#Yuya J Morimoto
symptom3000 · 9 months
Sen Morimoto "Bad State" (2023)
director: Yuya J Morimoto
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sakyowonder · 11 months
========== 秋祭りは今年も糺の森で開催! 10/29(日)10時~16時 元気に会いましょう! 詳細情報はこちら! ==========
movie by Yuya J Morimoto music by SUZMENBA (c) Sakyo Wonderland
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kennak · 1 year
[B! 人生] 「テレビから消えて10年ー マジシャン・セロが今考える自身の存在意義とは」 - Yuya J Morimoto | Yahoo! JAPAN クリエイターズプログラム
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nandenandenande · 2 years
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kawaii-yamada · 7 years
❤10 Years with JUMP ❤
[Disclaimer] This is all base on my opinion. I might pay more attention to certain things than you do. So please read with an open mind. I just wanted to express my love for the boys <3 Plus, sorry for all the blurry pictures! They were high quality once...a long time ago... T.T
I’m going to share 10 of my favorite JUMP moments (things) to reminisce what these wonderful boys have been through and all the joy they’ve brought to me through these past 10 amazing years.
So starting at #10….
10) Your Seed Dance formation
I remember back in 2008, I was freaking out so much because of this dance formation. It was so cool and is still so cool. I watched this pv for days and even tried to learn every move from Chinen to Yabu hahaha I still think it was one of the coolest dance choreography JUMP has. They were so young…
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9) Yuto’s comeback?
After JUMP’s debut, Yuto fell into a “slump year,” which made him lose the center position to Yamada. BUT, he worked very hard and gained popularity again from his acting roles (Hanzawa Naoki, Suikyuu Yankees, etc.). The most amazing thing was when he got to sing the climax in Asu e No Yell. I felt like a proud mom. Love you Yuto~
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8) Yamada’s Solo
I was so fricken happy because as you all know, Yamada is my ichiban. And…..Ok…It’s not surprising that out of all 9 of them Yamada got a solo single. BUT, during the making of Mystery Virgin, he was so bored so he talked about all 8 of the members and cried out for them because he was so lonely (My poor baby T.T). He was also expressing his worries about going solo. I felt so good to be his fan because he cared for his members and because he was talking about his worries so openly it made me feel happy that he could share it with his fans. I could sense that he wasn’t letting his fame cloud his perspective which made me trust him that he would not leave HSJ. I understand that other popular members from other groups left because they wanted to explore other opportunities and want to try new styles. I will not be mad if one day Yamada leaves but I will miss him in JUMP. So I hope he doesn’t leave.
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(Gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
7) Host of Shounen Club
This was one of my proudest moments of them. They were finally the SENPAIS hosting the show like Koyama and Nakamaru. Although their hosting didn’t last long it was so much fun to watch them host in their own style, performing their songs in a relaxed manner and be the senpais.
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6) “Coming of Age” songs
When all of HS7 finally turned 20/21, they released more matured songs. Like Ride With Me, Aino Arika, Weekender, and Asu e No Yell. I’ve watched them grow up and have seen all their different concepts. From being cute, to being bold, I’ve seen it all (for now, expecting to see more creative concepts). This was one of my favorite periods of JUMP. I sensed their manliness but they still had a goofy and kiddy side. They will always make me happy no matter what!
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5) Concerts
I know this is very vague but all their concerts were a great part of their 10 year journey. They always surprise me every time! If I were to talk about them, this blog post will never end. To shorten it up, take a look at some of the pictures down below. These are not enough pictures to describe how great their concerts are! Just go watch them :)
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4) Itadaki High Jump
THEIR OWN VARIETY SHOW! This is by far, one of the best things for JUMP. I love how each member gets to shine and all of their personality compliments each other so well. I love the concept of this show! I hope they get more guests  soon! And our English prince, Keito, is finally getting the spot light on that show. He finds every chance he gets to use his English! Haha Like #5 explaining this show will take forever. So please check out how amazing this show is down below:
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3) Shin Domoto Kyoudai
Their appearance on Domoto Brother was the cutest thing ever. These freshly debuted kids were so nervous to be on this show and not to mention, it was hosted by their Dai-senpai, which most of them admired a lot. They were asked a lot of typical debut questions (who’s your admired senpai, why did you join JE, etc.). They were also asked to show their teamwork and I was shocked that they all were thinking the same thing (They all did the “jumping to my dream” hand movement). I wish they did that to introduce themselves every time hahaha. Overall, I think this is a MUST WATCH to any new JUMP fans! If you need a link, message me :)
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2) Debut Performance
Their debut performance on Hey! Hey! Hey! Was probably the most adorable thing ever, especially when they were introducing themselves.  V6, TVXQ, Yui, and others were also guested on the show. I was very happy that those big artists like them got to see my boys perform. They had so much energy and they all shined so bright!
