strayheartless · 7 months
@salternateunreality2 said that Zack fair was the Steve Irwin of FF7 and now I can’t stop thinking about it!
We talked a bit about how baby Zack used to bring random jungle animals home and got yelled at when the were agressive and/poisonous. Zacks dad having the patience of a saint as he took baby Zack back outside to go set it free and have a conversation about how tree frogs do not make good pets. Mama fair wishes he would grow out of it but at 13 just before Zack ran away he would still burst in with boa constrictors and the occasional jaguar cub that he’d found hit by a Shinra vehicle. He always had dog treats on him for the local strays and Cats seemed to adore him.
When he gets to Shinra it doesn’t get better. Angeal has had to stop too many briefings in the field because Zack has found and interesting (and likely venomous) spider. Genesis refuses to go into the field with him anymore because last time Zack started petting the wererats and feeding them cheese!
He brings home every stray he finds and it’s around the time Zack brings home a desert fox that Lazard gives up policing the issue. Apart from anything else, Zack seems to genuinely know what he’s doing with the animals he finds. He has a bunch of books and audio tapes on zoology; he’s uses all his money to buy the right foods and enclosures; he even has a fail safe of people to go in and check on the critters in his apartment while he’s away.
Kunsal’s his go to guy but Cloud absolutely gets dragged into it too. Both of them are country boys and used to wild animals and Zack only ever keeps the animals until their rehabilitated. Then he travels with them to put them back in their original habitats. Zack does have animals he keeps though
There’s a lot of spiders (Cloud dislikes them intensely),
the lame street dog he built a wheel chair for from Kalm. Zack named her Dude only to find out she was a girl so now she gets miss Dude (she seems to adore Cloud and follows him all over the building)
the two albino cats with wobbly cat syndrome called bink and bonk (kunsals personal favourites)
the angry looking Banoran Cave Toad named Genesis (Angeal’s personal favourite.)
Many many fish all with various stupid names.
That one stick insect named Paul… for some reason.
And a giant wutian planes Rabbit named flop. (Zack happened to “accidentally” register him as a therapy animal who’s main job is sitting on a certain General Sephiroth when he goes non verbal.)
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altocat · 2 years
I absolutely love wing AUs and for once this one is Not angsty: What would happen if Zack suddenly woke up one day with a wing? He is the most chill, easy going, and fun member of the group. Does he just show up And people ask "Zack, what is THAT?!" "A smoothie."
I mean, Zack canonically really wants wings!
First thing's first, you are never getting him to come down. Good luck catching him. He zips around all day without a break, always hyper and definitely pulling cartwheels midair.
Adorable flying dates with Aerith are definitely a must!
Angeal and/or Genesis spouting some cryptic nonsense before flying off? Uhhh no. Zack chases them.
"Look, Cloud! We're flying through your namesake!" Zack crows while Cloud dangles, screaming his head off.
Zack's wing is pure white, obviously.
Wing hugs for sad Seph? Wing hugs for sad Seph.
In which Zack defeats enemies by just crashing into them from above. No sword required.
Yes, he made a feather-crown. Don't judge.
Very grumpy on stormy days because that means no flapping around.
Floofs up when excited. So basically all the time.
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sirhissyfit · 10 years
Headcanon #3
Zack doesn't generally talk about what his life was like before Labyrinthia, so only the Storyteller actually knows.  If asked, he'll only say he went to law school.
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altocat · 2 years
Not really the same as your other roleswap asks but what Genesis (or Seph) had been Zack's mentor instead of Angeal?
Genesis wouldn't make for a good mentor because he's very impatient and impulsive. Zack's hyperactivity would quickly give way to reckless behavior, often in an attempt to show off for Genesis. I think Genesis would be extremely proud and pleased with himself at training someone, but he also lacks the maturity and wisdom required to pass on anything of substance. At least, not in CC era. I think post-CC Genesis would have made for a solid mentor, if not a slightly gloomy one. Too little, too late unfortunately. Poor Genesis.
