muthur9000 · 6 years
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“I love the concept (...) an android creating the alien (...) it actually plays in the things that are Alien (...) it plays into, you know, mankind’s worst, worst, worst possible thing ever is manifesting in an android but of course is not the android’s fault because he’s just the manifestation of the greed of mankind and then of course he creates the alien. That’s an awesome thing! That’s an Alien thing!”
Dane Hallet (full interview in the podcast made by @muthur9000 here: https://yutani.blog/2018/04/26/available-alien-day-creatives-dane-hallett-matt-hatton/)
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I was interviewed by muthur9000!
Check out this quick interview I did with the awesome @muthur9000 / Yutani blog! Thanks so much!
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oliviero4 · 6 years
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muthur9000 · 6 years
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Poisonous Fungi 1. Berala-Lidcombe Berala-Lidcombe is a genus of toxic fungi in the order of Hymenogastraceaed, family Agaricalesi 2. Berala-Lidcombe Berala-Lidcombe is a genus of toxic fungi in the order of Hymenogastraceaed, family Agaricalesi 3. Berala-Lidcombe Berala-Lidcombe is a genus of toxic fungi in the order of Hymenogastraceaed, family Agaricalesi
David’s Drawings
Lidcombe is a place in Australia in the suburb of Auburn. On the traditional lands of the Dharug people, the western and southern boundaries, merging into Auburn and Berala.
The fungal order Agaricales, also known as gilled mushrooms. They range from the ubiquitous common mushroom to the deadly destroying angel and the hallucinogenic fly agaric which was also used as text on the Nostromo destruct sequence keyboard, to the bioluminescent jack-o-lantern mushroom.
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The Hymenogastraceae are a family of fungi in the order Agaricales with both agaric and false-truffle shaped fruit bodies.
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I have identified the mushrooms to be Galerina, a genus of poisonous mushrooms.
Fungi: Poisonous Fungi Poisonous Fungi 1. Berala-Lidcombe Berala-Lidcombe is a genus of toxic fungi in the order of Hymenogastraceaed…
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muthur9000 · 6 years
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muthur9000 · 6 years
The Engineer Forum
One of the things which stood out to me was the use of Statues upon tall pedestals circling the forum, at first I thought of the Roman influence. Then after doing some research I also found that Foro Italico was an example of Italian Fascist architecture instituted by Mussolini. This follows a design specification which combined sculpture and architecture from Roman, Greek and Fascist Eras.
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By Blackcat – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0
Standing Sculptures
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Another gem from Mateo Jakicevic. "Not sure if this has been discussed before when I first watched Alien: Covenant, I noticed that some of the statues on top of the pillars surrounding the plaza look very familiar. Most of them resemble the statue of St. Bartholomew, with his own skin. While one statue specifically resembles Augustus of Prima Porta 🤔" #alien #AlienCovenant #augustus #statue #sculpture #stbartholomew #flayed #pillars #planet4 #filmdetails #filmanalysis
A post shared by muthur9000 | Studio Yutani (@studioyutani) on Apr 22, 2018 at 10:33pm PDT
The artistic choice between these two specific figures probably relates to the idea that the Engineers had worked closely with mankind and influenced Roman Art/Architecture and also influenced the belief system.
Movies.com: You throw religion and spirituality into the equation for Prometheus, though, and it almost acts as a hand grenade. We had heard it was scripted that the Engineers were targeting our planet for destruction because we had crucified one of their representatives and that Jesus Christ might have been an alien. Was that ever considered?RS: We definitely did, and then we thought it was a little too on the nose. But if you look at it as an “our children are misbehaving down there” scenario, there are moments where it looks like we’ve gone out of control, running around with armour and skirts, which of course would be the Roman Empire. And they were given a long run. A thousand years before their disintegration actually started to happen. And you can say, “Lets’ send down one more of our emissaries to see if he can stop it. Guess what? They crucified him.