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1) Don’t mind?
When JUMP just debuted they were invited on this Subway quiz show as volleyball supporters. I don’t know the name of the show. If you haven’t seen JUMP guested on this show, I will explain it. The setting of the show was set up like a subway where each player had to hold a subway strap and give their answer. If they got two questions wrong they will get punished by getting spray with some stuff (looked like fire extinguisher stuff haha). The questions were slangs or shorten word and you had to answer with the formal wording (Exampls: kimu taku = Kimura Takuya, KY- Kuki Yomenai, CD= Compact Disc, and so on). JUMP went on the show with another volleyball supporter. It was Chinen’s turn and he couldn’t think of the answer so he was about to get sprayed but Ryutaro pushed him away because he also got a question wrong earlier so he was going to get sprayed in Chinen’s place (he was “taking responsibility” haha). But the person that came on the show with them ended up getting sprayed for both of Chinen and Ryutaro. She was annoyed so she pushed Chinen and said “Don’t Mind” in a rude way. So chibi Chinen pushed her back. She was going to push him again but then Keito stepped in and protected him!! Then Ryutaro said something along the lines like “Violence isn’t the answer” so she went towards him and Yuto protected him. Lastly, Daiki ended up pushing her unto to ground.
This was my favorite JUMP moment of all time!! They were all protecting each other and they all just had very great chemistry with each other! I miss their chibi days! If you watch it you would understand why it was such a great moment! I think all earlier JUMP fans have already seen this but for those new fans who haven’t, here is the link to the video but there is no Eng Sub. 
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BONUS: Hikaru getting casted in “Ikemen Desu Ne.” (Japanese version of You’re Beautiful) This came as a huge surprise to me but whoever was casting did it right! I wouldn’t have thought of anyone else in JE to play this role other than Hika-chan! Another proud moment I had.
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All my boys are growing up so nicely! Even Ryutaro! Happy 10 Years boys! I will always be here to support you all :D You guys make me happy and give me the best joy! I wish to see you all again one day! Until then, stay healthy and keep smiling.
 If you came this far, thank you for reading!! 
[Picture and Gif credits to rightful owner!
I tried to use as much of my own screenshot as possible!]
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marymosley · 4 years
Forensic Age Estimation through Biological Evidences: Blood, Saliva, Urine & Semen
Forensic Age Estimation defines an expertise in forensic medicine, which aims to define in the most accurate way the chronological age the person of an unknown age involved in judicial or legal proceedings [1]. Age estimation of unknown human bodies is important in crime investigation or mass disaster investigation because the age at the time of death can guide investigators to get the most probable and narrowed matches from a large number of matches. Aging is a complicated process characterized by a progressive decline in physical, mental, and reproductive capacities, leading to a loss of function, increased susceptibility to disease, and ultimately the end of life [2]. These progressive process leads to have various changes in the human body, which plays a key role in the determination of the age of the person. Age Estimation is necessary in the identification and creation of biological profiles, which can then compared with suspects, victims, or missing persons. There are many conventional morphological methods for estimation of age such as examining bones, skull, and teeth morphologically [3] or analyzing the amino acid racemization of teeth [4]. However, what if there is nobody/teeth available for morphological examination? These methods have limited use in the investigation because they depend on the availability of sample sources such as teeth, bones, or other identifiable body parts having physical features. Here the Age Estimation through biological fluid samples comes into focus. Because there is a high probability of the presence of various biological fluids such as blood, urine, saliva, semen, vaginal fluid on the scene of the crime.
Age Estimation through Biological Samples
Biological samples recovered from crime scenes can play an essential role in criminal investigations, providing vital information as to the involvement of particular individuals. A substantial number of studies have conducted with the aim of characterizing the entire metabolome of human bodily fluids including saliva, urine, serum, blood using mass spectroscopy, and other analytical methods. Also, various methods that would allow to estimate the age of crime suspects or missing persons from biological fluid samples collected at the scene of crime have devised as follows-
Blood is one of the most commonly encountered biofluids found at the crime scenes of homicides and assaults.