Sephiroth sorrrrrrt of takes on a mentor role to Zack throughout CC. If you squint. Had he been given Zack from the very beginning, he would not have liked the responsibility of dealing with the zippy little puppy, and would have very quickly gotten annoyed and grumpy towards his antics. But much like in CC canon, Seph would have earnestly warmed to him in time, especially since Zack treats him like a person and is pretty hard not to love. He'd be a stern mentor, sometimes even a cold one. But there's never any doubt when it comes to the strength of their affection and trust in each other. And Zack is, naturally, one of the very few people who can get Seph to laugh ❤️
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altocat · 2 years
I think you’ve told us what Seph’s and Gen’s favourite foods are. What are Angeal’s, Cloud’s and Zack’s favourites in your HCs?
Angeal has very fond memories of cooking with his mother throughout his childhood. He especially loved spending the day with her baking bread or some other cherished dessert his poor family rarely got to eat. His absolute favorite food is his mother's beef stew, reserved almost exclusively for birthdays. He also really loves fresh raisin bread, as well as spicy rice dishes. And fresh fish. A nice cooked bass or catfish is a big win in his book!
Zack loves junk food, much to Angeal's dismay. He is a seasoned patron of cake, sugary cereals, ramen, pizza, and waffles. He and Sephiroth are also both mutually feral about greasy messy burgers, a realization that often fills Zack with unbridled delight. They're probably terrible influences on each other in that regard, with Zack often sneaking Sephiroth fast food like it's a dire underground operation. Angeal makes sure that Zack's training regimen is filled with plenty of strenuous physical activity to keep the calories at bay. And, fortunately, Zack also benefits from a very high metabolism.
Cloud's favorite food, according to that Yokai Watch thing is...milk? Like, just the drink. Just milk. Ooookay, Cloud. I have QUESTIONS. For the sake of expansion, however, I'll say that he's just a big fan of dairy in general. Yogurt. Ice cream. Choccy milk. Custard. And CHEESE. So, so much cheese. Cloud is cheesed to meet you.
...I'll see myself out 😂
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altocat · 2 years
As a Halloween prank me and my fellow cadets go post it note every single surface of the firsts rooms in bright orange
Yes I know there are cameras
Angeal thinks it's funny until he realizes that he's going to have to clean all of this up.
Zack thinks it's FUNNY-funny and has a good laugh over it. He double-pranks them the next day.
Genesis is INCENSED and is probably plotting his revenge as we speak. Only this is less playful and more "Oh look, Genesis is currently throwing screaming men off the side of the building".
Sephiroth, having kept his room unscrupulously clean and neat and hates breaks in routine, has spent all morning cleaning up, his eye twitching the entire time. Look what you've done! It's... probably a good idea to leave him alone.
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altocat · 2 years
It’s the weekend! HC of AGSZ drunk shenanigans please XD 🍺🍹🍸🍷
Everyone gets TRASHED. Hoo boy...
-Typically just starts laughing at everything, even if it isn't that funny. Literally the dumbest, loudest doofus you could have ever imagined, wobbling about snorting and giggling over complete nonsense.
-Barfed in the big plant pot in the hallway.
-FINALLY had enough courage to ask the cute girl at the front desk out! Go Angeal! You got this! Too bad he's pretty unintelligible and swaying about.
-Has thrown dreams and honor aside for a comfy blankie and some rest. He sleeps for twenty hours after this bender.
-Is in full chaotic gremlin mode, causing all sorts of trouble and being as LOUD as he wants! It’s PARTY TIME and you gotta DEAL WITH IT!
-Has pulled Sephiroth into a corner multiple times for “private time”.
-Is strangely enough the most sure-footed out of all of them? No stumbling or falling. He’s actually even more graceful than ever when he’s like this.
-Humor is sharp enough to cut a knife.
