nemzetikonyvtar · 6 months
Már nagyon várjuk, hogy péntektől megnyithassuk Az idő arcai című kiállításunk kapuit! Az idő arcai egyik legkülönlegesebb tárgya, Magyarország legrégebbi glóbuszpárjának egyike megérkezett a kiállítótérbe a zirci műemlékkönyvtárból. Az öles méretű éggömböt 1630-ban készítették Amszterdamban; a tengerhajózás élvonalába törő hollandok ilyenek segítségével tájékozódtak a távoli vizeken. A csillagok nemcsak térben, hanem időben is segítenek tájékozódni, a 2024. április 12-én nyíló tárlatban erről is többet megtudhatnak!
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keresztvadasz · 1 year
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mecsekalja · 1 year
"Mauro-Giuseppe Lepori O.Cist. generális apát, Zirci Ciszterci Apátság élére kinevezett pápai biztos prezentációs levele alapján 2023. június 5-i hatállyal Bérczi L. Bernát O.Cist. apát, moderátor-plébános urat, Kiss G. Péter O.Cist. atyát és Csécs Z. Dániel O.Cist. atyát a veszprémi érsek felmentette a Zirci Plébánia lelkipásztori ellátásában való részvételből.”
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bellacsao · 1 year
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aloneinstitute · 2 years
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A abadia de Zirc é o centro húngaro da ordem Ciszterc em Zirc.
O mosteiro cisterciense, fundado na densidade da floresta de Bakony, a uma altura de 400m, foi um grande patrono doméstico da ordem, III. Rei Bela em 1182.
A tragédia da abadia, que era rica em propriedades, foi relatada pela ameaça turca, quando os monges temendo os conquistadores, deixaram o mosteiro por volta de 1538, que foi enterrado pelos turcos depois que Veszprém chegou às mãos dos turcos. Depois da expulsão, mais de um século passou até que os primeiros monges se instalaram aqui novamente.
Um 18. Durante o século, a reconstrução da abadia e suas propriedades abandonadas foi realizada com o controlo e despesas da abadia em Heinrichau.
Depois que o último pai de Heinrichau morreu em 1814, a abadia tornou-se independente e a partir dessa época Zirc é o centro da ordem cisterciense na Hungria.
Em 1945, as propriedades da abadia de Zirc foram tomadas sem compensação, que mantinha as escolas alta até então, em 1948 todas as escolas do país foram nacionalizadas, e em 1950 a ditadura proibiu todo o funcionamento da a ordem.
Em 1989, a Congregação Zirci tornou-se novamente uma instituição reconhecida pelo estado e os primeiros monges puderam voltar a Zirc no início de 1990.
O teu pai também tem uma boa cervejaria aqui, que vale a pena conferir quando visitares.
#zirc #ciszterci #apatsag
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ujtumblinev · 4 years
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Magyarország - Veszprém megye (Hungary - Veszprém county) #hungariancounties
1. Thury-vár, Várpalota http://thuryvar.hu/
2. Zirci Ciszterci Apátság http://zirciapatsag.hu/galeria-rightmenu
3. Porcelánművészeti Múzeum, Herend https://herend.com/products–stores/decorative-objects
4. Szent Mihály-székesegyház, Veszprém (a virtual tour-ban látható a Szent Mihály Bazilika belseje is Boldog Gizella felkarcsont ereklyéjével)
5. Veszprémi Utcazene Fesztivál https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNhprVmwcAg 
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6. Tihanyi Bencés Apátság és Apátsági Múzeum http://www.tihanyiapatsag.hu
7. Kinizsi vár, Nagyvázsony http://kinizsivar.hu/galeria/
8. Sümegi vár http://www.sumegvar.hu/
9. Szigligeti vár https://www.szigligeti-var.hu/
10. Afrika múzeum és állatkert, Balatonederics http://www.afrikamuzeum.hu/
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nolwemn · 3 years
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Zirci Apátsági Manufaktúra
Alc.: 4,8%
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nemzetikonyvtar · 8 months
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Rózsa Dávid, az OSZK főigazgatója is hangsúlyozta: nagy jelentősége van annak, hogy egyben maradhatott a könyvtár 65 ezer kötetes állománya több mint hetven éve, kiállva az egykori üldöztetés próbáját.