DNA Rearrangements – Recently developed DNA based method for human age estimation takes advantage of the fundamental characteristics of immune cells known as T cells. These T cells produce circular DNA (known as SJ TRECs) as a by-product of the process of T-cell specific DNA rearrangements. The quantification of SJ TRECs helps in the estimation of age as their number declines at a constant rate with age [5].
DNA Methylation – This involves the addition of a methyl group to the cytosine (nucleotide of DNA). Age-associated DNA methylation changes have been studied and these studies indicate that, average DNA methylation levels increase in the genome throughout the first year of life and after that, the levels are relatively stable [6]. After reaching adulthood, DNA methylation decreases across the genome [7].
Telomere Shortening – Telomere is a repetitive sequence of nucleotides present at the end of chromosomes, for its protection. The quantitative relation between age and changes in telomere length also considered as a parameter for the prediction of human age [8]. The estimation of human age, according to telomere shortening is a method used in consideration of gender [8].            
Saliva is usually deposited on floors, skin, cloth, paper, in bite marks found in homicides, sexual and other assaults, drugs, and alcohol abuse.
Salivary Protein Levels – The quantification salivary protein changes are associated with age. The more proteins are present in the adolescent group followed by children and lastly in the adult’s group [9].
DNA Methylation – The two marker proteins in saliva are specially analyzed for age prediction. The methylation profiles of this age markers show high correlations with age [10].    
A urine sample can also present on scenes of crime as a biological sample.    
Testosterone Levels – Testosterone is a sex hormone produced in small amounts in females as compared with males. The levels of the testosterone in urine vary with age in both males and females. The levels are at a peak in the adolescent group and decrease with age [11].           
Semen stain is one of the most important biological evidence in sexual crime scenes.
DNA Methylation – For estimation of age through semen, DNA methylation is considered as the most effective age-predicting marker because the level of DNA methylation in the genome found in the semen sample changes according to the age of individuals [12]. DNA methylation has been regarded as the most promising age-predictive biomarker during the examination of blood, saliva, semen samples. Some environmental and genetic factors such as sex, diseases, diet variations, genetic disorders of individual, environmental effects like rain, wind, heat on samples present at scene effects on the changes in these markers. Thus, during the age estimation, these factors have been considered for the best result. 
1.     Forensic Medicine – From Old Problems to New Challenges. Edited volume by Duarte Nuno Vieira. DOI: 10.5772/19261.
2.     Fontana L, Partridge L, Longo VD. Extending healthy life span – from yeast to humans. Science. 2010; 328(5976): 321–326.
3.     Ritz-Timme S, et al. Age estimation: The state of the art in relation to the specific demands of forensic practise. Int. J. Legal Med. 2000; 113: 129–136. doi: 10.1007/s004140050283.
4.     Ohtani S, Yamamoto T. Age estimation by amino acid racemization in human teeth. J. Forensic Sci. 2010; 55: 1630–1633. doi: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2010.01472.x.
5.     D. Zubakov, F. Liu, M.C. van Zelm, J. Vermeulen, B.A. Oostra, C.M. van Duijn, G.J. Driessen, J.J.M. van Dongen, M. Kayser, A.W. Langerak. Estimating human age from T-cell DNA rearrangements. Current Biology, 2010; DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.10.022
6.     Martino DJ, Tulic MK, Gordon L, et al. Evidence for age-related and individual-specific changes in DNA methylation profile of mononuclear cells during early immune development in humans. Epigenetics. (2011); 6:1085–1094. doi: 10.4161/epi.6.9.16401.
7.     Jones MJ, Goodman SJ, Kobor MS. DNA methylation and healthy human aging. Aging Cell. (2015); 14:924–932. doi: 10.1111/acel.12349.
8.     Estimation of Human Age According to Telomere Shortening in Peripheral Blood Leukocytes of Tibetan Fu Ren et al. Am J Forensic Med Pathol.2009 Sep.
9.     Drashti Bhuptani, Satish Kumar, Maarisha Vats, and Rahul Sagav. Age and gender related changes of salivary total protein levels for forensic application Forensic Odontostomatol. 2018 May; 36(1): 26–33.