-Takes Sephiroth’s face and nuzzles the hell out of it. Doesn’t care. 
-Has completely forgotten even the most simplest of lines from Loveless??? For some reason, it all completely escapes him.
-Will happily fly out the window if you don’t grab him in time.
-Oh look, that “nuzzle” turned into something else 8′D
-Is technically NOT of legal age to drink! Shame on you, Angeal!
-Mostly just gets sleepy and overly chill. Just kinda laying there vibing.
-No one actually knows what he’s saying??
-Spouts random bits of helpful wisdom that break the tension. Might actually be the smartest person in the room at the moment. 
-Will wingman whatever the hell Genesis and Sephiroth are doing in the closet.
-Gets oddly visibly shy and easily flustered when drunk. Emotions are suddenly 100% more prominent than his typical stoic façade. It’s pretty cute tbh. 
-A clumsy baby animal. Has run into anything and everything in the vicinity. Sad murder kitten. Having a bad day.
-Is trying his actual best to sound logical and in control. Mostly just ends up wandering into the supply closet and gets lost.
-Is, in fact, completely useless at the moment. Might actually just full-on wander into traffic if no one keeps an eye out.
-Incoherently mumbles some weird shit asking when “Professor Gast is coming back?”
-Ended up kind of just strolling into the lounge and curling up into a ball on the sofa there. No one bothers him. 
-Has to clean up the next day =___=
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altocat · 2 years
The bagpipes of Cait Sith made me think of this…
If our lovely group of problematic firsts (that includes Zack and Cloud!) had to listen to music while working out/training/relaxing/etc, what would their favorite types of music be?
(…we all know Zack just vibes with whatever background music is in his head at the time…)
Angeal is totally a fan of 80's power ballads. Or the FF equivalent. He doesn't care how cheesy they are. HEAVY bro energy during gym time. DO YOU EVEN LIFT BRUH.
Genesis likes to pretend to be Mr. Fancy acquired taste with his music in order to impress his admirers and coworkers. "Oh yes, I listen to on the FINEST nontraditional underground sensations YOU wouldn't have ever heard of them." In reality, he's the biggest basic bitch and sings to pop music in the shower. Either that, or showtunes.
Sephiroth listens mostly to classical. But things change after Angeal and Genesis left. He finds it harder to concentrate and tries to switch to self-help audiobooks and podcasts. Which equally backfires because he's not feeling any better. Then, by pure happenstance, he comes across screamo death metal music and while he pretends to despise it, it helps him feel EXTREMELY validated and cathartic unleashing all his negative emotions and anger when no one else can see.
Zack doesn't know it but he and Genesis probably have the most in common in terms of musical tastes. They are both avid connoisseurs of basic pop. Zack also likes boy bands thanks to Aerith introducing him to it. And you know what? He's not even ashamed. He also enjoys basic hard rock and would also like the FF equivalent of Disney music, if it existed.
Cadet!Cloud is the only true "deep, poetic soul" among these losers. He likes Indie rock. Not so much edgy or pretentious stuff but more of the weighty sadboi stuff. YES, Cloud has cried in the shower multiple times listening to mopey guitars thinking about how he's too weak for Tifa (and Sephiroth!) to ever notice.
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altocat · 2 years
Hope you are doing well! We don’t have canonic birthdates for the first class soldiers, I wonder what you think they are for AGSZ? 🎂 What kind of gifts do they like on their birthdays?
Hiiii hope you're doing great! You always have awesome questions!
I don't think I have exact days and specifics. So I'm making it up as I go along!
-Angeal was born first. I want to say he's a spring child. Total sensitive Pisces energy.
-He probably had the most stable of families as a child, despite the fact that they were poor. So his parents gave what they could to make each birthday special. His mother made him his favorite foods and they would spend all day baking bread together. Angeal cherishes these memories dearly.
-The Buster Sword was an early birthday present from his father! Right before the latter passed away and subsequently right before Angeal was deployed.
