#Yusuf sr
yalnzardc · 1 year
Yusuf sr.
Bu mübarek süre yüz onbir âyeti kerimeyi kapsamaktadır. Mekke'i Mükkerreme'de nazil olmuştur
10. Onlardan biri dedi ki: Yusuf'u öldürmeyin ve onu kuyunun di- bine atıverin, onu kervanlardan birisi alıverir, eğer siz yapacak kimselerden iseniz -böyle yapınız-
10 - "Giyabe"; karanlık, bulut, birşeyi gözlerden kaybeden herhangi bir yer demektir. "Cüb" de büyük bir kuyu demektir ki, etrafı örtülmemiş bulunur. Bu kuyu Ürdün diyarında imiş veya Mısır ile Medyen arasında imiş. Veya Hz. Yakub'un oturduğu yer olan Kenan'dan üç fersah uzakda bulunuyormuş. Ürdün ile Medyen ise Ken'an nahiyelerindendir.
44 - Rüyalar başlıca üç kısma ayrılmaktadır. Bir kısmı salih rüyalardır ki, bunlar melekler vasıtasiyle olur. Bunlar yorumlanıp tâbir edilebilir. Bir kısmı da nefsin hayalleri kabilindendir, birer kuruntu neticesidir. Hayal gücünün tasvir ettiği asılsız şeylerdir. Diğer bir kısmı da şeytanın vesvesesi kabilindendir ki, bunları şeytan, insanları üzüntü ve endişeye düşürmek için insalara uyku halinde atar. Bu iki kısım, evham kaabilinden olup yoruma tâbi olmaz. Bunlardan dolayı Cenâb-ı Hak'ka sığınmalıdır.
99. Ne zaman ki, Yûsuf'un yanına girdiler, babasiyle anasını yanına alıp kucakladı ve dedi ki: Mısır şehrine inşaallah, güven içinde giriniz.
99 - Bunlar rivayete göre yetmiş iki erkek ile kadından ibaret bulunuyordu.
§ Bir rivayete göre Yusuf Aleyhisselâm'ın annesi henüz hayatta imiş, diğer bir rivayete göre annesi vefat etmişti. Yakub Aleyhisselâm, Hz. Yusuf'un teyzesi "Lia" ile evlenmişti. İşte Hz. Yusuf'un annesinden maksat, bu teyzesidir
§ Yakub Aleyhisselâm, İshak Aleyhisselâm'ın oğludur, onun vefatında yerine geçmiş, Peygamber olmuştur. Muhterem babasının yurdu olan Ken'an ilinde kalmış, orada oğulları, torunları dünyaya gelip çoğalmışlardır. Hz. Yakub'un lakabı "İsrail" olduğundan onun çocuk ve torunlarına "Beni İsrail" denilmiştir. Hz. Yusuf'a kavuştuktan sonra yirmi dört yıl birlikde yaşamıştı. Ahirete intikal edince vasiyeti üzerine mübarek naşı Şam'a nakledilerek orada muhterem babası İshak Aleyhisselâm'ın kabri yanına def"nedilmiştir.
§ muhterem pederinin vefâtından sonra yirmi üç sene kadar daha Mısır'da kalmış, yüksek bir idâre başında bulunmuştu. Bir rivayete göre onun zamanındaki Mısır hükümdarı, Hz. Yûsuf'un dinini kabul ederek müslüman olmuşdu. Nihayet Hz. Yûsuf'un duası kabul edilmiş (120) yaşında olarak vefat edip muhterem ecdadına kavuşmuştur. Hz. Yûsuf vefat edince kendisinden pek fazla hoşnut olan Mısır ahâlisinden her gurup, o mübarek zâtın kendi mahallesi kabristanına defnedilmesini şiddetle temennide bulunmuşdu. Bu hususda çekişme ve mücadeleye meydan verilmemesi için mübarek cesedi bir mermer sanduka içine konularak akan Nil nehrinin orta bir yerine defnedilmişti. Kendisinden bütün ahâlinin eşit bir şekilde teberrükde bulunabilmeleri için böyle bir çareye başvurulmuştu. Belki de Cenâb-ı Hak onun mübarek cesedini gayrımüslim olan Mısır ahâlisi kabristanında bulunmakdan korumuştu. Dörtyüz sene sonra Musa Aleyhisselâm İsrail Oğulları ile Mısır'dan çıkınca Hz. Yusuf'un kabrini bulup mübarek cesedini o mermer sanduka içinden çıkarmış, arzı mukaddese (Filistin'e) nakletmiş, mübarek baba ve dedelerinin medfun oldukları yere defnetmiştir.
Hz. Yusuf'un eşi Zeliha'dan (Efraim) ve (Midta) adında iki oğlu ile (Rehme) adında bir kızı dünyaya gelmişti. Efraim Yüşa Aleyhisselâm'ın dedesidir. Rehme de Eyüp Aleyhisselâm'ın eşidir. Musa Aleyhisselâm ile beraber Mısır'dan çıktıkları zaman İsrail'in Oğullarının sayısı, çocuklar ile ihtiyarlardan başka (600570) kadar bulunmuş idi ki, bunlar harp ve dövüşe atılabilecek bir vaziyetde bulunan kimseler imiş.
