#Zain othman
hopesallwegotleft · 6 months
Imagine Jason, Salim, and Zain in 2024, sitting on a couch, watching a movie on tv or something. Zain looks over and sees Jason doing that "tired dad nap" pose where he's dozing off while sitting upright, with his head resting back against the couch and his arms folded, the whole shebang.
Zain snorts, turning to face Salim and joke about it... only to find Salim doing the exact same thing. Just Zain stuck between two quietly napping dads.
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yoshidatommy · 3 months
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noblogsir · 9 months
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It was supposed to be short.. (dead) Zain has valid points here.. altho OBJECTION YOUR HONOR, we will still bully him sksk
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writtenjewels · 3 months
Da ba
The baby's laughter filled the room, and Jason smiled too. He loved listening to Zain's laughter. It was high and it made Zain's face light up with joy. Jason tickled the baby again and Zain squirmed, squealing in delight. The two were so absorbed they didn't notice at first they were being watched. It was only when Jason paused that Zain looked up and held out both hands, making grabbing motions.
“Ba!” he cooed.
“I've got you, habibi,” Salim answered, bending to pick up his son.
“Now that's playin' dirty,” Jason remarked. Salim caught his eye and raised a questioning brow. Jason turned his head aside. “Two against one,” he clarified.
“You had an unfair advantage, Jason,” Salim told him with an amused smile. “Now Baba can help it be a fair fight.” He bounced Zain in his arms; the baby gurgled happily. Looking at them made warmth fill up Jason's chest. “But first,” Salim went on, “I think someone needs his diaper changed.”
“I swear I didn't teach him that one,” Jason spoke up.
“It's all right.” Salim addressed his son again. “Now, Zain, it will only take a moment. Then we can play some more, okay?”
“No!” Zain cried out again. “Da!”
“What's 'da'?” Salim wondered. Jason shrugged; he had no idea. “Diaper?” Salim tried out. “Are you trying to say you don't want your diaper changed, habibi?”
“No!” Zain looked frustrated now. “Da! Da ba!” The two men exchanged puzzled looks. Ba was what Zain called his father. But what was Da?
“Baba,” Jason suggested. “Not Daba, Zain.” Zain craned his body toward Jason and made grabbing motions with his hands again.
“Da! Da ba!”
Jason's body felt suddenly cold. He sat frozen on the ground, his mouth open. Me, he realized. I'm Da ba. He swallowed and managed to get to his feet. His legs were numb but he managed to walk the few paces forward to take Zain in his arms. The baby calmed at once.
“He must have learned 'Da' from watching television with us,” Salim mused. “He didn't know which to say, so he used both.” Jason took a moment to get his tongue working again.
“I'm sorry,” he croaked out.
“Why?” Salim asked, frowning.
“Because he...” Jason swallowed before getting the words out. “He called me Dada. Or tried to.”
“And aren't you?” Salim's voice was quiet and gentle. Their eyes met, Salim's hand resting on Jason's arm.
Jason felt a stab of fear, and it wasn't at the idea of being a father for Zain. He would do anything for this kid. Salim was the one who scared Jason. Theirs had never been a typical relationship. Going from enemies pointing guns at each other to comrades willing to die for each other in a few hours, and all they trusted to each other in the dark. The more they were together, the deeper Jason could feel himself falling.
The weight of Salim's hand, the warmth in those dark eyes scared the hell out of Jason. He wet his lips nervously and watched as Salim's eyes slid down to settle there. Zain started squirming and Jason took a step away.
He didn't think he was ready yet to answer what Salim really asked with that question.
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caelusproject · 2 months
Zain: Baba, what've you got there?
Salim, walking in with the americans in tow: A metal stake.
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pinkgelatin · 1 year
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You all know that I'm in love with the idea of Zain being a baby, instead of a teen, during the time HoA happens. And so I made him a baby, about 6-7 months old. The happiest gurgly, pudgy baby with two best dads in the world. Tiny Baby Bear. The apple of Baba Bear's eye. Bringing out the best in the sad, broken man Jason is.
Also let's not talk about how that would make Salim's "single parent gig" that much more difficult and painful. How fresh the wound of his wife leaving could still be, even if things weren't that great between them for a long time. How bitter and angry Salim must be at her for abandoning their baby boy when he was like 1 month old. And how all the more sweet Jason's love and commitment must feel to him.
Because Jason, while he might have his insecurities and doubts about his new situation, isn't ever leaving. He's in it deep, and he's not gonna try to dig himself out.
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scho17 · 6 months
thinking about Zain giving Jason (a whole marine) the shovel talk.
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pidgeydraws · 2 years
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new stage of life
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ultrabananapudding · 9 months
HoA gang | "What's your type ?"
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Bonus greetings:
Happy New Year 🎊 新年快乐 🎊 Gott Nytt År
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k0dster · 2 months
I js know that if we had actually met Zain he would've been my favorite character.
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jeka-s-mile · 2 months
Salim: Zain, what are you doing?
Zain: Dad, I'm learning Latin and making mistakes.
Salim: Why did you lock the door?
Zain: Dad, I told you «MAKING MISTAKES» .