-As an adult, Angeal will typically get cool trinkets, books, and novelty items from his friends. Genesis has a rather traditional habit every year of waking him up via airhorn and gracing him with a lovely joke-gift. One year it's plastic vomit. One year it's a pooping chocobo magnet. One year it's just Loveless within Loveless within Loveless. MULTILAYERED Loveless!
-....Seph just gets him a good book.
-Genesis was born the same year as Angeal around September. His birth was slightly more engineered given what they extracted from Gillian so they waited just a twinge more with him. Anyway, Gen's a Libra lol. Make of that what you will.
-As a child, Genesis' rich upbringing had him spoiled and lavished with toys, which were more than often a substitute for his parents' company. He'd give a lot of them to Angeal. He doesn't...want them.
-As an adult, Angeal and Sephiroth celebrate his birthday with a night out on the town. It's a crazy party in which everyone gets drunk and maaaaaybe a little high and miiiiight have accidentally blown up a building or two whoops.
-Yes, Gen is totally the type to get weepy over really nice gifts.
-Gen likes expensive perfumes and shiny things. He will hoard them like a greedy little cave goblin.
-Hehehe I like the idea of Zack's birthday being literally the day RIGHT BEFORE Cloud's and neither of them even realizes it because they're such dorks. Anyway, summer bros! Leo bros!!!
-Zack is pretty much a little kid when it comes to his birthday. He's HYPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And gets childishly bright-eyed at the prospect of presents. MAXIMUM ZOOMIES.
-Zack's mom sends him a cozy knit sweater in the mail every year with a big old doofy Z right in the middle. Zack is shamelessly proud of this and will wear it all day long.
-Angeal breaks his frugality one year and splurges on his apprentice, getting him a fancy new weapon. Zack breaks it within two seconds of using it in battle. After Angeal is long gone, the memory genuinely haunts Zack and motivates him to take extra special care of the Buster Sword.
-Zack's birthday without Angeal is gloomy and kind of traumatically miserable. Until Sephiroth sort of wordlessly invites him for drinks. They spend most of the night just kinda sitting there awkwardly drinking together in silence. But Zack finds that it oddly...helps. They smile shyly at each other and it's a nice moment. Before, you know, awkward again.
-Sephiroth was born the following year after Angeal and Genesis. He had a much wider gap and wasn't born until October. Scorpio hhhh.
-Despite this, he never finds out what day his birthday is. He spent a whole fraction of his life not even knowing what a birthday was. And he never received any presents at all. He has no idea how old he is. Hojo won't tell him anything and the files have all been locked away.
-Sooo one day, the trio gets bored and Genesis throws a dart at a random date on the break room calendar and they officially declare it Sephiroth Day. Sephiroth doesn't understand what they're talking about but they yank him around and tell him that from now on, this day's the number 1 Sephiroth day of the year! The sky's the limit and--wait Seph, come back!
-After coaxing him out of his room, they pull out all the big stunts. Cake. Streamers. Obnoxious noisemakers that make Seph jump from frantic catboy anxiety. When they see that they're clearly freaking Seph out, they tone it down and let him pick what they do, what makes him happy. It's his day, after all. Sephiroth is puzzled. Honestly?? He just wants to train with them like they always do together. That's all he wants.
-Every year, they cultivate a relaxed celebration of Sephiroth's favorite activities. A bit of sparring. Library time. Maybe a bit of chess or some quiet drinks. Angeal makes a cake. Genesis showers Sephiroth in new Materia or fancy items to help him sharpen and polish the Masamune. Sephiroth doesn't feel agitated or pressured, completely relaxed and warm and cherished. Days like those, he finds, were perfect. Perfect with them. Perfect together.
And he no longer remembers them. Like the day of his birth, they ultimately become locked away completely.