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blankdblank · 26 days
Anaticula feedback list
Been seeing a few people use emoji lists to help nervous readers with giving feedback and just added this list to my Anaticula update! Gonna give it a shot, see if it might help in case they don't know which part to talk about as my stories tend to be cans of worms on occasion.
♤ - I love the bits with Ghost Gran!
◇ – My favorite part is the sleuthing Delacour duo!
♧ - I am enjoying the glimpses of Fudge back in England!
♡ - Harry and Dursley moments are the best part for me!
♪ - Freddie Mercury and the Weird Sisters made the Cup so much fun!
✂ - The times exploring the shops are my favorite!
✈ - Love to hate the plotting and protective French Wizarding World!
✔ - The moments in the Pear Mansion drive home the angst!
✰ - Neville and Draco are the subtle stars of the Host City family moments bringing all the sass and protective energy!
❀ - Narcissa motherly bonding moments are my fave!
❄ - Lucius mother hen mode is the best!
❍ - Sirius protecting his precious Pumpkin is everything!
❐ - Crookshanks Sr and the Kneazels pushed this story out of the box in the best of ways!
➘ - Yusuf is the best but I kind of want too nudge him off that fence!
♘ - Kowalski’s and Flamel’s just made this story all the better!
☂ - There’s so many magical creatures in this story I love it!
☎ - Moments with Weasleys, Regulus, Minerva, Snape, Alastor and the Crouch household are the golden seams holding this story together!
☁ - Poor Jaqi! Sending hugs to the kid so close to shaking all these adults until some sense is rattled free!
☠ - Can’t wait for Alberforth to drop the anvil on his brother!
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Inception 30 Day Challenge 2022: Give your hot takes for a chance to get hot prizes!
Create a post, whether it be text, art, music, or any other media, using these 31 items as prompts. Feel free to participate in as many or as few of them as you want!
Copy the prompt into the body of the post somewhere and tag your posts with @inception30daychallenge​, #inceptiversary, and #inception30daychallenge. Your posts will be reblogged on this blog for everyone to appreciate!
You earn one entry for every prompt you answer before 11:59 PM EDT on July 31. We’ll hold a raffle then to determine our prize winner(s)! More info can be found in our FAQ.
Prompts below the cut, or at this Google Doc link!
Day 01 (July 1): Your favourite scene.
Day 02: A fic rec!
Day 03: If Inception were a musical, what song would you want to be in it? Who would be singing it to whom?
Day 04: Eames' favourite curse word.
Day 05: Who had the most interesting job before joining dreamshare?
Day 06: A headcanon about the dreamshare team.
Day 07: What's on Ariadne's dating profile?
Day 08: Your favourite character.
Day 09: A fanart rec! (note: please do not repost art from tumblr artists! just reblog it and tag @inception30daychallenge so we can see it.)
Day 10: What character from another piece of media would fit in well with this dreamshare team?
Day 11: Yusuf's favourite cuisine.
Day 12: What is each character like when they get drunk?
Day 13: A headcanon about your favourite character.
Day 14: Arthur’s childhood hobby.
Day 15: Your favourite romantic pairing.
Day 16: Inception Day! Make anything Inception-related! Take a photo, write a poem, make a meme, sing a tune, whatever you want!
Day 17: If you could change anything about Inception, what would it be?
Day 18: A rumour about Saito that the team thinks might be true.
Day 19: Which character was the most annoying student as a kid? 
Day 20: A headcanon about your favourite pairing.
Day 21: What was Mal and Cobb's wedding like?
Day 22: Your favourite quote.
Day 23: Another type of rec! (meta, podfic, fanvid, edit, meme, blog, whatever!)
Day 24: Recast some Inception roles! What other actors can you picture playing the characters in Inception?
Day 25: What pet(s) does Robert have?
Day 26: If each character was a snack food, what snack would they be?
Day 27: A headcanon about dreamshare.
Day 28: Which side character (e.g. Miles, Browning, Tadashi, Nash, Fischer Sr.) do you relate the most to and why?
Day 29: Your favourite team friendship.
Day 30: A self-rec! (anything from art to a funny Tumblr post you made!)
Day 31: A letter to Inception fandom.
