#ZIM is tired. my body is not working my brain doesnt work. LIVING UP TO MY BLOG USEREDNAME I SUPPOSE! SIGHS.
defectzim · 1 year
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thatgeyaesthetic · 4 years
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This is Xax (formerly Zachary)
He's the tallest of all his siblings. And just barely surpasses Dib in height. He's quiet and reserved and very capable. Usually he follows the rules, and keep to himself. Due to this, he is often overlooked by his parents, both Zim and Dib have their hands full with GIR and his other rambunctious siblings.
Because he's so quiet, he's easy pickens in scool especially since his skin is a pale green and he's got irken teeth and three fingers. He's bullied a lot and becomes more and more depressed.
Zachary does research in his spare time, and looks into irken culture. Since Zim and Dib mainly dont talk about it. Zim has long abandoned the empire, after realizing their atrocities, and protects him smeets fervently from it.
Somehow Zachary contacts the control brains, and they see his potential.
They start apealing to him, feeding him lies about if his parents cared, they would have noticed how miserable he was.
Soon Zachary steals the voot. And takes off to Irk.
When he gets there he is coerced into letting them install a PAK, replace his eyes with irken military standard implants (irreversible), and hes thrust into Invader Training. Incredibly, he does very well. Plus his height gets him special treatment. He's in the running to become tallest.
Back on earth Zim notices he's gone immediately. But with only Taks ship, he's unable to follow. When he finally does get the ship off the ground they leave their smeets with Gaz and take off after him.
By the time they get to Zackary, he looks like a full fledged irken, and is a high commander of an army. His ears are gone, replaced with tubing that goes straight into his brain, and other life support systems attached. Due to the PAKs influence, his nose has mostly retreated into his face (like Zib) and all of his hair has fallen out. The PAKs programming had deemed these unnecessary.
Not only that, Zim and Dibs pleading is met with scorn, and laughter. They want him to come home. But he replies: "I am home! And my name is XAX NOW." Before training his fleets weapons on their little ship.
He almost kills them and they escape with their lives, just barely.
Zim is heartbroken, but he's hopeful as a character. So of course he will continue to try. And thats what they do. They basically wage war against his army and try their very best to stop Impending Doom III. But their efforts are futile. Zachary now known as General Xax, is better than them both.
He shows how truly evil someone can be. Committing planetary annihilation on a regular basis. He doesn't care for the resources the planet has to offer. He gives them a set time to surrender. And if they don't. They die. This works better than the invader program, and the empire is expanding at an alarming rate.
Dib realizes his son is too far gone. He's nothing like Zim. The only thing he feels his hatred and resentment. He doesn't WANT love, or reconciliation. He want's to rule, and take revenge. He wants to kill for the sake of killing. He doesn't care! Dib knows this. Dib tries to make Zim see reason, and he wont listen.
Soon General Xax is promoted to Tallest Xax, as he passes Red and Purple in height and ambition.
He's now sickeningly skinny (still not as skinny as a full irken) He doesn't eat much, because his pak is fully operational, and supplies him with enough to keep an irken alive. But he is still half human. Most of his body is covered in the Tallest uniform he wears, so it isn't as noticable. What is noticeable is his many scars. His PAK heals him like any PAK would, but due to his biology, it isn't perfect.
As Tallest, he sets his sights on planet earth, and his parents are quick to throw themselves in the way.
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He captures Zim, because he is *weak* (according to him) and he is brought before him. Zim is on his knees sobbing (with weapons pointed at him) after seeing the state of his baby, he begs for Xax to come home, as they have 1000s of times before, and he again refuses. Why would he want to go home when he can rule the galaxy? Xax gets Dib on a call and shows him that he plans to murder Zim, and Dib pleads with him more, mainly stalling.
Dib has a plan. As they talk, Zim surrenders. He could never hurt his own smeet, and he's so tired of fighting.
"If killing me is what you wish. Then I wont stop you..."
Dib panics and begs him not to from his own ship. Xax is taken aback, knowing Zim always fights until he's blue in the face. He would never surrender like that. Either it has to be a trap, or.. he really had given up.
Dib then executes his plan. He had hacked into Xax's pak and done a full reset on him. Zim watches as the smeet he raised himself is destroyed in front of him. He erased everything and left him more or less with the mind of a 4 year old.
They escape somehow and take Xax home... but he's different. The Zachary they knew is dead. He's gone. Killed by his own father. And all thats left of him is an empty husk of what he used to be.
It had to be done. It had to. To save the galaxy. To save planet earth. To save Zim.
But that doesn't make Zim hate him any less. And it doesnt make Dib feel any less guilty...
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