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altocat · 2 years
My last ask got a bit sad and creepy so let's, hopefully, turn this around. Most of Crisis Core doesn't happen, our three boys are still alive and well, no Nibelheim, and our favorite puppy just got promoted to First Class! How do you think Zack and the others would manage this (not so) little change in dynamics?
Rofl Zack is looking like the Ringo of this group.
-Zack is the new group baby. Sorry Gen.
-Angeal and Zack will always be closest due to Angeal's previous role as mentor. And that doesn't really ever change. Angeal continues to lecture and guide Zack every step of the way, and is very encouraging towards him. He's the one who works diligently to integrate Zack into the group and is the first to defend him. They typically tag-team in battle and Zack is still trying to learn all of Angeal's best moves. Angeal relies on the others to keep Zack in line whenever he isn't around, but also continues to push Zack to stand on his own as his own hero. They're always bro-ing out.
-Sephiroth does not take well to changes and, initially, feels very hostile towards any new intruders that slide into his relationship with the others. Unlike CC, they don't have the conflict to really bring them together. That said, Sephiroth eventually settles over time, impressed at Zack's skill, as well as how Zack treats him with honesty and openness. They begin to mutually admire each other and Sephiroth eventually grows very protective of him. They're pretty close overall, with Sephiroth often letting Zack get away with things that he wouldn't let others get away with. And he's generally just very kind and respectful to Zack overall. Zack is one of the few people who can actually get Sephiroth to laugh.
-Genesis and Zack never really become friends. There's just too much hostility and rivalry going on between them. That said, Genesis does come to heavily respect and rely on Zack's skill, and partially finds a level of satisfaction in competing with him. After all, Zack's a lot easier to beat than Sephiroth. While they're often trading barbs at each other, they sometimes completely forget their shared animosity whenever they're distracted. Being the two most easily excitable members of the group, there are instances when both are super hyped and it genuinely looks like they're ready to hug each other and jump around. But they still don't really like each other much lolol
-Gen and Seph are initially in the I Hate Zack Club (total members: 2) when Zack is first fully brought into the group. They basically sit there and sulk and grumble to each other about the twerp. This lasts all of two weeks before Seph ditches because hey, Zack's actually pretty cool. Genesis begrudgingly joins the others again after a bit.
-Zack trains one on one with all three and actually picks up a lot of their moves. His fighting style integrates a lot of their signature attacks.
-Zack and Gen find common ground on being the only two in the group who want to go have fun. So they will work together to drag Angeal and Sephiroth out and about.
-At some point, Zack decides to play matchmaker with Genesis and Sephiroth, thinking it would just be really funny. WHOOPS he brings them together for real 😂
-Zack mostly hangs with Sephiroth when Angeal isn't around. They've had surprisingly interpersonal conversations with each other. Sephiroth gradually finds Zack very easy to talk to. And there are things about Sephiroth's past that Zack knows that the others don't. And he doesn't like what he hears. He silently promises himself that he'll go to Angeal straight away if Sephiroth ever says anything that truly upsets or scares him.
-Yay now Angeal has three gremlins to wrangle all at the same time. The man will never get any sleep ever again.
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sirhissyfit · 10 years
Headcanon #2
Given that Zack and Greyerl were in the dungeons when the professor and Phoenix released the town from the 'spell' they didn't hear it.  The word was actually a trigger given to everyone upon their first hypnosis that would automatically break it.  After the trial, Eve went down to the dungeons and released Zack and Greyerl, reciting the word.  Phoenix and the professor had both offered to do it, but Eve had insisted that it was her responsibility.
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sirhissyfit · 10 years
Headcanon #1
Zack travels every now and then, mostly around England and the US.  Arthur Cantabella introduced a bit of technology to Labyrinthia when the project ended, most notably water filters to purify the water and remove the substance that caused inhabitants to faint upon hearing silver struck.  Not many inhabitants use them, however, and Zack only uses his a day before he plans to travel, to get the effect out of his system so he doesn't risk fainting in public.
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