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perfettamentechic · 2 months
7 aprile … ricordiamo …
7 aprile … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Dilip Kumar, pseudonimo di Mohammed Yusuf Khan, attore indiano. Si sposò con Saira Banu nel 1966. (n. 1922) 2021: James Hampton, James Wade Hampton, attore statunitense. Sposò l’attrice Mary Deese. (n. 1936) 2021: Robert Downey Sr., nato Robert John Elias, attore, sceneggiatore e regista statunitense. Padre di Robert Downey Jr. Figlio di Elizabeth McLauchlen, modella e Robert Elias Sr.,…
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Kasus Narkoba, Polres Tanggamus Amankan 2 Kilogram Ganja 6 Tersangka
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TANGGAMUS - Satuan Reserse Narkoba (Satresnarkoba) Polres Tanggamus berhasil mengamankan hampir 2 kilogram ganja dalam rangkaian pengungkapan kasus peredaran Narkotika di wilayah hukumnya. Hal itu disampaikan Kapolres Tanggamus AKBP Siswara Hadi Chandra, S.I.K., saat memimpin konferensi pers didampingi Kasatresnarkoba AKP Deddy Wahyudi, S.H., Kasi Humas Iptu M. Yusuf, S.H. dan personel Satresnarkoba, Jum'at (24/2/2023). “Satresnarkoba Polres Tanggamus berhasil perdaran Narkoba, pengungkapan sedikit berbeda dari sebelumnya sebab barang bukti yang disita 1,8 kilogram Narkotika jenis ganja dari berbagai tempat atas informasi masyarakat dan pengembangan kasus di Pekon Negeri Agung Talang Padang,” kata AKBP Siswara Hadi Chandra. Menurut Kapolres, pengungkapan tersebut pada hari Selasa tanggal 21 Februari 2023 bermula penangkapan 1 tersangka Pekon Negeri Agung, Talang Padang, kemudian pengembangan kasus menangkap 2 tersangka di Pekon Sukarame, Talang Padang. Tak berhenti disana, pada hari yang sama juga melakukan pengembangan ke wilayah Pekon Gumuk Mas Pagelaran, Pringsewu dan salah satu Kontrakan di Way Halim, Bandar Lampung. “Tersangka yang berhasil diamankan diwilayah Talang Padang Tanggamus bernisial AL (20), warga Pekon Negeri Agung, RE (20) dan SR (21) warga Pekon Sukarame,“ ucapnya. Sambungnya, pengembangan dilanjutkan ke wilayah Kabupaten Pringsewu dengan menangkap FR (25) di Pekon Gumuk Rejo dan AM (28) waega Pekon Gumuk Mas dan kontrakan di wilayah Way Halim Bandar Lampung dengan menangkap TR (25) warga Pekon Gumuk Mas, Pagelaran, Pringsewu. “Saat ini dihadirkan 5 tersangka, sebab 1 tersangka berinisial AM warga Pekon Gumuk Mas, Pagelaran, Pringsewu masih dalam proses penyidikan oleh Polres Pringsewu. Ini adalah sebagai bentuk sinergitas antar jajaran Polres di wilayah hukum Polda Lampung,” ujarnya. AKBP Siswara Hadi Chandra menjelaskan, penangkapan bermula Penyidik Satresnarkoba Polres Tanggamus mendapatkan informasi peredaran Narkoba jenis Ganja di Pekon Negeri Agung Kecamatan Talang Padang Kabupaten Tanggamus. Setelah dilakukan penangkapan terhadap tersangka AL turut diamankan barang bukti 100 gram ganja kering, yang mengarah kepada tersangka RE dan SR di Pekon Sukarame, Talang Padang, dari RE dan SR turut diamankan barang bukti 8,20 gram ganja kering. Berdasarkan keterangan ketiga tersangka, kemudian dilakukan pengembangan FR dan AM di Kecamatan Pagelaran Kabupaten Pringsewu dan TR di Way Halim Bandar Lampung, sehingga dari dua lokasi tersebut diamankan barang bukti 1,75 kilogram ganja kering yang dikemas dalam 17 bungkus. “Berdasarkan keterangan tersangka FR, AM dan TR. Barang bukti ganja tersebut didapatkan dari seseorang yang telah diketahui identitasnya berada di luar Provinsi Lampung. Sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan akan bekerjasama dengan Ditresnarkoba Polda Lampung untuk memburu pelaku tersebut,” jelasnya. Kesempatan itu, Kapolres Tanggamus berharap dukungan masyarakat untuk terus berpartisipasi dalam peredaran Narkoba dengan memberikan informasi kepada Polres Tanggamus. “Kami harap berpartisipasi masyarakat dalam mendukung upaya peredaran Narkoba dengan memberikan informasi, juga memberikan imbauan kepada keluarganya agar menjauhi Narkoba sehingga generasi penerus bangsa dapat terhindar dari Narkoba,” imbaunya. Atas perbuatannya tersebut, para tersangka dijerat Pasal 111 ayat (2) dan Pasal 114 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika. “Pidana paling singkat 5 tahun maksimal seumur hidup,” tandasnya. Sementara itu berdasarkan keterangan tersangka RE, bahwa ia belum lama menajdi pengedar ganja dan menjual barang tersebut seharga Rp700 ribu per 100 gram dengan keuntungan bervariasi. “Belum lama, saya jual via online kepada teman-teman. Per 100 gram, Rp700 ribu, keuntungan bervariasi,” kata RE sebelum digelandang ke sel tahanan. (Hms/Hadi) Read the full article
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sweetpaulsen · 2 years
Now You should buy An App That is de facto Made For Technology
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And immediately after that, the supplies undergo indirect plate cooling then it passes by a mass flow technology institute wherein the mass flow discharge feeder results in uniform product or service velocity with the cooler and regulates the product or service flow pace. Ultimately, a Masters in Details Technology institute could be the most authoritative and widely accepted mode. At the same time he was setting up to import supplies from an Italian merchant in 1561, he also found a German engineer, Gerard Honrick (or Hoenrich), who was willing to transfer the technology for £300. The ones who have both traits are especially lethal. Trent Newton, who transferred to FVSU after leading SSU in tackles in each of the past two seasons, did not dress for Saturday's game. He has an ability to break tackles and make yardage after the catch, especially on screen passes. Xavier Boyce, Norfolk State, Sr., 6-4, 220 - The Virginia Beach, Va., product took the MEAC by storm last season after transferring home to Norfolk State from Virginia Tech, catching 68 passes for 750 yards and four touchdowns. Philadelphia, PA (Sports Network) - The prototypical receiver has changed in the last decade with wide receivers taking on tight end height and tight ends taking on wide receiver speed.
