still relished each moan that fell from the woman under the mercy of his attendant’s actions. Which, admittedly weren’t the most patient of actions. “Slow down, babe.” the charming man reminded when Sae squirmed beneath Margaret’s hand. Yet, beyond a playful glance back at her camera, the attendant ignored him in favor of tugging her partner’s panties down her thighs to press the unyielding toy directly to her clit instead. The loss of the thin barrier’s protection enough to earn a surprised gasp that quickly fell into needy moans. As if Narukami needed another hit to the willpower that kept his hand still on his cock.
But, he managed to bite back the urges. He didn’t want to blow his load too soon and end the show early. “Alright, that’s good, Margaret. She’ll cum too soon if you keep that up.” Narukami chuckled, able to hear his old attendants bratty huff even through the speakers of his laptop. But, even if she gave the screen a bratty look, she pulled the vibrator away from Sae’s twitching cunt. Which, earned her one of Narukami’s charming smiles from his end of the connection.
If he’d been there, in the same room as the two beautiful women that so kindly put on a show through the screen, he would’ve kissed the woman. Or, better yet, put a child or two in both of them. But, alas, Narukami wasn’t there to pump their wombs with his cum, he was in America for some lame work conference. So, all he could really do to curb how fast his blood raced was tighten his grip on his cock and finally begin to slowly stroke. Man, being an adult sucks. “Is there anything else you want me to do to your new pet, sir?” Margaret asked, the dance of amusement and arousal in her words drawing the ex-wildcard out of his thoughts and back to the sight of the silver-haired women keeping him company that night. Those glittering gold eyes focused on him through the camera to freeze the slow strokes of his palm along his tortured length. The new ‘pet’ of the group, meanwhile, now sat beside Margaret on their bed, half leaned against the silver-haired attendant limply while she panted. Left to recover from the unrelenting stimulation of the toy. Narukami didn’t know much about her beyond how his lover picked her up to assist her in this long-distance game, but he still felt the same primitve itch in his loins to put a child in her the same way he had Margaret.
Once again, Margaret’s voice pulled Narukami out of his thoughts and back to her and how her golden eyes twinkled as if she could tell just how hot the sight of two beautiful women who waited for his orders had him under the collar. “A-ah, right.” He said quietly as his hand returned to its slow movements, “How about you treat yourself and have Sae eat you out?” He hummed, and even through the layers of video, he could see his old attendant’s vibrant eyes light up at that.
But, he left her to work out the positions without further instructions. Instead, he let his mind wander for the third time that night. Still vaguely aware of the two women performing for him, but he also drifted between memories and fantasies while he stroked himself. Each one of Margaret’s soft moans that the speakers let slip through another splash of gas on the low burning fire in his belly. “Good girl…” he breathed, his grey eyes focused back on Margaret now, watching as she balanced herself over Sae on his bed with her hands on the human woman’s hips. Her eyes closed against the waves of pleasure each flick of Sae’s tongue gave, and her mouth open slightly to let out more gentle noises at his praise.
After that, maybe he’d let Margaret cum before switching the focus to Sae once again. Maybe.
God if only I was there...
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narrators-journal · 9 months
Persona Masterlist 2: Eternal punishment
Kinktober was too powerful, but at least I'm having fun naming these!