In my interview with Ev Shipard had also mentioned he used some of his game character likenesses to pad out the statues filling the square. Creatives: Wayne Haag and Ev Shipard – Episode 15 – Yutani Podcast
I asked Wayne Haag if he did these statues in his matte paint, he said he used the one Ev created.
Referencing a couple of statues I sculpted a giant engineer. Then broke it down and resculpted for a highres milled ruin for the set. Blink and you’ll miss it. – evshipard
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Shared by Luis Lopez. The smashed statue of St.Bartholomew on Planet 4 in Alien: Covenant. "The account of St Bartholomew being skinned alive is the most repeated in many forms of art, he is often shown with a large knife, holding his own skin, or both like in Michelangelo's Last Judgment. Another parallel, Archaeological research demonstrates that the cult of Saint Bartholomew began in Avezzano, previously a temple dedicated to Heracles, which is always represented in the act of holding the skin of the Nemean lion. There is a solid relationship between the two iconographies and the re-semantization of the symbols Heracles/Physical Strength/Hero and Bartholomew/Power of Faith/Hero-Martyr. Bartholomew also plays a part in Francis Bacon's Utopian tale New Atlantis, about a mythical isolated land, Bensalem. Francis Bacon's tryptic was also inspiration for the original chestburster design. The island was populated by a people dedicated to reason and natural philosophy. About 20 years after Christ's ascension, the people of Bensalem discovered an ark floating off the shore. It contained a letter as well as the books of the Old and New Testaments. The letter was from St Bartholomew declaring that an angel told him to set the ark and its contents afloat. Thus the scientists of Bensalem received the revelation of the Word of God." More information here 🔗 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartholomew_the_Apostle #AlienCovenant #stbartholomew #planet4 #evshipard #statue #bible #religion #reason #philosophy #ark #scientists #FrancisBacon #Bensalem #newatlantis #island
A post shared by muthur9000 | Studio Yutani (@studioyutani) on Apr 23, 2018 at 12:38am PDT
Augustus of Prima Porta
Found in the villa of Livia in Prima Porta, the statue is a portrait of Augustus as a handsome and young ruler, wearing a decorated cuirass and a tunic, with the figure of Cupid riding a dolphin on his side.
Look closely, though, and you’ll notice something curious: the Emperor has no boots. Art historians debate the significance of this, however, appearing barefoot was an attribute of divinity in art of the ancient world. Though likely based on a bronze statue created during Augustus’ reign, according to many scholars, the Prima Porta must be posthumous, since the Roman Senate deified Augustus a month after his death two thousand years ago in AD 14.
In other words, the Prima Porta Augustus, (named after the villa where it was found, which once belonged to his widow, the Empress Livia), is not simply a portrait of Rome’s first emperor – it is also a vision of a god.
Statue of Saint Batholomew
St Bartholomew is one of Christ’s twelve apostles, executed for his Christian faith, portrayed here based on how he is identified by iconography following the agony suffered.
The Saint, skinned alive, carries what looks like a drape on his shoulders and around his body. But it is his skin; clear reference to the torture inflicted. Up until the XIII-XIV century, the apostle was portrayed dressed holding a book and a knife; alluding to the Gospel proclaimed and martyrdom suffered. They started to portray his agony from the Renaissance onwards. Whereas the saint’s icon with his own skin removed from his flesh was finally sanctified after Michelangelo (XVI century) portrayed him that way in the Universal Judgement in the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel.
The work of Marco d’Agrate does not do any psychological introspection or give evidence of the deep faith expressed by the martyrdom of Bartholomew. It is part of a 16th century sphere of interest: the study and presentation of human anatomy. The first scientific work on anatomy by Andrea Vesalio, on the autopsy study of the human body and dissection of corpses, was published in Venice in 1453.
The statue was an exercise, a careful description and a virtuous academic essay on the muscles and structure of the human body.