He knows what he has said in the past, including statements he reiterated two months ago: On Feb. 13, the day after the 37-year-old Pistons veteran tied Avery Johnson for most games by an undrafted player (since the 1976-77 NBA-ABA merger), Wallace told reporters that this season, his 16th, would definitely be his last. More production is needed from JSU running back Erik Haw (98 car, 464 yds, 6 TD) to help quarterback Jimmy Oliver (80-138-5, 1160 yds, 8 TD) and Chris Johnson (17 rec, 373 yds, 2 TD). It was a long slosshy walk back to the car. Admission to the Tailgate is free with a Cleveland Classic game ticket. Tickets to the Cleveland Classic football game are now on sale through Ticketmaster and are $15 for general admission seats or $40 for reserved seating (processing fees are additional). The Football Championship Subdivision will feature such receivers this season. We look forward to coming to Cleveland, Ohio to face a very formidable Morehouse College Tiger football team.
“The entire Morehouse family - players, coaches, fans and alumni - is looking forward to participating in the Cleveland Classic,” said Yusuf Davis, Morehouse College Sports Information Director. The philosophy of the Sports Commission sets it apart from others by operating as an economic and community development organization utilizing sports as a vehicle to forward other community agendas. He is a fan favorite that is known for his hard-hitting, aggressive playing style on the field and his commitment to inspiring youth in the community. Xavier scored 251 points after a tie for fifth place nationally in men's tennis, a tie for ninth in women's basketball, ties for 17th in men's basketball and women's tennis, a tie for 25th in women's volleyball, 30th in women's cross country, 31st in men's cross country and a tie for 46th in women's outdoor track and field. NASHVILLE, Tennessee -- On Tuesday the Ohio Valley Conference announced that Tennessee State University Flying Tigers were the recipients of the 2011-12 Team Sportsmanship Awards for indoor track & field.
Eastern Illinois University (5-3, 4-1) at Tennessee State University (3-4, 2-1), 4:00 P.M. 카지노사이트 추천 has inferior data assimilation (how observations are used to prepare the initial state of the model forecast). The public sector also purchases data from the private sector for all manner of applications. 카지노사이트 주소 , heard on Cleveland's 93.1 WZAK and host of the nationally syndicated Tom Joyner Morning Show, will broadcast live from 6:00am-10:00am from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum on Friday, September 14th. Joyner is also slated to attend the Tailgate party and toss the coin at the beginning of the Cleveland Classic game. Festivities will include a College Readiness Fair presented by McDonald's and College Now Greater Cleveland, Greek Step Show, Tailgate Party presented by University Hospitals, KeyBank Marching Band Half-time Show and the Cleveland Classic game presented by McDonald's. The weekend will begin on Friday, September 14 with a College Readiness Fair presented by McDonald's and College Now Greater Cleveland. The Cleveland Classic Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is chaired by Jakki Nance, Spelman graduate and Chief Operations Officer for Swin Cash Enterprise, along with Eddie Taylor, Practice Leader for Oswald Companies, Donnie Perkins, Vice-President of Diversity and Inclusion for University Hospitals and Herb Washington, Owner and Operator of McDonald's.
