#Z nation citizen Z
zaynmirrors · 11 months
Fire on Fire: Part 20
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A/N: Getting close to the end guys! Does anyone have any ideas for another series or blurbs? Open to suggestions.
Chapter 20
10k stayed in and out of consciousness, so much to the point I was starting to worry. Eventually, by luck, we met up with Warren and the others. 
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this” Warren spoke, glancing back at me in the rearview mirror. 
I shook my head, “All good” though I’m not sure it was. 
“How’s your little girl?” She smiled fondly at the memory of her. 
A small smile tugged on my lips, “She’s good, talking, being a menace” which earned a chuckle from Warren. 
“Where is your daughter now?” Hector, who I managed to learn they had beef with for a while but was now on our side. 
I winced, “it’s a long story, but she's with this couple that took us in. Very fortified place”
Hector nodded and mumbled something about that being nice as Doctor Sun Mei glanced back at 10k who slept, she said nothing but looked skeptical. 
“What can you tell us about Murphy town?” Warren asked. 
I shook my head. “Not much, there’s a lot of security, a zombie moat, and these people just listen to him”
“Now that’s odd” Warren grunted, I nodded. 
“That’s all I got before he knocked me out” I stated 
Hector raised an eyebrow “knocked you out?”
I nodded, “yeah, woke up in a psych ward, that’s how I met up with doc and 10k”
“Oh you’re gonna wanna hear this!” Doc piped up and went on to tell the whole story, I snorted, laughing at some of the funny parts. 
“Sounds like you guys have been up to quite a bit” Addy pipes up. I nod. The ride continued swapping stories of zombies, family before, and just what we wish the world was now. 
Warren pulled to a stop at a lookout that gave us a good view of Murphy's little village. If it came to a fight I don't know if I'd be able to go down swinging. I promised I'd make it back to Em. 
I sighed quietly, taking a look at 10k who was still passed out. Good, sleep it off. The more time I have to plan out this conversation the better. 
Warren decided to set up camp here, so we sat around a low-burning fire eating beans Maggie packed for me. I stood taking what was left of my bowl over to the opened trunk of the car where 10k lay. Though instead of asleep, his eyes were open staring at the roof of the car. His head turned my way. Fuck. 
“How long have you been here?” He asked, voice still groggy from sleep, or drugs, or Murphy, hell maybe a combo. 
I took a breath, “been here a while” he sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the trunk. 
He looked at the bowl in my hand and then back up to my face. “Come to really put a knife in my chest?” He deadpanned. 
No emotion was shown in his eyes, I glanced over to see if anyone was listening, if they were they were doing a good job hiding it. 
“I came to apologize, and save your ass” I offered up the bowl of beans, he crossed his arms over his chest in rejection so I set it on the edge of the trunk beside him. 
He stayed silent, either not wanting to listen or telling me to continue. Regardless I continued. “I was selfish, I chose Emma over you and the mission and I’m sorry.”
He loosened the tightness of his arms but his face remained stoic so I just went on, “Every waking moment I think about you, about us. fuck you’re in my dreams too. I was stupid and you can hate me all you want, I deserve it.” 
He remained silent, as tears threatened to spill. Heat ran its way up from my cheeks to the tops of my ears. I could tell he was in contemplation, I knew him all too well. “I would’ve gone with you,” he said, firm and truthful. “You could’ve just said something, everything could’ve been okay. All you had to do was just fucking say something!” His fist hit the carpet inside but still made a loud enough noise that made me jump. 
He went on, “The little savior act isn’t going to fix things. I should’ve known you would’ve picked that thing over me. I was happier thinking you were dead” 
I couldn’t stop the tear that fell down my cheek but I wasn’t about to cry in earshot of everyone else. I simply nodded and walked away, noticing we had gathered an audience. 
My feet carried me past the group, ignoring Warren calling out for me. This is exactly how I figured it would go. I should’ve just stayed at the farm. Crawling into one of the tents we set up, I laid on the sleeping bag and sobbed, Not caring about anyone hearing me. 
I sobbed, knowing you fucked up was one guilt but hearing it was a whole other level. I almost hadn’t heard Addy enter the tent. “Y/N, you wanna talk?”