Augustus Prima Porta, http://www.vatican-patrons.org/focus-on-the-augustus-of-prima-porta-2546
St Bartholomew, https://www.duomomilano.it/en/article/2018/06/29/the-statue-of-st-bartholomew-in-the-milan-duomo/696e8048-5a4c-4e83-ae63-79e51cac979b/
Jesus was an Engineer Emissary, http://www.movies.com/movie-news/ridley-scott-prometheus-interview/8232
Statues in Alien: Covenant The Engineer Forum One of the things which stood out to me was the use of Statues upon tall pedestals circling the forum, at first I thought of the Roman influence.
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muthur9000 · 6 years
Blu-ray Menu
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Links: Weyland Archives, W-PR, XenoSciDiv, AstroSciDiv, AnthroSciDiv, Psy Ops, 109 other private links
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This “greeting” was the brainchild of both my science division and my public relations office. On the one hand, it serves a legitimate scientific purpose in contacting these so-called “engineers,” as Shaw calls them, and preparing them for our arrival. The idea is that we will earn thir respect when they see what cultural beauty and technological progress their human creations have achieved. This way they won’t be so inclined just shoot us out of the sky. They’ll welcome us as their wayward children who’ve returned home. That’s the idea anyway.
On the other hand, it gives the Prometheus mission credibility and importance to our shareholders. And upon our eventual return to Earth, this transmission will serve as promotional content for whatever multimedia campaign Weyland Corp will engage in to begin recouping our investment while we study and exploit whatever knowledge or technology we bring back with us. Shaw and Holloway can waste their time enjoying the limelight and going to free dinners while we quietly aggressively use the assets collected on this mission to fuel any number of new projects, technology, products and research.
They’ll get book deals. We’ll make trillions. Changing the world.
  Inspirations for the Prometheus Transmission
The Arecibo Message
Inspired by the message sent into space in 1974, Weyland Industries has sent a transmission ahead of the Prometheus mission.
In 1974, the most powerful broadcast ever deliberately beamed into space was made from Puerto Rico. The broadcast formed part of the ceremonies held to mark a major upgrade to the Arecibo Radio Telescope. The transmission consisted of a simple, pictorial message, aimed at our putative cosmic companions in the globular star cluster M13. This cluster is roughly 21,000 light-years from us, near the edge of the Milky Way galaxy, and contains approximately a third of a million stars.
The broadcast was particularly powerful because it used Arecibo’s megawatt transmitter attached to its 305 meter antenna. The latter concentrates the transmitter energy by beaming it into a very small patch of sky. The emission was equivalent to a 20 trillion watt omnidirectional broadcast, and would be detectable by a SETI experiment just about anywhere in the galaxy, assuming a receiving antenna similar in size to Arecibo’s.
The message consists of 1679 bits, arranged into 73 lines of 23 characters per line (these are both prime numbers, and may help the aliens decode the message). The “ones” and “zeroes” were transmitted by frequency shifting at the rate of 10 bits per second. The total broadcast was less than three minutes. A graphic showing the message is reproduced here. It consists, among other things, of the Arecibo telescope, our solar system, DNA, a stick figure of a human, and some of the biochemicals of earthly life. Although it’s unlikely that this short inquiry will ever prompt a reply, the experiment was useful in getting us to think a bit about the difficulties of communicating across space, time, and a presumably wide culture gap.
The Golden Record
Pioneer 10 was launched toward Jupiter in 1972. This spacecraft was the first one to fly to Jupiter, Saturn, the Milky Way Galaxy and stars.
Carrying a gold plaque that describes what we look like, where we are and the date the mission began, it was Earth’s first message sent into space. Pioneer 10 heading towards the red star Aldebaran, which forms the eye of the constellation Taurus (The Bull). Roughly 68 light years away, taking Pioneer 10 more than 2 million years to reach it.
Its sister ship, Pioneer 11, also carrying a Golden Record ended its mission on Sept. 30, 1995, when the last transmission from the spacecraft was received.