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Java Developer || Contract || Multiple Location
Java Developer || Contract || Multiple Location
Hi, This is Yusuf working as a Sr. Recruiter at K-Tek Resourcing, I have an excellent job opportunity for you mentioned below, Please let me know if you want to apply for the given role. You can reach out to me directly on 832-554-9828. Job Title: Java Developer Job Location: Dallas, TX, SFO, CA, Charlotte, NC, Wilmington, DE, Columbus, OH, Chicago, IL (Hybrid) Job Duration: Contract/C2C Visa…
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bogorone · 2 years
Ratusan Warga Bojongkerta Diberi Bantuan Pemasangan Meteran Air Gratis
Ratusan Warga Bojongkerta Diberi Bantuan Pemasangan Meteran Air Gratis
BogorOne.co.id | Kota Bogor – Setelah warga kelurahan Kertamaya, kini giliran warga Kelurahan Bojongkerta, Kecamatan Bogor Selatan, Kota Bogor diberi bantuan untuk pemasangan jaringan sambungan rumah (SR) baru dengan cuma-cuma alias gratis. Direktur Teknik (Dirtek) Perumda Tirta Pakuan Kota Bogor, Ardani Yusuf mengatakan bahwa sedikitnya ada 250 warga Bojongkerta, Kecamatan Bogor Selatan yang…
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alkaysani-archived · 4 years
The Old Guard Fanfic Master List
*updated* 15 Oct 2020
AS OUR LOVE SHAPES OUR UNIVERSE  (Nicky x Joe - Princess Diaries AU)
to love is to sacrifice, to sacrifice is to love 
“Prince Yusuf Al-Kaysani,” Charlotte says, and she’s sighing dreamily again and Yusuf definitely has that effect on people. “That young man gets my vote,” Joseph says from behind him. “He goes by Joe sometimes, so he’s definitely of good stock,” he says, and Nicky snorts. “A brilliant one, amazing artist, charismatic. He’s dedicated himself as the right-hand and advisor to his queen mother, and has fully supported his younger sister taking the throne instead of him. He’s friends with Nicolo,” he says, and Nicky blinks, shrugging a little, and his heart starts to go wild in his chest in a way he doesn’t want to understand. “We spent two years of secondary together,” he whispers, glancing at Mia. “Uh…just before they passed, he had to move back home, and I…” he trails off, sighing. --- or the Princess Diaries II AU where Prince Nicolo will do anything for Genovia. And if that means introducing his cousin Princess Mia to Prince Yusuf Al-Kaysani to be her future king, then his heart just has to deal with it. He just wished that it didn’t hurt so much.
i will hold your heart together in mine 
“You love me now, right?” “Forever more, my darling,” Joe chokes out, and it takes on a whole new meaning that makes his own ache. “Then my heart will heal,” Nicolo says, and his voice is firm, and fierce, under the exhaustion. “The symptoms will fade, in time. They will,” he adds, his voice muffled against his shoulder. He pulls away and looks up at Joe with wide, glassy eyes. “The universe won’t be so cruel to me to take me away now, when I am finally happy, right?” he says, and Joe burst into tears then, shaking his head, grabbing Nicolo’s face and kissing him, deeply. No. No. He won’t think of it. He won’t think of losing Nicolo. Not again. Not like this. *** or where Prince Yusuf learns the physical extents of Nicolo’s heartbreak, months after they were meant to be fine. But regardless of how much it ails him, his beloved Nicolo continues to have faith that he will be alright. So he must brave through his fears and his worries, as they grow, and build a life and a family, together. Even if it breaks their hearts again. And again. And again.
black cats and lopsided hearts (Joe x Nicky) - 30 Oct 2020
“Permission to keep killing your fiancé with cuteness due to Halloween costumes, please?” Mia asks, and she’s giving Nicolo those eyes again, and this time, Nicolo bites his lip, glancing at Joe. “It might be fun, beloved. It’ll only be for a night,” he reasons, and Nicolo sighs then, nodding his head. “For you, heart.” *** or The Old Guard Princess Diaries AU – Halloween Special where Mia convinces Nicolo and Yusuf to let her dress up one and a half-year old twins Elio and Ayla for this very American holiday.
not that i need reminding 
“You look in love.” Joe blinks, looking up at the voice. There’s a woman, a little younger than Nile, or maybe just her age, sitting beside him on the bench now. She’s smiling at him, and he gives her what he hopes is an equal one, before nodding softly, gently tapping his pencil on his sketchbook. He knows the answer, of course he does. Yes. He is in love. Truly, madly, deeply, or however they say it. He knows all of this already. But he’s willing to play. “And how does that look?” --- or joe gets a vibe check from the universe.
to know those among us 
“Mommy, angel! Angel, mommy!” Nicky blinks, putting down the produce he had in his hand. He zeros in on the voice and a little boy staring up at him, jaw dropped and staring, his eyes wide and curious. Then he looks up to find a woman, blushing red, looking absolutely mortified. Even with her darker tone, the flush is clear, making her glow. She looks ready to run, so Nicky just gives her a smile, and then crouches in front of the child, before looking around, humming curiously. “Where, little one?” he asks, putting his hands over his eyes as he continues his search. “Where is the angel?” he asks, and the little boy giggles. It’s a beautiful sound amongst the low bustle of the early farmer’s market. --- or nicky gets mistaken for an angel by a child, so he tells them about real ones
in parts, i fall, i love
Joe needs to finish this portfolio if he wants something to propose to the showcase. And he does. He really does. But someone just sat at his table because the coffee shop is so busy, and their profile is gorgeous, and yep, he’s definitely trashed the outline again because this man is definitely going to be a part of it. “Is there something on my face?” he hears, and Joe pauses. Shit. Joe breathes out so heavily that his glasses fog up, and he looks up to find the man giving him a hint of a smile, tilting his head slightly to the side. “You’re staring,” the man states and honestly, yeah, Joe is. “I’m not.” Idiot. --- or joe is an artist, and he falls in love. and nicky is along for the ride.