Shaking my head earned a sigh from her, then some rustling and a sudden warmth at my back. I didn’t stray from her touch when she wrapped around me.
Addy rested her nose on the top of my head. A hand in my hair, rubbing in soothing circles. “I don’t think he means what he said,” she said lowly. So they had heard. 
I shook my head but she just shushed me, “Give him time, it’s obvious he’s not in the right mind at the moment”. It didn’t matter to me, somewhere deep in his mind he meant that. She held me, soothing me as I cried. Even as I fell asleep. 
That morning I woke alone, not that it bothered me. I was becoming used to waking up alone. I didn’t want to leave the safety of the tent. Leaving meant facing the group. Facing 10k. I couldn’t do that, though there wasn’t much choice in that matter. I’d have to leave eventually. 
Before I could even think about getting up Warren made her way into the tent, biscuit in hand which she offered out to me. I took it with a small smile. 
“He ran off” was all she said, I knew though. I just nodded and so she continued “We’re gonna fight, it'll be messy. I know you got that little girl to take care of so if you wanted to leave” Did I want to leave? I felt indifferent about fighting.
“If you find yourselves out our way, stop by,” I said, she nodded. I’m sure she knew what my choice was going to be. I told her how to find us, “when 10K gets fixed-“
She smiled, “I’ll send him your way, give that little girl a hug for me” I nodded and smiled, turning on my heel to face the tent. 
I didn’t waste time gathering my stuff. When I was done, I went to say my goodbyes but saw Addie talking to Warren who held a sullen expression on her face. 
Doc grabbed my attention as he said “I hate to see you go again” I turned to look at him. 
“I know, I want to stay and make sure he’s okay but I can’t.” He held his hand up as if he understood, “If I would’ve just stayed-“
“Hey, don’t. None of us could’ve known that Murphy was going to do that.” He placed a hand on my shoulder. “Murphy set that whole thing up, he knew what he was doing, it wasn’t your fault”
It was like everything clicked together, he truly had planned it all out. Fucker. He deserves everything that’s coming. “You bring him home to me,” I said, pulling Doc into a tight hug.
“We’ll be right behind you kiddo,” he said into my hair, slowly loosening his hold on me. With that, I left. 
Chapter 21
@whenmypartysover @multifandomlesbianic @isimpfordanielpark
@ophelia-nightt @peezbabey @lizzardgreene @lizx13 @nohemi2500
@missricecrispy @nightowlgirl
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fandomqueenb06 · 22 days
Ok so I’m rewatching z nation right now and I’m just like WHAT HAPPENED TO SIMONS DOG? Did it die? When did it just disappear because one day it was just gone and no one talked about it
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dumb-zombie-girl · 23 days
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He's losing his mind and I love him
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lusz8 · 1 month
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itsmetalgreymonnow · 1 year
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Dj Qualls in Z Nation Season 2
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harlstiel · 2 years
In honor of a show I love geting taken off of netflix, here’s to Z Nation. Probably my healthiest cping mechanism tbf. 
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crackheadcastiel · 1 year
Never noticed that DJ Qualls was in the first episode of criminal minds.. why he kinda… 😏
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terrifyingblog · 1 year
Puppies and kittens Part 1[Z nation OC and Reader insert]
By far this crew was as annoying as your family, A guy named Murphy is apparently the savior of humanity??? The guy can't even save himself for being such a fucking coward, so this is absolute bullshit for the lack of a better word.
Charles garnett, too kind, WAY TOO kind, the infant he took in turned into a damn zombie, was that fun? No not really, a soldier in the group died trying to mercy the child, it's like this kid is a rabid dog, Not cool at all, then you guys met this locked up chick named Cassandra.
She kind of looks like a hoe in your opinion, doc was about to get bitten, if it weren't for a mere you don't know what it is, but the zombie's head got a hole in it, when you guys turned to the source of that 'bullet' you guys saw a person, you're not sure if it's a guy or girl though.
Doc tried to yell a thank you to the person but in a blink that person is gone.. tch. Weirdo much..