It is also interesting to note that the comics series ‘The Forever War (1974)’ had strongly influenced Ridley Scott, and the story itself, is based on the premise that Earth fell into war with the Taurans from Alderbaran after a probe came back damaged. It was published around the time of the Arecibo message being transmitted into space in 74′
Pioneers 10 and 11, which preceded Voyager, both carried small metal plaques identifying their time and place of origin for the benefit of any other spacefarers that might find them in the distant future. With this example before them, NASA placed a more ambitious message aboard Voyager 1 and 2, a kind of time capsule, intended to communicate a story of our world to extraterrestrials. The Voyager message is carried by a phonograph record, a 12-inch gold-plated copper disk containing sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth.
For all intents and purposes
[Damon Lindelof] So yeah, it was those three pieces of viral: the David 8 ad, which Johnny Hardstaff did, and the Weyland TED talk, and then the quiet eye with Noomi. And then there was one other piece, which was going to be the transmission, that we ended up not doing. It’s in the movie.
[Ridley Scott] We may use it in the US next week. They don’t open for a week.
[DL] So there’s basically… there’s a message in the movie that they’re transmitting to the engineers, with the girl playing the violin, and David and Holloway have the scene where they haven’t responded to the message. That message is another piece of viral which we may or may not release.
[RS] Did you get what the message was about? [It was a message to the engineers.] That would be a constant, from takeoff you’d be constantly replaying that, hoping that somebody’s gonna say “don’t come any further, I’m gonna to blow you out of the sky.” In there, there would be every conceivable form of mathematics equation, and anyone who is superior is going to look at that for three seconds and say “we’ve got chimpanzees on the way.” So, it’s an assessment of who’s coming, basically, it makes sense.
[Q] Is that a reference to the original Voyager probe, which obviously had Bach records, drawings, that kind of mix…?
[RS] Yeah.
[DL] Yeah, from like, in Starman.
gif from Prometheus (2012) by muthur9000
Prometheus Bluray Menu, muthur9000 Archive
Arecibo Message, SETI https://www.seti.org/seti-institute/project/details/arecibo-message
The Gold Record
Ridley Scott talks Prometheus with SlashGear: Candid & Uncut Chris Davies – Jun 2, 2012 https://www.slashgear.com/ridley-scott-talks-prometheus-with-slashgear-candid-uncut-02231334/
Prometheus Transmission Analysis [1] Blu-ray Menu Transcript P.WEYLASND/PVM/CEL/LOG-CRG/2090.01.11/TRS-MARS.rid79 Views: 1 Priority: Low Encrypt: Low Links: Weyland Archives, W-PR, XenoSciDiv, AstroSciDiv, AnthroSciDiv, Psy Ops, 109 other private links…
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muthur9000 · 6 years
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Links: Weyland Archives, W-PR, XenoSciDiv, AstroSciDiv, AnthroSciDiv, Psy Ops, 109 other private links
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This “greeting” was the brainchild of both my science division and my public relations office. On the…
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muthur9000 · 6 years
Stephane has shared the storyboarding work he did for Alien: Covenant on facebook.
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You can see more of his work at http://stephanelevallois.com/ or https://www.artstation.com/levallois
Storyboards by Stephane Levallois for Alien: Covenant Stephane has shared the storyboarding work he did for Alien: Covenant on facebook. You can see more of his work at 
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muthur9000 · 6 years
Crew Message: Rosenthal
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It’s um…
A bit lonely here sometimes
And I don’t know if I will ever see you again
Just don’t forget me ok?
Rosenthal is a surname believed to come from a very old German origin, possibly one of the very first on record. Dubbed an “ornamental” it translates literally to one who resided by a field of roses, its…
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muthur9000 · 6 years
Rosenthal and Ophelia
Ophelia by John Everett Millais dated 1851–1852
The painting by Sir John Everett Millais a British artist was completed around 1851 – 1852. Depicting the death of Ophelia singing while floating in a river just before she drowns, pulled down by the weight of her dress made heavy from the water. The scene is described in Act IV, Scene VII of Hamlet in a speech by Queen Gertrude and is not seen…
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muthur9000 · 6 years
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Cosplayer Bryce Matthews Ledward Costume, Alien: Covenant
Clara Fei-Fei/ @muthur9000 : Hi Bryce, thanks for being a part of our Fan Creatives series on Yutani Blog. Could you tell me which movie introduced you to the Alien Universe?