First masterlist: Here
Created: 10/3/23
Updated: 6/9/24
Fanfiction: x
Headcanons: //
Scenario: \\\
Ask: ^
OC included: _
Persona 2
🔧 Tatsuya Suou 🔧
Regular content
Caught off gaurd \\\^*
💐 Tatsujun 💐
Regular content
Keeping the spark alive \\\^*
Yandere content
Sweet dreams \\\^*
👮 Katsuya suou 👮
Regular content
Home videos \\\^*
Wire tap that \\\^*
On the job \\\^*
🕶️ Baofu 🕶️
Regular content
Home videos \\\^*
A secret valentine \\\^
Wire tap that \\\^*
🎤 Eikichi Mishina 🎤
Regular content
A steamy Siren's call \\\^*_
The scorpions sting can be oh so sweet \\\*
The lethality of the persona bites //
sing little song bird \\\*
🏵 Miyabi Hanakouji 🏵
Regular content
Sing little song bird \\\*
💕 Lisa Silverman 💕
Regular content
Sing little song bird \\\*
💬 Chikarin Ueda 💬
Regular content
Sing little song bird \\\*
Persona 3
💀 ryomina 💀
Regular content
New moon \\\^*
Full moon \\\^*
Strawberry scented \\\
Mine \\\^
Consequences \\\^
Silence is golden \\\^
Silence is golden v.2.0 \\\
Yandere/dark content
Anniversary lilies \\\^*
Winter is a lovely season for romance and funerals TOC x*
Don't you dare (make me fall in love with you) \\\^
Yandere!Ryomina x reader //
Photogenic \\\
Ring, ring \\\
Just a dream \\\
🥀 ryoji mochizuki 🥀
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^*
Yandere/dark content
My bloody valentine \\\^_
The lethality of the persona bites //
🌼 Elizabeth 🌼
Regular content
Breed the Easter bunny \\\^*
The honeymoon phase \\\^*
Knock before you enter! \\\^*
🍾 Mitsuru Kirijo 🍾
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^*
Exam day \\\^*
🌸 yukari takeba 🌸
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^
🌙 minato arisato/Makoto yuuki 🌙
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^*
Today's the day \\\^
A creative use for personas \\\^*
🥊akihiko sanada 🥊
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^*
🤖 aigis 🤖
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Crime and punishment \\\^*
⚾️ Junpei iori ⚾️
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^*
📕 fuuka yamagishi 📕
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^*
Regular content
Crime and punishment
Persona 4
🌼 Margaret 🌼
Regular content
Compliments \\\^*
Wish you were here \\\^*
The honeymoon phase \\\^*
Welcome back, dear \\\^*
The birds teach the bees \\\^
👓 Yu Narukami 👓
Regular content
Dessert before dinner \\\^*
Compliments \\\^*
Breed the Easter bunny \\\^*
The birds and the bees, the squeakquel \\\^
Wish you were here \\\^*
The honeymoon phase \\\^*
The birds finally meet the bees \\\^
Welcome back, dear \\\^*
🧡 souyo 🧡
Regular content
It's only gay if you kiss \\\^*
Dom/sub dynamic ideas //^*
🎎 Kanji Tatsumi 🎎
regular content
Take ten \\\^*
Loosen up \\\^*
Double trouble \\\^*
🌟 rise kujikawa 🌟
Regular content
Double trouble \\\^*
Persona 5/royal
🏴‍☠️ Ryuji sakamoto 🏴‍☠️
Regular content
Just relax and enjoy yourself \\\^*_
Just a normal lunch date \\\^*_
Draw me like one your french girls \\\^
Paint me like one of your anatomy studies \\\^
A midnight visitor \\\^*
🎬 Mishima yuuki 🎬
Regular content
Just relax and enjoy yourself \\\^*_
🐈 akira kurusu/Ren amamiya 🐈
Regular content
Bow to your emperess \\\^*
The lethality of the persona bites //
☕️ Haru okumura ☕️
Regular content
Bow to your emperess \\\^*
How to get a promotion 101 \\\^*
🦞 Yusuke Kitagawa 🦞
Regular content
Just a normal lunch date \\\^*_
Draw me like one of your french girls \\\^
Paint me like one of your anatomy studies \\\^
A midnight visitor \\\^*
🔫 akeshu 🔫
Regular content
Smile for the camera \\\^*
A wolf in sheep's clothing \\\^*
Calling collect \\\^*
Yandere/dark content
My crown jewel \\\^*
🔪 Goro akechi 🔪
Regular content
Human nature \\\^*
The lethality of the persona bites //
Dark/yandere content
Blackmail \\\^*
👩‍⚖️ Sae Nijima 👩‍⚖️
Regular content
The perfect method of stress relief \\\^*
Wish you were here \\\^*
Loosen up \\\^*
Welcome back, dear \\\^*
🐼 Makoto Nijima 🐼
Regular content
Peep show \\\^*
🐆 Ann Takamaki 🐆
Regular content
Who needs implants with shadows like these? \\\^*
Take Ten \\\^*
Double trouble \\\^*
👩‍⚕️ Tae Takemi 👩‍⚕️
Regular content
Check up \\\^*
Loosen up \\\^*
Sneak peeks
Crude jokes are my specialty!
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