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When I Garth appeard on supernatural I was like :
Wait…this is the dude from z nation citizen z then I watched criminal minds and DJ qualls appeard and I was like this is the dude from supernatural
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hebrewbyinbal · 5 months
Israel is renowned as one of the most dog-friendly places in the world, where these loyal companions are revered for their roles in various aspects of life.
That is why we see so many videos of IDF soldiers rescuing dogs in G@z@ risking their lives to bring them to safety in Israel.
From cherished pets to essential members of the military and beyond, dogs hold a special place in Israeli society.
Dogs are cherished members of our family. Whether frolicking in the parks, accompanying their owners on outdoor adventures, or simply lounging at home, dogs are integrated into daily life with love and care.
But their significance extends far beyond the domestic sphere. In the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), dogs serve alongside soldiers, playing crucial roles in reconnaissance, search and rescue missions, and detecting explosives.
These highly trained canine units are instrumental in safeguarding the nation and its citizens, showcasing the deep bond between humans and dogs in the pursuit of security and protection.
Moreover, dogs in Israel play a vital role in rehabilitation and therapy. Trained therapy dogs offer comfort and support to individuals facing physical or emotional challenges, including veterans recovering from the traumas of war, victims of trauma, and people with disabilities.
Their gentle presence and intuitive nature provide solace and encouragement, aiding in the healing process and restoring hope to those in need.
In Israeli society, dogs are revered not only for their practical contributions but also for their innate qualities as healers and angels. Their unconditional love, empathy, and ability to lift spirits make them cherished companions in times of joy and sorrow alike.
In this land where ancient traditions meet modern innovation, dogs are celebrated as valued members of the community, embodying the virtues of loyalty, compassion, and resilience.
Dogs in Israel exemplify the profound bond between humans and animals, enriching lives and touching hearts.
Source Credit: the_dog_sheba
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zaynmirrors · 2 years
Fire on Fire: Part 18 (10k)
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Pairings: 10k and mom!reader.
A/N: Hey! I know it’s really been a hot minute, I’ve had like no time to post the next couple chapters with fancy vet school and working full time. Hopefully you all can forgive me especially since the next few chapters are rough. Again, I’m sooooo sorry. :( If i managed to find some extra time would you be interested in a different 10k story line?
                                              Chapter 18
We stayed a few days, making sure doc was good to travel. Emma kept her distance from him, unsure of the new temporary member. 
She cried when I left, I heard her from outside the house. Begging for me to come back, it took everything in me to not turn around to say fuck you im not going. Doc tried to comfort me but it only turned the tears into anger. 
The first time I smelled the forgotten smell of rotten flesh I threw up. “Damn kid, you alright?” Doc asked as he held my hair. 
“Funnily enough I forgot how bad they smell” I weakly chuckled. He looked at me concerned. “What?”
“Are you-“ he hesitated for a moment, “any chance you’re pregnant?”
“Absolutely not, it’s been too long” at least I thought anyways. I’d have to try and worry about that math later. I was decently sure. 
Doc thought for a moment, his face softened “you’re right, it’s been a bit”
It took us two weeks to make it back to their camp, addy was the first one to notice. “Holy shit” she ran over and wrapped me in her arms squeezing me tight. 
I returned the gesture, watching over Addys shoulder as Vasquez and Warren turned to look. Warren let a small smile adorn her face. We took our time catching up before the plan went into action. 
I kept the hood over my head, waiting in line as Murphy bit people ahead of me. 
Did I know what waited for me? No I didn’t. Though I think I’d rather have death than being bit by him. 
“Take off that hood” one of his lackeys shouted at me. I pretending I didn’t hear him. “Yo, take it off” that earned me a shove. 
Back before the world went to shit, Angel had a friend who was deaf. He taught me some sign though I was surely rusty, I signed the best my memory could allow. The lackey was perplexed. 
“Hey they’re deaf, asshole. Leave them alone” Murphy stated, I watched as his feet made their way towards me. I swallowed down my anxiety. 
Looking up I managed to keep the hood covering the majority of my face. Murphy offered his hand and I took it. I’d been careful to remove anything he would’ve remembered was mine. He led the way inside the compound leaving the line of sick people fussing and whining. 