with your hands, your whispers 
Come on love, that’s it.” “I can’t, Yusuf, please.” He’s gasping, breathless. His Yusuf always leaves him so breathless. It’s too much. And of course, Yusuf knows that it’s too much. He knows exactly what Nicky needs, and what makes him overflow, and it seems like his adoring heart wants him to spill over, again and again in every sense of the word. *** or a take on what nicolo and yusuf were doing before booker and andy got to the hotel in marrakesh
let’s right, these wrongs, together (see accompanying edit here)
If he concentrates hard enough, he can still smell Yusuf on the scarf, and it brings immediate tears to his eyes. Because it’s only been nearly a year, and he’s yearned for the man for longer, way before they got together. And even with all the odds, with all the numbers combined, Nicky doesn’t believe that there’ll be enough time that can pass to heal the pain that’s clawing on his chest at that moment. That has been since Yusuf said it was over.   Nile’s legs move from his lap, and suddenly there are arms around him, pulling him close and Nicky closes his eyes, pressing his face on Nile’s neck. “You’re allowed to hurt as long as you have to, Nicky,” Nile says to him, and it’s so, so kind. “You can tell me as much or as little as you can. I didn’t mean to push.” Nicky sniffles. “I still love him,” he croaks out, like it needed to be heard, like his desperation is a call out for his heart. His heart that let him go, that told him that it’s over. *** or the one where Nicky is housemates with Nile after Yusuf breaks up with him. And when he finally opens up about it, Nicky realizes that his current predicament was brought on by misunderstandings and good intentions with ill results. But it’s too late. It’s been nearly a year; it doesn’t matter now. Right? Not if your housemate is Nile Freeman.
hand-shaped bruise (see accompanying edit here)
Prince Nicolò spends most of his days alone. He lives with no one, after all, ever since his parents died. Ever since he was killed by Sr. Merrick and Lady Kozak, his screams ringing out throughout the night until his final breath, only to show up the next day at the farmer’s market. *** or my halloween take on our beloved characters.
when time dictates love 
"So not ugly,” Sebastien says, and Aidan looks at Mr. Copley, who just shrugs, smiling. “He is insufferable. Does he know this?” he says, and the man just smiles, both of them ignoring how Sebastien says ‘hey!’. “He does,” Mr. Copley whispers, and he says, and Sebastien’s fingers intertwine with his atop his knee, and Aidan looks away. “But you like him anyway,” he says instead. Mr. Copley chuckles, and he leans to press a kiss on Sebastien’s forehead, who’s no longer laughing. “Yes, but I like him anyway.” --- or a home-care worker witnesses Booker and Copley’s last year together, as time catches up on them
there is no timeline when it comes to this (Booker x Copley; Joe x Nicky - also featuring Joe & Booker bffs and Nicky really giving a damn about Booker)
“I’m happy for you, Yusuf,” Booker says, because he means it despite the ache, and Joe smiles, nodding, and he’s smiling in a way that makes his heart hurt even more. “We love you, Booker,” Joe says because he’s just that person, before driving off as Booker makes his way up to his apartment, steps feeling like lead. He makes the point to check the mail, and he’s not even sure why. He’s never checked mail before, Joe usually did. Booker pauses then, looking at the different ads he pulled out of the box after twisting the key. So many changes already. When he finally gets to his unit, he finds someone standing at the door. They turn when he pauses, and greets him with a smile. “Hello Booker,” James Copley says, giving him a two-finger salute. “You haven’t aged a day.” *** or where Booker’s best friend Yusuf moves out to be with his Nicolo, and he makes the choice to live alone for the first time in years. Booker tells himself he’ll be fine, tells everyone that he’ll be fine, even though the weight in his chest tells him otherwise. but he really has no choice. this is his life now. then James Copley comes home.
little things, for the heart (Nile and Joe)
“Are you…baking bread?” Joe looks up at her then, and Nile snorts, walking over to the counter and reaching up to tug on the man’s stray curls, dark tight ringlets dusted with white flour. “Maybe,” Joe says, in a sing-song tone. *** or Nile takes a lesson she learned from her mother and applies it to her new life.
THE NILE FREEMAN COLLECTION (Written for Nile Freeman Week 2020)
nile + love or where Nile meets another queen 
nile + sadness or where Nile keeps it real with Booker
nile + alone time or where Nile gets of ice cream and thinks of dying
nile + comfort or where Nile makes Joe feel better, the best way she knows how
do not let me awake alone (Nicky x Joe)
After Booker’s betrayal, Joe is angry and Nicky suffers through the fallout. And for the the first time in a long time, Nicky understands what it's like to be alone in his grief.And something inside him breaks.
my love for him kills any anger (Nicky x Joe; Joe & Andy)
A month later, Andy finds out that Nicky is talking to Booker.But it doesn’t mean that Joe forgives him. Far from it. They've been through so much for him to just let it go.
a blessing from above (Nile & Nicky; Nile & Joe; Nicky x Joe) 
Nile gets used to a few things, three months into her new life. But the one thing that wracks her brain the most is how they deal with loss and suffering.Thankfully, she has a lifetime to figure it out. Because they’re family, and she wants to help them. At least, start them on the right path. They are grown people, after all. Because her Mama raised her right.
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yalnzardc · 2 years
Yusuf sr. : Mekkede nazil olmuştur 111 ayettir.
21 - Yusuf aleyhisselam'ı satın alan Mısır azizi (maliye bakanı) Kıtfır idi.