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kaworusboy · 3 years
art trade with the lovely @daireannx hehe
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this is my part of the trade!! draggy yellow and smol teeny tiny zircy
i just put whatever color on yellow based on my imagination tho 💀
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nyuszimotor · 5 years
A Pesti Srácokat persze nem büntetik dezinformálás miatt :))))
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daireannx · 3 years
Just a small snippet
Part of the alternative ending for my Corrupted Forest God AU
They were back.
Zircon couldn’t believe their eyes, but here they were, standing in the middle of their room - Yellow, just as they always used to be.
“Y-Yellow? Is it really you?” they asked, their eyes starting to water already.
The old forest spirit smiled at them gently.
“Remember when I told you you could live with me once you return from your studies abroad? I’d like to keep my promise, Zircy~” Yellow said, offering them a hand as an invitation.
Zircon wanted nothing more than to rush forward, grabbing Yellow’s hand and hugging them close after finally having them back, leaving this horrible nightmare behind, but something was wrong.
They froze in the middle of their movement. Staring at their own, still mutated hand.
Why wasn’t their hand healing as well? 
Looking back at the god, who was still smiling at them, with a darkened gaze, they pulled their hand back, holding it close against their chest.
“Did you seriously think I’d follow you blindly, after everything that happened? That I would fall for such cheap tricks?”
The gods upper body fell forward in an unnatural pose within seconds, as if their spine gave in under their weight. Zircon could hear them chuckle silently and they were sure they heard bones cracking against each other in the process.
Yellow suddenly stood up straight again, with a sickenly wide grin on their face, black fluid started dripping out of their mouth - their whole appearance reminded Zircon of a humanoid version of the rotting monster their friend turned into quite a while ago.
“I knew you were a clever one, little human~” the beast hissed, seemingly unable to talk in a normal voice now.
Yellow moved closer to Zircon, who naturally tried to back away from them.
“Aww, don’t worry~ I’m not going to hurt you. You know I’d never harm you.”
“If I recall it correctly, YOU were the one trying to devour me…” grabbing their clawed hand, “...before infecting me with this damn miasma!” Zircon yelled, secretly hoping to distract the corrupted god long enough to think of an escape plan.
Ignoring the human’s small outburst, they took another step closer to Zircon, almost hovering above them.
“I’ll make you mine, just like I did with Euclase and Rutile~”
“I’ll be waiting for you~”
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meinbier · 7 years
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Achthundertfünfundsiebzigstes Bier:
Zirci Apátsági Manufaktúra Belga 6,0% vol. Zirc, Ungarn
“Félbarna Ale” steht drauf, und das heißt laut Google Translate “halbdunkel”. Gelogen haben sie also nicht, denn das Bier fließt in klarem Hellbraun ins Glas. In der Nase wurzige Malznoten und ein leichtes Karamellaroma. Geschmacklich dann weiterhin malzig, karamellig und mit einer leichten Lakritznote. Der nachtrunk ist schließlich wieder würzig, aber auch leicht alkoholisch. Das trübt das Gesamtbild leider etwas. 6/10
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pinktatertots99 · 3 years
And optional because I'm a mess - Nr.4 “I don’t know how to tell you this, but yelling at someone to, stop panicking, isn’t going to stop them from panicking.” for my OTP please but ooooonly if you want to hehe
Why do I love these idiots so much
jhhjkfkkjh honestly i legit had the idea for this fic first before any of the other ones.
One Liner Prompt list #13
4- “I don’t know how to tell you this, but yelling at someone to, stop panicking, isn’t going to stop them from panicking
yellow hummed as they sat in the peppermintstick cafe’s booth, sipping their vanilla flavored shake as they took in the scenery. the fifties vibes of the cadillac’s and betty boop pictures made them smile a bit, maybe this was why they kept gettin called old despite not even being thirty yet but one can’t deny the aesthetic is nostalgic even to someone not born in that time.
another thing that brought them a smile was the server that got recently hired a month back. a cute orange bob haired kid that smelled of recently graduated college as they watched them serving the extensive lunch hour cast of customers. the small environment of the cafe though seemed to be the one downfall as the kid kept bumping into tables or tripping to keep from bumping into people.
dipping their fry into some fry sauce they ordered yellow watched with some concern as it seemed the kid was going from zero to fifty on the anxiety scale the more busier and fussier the customers were. as they moved to look away to check their phone’s notifications a crash and yell of “HEY!” caught their ears as they looked a booth over from their own to find the waiter on the floor, picking up some shattered plates as the customer infront of them in their booth was getting on their ass more then a car on a highway.