Bryce Matthews: Definitely Aliens! I was around 10 at the time when Aliens was on TV and was blown away. Being a 10-year-old boy, it has everything I wanted; guns, monsters and Sigourney Weaver. My dad is a huge fan of the Alien (and Predator) films so I just got on board after I saw he had the original 4 on VHS.
  CF: Who is your fav character in the Alien Universe?
BM: Hudson without a doubt. For his obvious one-liners and the fact that he’s completely relatable as an audience member. Can’t go wrong with Bill Paxton.
  CF: Why do you cosplay? Do you like to get into character when cosplaying?
BM: Growing up I had a huge collection of action figures and collectables from the Alien franchise. Last year I decided that I wanted to try and create a replica of one of the costumes from the films. It was more of a hobby that turned into Cosplay when my local Comic-Con came around.
Cosplayer Bryce Matthews Ledward Costume, Alien: Covenant
Cosplayer Bryce Matthews Ledward Costume, Alien: Covenant
CF: Have you cosplayed long? What was your first Cosplay?
BM: It was my first Cosplay actually! It was… interesting. Going in with no knowledge of where to start or how to make a lot of things resulted in a bunch of trial and error. Thankfully I had a lot of help from the guys over at The RPF and the Alien: Covenant Costume group on Facebook.
  CF: How do you feel about this cosplay, what was different about this one compared to past ones?
BM: I was really happy with how it turned out after I had so many issues tracking things down or making items, but it was worth it for the end result.
  CF: What aspects do you like about the costume? What part is your favourite?
BM: The fact that it was pretty casual with a military twist on it was really appealing to me, when I first started it I thought it was going to be relatively easy but also fun to put together. My favourite part of it would have to be the boots, even though they were a ready-made item, I just found them damn cool. They were a nightmare to walk in though.
Cosplayer Bryce Matthews Ledward Costume, Alien: Covenant
Cosplayer Bryce Matthews Ledward Costume, Alien: Covenant
CF: What was the hardest piece to acquire or create?
BM: The German Quilted Parka Liner. Not only was it an issued surplus item, it required a graphics to be printed on the sleeve. It was a type of ripstop fabric so incredibly difficult to do anything with. I tried iron transfer, fabric paint, vinyl decals but nothing would stick to it. I ended up actually sourcing a bloke here in Melbourne who worked from home that screen printed on it which turned out amazing.
  CF: How long did it take you to put this one together?
BM: Overall it took me close to 10 months on and off. Waiting for items in the mail and general budgeting for it.
  CF: How comfortable or heavy is it? What is the range of movement like?
BM: It was pretty comfortable as it’s just general wear minus the military vest. It had about 6 layers to it which gave it a decent weight. The range of movement was fine except for the boots, they’re motocross boots so definitely not made to be walking around Cons for a long time!
Bryce Matthews Ledward Cosplay, Alien: Covenant
Bryce Matthews Ledward Cosplay, Alien: Covenant
CF: What was the most expensive part of your costume?
BM: The belt. Well, it wasn’t actually a belt. It was a combination of a Martin-Baker ejection seat restraint (which was crazy expensive as is), a standard military belt, clothing labels purchased from one of the guys off The RPF and then I needed a leather stamp of the Weyland-Yutani logo which was custom made off ETSY and not cheap either. But it looked screen accurate when it was done so I was happy.
  CF: So did you like the movie? (alien covenant) What was your favourite part?