22-: (Yusuf) erginlik çağına erişince, ona hükmetme (yeteneği) ve ilim verdik...
22 - Yani 30 yahut 33 yaşında
100 - Babası Yusuf aleykümselam'ın yanında 24 yahut 17 sene kalmıştır. Babasının vefatından sonra 23 sene daha yaşar.
101 - Yusuf aleykümselam 120 yaşında vefat etmiştir.
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oldguardbigbang2021 · 3 years
Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Booker | Sebastien le Livre/Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolo di Genova, Booker | Sebastien le Livre & Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Booker | Sebastien le Livre & Original Male Character(s)
Characters: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Booker | Sebastien le Livre, Andy | Andromache of Scythia, Nile Freeman, James Copley, Merrick Sr., Dr. Meta Kozak, Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Movie: The Old Guard (2020), Search and Rescue, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Temporary Character Death, Medical Torture, Torture, Sex as a Bargaining Chip, Blood and Violence, Rough Sex, Threesome, Threesome - M/M/M, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Porn, Porn with Feelings, Bittersweet Ending, well at least for one of the boys, but there is sweetness among the bitterness I swear!!
After the team splits up at the end of the movie, not Quynh but Joe shows up at Booker‘s apartment in Paris – in desperate need of help: The others have been captured, and Copley is MIA as well. To persuade Booker to help him, Joe is willing to do anything, to give Booker anything – including what he thinks Booker wants most: himself. When, after a dramatic chase-and-rescue mission, the team finally reunites, a grateful Joe and Nicky invite Booker to spend the night with them.
Basically, “The Old Guard” meets “Taken” meets “Indecent Proposal”. And then (three)some. :)
And: Despite the threesome, Joe x Nicky ARE very much the main pairing!!
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perfettamentechic · 11 months
7 luglio … ricordiamo …
7 … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Dilip Kumar, pseudonimo di Mohammed Yusuf Khan, attore indiano. Ta i i personaggi più famosi della storia del cinema indiano, iniziò la sua carriera nel 1944 e apparve in numerosissimi film di Bollywood. Si sposò con Saira Banu nel 1966. (n.1922) 2021: Robert Downey Sr., nato Robert John Elias, attore, sceneggiatore e regista statunitense. Padre di Robert Downey Jr., è conosciuto…
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Kasus Narkoba, Polres Tanggamus Amankan 2 Kilogram Ganja 6 Tersangka
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TANGGAMUS - Satuan Reserse Narkoba (Satresnarkoba) Polres Tanggamus berhasil mengamankan hampir 2 kilogram ganja dalam rangkaian pengungkapan kasus peredaran Narkotika di wilayah hukumnya. Hal itu disampaikan Kapolres Tanggamus AKBP Siswara Hadi Chandra, S.I.K., saat memimpin konferensi pers didampingi Kasatresnarkoba AKP Deddy Wahyudi, S.H., Kasi Humas Iptu M. Yusuf, S.H. dan personel Satresnarkoba, Jum'at (24/2/2023). “Satresnarkoba Polres Tanggamus berhasil perdaran Narkoba, pengungkapan sedikit berbeda dari sebelumnya sebab barang bukti yang disita 1,8 kilogram Narkotika jenis ganja dari berbagai tempat atas informasi masyarakat dan pengembangan kasus di Pekon Negeri Agung Talang Padang,” kata AKBP Siswara Hadi Chandra. Menurut Kapolres, pengungkapan tersebut pada hari Selasa tanggal 21 Februari 2023 bermula penangkapan 1 tersangka Pekon Negeri Agung, Talang Padang, kemudian pengembangan kasus menangkap 2 tersangka di Pekon Sukarame, Talang Padang. Tak berhenti disana, pada hari yang sama juga melakukan pengembangan ke wilayah Pekon Gumuk Mas Pagelaran, Pringsewu dan salah satu Kontrakan di Way Halim, Bandar Lampung. “Tersangka yang berhasil diamankan diwilayah Talang Padang Tanggamus bernisial AL (20), warga Pekon Negeri Agung, RE (20) dan SR (21) warga Pekon Sukarame,“ ucapnya. Sambungnya, pengembangan dilanjutkan ke wilayah Kabupaten Pringsewu dengan menangkap FR (25) di Pekon Gumuk Rejo dan AM (28) waega Pekon Gumuk Mas dan kontrakan di wilayah Way Halim Bandar Lampung dengan menangkap TR (25) warga Pekon Gumuk Mas, Pagelaran, Pringsewu. “Saat ini dihadirkan 5 tersangka, sebab 1 tersangka berinisial AM warga Pekon Gumuk Mas, Pagelaran, Pringsewu masih dalam proses penyidikan oleh Polres Pringsewu. Ini adalah sebagai bentuk sinergitas antar jajaran Polres di wilayah hukum Polda Lampung,” ujarnya. AKBP Siswara Hadi Chandra menjelaskan, penangkapan bermula Penyidik Satresnarkoba Polres