“Excuse me” the voice made my heart clench, one I couldn’t forget. Keeping my head bowed I watched hidden under the hood as his booted feet clunked away from us down the stairs. We came to a stop after many twists and turns. As much as I wanted to look up I didn’t. I watched his feet as he paced across the room we were in.
I heard scribbling And then nothing. A yellow note pad came into view. Written on the page was “take off the hood Y/N”. My Stomach fell, of course he knew. Carefully I pulled the hood off from over my head, light flooding my Vision. Murphy stood in front of me, blue tinged skin and his face holding a wolfish grin. 
“I really do admire your determination” the smugness exuded from him. “I knew you’d eventually come for him” 
I swallowed down “I’m here for you” he shook his head in refusal. 
“I have my own empire here, one you’re welcome to stay in” he offered, lurching closer, face looming over mine. “You’d have him, and be immune, what more could you want” his warm breath wafted on my face, the faintest hint of cinnamon scented it. 
I rolled my eyes, “I just want to go back to my daughter, I can’t do that unless I get you to come with me” 
“Why would I do that?” He had a point, I had nothing to offer and by the looks of it he really did have his own empire. “Cat got your tongue” he purrs, going to cup my cheek, I coil at the touch.“Mm how about, I send you and your lover on your merry way?” 
“What’s in it for you?” I questioned, it wasn’t like him to give up this offer. Especially if 10k was pissed at me. That was something I didn’t know, and something I probably shouldn’t chance.  
Murphy looks at his nails in contemplation, picking at them. “Without him, what leverage do they have? Why else would you have come?” He had a point, but I also promised Doc I’d return Murphy to them. “Your story could be over, I could make him forget you ever left. Send him home with you to make more little monsters” The offer was almost too good. I just couldn’t bring myself to take it. I shook my head and he smirked. “Have it your way”
He gestured to the door in a nice way of saying fuck off. I didn’t budge, I stood there holding my ground as if I wasn’t on “enemy” territory. His eyes bore into mine as if searching my soul. “I really like you kid” he spoke truth, baring his soul to me. It wasn’t a confession of anything but admiration. “If i decide to leave with you, would you be willing to make a deal?” 
“What kind of deal?” I asked, unsure of what he could possibly be proposing. He just smiled as a stinging sensation erupted at the base of my neck. I hissed, trying to step forward but swayed as the room began to spin. Opening my mouth to say something but unsure if anything fell out as my eyelids became too heavy to keep apart. Darkness swallowed me. 
God my head was pounding. What the hell happened. Can I even open my eyes. It feels like I’m trying to, maybe it’s just dark. Why did it smell like bleach. I’m gonna kill murphy, my new personal goal. 
“Hey, I think she’s awake” A unfamiliar voice sounded to the left of me. I couldn’t move, what the fuck. The little light that shown threw my lashes were enough to make me close them again. There was heels clicking on some type of flooring. 
“Group welcome our newest patient, Y/N” 
Part 19
@whenmypartysover @multifandomlesbianic @isimpfordanielpark @ophelia-nightt @peezbabey @lizzardgreene @lizx13 @nohemi2500 @missricecrispy
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You’re thoughts on what’s taking place on college campuses and the anti semitism being blatantly displayed
There has been a major shift in the culture. In years past, whenever the Palestinian/Israeli conflict flared up, anti-Israeli sentiment in America was limited to the fringe of the Left; with both the political Right, and the mainstream political Left standing behind the only liberal democracy in the region, and both sides recognizing the cynical, self destructive tactics of Israel's extremist enemies which stalemate the situation (Hamas, The PLO and the PIJ).
But Gen Z goes into the evaluation of this long enduring conflict with a completely different mentality. That is because it has been significantly shaped by a radical cultural ideology according to which virtue comes from victimhood and suffering rather than from proper conduct. Individuals are entirely a product of their social circumstances (says Critical Theory) and the conduct of the oppressed is an expression of their desperation and suffering at the hands of powerful systems. Those systems are themselves the only truly “unethical” force that is in play, and they must be reformed in order to reform the individual. In the 2020 riots, violence (including against the livelihood of civilians) was justified by the cause: the alleviation of alleged suffering and oppression at the hands of law enforcement.