“i-i-im sorry im sorry im sorry-”
“unprofessional lil, quit panicking for a sec!”
they jumped, giving more rambled apologies as yellow saw their eyes prickling. yeah no this was stopping. now. they got up, moving over to where they were at as they glared at the customer.
“yknow,” they started as they knealed down. “i don’t know how to tell you this,” they picked up some smaller pieces of plate. “but yelling at someone to stop panicking, is unfortunately for you specifically, not going to stop them from panicking.” they talked as they picked up the pieces, putting them on the serving platter they had them on before handing it back to the sniffling server with wide eyes.
“so how bout ya just lay off and be appreciative.” they stated glaring at the customer and waving the kid off with a light smile before walking back to their booth blocking out the customer’s curses at them. five minutes later the asshole left as the server came back to clean the booth.
they looked at eachother, yellow waved as they walked up to them mumbling a small “ ‘m sorry.” as yellow quirked a brow. “did your boss tell ya to?” they shook their head. “then ya got nothin to be sorry for.” they replied as they patted a seat, the worker looked almost like a dog not knowing if they were sure before sitting on the opposite end. yellow pushed the smoothie and fries to them.
“dunno if your allergic to either but-” they paused watching them grab two fries, dunk them in the half melted smoothie and eat them with a muffled sigh of contentment as yellow chuckled out of fondness. “th...thank you.” they mumbled as yellow nodded. “sure thing uh...” they paused looking at their name tag, they didn’t come here often and forgot to always look at the name, only getting the Z out of it any other time. “z...zac-”
“zirc-” they paused, gulping lightly as they shuffled in their seat. “....y...you can...c-call...call me...uhm...zircon. if you wan’t to.” they mumbled the last part half heartedly as yellow nodded. “aight zircy.” they replied, chuckling as the red head’s face heated up over their freckled cheeks. “wanna join me for lunch sometime?”
“i...got...work though.”
“how bout a day off?” they asked as zirc’s eyes brightened. “....i...i have Wednesday's off.”
“Wednesday it is.” they replied, taking a fry and dipping it in the smoothie before taking a bite as the other got up to continue their shift.
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winterfurst · 7 years
Zircon: Now, your honor, if you look at the evidence that I am-
Satoshi: I plead guilty.
Zircon: ....Excuse me O v O?
Satoshi: Guilty. I plead guilty.
Zircon: ........... THEN WHAT AM I DOING HERE?!
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sapphiel · 4 years
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OC doodle dump:
A harrowing encounter with Harrow
The Harrow Family: Hierophant Cachoxius and his daughter, Mazziken
Zircy gets hot and bothered by tails
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variantia · 5 years
"Hey Zircy what would happen if we ever got married?" It was moments like these that Soda really cherished, she was cuddled up to her girlfriend on the couch with her long hair down from the ponytail. Her gold eyes looked at her gem before she moved just to kiss her partners gem softly, which was her way of telling Blue that there's no one else that she would find besides her. "I'm sure I'd make a nice wife.~" Soda grinned and pecked her on the lips softly.
@mxellon​   //   BLUE ZIRCON.
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          “   M … MARRIED ?   ”
   As much as Zircon loved her partner and enjoyed all the time with her, there were moments when serious talk like that could make her freeze up.   She tried not to let it happen too much, but, well … it just seemed to be one of those days.
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          “   O-oh, I …   ”   The feeling of Sodalite’s lips against her gem was something that surprised her even more, to say nothing of the kiss afterwards.          “   Married … that’s, ah, that’s a HUMAN THING, isn’t it ?   Do we really want to go taking cues from the humans now ?   ”   she chuckled, looking away nervously.
   She loved Sodalite, but was she really – ready ?   For something like that ??
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