Tanggamus mendapatkan informasi peredaran Narkoba jenis Ganja di Pekon Negeri Agung Kecamatan Talang Padang Kabupaten Tanggamus. Setelah dilakukan penangkapan terhadap tersangka AL turut diamankan barang bukti 100 gram ganja kering, yang mengarah kepada tersangka RE dan SR di Pekon Sukarame, Talang Padang, dari RE dan SR turut diamankan barang bukti 8,20 gram ganja kering. Berdasarkan keterangan ketiga tersangka, kemudian dilakukan pengembangan FR dan AM di Kecamatan Pagelaran Kabupaten Pringsewu dan TR di Way Halim Bandar Lampung, sehingga dari dua lokasi tersebut diamankan barang bukti 1,75 kilogram ganja kering yang dikemas dalam 17 bungkus. “Berdasarkan keterangan tersangka FR, AM dan TR. Barang bukti ganja tersebut didapatkan dari seseorang yang telah diketahui identitasnya berada di luar Provinsi Lampung. Sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan akan bekerjasama dengan Ditresnarkoba Polda Lampung untuk memburu pelaku tersebut,” jelasnya. Kesempatan itu, Kapolres Tanggamus berharap dukungan masyarakat untuk terus berpartisipasi dalam peredaran Narkoba dengan memberikan informasi kepada Polres Tanggamus. “Kami harap berpartisipasi masyarakat dalam mendukung upaya peredaran Narkoba dengan memberikan informasi, juga memberikan imbauan kepada keluarganya agar menjauhi Narkoba sehingga generasi penerus bangsa dapat terhindar dari Narkoba,” imbaunya. Atas perbuatannya tersebut, para tersangka dijerat Pasal 111 ayat (2) dan Pasal 114 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika. “Pidana paling singkat 5 tahun maksimal seumur hidup,” tandasnya. Sementara itu berdasarkan keterangan tersangka RE, bahwa ia belum lama menajdi pengedar ganja dan menjual barang tersebut seharga Rp700 ribu per 100 gram dengan keuntungan bervariasi. “Belum lama, saya jual via online kepada teman-teman. Per 100 gram, Rp700 ribu, keuntungan bervariasi,” kata RE sebelum digelandang ke sel tahanan. (Hms/Hadi) Read the full article
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trainthief · 4 years
what are your favorite protest songs?
Hmmm, if you’ll let me interpret protest a little loosely to answer this then: 
I’m a big Rage fan, more specifically I listen to Bulls on Parade, Testify, and Killing in the Name a lot when I’m on runs. 
Wealth Won’t Save Your Soul by Hank Williams Sr
Shostakovich’s Symphony 5 
Burn Your Village to the Ground by Tribe Called Red
This Land is Your Land by Woody Guthrie 
If I Had a Hammer as sung by Peter Paul and Mary
Peace Train by Yusuf Islam (then Cat Stevens) 
Man in Black by Johnny Cash
Freedom by Jurassic 5 
Everyday People by Sly and the Family Stone 
Fanfare for the Common Man by Aaron Copland
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Main Frame || Charlotte, NC, Dallas, TX
Main Frame || Charlotte, NC, Dallas, TX
Hi, This is Yusuf working as a Sr. Recruiter at K-Tek Resourcing, I have an excellent job opportunity for you mentioned below, Please let me know if you want to apply for the given role. You can reach out to me directly on 832-554-9828. Job Title: Main Frame Job Location: Charlotte, NC, Dallas, TX (Hybrid) Job Duration: C2C/Contract Visa Accept: Open Job Description Technical Skills: 8+ Years of…
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Main Characters' Scenes in the Screenplays
I've counted the number of the scenes of the main characters and the scenes of each pair appear together in the screenplays (deleted scenes excluded)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them total: 124
Newt Scamander: 64
Tina Goldstein: 52
Jacob Kowalski: 45
Queenie Goldstein: 24
Credence Barebone: 35
Mary Lou Barebone: 11
Henry Shaw Sr: 6
Langdon: 6
Senator Shaw: 3
Gnarlak: 1
Chastity: 11
Modesty: 13
Abernathy: 2
Seraphina Picquery: 6
Percival Graves: 23
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald total: 120
Adult Newt Scamander: 41 + Teenage Newt: 3=44
Tina Goldstein: 27
Jacob Kowalski: 26
Queenie Goldstein: 13
Credence/Aurelius: 17
Adult Leta Lestrange: 15 +Teenage Leta: 4+ Child Leta: 4=23
Theseus Scamander: 13
Nagini: 13
Adult Yusuf Kama: 19 + Teenage Yusuf:2=21
Abernathy: 12
Seraphina Picquery: 2
Vinda Rosier: 7
Bunty: 1
Albus Dumbledore: 10
Gellert Grindelwald: 23
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore total: 100
Newt Scamander: 38
Albus Dumbledore: 24
Gellert grindelwald: 14
Credence Barebone: 11
Jacob Kowalski: 28
Queenie Goldstein: 12
Theseus Scamander: 26
Eulalie Hicks: 26
Yusuf Kama: 10
Vinda Rosier: 13
Bunty Broadacre: 14
Aberforth Dumbledore: 10
Tina Goldstein: 5
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