The Palestinian Israeli conflict plays into this Oppresser/Oppressed (stronger/weaker) narrative where there is no “morality” there is only “justice” (which means “equity”). It leads to a justification of a “By Any Means Necessary” ideology , just as long as the means is not sufficient enough to turn the stronger party into the weaker party. Israel is the powerful more militarily dominant liberal democratic nation so it must be to blame in this clash between itself and a poorer, chaotic struggling society. The advocate of traditional Western morality however judges each party whether small or great according to the morality of its intentional actions. According to that calculus Israel is, for the most part, a free nation attempting to defend its citizens, Hamas, The PLO and The PIJ are obscenely immoral terrorist organizations that intentionally target the innocent, and the Palestinian people are victims caught in the middle.
The truly unfortunate thing is that this debate is spilling over in the form of anti-semitic language and behavior toward normal American citizens who happen to be Jewish. And of course the rhetoric of this classical anti-Semitism uses the exact same language of the oppressor/oppressed, "the Jews run the world, they own and control everything and we are their hapless victims." This was of course the rhetoric of the Nazis.
And as with the other paradigms of oppressor v.s. oppressed it doesn't actually matter if it's accurate or not.
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Saw this post and I also regularly see a lot of similar posts among ghost fans, especially with this guy, so I wanted to write a little about it.
actually on the second photo it is a real russian soldier who now participates in war against Ukraine and in one of his posts he even mentioned that he trains russian soldiers.
seems like he's actually really proud of it and shows it in his social medias. he also was in Mariupol (as he tagged geolocation on his photo) - a Ukrainian city which last year was turned to dust with its hundreds thousands of citizens by russians and to these days is occupied by russia while remaining people can't even be evacuated because they would be sent into the concentration camps russians made nearby and their children would be deported to russia. naturally, due to russian occupation people can't come to Mariupol from Ukraine's side.
he also, like other russian soldiers, proudly wears a russian n*zi symbol on his chest - letter "Z" on the last photo which russians specifically use to identify their troops in Ukraine and this letter eventually became a symbol of the war for them.
this is your daily reminder that russian army commits genocide and war crimes in Ukraine for the second year, occupies its territories and regularly commits terrorist attacks against Ukrainians by hitting city centres, sleeping areas, shopping malls, generally peaceful crowded spaces with missiles and rockets, therefore russian soldiers are fucking murderers and terrorists. I get that this fandom is about military men but this same ghost for example is a FICTIONAL character from a fictional game, not a real soldier who participates in genocidal war in order to destroy a whole national identity and is a literal n*zi. and I know that for some of you jokes about "war crimes" is funny but I'm sure not when these very war crimes are being committed in your country while people online making thirst traps about your murderers.
at least, be very careful posting pics of REAL soldiers since it's not easy to make a proper research before to make sure this soldier isn't a murderer of innocent people or whatever.
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
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Today, July 20th, 2024, Israeli Air Force fighter jets struck military targets belonging to the Houthi terrorist regime in Yemen. All of the pilots returned home safely.
The strike was conducted in response to the Houthis' ongoing terrorist attacks on Israel in recent months. These attacks have included the launch of hundreds of aerial threats, one of which resulted in the death of Israeli citizen Yevgeny Ferder z”l and the injury of several other civilians.
Israeli Air Force jets executed an extensive operational strike over 1,800 kilometers away from Israel, targeting locations in the area of the Al Hudaydah Port in Yemen. The Al Hudaydah Port serves as an entryway for Iranian weapons to the Houthi terrorist regime and is a significant economic source for them. This strike is one of the furthest from Israeli territory ever conducted by the Israeli Air Force.
In recent months, the Houthis have been working to destabilize the Middle East. Their terror attacks, funded and directed by Iran, harm maritime freedom in the area, regional ports, the Suez Canal, and global trade as a whole.
Under Iran's guidance, attacks against Israel and Western nations are conducted by Iranian-funded, armed, and directed proxies. This strategy allows Iran to hide and avoid the consequences of war.
The IDF will continue to defend the State of Israel against terror threats wherever necessary and will maintain the security of Israeli civilians.