10.  Yuya Hamano, Sho Manabe, Chie Morimoto, Shuntaro Fujimoto, and Keiji Tamaki Forensic age prediction for saliva samples using methylation-sensitive high resolution melting: exploratory application for cigarette butts Sci Rep. 2017; 7: 10444.
11.  WalterFutterweit, Neal L.McNiven, Roger Guerra-Garcia, NormanGibree, MichaelDrosdowsky, George L.Siegel, Louis J.Soffer, Ira M.Rosenthal, Ralph I.Dorfman. Testosterone in human urine.
12.  A validation study of DNA methylation-based age prediction using semen in forensic casework samples.Lee JW, et al. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2018.PMID: 29413993.
 Author: Ekta B. Jadhav.       
M.Sc. Forensic Science.
Intern at Dept. of Forensic Science & Criminal Investigation,
Legal Desire Media & Insights.
 The post Forensic Age Estimation through Biological Evidences: Blood, Saliva, Urine & Semen appeared first on Legal Desire.
Forensic Age Estimation through Biological Evidences: Blood, Saliva, Urine & Semen published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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kennak · 1 year
[B! 人生] 「テレビから消えて10年ー マジシャン・セロが今考える自身の存在意義とは」 - Yuya J Morimoto | Yahoo! JAPAN クリエイターズプログラム
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kennak · 1 year
[B! 人生] 「テレビから消えて10年ー マジシャン・セロが今考える自身の存在意義とは」 - Yuya J Morimoto | Yahoo! JAPAN クリエイターズプログラム
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marymosley · 4 years
Forensic Age Estimation through Biological Evidences: Blood, Saliva, Urine & Semen
Forensic Age Estimation defines an expertise in forensic medicine, which aims to define in the most accurate way the chronological age the person of an unknown age involved in judicial or legal proceedings [1]. Age estimation of unknown human bodies is important in crime investigation or mass disaster investigation because the age at the time of death can guide investigators to get the most probable and narrowed matches from a large number of matches. Aging is a complicated process characterized by a progressive decline in physical, mental, and reproductive capacities, leading to a loss of function, increased susceptibility to disease, and ultimately the end of life [2]. These progressive process leads to have various changes in the human body, which plays a key role in the determination of the age of the person. Age Estimation is necessary in the identification and creation of biological profiles, which can then compared with suspects, victims, or missing persons. There are many conventional morphological methods for estimation of age such as examining bones, skull, and teeth morphologically [3] or analyzing the amino acid racemization of teeth [4]. However, what if there is nobody/teeth available for morphological examination? These methods have limited use in the investigation because they depend on the availability of sample sources such as teeth, bones, or other identifiable body parts having physical features. Here the Age Estimation through biological fluid samples comes into focus. Because there is a high probability of the presence of various biological fluids such as blood, urine, saliva, semen, vaginal fluid on the scene of the crime.
Age Estimation through Biological Samples
Biological samples recovered from crime scenes can play an essential role in criminal investigations, providing vital information as to the involvement of particular individuals. A substantial number of studies have conducted with the aim of characterizing the entire metabolome of human bodily fluids including saliva, urine, serum, blood using mass spectroscopy, and other analytical methods. Also, various methods that would allow to estimate the age of crime suspects or missing persons from biological fluid samples collected at the scene of crime have devised as follows-
Blood is one of the most commonly encountered biofluids found at the crime scenes of homicides and assaults.
DNA Rearrangements – Recently developed DNA based method for human age estimation takes advantage of the fundamental characteristics of immune cells known as T cells. These T cells produce circular DNA (known as SJ TRECs) as a by-product of the process of T-cell specific DNA rearrangements. The quantification of SJ TRECs helps in the estimation of age as their number declines at a constant rate with age [5].
DNA Methylation – This involves the addition of a methyl group to the cytosine (nucleotide of DNA). Age-associated DNA methylation changes have been studied and these studies indicate that, average DNA methylation levels increase in the genome throughout the first year of life and after that, the levels are relatively stable [6]. After reaching adulthood, DNA methylation decreases across the genome [7].
Telomere Shortening – Telomere is a repetitive sequence of nucleotides present at the end of chromosomes, for its protection. The quantitative relation between age and changes in telomere length also considered as a parameter for the prediction of human age [8]. The estimation of human age, according to telomere shortening is a method used in consideration of gender [8].            
