yoku-yukihime · 4 days
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synn0005 · 2 months
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i was playing around with the hisotensoku sprites lol
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I still headcanon that Yuyuko's name in life was "Yuko" or used a different spelling. No twelfth-century human was named "Ghost Ghost Girl" at birth. Yukari fell in love with her all over again when she saw the name since it was this really shitty on-the-nose name that Renko might have come up with, like "Dr. Latency", or "Yukari Yakumo"
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turbooven9000 · 6 months
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kindagaybutok · 1 month
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incorrect-touhous-2 · 7 months
What is your favorite touhou ship? I’m attempting to compile an ultimate guide for them, rb and put in the tags why!!
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pablofard · 7 months
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old woman yuri (sobbing)
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fukinkitty · 1 year
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kelsies-corner · 10 months
day 2 - sweet
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this ones more rushed than the last but whatever
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eleemosynecdoche · 9 months
YukaYuyu is very affirming for any women or girlthings who are in a relationship where one partner is morally suspect in a menacing way and one partner is morally suspect in a polite way. I refuse to elaborate any further as to why I'm saying this.
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mimicteruyo · 1 year
This new Mimic fic is about a cruel season.
The Road to Countless Paradises
Word Count: 14200 Rating: T Characters/Ship: Yukari Yakumo/Yuyuko Saigyouji, Youki Konpaku Warnings: Major Character Death Summary: Long ago, following a mishap while manipulating the borders of space-time, Yukari found herself in the distant past and met an unusual human with powers over death. Together, they explored the boundary of humans and youkai over a winter that never seemed to end.
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rlyehtaxidermist · 7 months
to me, Mamizou and Nue are the type specimen for what I call "youkai married". they clearly have their own spheres of influence and places of residence and agendas, but at the same time are willing to drop what they're doing or move across japan to help the other carry out overly complex schemes, fight the ancient hermit that the other's cult dug up, or engage in what even the most freudian topologist to ever ponder orientable surfaces couldn't interpret as human sex
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Yukari, Renko, and Yuyuko are all dating, call that Polyamerry.
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sukimas · 9 months
Youkai flirting is a fascinating view into how beings that are very much not human think about love.
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melia-antifa · 9 months
It's amazing looking in the Oil Fire tag and seeing two incredibly long posts directed at people supposedly denying the ship, meanwhile not seeing a single person actually denying it in the tag. What. I think Touhou fans are maybe treating this shipping shit a bit too seriously... it isn't a big deal if not everyone is into the new big ship especially if they've already stuck their guns to shipping Sanae or Tsukasa with someone else.
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cuntstable · 2 years
dumb q but do you have any posts elaborating on yukayuyu divorce? i see you make a post every so often saying you want them divorced but never explain why
This isn't a dumb question omg I'm the one who's like incoherent and doesn't elaborate 😭 but no I haven't ever posted about it in-depth before, so like…. okay… its not that I want them divorced really. I just love the joke of Yukari having fail relationships and being a serial divorcee. But outside of just jokes my interpretation of their relationship is like…. okay so I ended up rambling a lot and it’s embaressing so my thoughts are going under a read more
tldr: I don’t think they should get actually divorced necessarily but they need to work some things out because oh my god dating the ghost of your human gf is hard and conversely dating an emotionally closed off secretive gap demon is even harder
So like their relationship has to be kind of unhealthy on some level right? Not in like an abusive or manipulative way to be clear but its still a lot.
Like the whole concept is that they've been together since Yuyuko was a human, but she doesn't remember her mortal life at all, which obviously complicates things. Like she doesn't remember the very foundation of their relationship or how they fell in love or even who she was as a human. Meanwhile Yukari DOES and has to carry the memory of their early relationship AND the grief of Yuyuko’s death all by herself. And that inherently I think would cause some kind of a rift in their relationship.
Like Yuyuko is incredibly observant, and she knows Yukari, so she would pick up on the fact that Yukari’s carrying all this baggage and grief but would have no idea what it was about. And as for Yukari, I feel like it must be difficult to look at someone you love and understand that they're like a completely different entity from the person you fell in love with originally, with nothing but appearance to bridge that gap. No shared memories, a different persona, a different life. Like in some sense its as if human Yuyuko did actually die for good. And then ofc Yuyuko can also pick up on some of that, and would that not make her feel like a replacement for someone else? Like everytime Yukari looks at her, she’s expecting someone other than Yuyuko, as she is, to gaze back at her.
So yeah….. in my sick and twisted vision their relationship has to have a lot of baggage, mostly because Yukari’s too closed off and unable to deal with her ”too human” emotions that she can't address any of it.
And then PCB must have made everything click into place for Yuyuko. Like she's so smart there's no way she wouldn't put two and two together. And like that's a lot to process! Like gaining knowledge of her past would completely recontextualize her and Yukari’s relationship for her. And I don’t think it's something that would magically fix everything immediately either.
Jokes aside, I don't think yukayuyu actually even COULD divorce for good lol, like their bond is too strong and their love for each other too deep for them to just like leave each other, but in my ideal vision its like…. they have to take time and effort after PCB to unpack everything that's happened between them over the past 2000 years. All while being aloof people and Not Humans whose minds probably process all of that differently. But I do think that they eventually get to a point where they ARE on the same page finally and the baggage is dealt with, because you don't just spend like several millennia by someones side without at least trying to fix things. So yukayuyu divorce is mostly a joke to describe the problems they have but yukayuyu re-marriage is also real to me. Because Yuyuko stole the spring, Reimu beat her up, and that led to yukayuyu going to couples theraphy lol. Sorry if this was incomprehensible
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