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so this post is inspired by a person who sent an ask to @my-nitpicking-self (i hope you don't mind me tagging you), who mentioned the confrontation between katara and zuko in atla, in reference to glimmer's and catra's relationship in spop. i thought it was an interesting comparison, so i'm going to expand on it.
so two very similar scenes in atla and spop: katara and zuko being stuck together in crystal catacombs and glimmer and catra being stuck together in horde prime's ship. two things to note here - zuko was beginning to heal at this point and had almost completely given up his mission of capturing aang, while catra has just finished conquering salineas and was neck-deep in villainy.
as soon as katara sees zuko, she becomes outraged. keep in mind, zuko did not kill katara's mother. but she still had a valid reason to be mad at him. she holds him accountable for everything he has done.
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K: Why did they throw you in here? Oh, wait, let me guess. It's a trap. So that when Aang shows up to help me, you can finally have him in your little Fire Nation clutches!
K: You're a terrible person! You know that? Always following us! Hunting the Avatar! Trying to capture the world's last hope for peace! But what do you care? You're the Fire Lord's son. Spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood!
Z: You don't know what you're talking about.
K: I don't? How dare you! You have no idea what this war has put me through! Me personally! The Fire Nation took my mother away from me.
here, zuko doesn't try to argue with katara until she implies that violence and aggression is an inherited thing, because he's from the fire nation. zuko accepts his mistakes but he is also aware that being a fire nation citizen or even royalty alone doesn't make you a bad person. even then, he doesn't raise his voice or lash out at her, he just calmly disagrees.
after katara mentions her mother, he apologizes and sympathizes with her.
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Z: I'm sorry. That's something we have in common.
K: I'm sorry I yelled at you before.
Z: It doesn't matter.
K: It's just that for so long now, whenever I would imagine the face of the enemy, it was your face.
katara also apologizes but zuko understands that it was completely in her right to blame him. and then we get to the crux of the issue. katara's mother was killed years ago but she still hasn't been able to move on from the grief.
now, of course, zuko again turns back to villainy but this was an important confrontation. and it wasn't the only one. as you all know, after zuko's official redemption, the gaang still doesn't trust him and katara is the last person to forgive him. she is still upset and disappointed by the way he betrayed her after they had begun to bond in the catacombs. and zuko has to prove his loyalty before katara could forgive him.
now let's come to glimmer and catra. catra DIRECTLY caused the death of glimmer's mother. and it was recent. glimmer had been grappling with her grief in the last season, to the point where she spirals into a small corruption arc. s4 of spop does NOT forget angella's death.
so obviously, you would expect there to be a confrontation between glimmer and catra in s5, especially since they were alone together in a confined space. but let's see what happened.
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Glimmer: You again. Why do you keep coming back here?
Catra: Just...bored, I guess.
Glimmer: No, I mean, Horde Prime told you not to talk to me. He's gonna catch you eventually. Why risk it? ...You're lonely, aren't you?
so far, no confrontation, no apology.
Catra: What do you know? You're the prisoner here. I can go where I want. So, stay here by yourself for all I care.
Glimmer: Okay, okay, you're right. It...helps having someone to talk to. Even if you're the last person I'd ever want to be stuck here with.
Catra: Trust me, Sparkles, the feeling is mutual.
and just like that, they're on better terms now. glimmer doesn't bring up angella's death, she doesn't bring up the way catra treated adora, how she and bow were kidnapped by catra, nothing. they seem more like casual rivals than enemies here. catra doesn't seem guilty in the slightest, she just has to threaten to leave and glimmer immediately makes her stay.
and not just that, they joke about adora's paranoia that was rooted in her trauma, as if it's just a fun quirk. at this point, it's clear that the writers are not even trying to make it seem like they don't favor catra over all the characters.
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and the one time glimmer somewhat confronts catra—
G: Please, Catra. Do one good thing in your life!