Saliva is usually deposited on floors, skin, cloth, paper, in bite marks found in homicides, sexual and other assaults, drugs, and alcohol abuse.
Salivary Protein Levels – The quantification salivary protein changes are associated with age. The more proteins are present in the adolescent group followed by children and lastly in the adult’s group [9].
DNA Methylation – The two marker proteins in saliva are specially analyzed for age prediction. The methylation profiles of this age markers show high correlations with age [10].    
A urine sample can also present on scenes of crime as a biological sample.    
Testosterone Levels – Testosterone is a sex hormone produced in small amounts in females as compared with males. The levels of the testosterone in urine vary with age in both males and females. The levels are at a peak in the adolescent group and decrease with age [11].           
Semen stain is one of the most important biological evidence in sexual crime scenes.
DNA Methylation – For estimation of age through semen, DNA methylation is considered as the most effective age-predicting marker because the level of DNA methylation in the genome found in the semen sample changes according to the age of individuals [12]. DNA methylation has been regarded as the most promising age-predictive biomarker during the examination of blood, saliva, semen samples. Some environmental and genetic factors such as sex, diseases, diet variations, genetic disorders of individual, environmental effects like rain, wind, heat on samples present at scene effects on the changes in these markers. Thus, during the age estimation, these factors have been considered for the best result. 
1.     Forensic Medicine – From Old Problems to New Challenges. Edited volume by Duarte Nuno Vieira. DOI: 10.5772/19261.
2.     Fontana L, Partridge L, Longo VD. Extending healthy life span – from yeast to humans. Science. 2010; 328(5976): 321–326.
3.     Ritz-Timme S, et al. Age estimation: The state of the art in relation to the specific demands of forensic practise. Int. J. Legal Med. 2000; 113: 129–136. doi: 10.1007/s004140050283.
4.     Ohtani S, Yamamoto T. Age estimation by amino acid racemization in human teeth. J. Forensic Sci. 2010; 55: 1630–1633. doi: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2010.01472.x.
5.     D. Zubakov, F. Liu, M.C. van Zelm, J. Vermeulen, B.A. Oostra, C.M. van Duijn, G.J. Driessen, J.J.M. van Dongen, M. Kayser, A.W. Langerak. Estimating human age from T-cell DNA rearrangements. Current Biology, 2010; DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.10.022
6.     Martino DJ, Tulic MK, Gordon L, et al. Evidence for age-related and individual-specific changes in DNA methylation profile of mononuclear cells during early immune development in humans. Epigenetics. (2011); 6:1085–1094. doi: 10.4161/epi.6.9.16401.
7.     Jones MJ, Goodman SJ, Kobor MS. DNA methylation and healthy human aging. Aging Cell. (2015); 14:924–932. doi: 10.1111/acel.12349.
8.     Estimation of Human Age According to Telomere Shortening in Peripheral Blood Leukocytes of Tibetan Fu Ren et al. Am J Forensic Med Pathol.2009 Sep.
9.     Drashti Bhuptani, Satish Kumar, Maarisha Vats, and Rahul Sagav. Age and gender related changes of salivary total protein levels for forensic application Forensic Odontostomatol. 2018 May; 36(1): 26–33.
10.  Yuya Hamano, Sho Manabe, Chie Morimoto, Shuntaro Fujimoto, and Keiji Tamaki Forensic age prediction for saliva samples using methylation-sensitive high resolution melting: exploratory application for cigarette butts Sci Rep. 2017; 7: 10444.
11.  WalterFutterweit, Neal L.McNiven, Roger Guerra-Garcia, NormanGibree, MichaelDrosdowsky, George L.Siegel, Louis J.Soffer, Ira M.Rosenthal, Ralph I.Dorfman. Testosterone in human urine.
12.  A validation study of DNA methylation-based age prediction using semen in forensic casework samples.Lee JW, et al. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2018.PMID: 29413993.
 Author: Ekta B. Jadhav.       
M.Sc. Forensic Science.
Intern at Dept. of Forensic Science & Criminal Investigation,
Legal Desire Media & Insights.
 The post Forensic Age Estimation through Biological Evidences: Blood, Saliva, Urine & Semen appeared first on Legal Desire.
Forensic Age Estimation through Biological Evidences: Blood, Saliva, Urine & Semen published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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