At this time in Zain's room:
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yoshidatommy · 4 months
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Coming back from absence with Salim and little Zain 🌅
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noblogsir · 6 months
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meme HoA dump, lez go
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writtenjewels · 6 months
Zain Interferes
Baba was being really weird lately. He was generally in a good mood anyway, but it seemed like he was smiling all the time and getting these far-off looks in his eyes. It seemed to happen more often on certain days of the week. Zain could not figure it out. Finally, he decided to follow his father. To his disappointment, Baba led him to a regular coffee shop. Baba drank tea and chatted with one of the servers. The server was a man, though Zain couldn't tell much else about him.
Zain figured there must be something else going on. He observed a bit more. Baba went to the same coffee shop, sat in the same spot, and talked to the same server every visit. Zain noticed that Baba's moods were always better after visiting the coffee shop. Was the tea there really good or something?
Zain went in to see for himself. It wasn't bad, but not that much better than what they made at home. He hid in a corner booth to watch Baba's actions in the coffee shop. That was when he saw Baba really start acting weird. The almost awkward way he was with that server he always talked to didn't seem like Baba at all. He stumbled over words, and kept ordering refills that he didn't even drink. It wasn't until the server came by for the fourth time and Baba blurted out a dumb joke that Zain finally realized what was going on.
[Hey, Baba, why don't we go out into town together?] Zain suggested.
[All right,] Baba agreed. [What would you like to do?]
[Well, there's this coffee shop that I heard is pretty good...] Zain tried to make the words sound as casual as possible. He named the shop Baba kept visiting, and added, [Have you heard of it?]
[Oh.] Baba's face went red. [Yes, I think so. Are you sure that's what you want to do today?]
[Yeah, it might be fun!]
So they went to the coffee shop. Baba tried steering them away from the seat he usually took, but Zain pointed them back to it. It didn't take long for the server to come their way. The guy flashed a smile and touched his fingers to the brim of his cap.
“Looks like you got some company today, Salim,” he remarked in an American accent. Zain read the name-tag: Jason.
“Ah, yes, I do.” Zain tried not to gawk as Baba started fumbling with words. “He's my son. We're just out, um... spending the day together.”
“And you thought to treat him to our great tea selection, huh?” Jason's lip quirked up in a smile. “Then I better get the kettle on. Be back in a bit.” Baba nodded; Zain just stared.
[Baba!] he burst out the moment Jason was out of sight. [Are you kidding me?!]
[What's wrong?] Baba frowned, a little taken aback by Zain's outburst.
[Tell me you don't always do that when you talk to him!]
[Do what?] Zain sighed in exasperation. He was spared any words when Jason returned with two seaming cups of tea. Baba took his with a stammered thanks, his eyes darting briefly to Jason's face before dropping. Zain was about ready to scream.
“You'll have to tell me what you think of the tea,” Jason said to Zain. “Your dad loves it; he asks for at least four refills every time.”
“You don't say.” Zain shot a look at his father, who was busying himself with the tea. “Weird to come into a coffee shop to drink tea.”
“That's what I said!” Jason agreed, laughing. “Weird ain't a bad thing, though. 'Least, I don't think so.” His eyes darted briefly to Salim. “Anyhow, I'll leave y'all to it. Salim, you know how to signal when you want a refill.”
[Oh, my god, Baba,] Zain groaned once they were alone again.
[It was like watching a car crash. So horrible, but I couldn't look away.] Baba stared at him in confusion. [Dont make me say it,] Zain sighed, [it's too embarrassing.]
[I really don't know what's gotten into you, Zain,] Baba said with a baffled shake of the head.
[The feeling is mutual, Baba. Or are you this flustered around all Americans?] Baba's eyes went wide. [I'm going to get him back over here,] Zain decided. [Please don't be weird.] Baba opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Jason was back. “Hi,” Zain greeted. “Baba and I were talking, and I wanted to know about your accent.”
“It's Southern,” Jason told him. “I think the phrase your dad used was 'cowboy accent.'” Jason glanced over to Salim. “You're kinda quiet today,” he observed. “Am I interrupting time with your boy?”
“No, no, it's not, um...”
“I don't mind,” Zain butted in. [Should I pretend I need to use the bathroom so you can talk to him alone?] he asked his father. Baba choked on his tea.
“Shit!” Jason was by Baba's side at once, gently patting his back. “You okay?”
“Y-yes, I... it just went down the wrong pipe.”
“You sure you're good?” Jason's hand was still there, now rubbing in gentle circles. Baba looked up and caught his eye. Zain hoped neither of them realized too soon just how close they were to each other.
“I'm good, Jason,” Baba answered softly. Jason's pale face went pink and he drew away from Baba.
“I'm gonna get you a fresh cup of tea.”
[Baba,] Zain spoke up, [please do us both a favor and give that guy your number when he comes back. I don't think I can handle this much longer.]
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108garys · 4 months
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I don't know if this is a tad late timezone wise but for Zain's birthday I figured I'd also do werewolf Salim which was the only werewolf request in the notes rather than in asks, also a lot of the requested characters have dark hair within a reasonably narrow shade range so rather than making Salim's fur match his hair through colour I've decided to make it texturally similar to how I draw his hair and have given him a sandy coat as a sort of environmental camouflage, although I personally feel I've captured him with those shiny eyes lol, sorry if it's a little muddy tho, I really did want to do this one as a birthday art
@kassiekole22 @delurkr @ctrvpani @oblivious-troll @tatjana-fantasy
@tinynightmarewoman @blubary @unhingedlesbear @kindheartedgummybears
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shaaaaaly · 1 year
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I'm very late 😭
Happy birthday Salim!
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