C: Don't talk to me like you know me! You don't know anything about me!
of course, catra shuts her down immediately. and afterwards, even when catra saves glimmer, she makes it clear that she's only doing it for adora. while on the surface, this might still come off as a good deed, it's clear from her later behaviour that catra's goal wasn't to help either adora or glimmer. my best guess is that she was practically awaiting death at that point and didn't expect to face the consequences of her actions, so she wanted to go out with one good deed, much like shadow weaver.
it's crazy how zuko, who was just an antagonist and has done very little to directly hurt the gaang, faced the consequences of his actions and got a drawn out and detailed redemption; while catra, who spent the entire series hurting the protagonists out of her own interest, gets off scot-free.
any time her past actions are brought up, they are mentioned in the vaguest terms possible i.e. “she made some mistakes” or “shs hurt people”. it's so clear that the writers were hoping that if the other characters forgot everything that catra did, the audience would do the same. and the worst part is that they're right. 90% of the fandom were willing to accept catra's redemption because no one in the show ever holds her accountable or confronts her properly.
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thevioletjones · 1 month
Listen, the DNC fucking nailed that convention so hard, I'm positive we're gonna win.
The party platform they laid out is immaculate. The stark contrast in messaging from that of the party of loveless, bigoted, weirdo, grifter, ghouls couldn't be more plain.
Somehow, in just 4 days, the Dems have officially become the party of family values, in addition to being the party of equality and inclusivity. It's actually surreal to those of us old enough to have slogged our way through many contentious election cycles and decades of hypocrytical myopic bullshit foisted upon us by old-fashioned post-Reagan conservatives.
The selection of Tim Walz as VP turned out to be masterful. Next to him, JD Vance looks even more pathetic and stupid than he already did. The men on the republican ticket are fundamentally incapable of acting like the informed, caring adults on the historic democratic ticket.
I'm disappointed in the youth on social media as usual. As an elder millennial progressive, I have always been further left than the tickets I've voted for and the administrations I've supported. Even my favorite politicians have done things I don't like or agree with. But that's the way it is. It's something we as voters and citizens do not have full control over and never will.
I believe in a free Palestine and I in no way condone the US involvement in supplying Israel with weapons in an unjust war. I also am not a fan of the barely disguised antisemitism that's permeating that cause, and I'm smart enough to know that the entirety of the conflict is much more complex than the last year's news cycle. You can seek out documentaries by credible news sources (like the excellent Vice News program previously aired on HBO and other cable channels) that detail bothe the history of Israel, the history of Palestinian struggles, and the history of the US relationship with Israel, and what that territory means to the different religious factions that want it for themselves (and how sects of Christianity have been indoctrinated into the cause of gaining it for themselves).
The thing is that this election isn't about that relationship or that conflict. It's not about anyone else's country. It's about ours.
I'm American, but I grew up in Venezuela. They just had a big election there that resulted in a steal from a dictator-like unpopular president. But unlike ee did with Trump the first time he lost, they can't actually get his ass out of the presidential palace. Chavez and Maduro have ruined that country with the same anti-democratic tactics that Trump would love to employ and pushed millions of citizens to emigrate from the country.
None of that is about the US either.
My point being, every country on this planet has it's own problems that for better or for worse, we have to largely leave in the hands of the citizens of those nations to resolve.
This is your opportunity to continue the slow correction of the path we've been on in America since Clinton and Obama. It's a slow march towards progress that keeps getting stymied and dragged back, then pushed a little bit forward again. These moderate liberals are the only vote we have that will ever possibly lead to a truly progressive hero and champion. You know, most likely someone in one of our generations.
Millenials and Gen Z have a lot in common, but as the older of the two, I'm telling you, only time and experience will prove to you that you can't have everything in one candidate or even an entire party, and wasting your ability to actually make a difference for noble ideals that won't make an actual difference to those lives you think you're trying to save is illogical.
Israel will not stop bombing Gaza because you sat out of a US election, or because you protested the DNC, or protest voted 3rd party.
Until the system is overhauled, there is no point in 3rd party voting. Of course we should have more than 2 options. We don't.
Anyway....... I am joyful this week.
I still can't believe Grandpa Joe actually got pushed out of the nomination. They are taking this swift shift to Kamala Harris and running Sha'Carri Richardson fast with it.
Get on board.
It's nice not to feel doomed all the time. I don't even care if it's partially an illusion. I know the alternative is a living nightmare that needs to end.
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