BM: I loved a majority of it. I ended up seeing it 4 times at the cinema and have probably seen it about 9 times altogether now. The whole infection/Neomorph back bursting scene, personally I think it’s one of the greatest sequences in the whole franchise. How it plays out so quickly and crazy was great.
  CF: If there was anything you could change about it what would it be?
BM: Having Shaw still a main or even supporting character would have been nice as she was so important in Prometheus. And the biology of the Xenomorph lifecycle, I understand that David was experimenting with the all that but the chestburster gestation and the design of the chestburster seemed really off to me.
Bryce Matthews Ledward Cosplay, Alien: Covenant
Bryce Matthews Ledward Cosplay, Alien: Covenant
CF: What do you think about the alien fandom?
BM: Being a sub on r/LV426, Aliens Legacy and a bunch of other online forums and seeing people from all over the world with different ages and backgrounds to why they love the franchise is really something.
  CF: If there’s anything you could change about the fandom what would it be?
BM: After all the help from the community after putting my Cosplay together, I don’t think I’d change a thing.
  CF: Will you be doing anything special for the 40th anniversary of alien next year?
BM: Hopefully, the Astor Theatre here in Melbourne will show Alien & Aliens back to back, I never pass up the opportunity to see them on the big screen again. But if not, I’ll be binge-watching all the films with my dad.
  CF: What costumes alien or other would you like to do in future?
BM: Hicks from Aliens. I’ve always loved the design of the Pulse Rifle and Hicks would be an obvious choice to helm it. I’ve started putting some things together already, hopefully, it’ll be ready for the next Con!
Thank you so much for the questions Clara, I had a blast answering them.
                  Fan Creatives: Bryce Matthews, Cosplayer Clara Fei-Fei/ @muthur9000 : Hi Bryce, thanks for being a part of our Fan Creatives series on Yutani Blog. 
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muthur9000 · 6 years
Weylan-Yutani Shipping Routes (c. 2122) / “The Lucky 13”
Weylan-Yutani Shipping Routes (c. 2122) / “The Lucky 13”
via Weylan-Yutani Shipping Routes (c. 2122) / “The Lucky 13”
Happy to help out with this project.
More Weyland Industries colonised planets coming up on Yutani.blog from the Weyland Century. Information from the original interactive planetary map from weylandindustries.com
MARS: Valles Colony
MOON: Luna Colony
MOON: Sea of Tranquility Colony
See here for updates WEYLAND MEGACORP
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muthur9000 · 6 years
Yutani's 1st Birthday Retrospective - Episode 14 - Yutani Podcast
Yutani’s 1st Birthday Retrospective – Episode 14 – Yutani Podcast
Thank you to the Yutani crew Luis Lopez, Mike Andrews, Jason Romeo Leger, Connor Coulson/ Prometheus-by-Minute, Babak Ni, Paul Ripp, Frans Hattingh, Christopher Isaac Bustos, Zoe Wible, Michael Joseph Kenwell, Enoch, Mercury, Mattie, Roxy, BarSoapSoup Alien, Baedavid8/Sachi, Clayre/ Gothic-Fiction-In-Space, Gray Malkin, Blogger Iamquantumalice, Blogger Hammerpedetime, Blogger uscss prometheus, Ac…
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muthur9000 · 7 years
Hi all, 
We’ve grown so much over our short time on Tumblr. So much so, I wanted to move over to wordpress so the structure of my analysis entries are more palatable. 
In this move I will also be bringing more of my support crew over from facebook Yutani Corporation page to contribute. 
Don’t worry, I will still be here reblogging, commenting and sharing posts from my wordpress. 
I have brought on an editor @augmentedscion, and hopefully @boatiechat @greygrimoire will contribute more with film and character analysis entries.
I’ve organised special interviews with concept artists, creators and fans. There will be special giveaway competitions for our launch next year and I will be having weekly round table discussions on Alien, Robotics, AI and Sci-fi at my Discord.
Let’s keep sharing our love of the Alien Universe, Robotics, AI and Sci-fi
Signing off
-MUTHUR 9000
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